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The aim of the present study was to examine the growth and survival in culture, and the subsequent meiotic competence, of bovine oocytes recovered from early antral ovarian follicles. Follicles isolated by microdissection of the ovarian slices were sorted into two size groups: (I) 0.2-0.5 mm diameter; and (II) 0.4-0.7 mm diameter. Group I follicles were cultured intact while in Group II, cumulus-oocyte complexes with pieces of parietal granulosa were dissected from the follicles and cultured. Follicles or cumulus-oocyte complexes with parietal granulose were embedded in collagen gel and cultured in TCM 199 supplemented with 3% BSA and 4 mM hypoxanthine for 14 days (Group I) or 7-10 days (Group II). After this, cumulus-oocyte complexes were recovered from the gel. Oocytes that had lost the majority of the cumulus were fixed immediately after recovery. Cumulus-oocyte complexes showing normal morphology were either fixed immediately or were subjected to IVM for an additional 24h, and then were fixed. At the end of the growth culture, 57.6% of the compact COCs in Group I follicles were preserved in the GV configuration, 16.7% had resumed meiosis, and 25.8% were degenerated or did not show detectable chromatin. After IVM, the proportion of oocytes resuming meiosis increased significantly (from 16.7% versus 42.7%; P < 0.05), and 9.1% of all oocytes had reached TI or MII. The isolated cumulus-oocyte complexes in Group II began creating follicle-like structures following 24 h of growth culture (7.1%). The proportion of these structures reached 50.8% on days 2-3, and then gradually decreased due to degeneration. On day 10 only 5.8% of cumulus-oocyte complexes were classified as intact. Of the cumulus intact oocytes recovered from the newly created follicle-like structures at 7-10 days, 54.7% were in the germinal vesicle stage, 31.0% underwent germinal vesicle breakdown, 14.3% were degenerated or the chromatin configuration was not detectable. After 24 h of IVM, 67.6% of oocytes had resumed meiosis, and 21.6% of all oocytes had reached TI and MII. These results show that isolated early follicles and cumulus-oocyte complexes from intact early antral follicles can grow in culture and can develop meiotic competence.  相似文献   

Ovarian follicular atresia is regulated by androgens directly via androgen receptors and indirectly after conversion to estrogens. The balance between proliferation and cell apoptosis is crucial for the physiological functioning of the follicles. The disorder between these processes leads to reproductive failure, such as cyst formation. Recent research suggests maternally or neonatally mediated effects of antiandrogen flutamide on reproductive functions during adulthood. Therefore, the current study was performed to determine whether late gestational or neonatal exposure to flutamide influences proliferation and apoptosis rates in large antral follicles of adult porcine ovary. These periods are critical in ovarian biology and may determine female fertility in adulthood. Flutamide was injected into pregnant gilts between days 80 and 88 of gestation, and into female piglets between days 2 and 10 postnatally. The ovaries were collected from treated and control adult pigs, and healthy large antral follicles were excised. In large antral follicles, granulosa and theca cells revealed elevated (p<0.001) proliferation index measured by immunolocalization of Ki-67 following maternal and neonatal flutamide exposure. The percentage of apoptotic granulosa cells detected using TUNEL assay significantly decreased (p<0.01) after flutamide administration, that paralleled with down-regulation (p<0.01) of caspase-3 protein expression. Moreover, plasma testosterone decreased (p<0.001) in flutamide-treated animals, whereas 17β-estradiol was elevated following flutamide exposure. The present research indicates increased proliferation and diminished apoptosis rates within large antral follicles of adult pigs following prenatal and neonatal flutamide administration, which might influence the normal development of the follicles and pigs fertility as a consequence.  相似文献   

The low developmental competence seen in in vitro cultured oocytes collected from early antral follicles may be related to their mitochondrial status. The aim of this study was to examine the chromatin configuration, pattern of mitochondrial aggregation and mitochondrial activity of non-cultured and in vitro-cultured bovine oocytes originating from early antral ovarian follicles. Cumulus-oocyte complexes with adjacent granulosa cells (COCGs) were recovered from early antral follicles of 0.4 to 0.8 mm diameter. Control (Day 0) oocytes were recovered from freshly collected COCGs and fixed and stained. Selected COCGs were placed in growth culture for 7 days (Day 7) or 14 days (Day 14). Following growth culture, COCs with normal appearance were placed in maturation medium (IVM) for 24 h and then fixed and stained with MitoTracker CMTM Ros Orange and Hoechst 33258. The percentage of oocytes with an immature meiotic configuration after growth culture decreased with the time of growth culture, being 96.7; 72.5 and 35.4% respectively for Day 0, Day 7 and Day 14 of culture; the remaining oocytes were degenerating or resuming meiosis. After subsequent IVM the highest proportion of oocytes in diakinesis or metaphase I was found in the D7+IVM group (59.4%). When growth culture was prolonged to day 14 and IVM, the number of degenerated oocytes increased dramatically after IVM. The mitochondrial distribution in the oocytes changed from homogeneous to heterogeneous as growth culture time increased. The respiratory activity as measured by fluorescence intensity increased over the time of growth culture, and was highest in oocytes that had resumed GVBD. In conclusion, for oocytes in isolated COCGs from early antral follicles, culture conditions longer than 7 days should be more adapted for a slow nuclear maturation accompanied by a decreased energy metabolism to prevent chromatin pycnosis.  相似文献   

Katska L  Alm H  Ryńska B 《Theriogenology》2000,54(2):247-260
The aim of this experiment was to characterize the growth and nuclear configuration of oocytes isolated from late preantral and early antral bovine ovarian follicles immediately after recovery and after the in vitro culture. Individual follicles were isolated by microdissection from slices of the ovarian cortex. Follicles were sorted by diameter into 175 to 224, 225 to 274 and 275 to 325 microm-size classes. The follicles selected for in vitro culture were placed singly into 40 microL droplets of medium (TCM 199 enriched with FCS, insulin, transferrin, sodium selenite, sodium pyruvate, 1-glutamine, hypoxanthine, FSH and estradiol-17beta) and cultured for 6, 8, 11, 14 or 17 d. The sizes of follicles and oocytes were related to the duration of culture and gradually increased as culture duration was prolonged. The analysis of the relationship between mean diameters of oocytes at the time of recovery and after the in vitro culture, has shown significant differences after culture lasting 8 d (76.9+/-9.9 vs. 86.1+/-11.1 microm; P < 0.05), 11 d (77.0+/-9.9 vs. 91.9+/-17.5 microm; P < 0.01), 14 d (80.0+/-9.5 vs. 97.9+/-16.5 microm; P < 0.01) and 17 d (82.6+/-6.6 vs. 97.2+/-11.5 microm; P< 0.01). No statistical differences were shown among oocytes in the 5 pre-culture groups (79.5+/-8.8; 76.9+/-9.9; 77.1+/-9.9; 80.1+/-9.5 and 82.6+/-6.6 microm). Meiotic arrest was preserved in 71.9% of oocytes in our culture system up to 14 d. Frequency of the germinal vesicle (GV) stage did not significantly differ among oocytes evaluated "fresh" or cultured for 6, 8, 11 or 14 d. No relationship was observed between the size class of follicles and the frequency of the GV-stage. Prolonging the culture period to 17 d drastically decreased the percentage of oocytes in the GV-stage (18.7%) and increased the percentage of oocytes having premature initiation of meiosis (GVBD; 46.3%) and degeneration (25.0%). These results suggest that out of all culture periods used in our experiment, Day 14 was found to be the longest culture time allowing for both oocyte growth and maintenance of nuclear configuration at the GV-stage.  相似文献   

Less than 1% of ovarian follicles ever mature to ovulation. The remainder undergo atretic degeneration via apoptosis during development. Though the regulation of antral and preovulatory survival has been studied for many years, very little is known about the regulation of survival and development of preantral follicles. This review discusses recent findings regarding preantral follicle development with emphasis on the regulation of preantral follicle apoptosis.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to define interrelationships between histopathological alterations in ovarian antral follicles and body condition in dairy cows with a tendency to emaciation (BCS 1 and 2) compared with dairy cows with normal body condition (BCS 3). The ovaries were recovered from slaughtered cyclic dairy cows (at the luteal phase of the cycle) of Czech Fleckvieh and Holstein breeds at different times of the post-partum period. The animals were estimated as belonging to certain grade of body condition score (BCS) according to a 5-point scale. Only dairy cows with BCS1 (emaciation; n=6), BCS2 (tendency to emaciation; n=5) and BCS3 (optimal body condition status; n=6) were available for the experiment. The ovarian samples were embedded into Technovit 7100 resin; the tissue sections were stained with buffered basic fuchsine with toluidine blue. For acidic mucopolysaccharides (aMPS) a combination of PAS-technique with Alcian blue was used. Histological analysis showed that emaciation was associated with an increased occurrence of late (cystic) and luteinization-related atresia in granulosa and theca cells and increased levels of aMPS in small atretic follicles. Our observations indicate that dairy cows with a tendency to emaciation (BCS 2) or emaciated (BCS 1) have elevated occurrence of late atresia and atresia with luteinization, while initial atresia is less. This expands our basic knowledge of ovarian histopathology providing new insight into the association of antral follicle atresia and body condition status in dairy cows.  相似文献   

Ovarian cortex cryopreservation and xenotransplantation into immunodeficient mice represents a potential means for female germplasm conservation and an immediate model for investigation of folliculogenesis. The objectives of this study were to: (1) assess follicle survival after cryopreservation and transplantation of cat ovarian tissue into non-obese diabetic severely combined immunodeficient (NOD SCID) mice; and (2) evaluate the effects of gonadotropin treatments on follicular development in the transplanted tissue. Slices from the cat ovarian cortex were frozen and after thawing, transplanted under each kidney capsule of castrated male NOD SCID mice (eight xenografts in four mice). Sixty-two days after surgery, mice were randomly assigned (two per group) to gonadotropin-treated (eCG and hCG 88 h later) or control (saline-treated) groups. Twenty-four hours after the last injection, ovarian tissue was recovered and processed for histology. Fresh ovarian tissue from the same original source was similarly processed. Follicles were counted, measured, and classified as primordial, primary, secondary, or antral. Immunoreactive proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) stain was used to assess follicle viability. Microscopic examination revealed no evidence of necrosis or fibrosis. The grafts were well-vascularized, with follicles at all stages of development. Numbers of follicles in the transplanted tissue were markedly reduced compared to fresh tissue, with approximately 10% of follicles surviving freezing and transplantation procedures. Growing follicles positive for PCNA were found in all xenografts. Gonadotropin treatment did not alter the proportion of resting to growing follicles or mean follicle diameter by comparison with controls from untreated mice. By contrast, luteinization, but not ovulation, of antral follicles was observed only in grafts from treated mice. In summary, frozen-thawed cat ovarian cortex tissue not only survived xenotransplantation, it also contained follicles able to grow to antral stages. Exogenous gonadotropin treatment in this model resulted in luteinization of antral follicles but enhancement of follicular growth and ovulation did not occur.  相似文献   

This study was designed to develop preantral follicle isolation and classification protocols for the domestic dog as a model for endangered canids. Ovary donors were grouped by age, size, breed purity, ovary weight and ovary status. Ovaries were randomly assigned to 1 of 3 digestion protocols: A) digestion and follicle isolation on the day of spaying; B) storage at 4 degrees C for 18 to 24 h prior to digestion and follicle isolation; C) digestion on the day of spaying, then incubation at 4 degrees C for 18 h prior to follicle isolation. Minced tissue was placed in a collagenase/DNase solution at 37 degrees C for 1 h. Follicles were classified by oocyte size and opaqueness and by size and appearance of the granulosa cell layers. Preantral follicles contained small, pale oocytes. Preantral follicles containing grown oocytes with dense cytoplasmic lipid were designated as advanced preantral. Only advanced preantral and early antral follicles were examined and classified further. Group 1 follicles had incomplete or absent granulosa layers, Group 2 follicles had several intact granulosa layers, while Group 3 were vesicular (early antral) follicles. Misshapen or pale grown oocytes were classified as degenerated. The percentage of intact germinal vesicles (GV) was recorded for each Group. Digestion Protocol B produced the lowest percentage of degenerated follicles (P < 0.01). Prepubertal donors had fewer (P < 0.01) follicles in each Group and more (P < 0.001) degenerated follicles than older bitches. Larger ovaries yielded the highest total number of follicles (P < 0.05). Ovary status did not affect follicle yield. Oocytes from Group 1 follicles had fewer intact GVs than those from Group 2 or Group 3 (P < 0.0001). These findings provide an opportunity for quantitative studies of the factors regulating folliculogenesis in the domestic dog as a model for endangered canids.  相似文献   

Granulosa cells (GC) from immature (1-2 mm), developing (3-5 mm), and preovulatory (6-12 mm) antral porcine follicles were examined by stereological, ultrastructural techniques. Partial cell volumes occupied by nuclei or mitochondria did not differ significantly as follicles enlarged. Whorled smooth endoplasmic reticulum (ER) increased significantly in large follicles compared to either small or medium sized follicles. Whorled rough ER elements were present in similar amounts in small and medium sized follicles and absent in large follicles. The GC of large follicles contained significantly more lipid and Golgi complexes than that of small follicles, but the lipid and Golgi complex content of GC from medium follicles was not significantly different from that of either small or large follicles. Proportions of total cell volumes occupied by lysosomes and multivesicular bodies increased as follicular size increased. This confirms earlier qualitative studies, and provides a quantitative in situ basis for future in vitro studies.  相似文献   

《Reproductive biology》2020,20(3):371-378
The present study aimed to evaluate the structure, survival and development of isolated caprine (secondary-SEC and early antral-EANT) follicles, after vitrification in the presence of synthetic polymers and in vitro culture. Additionally, transzonal projections (TZPs) and p450 aromatase enzyme were evaluated. After isolation, SEC and EANT follicles were in vitro cultured for six days or vitrified. After one week, SEC and EANT follicles were warmed and also in vitro cultured for six days. Data revealed that the percentage of morphologically normal follicles was similar between fresh and vitrified follicles in both follicular categories and antrum formation rate was similar between fresh and vitrified SEC follicles. Fluorescence by calcein-AM did not show difference between fresh and vitrified (SEC and EANT) follicles, however, the trypan blue test showed low viability for vitrified follicles. The integrity of TZPs was not affected between fresh and vitrified SEC follicles, however, in vitrified EANT follicles, there were signs of TZPs loss. Regarding steroidogenic function, it was observed a positive staining for p450 aromatase enzyme in fresh and vitrified SEC and EANT follicles. It was concluded that SEC follicles seem to be more resistant to vitrification than EANT follicles, as shown by the trypan blue test and TZPs assay. Future studies may confirm this hypothesis, in order to consolidate the use of SEC and EANT follicles as an alternative to ovary cryopreservation.  相似文献   

The development of a culture system for individual mouse ovarian follicles using a low concentration of homologous serum, human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH) and a simple combination of growth factors is reported. Preantral follicles, 150 microns in diameter, with thecal cells attached were isolated mechanically. After 6-7 days on a Millicell membrane, a high proportion of the preantral follicles cultured individually with hFSH grew to morphologically normal large antral follicles (400-500 microns in diameter) with high oestradiol secretion. Without hFSH, the follicles grew to approximately 275 microns diameter in 6 days, but did not form antra or secrete oestradiol. The growth trajectory (overall pattern of growth formed by daily measurements of diameter) of each follicle was recorded and used as a measurement of response to experimental variation of culture conditions. The rapidly growing follicles were morphologically normal, but those that grew more slowly showed some abnormality or atresia and secreted less oestradiol. Follicles cultured in groups without being in direct contact with each other showed much poorer growth than those grown individually, but the inhibition was not uniform and some follicles grew larger than others in the group. Follicles that contacted each other directly in culture tended to fuse into one mass and their growth was substantially inhibited. Even under these conditions, one follicle often continued to grow slowly while the others degenerated. Such alteration of growth patterns suggests interfollicular paracrine control and may be a means of three-dimensional spacing of follicle growth within the ovary, as well as part of the mechanism of follicle selection. The dose-response curve based on the mean growth trajectory of follicles cultured individually, produced increasing rates of growth with 12.5-100 miu hFSH ml-1. Higher concentrations of hFSH did not increase growth rate further, but oestradiol secretion continued to increase with increasing hFSH up to the maximum used (2000 miu ml-1).  相似文献   

Summary The purpose of this study was to investigate whether albumin (Alb) can be detected in ovarian rat granulosa cells. Using immunocytochemistry and morphometrics, the percentages of Alb-positive follicles (follicle-index), of Alb-positive granulosa cells (granulosa-index), and of strongly reacting follicles (intensity-index) were evaluated in intact and regressing follicles of different diameter groups during different stages of the estrous cycle. In intact follicles, the follicle- and the granulosa-index increased from small-sized to large-sized follicles. Although the follicle-index did not change in any group during the stages of the estrous cycle, the granulosa-index was higher during proestrus than during the other stages. Intact follicles showed a stronger immunoreactivity than regressing follicles throughout the stages of the estrous cycle. Thus, Alb may be a requirement for the control of follicle growth in fertile rats. This Alb function may be attributable to Alb binding to specific cell-membrane components followed by the intracellular uptake of Alb-bound substances.Supported by a DFG grant no. Sp 232/2-2  相似文献   

Initial studies in our laboratory demonstrated that a large proportion of domestic dog advanced preantral (APAN) and early antral (EAN) follicles contained grown oocytes that had acquired the dense cytoplasmic lipid characteristic of preovulatory oocytes. The objective of this study was to assess nuclear maturation of those oocytes after in vitro culture. Both APAN and EAN follicles (152 to 886 microns in diameter) were isolated from ovaries by treatment with collagenase and DNase. The follicles were cultured in Dulbecco's Modified Eagle's medium/nutrient mixture F-12 Ham culture medium supplemented with 20% (v/v) fetal bovine serum (FBS), 2 mM L-glutamine, 1% (v/v) antibiotic-antimycotic, 1 microgram FSH/ml, 10 IU hCG/ml and 1 microgram estradiol/ml. Within each group (APAN or EAN), control follicles were not cultured (0 h), and 2 to 12 follicles per well were incubated under a humidified atmosphere of 5% CO2 in air at 37 degrees C for 24, 48 or 72 h. After 24 h of culture, significantly more (5.3%, 20/374; P < 0.05) oocytes from APAN follicles reached the metaphase I to metaphase II stages (MI to MII) than the percentage of control follicles observed at 0 h (0.9%, 3/318). Continued culture resulted in a further increase (P < 0.05) in the percentage of oocytes reaching MI to MII by 48 h (11.5%, 47/407), which remained unchanged at 72 h (9.9%, 40/404). The percentage of oocytes from EAN follicles reaching MI to MII did not significantly increase after 24 h of culture. However, there was an increase (P < 0.05) by 48 h of culture (8.7%, 11/126), which remained unchanged at 72 h (7.5%, 8/106). These results show that dog oocytes cultured within advanced preantral and early antral follicles in vitro are competent to resume meiosis to the metaphase stage.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to establish a culture model for isolated intact porcine antral follicles and investigate the relationship between granulosa cell apoptosis and follicular atresia. Small (<3 mm), medium (3–5 mm) and large (>5 mm) healthy porcine follicles were isolated and cultured in serum‐free TCM199 with or without follicular stimulating hormone (FSH). Microscopic identification of healthy follicles was confirmed by histology. A spontaneous onset of apoptotic cell death in granulosa cells was observed from cultured antral follicles. The apoptotic rate of granulosa cells from small follicles cultured for 24 hr was higher than those of large and medium follicles, accompanied with high FasL mRNA abundance in granulosa cells. Supplementation with 3 or 5 IU/ml FSH significantly inhibited the percentage of granulosa cells that became apoptotic. FSH did not significantly alter estradiol secretion from cultured follicles. Progesterone secretion significantly decreased after culture for 48 hr, coinciding with the morphological changes observed. FasL and Fas mRNA were expressed in the healthy, early atretic, and progressed atretic porcine follicles regardless of follicular size. However, FasL but not Fas mRNA levels increased during follicular atresia. Addition of FSH significantly decreased FasL rather than Fas mRNA levels in granulosa cells and could attenuate apoptosis. Small follicles seemed to be more susceptible to atresia as compared to medium and large follicles. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 77: 670–678, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Essential factors required for growing oocytes derived from bovine early antral follicles and their mechanisms of action are poorly understood. Fibroblast growth factor 7 (FGF7) is a member of the heparin-binding FGF family with a distinctive pattern of target-cell specificity. The effect of FGF7 on the stimulation of oocyte growth in a culture of cumulus-oocyte complexes with granulosa cells (COCGs, oocyte diameter; 90-100 microm) was investigated. The oocyte diameter of COCGs was increased significantly in the FGF7-containing medium (10 ng/ml; 117.2 +/- 3.2 microm, 50 ng/ml; 116.5 +/- 3.5 microm) compared to the control (0 ng/ml; 110.5 +/- 2.8 microm) after 16 days. However, there was no stimulatory effect of FGF7 on the proliferation of cumulus-granulosa cells. The FGF7 receptor, fibroblast growth factor receptor 2IIIb (FGFR2IIIb), was detected in cumulus-granulosa cells from COCGs. Messenger RNA expression of FGFR2IIIb was induced to cumulus-granulosa cells by FGF7. The mRNA expression levels of KIT ligand (KITLG), KIT (KIT), growth differentiation factor 9 (GDF9), and bone morphogenetic protein 15 (BMP15) in the cultured COCGs were determined in FGF7-treated (10 ng/ml) cultures using real time RT-PCR analysis. The levels of KITLG and KIT, but not GDF9 and BMP15 mRNA expression were stimulated by FGF7. Furthermore, neutralizing antibody for KIT attenuated the stimulatory action of FGF7 on the oocyte growth. These results strongly suggest that FGF7 may be an important regulator for oocyte growth and its action is mediated via the KIT/KITLG signaling pathway.  相似文献   

The follicle destiny towards ovulation or atresia is multi-factorial in nature and involves outcries, paracrine and endocrine factors that promote cell proliferation and survival (development) or unchain apoptosis as part of the atresia process. In several types of cells, sphingosine-1-phospate (S1P) promotes cellular proliferation and survival, whereas ceramide (CER) triggers cell death, and the S1P/CER ratio may determine the fate of the cell. The aim of present study was to quantify S1P and CER concentrations and their ratio in bovine antral follicles of 8 to 17 mm classified as healthy and atretic antral follicles. Follicles were dissected from cow ovaries collected from a local abattoir. The theca cell layer, the granulosa cells and follicular fluid were separated, and 17β-estradiol (E2) and progesterone (P4) concentrations were measured in the follicular fluid by radioimmunoassay. Based on the E2/P4 ratio, the follicles were classified as healthy (2.2±0.3) or atretic (0.2±0.3). In both follicular compartments (granulosa and theca cell layer), sphingolipids were extracted and S1P and CER concentrations were quantified by HPLC (XTerra RP18; 5 µm, 3.0×150 mm column). Results showed that in both follicular compartments, S1P concentrations were higher in healthy antral follicles than in atretic antral follicles (P<0.05). The concentration of CER in the granulosa cells was higher in atretic antral follicles than in healthy antral follicles, but no differences were observed in the theca cell layer. The S1P/CER ratio in both follicular compartments was also higher in healthy antral follicles. Interestingly, in these follicles, there was a 45-fold greater concentration of S1P than CER in the granulosa cells (P<0.05), whereas in the theca cell layer, S1P had only a 14-fold greater concentration than CER when compared with atretic antral follicles. These results suggest that S1P plays a role in follicle health, increasing cellular proliferation and survival. In contrast, reduction of S1P and the S1P/CER in the antral follicle could trigger cellular death and atresia.  相似文献   

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