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The latter part of the twentieth century has seen an increased concern for the implications of war for civilian populations, and more attention has been given to psychosocial impacts of uprooting and displacement. 'Loss of place', acute and chronic trauma, family disruption and problems of family reunification have become issues of concern. The war in Bosnia was characterized by massive displacement, disruption and loss of life, relatives and property. Health and psychosocial well-being were affected in a number of ways. There was an overwhelming loss of perceived power and self-esteem. Over 25%, of displaced people, for example, said they no longer felt they were able to play a useful role; even in non-displaced populations approximately 11% of those interviewed said that they had lost a sense of worth. Widespread depression and feelings of fatigue and listlessness were common and may have prevented people from taking steps to improve their situation. Almost a quarter of internally displaced people had a high startle capacity and said they were constantly nervous. Most adverse psychosocial responses increased with age and in a population that includes many elderly people this poses serious problems. The findings point to major challenges with respect to repatriation and reconstruction. They highlight the importance of family reunification and the facilitating of decision-making by affected people themselves. The findings also shed light on potential problems associated with over-dependence on external assistance and hence the need for people to be given the means of using their skills and knowledge to control their day-to-day lives.  相似文献   



In its first 8 years, the Global Programme to Eliminate Lymphatic Filariasis (GPELF) achieved an unprecedentedly rapid scale-up: >1.9 billion treatments with anti-filarial drugs (albendazole, ivermectin, and diethylcarbamazine) were provided via yearly mass drug administration (MDA) to a minimum of 570 million individuals living in 48 of the 83 initially identified LF-endemic countries.


To assess the health impact that this massive global effort has had, we analyzed the benefits accrued first from preventing or stopping the progression of LF disease, and then from the broader anti-parasite effects (‘beyond-LF’ benefits) attributable to the use of albendazole and ivermectin. Projections were based on demographic and disease prevalence data from publications of the Population Reference Bureau, The World Bank, and the World Health Organization.


Between 2000 and 2007, the GPELF prevented LF disease in an estimated 6.6 million newborns who would otherwise have acquired LF, thus averting in their lifetimes nearly 1.4 million cases of hydrocele, 800,000 cases of lymphedema and 4.4 million cases of subclinical disease. Similarly, 9.5 million individuals—previously infected but without overt manifestations of disease—were protected from developing hydrocele (6.0 million) or lymphedema (3.5 million). These LF-related benefits, by themselves, translate into 32 million DALYs (Disability Adjusted Life Years) averted. Ancillary, ‘beyond-LF’ benefits from the >1.9 billion treatments delivered by the GPELF were also enormous, especially because of the >310 million treatments to the children and women of childbearing age who received albendazole with/without ivermectin (effectively treating intestinal helminths, onchocerciasis, lice, scabies, and other conditions). These benefits can be described but remain difficult to quantify, largely because of the poorly defined epidemiology of these latter infections.


The GPELF has earlier been described as a ‘best buy’ in global health; this present tally of attributable health benefits from its first 8 years strengthens this notion considerably.  相似文献   



To assess the magnitude and pattern of socioeconomic inequality in current smoking in low and middle income countries.


We used data from the World Health Survey [WHS] in 48 low-income and middle-income countries to estimate the crude prevalence of current smoking according to household wealth quintile. A Poisson regression model with a robust variance was used to generate the Relative Index of Inequality [RII] according to wealth within each of the countries studied.


In males, smoking was disproportionately prevalent in the poor in the majority of countries. In numerous countries the poorest men were over 2.5 times more likely to smoke than the richest men. Socioeconomic inequality in women was more varied showing patterns of both pro-rich and pro-poor inequality. In 20 countries pro-rich relative socioeconomic inequality was statistically significant: the poorest women had a higher prevalence of smoking compared to the richest women. Conversely, in 9 countries women in the richest population groups had a statistically significant greater risk of smoking compared to the poorest groups.


Both the pattern and magnitude of relative inequality may vary greatly between countries. Prevention measures should address the specific pattern of smoking inequality observed within a population.  相似文献   

In the multiethnic Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croats and Muslims, attacked by the Yugoslav army and Serbs, had to employ rationally their poorly provisioned civilian health services so that they could respond to the extremely numerous and prompt needs of war conditions. The health services in the areas controlled by Croats and Muslims had to be reorganized twice because of sudden changes of wartime conditions. With further development of the situation, when all three sides participated in the conflict, the number of wounded increased rapidly. In the meantime, a large-scale population shift on an ethnic basis occurred in all parts of Bosnia and Herzegovina, thus giving rise, along with a greater number of the wounded, to a severe humanitarian crisis. Civilians were therefore another heavy burden to the wartime health services. This created enormous problems for the inadequately provisioned health services of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the area under the control of Croats and Muslims. However, poorly equipped with personnel as well as everything else, the health services in the area controlled by Croats and Muslims, through appropriate reorganization, successfully accomplished their task in the wartime medical corps. Besides this correctly executed transformation from civilian health services into a wartime medical corps, high motivation of medical staff also greatly contributed to successful operation of the medical corps in the war zone despite the long duration of the war. In the majority of cases, the wounded were within 30-40 minutes from the moment of injury in the hands of a surgical team and within the next ten minutes were already in the operating theater. After primary wound dressing, the wounded were sent to one of the well-organized main war hospitals for further treatment. This resulted, along with secure evacuation routes, in a minimum number of lifelong invalidity among the wounded.  相似文献   

Beginning in the 1960s many studies have been performed to investigate the mechanical properties of brain. In this paper we point out the difficulties linked with in vitro experimental protocols as well as the advantages of using recently developed non-invasive in vivo techniques, such as magnetic resonance elastography. Results of in vitro and in vivo work are compared, emphasizing the specificities and disparities of the in vitro as well as the in vivo results. In particular, a detailed discussion of the results obtained from dynamic shear experiments and magnetic resonance elastography is given before arriving at a tentative conclusion on the state of knowledge of the mechanical properties of brain.  相似文献   

Modern approaches in DNA-based species identification are considered. Long used methods of species identification in procaryotes (G+C ratio, 16S rRNA nucleotide sequence, DNA-DNA hybridization) have recently been supplemented by the method of multilocus sequence analysis based on comparison of nucleotide sequences of fragments of several genes. Species identification in eukaryotes also employs one or two standard short fragments of the genome (known as DNA-barcodes). Potential benefits of new approaches and some difficulties during their practical realization are discussed.  相似文献   

Using data from 145,007 adults in the Disability Supplement to the National Health Interview Survey, we investigated the effect of balance difficulties on frequent depression after controlling for age, gender, race, and other baseline health status information. There were two major complications: (i) 80% of subjects were missing data on depression and the missing-data mechanism was likely related to depression, and (ii) the data arose from a complex sample survey. To adjust for (i) we investigated three classes of models: missingness in depression, missingness in depression and balance, and missingness in depression with an auxiliary variable. To adjust for (ii) we developed the first linearization variance formula for nonignorable missing-data models. Our sensitivity analysis was based on fitting a range of ignorable missing-data models along with nonignorable missing-data models that added one or two parameters. All nonignorable missing-data models that we considered fit the data substantially better than their ignorable missing-data counterparts. Under an ignorable missing-data mechanism, the odds ratio for the association between balance and depression was 2.0 with a 95% CI of (1.8, 2.2). Under 29 of the 30 selected nonignorable missing-data models, the odds ratios ranged from 2.7 with 95% CI of (2.3, 3.1) to 4.2 with 95% CI of (3.9, 4.6). Under one nonignorable missing-data model, the odds ratio was 7.4 with 95% CI of (6.3, 8.6). This is the first analysis to find a strong association between balance difficulties and frequent depression.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo discover whether post-combat syndromes have existed after modern wars and what relation they bear to each other.DesignReview of medical and military records of servicemen and cluster analysis of symptoms.ResultsThree varieties of post-combat disorder were identified—a debility syndrome (associated with the 19th and early 20th centuries), somatic syndrome (related primarily to the first world war), and a neuropsychiatric syndrome (associated with the second world war and the Gulf conflict). The era in which the war occurred was overwhelmingly the best predictor of cluster membership.ConclusionsAll modern wars have been associated with a syndrome characterised by unexplained medical symptoms. The form that these assume, the terms used to describe them, and the explanations offered by servicemen and doctors seem to be influenced by advances in medical science, changes in the nature of warfare, and underlying cultural forces.

What is already known on this topic

Service in the Gulf war is associated with an increased rate of reported symptoms and worsening subjective healthPost-combat syndromes have been described after most modern conflicts from the US civil war onwards

What this study adds

There seems to be no single post-combat syndrome but a number of variations on a themeThe ever changing form of post-combat syndromes seems to be related to advances in medical understanding, the developing nature of warfare, and cultural undercurrentsBecause reported symptoms are subject to bias and changing emphasis related to advances in medical science or the discovery of new diseases, the characterisation of individual syndromes has to be treated with cautionAttributions by servicemen are generally consistent with symptom characteristics, though there seems to be a growing reluctance to consider the stress of military service as a cause  相似文献   

Fifty years after Ehrlich and Raven's seminal paper, the idea of co‐evolution continues to grow as a key concept in our understanding of organic evolution. This concept has not only provided a compelling synthesis between evolutionary biology and community ecology, but has also inspired research that extends beyond its original scope. In this article, we identify unresolved questions about the co‐evolutionary process and advocate for the integration of co‐evolutionary research from molecular to interspecific interactions. We address two basic questions: (i) What is co‐evolution and how common is it? (ii) What is the unit of co‐evolution? Both questions aim to explore the heart of the co‐evolutionary process. Despite the claim that co‐evolution is ubiquitous, we argue that there is in fact little evidence to support the view that reciprocal natural selection and coadaptation are common in nature. We also challenge the traditional view that co‐evolution only occurs between traits of interacting species. Co‐evolution has the potential to explain evolutionary processes and patterns that result from intra‐ and intermolecular biochemical interactions within cells, intergenomic interactions (e.g. nuclear‐cytoplasmic) within species, as well as intergenomic interactions mediated by phenotypic traits between species. Research that bridges across these levels of organization will help to advance our understanding of the importance of the co‐evolutionary processes in shaping the diversity of life on Earth.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To assess longitudinal trends in admissions, management, and inpatient mortality from acute myocardial infarction over 10 years. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis based on the Nottingham heart attack register. SETTING: Two district general hospitals serving a defined urban and rural population. SUBJECTS: All patients admitted with a confirmed acute myocardial infarction during 1982-4 and 1989-92 (excluding 1991, when data were not collected). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Numbers of patients, background characteristics, time from onset of symptoms to admission, ward of admission, treatment, and inpatient mortality. RESULTS: Admissions with acute myocardial infarction increased from 719 cases in 1982 to 960 in 1992. The mean age increased from 62.1 years to 66.6 years (P < 0.001), the duration of stay fell from 8.7 days to 7.2 days (P < 0.001), and the proportion of patients aged 75 years and over admitted to a coronary care unit increased significantly from 29.1% to 61.2%. A higher proportion of patients were admitted to hospital within 6 hours of onset of their symptoms in 1989-92 than in 1982-4, but 15% were still admitted after the time window for thrombolysis. Use of beta blockers increased threefold between 1982 and 1992, aspirin was used in over 70% of patients after 1989, and thrombolytic use increased 1.3-fold between 1989 and 1992. Age and sex adjusted odds ratios for inpatient mortality remained unchanged over the study period. CONCLUSIONS: Despite an increasing uptake of the "proved" treatments, inpatient mortality from myocardial infarction did not change between 1982 and 1992.  相似文献   

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