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Removal of the main root system of sunflower ( Helianthus annuus ) initiates adventitious root development on the lower portion of the hypocotyl. The first cytological changes (enlarged nuclei in the interfascicular parenchymatous cells adjacent to the phloem and some cell divisions) are observed 24 h after root excision. On the basis of experiments in which (a) roots, apical buds and various amounts of cotyledonary tissue were removed, (b) cuttings were subjected to various light regimes, (c) benzyladenine oas applied to cotyledons to create an artificial sink, it was concluded that the roots normally produce factors inhibiting to adventitious rooting and might be a sink for stimulatory substances produced in the shoots. The cotyledons seem to be the major source of these stimulators. Application of aqueous and ethanolic extracts of cotyledons and hypocotyls to cuttings promoted adventitious rooting.  相似文献   

水翁(Cleistocalyx operculatus)幼苗对淹水的反应初报   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
研究了水翁在生理和形态上对3个月淹水期的反应。在潮湿或淹水条件下水翁能存活并保持一定的净光合速率和生长速率,全淹条件下存活期为60d,水翁对淹水的适应包括:(1)淹和的茎部产生肥大皮孔和不定根,(2)不定根系的活力比正常根系的活力高,有不定根的植株的气孔传导率和蒸腾速率比没有不定根的植株高得多。水翁是一种耐淹植物,可在河岸、库岸等水位波动地区种植。  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown increases in the concentration of ethylene in the soil and roots of plants when the soil is water saturated (flooded). In Zea mays L. this occurs in association with an overall reduction in growth but without extensive foliar senescence and in conjunction with the development of an adventitious root system. We have assessed the possibility that ethylene may be involved in these responses to flooding. Mixtures of the gas in air were therefore supplied to the roots and stem-base of Z. mays growing in nutrient solution.
Seven or 14 d exposure to ethylene (1 or 5 νl 1−1) inhibited seminal root elongation and growth in dry weight and accelerated the emergence of adventitious roots, although their final length and dry weight were depressed. Leaf extension was inhibited by 0.1,1.0 or 5.0 μl 1−1 ethylene around the roots; leaves extending rapidiy at the start of treatment were the most sensitive. Final shoot fresh and dry weights were depressed by the gas but tie shootrroot dry weighl ratio and percentage dry matter were not affected greatly. Leaf chlorosis was not observed but the concentration of phosphorus in the shoots was 26 to 31% below normal.
When aeration of the nutrient solution was stopped, the concentration of dissolved oxygen declined and the concentration of ethylene in the roots increased. Similar changes occur in response to soil flooding. Root and shoot growth was slowed by non-aeration although the shootroot dry weight ratio remained unchanged. The phosphorus concentration of the shoots was depressed but there was little chlorosis or leaf death. The similarity in these respects between the effects of ethylene and non-aeration suggests that in flooded Z. mays , ethylene contributes to their development by accelerating the emergence of adventitioos roots, inhibiting phosphorus accumulation in the shoots and by a non-toxic inhibition of plant growth.  相似文献   

Seedlings of pond pine ( Pinus serotina Michx.), sand pine [ P. clausa (Engelm.) Sarg.] and two edaphic seed sources of loblolly pine ( P. taeda L., dry- and wet-site seed sources) were grown in non-circulating, continuously flowing solution culture under aerobic (250 μ M O2) and anaerobic (≤ 23 μ M O2) conditions. Survival was 100% for all seedlings at 11 weeks. Although shoot height, biomass and leaf emergence of loblolly and pond pine seedlings were not significantly affected by 15 or 30 days of anaerobic growth conditions, root biomass was significantly reduced. Sand pine suffered the largest reduction in biomass, showing extensive root dieback and shoot chlorosis with retarded leaf development. These anaerobically induced symptoms of flooding injury were less severe in dry-site loblolly pine, and absent in wet-site loblolly and pond pine seedlings. Adventitious or new, secondary roots, and stem or taproot lenticels were particularly abundant under the 30-day anaerobic treatment in wet-site loblolly and pond pine seedlings, present to a lesser degree in dry-site loblolly pine, and nearly absent in sand pine seedlings. These results indicate that much of the immediate damage from flooding is due to the anoxic condition of the root rather than to the build-up of phytotoxins or soil nutrient imbalances. On the basis of overall seedling vigor, root plasticity and growth, we suggest the following flooding-tolerance/intolerance species (seed source) gradient: pond pine ≥ wet-site loblolly pine > dry-site loblolly pine > sand pine.  相似文献   

Summary Flooding ofPlatanus occidentalis L. seedlings for up to 40 days induced several changes including early stomatal closure, greatly accelerated ethylene production by stems, formation of hypertrophied lenticels and adventitious roots on submerged portions of stems, and marked growth inhibition. Poor adaptation ofPlatanus occidentalis seedlings to soil inundation was shown in stomatal closure during the entire flooding period, inhibition of root elongation and branching, and death of roots. Some adaptation to flooding was indicated by (1) production of hypertrophied lenticels which may assist in exchange of dissolved gases in flood water and in release of toxic compounds, and (2) production of adventitious roots on stems which may increase absorption of water. These adaptations appeared to be associated with greatly stimulated ethylene production in stems of flooded plants. The greater reduction of root growth over shoot growth in flooded seedlings will result in decreased drought tolerance after the flood waters recede. The generally low tolerance to flooding of seedlings of species that are widely rated as highly flood tolerant is emphasized.  相似文献   

Summary Stomata of paper birch (Betula papyrifera Marsh.) seedlings were more open at high humidity than at low humidity and responded rapidly to changes in vapor pressure deficit. SO2 at 0.2 or 0.8 l l-1 caused partial stomatal closure. Seedlings fumigated with SO2 at 0.2 or 0.5 l l-1 for 30 h or 0.2 l l-1 for 75 h took up more SO2 at high than at low humidity. Differences in pollutant uptake could be explained by stomatal conductance with no need to invoke changes in mesophyll conductance. Betula seedlings were more sensitive to SO2 when fumigated at high humidity, as manifested in more leaf necrosis, increased leaf abscission, and greater growth inhibition compared to seedlings fumigated at low humidity. Amount of injury to leaves increased with rate of SO2 uptake, and inhibition of root growth increased with total SO2 uptake.Abbreviations RH relative humidity - VPD vapor pressure deficit - RGR mean relative growth rate - PPFD photosynthetic photon flux density (400–700 nm) - LDC leaf diffusive conductance - water potential Research supported by the College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin-Madison  相似文献   

We compared seedling growth of four Artemisia species dominated at different habitats to determine whether interspecific seedling growth variation of a same genus in tolerance to burial can be used to explain plant distribution in the sand dune field. Interdune lowland species, Artemisia gmelinii, stabilized dune species, A. frigida, semi-stabilized dune species, A. halodendron, and active dune species, A. wudanica were selected. Seedlings grown for 3 weeks were treated at five burial depths for three burial times in pot experiments. Species from the habitats with little burial had smaller survival rate, dry weight and stem elongation speed than those from the habitats with intensive burial when buried. Furthermore, when buried, the former tended to adjust biomass allocation between shoot and root and produce adventitious buds, while the latter tended to maintain a constant root:shoot ratio and produce adventitious roots. We conclude that (1) seedlings of species with a long evolutionary history of exposure to sand burial (from the active sand dune), show quicker stem growth when buried than do seedlings of species from the habitats with little or no sand burial; (2) seedlings of species which do not change root:shoot ratio might be more tolerant of sand burial than those do; (3) seedlings of species from the habitats with intensive sand burial is prone to produce adventitious roots and seedlings of species from the habitats with little or no sand burial tend to produce adventitious buds when buried.  相似文献   

Summary Flooding of soil with standing water for 50 or 110 days drastically reduced growth of 178-day-oldPlatanus occidentalis seedlings, with growth inhibited more as the duration of flooding was increased. Flooding reduced the rate of height and diameter growth, leaf initiation and expansion, and dry weight increment and relative growth rates of leaves, stems, and roots. Flooding also induced leaf epinasty, leaf necrosis, and formation of hypertrophied lenticels and many adventitious roots on submerged portions of stems. Severing of adventitious roots after 50 and 95 days from the submerged portions of stems of continuously flooded seedlings reduced several growth parameters including height and stem diameter growth and relative growth rates of leaves and roots. Evidence for the physiological importance of flood induced adventitious roots is discussed.Research supported by College of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Wisconsin, Madison and by Yamagata University, Tsuruoka, Japan. The technical assistance of John Shanklin is appreciated.  相似文献   

不定根发生机理的研究进展   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
综述了近年来试管苗不定根发生机理的研究进展,在不定根发生过程中,专一基因的表达,内源激素水平的动态变化,酶活性的变化,多胺和钙水平以及碳水化合物水平的变化与不定根诱导,根原基形成和根发育生长有密切关系。自发性生根和诱导生根系统的植物或组织在不定根发生过程中存在较大的生理生化差异。通过了解不定根发生机理的研究动态,有助于更好地研究试管苗生根和试管苗商品化生产。  相似文献   

While the importance of cortical aerenchyma in flood tolerance is well established, this pathway for gaseous exchange is often destroyed during secondary growth. For woody species, therefore, an additional pathway must develop for oxygen to reach submerged tissues. In this paper we examine the potential for the aerenchymatous phellem (cork) of Lythrum salicaria L. to provide a pathway for gas transport from shoots to roots and assess its importance in flood tolerance. Plants in which the continuity of the aerenchymatous phellem between shoots and roots was broken showed a significant reduction in oxygen levels in roots, but no difference in carbon dioxide levels compared with controls that retained an intact phellem. These plants also had a greater total shoot height and shoot dry weight, and an increase in shoot/root dry mass ratios compared with controls. Total dry weight was not significantly affected by this treatment. This study is the first to show that the aerenchymatous phellem can provide a pathway for gaseous exchange between roots and shoots and can influence plant morphology and patterns of resource allocation. This suggests that this tissue may play a significant role in the flood tolerance of a woody plant.  相似文献   

We investigated physiological and morphological responses to flooding and recovery in Eucalyptus camaldulensis subsp. refulgens, a riparian tree species from a dryland region prone to intense episodic floods. Seedlings in soil flooded for 88 d produced extensive adventitious roots, displayed stem hypertrophy (stem diameter increased by 93%) and increased root porosity owing to aerenchyma formation. Net photosynthesis (Pn) and stomatal conductance (gs) were maintained for at least 2 weeks of soil flooding, contrasting with previous studies of other subspecies of E. camaldulensis. Gradual declines followed in both gs (30% less than controls) and Pn (19% less). Total leaf soluble sugars did not differ between flooded and control plants. Root mass did not recover 32 d after flooding ceased, but gs was not lower than controls, suggesting the root system was able to functionally compensate. However, the limited root growth during recovery after flooding was surprising given the importance of extensive root systems in dryland environments. We conclude that early flood tolerance could be an adaptation to capitalize on scarce water resources in a water‐limited environment. Overall, our findings highlight the need to assess flooding responses in relation to a species' fitness for particular flood regimes or ecological niches.  相似文献   

Effect of salicylic acid on nitrate reductase activity in maize seedlings   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of different concentrations of salicylic acid on total Kjeldahl nitrogen and nitrate reductase activity in the maize ( Zea mays L.) seedling was studied. The total nitrogen of the maize embryonic axis (root + shoot) from seedlings raised with 10 m M Ca(NO3)2 for 5 days was substantially higher than that from the control when 0.01 m M salicylic acid was supplied. As supply of high (1 m M ) concentrations of salicylic acid decreased the accumulation of organic nitrogen. The in vivo activity of nitrate reductase in the roots increased at low concentrations of salicylic acid, while high concentrations were inhibitory. The stimulative concentration of the acid protected in vivo loss of nitrate reductase activity under non-inducing conditions, whereas it had no effect on in vitro loss of enzyme. It is suggested that salicylic acid increases in vivo enzyme activity indirectly, to some extent by protecting the natural inactivation of the enzyme.  相似文献   

构树幼苗对接种丛枝菌根真菌的生长响应   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
利用石灰岩适生植物构树进行菌根真菌摩西球囊霉(GM)、地表球囊霉(GV)和透光球囊霉(GD)的单独接种(SI)、混合接种(CI)和不接种(N)处理试验,测定了构树幼苗生长3个月后的形态及生长指标.结果表明:接种VA真菌促进了宿主构树的生长,单株地上部分、地下部分生物量和全株生物量等生长指标均较对照组显著提高,4种处理下构树幼苗生物量较对照提高了2.49~8.19倍,其中CI处理生物量最大,而单株叶片数目与对照组没有显著差异.不同接种处理的构树幼苗生长响应不同.在SI处理中,GD对构树幼苗生长效应最大,而CI处理较SI处理对构树幼苗的促进效应更加明显.CI处理中地径、苗高和总叶面积分别是对照组的1.5、2.2和6.0倍.各处理中根冠比最大的为CI(0.446).说明宿主植物与菌种存在一定的选择性.  相似文献   


The application of fertilisers to sparse vegetation on unstable ultrabasic soil on a ridge of extreme exposure on the Isle of Rhum, Inner Hebrides, resulted in a marked increase of vegetation cover and a change in species composition. On this site, nutrient deficiency appears to be a major factor limiting the development of closed plant communities.  相似文献   

Flooding of the root system of tomato plants ( Lycopersicon esculentum ) caused cessation of leaf elongation, leaf epinasty, formation of adventitious roots, and increase in diffusive resistance associated with the wilting of leaves at the first stage of the stress. Upon development of adventitious roots, the wilted leaves regained their turgor and the diffusive resistance slowly decreased at a rate slower than that at which water potential increased. In the course of flooding, proline accumulated but after 11 days dropped back to the control level. The extent of proline accumulation in various tomato cultivars was positively correlated with the extent to which their leaf water potential dropped, but was not correlated with the changes in their diffusive resistance. Cultivars which accumulated the highest proline levels were those which showed the most severe injury, with only one cultivar as an exception. However, only in the cultivars producing high levels of proline was the return of leaf turgor followed by resumption of leaf elongation. In cv. 'Hosen', which was severely injured by the stress, but accumulated a low level of proline, leaf elongation was not resumed. The results suggest that proline accumulation is an indicator of the cultivar's sensitivity to dehydration associated with the flooding stress, and confirm the notion that proline may play a role in the post-stress recovery process.  相似文献   

Trace metals in mangrove seedlings: role of iron plaque formation   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Metal-rich mineral deposits on the roots of aquatic plants, denominated iron plaques, may moderate the uptake of essential, but potentially toxic metals by roots. We investigated the iron plaque formation on the fine, nutritive roots of mangrove seedlings growing in contrasting environments (oxidizing sand flat sediments and reducing mangrove forest sediments) in southeast Brazil. The results indicate that Avicennia schaueriana, Laguncularia racemosa, and Rhizophora mangle seedlings developed an efficient exclusion of Fe, Mn, and Zn through iron plaque formation. This process seems to be influenced substantially by species-specific responses to environmental conditions. While Fe and Zn translocation to leaves appear to be suppressed by accumulation within root tissues, this did not appear to occur for Mn, suggesting that Mn trapping in rhizosphere sediments and iron plaque formation are the main mechanisms responsible for the Mn exclusion from the organism level. In addition to factors well recognized as affecting mangrove seedling development (e.g., salinity stress and nutrient availability), the mediation of trace metal uptake by iron plaque formation possibly contribute to determine the seedling adaptability to waterlogged conditions.  相似文献   

热激诱导的玉米幼苗耐热性及其与脯氨酸的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
研究了热激对玉米幼苗耐热性的效应及其与脯氨酸的关系。结果表明,培养2.5 d的玉米幼苗经过42℃热激4 h并于26.5℃下恢复4 h后,提高了玉米幼苗在48℃下的存活率,并且热激及其后的恢复过程中都表现出脯氨酸的积累。不同浓度的外源脯氨酸预处理也可提高玉米幼苗内源脯氨酸的水平和抗氧化酶抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)、过氧化物酶(GPX)的活性,从而提高玉米幼苗在高温胁迫下的存活率。这些结果暗示热激过程中脯氨酸的积累所诱发的抗氧化酶活性的增强可能是热激诱导的玉米幼苗耐热性形成的生理基础之一。  相似文献   

Root growth responses to lead in young maize seedlings   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Obroucheva  N.V.  Bystrova  E.I.  Ivanov  V.B.  Antipova  O.V.  Seregin  I.V. 《Plant and Soil》1998,200(1):55-61
This work was undertaken to follow the appearance and development of symptoms of lead toxicity in growing roots of seedlings. The effects of lead nitrate (10-2–105 M) were studied on the roots of maize (Zea mays) seedlings, cvs. Diamant and Sterling. The roots were grown on filter paper either on glass in trays or in large Petri dishes. The following characteristics of root growth were studied: seed germination, length of primary and seminal roots, number of seminal and lateral roots, length of branching zone, length of meristem and fully-elongated cells and the number of fully-elongated cells along the daily length increment. 10-2 M lead nitrate exerted a clear toxic effect on root elongation just after radicle emergence; its influence on shoot growth was weak. However 10-2 M Pb solution did not affect either radicle emergence itself or seminal root emergence, which can be explained by the impermeability of seed testa to lead salt. The inhibitory effect of 10-3 M lead nitrate appeared a day later and was not as toxic: the growth of primary and seminal roots proceeded at lower rate due to a partial inhibition of cell division and cell elongation in them. 10-3 M lead nitrate modified the root system morphology: it exerted no effect on the emergence of lateral roots and their number, but induced a more compact distribution of lateral roots along a shorter branching zone due to a reduced length of mature cells in the primary root. As a result of the more prominent inhibition of primary root growth, a shorter branching zone with more compactly located lateral roots occupied a position much closer to the root tip than in roots grown without the influence of lead.  相似文献   

Responses to soil flooding and oxygen shortage were studied in field, glasshouse and controlled environment conditions. Established stools ofSalix viminalis L., were compared at five field sites in close proximity but with contrasting water table levels and flooding intensities during the preceding winter. There was no marked effect of site on shoot extension rate, time to half maximum length or final length attained. When rooted cuttings were waterlogged for 4 weeks in a glasshouse, soil redox potentials quickly decreased to below zero. Shoot extension was slowed after a delay of 20 d, while, in the upper 100 mm of soil, formation and outgrowth of unbranched adventitious roots with enhanced aerenchyma development was promoted after 7 d. At depths of 100–200 mm and 200–300 mm, extension by existing root axes was halted by soil flooding, while adventitious roots from above failed to penetrate these deeper zones. After 4 weeks waterlogging, all arrested root tips recommenced elongation when the soil was drained; their extension rates exceeding those of roots that were well-drained throughout. Growth in fresh mass was also stimulated. The additional aerenchyma found in adventitious roots in the upper 100 mm of soil may have been ethylene regulated since gas space development was inhibited by silver nitrate, an ethylene action inhibitor. The effectiveness of aerenchyma was tested by blocking the entry of atmospheric oxygen into plants with lanolin applied to lenticels of woody shoots of plants grown in solution culture. Root extension was halved, while shoot growth remained unaffected. H Lambers Section editor  相似文献   

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