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柑桔爆皮虫羽化孔的空间分布   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过调查柑桔爆皮虫成虫羽化孔的分布,经空间分布型检验和聚集度指标的测定以及Taylor幂法则和m*- m(Iwao)回归分析,结果表明,柑桔爆皮虫的羽化孔在柑桔树树体内和桔园内均呈聚集分布: 在枯树内呈负二项分布,在半枯树内呈负二项分布或奈曼A型分布,在桔园内呈负二项分布,在树体内和桔园内分布的基本成分均为为个体群,个体间相互吸引。树势较差的柑桔树容易受柑桔爆皮虫危害,在树势强的树体内不能完成世代发育。因此,柑桔爆皮虫采用多次聚集攻击的策略攻击寄主。在桔园内聚集危害部分寄主,在树体内聚集危害寄主主枝的中下部,主枝的死亡导致整株树势下降,下一代虫源进而再次攻击寄主,在树势下降的树体内柑桔爆皮虫完成世代发育并羽化出孔,成虫继续为害健康的柑桔树。  相似文献   

“802”广增素是广西植物研究所研制成功的一种新型植物生长调节剂。 为了进一步证实“802”广增素对柑桔的增产作用,我们于1985年春开始用广西植物研究所与桂林市临桂综合化工厂试产的“802”广增素在早熟温州蜜柑幼龄结果树上进行试验。所用浓度分别为50ppm、100ppm和150ppm,同时设一空白对照,喷以清水;各个处理和对照均重复3次,试验树的条件相对一致;分别在温州蜜柑的谢花期、幼果期、生理落果期和果实膨大期进行全树喷洒。采果时按正规实验方法进行取样、计量、分析和统计。  相似文献   

桔园施用有机肥对主要害虫发生的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了通过合理施肥控制柑桔害虫的发生、从而减少喷施防虫农药的次数,本研究在桔园比较了单施有机肥、单施化肥的柑桔树上柑桔木虱Diaphorina citri Kuwayama、柑桔全爪螨Panonychus citri McGregor、柑桔潜叶蛾Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton等主要害虫的发生数量。结果表明,单施有机肥柑桔木虱、柑桔全爪螨发生数量显著低于常规施用化肥的施肥方法,柑桔潜叶蛾的为害没有显著变化,柑桔长势、果实可溶性固形物也没有显著改变。说明施用有机肥可以减少柑桔木虱和柑桔全爪螨的发生,而对柑桔树的长势、果品质量没有不利影响。  相似文献   

<正> 桔全爪螨Panonychus citri(McGregor)属蜱螨亚纲(Acari),叶螨科(Tetranychidae)。是柑桔的主要害螨,吸取树木液汁,为害柑桔叶片,造成叶片严重脱落,还引起落蕾、落果。我们于1983年6月中旬—8月下旬在本院附属农场柑桔园观察了桔全爪螨的发生动态,其结果如下。 试 验 方 法 1.夏季发生动态的观察 在柑桔园内选10株树龄3—4年生的柑桔树作定点调查,每株  相似文献   

红壤旱坡地桔园覆盖的生态效应及经济效益评价   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
柑桔是南方红壤地区栽培的主要果树种类,栽培面积达1126×106hm2。柑桔是一种常绿果树,生长量大,挂果期长,周年需要消耗大量的水分。我国南方红壤地区虽然雨水充沛,但降水季节分布不均,柑桔果实迅速生长的7~10月正是该地区雨水少、蒸发量大的伏秋干旱季节。经常性的伏秋干旱是制约我国柑桔产量和质量进一步提高的主要障碍因素之一。桔园夏秋进行秸秆覆盖可以降温[1]、保水[2]、防止杂草生长[3]等,但桔园应用地膜覆盖及常年连续覆盖对桔园的生态效应方面的研究较少,为此我们开展了这方面的工作,并通过连续3a的产量及产值分析覆盖桔园的经…  相似文献   

柑桔卷叶蛾是杨村柑桔场主要害虫之一,终年为害,尤以4月为害幼果及9月为害将近成熟果而造成大量落果,损失很大。为防治卷叶蛾,本场每年虽用敌百虫20吨以上,也只能基本上控制为害。对生长比较茂密或树干较高的栟柑园,由于喷药很难均匀,往往仍会受害引起大量落果,是造成柑桔减产原因之一。本场柑桔园一般每年使用农药10次左右,主要防治红蜘蛛、锈蜘蛛、卷叶蛾、柑桔尺蠖、潜叶蛾等,由于每次喷  相似文献   

贵阳市郊桔园昆虫群落的组成及结构的初步研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
作者于1986年5月至1987年4月在贵阳市郊五个有代表性的桔园作了系统的田间调查,并用数学生态的方法对数据进行了处理分析。对桔园昆虫群落特征作了客观的描述,以期能为柑桔害虫综合治理提供基本的理论依据。  相似文献   

尼氏钝绥螨对柑桔始叶螨捕食作用研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
尼氏钝梁螨AmblyseiusnicholsiEharaetLee是贵州省桔园叶螨天敌优势种,对抑制叶螨种群有一定作用。关于保护利用该螨综合防治柑桔全爪螨已有报道[1,2],但对柑桔上男一重要叶螨──柑桔始叶螨的捕食作用、控制能力等方面报道较少。本文研究了尼氏纯绥螨对柑桔给叶螨捕食作用,为柑桔始叶螨综合治理提供理论依据。王材料和方法1.1虫源:尼氏钝绥做雄成螨和柑桔始叶绒成螨采自桔园。卵、幼螨、若螨均在室内饲养而得。1.2反应皿设置:在直径为12cm的培养皿内置一层浸水的泡沫,上面平铺1张滤纸,其上放1张平展的柑桔叶片,叶片四周用浸过…  相似文献   

柑桔六点黄裂爪叶螨Schizotetranychus sexmacu-latus(Riley)是宜昌地区的一种重耍柑桔害虫。尤以西陵峡内沿江的甜橙主耍产区为最严重,一般年份,被害株率都在90%左右,是甜橙非正常落叶的重要原因。 柑桔六点黄裂爪叶螨主要危害叶片和绿色枝条,次为花蕾和果实。造成落叶、落果、枯梢,常导致产量  相似文献   

斑管巢蛛对柑桔害虫的捕食作用研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
颜亨梅 《动物学报》1990,36(1):24-32
在系统观察桔园蜘蛛优势种斑管巢蛛与主要柑桔害虫自然种群数量季节消长相关关系的基础上,采用血清学方法检测了蜘蛛对柑桔害虫的自然控制作用。在不同实验条件下测定了斑管巢蛛对柑桔害虫的捕食量、功能反应,以及相互干扰、温度对蜘蛛捕食作用的影响,建立了模拟模型。  相似文献   

The population dynamics of citrus peelminer, Marmara gulosa Guillén and Davis, were investigated in 1996-1999 in commercial grapefruit groves in the Coachella Valley, CA. The first generation of the peelminer on new fruit was observed in early June 1998; larval densities of peelminer increased at the beginning of summer and peaked in late July to early August in most years, then decreased, remaining low by the end of the summer and rest of the year. Three parasitoids were identified, with Cirrospilus coachellae Gates in highest numbers in all groves and years. Numbers of larvae parasitized by C. coachellae increased by midsummer in most groves, coinciding with the decline in densities of the citrus peelminer. Miners continued to develop on fruit left from previous harvest in June. Miners preferred the lower half canopy of the trees. Parasitism and availability of fruit for development are major components in the dynamics of the citrus peelminer.  相似文献   

Seasonal population trends and damage to citrus trees by the leafminer Phyllocnistis citrella Stainton were studied in the Valencia area of eastern Spain from 1996 to 1999. The area-wide seasonal flushing pattern of citrus trees and leafminer population trends were determined in 10 mature citrus orchards. In the 10 orchards, the annual percentage of new shoots that developed in the spring ranged from 51 to 96% for individual orchards (mean of 80%). Phyllocnistis citrella populations damaged new leaves from July to November. During this period, approximately 45% of the new leaf area was lost due to leafminer mining. In addition, at three mature citrus orchards, two 'Navelina' sweet oranges from 1996 to 1999 and one 'Clementine' mandarin (variety 'Clemenules') in 1998 and 1999, the leaf area damage, spring flushing pattern, and crop yield were determined in trees sprayed one to three times a year with abamectin (Epimeck, 0.02%) to control P. citrella and compared with nonsprayed control trees. In these three orchards, damaged leaf area in summer-fall flushes was on average 52% in nonsprayed and 8% in sprayed trees. No significant differences were found between sprayed and nonsprayed trees in the spring flushing and flowering pattern, number of fruits or fruit diameter. In Mediterranean areas, P. citrella damaged only 5-15% of the annual new leaf area of mature trees and yield was usually not affected by the pest.  相似文献   

The spring-fed mission oases of the Baja California peninsula, Mexico, hold several species, varieties and unique hybrids of heritage citrus, which may represent valuable genetic resources. Citrus species first arrived to the peninsula with the Jesuit missionaries (1697-1768), and new varieties were introduced during the colonial and rancho periods following the mission era. These heritage trees are grown in field and house gardens as ornamental, fruit and shade trees. Commercial citrus varieties introduced from the United States have become a strong source of economic revenue for peninsula agriculturalists. A few of the peninsula oases support commercial citrus groves, though these are primarily found in the broader valleys of the peninsula where groundwater is tapped for irrigation. The isolated environments of the mission oases and surrounding ranches have facilitated propagation of unique citrus types, and these have stabilized through integration into the cultural practices of the region. We identify and document citrus of the peninsula oases to serve as a baseline for those interested in the cultural ecology of citrus and citrus genetic resources.  相似文献   

Eleven citrus groves of diverse varieties and ages infected with Tylenchulus semipenetrans growing in differing soils in Florida were treated with three rates of 1,2-dibromo-3-chloropropane (DBCP) applied by various means. Yield, fruit size, and T. semipenetrans populations in the roots were compared between DBCP-treated and untreated trees over a period of I-3 yr. Maximum fruit size and yield were obtained by applying DBCP at 38-58 kg/hectare (ha) (34-52 lb/acre); whereas best nematode control was with a rate of 77 kg/ha (69 lb/acre). Application of chemical emulsion with a special, drilled, low-profile sprinkler irrigation ground pipe was the most suitable method. Effect of DBCP treatment generally lasted for 3 yr. A mean annual I. 1% increase in fruit diameter, 15.2% increase in fruit yield and a 55.7% decrease incitrus nematode populations was found for D BC P-treated trees in contrast to untreated trees.  相似文献   

Nitrogen remobilization response to current supply in young citrus trees   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Internal nitrogen (N) storage and remobilization processes support seasonal growth (flowering/fructification and subsequent leaf development) in particular in early spring, when soil temperatures are unfavourable for adequate N uptake. Storage nitrogen mobilization in young citrus trees was studied under two contrasting N supplies; high N (HN) and low N dose (LN) in the critical period of flowering and fruit set. 15N labelling technique was used to distinguish N derived from internal remobilization from that taken up by the roots. Regardless N supply, the greatest N remobilization took place from the beginning of the vegetative activity until flowering. Low N availability significantly increased (+14%) N retranslocation at the end of June drop agreeing with the hypothesis that reserve mobilization depends on soil N availability during flowering and fruit set. At the end of fruit drop, N remobilization contributed up to 70% and 61% of total N of young organs for LN and HN, respectively. Remobilized N was mainly recovered in abscised organs of both HN and LN trees and to a lesser extent in new flush leaves; however a greater percentage partitioned to abscised organs of LN as a consequence of the greater remobilization rate and the increased fruit abscission. Old leaves of LN remobilized significantly higher N, while woody organs and root system did not show differences between HN and LN supplied trees. The results presented in this paper demonstrate that the amount of N remobilized by young citrus plants depends on external N availability. Thus, low N application rates in early stages (flowering and fruit set) lead to higher translocation of N stored during the previous cycle to developing new organs.  相似文献   

The phenology of Acacia albida trees was studied over eight years in Mana Pools National Park, Zimbabwe. Leaf flush occurred towards the end of the rains. It was followed by flowering, with ripe fruit-fall in the late dry season. Leaf-fall occurred early in the following wet season. After seasons of low rainfall, trees were severely defoliated by caterpillars soon after leaf flush and this prompted a second flush of leaves. In these years there were also two periods of flowering and fruit production. During dry years, the proportion of trees which failed to set fruits after flowering increased, fruit production by those trees which did bear fruit was reduced and fruit-fall started earlier in the year.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2022,126(4):277-289
Alternaria rot has been recently described as an emerging fungal disease of citrus causing significant damage in California groves. A survey was conducted to determine latent infections on fruits, twigs, and leaves and investigate their seasonal patterns during 2019 and 2020. On fruits, latent infections were more associated with the stem end than with the stylar end, except during spring when a significantly high percentage of flowers (86%) had latent infections. Latent infections on twigs varied markedly between years (28% in 2019 and 9.5% in 2020), while Alternaria spp. were also recovered from citrus leaves. Alternaria isolates collected during the survey were identified based on multigene sequence analysis, confirming that Alternaria alternata and Alternaria arborescens are the two species associated with infections of citrus fruits. Of the 23 isolates, 19 were identified as A. alternata and demonstrated the dominance of this species over A. arborescens. Isolates representing populations of these two species were selected as representative isolates for physiological and morphological studies. A. alternata and A. arborescens showed similar conidial dimensions but differed in the number of conidia produced. Growth rates demonstrated that A. alternata grows faster than A. arborescens at all the temperatures evaluated, except at 25 and 35 °C. The growth patterns were similar for both species. The sporulation rate of the Alternaria isolates was influenced differently by temperature. This parameter also influenced conidial germination and appressorium formation, and no significant differences were observed between Alternaria species. Pathogenicity and aggressiveness tests on detached fruit demonstrated the ability of A. alternata and A. arborescens to cause internal lesions and produce fruit drop in the orchards with no quantitative differences between them (disease severity indexes of 58 and 68%, respectively). The fungicide sensitivity tests showed that DMI fungicides are the most effective fungicides in reducing mycelial growth. The SDHI fungicides had intermediate activity against the mycelial growth but also suppressed spore germination. The spore germination assay suggested that some of the isolates included in this study might have some level of resistance to QoI and SDHI fungicides. The findings of this study provide new information about the pathogens associated with the excessive fruit drop recently observed in some California citrus groves.  相似文献   

龙眼生理落果中的纤维素酶、果胶酶活性及脱落酸含量   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
水涨龙眼脱落幼果的纤维素酶活性与落果比率之间具显著相关性(r=0.886)。在生理落果期间,脱落幼果纤维素酶活性高出正常幼果37%。果胶酶活性对生理落果的影响不甚明显,仅在落果中期表现出较强酶活性。在整个生理落果期间,脱落幼果脱落酸含量始终处在高于正常幼果的状态,其含量比正常幼果的脱落酸含量高167倍。幼果中纤维素酶活性强和脱落酸含量高是促进水涨龙眼生理落果的重要因素。  相似文献   

Under tropical and subtropical environments, citrus leaves are exposed to excess sunlight, inducing photoinhibition. Huanglongbing (HLB, citrus greening), a devastating phloem-limited disease putatively caused by Candidatus Liberibacter asiaticus, exacerbates this challenge with additional photosynthetic loss and excessive starch accumulation. A combined metabolomics and physiological approach was used to elucidate whether shade alleviates the deleterious effects of HLB in field-grown citrus trees, and to understand the underlying metabolic mechanisms related to shade-induced morpho-physiological changes in citrus. Using metabolite profiling and multinomial logistic regression, we identified pivotal metabolites altered in response to shade. A core metabolic network associated with shade conditions was identified through pathway enrichment analysis and metabolite mapping. We measured physio-biochemical responses and growth and yield characteristics. With these, the relationships between metabolic network and the variables measured above were investigated. We found that moderate-shade alleviates sink limitation by preventing excessive starch accumulation and increasing foliar sucrose levels. Increased growth and fruit yield in shaded compared with non-shaded trees were associated with increased photosystem II efficiency and leaf carbon fixation pathway metabolites. Our study also shows that, in HLB-affected trees under shade, the signaling of plant hormones (auxins and cytokinins) and nitrogen supply were downregulated with reducing new shoot production likely due to diminished needs of cell damage repair and tissue regeneration under shade. Overall, our findings provide the first glimpse of the complex dynamics between cellular metabolites and leaf physiological functions in citrus HLB pathosystem under shade, and reveal the mechanistic basis of how shade ameliorates HLB disease.  相似文献   

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