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A study of diel variations in the adenine nucleotide concentrations of natural phytoplanktonic populations led to the following conclusions:There are significant diel variations in cellular ATP concentrations. However, this temporal variability is not as great as the spatial variability between the various sampling depths, characterized by different phytoplankton populations. Within a globally stable pool of adenine nucleotides, diel variations inside the algal cell mainly take place at the expense of ATP and AMP, while ADP concentrations remain relatively stable.The statistical relationship between algal biomass obtained from cell counts and from adenine nucleotides also confirms maximum stability for ADP and (ATP + ADP + AMP). The diel variations in adenine nucleotide cell concentrations gradually become smaller with depth. This probably reflects the importance of light in causing such variability.  相似文献   



Variability in consumer behaviour can significantly influence the environmental performance of products and their associated impacts and this is typically not quantified in life cycle assessments. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate how consumer behaviour data can be used to understand and quantify the variability in the greenhouse gas emissions from domestic laundry washing across Europe.


Data from a pan-European consumer survey of product usage and washing habits was combined with internal company data on product format greenhouse gas (GHG) footprints and in-home measurement of energy consumption of laundry washing as well as literature data to determine the GHG footprint of laundry washing. The variability associated with four laundry detergent product formats and four wash temperature settings in washing machines were quantified on a per wash cycle basis across 23 European countries. The variability in GHG emissions associated with country electricity grid mixes was also taken into account. Monte Carlo methods were used to convert the variability in the input parameters into variability of the life cycle GHG emissions. Rank correlation analysis was used to quantify the importance of the different sources of variability.

Results and discussion

Both inter-country differences in background electricity mix as well as intra-country variation in consumer behaviour are important for determining the variability in life cycle GHG emissions of laundry detergents. The average GHG emissions related to the laundry washing process in the 23 European countries in 2014 was estimated to be 5?×?102 g CO2?eq/wash cycle, but varied by a factor of 6.5 between countries. Intra-country variability is between a factor of 3.5 and 5.0 (90% interval). For countries with a mainly fossil-based electricity system, the dominant source of variability in GHG emissions results from consumer choices in the use of washing machines. For countries with a relatively low-carbon electricity mix, variability in life cycle GHG emissions is mainly determined by laundry product-related parameters.


The combination of rich data sources enabled the quantification of the variability in the life cycle GHG emissions of laundry washing which is driven by a variety of consumer choices, manufacturer choices and infrastructural differences of countries. The improved understanding of the variability needs to be balanced against the cost and challenges of assessing of consumer habits.

In a laboratory flume, a comparative study on the near-bottom performance of the Acoustic Doppler Velocimeter (ADV) was conducted. Two different ADV systems were tested for different configurations and two flow velocities (9 cm s−1, 18 cm s−1). The results were compared with synchronous measurements with a Laser Doppler Anemometer (LDA). Near-bottom velocity measurements with the ADV have to be interpreted carefully as the ADV technique underestimates flow velocities in a zone close to the sediment. The height of this zone above the sediment varies with different ADV systems and configurations. The values for nominal sampling volume height (SVH) given by the software often underestimate the true, effective sampling volume heights. Smaller nominal SVH improve the ADV near-bottom performance, but the vertical extent of the zone in which the ADV underestimates flow by more than 20% may be larger than true SVH/2 by a factor of 2 (=true SVH). When the measurement volume approaches the bottom, ADV data quality parameters (signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) and signal amplitude) exceeding the average ‘open water’ level, are clear indicators that the ADV has begun to underestimate the flow velocity. Unfortunately, this is not a safe indicator for the range of reliable measurements as the ADV may begin to underestimate velocities even with unchanged ‘open water’ data quality parameters. Thus, one can only recommend avoiding measurements below a distance from the bottom that was defined empirically comparing the ADV and the LDA velocity profiles. This distance is 2.5 times nominal sampling volume height for the tested ADV systems and experimental settings.  相似文献   

In the Midi-Pyrénées region (southwest France), the increasing number of gravel pits has allowed the wintering of numerous species of waterbirds such as Great Cormorants (Phalacrocorax carbo). The debate about cormorant predation on fish stock has been sufficiently strong to have resulted in reductions in cormorant numbers by control shooting. In this context, cormorants were studied during winters 1996/1997 and 1997/1998 at two gravel pit sites in the Garonne floodplain. Human disturbances and fish densities were found to be the main parameters determining the abundance of fishing cormorants. This work will help to prompt further research and the development of a management strategy for this species.  相似文献   

Thick Neocomian–middle Albian successions include the most significant hydrocarbon source rocks in the Zagros Basin. These successions, named the Garau Formation, are composed of about 700 m of limestone, shaly (argillaceous) limestone, and bedded cherts with high organic matter (OM) content. Considering several lines of evidence, including the presence of partially dissolved planktonic foraminifer shells, thin-bedded radiolarian cherts, and the absence of index palynomorphs and shallow-marine fauna and facies, the depositional environment is interpreted as a deep basin (probably up to 1,000 m deep). Due to its bathymetry, facies changes are subtle, which in turn makes it challenging to reconstruct the sequence stratigraphic framework. Identification of five microfacies related to the deep basin along with palynological factors (AOM ratio, AOM%, phytoclast ratio, and phytoclast %) and their variations in the stratigraphic column led to identification of the relative sea-level changes during this time span. Consequently, various sequence surfaces and ten third-order sequences are recognized. These sequences are clearly correlatable with the shallow-water sequences of the Arabian Plate in their numbers and ages. Using Rock-Eval pyrolysis, organic content of the Garau facies is determined. TOC data show an elevated OM content (1.648 %) with a marked increase during the Early Aptian, which could be ascribed to the OAE1a.  相似文献   

Limnology - Controlling phosphorus is fundamental to limit the risk of eutrophication of continental aquatic ecosystems. Integrated modelling of its concentration in the aquatic continuum requires...  相似文献   

Peksa O  Skaloud P 《Molecular ecology》2011,20(18):3936-3948
The distribution patterns of symbiotic algae are thought to be conferred mainly by their hosts, however, they may originate in algal environmental requirements as well. In lichens, predominantly terrestrial associations of fungi with algae or cyanobacteria, the ecological preferences of photobionts have not been directly studied so far. Here, we examine the putative environmental requirements in lichenized alga Asterochloris, and search for the existence of ecological guilds in Asterochloris-associating lichens. Therefore, the presence of phylogenetic signal in several environmental traits was tested. Phylogenetic analysis based on the concatenated set of internal transcribed spacer rDNA and actin type I intron sequences from photobionts associated with lichens of the genera Lepraria and Stereocaulon (Stereocaulaceae, Ascomycota) revealed 13 moderately to well-resolved clades. Photobionts from particular algal clades were found to be associated with taxonomically different, but ecologically similar lichens. The rain and sun exposure were the most significant environmental factor, clearly distinguishing the Asterochloris lineages. The photobionts from ombrophobic and ombrophilic lichens were clustered in completely distinct clades. Moreover, two photobiont taxa were obviously differentiated based on their substrate and climatic preferences. Our study, thus reveals that the photobiont, generally the subsidiary member of the symbiotic lichen association, could exhibit clear preferences for environmental factors. These algal preferences may limit the ecological niches available to lichens and lead to the existence of specific lichen guilds.  相似文献   

Palynological analysis of the basal sedimentary sequence of a peat bog in the upper northeastern part of Mayenne (Massif Armoricain, France) revealed the existence of two temperate oscillations towards the end of the Weichselian glaciation, which were related chronologically by AMS C14 dating to the Kesselt and Tursac interstadials already reported at cave sites. Pollen diagrams recorded mesothermophilic arboreal taxa apparently disseminated from a refuge station possibly corresponding to the Erve valley.  相似文献   

Peptidylarginine deiminase type 4 (PADI4) genotypes were shown to influence susceptibility to rheumatoid arthritis (RA) in the Japanese population. Such an association could not previously be confirmed in different European populations. In the present study, we analysed exons 2–4 of PADI4 in 102 German RA patients and 102 healthy individuals to study the influence of PADI4 variability on RA susceptibility by means of haplotype-specific DNA sequencing. Analyses of the influence of PADI4 and HLA-DRB1 genotypes on disease activity and on levels of anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies were performed.  相似文献   

The sublethal toxic potency of malathion in inhibiting acetylcholinesterase activity of brain, muscle, gill and liver tissues of the fish,Tilapia mossambica was studied at 12 h intervals. Maximum in hibition at 36 and 48 h, and complete revival of acetylcholinesterase activity after 72 h was noticed, suggestive of the loss of inhibition of the enzyme activity was probably by suitable (acetylcholine) accumulation.  相似文献   



Approximately 46,000 t/day of packaging waste was generated in China in 2010, of which, 2,500 t was composite packaging waste. Due to the lack of recycling technology and an imperfect recovery system, most of this waste is processed in sanitary landfills. An effective packaging waste management system is needed since this waste not only uses up valuable resources, but also increases environmental pollution. The purpose of this study is to estimate the environmental impact of the treatment scenarios in composite packaging waste which are commonly used in China, to determine the optimum composite packaging waste management strategy, and to design new separating and recycling technology for composite packaging, based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) results.


To identify the best treatment for composite packaging waste, the LCA software SimaPro 7.1.6 was used to assist in the analysis of the environmental impacts, coupled with the impact assessment method Eco-Indicator 99. LCA for composite packaging waste management was carried out by estimating the environmental impacts of the four scenarios most often used in China: landfill, incineration, paper recycling, and separation of polyethylene and aluminum. One ton of post-consumption Tetra Pak waste was selected as the functional unit. The data on the mass, energy fluxes, and environmental emissions were obtained from literature and site investigations.

Results and discussion

Landfill—scenario 1—was the worst waste management option. Paper recycling—scenario 3—was more environmentally friendly than incineration, scenario 2. Scenario 4, separating out polyethylene and aluminum, was established based on the LCA result, and inventory data were obtained from the demonstration project built by this research. In scenario 4, the demonstration project for the separation of polyethylene and aluminum was built based on the optimum conditions from single-factor and orthogonal experiments. Adding this flow process into the life cycle of composite packaging waste treatment decreased the environmental impacts significantly.


The research results can provide useful scientific information for policymakers in China to make decisions regarding composite packaging waste. Incineration could reduce more environmental impacts in the respiratory inorganics category, and separation of polyethylene and aluminum, in the fossil fuel category. If energy saving is the primary governmental goal, the separation of polyethylene and aluminum would be the better choice, while incineration would be the better choice for emission reduction.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in abundance and carbon biomass of ciliated protozoa and micrometazoa were studied from May 1998 to November 1999 in the eutrophicated area of Katela Bay (Middle Adriatic Sea). Ciliates showed peaks in spring and autumn, primarily due to changes in the abundance and biomass of tintinnines, which participated in total ciliate abundance and biomass with 40.48 and 60.02%, respectively. The highest tintinnine density was 4,278 ind. l–1, while their average biomass varied from 0.611 to 26.557 gC l–1 . Maximal average density and biomass of non-loricates were 1,430 ind. l–1 and 3.925 gC l–1, respectively. The micrometazoa community was dominated by copepod nauplii, especially during the summer and autumn. The copepod biomass ranged between 3.47 and 26.75 gC l–1 . High abundance and biomass values of the investigated zooplankton groups point to an important role of these organisms in the secondary production in the Bay, indicating that they may be (1) a crucial factor in controlling the populations of nano-/pico-phytoplankton and heterotrophic nanoflagellates, and (2) a significant prey for larger micrometazoans.  相似文献   

The efficient production of recombinant proteins such as antibodies typically involves the screening of an extravagant number of clones in order to finally select a stable and high-producing cell line. Thereby, the underlying principles of a powerful protein machinery, but also potential expression limitations, often remain poorly understood. To shed more light on this topic, we applied several different techniques to investigate a previously generated cell line (4B3-IgA), which expressed recombinant immunoglobulin A (IgA) with an unusually low specific productivity. Results were compared to the host cell line and to another recombinant CHO cell line (3D6-IgA) expressing another IgA that binds to an overlapping epitope. The low specific productivity of clone 4B3-IgA could not be explained by GCN or mRNA levels, but insufficiencies in protein maturation and/or secretion were determined. Despite the presence of free light chain polypeptides, they occasionally failed to associate with their heavy chain partners. Consequently, heavy chains were misassembled and accumulated to form intracellular aggregates, so-called Russell bodies. These protein deposits evoked the expression of increased amounts of ER-resident chaperones to combat the induced stress. Despite bottlenecks in protein processing, the cells’ quality checkpoints remained intact, and predominantly correctly processed IgA was exported into the culture medium. The results of our study demonstrated that recombinant protein expression was impaired by heavy chain aggregation despite the presence of a disposable light chain and revealed elevated chaperone formation in combination with limited antibody assembly. Our studies suggest that the primary amino acid sequence and consequently the resulting structure of an expressed protein need to be considered as a factor influencing a cell’s productivity.  相似文献   

The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment - In a service society, the assessment of climate-relevant environmental impacts of services is of increased importance. In the few Product...  相似文献   

Many students leave the environmental science classroom with misconceptions centered on the availability of natural resources such as water. This article presents a case study where students assume the roles of various stakeholders and articulate their position on whether or not to pipe water from the Red Sea to the Dead Sea. Additionally, students develop an awareness of local environmental issues.  相似文献   

The fossil remains of the moschid Micromeryx flourensianus from the Sansan type locality (middle Miocene, France) show indications of fluvial transport and clear signs of carnivore activity. Most remarkable are bite marks with a distinctive pattern on the heels of the moschids (marks predominantly on the medial side of the astragalus and on the lateral side of the calcaneus). These allow the reconstruction of a specific hunting behaviour: most likely, the predator was attacking the moschid prey by deliberate bites on the heel during the chase, probably to immobilize it. This kind of behaviour is recorded for mustelids hunting moschids in modern ecosystems. Considering this and evaluating the size and pattern of the bite marks, it was possible to name the mustelids Martes sansaniensis, Taxodon sansaniensis and Proputorius sansaniensis as the most likely candidates for the hunt on Micromeryx. This offers an insight into a predator–prey relationship in the fossil‐rich locality Sansan and reveals that a hunting behaviour present in modern mustelids might actually represent a trait at least 14 million years old.  相似文献   



In this study, life cycle assessment (LCA) is applied to a sample of 40 low-energy individual houses for the French context in order to identify guidance values for different environmental priorities (energy and water consumption, greenhouse gases emissions, waste generation etc.).


Calculation rules for the LCA derived from EeBGuide guidance and HQE Performance specific rules for the French context. Data are based on Environmental Product Declaration (EPD for the impacts related to products and technical equipment while generic data are used for energy and water processes. The LCA is defined for the entire life cycle of a building from cradle-to-grave according to NF EN 15978 standard. It includes the products and equipment implemented in the building, the different uses of energy for heating, domestic hot water, lighting, ventilation and auxiliaries, and the different uses of water consumption.

Results and discussion

Results for the 40 houses showed that the average life cycle non-renewable primary energy consumption is about 37 kWh/(m2*year) while the life cycle greenhouse gases emissions are of 8.4 kg CO2-eq/(m2*year). The embodied impacts represent between 40% and 72% for the following indicators: acidification, global warming, non-renewable primary energy, and radioactive waste. The net fresh water use is mostly determined by the direct use of the water in use, and the non-hazardous waste indicator is only linked to the materials and equipment. When integrating the variability of the different houses design, energy performance, climate requirements, it was found that those values can vary of an order of two between the 10 and 90% percentiles’ values. It was found that the results are also sensitive to the enlargement of the system boundaries (e.g. inclusion of the other uses of energy such as building appliances) and the modification of the reference study period.

Conclusions and recommendations

This study provided a first set of LCA guidance values describing a range of environmental impacts for new low-energy individual houses in France. Results were also reported for different design parameters, system boundaries and reference study period. The outcomes of this study can now serve as a basis to guide and support new LCA-based labelling systems developed by public authorities and labelling schemes (e.g. the HQE Association).

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