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Is sexual selection beneficial during adaptation to environmental change?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The role of sexual selection in adaptation is disputed. A balance between sexual and viability selection can be achieved in stable environments, but environmental perturbations could change the costs and benefits arising from sexual selection and influence the rate of adaptation. Here we synthesise theoretical and empirical work on the role of sexual selection in adaptation to changed conditions. Contrasting results have been gained, but the majority of studies suggest that sexual selection has no significant effect or a negative effect on the rate of adaptation. However, once sexually selected traits start to evolve, sexual selection can accelerate adaptation. The role of sexual selection in extinction appears to be minor, but the results could be skewed.  相似文献   

We show how evolutionary dynamics can alter the predictions of classical models of the effects of nutrient enrichment on food webs. We compare an ecological nutrient-plant-herbivore food-chain model without evolution with the same model, including herbivore evolution, plant evolution, or both. When only herbivores are allowed to evolve, the predictions are similar to those of the ecological model without evolution, i.e., plant biomass does not change with nutrient addition. When only plants evolve, nutrient enrichment leads to an increase in the biomass of all compartments. In contrast, when plants and herbivores are allowed to coevolve, although these two classical patterns are common, a wide variety of other responses is possible. The form of the trade-offs that constrain evolution of the two protagonists is then critical. This stresses the need for experimental data on phenotypic traits, their costs and their influence on the interactions between organisms and the rest of the community.  相似文献   

This article reports an empirical study suggesting that environmental violations generally have a negative influence on the level of loans that the violating firms hold in China and that after a violation announcement involving waste water discharge, firms are forced to take secured loans. These effects are found to be mitigated for state-owned firms and the media coverage of a certain violation event has a negative effect on the level of loans that firms obtain. Our work presents the evidence of a penalty mechanism in the credit market that fines firms for their environmental violations in a transition economy, and has some implications for business management and governmental policy.  相似文献   

Is more better? Polyploidy and parasite resistance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ploidy-level variation is common and can drastically affect organismal fitness. We focus on the potential consequences of this variation for parasite resistance. First, we elucidate connections between ploidy variation and key factors determining resistance, including allelic diversity, gene expression and physiological condition. We then argue that systems featuring both natural and artificially manipulated ploidy variation should be used to evaluate whether ploidy level influences host-parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Species distribution models are popular and widely applied ecological tools. Recent increases in data availability have led to opportunities and challenges for species distribution modelling. Each data source has different qualities, determined by how it was collected. As several data sources can inform on a single species, ecologists have often analysed just one of the data sources, but this loses information, as some data sources are discarded. Integrated distribution models (IDMs) were developed to enable inclusion of multiple datasets in a single model, whilst accounting for different data collection protocols. This is advantageous because it allows efficient use of all data available, can improve estimation and account for biases in data collection. What is not yet known is when integrating different data sources does not bring advantages. Here, for the first time, we explore the potential limits of IDMs using a simulation study integrating a spatially biased, opportunistic, presence-only dataset with a structured, presence–absence dataset. We explore four scenarios based on real ecological problems; small sample sizes, low levels of detection probability, correlations between covariates and a lack of knowledge of the drivers of bias in data collection. For each scenario we ask; do we see improvements in parameter estimation or the accuracy of spatial pattern prediction in the IDM versus modelling either data source alone? We found integration alone was unable to correct for spatial bias in presence-only data. Including a covariate to explain bias or adding a flexible spatial term improved IDM performance beyond single dataset models, with the models including a flexible spatial term producing the most accurate and robust estimates. Increasing the sample size of presence–absence data and having no correlated covariates also improved estimation. These results demonstrate under which conditions integrated models provide benefits over modelling single data sources.  相似文献   

Ongoing debate over the relationship between biodiversity and disease risk underscores the need to develop a more mechanistic understanding of how changes in host community composition influence parasite transmission, particularly in complex communities with multiple hosts. A key challenge involves determining how motile parasites select among potential hosts and the degree to which this process shifts with community composition. Focusing on interactions between larval amphibians and the pathogenic trematode Ribeiroia ondatrae, we designed a novel, large-volume set of choice chambers to assess how the selectivity of free-swimming infectious parasites varied among five host species and in response to changes in assemblage composition (four different permutations). In a second set of trials, cercariae were allowed to contact and infect hosts, allowing comparison of host-parasite encounter rates (parasite choice) with infection outcomes (successful infections). Cercariae exhibited consistent preferences for specific host species that were independent of the community context; large-bodied amphibians, such as larval bullfrogs (Rana catesbeiana), exhibited the highest level of parasite attraction. However, because host attractiveness was decoupled from susceptibility to infection, assemblage composition sharply affected both per-host infection as well as total infection (summed among co-occurring hosts). Species such as the non-native R. catesbeiana functioned as epidemiological ‘sinks’ or dilution hosts, attracting a disproportionate fraction of parasites relative to the number that established successfully, whereas Taricha granulosa and especially Pseudacris regilla supported comparatively more metacercariae relative to cercariae selection. These findings provide a framework for integrating information on parasite preference in combination with more traditional factors such as host competence and density to forecast how changes within complex communities will affect parasite transmission.  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate whether individuals provide consistent responses to self-assessed health (SAH) questions in the UK Household Longitudinal Study (UKHLS), and the potential implications for empirical research in case of inconsistent reporting behaviour. We capitalise on an opportunity in the UKHLS, asking respondents the same SAH question twice: with a self-completion and an open interview mode, within the same household interview over four waves. We estimate multivariate models to explore which individual characteristics are systematically relevant for the likelihood and frequency of inconsistent reporting. About 11–24% of those reported a particular SAH category in the self-completion reported inconsistently in the open interview. The probability of inconsistency is systematically associated with individual’s demographics, education, income, employment status, cognitive and non-cognitive skills. The same characteristics also predict the frequency of inconsistent reporting across four UKHLS waves. Analysis of the implications of reporting inconsistencies shows no impact of SAH measurement on the association between income and health. A set of dimensions of people’s physiological and biological health, captured using biomarkers, is associated equally with both SAH measures, suggesting that the interview mode does not play a role in the relationship between SAH and more objective health measures.  相似文献   

Hybrid zones may be structured by environmentally independent selection against intrinsically unfit hybrids (tension zone models), or by environmentally dependent fitness differences among parental species and hybrids (ecological selection-gradient models). A 30-m slope in a mountain grassland harbors a hybrid zone of the clonal perennials, Prunella grandiflora and P. vulgaris (Lamiaceae), with P. grandiflora in the upper, P. vulgaris in the lower, and both parental species and P. grandiflora × P. vulgaris Hybrids in a narrow middle part. We found gradients for soil depth and water content, and vegetation height and biomass along the slope. A reciprocal transplant experiment yielded crossing reaction norms for vegetative reproduction. Parental species were locally adapted to their home sites, while the three taxa did not differ in vegetative reproduction in the Hybrid transplant site. Local adaptation for vegetative reproduction of P. grandiflora was mediated through higher survival and that of P. vulgaris through higher ramet number, indicating adaptation of their clonal growth strategies (phalanx vs. guerrilla) to the different habitats. Hybrid performance was intermediate between that of the parental species in all three sites, although Hybrids flowered more often than the parental species in the Hybrid site. Our results support ecological selection-gradient rather than tension zone models.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic environmental change is the most significant threat to biodiversity in the 21st century.Animal populations are experi-encing rapid changes in thei...  相似文献   

Invasive alien plant species threaten native biodiversity, disrupt ecosystem functions and can cause large economic damage. Plant invasions have been predicted to further increase under ongoing global environmental change. Numerous case studies have compared the performance of invasive and native plant species in response to global environmental change components (i.e. changes in mean levels of precipitation, temperature, atmospheric CO2 concentration or nitrogen deposition). Individually, these studies usually involve low numbers of species and therefore the results cannot be generalized. Therefore, we performed a phylogenetically controlled meta‐analysis to assess whether there is a general pattern of differences in invasive and native plant performance under each component of global environmental change. We compiled a database of studies that reported performance measures for 74 invasive alien plant species and 117 native plant species in response to one of the above‐mentioned global environmental change components. We found that elevated temperature and CO2 enrichment increased the performance of invasive alien plants more strongly than was the case for native plants. Invasive alien plants tended to also have a slightly stronger positive response to increased N deposition and increased precipitation than native plants, but these differences were not significant (N deposition: = 0.051; increased precipitation: = 0.679). Invasive alien plants tended to have a slightly stronger negative response to decreased precipitation than native plants, although this difference was also not significant (= 0.060). So while drought could potentially reduce plant invasion, increases in the four other components of global environmental change considered, particularly global warming and atmospheric CO2 enrichment, may further increase the spread of invasive plants in the future.  相似文献   



A crucial question for understanding sentence comprehension is the openness of syntactic and semantic processes for other sources of information. Using event-related potentials in a dual task paradigm, we had previously found that sentence processing takes into consideration task relevant sentence-external semantic but not syntactic information. In that study, internal and external information both varied within the same linguistic domain—either semantic or syntactic. Here we investigated whether across-domain sentence-external information would impact within-sentence processing.


In one condition, adjectives within visually presented sentences of the structure [Det]-[Noun]-[Adjective]-[Verb] were semantically correct or incorrect. Simultaneously with the noun, auditory adjectives were presented that morphosyntactically matched or mismatched the visual adjectives with respect to gender.


As expected, semantic violations within the sentence elicited N400 and P600 components in the ERP. However, these components were not modulated by syntactic matching of the sentence-external auditory adjective. In a second condition, syntactic within-sentence correctness-variations were combined with semantic matching variations between the auditory and the visual adjective. Here, syntactic within-sentence violations elicited a LAN and a P600 that did not interact with semantic matching of the auditory adjective. However, semantic mismatching of the latter elicited a frontocentral positivity, presumably related to an increase in discourse level complexity.


The current findings underscore the open versus algorithmic nature of semantic and syntactic processing, respectively, during sentence comprehension.  相似文献   



The separation of emphysema from fibrosis is not as clear-cut as it was thought in early studies. These two pathologies may be present at the same time in human lungs and in mice either instilled with elastolytic enzymes or bleomycin or exposed to cigarette-smoke. According to a current view, emphysema originates from a protease/antiprotease imbalance, and a role for antiproteases has also been suggested in the modulation of the fibrotic process. In this study we investigate in experimental animal models of emphysema and fibrosis whether neutrophil elastase may constitute a pathogenic link between these two pathologies.


This study was done in two animal models in which emphysema and fibrosis were induced either by bleomycin (BLM) or by chronic exposure to cigarette-smoke. In order to assess the protease-dependence of the BLM-induced lesion, a group mice was treated with 4-(2-aminoethyl)-benzenesulfonyl fluoride hydrochloride, a serine proteinase inhibitor active toward neutrophil elastase. Lungs from each experimental group were used for the immunohistochemical assessment of transforming growth factor-β (TGF-β) and transforming growth factor-α (TGF-α) and for determination of the mean linear intercept as well as the percent volume densities of fibrosis and of emphysematous changes. Additionally, the lungs were also assessed for desmosine content and for the determination of elastase levels in the pulmonary interstitium by means of immunoelectron microscopy.


We demonstrate that in BLM-treated mice (i) the development of elastolytic emphysema precedes that of fibrosis; (ii) significant amount of elastase in alveolar interstitium is associated with an increased expression of TGF-β and TGF-α; and finally, (iii) emphysematous and fibrotic lesions can be significantly attenuated by using a protease inhibitor active against neutrophil elastase.Also, in a strain of mice that develop both emphysema and fibrosis after chronic cigarette-smoke exposure, the presence of elastase in alveolar structures is associated with a positive immunohistochemical reaction for reaction for both TGF-β and TGF-α.


The results of the present study strongly suggest that neutrophil elastase may represent a common pathogenic link between emphysema and fibrosis. Proteases and in particular neutrophil elastase could act as regulatory factors in the generation of soluble cytokines with mitogenic activity for mesenchymal cells resulting either in emphysema or in fibrosis or both.  相似文献   

Defining the geographic origins of free‐living aquatic microorganisms can be problematic because many such organisms have ubiquitous distributions, and proving absence from a region is practically impossible. Geographic origins become important if microorganisms have invasive characteristics. The freshwater diatom Didymosphenia geminata is a potentially ubiquitous microorganism for which the recent global expansion of nuisance proliferations has been attributed to environmental change. The changes may include declines in dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) to low levels (e.g., <2 mg/m3) and increases in dissolved inorganic nitrogen (DIN) to >10 mg/m3 because both these nutrient conditions are associated with nuisance proliferations of D. geminata. Proliferations of D. geminata have been observed in South Island, New Zealand, since 2004. We aimed to address the ubiquity hypothesis for D. geminata in New Zealand using historical river water nutrient data and new molecular analyses. We used 15 years of data at 77 river sites to assess whether trends in DRP or DIN prior to the spread of D. geminata were consistent with a transition from a rare, undetected, species to a nuisance species. We used new sequences of chloroplast regions to examine the genetic similarity of D. geminata populations from New Zealand and six overseas locations. We found no evidence for declines in DRP concentrations since 1989 that could explain the spread of proliferations since 2004. At some affected sites, lowest DRP occurred before 2004. Trends in DIN also did not indicate enhanced suitability for D. geminata. Lack of diversity in the chloroplast intergenic regions of New Zealand populations and populations from western North America is consistent with recent dispersal to New Zealand. Our analyses did not support the proposal that D. geminata was historically present in New Zealand rivers. These results provide further evidence countering proposals of general ubiquity in freshwater diatoms and indicate that, as assumed in 2004, D. geminata is a recent arrival in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Ecological theory suggests that prey size should increase with predator size, but this trend may be masked by other factors affecting prey selection, such as environmental constraints or specific prey preferences of predator species. Owls are an ideal case study for exploring how predator body size affects prey selection in the presence of other factors due to the ease of analyzing their diets from owl pellets and their widespread distributions, allowing interspecific comparisons between variable habitats. Here, we analyze various dimensions of prey resource selection among owls, including prey size, taxonomy (i.e., whether or not particular taxa are favored regardless of their size), and prey traits (movement type, social structure, activity pattern, and diet). We collected pellets of five sympatric owl species (Athene noctua, Tyto alba, Asio otus, Strix aluco, and Bubo bubo) from 78 sites across the Mediterranean Levant. Prey intake was compared between sites, with various environmental variables and owl species as predictors of abundance. Despite significant environmental impacts on prey intake, some key patterns emerge among owl species studied. Owls select prey by predator body size: Larger owls tend to feed on wider ranges of prey sizes, leading to higher means. In addition, guild members show both specialization and generalism in terms of prey taxa, sometimes in contrast with the expectations of the predator–prey body size hypothesis. Our results suggest that while predator body size is an important factor in prey selection, taxon specialization by predator species also has considerable impact.  相似文献   

Research on romantic jealousy has traditionally focused on sex differences. We investigated why individuals vary in romantic jealousy, even within the sexes, using a genetically informed design of ~7700 Finnish twins and their siblings. First, we estimated genetic, shared environmental and nonshared environmental influences on jealousy, Second, we examined relations between jealousy and several variables that have been hypothesized to relate to jealousy because they increase the risk (e.g., mate-value discrepancy) or costs (e.g., restricted sociosexuality) of infidelity. Jealousy was 29% heritable, and non-shared environmental influences explained the remaining variance. The magnitude and sources of genetic influences did not differ between the sexes. Jealousy was associated with: having a lower mate value relative to one's partner; having less trust in one's current partner; having been cheated by a previous or current partner; and having more restricted sociosexual attitude and desire. Within monozygotic twin pairs, the twin with more restricted sociosexual desire and less trust in their partner than his or her co-twin experienced significantly more jealousy, showing that these associations were not merely due to the same genes or family environment giving rise to both sociosexual desire or trust and jealousy. The association between sociosexual attitude and jealousy was predominantly explained by genetic factors (74%), whereas all other associations with jealousy were mostly influenced by nonshared environmental (non-familial) factors (estimates >71%). Overall, our findings provide some of the most robust support to date on the importance of variables predicted by mate-guarding accounts to explain why people vary in jealousy.  相似文献   

Rumination is a risk factor in adjustment to bereavement. It is associated with and predicts psychopathology after loss. Yet, the function of rumination in bereavement remains unclear. In the past, researchers often assumed rumination to be a maladaptive confrontation process. However, based on cognitive avoidance theories of worry in generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) and rumination after post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), others have suggested that rumination may serve to avoid painful aspects of the loss, thereby contributing to complicated grief. To examine if rumination is linked with loss avoidance, an eye-tracking study was conducted with 54 bereaved individuals (27 high and 27 low ruminators). On 24 trials, participants looked for 10 seconds at a picture of the deceased and a picture of a stranger, randomly combined with negative, neutral or loss-related words. High ruminators were expected to show initial vigilance followed by subsequent disengagement for loss stimuli (i.e., picture deceased with a loss word) in the first 1500 ms. Additionally, we expected high ruminators to avoid these loss stimuli and to show attentional preference for non-loss-related negative stimuli (i.e., picture stranger with a negative word) on longer exposure durations (1500–10000 ms). Contrary to expectations, we found no evidence for an effect of rumination on vigilance and disengagement of loss stimuli in the first 1500 ms. However, in the 1500–10000 ms interval, high ruminators showed shorter gaze times for loss stimuli and longer gaze times for negative (and neutral) non-loss-related stimuli, even when controlling for depression and complicated grief symptom levels. Effects of rumination on average fixation times mirrored these findings. This suggests that rumination and loss avoidance are closely associated. A potential clinical implication is that rumination and grief complications after bereavement may be reduced through the use of exposure and acceptance-based therapeutic techniques.  相似文献   

The anti-double-stranded DNA (anti-dsDNA) antibody test incorporated in the 1982 revised American College of Rheumatology criteria for the classification of systemic lupus erythematosus needs updating to reflect current insights and technical achievements, including allowance for the presence of nonpathogenic anti-dsDNA antibodies. As we need to develop at least some measure of pathogenicity of anti-dsDNA antibodies, we propose that initial anti-dsDNA antibody screening is done by sensitive ELISA and supplemented by more stringent assays. Simultaneously the relevance of anti-dsDNA antibody presence needs to be restricted to clinical manifestations, thought to be caused by anti-dsDNA antibody and within an appropriate time frame.  相似文献   



This study focuses on East Asian countries and investigates the difference in the marriage premium on the health-marriage protection effect (MPE) between younger and older generations and the intra-couple education concordance effect (ECE) on the health of married individuals. This study used inter-country comparative data from China, Japan, and Korea.


This study focused on individuals (n = 7,938) in China, Japan, and Korea who were sampled from the 2010 East Asian Social Survey. To investigate MPE and ECE, four health indicators were utilized: a physical and mental components summary (PCS and MCS), self-rated health status (Dself), and happiness level (Dhappy). Ordinary least squares regression was conducted by country- and gender-specific subsamples.


We found that the MPE on PCS, MCS, and Dself was more significant for the older generation than for the younger generation in both China and Japan, whereas the results were inconclusive in Korea. With regard to the ECE on happiness (Dhappy), for both men and women, couples tend to be happier when both the husband and the wife are well educated (“higher balanced marriage”) compared to couples with a lower level of educational achievement (“lower balanced marriage”). Significant benefits from a “higher balanced marriage” on MCS and Dself were observed for women only. In contrast, no statistically significant differences in health status were observed between “higher balanced marriage” couples and couples with different levels of educational achievements (“upward marriage” or “downward marriage”).


This study found that (1) the MPE was more significant for the older generation, and (2) the health gap, particularly the happiness gap, between higher- and lower-balanced married couples was significant. The inter-country comparative findings are useful to explain how the role of marriage (and therefore of family) on health has been diluted due to the progress of industrialization and modernization.  相似文献   

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