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The purpose of this study is to assess and calculate the potential impacts of climate change on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions reduction potentials of combined production of whole corn bioethanol and stover biomethanol, and whole soybean biodiesel and stalk biomethanol. Both fuels are used as substitutes to conventional fossil-based fuels. The product system includes energy crop (feedstock) production and transportation, biofuels processing, and biofuels distribution to service station.


The methodology is underpinned by life cycle thinking. Crop system model and life cycle assessment (LCA) model are linked in the analysis. The Decision Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer – crop system model (DSSAT-CSM) is used to simulate biomass and grain yield under different future climate scenarios generated using a combination of temperature, precipitation, and atmospheric CO2. Historical weather data for Gainesville, Florida, are obtained for the baseline period (1981–1990). Daily minimum and maximum air temperatures are projected to increase by +2.0, +3.0, +4.0, and +5.0 °C, precipitation is projected to change by ±20, 10, and 5 %, and atmospheric CO2 concentration is projected to increase by +70, +210, and +350 ppm. All projections are made throughout the growing season. GaBi 4.4 is used as primary LCA modelling software using crop yield data inputs from the DSSAT-CSM software. The models representation of the physical processes inventory (background unit processes) is constructed using the ecoinvent life cycle inventory database v2.0.

Results and discussion

Under current baseline climate condition, net greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions savings per hectare from corn-integrated biomethanol synthesis (CIBM) and soybean-integrated biomethanol synthesis (SIBM) were calculated as ?8,573.31 and ?3,441 kg CO2-eq. ha?1 yr?1, respectively. However, models predictions suggest that these potential GHG emissions savings would be impacted by changing climate ranging from negative to positive depending on the crop and biofuel type, and climate scenario. Increased atmospheric level of CO2 tends to minimise the negative impacts of increased temperature.


While policy measures are being put in place for the use of renewable biofuels driven by the desire to reduce GHG emissions from the use of conventional fossil fuels, climate change would also have impacts on the potential GHG emissions reductions resulting from the use of these renewable biofuels. However, the magnitude of the impact largely depends on the biofuel processing technology and the energy crop (feedstock) type.  相似文献   



The aim of this paper is to evaluate assumptions and data used in calculations  related to palm oil produced for biodiesel production relative to the European Renewable Energy Directive (EU-RED). The intent of this paper is not to review all assumptions and data, but rather to evaluate whether the methodology is applied in a consistent way and whether current default values address relevant management practices of palm oil production systems.


The GHG calculation method provided in Annex V of the EU-RED was used to calculate the GHG-emissions from palm oil production systems. Moreover, the internal nitrogen recycling on the plantation was calculated based on monitoring data in North Sumatra.

Results and discussion

A calculation methodology is detailed in Annex V of the EU-RED. Some important aspects necessary to calculate the GHG emission savings correctly are insufficiently considered, e.g.: ? “Nitrogen recycling” within the plantation due to fronds remaining on the plantation is ignored. The associated organic N-input to the plantation and the resulting nitrous oxide emissions is not considered within the calculations, despite crop residues being taken into account for annual crops in the BIOGRACE tool. ? The calculation of GHG-emissions from residue and waste water treatment is inappropriately implemented despite being a hot-spot for GHG emissions within the life cycle of palm oil and palm oil biodiesel. Additionally, no distinction is made between palm oil and palm kernel oil even though palm kernel oil is rarely used for biodiesel production. ? The allocation procedure does not address the most relevant oil mill management practices. Palm oil mills produce crude palm oil (CPO) in addition either nuts or palm kernels and nut shells. In the first case, the nuts would be treated as co-products and upstream emissions would be allocated based on the energy content; in the second case the kernels would be treated as co-products while the shelöls are considered as waste without upstream emissions. This has a significant impact on the resulst or GHG savings, respectively. ? It is not specified whether indirect GHG emissions from nitrogen oxide emission from the heat and power unit of palm oil mills should be taken into account.

Conclusions and recommendations

In conclusion, the existing calculation methodology described in Annex V of the EU-RED and default values are insufficient for calculating the real GHG emission savings from palm oil and palm oil biodiesel. The current default values do not reflect relevant management practices. Additionally, they protect poor management practices, such as the disposal of empty fruit bunches (EFB), and lead to an overestimation of GHG savings from palm oil biodiesel. A default value for EFB disposal must be introduced because resulting GHG emissions are substantial. Organic nitrogen from fronds must be taken into account when calculating real GHG savings from palm oil biodiesel. Further, more conservative data for FFB yield and fugitive emissions from wastewater treatment should be introduced in order to foster environmental friendly management options. Moreover, credits for bioenergy production from crop residues should be allowed in order to foster the mobilization of currently unused biomass.  相似文献   

Livestock farmers in Sweden usually grow feed grains for livestock but import protein feed from outside Sweden. Aside from the economic implications, some environmental issues are associated with this practice. We used life cycle assessment to evaluate the impact of local protein feed production on land use and greenhouse gas emissions, compared with the use of imported protein feed, for pig meat and dairy milk produced in Sweden. Our results showed that local production reduced greenhouse gas emissions by 4.5% and 12%, respectively, for pigs and dairy cows. Land use for feed production in Sweden increased by 11% for pigs and 25% for dairy cows, but total land use decreased for pig production and increased for dairy milk production. Increased protein feed cultivation in Sweden decreased inputs needed for animal production and improved some ecological processes (e.g. nutrient recycling) of the farm systems. However, the differences in results between scenarios are relatively small and influenced to an extent by methodological choices such as co-product allocation. Moreover, it was difficult to assess the contribution of greenhouse emissions from land use change. The available accounting methods we applied did not adequately account for the potential land use changes and in some cases provided conflicting results. We conclude that local protein feed production presents an opportunity to reduce greenhouse gas emissions but at a cost of increasing land occupation in Sweden for feed production.  相似文献   

The palm oil industry constantly attempts to increase the sustainability along the entire palm oil value chain. One important strategy is to utilize all co‐products. Oil palm trunks, which become available upon replanting of existing plantations, represent an important and increasing flow of underexploited biomass. In recent years, innovative technologies are emerging to use them for producing furniture or plywood or providing bioenergy. We assessed the life cycle greenhouse gas emissions of such products and the greenhouse gas emission savings due to replaced alternative products. Although challenging material properties result in a relatively high energy demand and related greenhouse gas emissions in the oil palm wood processing, substantial reductions in greenhouse gas emissions can arise from producing furniture or bioenergy from oil palm trunks, especially if the process energy demand is met by the energy recovery from oil palm wood‐processing residues.  相似文献   

Despite their predominance worldwide, few studies have been conducted to look at the impact of sheep production systems relying on transhumance practices in arid and continental conditions, on farm-level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Using Turkey as an example, this paper examines on farm-level GHG emissions calculated for two contrasting sheep production systems under arid and continental climate conditions. Production and management data were obtained through face-to-face interviews carried out on 10 transhumance and 15 semi-intensive meat sheep farms in Turkey. A total of seven GHG emission estimates were then calculated for each farm with the Agricultural Resource Efficiency Calculator (AgRECalc©) tool; i) total Carbon Dioxide (CO2) from energy use (kg CO2e), ii) total Carbon Dioxide equivalent (CO2e) from methane (kg CO2e), iii) total CO2e from nitrous oxide (kg CO2e), iv) whole farm and enterprise CO2e emissions (kg CO2e), v) net emission from land use (kg CO2e), vi) whole farm CO2e emissions per kg of farm output (kg CO2e/kg output), vii) product CO2e emissions (meat): kg CO2e / kg live weight, and viii) farm output (kg of sheep). Multivariate analyses (using R software) were carried out to compare both farm types and their respective carbon emissions. The total farm output per ewe was lower in the transhumance farms (7.4 kg/ewe) than in the semi-intensive farms (7.7 kg/ewe). The kg CO2e per kg of output was also lower for the transhumance farms (46.2 kg CO2e) than for the semi-intensive ones (56.5 kg CO2e). This trend was similar for the amount of CO2e per kg of live weight produced (20.8 kg and 25.4 kg for the transhumance and the semi-intensive farms, respectively). Despite overall net emissions from land use being greater on average for the transhumance farms, once measured per hectare, they were found to be lower than those for the semi-intensive farms. This study provides a reference point for different sheep production systems’ GHG emission impact in continental rangelands in Turkey.  相似文献   

Many governments have signed up to greenhouse gas emission (GHGE) reduction programmes under their national climate change obligations. Recently, it has been suggested that the use of extended lactations in dairy herds could result in reduced GHGE. Dairy GHGE were modelled on a national basis and the model was used to compare emissions from lactations of three different lengths (305, 370 and 440 days), and a current ‘base’ scenario on the basis of maintaining current milk production levels. In addition to comparing GHGE from the average ‘National Herd’ under these scenarios, results were used to investigate how accounting for lactations of different lengths might alter the estimation of emissions calculated from the National Inventory methodology currently recommended by Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Data for the three lactation length scenarios were derived from nationally recorded dairy performance information and used in the GHGE model. Long lactations required fewer milking cows and replacements to maintain current milk yield levels than short ones, but GHGEs were found to rise from 1214 t of CO2 equivalent (CE)/farm per year for lactations of 305 days to 1371 t CE/farm per year for 440-day lactations. This apparent anomaly can be explained by the less efficient milk production (kg milk produced per kg cow weight) found in later lactation, a more pronounced effect in longer lactations. The sensitivity of the model to changes in replacement rate, persistency and level of milk yield was investigated. Changes in the replacement rate from 25% to 20% and in persistency by −10% to +20% resulted in very small changes in GHGE. Differences in GHGE due to the level of milk yield were much more dramatic with animals in the top 10% for yield, producing about 25% less GHGE/year than the average animal. National Inventory results were investigated using a more realistic spread of lactation lengths than recommended for such calculations using emissions calculated in the first part of the study. Current UK emission calculations based on the National Inventory were 329 Gg of methane per year from the dairy herd. Using the national distribution of lactation lengths, this was found to be an underestimate by about 10%. This work showed that the current rise in lactation length or a move towards calving every 18 months would increase GHGE by 7% to 14% compared with the current scenario, assuming the same milk yield in all models. Increased milk yield would have a much greater effect on reducing GHGE than changes to lactation length, replacement rate or persistency. National Inventory methodology appears to underestimate GHGE when the distribution of lactation lengths is considered and may need revising to provide more realistic figures.  相似文献   

The growing demand for bioenergy increases pressure on peatlands. The novel strategy of wet peatlands agriculture (paludiculture) may permit the production of bioenergy from biomass while avoiding large greenhouse gas emissions as occur during conventional crop cultivation on drained peat soils. Herein, we present the first greenhouse gas balances of a simulated paludiculture to assess its suitability as a biomass source from a climatic perspective. In a rewetted peatland, we performed closed‐chamber measurements of carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide exchange in stands of the potential crops Phragmites australis, Typha latifolia, and Carex acutiformis for two consecutive years. To simulate harvest, the biomass of half of the measurement spots was removed once per year. Carbon dioxide exchange was close to neutral in all tested stands. The effect of biomass harvest on the carbon dioxide exchange differed between the 2 years. During the first and second year, methane emissions were 13–63 g m?2 a?1 and 2–5 g m?2 a?1, respectively. Nitrous oxide emissions lay below our detection limit. Net greenhouse gas balances in the study plots were close to being climate neutral during both years except for the Carex stand, which was a source of greenhouse gases in the first year (in CO2‐equivalents: 18 t ha?1 a?1). Fifteen years after rewetting the net greenhouse gas balance of the study site was similar to those of pristine fens. In addition, we did not find a significant short‐term effect of biomass harvest on net greenhouse gas balances. In our ecosystem, ~17 t ha?1 a?1 of CO2‐equivalent emissions are saved by rewetting compared to a drained state. Applying this figure to the fen area in northern Germany, emission savings of 2.8–8.5 Mt a?1 CO2‐equivalents could possibly be achieved by rewetting; this excludes additional savings by fossil fuel replacement.  相似文献   



The crude palm oil (CPO) extraction is normally done by a wet extraction process, and wastewater treatment of the wet process emits high levels of greenhouse gases (GHGs). A dry process extracts mixed palm oil (MPO) from palm fruit without using water and has no GHG emissions from wastewater treatment. This work is aimed at determining the GHG emissions of a dry process and at evaluating GHG savings on changing from wet to dry process, including land use change (LUC) effects.


Life cycle assessment from cradle to gate was used. The raw material is palm fruits. The dry process includes primary production, oil room, and utilities. MPO is the main product, while palm cake and fine palm residue are co-products sold for animal feed. Case studies were undertaken without and with carbon stocks of firewood and of nitrogen recycling at plantations from fronds. Allocations by mass, economic, and heating values were conducted. The trading of GHG emissions from co-products to GHG emissions from animal feed was assessed. The GHG emissions or savings from direct LUC (dLUC) and from indirect LUC (iLUC) effects and for the change from wet to dry process were determined.

Results and discussion

Palm fruit and firewood were the major GHG emission sources. Nitrogen recycling on plantations from fronds significantly affects the GHG emissions. With the carbon stocks, the GHG emissions allocated by energy value were 550 kg CO2 eq/t MPO. The GHG emissions were affected by ?3 to 37% for the change from wet to dry process. When the plantation area was increased by 1 ha and the palm oil extraction was changed from wet to dry process, and the change included dLUC and iLUC, the GHG savings ranged from ?0.94 to 5.08 t CO2 eq/ha year. The iLUC was the main GHG emission source. The GHG saving mostly originated from the change of extraction process and from the dLUC effect. Based on the potential use of biodiesel production from oil palm, during 2015–2036 in Thailand, when the extraction process was changed and dLUC and iLUC effects were included, the saving in GHG emissions was estimated to range from ?35,454 to 274,774 t CO2 eq/year.


The change of palm oil extraction process and the LUC effects could minimize the GHG emissions from the palm oil industry. This advantage encourages developing policies that support the dry extraction process and contribute to sustainable developments in palm oil production.

微塑料因在土壤环境中广泛存在及其潜在的生态风险而受到越来越多的关注。微塑料的赋存会改变土壤理化性质,并对土壤微生物群落及其驱动的生物地球化学过程产生影响,而相关研究尚处于起步阶段。可生物降解塑料作为传统塑料的替代品,越来越多地应用于农业活动,并释放到土壤中。然而,可生物降解微塑料对土壤微生物特性产生影响的研究鲜有报道。基于此,本试验以我国三江平原水稻田土壤为研究对象,选取了2种常见的微塑料为试验材料,分别为传统型微塑料聚丙烯(Polypropylene,PP)和可降解微塑料聚乳酸(Polylactic acid,PLA),进行了为期41d的微宇宙培养实验,旨在分析不同浓度与类型的微塑料对土壤可溶性有机碳(Dissolved Organic Carbon,DOC)含量及官能团特征、温室气体排放以及微生物群落结构的差异性影响。结果表明,传统型微塑料PP与可降解微塑料PLA添加均对土壤理化性质与微生物群落产生显著影响。其中,微塑料添加大体上增加了土壤DOC含量,PLA的促进作用较为明显,且增加含量与微塑料添加量呈正相关;PP和PLA均影响土壤DOC分子结构,削弱了土壤团聚化程度并促进了大分子量DOC化合物的生成;微塑料的添加促进土壤CH4排放,而有效抑制了土壤CO2排放;微塑料显著改变了土壤细菌和真菌群落的丰富度与多样性。相关分析结果表明,土壤CO2累计排放量与芳香族化合物结构及疏水性等官能团特征、变形菌门(Proteobacteria)与放线菌门(Actinobacteria)均呈显著正相关关系。以上结果表明,微塑料添加改变了土壤DOC含量及官能团特征与微生物环境,进而影响土壤温室气体排放。本研究为今后微塑料对土壤地球化学和微生物特性的影响研究提供了科学的思路,同时也有助于评估微塑料对土壤生态系统的生态风险。  相似文献   

Japan depends heavily on imports for its food supply. Since 2000, the food self‐sufficiency ratio has remained approximately 40% on a caloric basis. Japanese food wastage (i.e., food losses and food waste) is estimated to have been 6.42 million tonnes (50 kg per capita of wastage) in 2012. These values indicate that food wastage leads to wasted natural resources and excessive greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions both in Japan and in countries that export to Japan. This study estimates Japanese food wastage by food item to evaluate impacts on land and water resources and global GHG emissions during the processing, distribution, and consumption phases of the food supply chain while also considering the feed crops needed for livestock production. Despite uncertainties due to data limitations, in 2012, 1.23 million hectares of harvested land were used to produce food that was eventually wasted, and 413 million m3 of water resources were wasted due to Japanese food wastage in agricultural production. Furthermore, unnecessary GHG emissions were 3.51 million tonnes of CO2 eq. in agricultural production and 0.49 million tonnes of CO2 eq. in international transportation. The outcomes of the present study can be used to develop countermeasures to food wastage in industrializing Asian countries where food imports are projected to increase and food wastage issues in the consumption stage are expected to become as serious as they currently are in Japan.  相似文献   

Competition for land is increasing, and policy needs to ensure the efficient supply of multiple ecosystem services from land systems. We modelled the spatially explicit potential future supply of ecosystem services in Australia's intensive agricultural land in response to carbon markets under four global outlooks from 2013 to 2050. We assessed the productive efficiency of greenhouse gas emissions abatement, agricultural production, water resources, and biodiversity services and compared these to production possibility frontiers (PPFs). While interacting commodity markets and carbon markets produced efficient outcomes for agricultural production and emissions abatement, more efficient outcomes were possible for water resources and biodiversity services due to weak price signals. However, when only two objectives were considered as per typical efficiency assessments, efficiency improvements involved significant unintended trade‐offs for the other objectives and incurred substantial opportunity costs. Considering multiple objectives simultaneously enabled the identification of land use arrangements that were efficient over multiple ecosystem services. Efficient land use arrangements could be selected that meet society's preferences for ecosystem service provision from land by adjusting the metric used to combine multiple services. To effectively manage competition for land via land use efficiency, market incentives are needed that effectively price multiple ecosystem services.  相似文献   

The shift from straw incorporation to biofuel production entails emissions from production, changes in soil organic carbon (SOC) and through the provision of (co‐)products and entailed displacement effects. This paper analyses changes in greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions arising from the shift from straw incorporation to biomethane and bioethanol production. The biomethane concept comprises comminution, anaerobic digestion and amine washing. It additionally provides an organic fertilizer. Bioethanol production comprises energetic use of lignin, steam explosion, enzymatic hydrolysis and co‐fermentation. Additionally, feed is provided. A detailed consequential GHG balance with in‐depth focus on the time dependency of emissions is conducted: (a) the change in the atmospheric load of emissions arising from the change in the temporal occurrence of emissions comparing two steady states (before the shift and once a new steady state has established); and (b) the annual change in overall emissions over time starting from the shift are assessed. The shift from straw incorporation to biomethane production results in net changes in GHG emissions of (a) ?979 (?436 to ?1,654) and (b) ?955 (?220 to ?1,623) kg CO2‐eq. per tdry matter straw converted to biomethane (minimum and maximum). The shift to bioethanol production results in net changes of (a) ?409 (?107 to ?610) and (b) ?361 (57 to ?603) kg CO2‐eq. per tdry matter straw converted to bioethanol. If the atmospheric load of emissions arising from different timing of emissions is neglected in case (a), the change in GHG emissions differs by up to 54%. Case (b) reveals carbon payback times of 0 (0–49) and 19 (1–100) years in case of biomethane and bioethanol production, respectively. These results demonstrate that the detailed inclusion of temporal aspects into GHG balances is required to get a comprehensive understanding of changes in GHG emissions induced by the introduction of advanced biofuels from agricultural residues.  相似文献   

Dairy systems are a source of pollutant emissions, such as greenhouse gases (GHG) and NH3 that are associated with impacts on the environment. Gas emissions in barns are related mainly to diet intake and chemical composition, N excretion and manure management. A reduction in dietary N is known to be an effective way to reduce N excretion and the resulting NH3 emissions. However, most studies consider manure in liquid form with frequent removal from the barn. In deep litter systems, several processes can occur during the accumulation of solid manure that result in variable gas emissions. The objective of this experiment was to investigate the influence of the interaction between dietary CP (low or high) and manure management (liquid or solid) on gas emissions (NH3, N2O, CH4) at the barn level. Dietary treatments provided either low (LowN; 12% CP) or high (HighN; 18% CP) degradable protein to modify the amount of total ammonia nitrogen (TAN) excreted. The cows were housed for two 8-week periods in two mechanically ventilated rooms equipped to manage manure either in liquid (LM; slurry) or solid form (SM; deep litter). In the LM treatment, N balance was measured for 4 days. As expected, animals fed the LowN diet ingested 35% less N and excreted 65% less N in their urine, with no reduction in faecal N excretion and N secretion in milk. On the LowN diet, excretion of urea-N and NH3-N emissions were reduced regardless of the manure management. On the HighN diet, urinary urea-N excretion was three times as high, while NH3-N emissions were 3.0 and 4.5 times as high in LM and SM, respectively. Manure management strongly influenced CH4-C emissions, which were 30% higher in SM than in LM, due to the accumulation of litter. Moreover, gas emissions from solid manure increased over the accumulation period, except for NH3 on the LowN diet. Finally, our results suggest that methods used for national inventories would become more accurate by considering the variability in TAN excretion, which is the primary factor that influences NH3 emissions.  相似文献   

Using both a multivariate technique and a classic convergence analysis, we set out to test in an original way if the European Union (EU) regulation on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions produced by urban road transport has generated a policy transfer process. By doing so, this paper attempts to fill the gap in research on ex-post analysis to assess whether the decisions taken at the EU level are actually transposed and implemented locally. The results obtained allow to document whether the EU regulation has stimulated the adoption of sustainable mobility policies for a selected group of Italian cities. The findings show that the processes of policy transfer may produce different effects if heterogeneity exists between cities or regions, even if they belong to the same country. Italian evidence demonstrates that northern cities are more actively drawing policy lessons. The study also reveals that large cities choose to look abroad more often than small municipalities. These results indicate that there may be institutional and economic variables that influence the transfer process.  相似文献   

Biofuel production from crop residues is widely recognized as an essential component of developing a bioeconomy, but the removal of crop residues still raises many questions about the sustainability of the cropping system. Therefore, this study reviews the sustainability effects of crop residues removal for biofuel production in terms of crop production, soil health and greenhouse gas emissions. Most studies found little evidence that residue management had long‐term impacts on grain yield unless the available water is limited. In years when water was not limiting, corn and wheat removal rates ≥90% produced similar or greater grain yield than no removal in most studies. Conversely, when water was limiting, corn grain yield decreased up to 21% with stover removal ≥90% in some studies. Changes in soil organic fractions and nutrients depended largely on the amount of residue returned, soil depth and texture, slope and tillage. Reductions in organic fractions occurred primarily with complete stover removal, in the top 15–30 cm in fine‐textured soils. Soil erosion, water runoff and leaching of nutrients such as total nitrogen (N) and extractable soil potassium decreased when no more than 30% of crop residues were removed. Stover management effects on soil bulk density varied considerably depending on soil layer, and residue and tillage management, with removal rates of less than 50% helping to maintain the soil aggregate stability. Reductions in CO2 and N2O fluxes typically occurred following complete residue removal. The use of wheat straw typically increased CH4 emissions, and above or equal to 8 Mg/ha wheat straw led to the largest CO2 and N2O emissions, regardless of N rates. Before using crop residues for biofuel production, it should therefore always be checked whether neutral to positive sustainability effects can be maintained under the site‐specific conditions.  相似文献   

2012年5月—2014年6月,采用田间小区试验方法,研究了不同氮肥管理对N2O与CH4的排放、土壤硝态氮含量以及苜蓿干草产量的影响.试验共设5个处理:对照(CK)、单施尿素处理(100 kg N·hm-2, CF)、尿素(100 kg N·hm-2)与腐熟牛粪(60 kg N·hm-2)混施处理(DM1)、尿素(100 kg N·hm-2)与沼液(60 kg N·hm-2)混施处理(DT)及减量尿素(40 kg N·hm-2)与牛粪(60 kg N·hm-2)混施处理(DM2).结果表明: 与CK相比,CF、DM1、DT和DM2处理苜蓿干草产量分别增加44.2%、38.9%、56.3%和30.6%,N2O排放分别比对照增加52.2%、89.1%、133.7%和59.4%,但各施肥处理对甲烷吸收表现出不同程度的抑制作用.苜蓿生产中,尿素和牛粪处理N2O-N排放与肥料氮素投入量比值(排放系数)为0.25%~0.28%,而沼液处理N2O-N排放系数为0.64%,显著高于前者.苜蓿生产中,施用化肥或有机无机混施均能显著增加苜蓿干物质产量,土壤硝态氮深层淋洗风险较小,但增加了CO2-equivalent净排放量.  相似文献   

The supply of water, food, and energy in our global economy is highly interlinked. Virtual blue water embedded into internationally traded food crops has therefore been extensively researched in recent years. This study focuses on the often neglected energy needed to supply this blue irrigation water. It provides a globally applicable and spatially explicit approach to the watershed level for water source specific quantification of energy consumption and related greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of irrigation water supply. The approach is applied to Israel's total domestic and imported food crop supply of 105 crops by additionally including import-related transportation energy and emissions. Total energy use and related emissions of domestic crop production were much lower (551 GWh/422 kt CO2-equivalents [CO2e]) than those embedded into crop imports (1639 GWh/649 kt CO2e). Domestic energy and emissions were mainly attributable to the irrigation water supply with artificial water sources (treated domestic wastewater and desalinated water, 84%). Transport accounted for 79% and 66% of virtually imported energy and emissions, respectively. Despite transport, specific GHG emissions (CO2e per ton of crop) were significantly lower for several crops (e.g., olives, almonds, chickpeas) compared to domestic production. This could be attributed to the high share of energy-intensive artificial water supply in combination with higher irrigation water demands in Israel. In the course of an increasing demand for artificial water supply in arid and semi-arid regions, our findings point to the importance of including “energy for water” into comparative environmental assessment of crop supply to support decision-making related to the water–energy–food nexus.  相似文献   

通过田间试验,研究了太湖地区不同轮作模式下稻季温室气体排放规律.结果表明: 水稻生长季CH4排放呈先升高后降低趋势,CH4排放主要集中在水稻生育前期,烤田后至水稻收获期间CH4排放量较低;N2O的排放主要集中在3次施肥及烤田期.稻季排放的CH4对全球增温潜势(GWP)的贡献远高于N2O,各处理所占比例为94.7%~99.6%,是温室气体减排的主要对象.不同轮作模式下,稻季CH4排放总量及其GWP存在显著差异,表现为小麦-水稻>紫云英-水稻>休闲-水稻轮作;稻季N2O排放总量及其GWP没有显著性差异.与不施肥处理相比,紫云英-水稻轮作模式下施加氮肥显著降低了CH4排放量和GWP,但不同氮肥用量下的CH4排放量和GWP没有显著性差异,而紫云英还田稻季施氮240 kg·hm-2下的水稻产量却最高.综合经济效益和环境效益,紫云英还田稻季施氮240 kg·hm-2下的增产减排综合效果更好,是值得当地推广的耕作制度.  相似文献   

Government policies relating to red meat production take account of the carbon footprint, environmental impact, and contributions to human health and nutrition, biodiversity and food security. This paper reviews the impact of grazing on these parameters and their interactions, identifying those practices that best meet governments' strategic goals. The recent focus of research on livestock grazing and biodiversity has been on reducing grazing intensity on hill and upland areas. Although this produces rapid increases in sward height and herbage mass, changes in structural diversity and plant species are slower, with no appreciable short-term increases in biodiversity so that environmental policies that simply involve reductions in numbers of livestock may not result in increased biodiversity. Furthermore, upland areas rely heavily on nutrient inputs to pastures so that withdrawal of these inputs can threaten food security. Differences in grazing patterns among breeds increase our ability to manage biodiversity if they are matched appropriately to different conservation grazing goals. Lowland grassland systems differ from upland pastures in that additional nutrients in the form of organic and inorganic fertilisers are more frequently applied to lowland pastures. Appropriate management of these nutrient applications is required, to reduce the associated environmental impact. New slurry-spreading techniques and technologies (e.g. the trailing shoe) help reduce nutrient losses but high nitrogen losses from urine deposition remain a key issue for lowland grassland systems. Nitrification inhibitors have the greatest potential to successfully tackle this problem. Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions are lower from indoor-based systems that use concentrates to shorten finishing periods. The challenge is to achieve the same level of performance from grass-based systems. Research has shown potential solutions through the use of forages containing condensed tannins or establishing swards with a high proportion of clover and high-sugar grasses. Relative to feeding conserved forage or concentrates, grazing fresh grass not only reduces GHG emissions but also enhances the fatty acid composition of meat in terms of consumer health. It is possible to influence biodiversity, nutrient utilisation, GHG emissions and the nutritional quality of meat in grass-based systems, but each of these parameters is intrinsically linked and should not be considered in isolation. Interactions between these parameters must be considered carefully when policies are being developed, in order to ensure that strategies designed to achieve positive gains in one category do not lead to a negative impact in another. Some win-win outcomes are identified.  相似文献   

The materials and energy in an integrated biological hydrogen production and purification system involving hydrolysis, dark fermentation, photo fermentation, CO2 fixation and anaerobic digestion are balanced by integrating the results from multiple experiments, simulations and the literature. The findings are two fold. First, using 1000 kg rice straw as a substrate, 19.8 kg H2 and 138.0 kg CH4 are obtained. The net energy balance (NEB) and net energy ratio (NER) are −738.4 kWh and 77.8%, respectively, both of which imply an unfavorable energy production system. Opportunities to improve the performance particularly lie in the photo fermentation process. Second, greenhouse gas emissions are evaluated for various options. The results were comparable with the emission inventory of electricity generated from fossil fuels. NEB and NER under a zero-carbon-emission constraint were discussed in detail to clarify completely the implications of the energy and material balances on greenhouse gas emissions.  相似文献   

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