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Evolutionary genomics is coming into focus with the recent availability of complete sequences for many bacterial species. A hypothesis on the evolution of virulence factors in the plant pathogen Erwinia amylovora, the causative agent of fire blight, was generated using comparative genomics with the genomes E. amylovora, Erwinia pyrifoliae and Erwinia tasmaniensis. Putative virulence factors were mapped to the proposed genealogy of the genus Erwinia that is based on phylogenetic and genomic data. Ancestral origin of several virulence factors was identified, including levan biosynthesis, sorbitol metabolism, three T3SS and two T6SS. Other factors appeared to have been acquired after divergence of pathogenic species, including a second flagellar gene and two glycosyltransferases involved in amylovoran biosynthesis. E. amylovora singletons include 3 unique T3SS effectors that may explain differential virulence/host ranges. E. amylovora also has a unique T1SS export system, and a unique third T6SS gene cluster. Genetic analysis revealed signatures of foreign DNA suggesting that horizontal gene transfer is responsible for some of these differential features between the three species.  相似文献   

Ecologically and evolutionarily oriented research on learning has traditionally been carried out on vertebrates and bees. While less sophisticated than those animals, fruit flies (Drosophila) are capable of several forms of learning, and have the advantage of a short generation time, which makes them an ideal system for experimental evolution studies. This review summarizes the insights into evolutionary questions about learning gained in the last decade from evolutionary experiments on Drosophila. These experiments demonstrate that Drosophila has the genetic potential to evolve a substantially improved learning performance in ecologically relevant learning tasks. In at least one set of selected populations, the improved learning generalized to a task other than that used to impose selection, involving a different behavior, different stimuli, and a different sensory channel for the aversive reinforcement. This improvement in learning ability was associated with reductions in other fitness-related traits, such as larval competitive ability and lifespan, pointing to evolutionary trade-offs for improved learning. These trade-offs were confirmed by other evolutionary experiments where a reduction in learning performance was observed as a correlated response to selection for tolerance to larval nutritional stress or for delayed aging. Such trade-offs could be one reason why fruit flies have not fully used up their evolutionary potential for learning. Finally, another evolutionary experiment with Drosophila provided the first direct evidence for the long-standing idea that learning can under some circumstances accelerate and in others slow down genetically based evolutionary change. These results demonstrate the usefulness of fruit flies as a model system to address evolutionary questions about learning.  相似文献   

In this Special feature, we assemble studies that illustrate phylogenetic approaches to studying salient questions regarding the effect of specialization on lineage diversification. The studies use an array of techniques involving a wide-ranging collection of biological systems (plants, butterflies, fish and amphibians are all represented). Their results reveal that macroevolutionary examination of specialization provides insight into the patterns of trade-offs in specialized systems; in particular, the genetic mechanisms of trade-offs appear to extend to very different aspects of life history in different groups. In turn, because a species may be a specialist from one perspective and a generalist in others, these trade-offs influence whether we perceive specialization to have effects on the evolutionary success of a lineage when we examine specialization only along a single axis. Finally, how geographical range influences speciation and extinction of specialist lineages remains a question offering much potential for further insight.  相似文献   

Afzal AJ  da Cunha L  Mackey D 《The Plant cell》2011,23(10):3798-3811
RPM1-interacting protein 4 (RIN4) is a multifunctional Arabidopsis thaliana protein that regulates plant immune responses to pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) and bacterial type III effector proteins (T3Es). RIN4, which is targeted by multiple defense-suppressing T3Es, provides a mechanistic link between PAMP-triggered immunity (PTI) and effector-triggered immunity and effector suppression of plant defense. Here we report on a structure-function analysis of RIN4-mediated suppression of PTI. Separable fragments of RIN4, including those produced when the T3E AvrRpt2 cleaves RIN4 and each containing a plant-specific nitrate-induced (NOI) domain, suppress PTI. The N-terminal and C-terminal NOIs each contribute to PTI suppression and are evolutionarily conserved. Native RIN4 is anchored to the plasma membrane by C-terminal acylation. Nonmembrane-tethered derivatives of RIN4 activate a cell death response in wild-type Arabidopsis and are hyperactive PTI suppressors in a mutant background that lacks the cell death response. Our results indicate that RIN4 is a multifunctional suppressor of PTI and that a virulence function of AvrRpt2 may include cleaving RIN4 into active defense-suppressing fragments.  相似文献   

Accessions of wild Lycopersicon germplasm were screened for resistance to Pseudomonas syringae pv tomato (P.s. tomato). Resistance to both race-0 and race-1 strains of P.s. tomato was identified in L. pimpinellifolium, L. peruvianum and L. hirsutum var. glabratum. Resistance to race-0 derived from L. hirsutum var. glabratum (Pto3) appeared to be inherited independently of Pto1 and Pto2. Filial and backcross generations derived from interspecific crosses between L. esculentum and L. hirsutum var. glabratum revealed that Pto3 resistance was inherited in a complex fashion and was incompletely dominant under conditions of high bacteria inocula. Resistance to P.s. tomato race-1 (Pto4) was also identified in L. hirsutum var. glabratum. Pto3 and Pto4 segregated independently of each other.  相似文献   

Plant immunity: the EDS1 regulatory node   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
ENHANCED DISEASE SUSCEPTIBILITY 1 (EDS1) and its interacting partner, PHYTOALEXIN DEFICIENT 4 (PAD4), constitute a regulatory hub that is essential for basal resistance to invasive biotrophic and hemi-biotrophic pathogens. EDS1 and PAD4 are also recruited by Toll-Interleukin-1 receptor (TIR)-type nucleotide binding-leucine rich repeat (NB-LRR) proteins to signal isolate-specific pathogen recognition. Recent work points to a fundamental role of EDS1 and PAD4 in transducing redox signals in response to certain biotic and abiotic stresses. These intracellular proteins are important activators of salicylic acid (SA) signaling and also mediate antagonism between the jasmonic acid (JA) and ethylene (ET) defense response pathways. EDS1 forms several molecularly and spatially distinct complexes with PAD4 and a newly discovered in vivo signaling partner, SENESCENCE ASSOCIATED GENE 101 (SAG101). Together, EDS1, PAD4 and SAG101 provide a major barrier to infection by both host-adapted and non-host pathogens.  相似文献   

Gene and protein sequence analyses, central components of studies in modern biology are easily amenable to string matching and pattern recognition algorithms. The growing need of analysing whole genome sequences more efficiently and thoroughly, has led to the emergence of new computational methods. Suffix trees and suffix arrays are data structures, well known in many other areas and are highly suited for sequence analysis too. Here we report an improvement to the design of construction of suffix arrays. Enhancement in versatility and scalability, enabled by this approach, is demonstrated through the use of real-life examples.The scalability of the algorithm to whole genomes renders it suitable to address many biologically interesting problems. One example is the evolutionary insight gained by analysing unigrams, bi-grams and higher n-grams, indicating that the genetic code has a direct influence on the overall composition of the genome. Further, different proteomes have been analysed for the coverage of the possible peptide space, which indicate that as much as a quarter of the total space at the tetra-peptide level is left un-sampled in prokaryotic organisms, although almost all tri-peptides can be seen in one protein or another in a proteome. Besides, distinct patterns begin to emerge for the counts of particular tetra and higher peptides, indicative of a ‘meaning’ for tetra and higher n-grams.The toolkit has also been used to demonstrate the usefulness of identifying repeats in whole proteomes efficiently. As an example, 16 members of one COG, coded by the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv have been found to contain a repeating sequence of 300 amino acids.  相似文献   

Gene and protein sequence analyses, central components of studies in modern biology are easily amenable to string matching and pattern recognition algorithms. The growing need of analysing whole genome sequences more efficiently and thoroughly, has led to the emergence of new computational methods. Suffix trees and suffix arrays are data structures, well known in many other areas and are highly suited for sequence analysis too. Here we report an improvement to the design of construction of suffix arrays. Enhancement in versatility and scalability, enabled by this approach, is demonstrated through the use of real-life examples. The scalability of the algorithm to whole genomes renders it suitable to address many biologically interesting problems. One example is the evolutionary insight gained by analysing unigrams, bi-grams and higher n-grams, indicating that the genetic code has a direct influence on the overall composition of the genome. Further, different proteomes have been analysed for the coverage of the possible peptide space, which indicate that as much as a quarter of the total space at the tetra-peptide level is left un-sampled in prokaryotic organisms, although almost all tri-peptides can be seen in one protein or another in a proteome. Besides, distinct patterns begin to emerge for the counts of particular tetra and higher peptides, indicative of a 'meaning' for tetra and higher n-grams. The toolkit has also been used to demonstrate the usefulness of identifying repeats in whole proteomes efficiently. As an example, 16 members of one COG,coded by the genome of Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv have been found to contain a repeating sequence of 300 amino acids.  相似文献   

A molecular phylogenetic study of the plant genus Coreocarpus was conducted using nuclear (ITS) and plastid (rpl16 intron) DNA sequences, with phylogenies of the nuclear and plastid sequences highly congruent in defining a monophyletic group of six species (core Coreocarpus), although three other species often placed within the genus were excluded. Relationships within the genus are largely but not totally concordant with prior biosystematic studies. Despite strong molecular support, no morphological characters uniting the six species of core Coreocarpus have been identified; retention of plesiomorphic characters and the genetic lability of characters are two probable factors contributing to lack of consistent defining characters. The age of the core Coreocarpus is estimated at 1 million years because the basal species is endemic to a volcanic island that emerged in the past million years. Mapping the results of earlier breeding studies on the molecular phylogeny showed that use of cross-compatibility as a criterion for species delimitation would result in the recognition of paraphyletic species. Prior field, morphological, and biosystematic studies provided no indication of past hybridization in the evolution of Coreocarpus, and species in the genus appeared to be well defined morphologically. However, three instances of incongruence were observed. Two of these were between the nuclear and plastid partitions, and the third was between the morphological species assignment of one accession and the molecular data. If hybridization accounts for incongruence between the nuclear and plastid data, it occurred between species that now appear to be cross-incompatible and allopatric. The incongruence between morphological species assignment and the molecular data could be the result of parallel fixation of characters that have a simple genetic basis. This study suggests that the evolutionary history of Coreocarpus is much more complex than indicated from prior biosystematic investigations and that biosystematic and molecular phylogenetic studies may complement each other for elucidating the evolution and phylogeny of a group.  相似文献   

Plants dwelling at the base of biological food chain are of fundamental significance in providing solutions to some of the most daunting ecological and environmental problems faced by our planet. The reductionist views of molecular biology provide only a partial understanding to the phenotypic knowledge of plants. Systems biology offers a comprehensive view of plant systems, by employing a holistic approach integrating the molecular data at various hierarchical levels. In this  review, we discuss the basics of systems biology including the various ‘omics’ approaches and their integration, the modeling aspects and the tools needed for the plant systems research. A particular emphasis is given to the recent analytical advances, updated published examples of plant systems biology studies and the future trends.  相似文献   

A report of The Keystone Symposium on Plant Innate Immunity, Keystone, USA, 10-15 February 2008.  相似文献   

Specific recognition of the Pseudomonas syringae effector proteins AvrPto and AvrPtoB in tomato is mediated by Pto kinase resulting in induction of defense responses, including hypersensitive cell death via a signaling pathway requiring the nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeats protein Prf. Pto is a myristoylated protein, and N-myristoylation is required for signaling. Here we demonstrated a role for N-myristoylation in controlling Pto kinase activity. A myristoylated peptide corresponding to Pto residues 2-10 significantly impaired the kinase activity of N-truncated Pto. We show that kinase inhibition was specific to the myristoylated form of the peptide and that free myristate supplied in trans was a potent suppressor of Pto kinase activity. Thus, myristate, but not Pto residues 2-10, contributes to suppression of kinase activity in vitro. Accordingly, elimination of the in vivo myristoylation potential of Pto de-repressed kinase activity. The increased potency of free myristate relative to the myristoylated N-peptide inhibitor suggested that the peptide moiety is antagonistic to repression by myristate. Suppression of related protein kinases by myristate declined with similarity to Pto, and the inhibitory activity could be attributed to hydrophobicity. We present evidence that inhibition of Pto by the myristoylated N-peptide is mediated through a previously identified surface regulatory patch. The data show a role for negative regulation of Pto by N-myristoylation, in addition to the previously demonstrated positive role, and are consistent with a model in which the acylated N terminus is sequestered in the catalytic cleft prior to release by Pto activation.  相似文献   

Parasite diversity and abundance (parasite load) vary greatly among host species. However, the influence of host traits on variation in parasitism remains poorly understood. Comparative studies of parasite load have largely examined measures of parasite species richness and are predominantly based on records obtained from published data. Consequently, little is known about the relationships between host traits and other aspects of parasite load, such as parasite abundance, prevalence and aggregation. Meanwhile, understanding of parasite species richness may be clouded by limitations associated with data collation from multiple independent sources. We conducted a field study of Lake Tanganyika cichlid fishes and their helminth parasites. Using a Bayesian phylogenetic comparative framework, we tested evolutionary associations between five key host traits (body size, gut length, diet breadth, habitat complexity and number of sympatric hosts) predicted to influence parasitism, together with multiple measures of parasite load. We find that the number of host species that a particular host may encounter due to its habitat preferences emerges as a factor of general importance for parasite diversity, abundance and prevalence, but not parasite aggregation. In contrast, body size and gut size are positively related to aspects of parasite load within, but not between species. The influence of host phylogeny varies considerably among measures of parasite load, with the greatest influence exerted on parasite diversity. These results reveal that both host morphology and biotic interactions are key determinants of host–parasite associations and that consideration of multiple aspects of parasite load is required to fully understand patterns in parasitism.  相似文献   

Kim YJ  Lin NC  Martin GB 《Cell》2002,109(5):589-598
The Pto serine/threonine kinase of tomato confers resistance to speck disease by recognizing strains of Pseudomonas syringae that express the protein AvrPto. Pto and AvrPto physically interact, and this interaction is required for activation of host resistance. We identified a second Pseudomonas protein, AvrPtoB, that interacts specifically with Pto and is widely distributed among plant pathogens. AvrPtoB is delivered into the plant cell by the bacterial type III secretion system, and it elicits Pto-specific defenses. AvrPtoB has little overall sequence similarity with AvrPto. However, AvrPto amino acids, which are required for interaction with Pto, are present in AvrPtoB and required for its interaction with Pto. Thus, two distinct bacterial effectors activate plant immunity by interacting with the same host protein kinase through a similar structural mechanism.  相似文献   

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