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Influenza A viruses attach to alpha-sialosides on the target cell surface by their hemagglutinins, which strictly recognize the difference in sialic acid-galactose linkage. Why does avian virus H3 subtype bind to avian receptor Neu5Ac(alpha2-3)Gal stronger than to human receptor Neu5Ac(alpha2-6)Gal? Why does avian H3 mutated Gln226 to Leu preferentially bind to human receptor? In this paper, we theoretically answer the questions by molecular mechanics and ab initio fragment molecular orbital (FMO) calculations. The binding energy between avian H3 and avian receptor is 8.2kcal/mol larger than that of the avian H3-human receptor complex estimated at the FMO-HF/STO-3G level, which is a reason that avian H3 binds to avian receptor stronger than to human receptor. Avian Leu226 H3 clashes to Gal unit on the avian receptor to quite decrease its binding affinity. In contrast, Gal unit on the human receptor forms intermolecular hydrophobic interaction with avian Leu226 H3 to afford moderate binding affinity.  相似文献   

We have recently reported that nitric oxide inhalation in individuals with sickle cell anemia increases the level of NO bound to hemoglobin, with the development of an arterial-venous gradient, suggesting delivery to the tissues. A recent model suggests that nitric oxide, in addition to its well-known reaction with heme groups, reacts with the β-globin chain cysteine 93 to form S-nitrosohemoglobin (SNO-Hb) and that SNO-Hb would preferentially release nitric oxide in the tissues and thus modulate blood flow. However, we have also recently determined that the primary NO hemoglobin adduct formed during NO breathing in normal (hemoglobin A) individuals is nitrosyl (heme)hemoglobin (HbFeIINO), with only a small amount of SNO-Hb formation. To determine whether the NO is transported as HbFeIINO or SNO-Hb in sickle cell individuals, which would have very different effects on sickle hemoglobin polymerization, we measured these two hemoglobin species in three sickle cell volunteers before and during a dose escalation of inhaled NO (40, 60, and 80 ppm). Similar to our previous observations in normal individuals, the predominant species formed was HbFeIINO, with a significant arterial-venous gradient. Minimal SNO-Hb was formed during NO breathing, a finding inconsistent with significant transport of NO using this pathway, but suggesting that this pathway exists. These results suggest that NO binding to heme groups is physiologically a rapidly reversible process, supporting a revised model of hemoglobin delivery of NO in the peripheral circulation and consistent with the possibility that NO delivery by hemoglobin may be therapeutically useful in sickle cell disease.  相似文献   

Summary The basis for the ability of -dihydrograyanotoxin II (-2HG-II) to promote Na+ conductance in axons was sought. The apparent binding of tritiated -2HG-II to neural and other preparations was studied, using equilibrium dialysis, with lobster axon membranes,Torpedo electroplax, housefly head, and rat brain, liver and kidney. In every case the binding was nonsaturating and was suggested to involve nonspecific partitioning into the tissue. Supporting evidence was the similarity of extent of binding in all tissues and its relative insensitivity to neuropharmacological agents. -2HG-II did not affect the Na+ conductance of phospholipid bilayers, nor did it permit transport of22Na into a bulk organic phase. It was concluded that -2HG-II did not bind to the sodium gate, but possibly to a sodium permease present at a frequency of less than one per 2 of cell membrane.  相似文献   

Opening of a ligand-gated ion channel is the step at which the binding of a neurotransmitter is transduced into the electrical signal by allowing ions to flow through the transmembrane channel, thereby altering the postsynaptic membrane potential. We report the kinetics for the opening of the GluR1Qflip channel, an alpha-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazolepropionic acid receptor subunit of the ionotropic glutamate receptors. Using a laser-pulse photolysis technique that permits glutamate to be liberated photolytically from gamma-O-(alpha-carboxy-2-nitrobenzyl)glutamate (caged glutamate) with a time constant of approximately 30 micros, we show that, after the binding of glutamate, the channel opened with a rate constant of (2.9 +/- 0.2) x 10(4) s(-1) and closed with a rate constant of (2.1 +/- 0.1) x 10(3) s(-1). The observed shortest rise time (20-80% of the receptor current response), i.e. the fastest time by which the GluR1Qflip channel can open, was predicted to be 35 micros. This value is three times shorter than those previously reported. The minimal kinetic mechanism for channel opening consists of binding of two glutamate molecules, with the channel-opening probability being 0.93 +/- 0.10. These findings identify GluR1Qflip as one of the temporally efficient receptors that transduce the binding of chemical signals (i.e. glutamate) into an electrical impulse.  相似文献   

Influenza A virus (IAV) strains are denoted by the subtype of their hemagglutinin (HA) and neuraminidase (NA) virion surface proteins. Major changes in HA subtype among strains circulating in humans are referred to as "antigenic shift". Antigenic shift can occur by two means: direct transmission of a zoonotic strain to humans or through reshuffling of the segmented genome in cells co-infected with animal and human strains. The lack of circulating anti-HA antibodies in human populations to a novel IAV results in extremely high frequency of illness and the potential for severe morbidity and mortality on a world-wide basis; the dreaded pandemic. Such pandemics could be partially controlled by developing a vaccine that generates effective heterosubtypic immunity (HSI) based on immune recognition of IAV antigens conserved across all viral strains. While it has long been known that T cells exhibit such broad cross-reactive specificity that could provide effective HSI, recent animal studies suggest a potential role for antibodies as well. Here we review current knowledge of the mechanisms contributing to HSI to influenza and speculate on the potential for this approach to contribute to public health.  相似文献   

Where does all the carbon go? The missing sink   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  

The interaction of tricyclic antidepressants with the human (h) α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor in different conformational states was compared with that for the noncompetitive antagonist mecamylamine by using functional and structural approaches. The results established that: (a) [3H]imipramine binds to hα4β2 receptors with relatively high affinity (Kd = 0.83 ± 0.08 μM), but imipramine does not differentiate between the desensitized and resting states, (b) although tricyclic antidepressants inhibit (±)-epibatidine-induced Ca2+ influx in HEK293-hα4β2 cells with potencies that are in the same concentration range as that for (±)-mecamylamine, tricyclic antidepressants inhibit [3H]imipramine binding to hα4β2 receptors with affinities >100-fold higher than that for (±)-mecamylamine. This can be explained by our docking results where imipramine interacts with the leucine (position 9′) and valine (position 13′) rings by van der Waals contacts, whereas mecamylamine interacts electrostatically with the outer ring (position 20′), (c) van der Waals interactions are in agreement with the thermodynamic results, indicating that imipramine interacts with the desensitized and resting receptors by a combination of enthalpic and entropic components. However, the entropic component is more important in the desensitized state, suggesting local conformational changes. In conclusion, our data indicate that tricyclic antidepressants and mecamylamine efficiently inhibit the ion channel by interacting at different luminal sites. The high proportion of protonated mecamylamine calculated at physiological pH suggests that this drug can be attracted to the channel mouth before binding deeper within the receptor ion channel finally blocking ion flux.  相似文献   

Where to float?     
Moran N 《Nature biotechnology》2008,26(10):1063-1066

How does a virus bud?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
How does a virus bud from the plasma membrane of its host? Here we investigate several possible rate-limiting processes, including thermal fluctuations of the plasma membrane, hydrodynamic interactions, and diffusion of the glycoprotein spikes. We find that for bending moduli greater than 3 x 10(-13) ergs, membrane thermal fluctuations are insufficient to wrap the viral capsid, and the mechanical force driving the budding process must arise from some other process. If budding is limited by the rate at which glycoprotein spikes can diffuse to the budding site, we compute that the budding time is 10-20 min, in accord with the experimentally determined upper limit of 20 min. In light of this, we suggest some alternative mechanisms for budding and provide a rationale for the observation that budding frequently occurs in regions of high membrane curvature.  相似文献   

The 97 amino acid bitopic membrane protein M2 of influenza A forms a tetrameric bundle in which two of the monomers are covalently linked via a cysteine bridge. In its tetrameric assembly the protein conducts protons across the viral envelope and within intracellular compartments during the infectivity cycle of the virus. A key residue in the translocation of the protons is His-37 which forms a planar tetrad in the configuration of the bundle accepting and translocating the incoming protons from the N terminal side, exterior of the virus, to the C terminal side, inside the virus. With experimentally available data from NMR spectroscopy of the transmembrane domains of the tetrameric M2 bundle classical MD simulations are conducted with the protein bundle in different protonation stages in respect to His-37. A full correlation analysis (FCA) of the data sets with the His-37 tetrad either in a fully four times unprotonated or protonated state, assumed to mimic high and low pH in vivo, respectively, in both cases reveal asymmetric backbone dynamics. His-37 side chain rotation dynamics is increased at full protonation of the tetrad compared to the dynamics in the fully unprotonated state. The data suggest that proton translocation can be achieved by decoupled side chain or backbone dynamics.
Graphical abstract Visualization of the tetrameric bundle of the transmembrane domains of M2 of influenza A after 200 ns of MD simulations (upper left). The four histidine residues 37 are either not protonated as in M20 or fully protonated is in M24+. The asymmetric dynamics of the backbones are shown after a full correlation analysis (FCA) in blue (lower left). The rotational dynamics of the χ2 dihedral angles of the histidines in M20 (upper right) are less than those in M24+ (lower right)

Wild waterfowl are the natural reservoir of all influenza A viruses, and these viruses are usually nonpathogenic in these birds. However, since late 2002, H5N1 outbreaks in Asia have resulted in mortality among waterfowl in recreational parks, domestic flocks, and wild migratory birds. The evolutionary stasis between influenza virus and its natural host may have been disrupted, prompting us to ask whether waterfowl are resistant to H5N1 influenza virus disease and whether they can still act as a reservoir for these viruses. To better understand the biology of H5N1 viruses in ducks and attempt to answer this question, we inoculated juvenile mallards with 23 different H5N1 influenza viruses isolated in Asia between 2003 and 2004. All virus isolates replicated efficiently in inoculated ducks, and 22 were transmitted to susceptible contacts. Viruses replicated to higher levels in the trachea than in the cloaca of both inoculated and contact birds, suggesting that the digestive tract is not the main site of H5N1 influenza virus replication in ducks and that the fecal-oral route may no longer be the main transmission path. The virus isolates' pathogenicities varied from completely nonpathogenic to highly lethal and were positively correlated with tracheal virus titers. Nevertheless, the eight virus isolates that were nonpathogenic in ducks replicated and transmitted efficiently to na?ve contacts, suggesting that highly pathogenic H5N1 viruses causing minimal signs of disease in ducks can propagate silently and efficiently among domestic and wild ducks in Asia and that they represent a serious threat to human and veterinary public health.  相似文献   

Analysis of approximately 150 published observations of diaphragmatic hernia (DH) in persons with structural autosomal imbalance showed several segments where DH-related genes may be found. Occurrence of DH in several patients with deletions 15q26, 8p23, 8q22, 4p16, 1q42, and 3q22 allows to propose that these segments harbor the genes which, when deleted (or truncated) may be responsible for DH. Segments 22q11, 4q28.3q32, 1q25q31.2 and 2p23p25 are good candidates for the location of genes which cause DH in trisomic condition. The genetic mechanisms of DH in tetrasomy 12p are not clear, although more than 50 cases of DH have been reported in this syndrome. Frequent coexistence of congenital heart defects and DH in some syndromes (and rarity of this association in some others) may suggest the different pathways of the DH's origin.  相似文献   

Sipiczki M 《Genome biology》2000,1(2):reviews1011.1-reviews10114
The budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and the fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe are as different from each other as either is from animals: their ancestors separated about 420 to 330 million years ago. Now that S. pombe is poised to join the post-genome era, its evolutionary position should become much clearer.  相似文献   

Conclusion Looking for single causes, whether genetic or environmental, may yield answers of a kind, but little sense of what happens as each individual grows up. The language of nature versus nurture, or genes versus environment, gives only a feeble insight into the processes that I have called developmental cooking. The best that can be said of the nature/nurture split is that it provides a framework for uncovering a few of the genetic and environmental ingredients that generate differences between people. At worst, it satisfies a demand for simplicity in ways that are fundamentally misleading.  相似文献   

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