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曾强  韩德举 《四川动物》1992,11(3):25-28
白龙江是嘉陵江干流上游的一条支流,它发源于甘肃、四川边境岷山北麓的郎木寺。干流流经甘肃的迭部、舟曲、武都、文县和四川的青川、广元等县、市,于昭化汇入嘉陵江,全长576公里。白龙江从武都至昭化为中下游,长200公里。随着白龙江水力资源的开发,将在于流的沙川坝至昭化河段的苗家坝、碧口、麒麟寺、  相似文献   

四川九寨沟自然保护区浮游动物调查   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
张汉峰  谢嗣光 《四川动物》2006,25(1):99-102
2002年5~6月、7~8月和2003年7月分3次对九寨沟自然保护区四条主沟的浮游动物多样性进行了调查。结果表明:九寨沟主要水体浮游动物由3门、5纲、11目、20科、34属、71种组成。区系特点以原生动物种类最丰富,有34种,占浮游动物种类组成的47.8%,其中根足纲种类最多,达29种,占全部浮游动物的40.8%;其次为节肢动物有21种,占29.6%;种类最少的类群属轮虫,仅16种,占22.5%。分布以长海、熊猫海、珍珠滩种类最多,数量最大。  相似文献   

中山市淡水浮游动物区系调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
2005年6~7月和12月对中山市主要淡水水体的浮游动物区系进行了调查。结果表明,中山市主要淡水水体浮游动物由38目92科129属317种组成。区系特点以原生动物最丰富,有30目82科102属263种,占浮游动物物种总数的83%;其次为轮虫,有4目4科19属37种组成,占12%;枝角类和桡足类物种数最少。各样点浮游动物种类在11~168种之间,种类最少的出现在洪奇沥,最多的出现在逍遥谷。研究结果表明,中山市淡水浮游动物资源比较丰富。各区系浮游动物的分布与水体的营养状态密切相关,污染严重的水体,种类数较少,清洁水体,种类数较多。  相似文献   

三门湾浮游动物的季节变动及微型浮游动物摄食影响   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
2002年8月、11月、2003年2月和5月,在三门湾进行了4个航次生物、化学和水文等专业综合调查。根据采集的浮游动物样品的分析鉴定及海上现场实验结果,对浮游动物的群落组成、生物量、丰度、多样性指数的分布和季节变动及其浮游动物对浮游植物的摄食影响进行研究。结果表明,三门湾浮游动物有67属,89种,16类浮游幼体,主要可划分为4个生态类群:以近岸低盐类群为主,其优势种为中华哲水蚤Calanus sinicus、真刺唇角水蚤Labidocera etwhaeta、捷氏歪水蚤Tortanus derjugini、太平洋纺锤水蚤Acartiapacifica、中华假磷虾Pseudeuphausia sinica和百陶箭虫Sagitta bedoti等。半咸水河口类群、暖水性外海类群和广布种相对较少。浮游动物生物量和丰度的平面分布趋势除了夏季有所差异外,其它季节基本一致。2月份和5月份,浮游动物生物量和丰度,从湾顶向湾口呈逐渐增加趋势;8月份,湾口区生物量最高,而丰度高值区出现在湾顶部;11月份,生物量和丰度的平面分布相对均匀。浮游动物种类多样性指数有明显的季节变化,其动态变化与浮游动物种数和丰度的变化一致。微型浮游动物对浮游植物存在摄食压力,且有季节变化,摄食率的变化在0.18.0.68d^-1,微型浮游动物的摄食率低于相同季节的浮游植物生长率。微型浮游动物对浮游植物摄食压力的变化范围为16.1%-49.1%d^-1,对初级生产力摄食压力的变化在58.3%-83.6%d^-1。11月份,微型浮游动物对浮游植物和初级生产力的摄食压力均出现最高值。  相似文献   

作者于1988年5月-1990年7月对长江下游仪征-崇明江段的轮虫进行了调查,发现轮虫103种,平均密度15.6个/升,平均生物量0.0131毫克/升。各江段轮虫的种类组成及数量分布差异较大,这与长江口复杂多变的环境有关,其中盐度是造成这种差异的主要因素。  相似文献   

河口浮游动物生态学研究进展   总被引:24,自引:4,他引:24  
综述了国内外有关河口浮游动物种类组成、时空分布、生物量及其环境影响因素等方面的若干研究进展。河口地区潮流、径流共存,是陆海相互作用的集中地带,环境因子复杂多变,生态环境敏感脆弱。因此,研究河口浮游动物群落结构的时空变化有助于更好地揭示近海生态系统的特征。河口水域重要的浮游动物有原生动物、轮虫、桡足类、糠虾、水母等。环境因素和人类的活动对浮游动物种类组成和时空分布具有重要影响,河口浮游动物群落结构变化主要受到食物、温度、盐度、动物摄食以及径流等因素的影响,盐度是决定浮游动物分布的关键性非生物因子。近年来的研究表明,微型浮游动物(原生动物,轮虫和无节幼体)在河口生态系统中占有重要地位,是微食物网和传统食物网连接的关键环节。浮游生物网是采集浮游动物样品的主要工具,对研究结果有重要影响,我国许多学者使用浅水Ⅰ型或Ⅱ型浮游生物网(网孔为507μm和169μm)采集样品,导致小型和微型浮游动物(如无节幼体)逃逸,研究结果被严重低估,而这些小型和微型浮游动物是幼鱼的重要开口饵料,因此合适的浮游生物网对于研究浮游动物极其重要。并对今后我国河口浮游动物生态学研究中值得关注的科学问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

为探明三峡水库蓄水后浮游动物的群落结构变化,于2017年11月调查了三峡库区长江万州段干、支流的水质情况以及浮游动物种类和组成变化,分析了浮游动物和水体环境因子之间的关系以及长江干流浮游动物的演替情况。结果表明:流经万州城区的长江干、支流水质都已达到富营养化状态,且支流的污染程度比干流更严重。浮游动物共检出28属39种,以原生动物和轮虫为主。长江干流的浮游动物优势种类有5种,支流有9种。典范对应分析发现,硝态氮和总悬浮物是影响冬季浮游动物种群变化最重要的环境因子。分析三峡库区万州及其周边地区长江干流浮游动物的长期演替发现,随着水环境的稳定,水体中原生动物的种类逐渐从喜流水型向喜静水型转变。与2012年同期相比,本次调查中原生动物和轮虫的相对丰度增加,浮游动物生物多样性减少,这可能和水位波动的长期影响和城市水体污染有关。  相似文献   

西太平洋区是全球海洋生物种源中心,许多类群的最高物种多样性都出现于该区域,因此,在该区开展种类多样性的研究不仅重要和必要,而且具有在跨国尺度上进行综合管理和相互合作的迫切性。本文在西太平洋的浮游动物样品鉴定分类、编目、文献资料整理和分析的基础上,记录和编入西太平洋10个浮游动物类群2,658种(含亚种),隶属于206科675属,其中水螅水母类99科251属697种,栉水母类12科22属59种,浮游软体动物14科35属86种,介形类8科89属416种,桡足类51科156属908种,糠虾类4科58属202种,磷虾类2科8属56种,十足类8科22属105种,毛颚类5科8属48种,被囊类5科26属81种。  相似文献   

长江口北支水域浮游动物的研究   总被引:16,自引:6,他引:16  
徐兆礼 《应用生态学报》2005,16(7):1341-1345
依据2003年7月(丰水期)和2004年1月(枯水期)对长江口北支水域环境调查资料,研究了长江口北支水域浮游动物分布变化成国.结果表明,丰水期浮游动物生物量较高,平均为234.38 mg·m-3,涨、落潮时分别为141.3和327.40mg·m-3;枯水期为188.81 mg·m-3,涨、落潮时变化不大,分别为184.69和192.93 mg·m-3;涨潮时长江口北支西侧水域生物量高于东侧,落潮时则相反;潮汐对种类数的影响不明显;多样性指数(H')值涨潮大于落潮.丰水期涨潮时北岸生物量高于南岸,落潮时相反,而枯水期两岸差别不如丰水期明显.长江口北支浮游动物分布的变化与长江口门外浮游动物数量季节变动和潮流携带有关,与长江径流关系不明显.柯氏力通过潮夕作用,是长江口北支南北两岸生物量差异形成的重要原因.  相似文献   

北京白河与温榆河浮游动物调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004~2006年对北京地区白河和温榆河浮游生物群落进行调查.结果显示:白河浮游动物137种,隶属于78个属,其中原生动物最多,共计73种,其次是轮虫55种,枝角类7种,桡足类2种;温榆河浮游动物135种,隶属于83个属,其中原生动物共计65种,轮虫类53种,枝角类13种,桡足类4种.两河浮游动物种类组成大部分相同,以原生动物为主,但两河大型浮游动物的种类组成差别较大.据两条河流浮游动物的生态状况和凋查结果综合分析,白河的水质较好,多数站点水体清洁,只有少数站点水体达轻度污染,温榆河水质较差,大多数站点水体属轻度污染,个别站点属中度污染.  相似文献   

晋江流域水质污染与浮游动物四季群落结构的关系   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
报道了2003年2、4、6、8、10和12月在福建晋江流域15个样点进行浮游动物群落生态学调查研究的结果。采用种类组成、种群数量、优势种群、Margalef和Shannon-Wiener多样性指数等参数,初步比较了流域中各不同河段的水质状况,结果显示,流域受污染程度的顺序为东、西溪〈晋江干流〈南、北干渠。东溪、西溪上过度开发的梯级水电站对浮游动物群落结构和水质有明显的影响,加速了水体富营养化进程。  相似文献   

2015年对宜兴莲花荡水系四个季节浮游动物调查,共鉴定出浮游动物136种,其中,原生动物72种、轮虫39种、枝角类13种、桡足类9种、其他幼虫及卵3种。群落结构以原生动物和轮虫小型浮游动物为主。浮游动物的年平均密度为14 664 ind/L,年平均生物量为4.903 mg/L,生物多样性指数H′年平均值为2.26。浮游动物密度以及生物量随季节变化比较明显。对浮游动物密度、生物量、多样性指数与水质指标进行Pearson相关性分析,发现总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH4+-N)以及溶解氧(DO)是影响浮游动物密度的主要因素。结合生物多样性指数评价方法以及优势种情况,判定莲花荡水系整体处于中污型。  相似文献   

南麂列岛海洋保护区浮游动物调查   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
主要研究南麂列岛海洋保护区浮游动物种类组成、数量分布、多样性指数、浮游动物与浮游植物动态变化及浮游动物数量变化与营养盐的关系。经鉴定共发现,浮游动物98种,主要有2个生态类群:(1)暖温带近海类群,优势种有中华哲水蚤(Calanus sinicus)、中华假磷虾(Pseudeuphausia sinicas)、五角水母(Muggiaea atlantica)、百陶箭虫(Sagitta bedoti)、拿卡箭虫(S.nagae)等;(2)暖水性外海类群,代表性种类有肥胖箭虫(S.enflata)、精致真刺水蚤(Euchaeta concinna)等。结果表明,8月份南麂列岛浮游动物生物量和丰度出现最高值,9、10月份逐渐减少,多样性指数变化范围1.78~4.38,平均3.99;保护区内浮游动物数量与浮游植物细胞密度呈良好的正相关关系,与氮含量呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

In the Rhone delta area the seston concentration was maximum in the plume waters where small-sized particles dominated, while marine waters were characterized by large particles. The food conditions were optimal for grazers in the interface layer, where the high chlorophyll concentration contrasted with the low values found under the plume.The mesozooplankton specific composition did not show marked difference in and outside the plume. No special pattern for particle size selection by grazers appeared in the plume, contrary to marine waters, where largest particles were the most intensively grazed. The calculations of specific ingestion and filtration rates show that the plume waters (particularly at the salinity interface) were more favourable to zooplankton feeding than the marine ones (outside and under the plume). Nevertheless, taking into account the high level of seston biomass in the whole area studied, the daily grazing pressure of mesozooplankton was very low.  相似文献   

刘璐  刘志成  杨瑞莹  张任菲  李豪  许晓明 《生态学报》2020,40(24):9129-9137
为探究永定河干涸段河流廊道的植物群落结构特征及多样性特征,给永定河河道防护林、水源涵养林建设等提供科学的理论依据,通过对河流廊道植物群落的实地调查,对124个植物群落进行了TWINSPAN数量分类,并探究了不同层次间的物种多样性的区别以及垂直和水平梯度上的分布格局。结果表明:(1)植物群落包括9种群丛类型,其中优势群丛为"狗尾草+猪毛菜+尖头叶藜群丛"、"狗尾草群丛"和"加杨-狗尾草+蒺藜群丛"。(2)草本层物种的丰富程度和均匀程度整体大于乔木层,且物种组成复杂程度的变化幅度更大。(3)从垂直梯度上看,植物群落乔木层上游的物种结构组成较下游更加丰富、整体分布更加均匀,草本层从上游到下游物种组成的丰富程度和均匀程度先降低后升高、再降低;从水平梯度上看,越靠近左、右两堤,乔木层的物种结构组成越丰富、分布越均匀,左堤的物种组成较右堤更加复杂且分布更加均匀,草本层的物种多样性在水平梯度上变化较大,在靠近左堤的位置物种组成最丰富。影响乔木层物种多样性变化的主要原因是人类活动干扰的强度。  相似文献   

Marta Illyová 《Biologia》2006,61(5):531-539
The species composition, seasonal dynamic of biomass and density of zooplankton were studied in two arms with a different hydrological regime. The samples were collected in two hydrologically different years — extremely wet in 2002 and extremely dry in 2003. In the first arm the mean annual chlorophyll-a concentration was 31.6 μg L−1 (2002) and relatively high 64.7 μg L−1 during 2003. Mean seasonal zooplankton wet biomass was low and varied: 11.6 g m−3 (2002) and 2.93 g m−3 (2003). Total zooplankton density was high (7,370 N L−1) in 2002, when rotifers predominated in an open water zone and contributed up to 81% of the total zooplankton biomass and 83% of the total zooplankton density. In medial and littoral zone, in total, 22 cladoceran and 15 copepod species were identified. In the second arm the mean annual concentration of chlorophyll-a was high: 74.8 μg L−1 (2002) and 61.4 μg L−1 (2003). Mean seasonal zooplankton wet biomass varied from 92.5 g m−3 (2002) and 44.10 g m−3 (2003). In 2002 the planktonic crustaceans predominated; their mean biomass was 87.1 g m−3 and B. longirostris formed more than 91% of this value. In 2003, the zooplankton density was high (15,687 N L−1), when rotifers contributed up to 94% of this value. The boom of rotifers (58,740 N L−1) was recorded in June 2003. In total, 45 cladoceran and 14 copepod species were recorded in the medial and littoral zones. During observation we concluded that the structure of zooplankton, particularly species composition, abundance, biomass and seasonal dynamics are affected by the fluctuation of water levels in the arms of the rivers’ inundation areas. This unstable hydrological regime prevented the development of planktonic crustaceans.  相似文献   

We evaluate the influence of abiotic and biotic factors on the community structure of rotifers across a regional hydrological cycle in lotic and lentic environments of the upper River Paraná. Depth, transparency, temperature, pH, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen, chlorophyll a and densities of rotifers were measured at two stations in Lake Guaraná (littoral and open water regions) and at one station in the River Baía (open water region). Highest densities of rotifers were found at the lake littoral. Canonical correlation analysis related environmental variables with the densities of the most abundant rotifers. The strongest relationship was with chlorophyll a, dissolved oxygen, hydrological level and water temperature. Diversity of rotifers at each station was mainly explained by fluctuations in hydrological level. Results of grouping analysis suggested the formation of groups according to phases of the hydrological cycle.  相似文献   

Due to a long-lasting drought afflicting the Sahel, the Casamance River has been transformed into a hyperhaline estuary, with salinities up to 170% at a distance of 210 km from the sea. Foraminifera and zooplankton populations both show a marked decrease in the number of species in increasingly confined water, the distribution of species being closely related to the evolution of abiotic variables. Our three-prong study allowed us to identify six zones, upwards from the sea. The uppermost ones are characterized by drastic conditions which considerably reduce the number of species. Therefore, the populations of Foraminifera, zooplankton and even fish become oligo or mono specific. The Casamance River appears to fit quite well into the general rules concerning hyperhaline environments. However, it shows some peculiar features which are: the large dimensions of the hyperhaline estuary (over 230 km long and over 5 km wide in the lower course); peak salinities among the highest known for a permanently open estuary (up to 170%); and water remaining trapped inside the river for several years.  相似文献   

Zooplankton in the main channel of the Nakdong River and in three tributaries was sampled from June 1994 to September 1995. Planktonic rotifers (Brachionus spp., Keratella spp., and Polyarthra spp.), cyclopoid nauplii and small cladocerans (Bosmina longirostris) were numerically dominant. There was considerable longitudinal variation of zooplankton biomass in the main channel as well as spatial heterogeneity among the major tributaries. In the middle region of the main channel, between river kilometer (RK) 170 and 150 above the estuary dam, total zooplankton abundance sharply increased from less than 100 ind. L—1 to more than 1,000 ind. L—1. In a downstream direction toward the estuary dam, phytoplankton biomass increased while total zooplankton biomass decreased. However, as shown by the increasing transport of zooplankton biomass, zooplankton was diluted in the reach of the estuary dam. Advective effects from major tributaries appear to be the contributory factor for the higher zooplankton biomass in the middle region. Overall, rather the external factors (flushing, retention) than internal factors (e.g., phytoplankton) appear to be responsible for changes in zooplankton abundance toward the river mouth.  相似文献   

Blooms of the toxin producing dinoflagellate Karenia brevis occur routinely on the West Florida Shelf of the Gulf of Mexico. Nutrient supplies are thought to play a large role in the formation and maintenance of these blooms. The role of top-down control has been less well studied, but grazing, or the lack thereof, on these toxic species may also enhance the formation of large biomass blooms in this region. Zooplankton community structure and copepod species composition were analyzed from samples collected on the West Florida Shelf (WFS) during a NOAA funded ECOHAB regional Karenia Nutrient Dynamics project during October 2007–2010. In 2008 there was no statistical difference in the abundance of zooplankton at bloom and non-bloom stations, however in 2009 there was a statistically significant difference (p < 0.05) between the abundance of zooplankton at stations with Karenia present. To investigate copepod ingestion rates in relation to K. brevis, shipboard and laboratory experiments of the single label method of 14C labeled phytoplankton culture, and time course ingestion experiments with isolated copepods were performed. Calculated ingestion rates suggest that the copepod species Centropages velificatus, and Acartia tonsa ingested K. brevis, however rates were variable among collection sites and K. brevis strains. Parvocalanus crassirostris did not ingest K. brevis in any of the experiments.  相似文献   

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