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Kiwi (Apterygidae) is an endemic New Zealand avian family comprising five species whose conservation is actively managed. We present five polymorphic microsatellite DNA loci isolated from North Island brown kiwi (Apteryx mantelli). In addition, we demonstrate cross‐amplification, and in some cases, polymorphism, of these microsatellite DNA loci in four other kiwi species. Therefore, these markers may be broadly applicable to conservation genetic studies within this family.  相似文献   

Although some taxa are increasing in number due to active management and predator control, the overall number of kiwi (Apteryx spp.) is declining. Kiwi are cryptic and rare, meaning current monitoring tools, such as call counts, radio telemetry, and surveys using detection dogs are labor‐intensive, yield small datasets, and require substantial resources or provide inaccurate estimates of population sizes. A noninvasive genetic approach could help the conservation effort. We optimized a panel of 23 genetic markers (22 autosomal microsatellite loci and an allosomal marker) to discriminate between all species of kiwi and major lineages within species, while simultaneously determining sex. Markers successfully amplified from both fecal and shed feather DNA samples collected in captivity. We found that DNA extraction was more efficient from shed feathers, but DNA quality was greater with feces, although this was sampling dependent. Our microsatellite panel was able to distinguish between contemporary kiwi populations and lineages and provided PI values in the range of 4.3 × 10?5 to 2.0 × 10?19, which in some cases were sufficient for individualization and mark–recapture studies. As such, we have tested a wide‐reaching, noninvasive molecular approach that will improve conservation management by providing better parameter estimates associated with population ecology and demographics such as abundance, growth rates, and genetic diversity.  相似文献   

The ingredients and the macro‐ and micro‐nutrient contents of diets that are fed to captive kiwi at seven New Zealand holding facilities were subject to analysis. The nutrient compositions were compared across facilities and with an estimate of the nutrient composition of the diets of wild kiwi based on the intake of various dietary ingredients reported in the literature. A total of 20 ingredients were used, the number and proportion of these ingredients varied greatly between facilities. Six of the diets were based primarily on meat and three comprised a mixture of meat and cat biscuits. Just one included a proprietary insectivore mix. Nutrient content varied greatly between the seven diets, organic matter ranging from 91.8 to 95.6%, crude protein from 41.9 to 62.9%, and crude fat from 9.0 to 28.7% of dry matter content. Large variations were found in the total content and profile of amino acids and of fatty acids of the diets. The nutrient content of all seven diets differed from that of the natural diet of wild kiwi. Hence, the presence of nutrient deficiencies in the current formulations cannot be excluded. Zoo Biol 29:537–550, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We report the isolation and characterization of eight polymorphic and five monomorphic microsatellites in North Island brown kiwi (NIBK, Apteryx mantelli), using two polymerase chain reaction (PCR) techniques employing either short-tandem repeat primers (STR method) or random PCR-based isolation of microsatellite arrays (PIMA method). Microsatellite polymorphism was subsequently determined using 65 individuals. There were two to seven alleles for each polymorphic locus with heterozygozity ranging between 0.04 and 0.86. These primers will be used in future studies to determine the level of extra-pair copulation, dispersal patterns, and genetic diversity within and between wild populations of NIBK.  相似文献   

DNA分子标记技术在濒危物种保护中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近20年来,随着分子生物学技术的迅猛发展,涌现出一批高效、可靠的DNA分子标记技术.本文论述了限制性片段长度多态性、微卫星DNA、随机扩增多态性DNA、扩增片段长度多态性等DNA分子标记技术的基本原理及技术特点;同时,介绍了DNA分子标记在濒危物种种群遗传学研究、致危因素分析及保护策略的制定等保护生物学方面的应用.  相似文献   

In AD 1428, the city‐states of Tenochtitlan, Texcoco, and Tlacopan formed the Triple Alliance, laying the foundations of the Aztec empire. Although it is well documented that the Aztecs annexed numerous polities in the Basin of Mexico over the following years, the demographic consequences of this expansion remain unclear. At the city‐state capital of Xaltocan, 16th century documents suggest that the site's conquest and subsequent incorporation into the Aztec empire led to a replacement of the original Otomí population, whereas archaeological evidence suggests that some of the original population may have remained at the town under Aztec rule. To help address questions about Xaltocan's demographic history during this period, we analyzed ancient DNA from 25 individuals recovered from three houses rebuilt over time and occupied between AD 1240 and 1521. These individuals were divided into two temporal groups that predate and postdate the site's conquest. We determined the mitochondrial DNA haplogroup of each individual and identified haplotypes based on 372 base pair sequences of first hypervariable region. Our results indicate that the residents of these houses before and after the Aztec conquest have distinct haplotypes that are not closely related, and the mitochondrial compositions of the temporal groups are statistically different. Altogether, these results suggest that the matrilines present in the households were replaced following the Aztec conquest. This study therefore indicates that the Aztec expansion may have been associated with significant demographic and genetic changes within Xaltocan. Am J Phys Anthropol 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Two Puffinus shearwater species are endemic to the Mediterranean region: the Yelkouan shearwater P.␣yelkouan breeding in the central and eastern, and the critically endangered Balearic shearwater P.␣mauretanicus in the western, exclusively breeding at the Balearic archipelago. All individuals caught in Minorca, a Balearic breeding site, showed phenotypic traits of Yelkouan shearwaters. Ten birds from that colony were sampled and genetically analysed. A fragment of 857 base pairs of the cytochrome b was sequenced and compared to published sequences of both species obtained from GenBank. A Neighbor-Joining (NJ) reconstruction distinguished two clades with high bootstrap support, showing that both species bred sympatrically in that colony. This result was unexpected since shearwaters do not usually form mixed colonies. New conservation concerns arise also from our study: at first, breeding population of Yelkouan shearwaters is even smaller than previously thought; additionally, other potential threats emerge, such as hybridization and ecological competition.  相似文献   

The decipherment of the meager information provided by short fragments of ancient mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) is notoriously difficult but is regarded as a most promising way toward reconstructing the past from the genetic perspective. By haplogroup-specific hypervariable segment (HVS) motif search and matching or near-matching with available modern data sets, most of the ancient mtDNAs can be tentatively assigned to haplogroups, which are often subcontinent specific. Further typing for mtDNA haplogroup-diagnostic coding region polymorphisms, however, is indispensable for establishing the geographic/genetic affinities of ancient samples with less ambiguity. In the present study, we sequenced a fragment (approximately 982 bp) of the mtDNA control region in 76 Han individuals from Taian, Shandong, China, and we combined these data with previously reported samples from Zibo and Qingdao, Shandong. The reanalysis of two previously published ancient mtDNA population data sets from Linzi (same province) then indicates that the ancient populations had features in common with the modern populations from south China rather than any specific affinity to the European mtDNA pool. Our results highlight that ancient mtDNA data obtained under different sampling schemes and subject to potential contamination can easily create the impression of drastic spatiotemporal changes in the genetic structure of a regional population during the past few thousand years if inappropriate methods of data analysis are employed.  相似文献   

The takahe (Porphyrio hochstetteri) is ahighly endangered flightless rail that isendemic to New Zealand. Only one remnantpopulation of takahe (120 adults) is left inthe wild in Fiordland, which has been thesource for introductions to four predator-freeislands. The objective of the present studywas to determine the mating system andamount of genetic variation in takahe usingmultilocus DNA profiling, in order to assist inthe management of the island populations. There was no evidence of extra-pair paternityfor the 27 (73%, n = 37) offspring towhich paternity could be resolved. Thepaternity of the remaining 10 offspring couldnot be resolved due to low levels ofminisatellite DNA variation, but in none wasthe resident male excluded. Overall, the DNAresults along with behavioral and life historyinformation indicate that extra-pairfertilizations should be rare or absent, andtakahe join a small but growing list oflong-lived species of birds that have beenshown to exhibit genetic monogamy. Inaddition, the levels of minisatellite DNAvariation detected in takahe are low relativeto those reported for most other known outbredavian populations, and are consistent with theevidence of the takahe's persistence as asmall, isolated population in Fiordland over atleast the last 100 years. The low geneticvariation is discussed in relation to possibleevidence of environment depended inbreedingdepression in translocated island populationsof takahe.  相似文献   

1. The genetic variation of the endangered freshwater fish Ladigesocypris ghigii, endemic to the island of Rhodes (Greece), was investigated for nine populations, originating from seven different stream systems and a reservoir, both at the mtDNA and nuclear level, in order to suggest conservation actions. 2. Both restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of five segments of mitochondrial DNA (ND‐5/6, COI and 12S‐16S rRNA) amplified by polymerase chain reaction, and random amplified polymorphic DNA analysis, revealed extremely low levels of intra‐population polymorphism. It is highly likely that the low intra‐population variability is the result of successive bottleneck events evident in shrinkage and expansion of the populations year after year, which may have led to a complete loss of several genotypes and haplotypes, and an increased degree of inbreeding. 3. Inter‐population genetic structuring was high, with fixation of haplotypes within six of the nine populations and fixation of alleles within populations originating from different waterbodies. It is probable that all haplotypes and/or alleles found were initially represented in all populations. However, because of the long time of isolation coupled with successive bottleneck and subsequent genetic drift, common mtDNA haplotypes and alleles among the populations may have become rare or extinct through stochastic lineage loss. 4. Although nucleotide divergence among haplotypes was very shallow, half of the haplotypes recorded (three of six), resulted from nucleotide changes on the 12S–16S rRNA segments, which are the most conserved part of the mitochondrial genome. This fact may indicate that the observed genetic variation did not necessarily result only from the retention of ancestral polymorphism, but may have arisen through mutation and complete lineage sorting over a relatively small number of generations, once the populations had become isolated from one another. 5. Our data suggest that two of the L. ghigii populations may be on independent evolutionary trajectories. Considering that each population appears so far well adapted within each site, all populations should be managed and conserved separately.  相似文献   


A new species of feather mite (Acari: Analgidae), Kiwialges haastii n. sp. is described from the great spotted kiwi, Apteryx haastii Potts, 1872. Four new host records are reported and a key to species of Kiwialges is presented.  相似文献   

Xinjiang is at the crossroads between East and West Eurasia, and it harbors a relatively complex genetic history. In order to better understand the population movements and interactions in this region, mitochondrial and Y chromosome analyses on 40 ancient human remains from the Tianshanbeilu site in eastern Xinjiang were performed. Twenty‐nine samples were successfully assigned to specific mtDNA haplogroups, including the west Eurasian maternal lineages of U and W and the east Eurasian maternal lineages of A, C, D, F, G, Z, M7, and M10. In the male samples, two Y chromosome haplogroups, C* and N1 (xN1a, N1c), were successfully assigned. Our mitochondrial and Y‐chromosomal DNA analyses combined with the archaeological studies revealed that the Di‐qiang populations from the Hexi Corridor had migrated to eastern Xinjiang and admixed with the Eurasian steppe populations in the early Bronze Age. Am J Phys Anthropol 157:71–80, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We analysed the historical genetic diversity of human populations in Europe at the mtDNA control region for 48 ancient Britons who lived between ca AD 300 and 1000, and compared these with 6320 modern mtDNA genotypes from England and across Europe and the Middle East. We found that the historical sample shows greater genetic diversity than for modern England and other modern populations, indicating the loss of diversity over the last millennium. The pattern of haplotypic diversity was clearly European in the ancient sample, representing each of the modern haplogroups. There was also increased representation of one of the ancient haplotypes in modern populations. We consider these results in the context of possible selection or stochastic processes.  相似文献   

The patterns in and the processes underlying the distribution of invertebrates among Southern Ocean islands and across vegetation types on these islands are reasonably well understood. However, few studies have examined the extent to which populations are genetically structured. Given that many sub‐Antarctic islands experienced major glaciation and volcanic activity, it might be predicted that substantial population substructure and little genetic isolation‐by‐distance should characterize indigenous species. By contrast, substantially less population structure might be expected for introduced species. Here, we examine these predictions and their consequences for the conservation of diversity in the region. We do so by examining haplotype diversity based on mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit I sequence data, from two indigenous (Cryptopygus antarcticus travei, Tullbergia bisetosa) and two introduced (Isotomurus cf. palustris, Ceratophysella denticulata) springtail species from Marion Island. We find considerable genetic substructure in the indigenous species that is compatible with the geological and glacialogical history of the island. Moreover, by employing ecological techniques, we show that haplotype diversity is likely much higher than our sequenced samples suggest. No structure is found in the introduced species, with each being represented by a single haplotype only. This indicates that propagule pressure is not significant for these small animals unlike the situation for other, larger invasive species: a few individuals introduced once are likely to have initiated the invasion. These outcomes demonstrate that sampling must be more comprehensive if the population history of indigenous arthropods on these islands is to be comprehended, and that the risks of within‐ and among‐island introductions are substantial. The latter means that, if biogeographical signal is to be retained in the region, great care must be taken to avoid inadvertent movement of indigenous species among and within islands. Thus, quarantine procedures should also focus on among‐island movements.  相似文献   

Summary Brown kiwis are an endangered species of nocturnal, flightless birds which are native to New Zealand. The resting focus of two specimens has previously been studied by retinoscopy in a zoo while the birds were restrained by their keeper (Sivak and Howland 1987). Those birds appeared to be hyperopic (farsighted) by 2–7 D. In this study, examination with infrared photorefraction of the focusing of two unrestrained, feeding birds showed that they could focus objects at infinity and objects in their immediate environment and that they had modest powers of accommodation. Measurements on two 6 month old kiwi chicks showed their corneal radius of curvature to be between 2.90 and 3.00 mm (117 D and 101 D in power).  相似文献   

Recent paleogenetic studies have confirmed that the spread of the Neolithic across Europe was neither genetically nor geographically uniform. To extend existing knowledge of the mitochondrial European Neolithic gene pool, we examined six samples of human skeletal material from a French megalithic long mound (c.4200 cal BC). We retrieved HVR‐I sequences from three individuals and demonstrated that in the Neolithic period the mtDNA haplogroup N1a, previously only known in central Europe, was as widely distributed as western France. Alternative scenarios are discussed in seeking to explain this result, including Mesolithic ancestry, Neolithic demic diffusion, and long‐distance matrimonial exchanges. In light of the limited Neolithic ancient DNA (aDNA) data currently available, we observe that all three scenarios appear equally consistent with paleogenetic and archaeological data. In consequence, we advocate caution in interpreting aDNA in the context of the Neolithic transition in Europe. Nevertheless, our results strengthen conclusions demonstrating genetic discontinuity between modern and ancient Europeans whether through migration, demographic or selection processes, or social practices. Am J Phys Anthropol, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Brachaspis robustus is an endangeredgrasshopper endemic to South Island, NewZealand. It is both rare and localised;occupying low altitude floodplain terraces andbraided riverbeds of the Mackenzie Basin. Thisis in stark contrast to the two other speciesin this genus (B. nivalis and B.collinus) which occupy montane habitats.Mitochondrial and nuclear sequence data wereemployed to explore genetic diversity andphylogenetic relationships of populations ofBrachaspis with a view to establishingthe status of B. robustus. Molecularevidence indicates that Brachaspisprobably radiated during the Pliocene and thatdivisions within the genus relate more tospatial distribution developed during thePleistocene than to ecology. The mitochondrial(Cytochrome oxidase I) and nuclear (ITS)sequence data indicate that Brachaspisnivalis is divided into northern and southernpopulations. The northern clade is furthersubdivided geographically. The southern cladecomprises alpine populations of B.nivalis and includes the lowland B.robustus. Additionally, it is observed thatsome morphological features previously thoughtto be specific to B. robustus also occurin members of the southern B. nivalisclade. It is suggested that the taxon B.robustus should include all of the southernBrachaspis populations. But it is arguedthat the absence of genetic evidencedistinguishing the endangered population doesnot preclude it from conservation effort. Acombination of morphological and habitatpeculiarities indicate that the survival ofB. robustus (sensu lato) isimportant to the maintenance of diversity.  相似文献   

Prior to the Holocene, the range of the saiga antelope (Saiga tatarica) spanned from France to the Northwest Territories of Canada. Although its distribution subsequently contracted to the steppes of Central Asia, historical records indicate that it remained extremely abundant until the end of the Soviet Union, after which its populations were reduced by over 95%. We have analysed the mitochondrial control region sequence variation of 27 ancient and 38 modern specimens, to assay how the species’ genetic diversity has changed since the Pleistocene. Phylogenetic analyses reveal the existence of two well‐supported, and clearly distinct, clades of saiga. The first, spanning a time range from >49 500 14C ybp to the present, comprises all the modern specimens and ancient samples from the Northern Urals, Middle Urals and Northeast Yakutia. The second clade is exclusive to the Northern Urals and includes samples dating from between 40 400 to 10 250 14C ybp. Current genetic diversity is much lower than that present during the Pleistocene, an observation that data modelling using serial coalescent indicates cannot be explained by genetic drift in a population of constant size. Approximate Bayesian Computation analyses show the observed data is more compatible with a drastic population size reduction (c. 66–77%) following either a demographic bottleneck in the course of the Holocene or late Pleistocene, or a geographic fragmentation (followed by local extinction of one subpopulation) at the Holocene/Pleistocene transition.  相似文献   

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