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云南六种实蝇的RAPD快速鉴定   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张亮  张智英 《应用生态学报》2007,18(5):1163-1166
采用RAPD技术构建了果实蝇属(Bactrocera)的南瓜实蝇(B. tau)、黑漆实蝇(B.scutellaris)、具条实蝇(B. scutellata)、瓜实蝇(B. cucurbitae)、桔小实蝇(B. dorsalis)和番石榴实蝇(B. correcta)6种实蝇的指纹图谱.从131个引物中筛选出5个重复性好、多态性高的引物,共扩增出302条谱带,其中111条谱带具有遗传多态性.引物OPC-01、OPI-17、OPL-07、OPL-08以及OPL-16可以用于6种实蝇的分类鉴定.  相似文献   

陕西省常见四种实蝇的RAPD研究初报(双翅目:实蝇科)   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
应用31种随机引物对陕西省常见4种实蝇的基因组DNA进行扩增,筛选出5种引物S61、S107、S126、S275、S1142,可以对4个种扩增出稳定清晰的多态性片段,其中引物S126可以把南瓜实蝇和具条实蝇,具条实蝇和三点棍腹实蝇分开;利用UPGMA法聚类构建的系统树与传统分类完全一致。  相似文献   

This paper describes a fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis of three different repetitive sequence families, which were mapped to mitotic metaphase chromosomes and extended DNA fibers (EDFs) of the two subspecies of rice (Oryza sativa), indica and japonica (2n=2x=24). The repeat families studied were (1) the tandem repeat sequence A (TrsA), a functionally non-significant repeat; (2) the [TTTAGGG]n telomere sequence, a non-transcribed, tandemly repeated but functionally significant repeat; and (3) the 5S ribosomal RNA (5S rDNA). FISH of the TrsA repeat to metaphase chromosomes of indica and japonica cultivars revealed clear signals at the distal ends of twelve and four chromosomes, respectively. As shown in a previous report, the 17S ribosomal RNA genes (17S rDNA) are located at the nucleolus organizers (NORs) on chromosomes 9 and 10 of the indica cultivar. However, the japonica rice lacked the rDNA signals on chromosome 10. The size of the 5S rDNA repeat block, which was mapped on the chromosome 11 of both cultivars, was 1.22 times larger in the indica than in the japonica genome. The telomeric repeat arrays at the distal ends of all chromosome arms were on average three times longer in the indica genome than in the japonica genome. Flow cytometric measurements revealed that the nuclear DNA content of indica rice is 9.7% higher than that of japonica rice. Our data suggest that different repetitive sequence families contribute significantly to the variation in genome size between indica and japonica rice, though to different extents. The increase or decrease in the copy number of several repetitive sequences examined here may indicate the existence of a directed change in genome size in rice. Possible reasons for this phenomenon of concurrent evolution of various repeat families are discussed. Received: 9 August 1999 / Accepted: 29 December 1999  相似文献   

Pyrus communis L. is the most important pear species for European production. Very few cultivars satisfy standards for fruit quality and clonal fidelity; thus, accurate verification of cultivar identity for checking propagation material and patent protection is important. We evaluated the randomly amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique for its ability to identify genetic differences among standard pear (Pyrus communis L.) cultivars, William, Passa Crassana, and Conference, and three gamma-ray induced variants. To identify genotype-specific markers, we used thirty 10-mer and two 11-mer sequences, annealing temperatures from 36–45°C, 2Taq polymerases (AmpliTaq and Stoffel fragment, both from former Perkin Elmer Cetus), and 2–4 replicate amplifications. Of the 32 primers (30 from Operon Technologies, Alameda, CA, USA), very few distinguished William from Passa Crassana, and only 1 could clearly differentiate all 3 cultivars. Two primers that did not reveal polymorphisms when used singly, generated polymorphic patterns that distinguished standard from gamma-ray-treated material when used in combination. We show that RAPD analyses can discriminate pear genotypes and suggest this technique as a reliable and inexpensive method for marker-facilitated screening of propagation material and for patent protection.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers were used to analyse genetic variation within and between populations of Isoodon obesulus in Western Australia. Genetically controlled geographical variation in body size associated with habitat type and rainfall exists in this species, raising the question of whether local conditions may influence gene flow in I. obesulus. The RAPD markers displayed substantial genetic variation, with all animals possessing unique RAPD phenotypes over 39 polymorphic bands produced by three primers. Significant geographical subdivision was apparent (PhiST = 0.208) with southwest locations being divergent from all others, despite there being no physical barriers to gene flow. The pattern of subdivision was unrelated to physical distance between the locations, but was related to both annual rainfall and habitat type. Therefore, the most reasonable explanation for this pattern of subdivision appears to be that gene flow is restricted by selection against migrants between local populations with substantially different habitat type or rainfall. Restriction of gene flow through selection against migrants is rarely investigated, and the results of this study suggest that the importance of this process in the formation of population structure may be underestimated.  相似文献   

The random amplified polymorphic DNA-polymerase chain reaction (RAPD-PCR) was used for the molecular characterisation and identification of Sargassum spp. A total of 17 samples of Sargassum (Sargassaceae, Fucales) was obtained from various localities around Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore. On the basis of morphological characteristics, the samples were tentatively grouped into five species: Sargassum baccularia, S. glaucescens, S. oligocystum, S. polycystum and S. siliquosum. By RAPD-PCR, five of 31 random primers tested generated reproducible amplification products, and polymorphic loci were detected by four of them (OPA02, OPA03, OPA04, OPA13). The RAPD-PCR profiles did not correlate with the morphological grouping into five species and extensive variation was detected between different isolates of the same species. A 450 base pair fragment generated using OPA13 was detected in 12 of 17 samples of Sargassum. This fragment was also present in profiles from Turbinaria (Sargassaceae). This study suggests that RAPD-PCR is useful in discriminating individual samples of the genus Sargassum and in developing fingerprints for them.  相似文献   

Plasticity of the tobacco genome was studied by testing the DNAs of protoplast-derived regenerants with three different repetitive DNA sequences by the method of quantitative DNA/DNA hybridizations. A large population of 91 regenerants belonging to 35 different protoclones was analysed and a high degree of heterogeneity in the contents of the different DNA repeats was detected. The contents of middle repetitive sequences of two types were more stable or changed in the same direction, while the highly repetitive sequence varied independently and displayed a significant reduction in comparison with the two other sequences. Comparing the variation within the subpopulations of plants of the same clonal origin and the variation among the protoclones led to a conclusion that the pre-existing DNA variability in the starting plant material and/or thein vitro stress during the very early stages of protoclone regeneration played a decisive role in the formation of modified genomes in regenerants.  相似文献   

Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) phenotypes generated by 13 primers were scored for 101 individuals in 14 populations of the endangered red-cockaded woodpecker Picoides borealis. Although no population-specific markers were found, the frequencies of several markers differed significantly among populations. Application of the recently developedamova method (analysis of molecular variance; Excoffier, Smouse & Quattro 1992) showed that more than 90% of phenotypic variance occurred among individuals within populations; of the remaining variance, half was attributed among groups of geographically adjacent populations and half among populations within those groups. The statistical significance of these patterns was supported by Monte Carlo sampling simulations and permutation tests. Estimation of allele frequencies from phenotypes provided somewhat weaker evidence for population structure, although among-population variance in allele frequencies was detectable (Fst= 0.19; x2169= 509.3, P < 0.0001). Upgma cluster analyses based on Rogers' (1972) genetic distance revealed grouping of some geographically proximate populations. A Mantel test indicated a positive (r = 0.16), although not significant, correlation between geographic and genetic distances. We compared a subset of our RAPD data with data from a previous study that used allozymes (Stangel, Lennartz & Smith 1992). RAPD (n= 75) and allozyme (n= 245) results based on samples from the same ten populations showed similar patterns. Our study indicates that RAPDs can be helpful in differentiating populations at the phenotypic level even when small sample sizes, estimation bias, and inability to test for Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium complicate the genotypic interpretation. Lack of large differences among populations of red-cockaded woodpeckers may allow flexibility in overpopulation translocations, provided factors such as habitat preference, latitudinal direction of translocation, and status of donor populations are considered.  相似文献   

Bulk segregant analysis (BSA) and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) techniques were used to analyse the F2 individuals of susceptible VBN (Gg) 2 × resistant KMG 189 to screen and identify the molecular marker linked to mungbean yellow mosaic virus (MYMV) resistant gene in mungbean. Two DNA bulks namely resistant bulks and susceptible bulks were setup by pooling equal amount of DNA from five randomly selected plants of each disease response. A total of 72 random sequence decamer oligonucleotide primers were used for RAPD analysis. Primer OPBB 05 (5′-GGGCCGAACA-3′) generated OPBB 05 260 fragment in resistant parent and their bulks but not in the susceptible parent and their bulks. Co segregation analysis was performed in resistant and susceptible F2 individuals, it confirmed that OPBB 05 260 marker was tightly linked to mungbean yellow mosaic virus resistant gene in mungbean.  相似文献   

The Australian continent is notable for the faunal radiations which have occurred in its saline inland waters. The endemic brine shrimp genus Parartemia inhabits many of these habitats. The complex pattern of morphological variation in parartemiids has impeded the establishment of a sound scheme of species relationships. The present study provides an explicit hypothesis of relationships for the genus based on nucleotide sequence data from a segment of mitochondrial DNA coding for the large subunit rRNA gene. Phylogenetic analyses indicated that the eight known species are genetically distinct, and revealed the existence of at least two new species. The molecular data support certain morphology-based relationships among species, but are inconsistent with other hypotheses. There is evidence that most members of the genus arose in a short interval, followed by remarkable genetic divergence. Comparisons of levels of mt DNA sequence divergence between lineages from saline inland waters and freshwaters using representative crustacean groups from Australia that included parartemiids indicated profound differences in rates of evolution, with halophiles exhibiting greater rates of change than their counterparts from freshwaters.  相似文献   

The thermophilic microbial flora of general garden and domestic wastes composts, derived from thermogenic, post-thermogenic and maturation phases, was analysed using spore and total plate counts in combination with an optimised RAPD protocol. A total of 459 isolates were recovered obtained at 55 degrees C, and another 56 at 70 degrees C using tryptic soy-starch agar plates, with near-equal numbers being derived from total plate counts or spore preparations. The isolates were obtained from 11 compost samples and were assigned to eighteen different RAPD fingerprint types, with 76.1% of these ultimately being positively assigned by their RAPD profiles to just 2 species including Bacillus thermodenitrificans and B. licheniformis. Viable cell numbers ranged from 1.4 to 150 x 10(6) colony forming units per gram compost (wet weight), with the highest two counts being from 2 week and 4 week old compost samples with temperatures of 70 degrees C and 55 degrees C, respectively. B. thermodenitrificans was a dominant isolate (representing more than 50% of isolates from total plate counts) in 7 of the 11 individual compost total plate count samples between 30 degrees C to 73 degrees C, and accounted for 68.9% of all isolates overall. Another relatively common Bacillus species that was identified with RAPDs in significant numbers included B. licheniformis (7.2% of all isolates and dominant isolate in 1 sample). Three other relatively common RAPD profiles could not be identified by comparison with known species in a RAPD profile database but were tentatively identified using 16S rDNA sequence comparisons. These were B. sporothermodurans (4.9% of all isolates and dominant in 1 sample), B. thermosphaericus (7.4% and dominant in 1 sample) and Terrabacter tumescens (5.0%). Overall, based on the vegetative and spore count results and the subsequent RAPD-based identification, the data strongly support a significant role for B. thermodenitrificans in the composting process, and casts doubt on the notion that B. stearothermophilus sensu strictu (DSMZ 22) is a prominent member within compost ecology.  相似文献   

The crested serpent eagle (Spilornis cheela hoya) has no distinct sexual dimorphic traits. In the current study, we report the results of an EE0.6 (EcoRI 0.6-kb fragment) sequence applied to S. cheela hoya and a novel random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) marker that can be used to sex individuals within the species S. cheela hoya and Accipiter trivigatus formosae (crested goshawk). We used sex-specific primers for the avian CHD1 (chromo-helicase-DNA-binding 1) gene and the EE0.6 sequence in PCR assays to determine sex. In addition, 120 random primers were used for RAPD fingerprinting to search for novel sex-specific fragments of S. cheela hoya. The OPBB08 random primer generated a 1241-bp sex-specific fragment in all female S. cheela hoya. From the nucleotide sequence, PCR primers were designed to amplify 553-, 895-, and 194-bp sex-specific fragments present in all female S. cheela hoya. One of these primer pairs (ScBB08-7F/R) also amplified a male/female common fragment that can be used as an internal control (543 bp). Moreover, one of the primer pairs (ScBB08-5aF/5bR) could be used to identify genders of A. trivigatus formosae. In conclusion, we identified novel sex-specific DNA markers of S. cheela hoya and A. trivigatus formosae that can be used for rapid and accurate sex identification.  相似文献   

Eight populations of Aster tripolium (Compositae) and six of Salicornia ramosissima (Chenopodiaceae) from inland, naturally salt-contaminated habitats and anthropogenic salt-polluted sites in central Germany (Thuringia, Anhalt-Saxony) were analysed using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) markers to investigate the patterns of genetic variation. In both species, the genetic diversity observed in the younger, anthropogenic sites caused by potash mines during the last century was found to be not significantly lower than in the older, naturally salt-contaminated habitats. Therefore, it is speculated that the loss of genetic diversity caused by founder effects on the anthropogenic habitats was balanced by successive colonization events, actual gene flow between populations, or the rapid growth of populations on the secondary habitats after colonization. Analyses of molecular variance (amova) of the RAPD markers, neighbour-joining clustering of populations based on Reynolds' co-ancestry distances, and Mantel tests indicate that: (i) anthropogenic habitats were colonized independently; (ii) genetic differentiation among populations of S. ramosissima is more pronounced than in A. tripolium, which is considered to be mainly due to biological differences between the two species; and (iii) the geographical pattern of genetic diversity was considerably modulated by historical events and/or population genetic effects.  相似文献   

Tubers of terrestrial orchids are harvested and traded from the eastern Mediterranean to the Caspian Sea for the traditional product Salep. Overexploitation of wild populations and increased middle‐class prosperity have escalated prices for Salep, causing overharvesting, depletion of native populations and providing an incentive to expand harvesting to untapped areas in Iran. Limited morphological distinctiveness among traded Salep tubers renders species identification impossible, making it difficult to establish which species are targeted and affected the most. In this study, a reference database of 490 nrITS, trnL‐F spacer and matK sequences of 133 taxa was used to identify 150 individual tubers from 31 batches purchased in 12 cities in Iran to assess species diversity in commerce. The sequence reference database consisted of 211 nrITS, 158 trnL‐F and 121 matK sequences, including 238 new sequences from collections made for this study. The markers enabled unambiguous species identification with tree‐based methods for nrITS in 67% of the tested tubers, 58% for trnL‐F and 59% for matK. Species in the genera Orchis (34%), Anacamptis (27%) and Dactylorhiza (19%) were the most common in Salep. Our study shows that all tuberous orchid species in this area are threatened by this trade, and further stresses the urgency of controlling illegal harvesting and cross‐border trade of Salep tubers.  相似文献   

DNA条形码技术在田间常见蓟马种类识别中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
蓟马类害虫种类多、 体型小, 传统的形态学鉴定方法难以快速准确识别。本研究利用DNA条形码通用型引物, 以我国田间常见的25种蓟马为靶标扩增其线粒体DNA细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ (mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase subunit Ⅰ gene, mtDNA COⅠ) 基因 (约650 bp), 通过对靶标片段碱基序列的测序及比对分析, 以邻接法 (NJ法) 构建系统发育树, 并以Kimura双参数模型计算种内、 种间遗传距离。结果表明: 聚类分析与形态学鉴定结果一致, 表现为较长的种间分支和较短的种内分支, 每个单系分支对应一个物种, 同一物种不同单倍型的最初分支自展值均为100%。25种蓟马的种内平均遗传距离为0.0027, 种间平均遗传距离为0.2757, 种间遗传距离为种内遗传距离的102.1倍; 而且种内、 种间遗传距离没有重叠区域。结果说明基于COⅠ基因的DNA条形码技术可以用于不同种类蓟马的快速准确鉴别。  相似文献   

The state of the art tools for modeling metabolism, typically used in the domain of metabolic engineering, were reviewed. The tools considered are stoichiometric network analysis (elementary modes and extreme pathways), stoichiometric modeling (metabolic flux analysis, flux balance analysis, and carbon modeling), mechanistic and approximative modeling, cybernetic modeling, and multivariate statistics. In the context of metabolic engineering, one should be aware that the usefulness of these tools to optimize microbial metabolism for overproducing a target compound depends predominantly on the characteristic properties of that compound. Because of their shortcomings not all tools are suitable for every kind of optimization; issues like the dependence of the target compound's synthesis on severe (redox) constraints, the characteristics of its formation pathway, and the achievable/desired flux towards the target compound should play a role when choosing the optimization strategy. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

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