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Site-directed mutagenesis in the active site of xylose isomerase derived from Actinoplanes missouriensis is used to investigate the structural and functional role of specific residues. The mutagenesis work together with the crystallographic studies presented in detail in two accompanying papers adds significantly to the understanding of the catalytic mechanism of this enzyme. Changes caused by introduced mutations emphasize the correlation between substrate specificity and cation preference. Mutations in both His 220 and His 54 mainly affect the catalytic rate constant, with catalysis being severely reduced but not abolished, suggesting that both histidines are important, but not essential, for catalysis. Our results thus challenge the hypothesis that His 54 acts as an obligatory catalytic base for ring opening; this residue appears instead to be implicated in governing the anomeric specificity. With none of the active site histidines acting as a catalytic base, the role of the cations in catalyzing proton transfer is confirmed. In addition, Lys 183 appears to play a crucial part in the isomerization step, by assisting the proton shuttle. Other residues also are important but to a lesser extent. The conserved Lys 294 is indirectly involved in binding the activating cations. Among the active site aromatic residues, the tryptophans (16 and 137) play a role in maintaining the general architecture of the substrate binding site while the role of Phe 26 seems to be purely structural.  相似文献   

Aldose-ketose isomerization by xylose isomerase requires bivalent cations such as Mg2+, Mn2+, or Co2+. The active site of the enzyme from Actinoplanes missouriensis contains two metal ions that are involved in substrate binding and in catalyzing a hydride shift between the C1 and C2 substrate atoms. Glu 186 is a conserved residue located near the active site but not in contact with the substrate and not with a metal ligand. The E186D and E186Q mutant enzymes were prepared. Both are active, and their metal specificity is different from that of the wild type. The E186Q enzyme is most active with Mn2+ and has a drastically shifted pH optimum. The X-ray analysis of E186Q was performed in the presence of xylose and either Mn2+ or Mg2+. The Mn2+ structure is essentially identical to that of the wild type. In the presence of Mg2+, the carboxylate group of residue Asp 255, which is part of metal site 2 and a metal ligand, turns toward Gln 186 and hydrogen bonds to its side-chain amide. Mg2+ is not bound at metal site 2, explaining the low activity of the mutant with this cation. Movements of Asp 255 also occur in the wild-type enzyme. We propose that they play a role in the O1 to O2 proton relay accompanying the hydride shift.  相似文献   

The heterologous expression of a highly functional xylose isomerase pathway in Saccharomyces cerevisiae would have significant advantages for ethanol yield, since the pathway bypasses cofactor requirements found in the traditionally used oxidoreductase pathways. However, nearly all reported xylose isomerase-based pathways in S. cerevisiae suffer from poor ethanol productivity, low xylose consumption rates, and poor cell growth compared with an oxidoreductase pathway and, additionally, often require adaptive strain evolution. Here, we report on the directed evolution of the Piromyces sp. xylose isomerase (encoded by xylA) for use in yeast. After three rounds of mutagenesis and growth-based screening, we isolated a variant containing six mutations (E15D, E114G, E129D, T142S, A177T, and V433I) that exhibited a 77% increase in enzymatic activity. When expressed in a minimally engineered yeast host containing a gre3 knockout and tal1 and XKS1 overexpression, the strain expressing this mutant enzyme improved its aerobic growth rate by 61-fold and both ethanol production and xylose consumption rates by nearly 8-fold. Moreover, the mutant enzyme enabled ethanol production by these yeasts under oxygen-limited fermentation conditions, unlike the wild-type enzyme. Under microaerobic conditions, the ethanol production rates of the strain expressing the mutant xylose isomerase were considerably higher than previously reported values for yeast harboring a xylose isomerase pathway and were also comparable to those of the strains harboring an oxidoreductase pathway. Consequently, this study shows the potential to evolve a xylose isomerase pathway for more efficient xylose utilization.  相似文献   

It is known that anionic surface residues play a role in the long-range electrostatic attraction between acetylcholinesterase and cationic ligands. In our current investigation, we show that anionic residues also play an important role in the behavior of the ligand within the active site gorge of acetylcholinesterase. Negatively charged residues near the gorge opening not only attract positively charged ligands from solution to the enzyme, but can also restrict the motion of the ligand once it is inside of the gorge. We use Brownian dynamics techniques to calculate the rate constant kon for wild type and mutant acetylcholinesterase with a positively charged ligand. These calculations are performed by allowing the ligand to diffuse within the active site gorge. This is an extension of previously reported work in which a ligand was allowed to diffuse only to the enzyme surface. By setting the reaction criteria for the ligand closer to the active site, better agreement with experimental data is obtained. Although a number of residues influence the movement of the ligand within the gorge, Asp74 is shown to play a particularly important role in this function. Asp74 traps the ligand within the gorge, and in this way helps to ensure a reaction. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Biopoly 46: 465–474, 1998  相似文献   

Massi F  Wang C  Palmer AG 《Biochemistry》2006,45(36):10787-10794
Solution NMR spin relaxation experiments and classical MD simulations are used to study the dynamics of triosephosphate isomerase (TIM) in complex with glycerol 3-phosphate (G3P). Three regions in TIM exhibit conformational transitions on the micros-ms time scale as detected by chemical exchange broadening effects in NMR spectroscopy: residue Lys 84 on helix C, located at the dimeric interface; active site loop 6; and helix G. The results indicate that the conformational exchange process affecting the residues of loop 6 is the correlated opening and closing of the loop. Distinct processes are responsible for the chemical exchange linebroadening observed in the other regions of TIM. MD simulations confirm that motions of individual residues within the active site loop are correlated and suggest that the chemical exchange processes observed for residues in helix G arise from transitions between 3(10)- and alpha-helical structures. The results of the joint NMR and MD study provide global insight into the role of conformational dynamic processes in the function of TIM.  相似文献   

The active site of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) from Torpedo californica is located 20 A from the enzyme surface at the bottom of a narrow gorge. To understand the role of this gorge in the function of AChE, we have studied simulations of its molecular dynamics. When simulations were conducted with pure water filling the gorge, residues in the vicinity of the active site deviated quickly and markedly from the crystal structure. Further study of the original crystallographic data suggests that a bis-quaternary decamethonium (DECA) ion, acquired during enzyme purification, residues in the gorge. There is additional electron density within the gorge that may represent small bound cations. When DECA and 2 cations are placed within the gorge, the simulation and the crystal structure are dramatically reconciled. The small cations, more so than DECA, appear to stabilize part of the gorge wall through electrostatic interactions. This part of the gorge wall is relatively thin and may regulate substrate, product, and water movement through the active site.  相似文献   

The molecular dynamics (MD) simulation of superoxide dismutase (SOD) in water is carried out for a total of 23 ps. The simulation system is a 26 A sphere centered at the active site of SOD, including 1602 atoms from SOD and 1761 water molecules. There is no gross deviation from the x-ray structure for the average MD structure. The structure and potential fluctuations around the active site are examined. The results provide new insight to the interactions between SOD and its substrate superoxide.  相似文献   

The electronic characteristics of some adenine analogues were calculated with the aid of the semi-empirical SCF MO method of Pariser &; Parr (1953) and Pople (1953). These results were compared with the experimental data concerning the substrate specificity of adenosine kinase. No simple relation between the Michaelis constants and pi-electronic characteristics of the base moieties was found. It was found, however, that the logarithms of phosphorylation rates for the studied riboside analogues of adenosine correlate linearly with the electronic indices calculated for N3 of the corresponding base moiety. This relation, in addition to the available enzymological data, suggests that adenosine forms a chelate complex with the cofactor Mg2+ (or other Me2+) being in syn-conformation. A tentative structure of the enzyme-substrate complex is considered on the basis of a possible mode of binding of this chelate to adenosine kinase.  相似文献   

Apyrase activity is present in the saliva of haematophagous arthropods. It is related to blood-feeding because of the apyrase ability to hydrolyse ADP, a key component of platelet aggregation. Five apyrases with apparent molecular masses of 88, 82, 79, 68 and 67 kDa were identified in the saliva of the vector of Chagas disease, Triatoma infestans. The large size observed during purification of these enzymes suggested oligomerization. In the present study, we confirmed, using gel-filtration and analytical ultracentrifugation, the presence of apyrase oligomers with molecular masses of 200 kDa in the saliva. Electrophoretic analyses showed that disulphide bonds were involved in homo-oligomerization. In addition, heterogeneity in disulphide bonds and in pI was detected, with the pI ranging from 4.9 to 5.4. The present study gives the first insights into the quaternary structure of soluble apyrases.  相似文献   

Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) protein catalyzes the only biochemical reaction which produces methyltetrahydrofolate, the active form of folic acid essential for several molecular functions. The Ala222Val polymorphism of human MTHFR encodes a thermolabile protein associated with increased risk of neural tube defects and cardiovascular disease. Experimental studies have shown that the mutation does not affect the kinetic properties of MTHFR, but inactivates the protein by increasing flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) loss. The lack of completely solved crystal structure of MTHFR is an impediment in understanding the structural perturbations caused by the Ala222Val mutation; computational modeling provides a suitable alternative. The three-dimensional structure of human MTHFR protein was obtained through homology modeling, by taking the MTHFR structures from Escherichia coli and Thermus thermophilus as templates. Subsequently, the modeled structure was docked with FAD using Glide, which revealed a very good binding affinity, authenticated by a Glide XP score of ?10.3983 (kcal mol?1). The MTHFR was mutated by changing Alanine 222 to Valine. The wild-type MTHFR-FAD complex and the Ala222Val mutant MTHFR-FAD complex were subjected to molecular dynamics simulation over 50 ns period. The average difference in backbone root mean square deviation (RMSD) between wild and mutant variant was found to be ~.11 Å. The greater degree of fluctuations in the mutant protein translates to increased conformational stability as a result of mutation. The FAD-binding ability of the mutant MTHFR was also found to be significantly lowered as a result of decreased protein grip caused by increased conformational flexibility. The study provides insights into the Ala222Val mutation of human MTHFR that induces major conformational changes in the tertiary structure, causing a significant reduction in the FAD-binding affinity.  相似文献   

Water molecules play a critical role in stabilising the three-dimensional architecture, dynamics and function of biological macromolecules. Comparative analysis of structurally similar proteins has shown that there are water molecules conserved in the same relative positions and make similar hydrogen bonds with proteins in all crystal structures. These invariant water molecules are essential for the maintenance of the native structure of proteins. The present study explores the role of invariant water molecules to maintain the active site geometry of β-lactamase enzyme. Thirteen crystal structures of class-A β-lactamase from Staphylococcus aureus have been used in this study. Molecular dynamics simulations of the protein structures were performed in hydrated as well as in dehydrated conditions. The analysis showed that significant changes occur in the active site geometry due to dehydration. These changes can be attributed to the removal of water molecules at the active site.  相似文献   

The gene coding for thermophilic xylose (glucose) isomerase of Clostridium thermosulfurogenes was isolated and its complete nucleotide sequence was determined. The structural gene (xylA) for xylose isomerase encodes a polypeptide of 439 amino acids with an estimated molecular weight of 50,474. The deduced amino acid sequence of thermophilic C. thermosulfurogenes xylose isomerase displayed higher homology with those of thermolabile xylose isomerases from Bacillus subtilis (70%) and Escherichia coli (50%) than with those of thermostable xylose isomerases from Ampullariella (22%), Arthrobacter (23%), and Streptomyces violaceoniger (24%). Several discrete regions were highly conserved throughout the amino acid sequences of all these enzymes. To identify the histidine residue of the active site and to elucidate its function during enzymatic xylose or glucose isomerization, histidine residues at four different positions in the C. thermosulfurogenes enzyme were individually modified by site-directed mutagenesis. Substitution of His101 by phenylalanine completely abolished enzyme activity whereas substitution of other histidine residues by phenylalanine had no effect on enzyme activity. When His101 was changed to glutamine, glutamic acid, asparagine, or aspartic acid, approximately 10-16% of wild-type enzyme activity was retained by the mutant enzymes. The Gln101 mutant enzyme was resistant to diethylpyrocarbonate inhibition which completely inactivated the wild-type enzyme, indicating that His101 is the only essential histidine residue involved directly in enzyme catalysis. The constant Vmax values of the Gln101, Glu101, Asn101, and Asp101 mutant enzymes over the pH range of 5.0-8.5 indicate that protonation of His101 is responsible for the reduced Vmax values of the wild-type enzyme at pH below 6.5. Deuterium isotope effects by D-[2-2H]glucose on the rate of glucose isomerization indicated that hydrogen transfer and not substrate ring opening is the rate-determining step for both the wild-type and Gln101 mutant enzymes. These results suggest that the enzymatic sugar isomerization does not involve a histidine-catalyzed proton transfer mechanism. Rather, essential histidine functions to stabilize the transition state by hydrogen bonding to the C5 hydroxyl group of the substrate and this enables a metal-catalyzed hydride shift from C2 to C1.  相似文献   



Formamidopyrimidine-DNA glycosylase (Fpg) removes abundant pre-mutagenic 8-oxoguanine (oxoG) bases from DNA through nucleophilic attack of its N-terminal proline at C1′ of the damaged nucleotide. Since oxoG efficiently pairs with both C and A, Fpg must excise oxoG from pairs with C but not with A, otherwise a mutation occurs. The crystal structures of several Fpg–DNA complexes have been solved, yet no structure with A opposite the lesion is available.


Here we use molecular dynamic simulation to model interactions in the pre-catalytic complex of Lactococcus lactis Fpg with DNA containing oxoG opposite C or A, the latter in either syn or anti conformation. The catalytic dyad, Pro1–Glu2, was modeled in all four possible protonation states. Only one transition was observed in the experimental reaction rate pH dependence plots, and Glu2 kept the same set of interactions regardless of its protonation state, suggesting that it does not limit the reaction rate. The adenine base opposite oxoG was highly distorting for the adjacent nucleotides: in the more stable syn models it formed non-canonical bonds with out-of-register nucleotides in both the damaged and the complementary strand, whereas in the anti models the adenine either formed non-canonical bonds or was expelled into the major groove. The side chains of Arg109 and Phe111 that Fpg inserts into DNA to maintain its kinked conformation tended to withdraw from their positions if A was opposite to the lesion. The region showing the largest differences in the dynamics between oxoG:C and oxoG:A substrates was unexpectedly remote from the active site, located near the linker joining the two domains of Fpg. This region was also highly conserved among 124 analyzed Fpg sequences. Three sites trapping water molecules through multiple bonds were identified on the protein–DNA interface, apparently helping to maintain enzyme-induced DNA distortion and participating in oxoG recognition.


Overall, the discrimination against A opposite to the lesion seems to be due to incorrect DNA distortion around the lesion-containing base pair and, possibly, to gross movement of protein domains connected by the linker.

The secondary and 3D structure of the active site of the self-splicing T4 nrdB RNA has been modeled on a graphics workstation by use of the suggested 3D arrangement of the active site of the Tetrahymena IVS [Kim, S.H., & Cech, T.R. (1987) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 84, 8788-8792] as a guideline. The initially obtained crude structure was then subjected to molecular mechanics energy minimization and molecular dynamics simulation to relax tensions. In this process the energy decreased considerably and gave a final structure that deviated by 3 A [root mean square (rms)] from the initial structure. The cofactor guanosine (and the competitive inhibitor arginine) was docked to a proposed [Michel, F., Hanna, M., Green, R., Bartel, D.P., & Szostak, J.W. (1989) Nature 342, 391-395] binding site, where it was found to fit rather well. A minor modification of the binding mode easily brought the O3' end of the guanosine within 2 A of the phosphodiester bond where the primary cleavage occurs.  相似文献   

Effect of temperature on the rate of the bond-breaking step of acetylcholinesterase modification with N,N-dimethylaziridinium ion was studied within 8 to 45 degrees C temperature interval. For this reaction measured by irreversible inhibition of the acetylcholinesterase-catalyzed hydrolysis of acetylthiocholine the activation parameters delta H not equal to = 94 kJ/mole and delta S not equal to (25 degrees C) = -9.4 J/mol X deg were obtained. Processing of these data together with our earlier results on spontaneous solvolysis of the aziridinium ion in various water-solvent mixtures showed that all these reactions form a common isokinetic series. That gave evidence of the SN1 mechanism of the alkylation reaction occurring at the acetylcholinesterase active centre. Kinetics of spontaneous decomposition of the covalent bond between the aziridinium reagent and protein molecule was studied. This reaction followed the first-order kinetics and lead to complete liberation of the label from the enzyme, thus suggesting that a single carboxylic or amide group in the active centre was modified by the aziridinium ion.  相似文献   

The enzyme triose phosphate isomerase has flexible peptide loops at its active sites. The loops close over these sites upon substrate binding, suggesting that the dynamics of the loops could be of mechanistic and kinetic importance. To investigate these issues, the loop motions in the dimeric enzyme were simulated by Brownian dynamics. The two loops, one on each monomer, were represented by linear chains of appropriately parameterized spheres, each sphere corresponding to an amino acid residue. The loops moved in the electrostatic field of the rest of the enzyme, which was held rigid in its crystallographically observed conformation. In the absence of substrate, the loops exhibited gating of the active site with a period of about 1 ns and occupied "closed" conformations for about half of the time. As the period of gating is much shorter than the enzyme-substrate relaxation time, the motion of the loops does not reduce the rate constant for the approach of substrate from its simple diffusion-controlled value. This suggests that the flexible loops may have evolved to create the appropriate environment for catalysis while, at the same time, minimizing the kinetic penalty for gating the active site.  相似文献   

Understanding structural determinants in enzyme active site integrity can provide a good knowledge to design efficient novel catalytic machineries. Fusarium solani pisi cutinase with classic triad Ser-His-Asp is a promising enzyme to scrutinize these structural determinants. We performed two MD simulations: one, with the native structure, and the other with the broken Cys171-Cys178 disulfide bond. This disulfide bond stabilizes a turn in active site on which catalytic Asp175 is located. Functionally important H-bonds and atomic fluctuations in catalytic pocket have been changed. We proposed that this disulfide bond within active site can be considered as an important determinant of cutinase active site structural integrity.  相似文献   

We have examined the effects of active site residues on ligand binding to the heme iron of mouse neuroglobin using steady-state and time-resolved visible spectroscopy. Absorption spectra of the native protein, mutants H64L and K67L and double mutant H64L/K67L were recorded for the ferric and ferrous states over a wide pH range (pH 4-11), which allowed us to identify a number of different species with different ligands at the sixth coordination, to characterize their spectroscopic properties, and to determine the pK values of active site residues. In flash photolysis experiments on CO-ligated samples, reaction intermediates and the competition of ligands for the sixth coordination were studied. These data provide insights into structural changes in the active site and the role of the key residues His64 and Lys67. His64 interferes with exogenous ligand access to the heme iron. Lys67 sequesters the distal pocket from the solvent. The heme iron is very reactive, as inferred from the fast ligand binding kinetics and the ability to bind water or hydroxyl ligands to the ferrous heme. Fast bond formation favors geminate rebinding; yet the large fraction of bimolecular rebinding observed in the kinetics implies that ligand escape from the distal pocket is highly efficient. Even slight pH variations cause pronounced changes in the association rate of exogenous ligands near physiological pH, which may be important in functional processes.  相似文献   

Relationship between stability and activity of enzymes is maintained by underlying conformational flexibility. In thermophilic enzymes, a decrease in flexibility causes low enzyme activity while in less stable proteins such as mesophiles and psychrophiles, an increase in flexibility is associated with enhanced enzyme activity. Recently, we identified a mutant of a lipase whose stability and activity were enhanced simultaneously. In this work, we probed the conformational dynamics of the mutant and the wild type lipase, particularly flexibility of their active site using molecular dynamic simulations and time-resolved fluorescence techniques. In contrast to the earlier observations, our data show that active site of the mutant is more rigid than wild type enzyme. Further investigation suggests that this lipase needs minimal reorganization/flexibility of active site residues during its catalytic cycle. Molecular dynamic simulations suggest that catalytically competent active site geometry of the mutant is relatively more preserved than wild type lipase, which might have led to its higher enzyme activity. Our study implies that widely accepted positive correlation between conformation flexibility and enzyme activity need not be stringent and draws attention to the possibility that high enzyme activity can still be accomplished in a rigid active site and stable protein structures. This finding has a significant implication towards better understanding of involvement of dynamic motions in enzyme catalysis and enzyme engineering through mutations in active site.  相似文献   

It is well established that the fully formed polymerase active site of the DNA repair enzyme, polymerase beta (pol beta), including two bound Mg2+ cations and the nucleoside triphosphate (dNTP) substrate, exists at only one point in the catalytic cycle just prior to the chemical nucleotidyl transfer step. The structure of the active conformation has been the subject of much interest as it relates to the mechanism of the chemical step and also to the question of fidelity assurance. Although crystal structures of ternary pol beta-(primer-template) DNA-dNTP complexes have provided the main structural features of the active site, they are necessarily incomplete due to intentional alterations (e.g., removal of the 3'OH groups from primer and substrate) needed to obtain a structure from midcycle. Working from the crystal structure closest to the fully formed active site [Protein Data Bank (PDB) code: 1bpy], two molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of the solvated ternary complex were performed: one with the missing 3'OHs restored, via modeling, to the primer and substrate, and the other without restoration of the 3'OHs. The results of the simulations, together with ab initio optimizations on simplified active-site models, indicate that the missing primer 3'OH in the crystal structure is responsible for a significant perturbation in the coordination sphere of the catalytic cation and allow us to suggest several corrections and additions to the active-site structure as observed by crystallography. In addition, the calculations help to resolve questions raised regarding the protonation states of coordinating ligands.  相似文献   

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