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KREMER  E.; KROPFF  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1999,83(6):637-644
Effects of variation in light intensity on growth of plantsfrom five different populations of triazine-susceptible and-resistantSolanum nigrumwere studied in growth chambers at threelight levels. Plants were grown without intraspecific competitionand with optimal mineral nutrition. After 29 d, the mean biomassof resistant biotypes was about 25% less than that of susceptiblebiotypes at all light levels. Curve-fitting growth analysisshowed that this was the result of a lower initial biomass ofthe resistant biotype at the start of the experiment, as therelative growth rates (RGR) of the susceptible and resistantbiotypes in the early growth phase were equal. Specific leafarea (SLA) was higher for the resistant biotype but this wascompensated for by a lower net assimilation rate (NAR). Thefraction of dry matter invested in leaves was the same for bothbiotypes, but the resistant biotype produced more leaf areaper unit leaf weight. The equal RGR of the susceptible and resistantbiotypes in the early growth phase may have implications forthe competitive ability and population dynamics of a populationwith resistant biotypes.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Black nightshade, growth analysis, light level, management strategies, RGR, SLA,Solanum nigrum, triazine resistance, weed control.  相似文献   

The present study compares the binding and inhibitory activity of two photosystem II inhibitors: 3-(3,4-dichlorophenyl)-1,1-dimethylurea (diuron [DCMU]) and 2-chloro-4-(ethylamine)-6-(isopropyl amine)-S-triazene (atrazine). Chloroplasts isolated from naturally occurring triazine-susceptible and triazine-resistant biotypes of common groundsel (Senecio vulgaris L.) showed the following characteristics. (a) Diuron strongly inhibited photosynthetic electron transport from H2O to 2,6-dichlorophenolindophenol in both biotypes. Strong inhibition by atrazine was observed only with the susceptible chloroplasts. (b) Hill plots of electron transport inhibition data indicate a noncooperative binding of one inhibitor molecule at the site of action for both diuron and atrazine. (c) Susceptible chloroplasts show a strong diuron and atrazine binding (14C-radiolabel assays) with binding constants (K) of 1.4 × 10−8 molar and 4 × 10−8 molar, respectively. In the resistant chloroplasts the diuron binding was slightly decreased (K = 5 × 10−8 molar), whereas no specific atrazine binding was detected. (d) In susceptible chloroplasts, competitive binding between radioactively labeled diuron and non-labeled atrazine was observed. This competition was absent in the resistant chloroplasts.  相似文献   

Stowe AE  Holt JS 《Plant physiology》1988,87(1):183-189
The relationship of triazine resistance to decreased plant productivity was investigated in Senecio vulgaris L. F1 reciprocal hybrids were developed from pure-breeding susceptible (S) and resistant (R) lines. The four biotypes (S, S × R, R, R × S) were compared in terms of atrazine response, electron transport, carbon fixation, and biomass production. Atrazine response, carbon fixation rate, and PSII and whole-chain electron transport rates of hybrids were nearly identical to those of their respective maternal parents. Significant differences occurred between the two susceptible (S, S × R) and two resistant (R, R × S) biotypes in atrazine response (I50), carbon fixation rate, and PSII and whole-chain electron transport rates; PSI rates were identical in all four biotypes. Coupled and uncoupled, whole-chain electron transport rates of thylakoids of the two susceptible biotypes were approximately 50% greater than those of the two resistant biotypes at photon flux densities greater than 215 micromoles per square meter per second. Carbon exchange rates of the two susceptible biotypes were 23% greater than those of the two resistant biotypes. Hybrid biotypes (S × R, R × S) were not identical to their maternal parents in biomass production. The S, S × R, and R × S plants all achieved greater biomass than R plants. These results suggest that while the resistance mutation influences thylakoid performance, reduced productivity of triazine-resistant plants cannot be ascribed solely to decreases in electron transport or carbon assimilation rates brought about by the altered binding protein. Since the F1 hybrids differed from their maternal parents only in nuclear genes, it appears that the detrimental effects of the triazine resistance mutation on plant growth may be attenuated by interactions of the plastid and nuclear genomes.  相似文献   

Isonuclear triazine-susceptible and triazine-resistant Senecio vulgaris L. biotypes were developed by making reciprocal crosses between susceptible and resistant biotypes to obtain F1 hybrids and backcrossing the hybrids to the appropriate pollen parent. The electrophoretic isozyme patterns of the enzyme aconitase obtained from leaf extracts of triazine-susceptible parental (S) and backcrossed (S×RBC6) biotypes, and triazine-resistant parental (R) and backcrossed (R×SBC6) biotypes verified that the biotypes had the expected nuclear genomes. Atrazine inhibition of chloroplast whole chain electron transport from water to methyl viologen was measured to verify susceptibility or resistance to triazine herbicides. The photosynthetic rate and biomass accumulation of greenhouse grown susceptible and resistant S. vulgaris biotypes were measured 28, 35, 42, 50, 57, and 64 days after planting to determine the effect of altered chloroplast function. S and S×RBC6 biotypes had CO2 assimilation rates of 16.2 and 16.6 micromoles CO2 per square meter per second, respectively, and I50 values (herbicide concentration producing 50% inhibition) of about 0.49 micromolar atrazine. The corresponding values for the R and R×SBC6 biotypes were 14.7 and 14.6 micromoles CO2 per square meter per second with I50 values of 65.0 micromolar atrazine. The S biotype was larger and more productive than the R biotype at all harvests. At the harvest 57 days after planting, mean shoot dry weight was 33.2 and 8.7 grams for the S and R biotypes, respectively. The growth effect associated with chloroplast differences was shown in comparisons of the S biotype with the R×SBC6 biotype and of the S×RBC6 biotype with the R biotype. The R×SBC6 biotype had 72% of the shoot dry weight of the S biotype while the R biotype had 55% of the shoot dry weight of the S×RBC6 biotype. The R×SBC6 and R biotypes produced about 73 and 62% of the leaf area of the S and S×RBC6 biotypes, respectively. Relative growth rate was similar in biotypes with the same nuclear genome; however, instantaneous unit leaf rate was higher in the S compared to the R×SBC6 biotype and in the S×RBC6 compared to the R biotype. At 57 days after planting, the cumulative leaf area duration (i.e. photosynthetic opportunity) of the R×SBC6 and R biotypes was 86 and 66% of that of the S and S×RBC6 biotypes, respectively. Our data indicate that impaired chloroplast function in triazine resistant S. vulgaris biotypes limits growth and productivity at the whole plant level.  相似文献   

Danaus plexippus reared on Asclepias curassavica , sprayed with homogenized leaves of Senecio vulgaris , were found to contain mean pyrrolizidine alkaloid concentrations of 38.8±6.08 μg/male butterfly and 16.5 ± 3–63 μg/female butterfly.  相似文献   

A dwarf mutant of Senecio vulgaris L. induced by gamma radiation,which differs from the wild-type by a single recessive gene,grew as tall as the wild-type plant, and almost five times astall as dwarf control plants when treated at weekly intervalsfrom the seedling stage with 10 p.p.m. gibberellic acid. Thewild-type groundsel responded only slightly to similar treatment.Some evidence was obtained that the response to GA was relativilygreater when plants were grown during the late autumn. Dwarfnessin the mutant is due to fewer as well as to shorter internodes;the rate of leaf initiation is reduced, but the onset of thereproductive phase and the duration of the life-cycle are notaffected by the mutation. Gibberellic acid leads to a conspicuouselongation of the internodes intreated dwarf plants, but notalways to a significant increase in their number. An increasein the dry weight of treated plants was observed, and this wasshown to be due to an increase in photosynthetic area and notto increased photosynthetic efficiency. Comparative observationsof shoot morphogenesis in wild-type and dwarf groundsel. andin dwarf treated with gibberellic acid, have shown that thetype of shoot development induced by gibberellic acid in dwarfplants does not correspond exactly to the normal mode of developmentin wild-type plants. Increased mitotic activity in the subapicaltissue of the mutant following gibberellic acid treatment resultedin greater and earlier elongation of the internodes. However,the typical form and dimensions of the wild-type plant werenot wholly restored.  相似文献   

Light Fluctuations and Photosynthesis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The effects of fluctuating light on photosynthesis are examined.A simple model of leaf photosynthesis is used so that the analysiscan be presented in explicit terms, the time-dependent problemis solved, and the response of photosynthesis to step changesin light-flux density is calculated. The presence of light fluctuationscan cause a discrepancy between measurements and estimates ofphotosynthesis; the relevant factors are the response time ofthe device used for measuring light-flux density, the responsetime of the photosynthetic system in the leaf, and the steady-statelight response curve with the degree of non-linearity and thevalue of the light-flux density for maximum photosynthesis beingespecially important. Some general methods for estimating practicallythe effects of light fluctuations on photosynthesis are described.The use of the methods of time-series analysis in such problemsis discussed.  相似文献   

Groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) was grown in either a warm (20°C) or a cool (8°C) controlled environment and infected with Puccinia lagenophorae. Dark respiration, measured over the range 6 to 18°C, was higher in leaves of healthy plants grown under low temperatures than in those of plants grown under high temperatures. Infection increased the rates of dark respiration in the region of sporulating lesions in both sets of plants, but the greater increase in plants grown under warm conditions resulted in both sets having similar respiration rates across the range 6 to 18°C. The conclusion that the magnitude of the respiratory increase following rust infection depends upon the conditions under which plants were grown is supported by literature on other rust diseases and has implications for the utilization of carbohydrate reserves and the survival of both rust and host populations over winter.  相似文献   

Greenhouse-grown pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan, [L.] Millsp.; cultivar UW-10) and cowpea (Vigna unguiculata, [L.] Walp.; cultivar California No. 5) were well-watered (control) or subjected to low water potential by withholding water to compare their modes of adaptation to water-limited conditions. Leaf CO2 exchange rate (CER), leaf diffusive conductance to CO2 (gl), and CO2 concentration in the leaf intercellular air space (Ci) were determined at various CO2 concentrations and photon flux densities (PFD) of photosynthetically active radiation (400 to 700 nanometer). In cowpea, gl declined to less than 15% of controls and total water potential (ψw) at midafternoon declined to −0.8 megapascal after 5 days of withholding water, whereas gl in pigeonpea was about 40% of controls even though midafternoon ψw was −1.9 megapascal. After 8 days of withholding water, ψw at midafternoon declined to −0.9 and −2.4 megapascals in cowpea and pigeonpea, respectively. The solute component of water potential (ψs) decreased substantially less in cowpea than pigeonpea. Photosynthetic CER at saturation photon flux density (PFD) and ambient external CO2 concentration (360 microliters per liter) on day 5 of withholding decreased by 83 and 55% in cowpea and pigeonpea, respectively. When measured at external, CO2 concentration in bulk air of 360 microliters per liter, the CER of cowpea had fully recovered to control levels 3 days after rewatering; however, at 970 microliters per liter the PFD-saturated CERs of both species were substantially lower than in controls, indicating residual impairment. In stressed plants of both species the CER responses to Ci from 250 to 600 microliters per liter indicated that a substantial nonstomatal inhibition of CER had occurred. Although the sensitivity of gl to water limitation in cowpea suggested a dehydration avoidance response, parallel measurements of CER at various Ci and PFD indicated that photosynthetic activity of cowpea mesophyll was substantially inhibited by the water-limited treatment.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on the yield of in vivo modulatedchlorophyll fluorescence were measured in intact leaves of atrazineresistantand -susceptible biotypes of the weed Senecio vulgaris L. At25 ?C, the photochemical quenching (qQ of steady-state chlorophyllfluorescence was reduced by around 30% in the atrazine-resistantmutant as compared to the susceptible wild type, indicatinga higher reduction state of the primary electron acceptor QAof photosystem II in the former biotype. Moderately elevatedtemperatures (above 30 ?C) further increased the steady-stateconcentration of reduced in the mutant. Analysis of the temperature dependence of both the photochemicalquenching qQ and the initial fluorescence level Fo clearly indicateda drastically enhanced heat-sensitivity of the photochemicalapparatus in the atrazine-resistant Senecio leaves. The heat-inducedchanges in F0 and qQ were closely correlated, suggesting thatthe phenomenon responsible for the rise in F0 was also involvedin the inhibition of the photosynthetic electron flux. Low temperaturesalso affected reoxidation but, in contrast to heating, no apparent differences were observed in the behaviourof the two biotypes exposed to chilling stress. Key words: Atrazine-resistance, chlorophyll fluorescence, heat stress, Senecio vulgaris  相似文献   

Rates of photosynthesis, sucrose synthesis, starch accumulation and degradation were measured in sugar beet (Beta vulgaris L.) and bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) plants under a square-wave light regime and under a sinusoidal regime that simulated the natural daylight period. Photosynthesis rate increased in a measured manner in direct proportion to the increasing light level. In contrast to this close correspondence between photosynthesis and light, a lag in photosynthesis rate was seen during the initial hour under square-wave illumination. The leaf appeared to be responding to limits set by carbon metabolism rather than by gas exchange or light reactions. Under the sinusoidal regime starch degradation occurred during the first and last 2 hours of the photoperiod, likely in response to photosynthesis rate rather than directly to light level. Starch broke down when photosynthesis was below a threshold rate and accumulated above this rate. Under square-wave illumination, accumulation of starch did not begin until irradiance was at full level for an hour or more and photosynthesis was at or near its maximum. Under a sinusoidal light regime, sucrose synthesis rate comprised carbon that was newly fixed throughout the day plus that from starch degradation at the beginning and end of the day. Synthesis of sucrose from recently fixed carbon increased with increasing net carbon fixation rate while its formation from degradation of starch decreased correspondingly. The complementary sources of carbon maintained a relatively steady rate of sucrose synthesis under the changing daytime irradiance.  相似文献   

Due to increased emphasis on long-term management of weed populationsin cropping systems with a reduced reliance on herbicides, theproduction of seeds by weeds that emerge after the criticalperiod for weed control is increasingly important. It was hypothesizedthat increased soil cover and light interception by a crop canopywould shorten the critical period for weed control and reducegrowth and fecundity of late-emerging weeds. This hypothesiswas tested in a series of field and glasshouse experiments inwhich competition for light was manipulated. Senecio vulgaris,an important weed in vegetable production systems, was chosenas the target plant, and canopies of pure and mixed stands ofleek and celery were used to provide shade. The time courseof light interception differed among the crop canopies. Increasingcompetition for light caused morphological changes to S. vulgaris,including a vertical shift in leaf area distribution. Increasedshading reduced biomass, capitula:shoot ratio and seed productionof S. vulgaris. However, the viability of seeds produced bythe shaded weed plants was not affected. Results indicate thatintercropping can increase light interception in a weakly competitivecrop such as leek and can contribute to weed suppression ina long-term strategy for weed management. Copyright 2001 Annalsof Botany Company Competition for light, late-emerging weeds, critical period, Apium graveolens L., celery, Allium porrum L., leek, Senecio vulgaris L., common groundsel, seed production, weed management, intercropping  相似文献   

Using the alga Chlorella and 2 light beams of defined wavelength, we have found that short period (1 sec) alternation gives all characteristics of enhancement of net oxygen evolution observed when the beams are superimposed. With increasing period of alternation (1-20 see) decay in enhancement is more rapid at higher intensities.We have developed a kinetic model for the current hypothesis of 2 photoacts operating in series and separated by electron transport reactions. The model is applicable at low light intensity such that rate is governed only by intensities and the fractions of reaction centers open for each photoact. Potentials and pool sizes of intermediates were taken from current estimates. Wavelength dependency of the 2 photoacts was taken from enhancement spectra for superimposed light beams. Analog computer treatment of the kinetic equations gave predictions of chromatic transients and alternated enhancement which are in reasonable but not complete agreement with experimental observations.  相似文献   

Ober D  Harms R  Hartmann T 《Phytochemistry》2000,55(4):305-309
Homospermidine synthase. which catalyses the first pathway-specific reaction in pyrrolizidine alkaloid biosynthesis, was cloned from root cultures of Senecio vulgaris and expressed in E. coli. The open reading frame encodes a protein of 370 amino acids with a molecular mass of 40,740 Da. The enzyme is strictly dependent on spermidine as aminobutyl donor since it cannot be substituted by putrescine. The homospermidine synthase from S. vulgaris showed 97.9 and 99.3% nucleic acid identity with two HSS sequences from the closely related species Senecio vernalis. This report also revises data from a previous publication (Kaiser, A., 1999. Cloning and expression of a cDNA encoding homospermidine synthase from Senecio vulgaris (Asteraceae) in Escherichia coli. Plant J. 19. 195 201.) that is incorrect.  相似文献   

PAUL  N. D.; AYRES  P. G. 《Annals of botany》1991,68(2):129-133
Freezing of healthy and rust (Puccinia lagenophorae) infectedleaves of Senecio vulgaris was compared calorimetrically bythermal analysis. In fully expanded leaves the threshold freezingtemperature was in the range –6.8 to –8.4 °Cin controls but –3.0 to –5.1 °C in leaves withsporulating rust sori. Comparable values in expanding leaveswere –5.0 to –8.9 °C and –3.9 to –6.7°C for healthy and rusted tissues, respectively. The bulktissue freezing point was between –1.0 and –4.0°C in both fully expanded and expanding healthy leaves,and was increased by infection by between +0.2 and 2.5 °C.Whereas healthy leaves supercooled by 3.1–5.8 °C,rusted leaves supercooled by only 1.8–4.9 °C Supercoolingof control leaves was reduced by dusting with aeciospores, particularlywhen leaves were wounded to simulate the rupture of the surfacecaused by sporulation, but wounding alone had no significanteffect. Supercooling of distilled water was also significantlyreduced by aeciospores, suspended at a concentration of 105spores ml–1. It is concluded that rust-induced changes in leaf freezing inS. vulgaris grown in controlled environments were due to anincrease in the number of sites for ice nucleation, caused bythe presence of the aeciospores, and increased penetration ofice into internal tissues, resulting from damage to the cuticleand epidermis. Although data for frost resistance obtained inthe growth-room are similar to previous field observations,the role of the above mechanisms under field conditions remainsunproven. Senecio vulgaris (groundsel), Puccinia lagenophorae (rust), low temperature, freezing resistance  相似文献   

Adaptation of the annual plant Senecio vulgaris to ruderal and agricultural habitats was investigated. We expected S. vulgaris to be adapted to the agricultural habitat through nutrient-specific differentiation of relatively few genotypes responding to the generally high homogenous nutrient levels at the agricultural habitat caused by constant fertilization. To assess adaptation of S. vulgaris, vegetative and reproductive responses of seed families from various populations of agricultural and ruderal habitats, grown in the greenhouse at high and low nutrient levels, were compared. Data were analyzed with a three-level nested ANOVA based on the levels habitat, population, and family. A significant habitat effect indicated that S. vulgaris from ruderal and agricultural habitats were genetically different with plants from the agricultural habitat having larger leaves and a higher reproduction. A significant habitat by nutrient effect showed a stronger response of reproduction to nutrients at the agricultural habitat, suggesting that genetic differentiation among habitats is nutrient-specific. Contrary to expectations, only the agricultural habitat showed genetic diversity of S. vulgaris. Results suggest that nutrient levels at the agricultural habitat are more heterogeneous as generally proposed leading to a relatively high genetic variation.  相似文献   

以甜瓜(Cucumis melo L.)品种"中蜜3号"为试材,摩西球囊霉菌(Glmous mosseae,GM)为供试菌种,采用温室盆栽试验研究了丛枝菌根真菌(Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi,AMF)对弱光及盐胁迫下甜瓜幼苗叶绿素含量、光合气体交换参数、叶绿素荧光参数和光响应曲线的影响。结果表明:弱光及盐胁迫下接种AMF可显著增强甜瓜幼苗叶绿素含量、净光合速率(P_n)、光合电子传递速率(ETR)、水分利用率(WUE)和气孔限制因子(L_s);气孔导度(G_s)、蒸腾速率(T_r)、胞间CO_2浓度(C_i)则随胁迫时间延长不断增强;光化学猝灭系数(qP)与实际光化学效率(Φ_(PSⅡ))变化趋势基本一致且均显著高于未接菌处理;接种AMF显著增强了最大光化学效率(F_v/F_m),但处理之间差异不显著;并进一步提高了宿主的最大羧化速率(A_(max))、光饱和点(LSP)和表观量子效率(AQE),降低了光补偿点(LCP)和暗呼吸速率(R_d)。研究发现,AMF可通过改善叶绿素荧光、气体交换参数和光响应参数来减轻弱光及盐胁迫对植株造成的伤害,从而提高甜瓜对弱光及盐胁迫的耐性。  相似文献   

Lingakumar  K.  Kulandaivelu  G. 《Photosynthetica》1998,35(3):335-343
Cyamopsis tetragonoloba L. seedlings were subjected to continuous ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation for 18 h and post-irradiated with "white light" (WL) and UV-A enhanced fluorescent radiations. UV-B treatment alone reduced plant growth, pigment content, and photosynthetic activities. Supplementation of UV-A promoted the overall seedling growth and enhanced the synthesis of chlorophyll and carotenoids with a relatively high photosystem 1 activity. Post UV-B irradiation under WL failed to photoreactive the UV-B damage whereas a positive photoregulatory effect of UV-A was noticed in electron transport rates and low temperature fluorescence emission spectra.  相似文献   

SHARPE  P. J. H. 《Annals of botany》1983,52(3):325-343
This analysis suggests that a model of the temperature dependenceof carbon exchange by a plant can be developed based upon absolutereaction rate theory. Component temperature-dependent physiologicalprocesses necessary to describe net photosynthesis over thebiological temperature range include the light reaction, darkreaction (carboxylase CO2 uptake, oxygenase photorespiration)and mitochondrial dark respiration. An essential assumptionof the model is the reversibility of thermal inhibition. Supportingevidence for this assumption is provided within the biologicalrange. Thermodynamic constants were found to be strongly correlatedwith the thermal environment to which they were adapted. Therewas little difference in non-photorespiration thermodynamicconstants between C2 andC4species within thermal habitat types.The model shows the observed shift in temperature optima withlight intensity as a natural consequence of enzyme kineticsand absolute reaction rate theory. photosynthesis, photorespiration, dark respiration, temperature response, carbon exchange, mathematical model  相似文献   

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