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Summary In this paper we report the appearance of flat vesicle-containing endings in aldehyde-fixed ventral cochlear nucleus of rats with qualitative and quantitative properties suggesting they should be identified as calyceal processes. Their synaptic vesicles are elongate and significantly smaller than the vesicles in the calyces of Lenn and Reese (1966). Therefore these endings are flat vesicular calyceal processes, possibly of inhibitory function.Dedicated in grateful appreciation to Professor Dr. Ewald Wüstenfeld  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular background of vestibular compensation, a model of lesion-induced plasticity, we used a microarray analysis to examine genes that show asymmetrical expression between the bilateral vestibular nucleus complexes (VNCs) 6 h following unilateral vestibular deafferentation (UVD). Asymmetrical gene expression was then validated by a real-time quantitative PCR. Among the 88 genes for which the ipsilateral (ipsi) : contralateral (contra) was > 1.35, the number of known genes was 33 (38%), and the number of expressed sequence tag (EST) sequences was 55 (62%). Among the 130 genes for which the contra : ipsi was > 1.35, the number of known genes was 55 (42%), and the number of EST sequences was 75 (58%). Changes in some of the genes were consistent with previous studies; however, we found several new genes which could be functionally related to the molecular basis of the electrophysiological asymmetry between the VNCs following UVD. Ipsi > contra genes included the GABA(A) receptor rho subunit, regulatory proteins of G protein signaling, calcium signaling related molecules such as the voltage-dependent calcium channel alpha2/delta subunit 1, calcineurin subunit Abeta and Ca(2+) pump. Contra > ipsi genes included the neuronal high affinity glutamate transporter, 5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1D, mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 and ubiquitin carboxy-terminal hydrolase L1.  相似文献   

Case DT  Zhao X  Gillespie DC 《PloS one》2011,6(6):e20756
Principal neurons of the lateral superior olive (LSO) compute the interaural intensity differences necessary for localizing high-frequency sounds. To perform this computation, the LSO requires precisely tuned, converging excitatory and inhibitory inputs that are driven by the two ears and that are matched for stimulus frequency. In rodents, the inhibitory inputs, which arise from the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB), undergo extensive functional refinement during the first postnatal week. Similar functional refinement of the ascending excitatory pathway, which arises in the anteroventral cochlear nucleus (AVCN), has been assumed but has not been well studied. Using whole-cell voltage clamp in acute brainstem slices of neonatal rats, we examined developmental changes in input strength and pre- and post-synaptic properties of the VCN-LSO pathway. A key question was whether functional refinement in one of the two major input pathways might precede and then guide refinement in the opposite pathway. We find that elimination and strengthening of VCN inputs to the LSO occurs over a similar period to that seen for the ascending inhibitory (MNTB-LSO) pathway. During this period, the fractional contribution provided by NMDA receptors (NMDARs) declines while the contribution from AMPA receptors (AMPARs) increases. In the NMDAR-mediated response, GluN2B-containing NMDARs predominate in the first postnatal week and decline sharply thereafter. Finally, the progressive decrease in paired-pulse depression between birth and hearing onset allows these synapses to follow progressively higher frequencies. Our data are consistent with a model in which the excitatory and inhibitory projections to LSO are functionally refined in parallel during the first postnatal week, and they further suggest that GluN2B-containing NMDARs may mediate early refinement in the VCN-LSO pathway.  相似文献   

Chouinard PA  Goodale MA 《Neuron》2007,54(3):352-353
In this issue of Neuron, O'Shea et al. demonstrate that a network of cortical areas compensates for function when the left dorsal premotor area is disrupted by transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) and that these compensatory changes are not just functionally specific but are anatomically specific as well.  相似文献   

Neural coding in the chick cochlear nucleus   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Physiological recordings were made from single units in the two divisions of the chick cochlear nucleus-nucleus angularis (NA) and nucleus magnocellularis (NM). Sound evoked responses were obtained in an effort to quantify functional differences between the two nuclei. In particular, it was of interest to determine if nucleus angularis and magnocellularis code for separate features of sound stimuli, such as temporal and intensity information. The principal findings are: 1. Spontaneous activity patterns in the two nuclei are very different. Neurons in nucleus angularis tend to have low spontaneous discharge rates while magnocellular units have high levels of spontaneous firing. 2. Frequency tuning curves recorded in both nuclei are similar in form, although the best thresholds of NA units are about 10 dB more sensitive than their NM counterparts across the entire frequency range. A wide spread of neural thresholds is evident in both NA and NM. 3. Large driven increases in discharge rate are seen in both NA and NM. Rate intensity functions from NM units are all monotonic, while a substantial percentage (22%) of NA units respond to increased sound level in a nonmonotonic fashion. 4. Most NA units with characteristic frequencies (CF) above 1000 Hz respond to sound stimuli at CF as 'choppers', while units with CF's below 1000 Hz are 'primary-like'. Several 'onset' units are also seen in NA. In contrast, all NM units show 'primary-like' response. 5. Units in both nuclei with CF's below 1000 Hz show strong neural phase-locking to stimuli at their CF. Above 1000 Hz, few NA units are phase-locked, while phase-locking in NM extends to 2000 Hz. 6. These results are discussed with reference to the hypothesis that NM initiates a neural pathway which codes temporal information while NA is involved primarily with intensity coding, similar in principle to the segregation of function seen in the cochlear nucleus of the barn owl (Sullivan and Konishi 1984).  相似文献   

Intact cats and animals undergoing lesioning of the contralateral cerebellar nucleus interpositus between one and six months previously were used in this research, employing intracellular recording techniques and investigating the response of corticospinal neurons (CSN) to stimulating the aforementioned nucleus, the ipsilateral cerebellar nucleus interpositus, and the ventrolateral thalamic nucleus. A reduction was found in the stage of rise to peak in monosynaptic thalamocortical EPSP in CSN of operated animals, with a low axonal conduction velocity, pointing to distant terminal dendrosomatic sprouting and formation of new synapses at proximal sections of the CSN somatodendritic membrane. Findings are presented on formation of ipsilateral interpositothalamocortical projections duplicating similar contralateral projections in intact animals. Contralateral cortico-interposital collaterals were found in intact animals and similar sprouting of ipsilateral origin in those which had undergone surgery.L. A. Orbeli Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Armenian SSR, Erevan. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 22, No. 6, pp. 761–771, November–December, 1990.  相似文献   

Neurotransmitters such as serotonin (5HT) may have nontransmitter, trophic-like functions in the developing and adult nervous system. In order to examine this possibility in the avian spinal cord, we have quantified synapse numbers on spinal neurons following treatment with drugs that result in the destruction of 5HT positive axons. Either p-chlorophenylalanine or reserpine was injected into newly hatched or adult chickens. Following treatment for 7 days the density of nonserotoninergic synapses was considerably decreased in the targets of 5HT fibers. By contrast, neither change was observed in the dendritic structures of spinal motoneurons or in the distribution of substance P and enkephalin positive fibers. These data suggest that 5HT may play an important role in the normal increase and maintenance of synapses in developing and adult animals. A lesion of 5HT neurons may not only alter neurochemistry but also alter the general synaptic structures of the brain. While 5HT containing fibers were depleted in a dose-dependent fashion we cannot rule out the possibility that other neurotransmitter systems were depleted at higher dose of PCPA and reserpine. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

Synaptic organization of the nucleus rotundus was studied with the electron microscope in three teleost species belonging to the same order. In spite of the different histological organization (non-laminated, incompletely laminated, and laminated), the same kinds of axon terminals (S and F) are observed in all species. A fibrous layer which is clearly formed only in the laminated nucleus is composed of F1 terminals and dendrites from a layer of small cells. The same kind of synapses formed between F1 terminals and dendrites of small cells are also found among glomeruli in the non-laminated and incompletely laminated nuclei. The main constituents of glomeruli are S and F2 terminals and dendrites of large cells in the non-laminated and incompletely laminated nuclei, and are S terminals and star-like structures which correspond to the tips of the dendrites of large cells in the laminated nucleus. The star-like structure contains numerous mitochondria and clusters of small polymorphic vesicles. Some of the vesicles aggregate at thickened cell membranes of the structure as in presynaptic dendrites.  相似文献   

Investigation of single unit responses in the ventral cochlear nucleus of the Rhinolophidae to ultrasonic stimuli after destruction of the ipsilateral cochlea revealed two groups of neurons with latent periods of: 1) 2–4 msec and 2) 5–32 msec. The first group has responses of low thresholds confined to narrow regions of the spectrum, the second has responses with high thresholds in wide regions. Neurons of the second group are also characterized by small changes in latent period and number of action potentials in response to a change in stimulus strength, large changes in threshold at characteristic frequencies depending on the stimulus duration, but only slight dependence of the thresholds on the time of the increase in strength. The pathways of activation of these neurons and their functional role are discussed.A. A. Zhdanov Leningrad State University. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 32–40, January–February, 1972.  相似文献   

Summary The synaptic organization in the lateral geniculate nucleus of the monkey has been studied by electron microscopy.The axon terminals in the lateral geniculate nucleus can be identified by the synaptic vesicles that they contain and by the specialized contacts that they make with adjacent neural processes. Two types of axon terminal have been recognized. The first type is relatively large (from 3–20 ) and contains relatively pale mitochondria, a great many vesicles and, in normal material, a small bundle of neurofilaments. These terminals have been called LP terminals. The second type is smaller (1–3 ), contains darker mitochondria, synaptic vesicles, and no neurofilaments. These have been called SD terminals.Both types of terminal make specialized axo-somatic and axo-dendritic synaptic contacts, but the axo-somatic contacts are relatively rare. In addition the LP terminals frequently make specialized contacts with the SD terminals, that is, axo-axonal contacts, and at these contacts the asymmetry of the membranes is such that the LP terminal must be regarded as pre-synaptic to the SD terminal.The majority of the synaptic contacts are identical to those that have been described previously (Gray, 1959 and 1963a) but, in addition, a new type of contact has been found. This is characterized by neurofilaments that lie close to the post-synaptic membrane, and by an irregular post-synaptic thickening. Such filamentous contacts have been found only where an LP terminal contacts a dendrite or a soma.The degeneration that follows removal of one eye demonstrates that the LP terminals are terminals of optic nerve fibres. The origin of the SD terminals is not known.The glial cells often form thin lamellae around the neural processes and tend to isolate synaptic complexes. These lamellae occasionally show a complex concentric organization similar to that of myelin.It is a pleasure to thank Prof. J. Z. Young for advice and encouragement and Dr. E. G. Gray for the considerable help he has given us. Dr. J. L. de C. Downer gave us much help with the care of the animals and with the operations. We also wish to thank Mr. K. Watkins for technical assistance and Mr. S. Waterman for the photography.  相似文献   

Using Falck fluorescent technique in combination with microspectrofluorometry the measurement of catecholamine and 5-hydroxytriptamine level was performed in popliteal lymph nodes of normal dogs and 2 weeks after deafferentation. Maximal catecholamine and 5-hydroxytriptamine content was observed in adrenergic nerve fibers, elements of trabecular-elastic complex and monoaminocytes of medullary substance of intact animals. Biogenic amine level decreased deafferented limb lymph nodes. Monoamine imbalance according to divergent type was registered in a colateral limb, i. e. 5-hydroxytriptamine level was increased and catecholamine level was decreased.  相似文献   

The elimination of polyneuronal innervation (synapse elimination) that occurs following reinnervation was studied in sartorius muscles of adult Rana pipiens. The percentage of neuromuscular junctions that were polyneuronally innervated declined from 47% at 40-80 days after nerve crush to 22% at greater than 250 days after nerve crush. We measured the size, synaptic strength, and position of competing nerve terminals at identified dually innervated neuromuscular junctions at these two different periods of synapse elimination. Our goal was to determine if any of these parameters play a role in the competition between nerve terminals that ultimately results in the elimination of polyneuronal innervation. Our data support the hypothesis that polyneuronal innervation will persist if competing nerve terminals are of similar synaptic efficacies but will be eliminated if the competing terminals are of different synaptic efficacies. We also tested, but failed to find any evidence, that the spatial proximity of competing nerve terminals at the same synaptic site influences the elimination of polyneuronal innervation.  相似文献   

Numbers of intact and degenerating axonal terminals (AT) were determined in area 5b of the cat association cortex two, four, and 30 days after electrolytic destruction of the posterolateral thalamic nucleus (PL). The proportion of degenerating AT in area 5b two and four days after PL lesion was found to be 7.4 and 7.3%, respectively. Intact AT in the same field accounted for 83.6% of the total in intact animals four days after PL lesion. A 16.4% reduction occurred, consisting of AT with round vesicles and asymmetrical synaptic contacts (i.e., primarily excitatory AT); 40% of the damaged AT formed synapses on dendrites and 60% on spines. It follows that neurons of cortical association area 5b receive direct excitatory and mainly axonospinal afferents from the thalamic PL. Degenerating AT accounted for 4.6% 30 days after PL lesion, as compared with a decline of 31.2% and a rise of 7.0% in axospinal and axodendritic AT, respectively. No change occurred in axosomatic AT. The total number of AT had declined by 10.0%. Aspects of reinnervation of area 5b neurons following degeneration of the neuronal synapses induced by PL lesion are discussed.A. A. Bogomolets Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Ukrainian SSR, Kiev. Translated from Neirofiziologiya, Vol. 21, No. 5, pp. 661–667, September–October, 1989.  相似文献   

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