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Voltage-gated calcium (CaV) channels deliver Ca2+ to trigger cellular functions ranging from cardiac muscle contraction to neurotransmitter release. The mechanism by which these channels select for Ca2+ over other cations is thought to involve multiple Ca2+-binding sites within the pore. Although the Ca2+ affinity and cation preference of these sites have been extensively investigated, the effect of voltage on these sites has not received the same attention. We used a neuronal preparation enriched for N-type calcium (CaV2.2) channels to investigate the effect of voltage on Ca2+ flux. We found that the EC50 for Ca2+ permeation increases from 13 mM at 0 mV to 240 mM at 60 mV, indicating that, during permeation, Ca2+ ions sense the electric field. These data were nicely reproduced using a three-binding-site step model. Using roscovitine to slow CaV2.2 channel deactivation, we extended these measurements to voltages <0 mV. Permeation was minimally affected at these hyperpolarized voltages, as was predicted by the model. As an independent test of voltage effects on permeation, we examined the Ca2+-Ba2+ anomalous mole fraction (MF) effect, which was both concentration and voltage dependent. However, the Ca2+-Ba2+ anomalous MF data could not be reproduced unless we added a fourth site to our model. Thus, Ca2+ permeation through CaV2.2 channels may require at least four Ca2+-binding sites. Finally, our results suggest that the high affinity of Ca2+ for the channel helps to enhance Ca2+ influx at depolarized voltages relative to other ions (e.g., Ba2+ or Na+), whereas the absence of voltage effects at negative potentials prevents Ca2+ from becoming a channel blocker. Both effects are needed to maximize Ca2+ influx over the voltages spanned by action potentials.  相似文献   

Inhibition of N- (Cav2.2) and P/Q-type (Cav2.1) calcium channels by G-proteins contribute importantly to presynaptic inhibition as well as to the effects of opiates and cannabinoids. Accordingly, elucidating the molecular mechanisms underlying G-protein inhibition of voltage-gated calcium channels has been a major research focus. So far, inhibition is thought to result from the interaction of multiple proposed sites with the Gbetagamma complex (Gbetagamma). Far less is known about the important interaction sites on Gbetagamma itself. Here, we developed a novel electrophysiological paradigm, "compound-state willing-reluctant analysis," to describe Gbetagamma interaction with N- and P/Q-type channels, and to provide a sensitive and efficient screen for changes in modulatory behavior over a broad range of potentials. The analysis confirmed that the apparent (un)binding kinetics of Gbetagamma with N-type are twofold slower than with P/Q-type at the voltage extremes, and emphasized that the kinetic discrepancy increases up to ten-fold in the mid-voltage range. To further investigate apparent differences in modulatory behavior, we screened both channels for the effects of single point alanine mutations within four regions of Gbeta1, at residues known to interact with Galpha. These residues might thereby be expected to interact with channel effectors. Of eight mutations studied, six affected G-protein modulation of both N- and P/Q-type channels to varying degrees, and one had no appreciable effect on either channel. The remaining mutation was remarkable for selective attenuation of effects on P/Q-, but not N-type channels. Surprisingly, this mutation decreased the (un)binding rates without affecting its overall affinity. The latter mutation suggests that the binding surface on Gbetagamma for N- and P/Q-type channels are different. Also, the manner in which this last mutation affected P/Q-type channels suggests that some residues may be important for "steering" or guiding the protein into the binding pocket, whereas others are important for simply binding to the channel.  相似文献   

Dihydropyridines can affect L-type calcium channels (CaV1) as either agonists or antagonists. Seliciclib or R-roscovitine, a 2,6,9-trisubstituted purine, is a potent cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor that induces both agonist and antagonist effects on CaV2 channels (N-, P/Q- and R-type). We studied the effects induced by various trisubstituted purines on CaV2.2 (N-type) channels to learn about chemical structure–function relationships. We found that S-roscovitine and R-roscovitine showed similar potency to inhibit, but agonist activity of S-roscovitine required at least a 20-fold higher concentration, suggesting stereospecificity of the agonist-binding site. The testing of other trisubstituted purines showed a correlation between CaV2.2 inhibition and cyclin-dependent kinase affinity that broke down after determining that a chemically unrelated inhibitor, kenpaullone, was a poor CaV2.2 inhibitor, and a kinase inactive analog (dimethylamino-olomoucine; DMAO) was a strong inhibitor, which together support a kinase independent effect. In fact, like dihydropyridine-induced L-channel inhibition, R-roscovitine left-shifted the closed-state inactivation versus voltage relationship, which suggests that inhibition results from CaV2 channels moving into the inactivated state. Trisubstituted purine antagonists could become clinically important drugs to treat diseases, such as heart failure and neuropathic pain that result from elevated CaV2 channel activity.  相似文献   

N type calcium channels (CaV2.2) play a key role in the gating of transmitter release at presynaptic nerve terminals. These channels are generally regarded as parts of a multimolecular complex that can modulate their open probability and ensure their location near the vesicle docking and fusion sites. However, the proteins that comprise this component remain poorly characterized. We have carried out the first open screen of presynaptic CaV2.2 complex members by an antibody-mediated capture of the channel from purified rat brain synaptosome lysate followed by mass spectroscopy. 589 unique peptides resulted in a high confidence match of 104 total proteins and 40 synaptosome proteome proteins. This screen identified several known CaV2.2 interacting proteins including syntaxin 1, VAMP, protein phosphatase 2A, G(O alpha), G beta and spectrin and also a number of novel proteins, including clathrin, adaptin, dynamin, dynein, NSF and actin. The unexpected proteins were classified within a number of functional classes that include exocytosis, endocytosis, cytoplasmic matrix, modulators, chaperones, and cell-signaling molecules and this list was contrasted to previous reports that catalogue the synaptosome proteome. The failure to detect any postsynaptic density proteins suggests that the channel itself does not exhibit stable trans-synaptic attachments. Our results suggest that the channel is anchored to a cytoplasmic matrix related to the previously described particle web.  相似文献   

The lack of a calcium channel agonist (e.g., BayK8644) for CaV2 channels has impeded their investigation. Roscovitine, a potent inhibitor of cyclin-dependent kinases 1, 2, and 5, has recently been reported to slow the deactivation of P/Q-type calcium channels (CaV2.1). We show that roscovitine also slows deactivation (EC(50) approximately 53 microM) of N-type calcium channels (CaV2.2) and investigate gating alterations induced by roscovitine. The onset of slowed deactivation was rapid ( approximately 2 s), which contrasts with a slower effect of roscovitine to inhibit N-current (EC(50) approximately 300 microM). Slow deactivation was specific to roscovitine, since it could not be induced by a closely related cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor, olomoucine (300 microM). Intracellularly applied roscovitine failed to slow deactivation, which implies an extracellular binding site. The roscovitine-induced slow deactivation was accompanied by a slight left shift in the activation-voltage relationship, slower activation at negative potentials, and increased inactivation. Additional data showed that roscovitine preferentially binds to the open channel to slow deactivation. A model where roscovitine reduced a backward rate constant between two open states was able to reproduce the effect of roscovitine on both activation and deactivation.  相似文献   

Ni(2+) inhibits current through calcium channels, in part by blocking the pore, but Ni(2+) may also allosterically affect channel activity via sites outside the permeation pathway. As a test for pore blockade, we examined whether the effect of Ni(2+) on Ca(V)3.1 is affected by permeant ions. We find two components to block by Ni(2+), a rapid block with little voltage dependence, and a slow block most visible as accelerated tail currents. Rapid block is weaker for outward vs. inward currents (apparent K(d) = 3 vs. 1 mM Ni(2+), with 2 mM Ca(2+) or Ba(2+)) and is reduced at high permeant ion concentration (110 vs. 2 mM Ca(2+) or Ba(2+)). Slow block depends both on the concentration and on the identity of the permeant ion (Ca(2+) vs. Ba(2+) vs. Na(+)). Slow block is 2-3x faster in Ba(2+) than in Ca(2+) (2 or 110 mM), and is approximately 10x faster with 2 vs. 110 mM Ca(2+) or Ba(2+). Slow block is orders of magnitude slower than the diffusion limit, except in the nominal absence of divalent cations ( approximately 3 muM Ca(2+)). We conclude that both fast and slow block of Ca(V)3.1 by Ni(2+) are most consistent with occlusion of the pore. The exit rate of Ni(2+) for slow block is reduced at high Ni(2+) concentrations, suggesting that the site responsible for fast block can "lock in" slow block by Ni(2+), at a site located deeper within the pore. In contrast to the complex pore block observed for Ca(V)3.1, inhibition of Ca(V)3.2 by Ni(2+) was essentially independent of voltage, and was similar in 2 mM Ca(2+) vs. Ba(2+), consistent with inhibition by a different mechanism, at a site outside the pore.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent G protein (Gbetagamma) inhibition of N-type (CaV2.2) channels supports presynaptic inhibition and represents a central paradigm of channel modulation. Still controversial are the proposed determinants for such modulation, which reside on the principal alpha1B channel subunit. These include the interdomain I-II loop (I-II), the carboxy tail (CT), and the amino terminus (NT). Here, we probed these determinants and related mechanisms, utilizing compound-state analysis with yeast two-hybrid and mammalian cell FRET assays of binding among channel segments and G proteins. Chimeric channels confirmed the unique importance of NT. Binding assays revealed selective interaction between NT and I-II elements. Coexpressing NT peptide with Gbetagamma induced constitutive channel inhibition, suggesting that the NT domain constitutes a G protein-gated inhibitory module. Such inhibition was limited to NT regions interacting with I-II, and G-protein inhibition was abolished within alpha1B channels lacking these NT regions. Thus, an NT module, acting via interactions with the I-II loop, appears fundamental to such modulation.  相似文献   

Voltage-operated calcium channels are modulated by tyrosine kinases in different cell types. In this study, I(Ba) was measured by the whole cell voltage-clamp technique in single COS-7 cells overexpressing the Ca(v)2.2 calcium channels encoding N-type currents. Bath application of genistein, a nonselective PTK inhibitor (50-300 microM), concentration-dependently inhibited calcium channel currents, whereas the inactive structural analogue, daidzein, was without effect over the same concentration range. Similarly, PP1, a src family-selective tyrosine kinase inhibitor, inhibited I(Ba) in a concentration-dependent manner (500 nM-5 microM) over a range of test potentials. Expression of the Ca(v)2.2alpha1 (alpha(1B)) subunit alone gave rise to functional channels, and genistein (100 microM) also inhibited currents elicited by the alpha(1B) subunit alone. These results indicate that tyrosine kinase inhibitors are likely to inhibit Ca(v)2.2 calcium channels via an action on the pore-forming alpha(1) subunit and suggest that an endogenous member of the Src family may play a physiological role in modulating these channels.  相似文献   

The omega-conotoxins from fish-hunting cone snails are potent inhibitors of voltage-gated calcium channels. The omega-conotoxins MVIIA and CVID are selective N-type calcium channel inhibitors with potential in the treatment of chronic pain. The beta and alpha(2)delta-1 auxiliary subunits influence the expression and characteristics of the alpha(1B) subunit of N-type channels and are differentially regulated in disease states, including pain. In this study, we examined the influence of these auxiliary subunits on the ability of the omega-conotoxins GVIA, MVIIA, CVID and analogues to inhibit peripheral and central forms of the rat N-type channels. Although the beta3 subunit had little influence on the on- and off-rates of omega-conotoxins, coexpression of alpha(2)delta with alpha(1B) significantly reduced on-rates and equilibrium inhibition at both the central and peripheral isoforms of the N-type channels. The alpha(2)delta also enhanced the selectivity of MVIIA, but not CVID, for the central isoform. Similar but less pronounced trends were also observed for N-type channels expressed in human embryonic kidney cells. The influence of alpha(2)delta was not affected by oocyte deglycosylation. The extent of recovery from the omega-conotoxin block was least for GVIA, intermediate for MVIIA, and almost complete for CVID. Application of a hyperpolarizing holding potential (-120 mV) did not significantly enhance the extent of CVID recovery. Interestingly, [R10K]MVIIA and [O10K]GVIA had greater recovery from the block, whereas [K10R]CVID had reduced recovery from the block, indicating that position 10 had an important influence on the extent of omega-conotoxin reversibility. Recovery from CVID block was reduced in the presence of alpha(2)delta in human embryonic kidney cells and in oocytes expressing alpha(1B-b). These results may have implications for the antinociceptive properties of omega-conotoxins, given that the alpha(2)delta subunit is up-regulated in certain pain states.  相似文献   

In the present study, two-electrode voltage-clamp techniques have been used to assess the interaction between the MVIIA omega-conotoxin and an isoform of the N-type Ca(2+) channel alpha subunit (alpha(1B-d)). Cloned alpha(1B-d) Ca(2+) channels were expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes in the presence and absence of the beta(3) subunit. Coexpression of the beta(3) subunit significantly shifted the IC(50) value for MVIIA inhibition of central N-type Ca(2+) channel current. Analysis of the peak conductance vs. depolarising voltage dependence suggested that the beta(3) subunit has no apparent effect on the gating charge which accompanies the closed-open transition of the channels. Instead, coexpression of the beta(3) subunit led to an approx. 10 mV shift to more hyperpolarised potentials in the voltage-dependent activation of N-type Ca(2+) channels. We conclude that MVIIA alters the surface charge on the N-type Ca(2+) channels and might induce allosteric changes on the structure of the channel, leading to an increase in the dissociation constant of MVIIA binding.  相似文献   

As sperm prepare for fertilization, surface Ca(2+) channels must open to initiate required, Ca(2+)-mediated events. However, the molecular identity and functional properties of sperm Ca(2+) channels remain uncertain. Here, we use rapid local perfusion and single-cell photometry to examine the kinetics of calcium responses of mouse sperm to depolarizing stimuli. The linear rise of intracellular [Ca(2+)] evoked by approximately 10-s applications of an alkaline high [K(+)] medium directly reports activity of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels. Little response occurs if external Ca(2+) is removed or if external or internal pH is elevated without depolarization. Responses are inhibited 30-40% by 30-100 micrometer Ni(2+) and more completely by 100-300 micrometer Cd(2+). They resist the dihydropyridines nitrendipine and PN200-110, but 1-10 micrometer mibefradil inhibits reversibly. They also resist the venom toxins calciseptine, omega-conotoxin MVIIC, and kurtoxin, but omega-conotoxin GVIA (5 micrometer) inhibits approximately 50%. GVIA also partially blocks transient, low voltage activated Ca(2+) currents of patch-clamped spermatids. Differential sensitivity of sperm responses to Ni(2+) and Cd(2+) and partial blockade by GVIA indicate that depolarization opens at least two types of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels in epididymal sperm examined prior to capacitation. Involvement of a previously undetected Ca(V)2.2 (N-type) channel, suggested by the action of GVIA, is substantiated by immunodetection of Ca(2+) channel alpha(1B) subunits in sperm and sperm extracts. Resistance to dihydropyridines, calciseptine, MVIIC, and kurtoxin indicates that Ca(V)1, Ca(V)2.1, and Ca(V)3 (L-, P/Q-, and T-type) channels contribute little to this evoked response. Partial sensitivity to 1 micrometer mibefradil and an enhanced sensitivity of the GVIA-resistant component of response to Ni(2+) suggest participation of a Ca(V)2.3 (R-type) channel specified by previously found alpha(1E) subunits. Our examination of depolarization-evoked Ca(2+) entry indicates that mature sperm possess a larger palette of voltage-gated Ca(2+) channels than previously thought. Such diversity may permit specific responses to multiple cues encountered on the path to fertilization.  相似文献   

Dopamine signaling through D1 receptors in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) plays a critical role in the maintenance of higher cognitive functions, such as working memory. At the cellular level, these functions are predicated to involve alterations in neuronal calcium levels. The dendrites of PFC neurons express D1 receptors and N-type calcium channels, yet little information exists regarding their coupling. Here, we show that D1 receptors potently inhibit N-type channels in dendrites of rat PFC neurons. Using coimmunoprecipitation, we demonstrate the existence of a D1 receptor-N-type channel signaling complex in this region, and we provide evidence for a direct receptor-channel interaction. Finally, we demonstrate the importance of this complex to receptor-channel colocalization in heterologous systems and in PFC neurons. Our data indicate that the N-type calcium channel is an important physiological target of D1 receptors and reveal a mechanism for D1 receptor-mediated regulation of cognitive function in the PFC.  相似文献   

The direct modulation of N-type calcium channels by G protein betagamma subunits is considered a key factor in the regulation of neurotransmission. Some of the molecular determinants that govern the binding interaction of N-type channels and Gbetagamma have recently been identified (see, i.e., Zamponi, G. W., Bourinet, E., Nelson, D., Nargeot, J., and Snutch, T. P. (1997) Nature 385, 442-446); however, little is known about cellular mechanisms that modulate this interaction. Here we report that a protein of the presynaptic vesicle release complex, syntaxin 1A, mediates a crucial role in the tonic inhibition of N-type channels by Gbetagamma. When syntaxin 1A was coexpressed with (N-type) alpha(1B) + alpha(2)-delta + beta(1b) channels in tsA-201 cells, the channels underwent a 18 mV negative shift in half-inactivation potential, as well as a pronounced tonic G protein inhibition as assessed by its reversal by strong membrane depolarizations. This tonic inhibition was dramatically attenuated following incubation with botulinum toxin C, indicating that syntaxin 1A expression was indeed responsible for the enhanced G protein modulation. However, when G protein betagamma subunits were concomitantly coexpressed, the toxin became ineffective in removing G protein inhibition, suggesting that syntaxin 1A optimizes, rather than being required for G protein modulation of N-type channels. We also demonstrate that Gbetagamma physically binds to syntaxin 1A, and that syntaxin 1A can simultaneously interact with Gbetagamma and the synprint motif of the N-type channel II-III linker. Taken together, our experiments suggest a mechanism by which syntaxin 1A mediates a colocalization of G protein betagamma subunits and N-type calcium channels, thus resulting in more effective G protein coupling to, and regulation of, the channel. Thus, the interactions between syntaxin, G proteins, and N-type calcium channels are part of the structural specialization of the presynaptic terminal.  相似文献   

The neuropeptide galanin is widely expressed in the central nervous system and other tissues and induces different cellular reactions, e.g. hormone release from pituitary and inhibition of insulin release from pancreatic B cells. By microinjection of antisense oligonucleotides we studied the question as to which G proteins mediate the galanin-induced inhibition of voltage-gated Ca2+ channels in the rat pancreatic B-cell line RINm5F and in the rat pituitary cell line GH3. Injection of antisense oligonucleotides directed against alpha 01, beta 2, beta 3, gamma 2 and gamma 4 G protein subunits reduced the inhibition of Ca2+ channel current which was induced by galanin, whereas no change was seen after injection of cells with antisense oligonucleotides directed against alpha i, alpha q, alpha 11, alpha 14, alpha 15, beta 1, beta 4, gamma 1, gamma 3, gamma 5, or gamma 7 G protein subunits or with sense control oligonucleotides. In view of these data and of previous results, we conclude that the galanin receptors in GH3 and in RINm5F cells couple mainly to the G(0) protein consisting of alpha 01 beta 2 gamma 2 to inhibit Ca2+ channels and use alpha 01beta 3 gamma 4 less efficiently. The latter G protein composition was previously shown to be used by muscarinic M4 receptors to inhibit Ca2+ channels.  相似文献   

Activator of G protein signaling 3 (AGS3) is a guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor (GDI) that contains four G protein regulatory (GPR) or GoLoco motifs in its C-terminal domain. The entire C-terminal domain (AGS3-C) as well as certain peptides corresponding to individual GPR motifs of AGS3 bound to G alpha i1 and inhibited the binding of GTP by stabilizing the GDP-bound conformation of G alpha i1. The stoichiometry, free energy, enthalpy, and dissociation constant for binding of AGS3-C to G alpha i1 were determined using isothermal titration calorimetry. AGS3-C possesses two apparent high affinity (Kd approximately 20 nm) and two apparent low affinity (Kd approximately 300 nm) binding sites for G alpha i1. Upon deletion of the C-terminal GPR motif from AGS3-C, the remaining sites were approximately equivalent with respect to their affinity (Kd approximately 400 nm) for G alpha i1. Peptides corresponding to each of the four GPR motifs of AGS3 (referred to as GPR1, GPR2, GPR3, and GPR4, respectively, going from N to C terminus) bound to G alpha i1 with Kd values in the range of 1-8 microm. Although GPR1, GPR2, and GPR4 inhibited the binding of the fluorescent GTP analog BODIPY-FL-guanosine 5'-3-O-(thio)triphosphate to G alpha i1, GPR3 did not. However, addition of N- and C-terminal flanking residues to the GPR3 GoLoco core increased its affinity for G alpha i1 and conferred GDI activity similar to that of AGS3-C itself. Similar increases were observed for extended GPR2 and extended GPR1 peptides. Thus, while the tertiary structure of AGS3 may affect the affinity and activity of the GPR motifs contained within its sequence, residues outside of the GPR motifs strongly potentiate their binding and GDI activity toward G alpha i1 even though the amino acid sequences of these residues are not conserved among the GPR repeats.  相似文献   

Voltage-dependent inactivation of CaV2.3 channels was investigated using point mutations in the beta-subunit-binding site (AID) of the I-II linker. The quintuple mutant alpha1E N381K + R384L + A385D + D388T + K389Q (NRADK-KLDTQ) inactivated like the wild-type alpha1E. In contrast, mutations of alpha1E at position R378 (position 5 of AID) into negatively charged residues Glu (E) or Asp (D) significantly slowed inactivation kinetics and shifted the voltage dependence of inactivation to more positive voltages. When co-injected with beta3, R378E inactivated with tau(inact) = 538 +/- 54 ms (n = 14) as compared with 74 +/- 4 ms (n = 21) for alpha1E (p < 0.001) with a mid-potential of inactivation E(0.5) = -44 +/- 2 mV (n = 10) for R378E as compared with E(0.5) = -64 +/- 3 mV (n = 9) for alpha1E. A series of mutations at position R378 suggest that positively charged residues could promote voltage-dependent inactivation. R378K behaved like the wild-type alpha1E whereas R378Q displayed intermediate inactivation kinetics. The reverse mutation E462R in the L-type alpha1C (CaV1.2) produced channels with inactivation properties comparable to alpha1E R378E. Hence, position 5 of the AID motif in the I-II linker could play a significant role in the inactivation of Ca(V)1.2 and CaV2.3 channels.  相似文献   

Biochemical and physiological evidence suggest that pre‐synaptic calcium channels are attached to the transmitter release site within the active zone by a molecular tether. A recent study has proposed that ‘Rab3a Interacting Molecule’ (RIM) serves as the tether for CaV2.1 channels in mouse brain, based in part on biochemical co‐immunoprecipitation (co‐IP) using a monoclonal antibody, mRIM. We previously argued against this idea for CaV2.2 calcium channel at chick synapses based on experiments using a different anti‐RIM antibody, pRIM1,2: while staining for the two proteins co‐localized and co‐varied at the transmitter release face, consistent with an association, they failed to co‐IP from a synaptosome membrane lysate. RIM is, however, a family of proteins and we tested the possibility that the mRIM antibody used in the more recent study identifies a particular channel‐tethering variant. We find that co‐immunostaining with mRIM and anti‐CaV2.2 antibody neither co‐localized nor co‐varied at the transmitter release face and the two proteins did not co‐IP, arguing against a common protein complex and a key CaV2.2 scaffolding role for RIM at the active zone. The differing results might be reconciled, however, in a model where a RIM family member contributes to a protein bridge that anchors the pre‐fusion secretory vesicle to the calcium channel protein complex.  相似文献   

Voltage-gated calcium channels (Ca(v)s) comprise a pore-forming α? with auxiliary α?δ and β subunits which modulate Ca(v) function and surface expression. Ca(v)α? and α?δ are present in signalling complexes termed lipid rafts but it is unclear whether α?δ is obligatory for targeting Ca(v)s to rafts or to what extent this influences cell surface organisation of Ca(v)s. Here, we have used imaging, biochemistry and electrophysiology to determine localisation and raft-partitioning of WT and functionally active HA-epitope tagged α?δ-1 and Ca(v)2.2 subunits expressed in COS-7 cells. We show that α?δ-1 not only partitions into lipid rafts itself but also mediates raft-partitioning of Ca(v)2.2/β(1b) complexes. Ca(v)α?δ-1, Ca(v)2.2/β(1b) and Ca(v)2.2/β(1b)/α?δ-1 complexes are all organised into cell surface clusters although only in the presence of α?δ-1 do they co-localise with raft markers, caveolin and flotillin. Such clusters persist in the presence of 3-methyl-β-cyclodextrin even though the raft markers disperse. However, clustering is profoundly sensitive to disruption of the actin-based cytoskeleton by cytochalasin-D. We conclude that α?δ-1, and likely other α?δ subunits, is necessary and sufficient for targeting Ca(v)s to lipid rafts. However, formation of clusters supporting "hotspots" of Ca(v) activity requires aggregation of macromolecular complexes containing raft components, stabilised by interactions with the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

N-type calcium channels (Cav2.2) have been shown to play a critical role in pain. A series of low molecular weight 2-aryl indoles were identified as potent Cav2.2 blockers with good in vitro and in vivo potency.  相似文献   

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