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Biodiversity hotspots often span international borders, thus conservation efforts must as well. China is one of the most biodiverse countries and the length of its international land borders is the longest in the world; thus, there is a strong need for transboundary conservation. We identify China's transboundary conservation hotspots and analyse the potential effects of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) on them to provide recommendations for conservation actions.


China, Asia.


We compiled a species list of terrestrial vertebrates that span China's borders. Using their distribution, we extracted the top 30% of the area with the highest richness value weighted by Red List category and considered these transboundary hotspots for conservation priority. Then we analysed protected area (PA) coverage and connectivity to identify conservation gaps. To measure potential impact of the BRI, we counted the species whose distribution range is traversed by the BRI, and calculated the aggregation index, proportion of natural land and night light index along its routes.


We identified 1964 terrestrial vertebrate species living in the border region. We identified four transboundary hotspots and found insufficient PA coverage and low connectivity in three of them. The BRI routes intersected all four hotspots and traversed 82.4% (1619/1964) of the transboundary species, half of which (918) are sensitive to the potential risks brought by the BRI. Night light index increased generally along the BRI. However, the proportion of natural land and the aggregation index near the BRI showed different trends in hotspots.

Main Conclusions

There is an urgent need for conservation action in China's transboundary region. The BRI should put biodiversity conservation at the core of its development strategy. Furthermore, we suggest using the planned BRI as a platform for dialogue and consultation, knowledge and data sharing, and joint planning to promote transboundary conservation.  相似文献   

海湾是海洋中最易受人类活动干扰的区域,构建C9泄漏造成的海湾生态系统服务损失评估框架并进行定量评估对维护海湾生态安全具有重要意义。本研究以x海湾C9泄漏事故为例,基于生态系统服务损失视角,综合应用市场价值法、替代成本法、碳税法及能值分析法,结合海湾生态过程,针对C9泄漏事故造成的关键生态系统服务(食品生产、气体调节、气候调节、废物处理、人体健康、养分循环、物种多样性维持、休闲娱乐)损失建立货币价值评估模式,分析了x海湾生态系统服务损失情况。结果表明: C9泄漏造成的x海湾关键生态系统服务损失总价值为1.93亿元,单位面积损失的货币价值达1.19亿元·km-2,是一般海洋溢油事件的2800余倍。其中,食品生产服务损失占总损失价值的77.1%,远高于一般近海溢油事故对人类的生产生活的影响。研究结果可为C9等有毒物质泄漏造成的海湾生态系统服务损失评估提供参考,为政府决策和国土空间规划提供依据。  相似文献   

An investigation of air pollution in the Tehran metropolitan area between 1992-2000 indicated that there are significant amounts of nitrate ion (NO3-), over 30 kg/ha/year, deposited as wet deposition, compared to 13 kg/ha/year in the Chitgar Parkland near the Tehran metropolitan area. The amount of NO3- in warm seasons is twofold that of cold seasons, and there was a significant difference between cold and warm seasons. Annual wet deposition of ammonia (NH3) was 10 kg/ha/year in the Chitgar Parkland.  相似文献   


A variety of conservation management strategies have been developed to address rapid, anthropogenically-driven biodiversity loss. The translocation of individuals from viable populations to those experiencing significant decline is one such strategy to increase genetic diversity and avoid extirpation, yet efficacy of this strategy has rarely been examined in detail utilizing genomic data. Here, we employ a conservation icon, the greater prairie-chicken (Tympanuchus cupido pinnatus), as a case study to demonstrate how genome-wide SNPs derived from RADseq offer the ability to assess translocation success with respect to the genomic aspects of genetic restoration, encompassing (1) the alleviation of inbreeding (2) the restoration of evolutionary potential, and (3) the maintenance of local variation. Genome-wide diversity estimates calculated from 356,778 SNPs demonstrate that translocations rescued the Illinois population from severe inbreeding and lack of genetic diversity, restoring variation to levels comparable to the three non-bottlenecked source populations. Delineation of genetic structure using non-linked and ubiquitously genotyped SNPs reveal distinct genetic variation among the source and recipient populations as well as high levels of admixture in the post-translocation population resulting from translocations. Estimated ancestry derived from private alleles uncover introgression of unique variation from each source population as well as the maintenance of substantial levels of variation unique to Illinois. Our findings demonstrate that genome-wide analysis of variation is a valuable management tool for measuring the genomic effects of translocations and, subsequently, gauging genetic restoration success.


我国西南紫色土地区公路护坡草种适应性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
余晓华 《生态科学》2002,21(4):342-345
试验在1998年7月~1999年9月年进行。主要采用盖度目测估计法,观测结果表明,此地区适应性较好的草种主要为热性禾草。云南狼尾草、非洲狗尾草和东非狼尾草的覆盖效果好,普通狗牙根和弯叶画眉也较好。云南知风草和非洲狗尾草盖度一直较高而颜色较差。孔颖草和百喜草后期生长势较强、覆盖好。温带禾草中较耐热的高羊茅表现较好。细弱剪股颖和鸭茅耐旱耐热耐贫瘠性较差,次年衰退很快。多年生黑麦草第一年表现好。温带豆科牧草冬春期表现较好。紫花苜蓿较抗旱、耐贫瘠,覆盖好。红三叶的适应性也较好。苗期生长缓慢的草地早熟禾、细叶结缕草和不适应紫色土的碱茅及不适应干旱高燥生境的地毯草在初期覆盖速度很慢,覆盖度始终很小。百喜草和百脉根可选择利用。  相似文献   

长江经济带生态安全测度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴艳霞  罗恒  梁志康 《生态学报》2020,40(19):6761-6775
长江经济带城镇化发展迅速,但随之出现的诸多生态安全问题已严重制约其高质量发展。为综合特征指数法与指标体系法优势,并诠释社会经济与生态共生发展这一生态安全新内涵,在分析城镇化发展与自然生态相互作用基础上,选取2006年至2017年长江经济带沿线11个省市数据为研究样本,运用"驱动-压力-状态-影响-响应(DPSIR)"模型、R聚类法及变异系数法确定生态安全指标及其权重,再利用城镇化-自然生态Lotka-Volterra共生模型获得具备生态经济内涵的受力指数、综合特征指数,实现指标与指数的耦合,更进一步推导出生态安全预警依据。最后进行实证测度,并根据测度结果进行指标回溯分析生态安全问题成因,完成逆向解耦。研究结果表明:(1)2006-2017年长江经济带城镇化系统发展迅猛,尤其是城镇化驱动力得到强化,但长江经济带生态环境状况改善幅度并不明显且长期处于城镇化高速发展而生态环境遭受损害的偏害发展模式;(2)长江经济带11个省市生态安全格局差异显著,呈现"东西较高,中间偏低"格局;(3)通过指标回溯发现,产业结构发展不均衡、城镇人口过度扩张、城镇化子系统对生态环境空间的侵占等因素是造成长江经济带生态安全问题的重要原因。  相似文献   

中国石灰岩地区霉草科一新记录种——星状霉草   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
首次报道了中国石灰岩地区霉草科喜荫草属一新记录种--星状霉草Sciaphila stellata Aver.,本种与国产的大柱霉草S.megastyla Fukuyama et Suzuki在外形上较相似,但不同在于前者茎具不明显的棱,叶片苞片状,卵形或三角形,顶端钝,花序仅排列在轴的一侧;雄花与雌花花被片具有明显的差...  相似文献   

Mutant gene frequencies in cats of the greater London area   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The frequencies of seven mutant genes of the domestic cat have been estimated by sampling the population of greater London, specific areas of the capital and adjoining counties. An attempt was made to diversify the method of sampling by concentrating upon certain categories of cats. In addition to the usual sightings of cats in streets and open spaces, surveys were made of cats attending a veterinary clinic, those staying at a boarding cattery, those exhibited in the household pet classes at a cat show and those in rescue centres. Although there are inconsistencies, the general impression from frequencies in present and earlier observations is that the lighter phenotypes (mackerel tabby, blue dilution and orange) are favoured by human preference, as opposed to the darker phenotypes (blotched tabby, black and non-orange). Reasons are discussed for thinking that, while human preference may be a factor in the evolution of the feline polymorphism, it is not the fundamental cause.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - Road construction and transportation generate significant environmental impacts. Hence, it is increasingly important to understand the...  相似文献   

Aims: To assess the presence of viral pathogens in bathing water samples and to evaluate the interdependency of bacterial indicator counts and viral detection. Methods and Results: Bathing water samples of 16 beaches collected along a Portuguese Coastal area were screened for the hepatitis A virus (HAV) and norovirus genogroup I (NVGI) using RT‐PCR technique. Bacteriological water quality was also assessed, according to European regulations. HAV and NVGI were detected in 95% and 27% of the water samples, respectively, whereas bacteriological quality was good in all but one sample, according to current water quality regulations. Conclusions: All water samples would be considered of excellent quality according to the most recent European regulations. No relationship between viral detection and regulatory‐based bacterial indicators was found. Significance and Impact of the Study: The current results reinforce the importance of increased surveillance for pathogenic viruses in bathing waters.  相似文献   

西部干旱区煤炭开采环境影响研究   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:20  
雷少刚  卞正富 《生态学报》2014,34(11):2837-2843
大规模煤炭资源开采与干旱脆弱生态环境的空间耦合将会诱发日益严峻的社会、环境问题。分析了我国西部干旱区煤炭地下开采对植被、土壤水、地下水、土壤等关键环境要素影响的研究进展与不足;指出现有研究主要以单一环境要素、局部尺度为主,缺乏多尺度综合的环境要素协同损伤规律与井上下联动响应机理等基础研究。因此,现有成果还无法满足指导煤炭开采技术改进与控制环境损伤的需要。建议从井下到井上,从工作面、矿井、矿区、流域多尺度综合实现地空一体化同步监测,加强对西部干旱矿区各关键环境要素的协同损伤规律研究;加强对井上下环境要素对开采地质条件响应机理研究;建立不同开采条件、不同评价尺度下,矿区开采环境损伤的评价与预测模型。  相似文献   

Illegal harvesting and trade are major forces behind population declines of wild slow lorises (genus Nycticebus). The impacts of the wildlife trade on individual slow lorises have not been as well described. In this article, we describe quantitatively the consequences of the wildlife trade for 77 greater slow lorises, N. coucang, who were confiscated en masse and brought to Cikananga Wildlife Center in Indonesia. Medical records indicated that in total, 28.6% of the slow lorises died within the first 6 months, mostly due to traumatic injury, and all the infants died. The greatest sources of morbidity were external wounds (33.1% of 166 total medical events) and dental problems (19.3%). Of the surviving individuals, 25.4% displayed abnormal behavior. Behavioral observations indicated that healthy adults (= 3) spent 48.2% of their active period performing stereotypies. These data illustrate the physical and behavioral impacts of the illegal wildlife trade on the welfare of slow lorises. We suggest that sharing these individual stories may help generate empathy and educate the public about the impacts of the exotic companion-animal (pet) trade on nonhuman animal welfare.  相似文献   

Synopsis At least eight species of sharks of the families Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae use Cleveland Bay in northern Australia as a communal nursery area.Carcharhinus dussumieri, C. fitzroyensis, C. limbatus andC. tilstoni use the bay as a seasonal primary nursery, with juveniles occurring in it for only a few months each year immediately after birth. Alternatively,Carcharhinus sorrah, Rhizoprionodon acutus andR. taylori use the bay as a year-round primary and secondary nursery, with juveniles remaining in it up to the size at maturity. AdultR. taylori also persist in the bay, a behavioural pattern possibly explained by their small maximum size. While present immediately after birth the type of utilisation pattern displayed bySphyrna lewini could not be clarified in this study. Although diets of these species in the bay are similar, there is probably little direct competition for food due to the highly productive habitats in the bay supporting an abundance of food resources. The highest numbers of juveniles occur when prey species are the most abundant, and when temporal separation of some seasonally-occurring species of sharks in effect.  相似文献   

多鳞藤属(Myrialepis)是棕榈科的一个广布属,广泛分布于缅甸、老挝、越南、泰国、柬埔寨、马来西亚、新加坡和印度尼西亚,生长于低地到山地雨林中,也常见于林缘和次生林地。近期首次在中国云南发现有其新分布,本文对该属的形态及生境特征进行了描述,并编制了中国棕榈藤属的分类检索表。  相似文献   

朱长山  朱世新 《植物研究》2006,26(2):131-132
报道中国藜属一新归化种——铺地藜(Chenopodium pumilio R. Br.)。  相似文献   

<正>The genus Sphaerodes was founded by Clements to accommodate S. episphaeria in 1909. It was distinguished from Sphaeroderma by the lack of a subiculum. Because of Clements’ incorrect differentiation of S.  相似文献   

近20年广西钦州湾有机污染状况变化特征及生态影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
蓝文陆 《生态学报》2011,31(20):5970-5976
利用1990至2010年长期监测的结果,采用有机污染指数法对钦州湾近20年有机污染程度进行评价,分析其变化趋势并探讨其对海湾环境的潜在生态影响。结果表明近20a钦州湾有机污染指数变化较大,内湾变化范围为-0.55-5.49,外湾的变化范围为-0.44-3.96。20世纪90年代内湾和外湾有机污染物程度均显下降趋势,1999-2003年显上升趋势,2003年以后外湾显平稳波动状态而内湾为显著增加的趋势,近几年内湾有机污染加重到严重污染的程度。径流输入、浮游植物消耗以及水体交换等因子的综合作用是该海湾有机污染变化的主要因素,也是导致内湾和外湾变化差异的主要原因。海湾有机污染的变化导致富营养化的变化,有机污染和富营养化程度的变化并没有与浮游植物生物量的变化显著相关,但内湾近年来急剧加重的有机污染增加了赤潮等生态灾害的风险。内湾有机污染加重也会对水产增养殖等产生影响,需要加大关注和防治。  相似文献   

1. With continued globalization, species are being transported and introduced into novel habitats at an accelerating rate. Interactions between invasive species may provide important mechanisms that moderate their impacts on native species. 2. The European green crab Carcinus maenas is an aggressive predator that was introduced to the east coast of North America in the mid-1800 s and is capable of rapid consumption of bivalve prey. A newer invasive predator, the Asian shore crab Hemigrapsus sanguineus, was first discovered on the Atlantic coast in the 1980s, and now inhabits many of the same regions as C. maenas within the Gulf of Maine. Using a series of field and laboratory investigations, we examined the consequences of interactions between these predators. 3. Density patterns of these two species at different spatial scales are consistent with negative interactions. As a result of these interactions, C. maenas alters its diet to consume fewer mussels, its preferred prey, in the presence of H. sanguineus. Decreased mussel consumption in turn leads to lower growth rates for C. maenas, with potential detrimental effects on C. maenas populations. 4. Rather than an invasional meltdown, this study demonstrates that, within the Gulf of Maine, this new invasive predator can moderate the impacts of the older invasive predator.  相似文献   

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