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Some organisms that experience subzero temperatures, such as insects, fish, bacteria, and plants, synthesize antifreeze proteins (AFPs) that adsorb to surfaces of nascent ice crystals and inhibit their growth. Although some AFPs are globular and nonrepetitive, the majority are repetitive in both sequence and structure. In addition, they are frequently encoded by tandemly arrayed, multigene families. AFP isoforms from the mealworm beetle, Tenebrio molitor, are extremely potent and inhibit ice growth at temperatures below −5°C. They contain a 12-amino acid repeat with the sequence TCTxSxxCxxAx, each of which makes up one coil of the β-helix structure. TxT motifs are arrayed to form the ice-binding surface in all three known insect AFPs: the homologous AFPs from the two beetles, T. molitor and Dendroides canadensis, and the nonhomologous AFP from the spruce budworm, Choristoneura fumiferana. In this study, we have obtained the cDNA and genomic sequences of additional T. molitor isoforms. They show variation in the number of repeats (from 6 to 10) which can largely be explained by recombination at various TCT motifs. In addition, phylogenetic comparison of the AFPs from the two beetles suggests that gene loss and amplification may have occurred after the divergence of these species. In contrast to a previous study suggesting that T. molitor genes have undergone positive Darwinian selection (selection for heterogeneity), we propose that the higher than expected ratio of nonsynonymous-to-synonymous substitutions might result from selection for higher AT content in the third codon position. Electronic Supplementary Material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users. [Reviewing Editor: Dr. John Oakeshott]  相似文献   

《Journal of molecular biology》2019,431(23):4749-4759
For several decades, laboratory evolution has served as a powerful method to manipulate microorganisms and to explore long-term dynamics in microbial populations. Next to canonical Escherichia coli planktonic cultures, experimental evolution has expanded into alternative cultivation methods and species, opening the doors to new research questions. Bacillus subtilis, the spore-forming and root-colonizing bacterium, can easily develop in the laboratory as a liquid–air interface colonizing pellicle biofilm. Here, we summarize recent findings derived from this tractable experimental model. Clonal pellicle biofilms of B. subtilis can rapidly undergo morphological and genetic diversification creating new ecological interactions, for example, exploitation by biofilm non-producers. Moreover, long-term exposure to such matrix non-producers can modulate cooperation in biofilms, leading to different phenotypic heterogeneity pattern of matrix production with larger subpopulation of “ON” cells. Alternatively, complementary variants of biofilm non-producers, each lacking a distinct matrix component, can engage in a genetic division of labor, resulting in superior biofilm productivity compared to the “generalist” wild type. Nevertheless, inter-genetic cooperation appears to be evanescent and rapidly vanquished by individual biofilm formation strategies altering the amount or the properties of the remaining matrix component. Finally, fast-evolving mobile genetic elements can unpredictably shift intra-species interactions in B. subtilis biofilms. Understanding evolution in clonal biofilm populations will facilitate future studies in complex multispecies biofilms that are more representative of nature.  相似文献   

"Acquired culture" depends on social transmission and displays salient cross-cultural variability. It seems unconnected to adaptive fitness. It is, however, constrained by evolved properties of the mind. Recurrent—not necessarily universal—features of acquired culture can be explained by taking into account the early development and constraining power of intuitive ontology , a set of principled domain-specific inferential capacities. These allow us to predict recurrent trends in domains as diverse as folk-psychology, representations of natural kinds, the uses of literacy, the acquisition of scientific beliefs, and even the limiting-case of religious ontologies. In all these domains the notion of cultural transmission along domainspecific cognitive tracks governed by intuitive ontology is supported by independent psychological evidence and provides testable explanations for recurrent features in the anthropological record, [ evolution, culture, cultural universal, cognitive development, evolutionary psychology ]  相似文献   

While species fulfill many different roles in ecosystems, it has been suggested that numerous species might actually share the same function in a near neutral way. So-far, however, it is unclear whether such functional redundancy really exists. We scrutinize this question using extensive data on the world’s 4168 species of diving beetles. We show that across the globe these animals have evolved towards a small number of regularly-spaced body sizes, and that locally co-existing species are either very similar in size or differ by at least 35%. Surprisingly, intermediate size differences (10–20%) are rare. As body-size strongly reflects functional aspects such as the food that these generalist predators can eat, these beetles thus form relatively distinct groups of functional look-a-likes. The striking global regularity of these patterns support the idea that a self-organizing process drives such species-rich groups to self-organize evolutionary into clusters where functional redundancy ensures resilience through an insurance effect.  相似文献   

Some tropical plant species possess hollow structures (domatia) occupied by ants that protect the plant and in some cases also provide it with nutrients. Most plant-ants tend patches of chaetothyrialean fungi within domatia. In a few systems it has been shown that the ants manure the fungal patches and use them as a food source, indicating agricultural practices. However, the identity of these fungi has been investigated only in a few samples. To examine the specificity and constancy of ant-plant-fungus interactions we characterised the content of fungal patches in an extensive sampling of three ant-plant symbioses (Petalomyrmex phylax/Leonardoxa africana subsp. africana, Aphomomyrmex afer/Leonardoxa africana subsp. letouzeyi and Tetraponera aethiops/Barteria fistulosa) by sequencing the Internal Transcribed Spacers of ribosomal DNA. For each system the content of fungal patches was constant over individuals and populations. Each symbiosis was associated with a specific, dominant, primary fungal taxon, and to a lesser extent, with one or two specific secondary taxa, all of the order Chaetothyriales. A single fungal patch sometimes contained both a primary and a secondary taxon. In one system, two founding queens were found with the primary fungal taxon only, one that was shown in a previous study to be consumed preferentially. Because the different ant-plant symbioses studied have evolved independently, the high specificity and constancy we observed in the composition of the fungal patches have evolved repeatedly. Specificity and constancy also characterize other cases of agriculture by insects.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theories are critical for understanding cancer development at the level of species as well as at the level of cells and tissues, and for developing effective therapies. Animals have evolved potent tumor-suppressive mechanisms to prevent cancer development. These mechanisms were initially necessary for the evolution of multi-cellular organisms and became even more important as animals evolved large bodies and long lives. Indeed, the development and architecture of our tissues were evolutionarily constrained by the need to limit cancer. Cancer development within an individual is also an evolutionary process, which in many respects mirrors species evolution. Species evolve by mutation and selection acting on individuals in a population; tumors evolve by mutation and selection acting on cells in a tissue. The processes of mutation and selection are integral to the evolution of cancer at every step of multistage carcinogenesis, from tumor genesis to metastasis. Factors associated with cancer development, such as aging and carcinogens, have been shown to promote cancer evolution by impacting both mutation and selection processes. While there are therapies that can decimate a cancer cell population, unfortunately cancers can also evolve resistance to these therapies, leading to the resurgence of treatment-refractory disease. Understanding cancer from an evolutionary perspective can allow us to appreciate better why cancers predominantly occur in the elderly and why other conditions, from radiation exposure to smoking, are associated with increased cancers. Importantly, the application of evolutionary theory to cancer should engender new treatment strategies that could better control this dreaded disease.  相似文献   

Radioactivity may have both phenotypic and genetic effects through its disruption of physiological processes and mutations. I studied the size and asymmetry of secondary sexual and ordinary morphological characters of stag beetles ( Lucanus cervus ) in two areas in the Ukraine: near Chernobyl, where levels of radiation are high, and in a control area with low background radiation. Developmental instability of morphological characters was estimated from the degree of fluctuating asymmetry using the restricted maximum likelihood parameter estimation (REML) method to partition measurement error from asymmetry. The degree of asymmetry estimated from unsigned differences in size of right and left secondary sexual character was similar to estimates based on the REML method. Beetles from the contaminated area had a significantly elevated level of fluctuating asymmetry in the secondary sexual character compared with animals from the control area. Male stag beetles found with a female had significantly lower asymmetry than males found alone. While mated males did not differ in asymmetry between areas, unmated males from Chernobyl were much more asymmetric than unmated males from the control area. These findings provide evidence for radiation disrupting developmental homeostasis, and thereby affecting the mating status of free-living beetles.  相似文献   

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