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首次报道桂斑螟属Gunungia在中国的分布,首次报道该属的雌性个体,并据此对属征进行了补充描述。桂斑螟属目前只包括模式种Gunungia rimba Roesler & Küppers,分布于印度尼西亚苏门答腊岛。本文记述了采自我国广西、贵州和云南的1新种——凹头桂斑螟Gunungia capitirecava sp.nov.,编制了已知种的检索表,提供了新种的特征图。模式标本均保存在南开大学生命科学学院昆虫标本室。 凹头桂斑螟,新种Gunungia capitirecavasp.nov.(图1 -7) 翅展16.0 -24.5mm。新种与G.rimbaRoesler & K櫣ppers近似,但新种雄性头顶被白色V型鳞毛簇;抱器背在端部1/6处具一齿状突起,阳茎基环两侧臂粗壮,末端圆钝。 正模♂,广西防城港峒中林场, 640m, 2002-04-08 ,郝淑莲、薛怀军采(玻片号RYD04343)。副模: 7 ♂♂,1♀,贵州赤水桫椤, 240m, 2000-09-21 -23 ,于海丽; 1 ♀,云南瑞丽珍稀植物园, 1 000m, 2005-08-05 ,任应党采; 1 ♂,1♀,云南西双版纳自然保护区补蚌管理站,650m,2005—08—25,任应党采。  相似文献   

This paper deals with the taxonomy of the ostracod families Cytherellidae, Cytheridae, Cytheromatidae, Cytherideidae, Krithidae, Loxoconchidae, Paracytherideidae, Cytheruridae, Pectocytheridae and Bythocytheridae from the coral reefs around Lizard Island, northern Great Barrier Reef, Australia. 22 species belonging to these families were found. 7 species had been described from Australian coasts, 1 from the Red Sea and 1 with Indopacific-Westatlantic distribution. 9 species are newly described and 4 species remain in open nomenclature.  相似文献   

Short M  Huynh C 《ZooKeys》2011,(156):105-122
The penicillate genus Unixenus Jones, 1944 is widespread, with species found in Africa, Madagascar, India and Australia. Each of the two Australian species was originally described from single samples from Western Australia. In this study, collections of Penicillata from museums in all states of Australia were examined to provide further details of the two described species, to revise the diagnoses for both the genus and the species, and to better understand the distribution of the two species in Australia. In addition, two new species Unixenus karajinensissp. n. and Unixenus corticolussp. n. are described.  相似文献   

A chromatographic method involving medium-pressure liquid chromatography on alumina impregnated with silver nitrate is described for the separation of a series of closely related C27 sterol precursors of cholesterol differing only in the number and location of olefinic double bonds. The features of the described system are compared with those of previously described thin-layer, gas-liquid, gravity column, and high-pressure liquid chromatographic methods.  相似文献   

Summary Two new cases of the D.O.O.R. syndrome are reported. The patients described showed most of the characteristics described by Cantwell (1975) and some others that may represent additional clinical findings of this rare syndrome.  相似文献   

Two brothers are described with a severe syndrome of postnatal growth and mental retardation which includes extreme microcephaly, obesity developing during infancy, microgonadismsm, and a characteristic amphora-shaped facies. The neurological exam is highly abnormal, with hypertonia and hyperreflexia, nystagmus, and an extremely irritable and agitated behavior. The first child, who died at 4/1/2 years, also presented neonatal hypoglycemia and chronic constipation. Although the etiology of this syndrome is unknown, it is tempting to consider an X-linked recessive gene, given the importance of the X chromosome in mental retardation. Among the over 70 syndromes of X-linked mental retardation already described, our patients resemble individuals with the B?rjeson-Forssman-Lehmann (BFL) syndrome the most. However, the severity of their dwarfism and mental retardation is much greater than described in any BFL patient to date, and the neurological and dysmorphic features vary significantly from those described in the BFL. Although a particularly severe variant, perhaps allelic, is a possibility, an as yet undescribed disorder is also plausible, the etiology of which would probably be recessive, either autosomal or X-linked.  相似文献   

对浙江长兴地区志留纪真盔甲鱼类的新材料进行了研究。形态学研究结果表明 ,雷曼煤山鱼 (Meishanaspislehmani)一属种成立 ,并非浙江中华盔甲鱼 (Sinogaleaspiszhejiangensis)的同物异名。在此基础上 ,运用分支系统学的原理 ,对真盔甲鱼目的系统发育关系进行了探讨 ,分析结果表明 ,中华盔甲鱼属现有的 3个种并未组成一个单系类群 ,而是一个并系类群。浙江中华盔甲鱼不能归到中华盔甲鱼属 ,建议另立一新属。  相似文献   

Fossil beetles are described from Kedrovka beds of the locality Babii Kamen’, Kuznetsk Basin, Siberia. According to different authors, this locality is dated to the terminal Permian or basal Triassic. SEM studies have shown that Ademosynoides asiaticus Martynov, 1936, described from this locality, should be placed in the family Trachypachidae, which makes it the earliest known extant family of beetles. In addition to the re-studied holotype, further material is described for this species; a new species of the same genus and a new genus and species of the same family are also described. As a result, almost 10% of the 78 beetle fossils known from this locality are identified as belonging to Trachypachidae. Unfortunately, the study of these beetles is complicated by the rather poor preservation quality and very small size of the majority of the fossils, which usually cannot be properly studied without using SEM. However, even in this case there is no full certainty that the results are absolutely reliable.  相似文献   

Twenty-three species of Conus were described by authors other than Linnaeus between 1766 and 1786. Of these, 3 are Eocene species from England described by Solander in Brander (1766), and the remainder are Recent. Chemnitz (1777) described one valid species. Of the 10 species described by Born (1778), 7 are valid, 2 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species, and 1 is a nomen dubium. Solander in [Lightfoot] (1786) described 5 species, of which 3 are valid and 2 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species. Lightfoot (1786) described 4 species, of which 1 is valid and 3 are junior synonyms of Linnaean species.
Holotypes of 7 species and lectotypes of 3 species exist, and representatives of lecto-types of 10 species have been selected. All of these types are illustrated photographically.
Between 1758 and 1786, 60 species of Conus were described, of which 45 are now considered valid. Of these, 42 are Recent.  相似文献   

Casale A 《ZooKeys》2011,(100):47-54
Calleida desenderi Casale, sp. n., is described from Ecuador, Napo Province, surroundings of San Rafael. The new taxon is mostly characterized by the head and appendages rufous, the disc of elytra with marked metallic green reflection, the median lobe of aedeagus ring-like, and the endophallus with a long, twisted flagellum. A key for identification of the closer Neotropical species described so far is also provided.  相似文献   

Hu JY  Li LZ  Zhao YL 《ZooKeys》2011,(84):13-21
Two new species of the genus Nazeris Fauvel collected from Nabanhe Nature Reserve, Yunnan Province, are described under the names of Nazeris nabanhensissp. n. and Nazeris caoisp. n. The male sexual characters are described and illustrated. A key to the Nazeris species of Yunnan is provided. A map of the collecting sites is given.  相似文献   

通过对西藏夜蛾科标本的研究发现委夜蛾属2新种,墨脱委夜蛾Athetis motuoensis sp.nov.和汉密委夜蛾Athetis hanmiensis sp.nov.。文中提供西藏地区委夜蛾属的分种检索表和新种特征图及新种的详细描述。模式标本保存在东北林业大学标本室。墨脱委夜蛾,新种Athetis motuoensis sp.nov.(图1,3,5,7)本种外部形态上与条委夜蛾相似,仅前翅基部、内横线区、外横线区、外缘区和中横线暗褐色。主要区别于外生殖器上:爪形突宽短;抱器端窄而圆;抱器背延伸发达,超过抱器腹缘,末端较细;抱器内突在距抱握器基部3/4处出发,可达抱握器顶端;阳茎轭片脊部短而宽,中部平滑,下端部宽圆;囊形突较窄,略呈V形;阳茎逐渐弯曲,在末端着生有硬化的齿,龙骨稍硬化且细而长;阳茎端膜基囊中等大小,在角状突带的起始部位着生有5个长而粗大的角状突。正模雄性,西藏墨脱,海拔2100m,2005-08-24~26,黄灏、周达康、唐亮采,玻片编号HHL-1012。副模:5♂♂,3♀♀,其它采集资料同正模,雌性玻片编号HHL-1011。词源:以新种模式产地命名。汉密委夜蛾,新种Athetis hanmiensis sp.nov.(图2,4,6,8)本种外部形态上与A.suffusa(Yoshimoto,1994)相似,仅前翅红褐色明显。主要区别于外生殖器上:爪形突相对大一些;抱器端宽而平直;抱器背延伸发达,末端较细,在抱器腹缘末端伸出;抱器内突在距抱握器基部3/5处出发,可达抱握器顶端;阳茎轭片较大,脊部长而宽,中下端部宽圆;囊形突较窄,呈明显的V形;阳茎逐渐变细,龙骨硬化重且细而长;阳茎端膜基囊中等大小,具有1个小角状突,在角状突带的起始部位着生有6个长而粗大的角状突。正模雄性,西藏汉密,海拔2000m,2005-08-19~23,黄灏、周达康、唐亮采,玻片编号HHL-1017。副模:4♂♂,6♀♀,其它采集资料同正模,雌性玻片编号HHL-1016。词源:以新种模式产地命名。  相似文献   

Ma WL  Li LZ  Zhao MJ 《ZooKeys》2012,(194):33-40
Two new species of Lesteva Latreille are described and illustrated from Longwangshan Mountain, East China, viz. Lesteva cala Ma & Li, sp. n. and Lesteva erythra Ma & Li, sp. n. The latest key to Chinese Lesteva is modified to include the species described from continental China since 2000.  相似文献   

The design, Construction, and operation of a 400 liter all-glass fermentor, made from industrial glass Components, is described in detail. Outline details are also given for 100 and liter vessels of similar construction. The performance of the 400 liter fermentor with a variety of organisms is discussed. Harvesting performance. Using a disk-stak centrifuge, is also described.  相似文献   

The Permian terebratulids of Eurasia are revised. The taxonomic composition of the Permian terebratulids of the Russian Platform, Northern Caucasus, Transcaucasia, northern and southeastern Pamirs, and northern China (Inner Mongolia) is elucidated. Fifty-one species (13 described here as new), 21 genera (3 described here as new), 7 families, and 6 superfamilies are described. During the progress of the study, the author (Smirnova, 2004a, 2004b, 2006a, 2006b) and Smirnova and Grunt (2002, 2003a, 2003b) described for the first time 19 species, nine genera, two families, and one superfamily. Morphofunctional analysis reveals a great diversity of internal structures, of the time of their appearance in the ontogeny, and of their taxonomic significance. Ontogenetic study reveals phylogenetic relationships between the Permian and Meso-Cenozoic terebratulids, the presence of the superfamilies Terebratuloidea and Loboidothyroidea in the Permian, and a new type of brachidium ontogeny characterizing the superfamily Compositelasmatoidea. This book is intended for paleontologists and biologists interested in problems of taxonomy and phylogeny, and includes 5 plates, 80 figures, and 75 bibliographic references.  相似文献   

The discovery of a potent intracellular inhibitor of human neutrophil elastase which is orally active and has a long duration of action is described. The pharmacodynamic and pharmacokinetic properties of a trans-lactam development candidate, GW311616A, are described.  相似文献   

A new species of corophiid Amphipoda, Cheiriphotis trifurcata, collected from the seagrass bed of the Lower Gulf of Thailand, is described. Cheiriphotis trifurcata is characterized by its trifurcated tip of the modified setae on the outer ramus in male pleopod 3. In this paper, the new species is fully described and compared with related species and a complete key of the 16 valid species in the genus Cheiriphotis is given.  相似文献   

Mycopathologia - Recently, Trichosporon taxonomy has been reevaluated and new genera of the Trichosporonaceae family have been described. Here, 26 clinical isolates were submitted for...  相似文献   

Four new species of corticioid fungi from Hawaii are described and illustrated. The new genus Hemmesomyces is described to accommodate the new species H. puauluensis. Radulomyces tantalusensis, Crustoderma fuscatum and Scopuloides magnacystidiata also are described as new. In addition, the new combination Crustoderma vulcanense is proposed. Keys to the species of Crustoderma, Radulomyces and Scopuloides are provided.  相似文献   

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