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In regions with airborne contaminants and large snowpacks, there is concern over the impact that snowmelt chemical pulses — periods of sharp increase in meltwater solute concentration — could have on aquatic resources during spring runoff. A major variable in determining such an effect is the flow path of snowmelt solutes to the stream or lake. From December 1988, to late April 1989, the quality and quantity of precipitation, snowmelt, soil solution and streamwater were measured in a 176-ha gauged watershed on the south shore of Lake Superior. The main objectives were to (1) examine the change in flow path meltwaters take to the stream during distinct winter and spring hydrologic periods, (2) quantify ecosystem-level ion budgets prior to, during, and following snowmelt, and (3) examine if streamwater chemistry might be a sensitive indicator of change in ecosystem flow paths. Prior to peak snowmelt, groundwater made up 80% of stream discharge. During peak snowmelt, the groundwater level rose to the soil surface resulting in lateral water movement through near-surface macropores and as overland flow. Near the end of snowmelt, melt-waters exerted a piston action on deeper soil solution again increasing its relative contribution to streamwater discharge. Net groundwater drawdown during the study resulted in streamwater discharge about equal to precipitation inputs. Unfrozen soils and brief mid-winter thaws resulted in steady snowmelt throughout early and mid-winter. The snowpack lost > 50% of most ions prior to the period of major snowmelt and high stream discharge in late March and early April. Snowmelt and streamwater NO3 and NH4 pulses occurred before the period of overland flow and peak streamwater discharge (April 4–24). During overland flow, stream discharge of total N, P, DOC, and AI peaked. Nutrient budgets computed for distinct hydrologic periods were much more helpful in explaining ecosystem pathways and processes than were changes in solute concentration. For the study period, watershed base cation (CB) discharge was 23 times input and SO4 2– discharge exceeded input by 42%. H+ was the most strongly conserved ion with output < 0.2% of input. Also conserved were NH4 + with only 1.4% of input leaving the ecosystem and NO3 with output equal to 9.4% of input.  相似文献   

Recent work in seasonally snow covered ecosystems has identifiedthawed soil and high levels of heterotrophic activity throughout the winterunder consistent snow cover. We performed measurements during the winter of1994 to determine how the depth and timing of seasonal snow cover affectsoil microbial populations, surface water NO loss during snowmelt, and plant Navailability early in the growing season. Soil under early accumulating,consistent snow cover remained thawed during most of the winter and bothmicrobial biomass and soil inorganic N pools gradually increased under thesnowpack. At the initiation of snowmelt, microbial biomass N pools increasedfrom 3.0 to 5.9 g n m-2,concurrent with a decrease in soil inorganic N pools. During the latterstages of snowmelt, microbial biomass N pools decreased sharply without aconcurrent increase in inorganic N pools or significant leaching losses. Incontrast, soil under inconsistent snow cover remained frozen during most ofthe winter. During snowmelt, microbial biomass initially increased from 1.7to 3.1 g N m-2 and thendecreased as sites became snow-free. In contrast to smaller pool sizes,NO export during snowmeltfrom the inconsistent snow cover sites of 1.14 (±0.511) g N m-2 was significantly greater (p< 0.001) than the 0.27 (±0.16) g N m-2 exported from sites with consistent snowcover. These data suggest that microbial biomass in consistentlysnow-covered soil provides a significant buffer limiting the export ofinorganic N to surface water during snowmelt. However, this buffer is verysensitive to changes in snowpack regime. Therefore, interannual variabilityin the timing and depth of snowpack accumulation may explain the year toyear variability in inorganic N concentrations in surface water theseecosystems.  相似文献   

壤中流和土壤解冻深度对黑土坡面融雪侵蚀的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
融雪侵蚀是东北黑土区土壤流失的一种重要形式,而目前有关壤中流和土壤解冻深度对融雪径流侵蚀的影响研究较少。本研究采用室内模拟试验,设计两个融雪径流量(1和4 L·min-1)和两个土壤解冻深度(5和10 cm),以及有、无壤中流处理,分析壤中流和土壤解冻深度对黑土区坡面融雪侵蚀的影响。结果表明: 1)壤中流处理下坡面融雪径流深度和侵蚀量分别是无壤中流处理的1.1~1.2倍和1.3~1.9倍。两个融雪径流量下,当土壤解冻深度由5 cm增加到10 cm时,无壤中流处理下坡面融雪径流深度和侵蚀量分别增加10.0%~13.5%和15.4%~37.1%;而有壤中流处理下坡面融雪径流深度增加6.5%~8.5%,融雪侵蚀量则无显著变化。2)坡面细沟发育受壤中流、土壤解冻深度和融雪径流量的综合影响,各处理下细沟侵蚀量占坡面融雪侵蚀量的72%以上。3)壤中流发生使坡面径流流速和径流剪切力分别增加20.3%~23.2%和37.0%~51.3%,Darcy-Weisbach阻力系数减少9.0%~21.4%,从而增加了坡面融雪侵蚀量;且壤中流发生促进了坡面细沟发育,其细沟侵蚀量较无壤中流处理增加43.6%~69.9%,也导致坡面融雪侵蚀量增加。无壤中流条件下,土壤解冻深度加剧坡面融雪侵蚀的主要原因是随着土壤解冻深度的增加,坡面径流侵蚀能力和可蚀性物质来源增加,导致融雪径流侵蚀量增加。此外,土壤解冻深度对壤中流条件下细沟形态发育也有明显的影响,土壤解冻深度为5 cm时,细沟横向加宽作用显著;而土壤解冻深度为10 cm时,细沟下切侵蚀作用更显著。本研究加深了对黑土区融雪侵蚀机理的认识,可为水蚀模型的研发提供理论指导。  相似文献   

Although seasonal snow is recognized as an important component in the global climate system, the ability of snow to affect plant production remains an important unknown for assessing climate change impacts on vegetation dynamics at high‐latitude ecosystems. Here, we compile data on satellite observation of vegetation greenness and spring onset date, satellite‐based soil moisture, passive microwave snow water equivalent (SWE) and climate data to show that winter SWE can significantly influence vegetation greenness during the early growing season (the period between spring onset date and peak photosynthesis timing) over nearly one‐fifth of the land surface in the region north of 30 degrees, but the magnitude and sign of correlation exhibits large spatial heterogeneity. We then apply an assembled path model to disentangle the two main processes (via changing early growing‐season soil moisture, and via changing the growth period) in controlling the impact of winter SWE on vegetation greenness, and suggest that the “moisture” and “growth period” effect, to a larger extent, result in positive and negative snow–productivity associations, respectively. The magnitude and sign of snow–productivity association is then dependent upon the relative dominance of these two processes, with the “moisture” effect and positive association predominating in Central, western North America and Greater Himalaya, and the “growth period” effect and negative association in Central Europe. We also indicate that current state‐of‐the‐art models in general reproduce satellite‐based snow–productivity relationship in the region north of 30 degrees, and do a relatively better job of capturing the “moisture” effect than the “growth period” effect. Our results therefore work towards an improved understanding of winter snow impact on vegetation greenness in northern ecosystems, and provide a mechanistic basis for more realistic terrestrial carbon cycle models that consider the impacts of winter snow processes.  相似文献   

Decreases in pH and increases in the concentration of Al and NO 3 have been observed in surface waters draining acid-sensitive regions in the northeastern U.S. during spring snowmelt. To assess the source of this acidity, we evaluated solute concentrations in snowpack, and in meltwater collected from snow and forest floor lysimeters in the west-central Adirondack Mountains of New York during the spring snowmelt period, 29 March through 15 April 1984.During the initial phase of snowmelt, ions were preferentially leached from the snowpack resulting in elevated concentrations in snowmelt water (e.g. H+ = 140 eq.l–1; NO 4 2– = 123 eq.l–1; SO 3 = 160 eq.l–1). Solute concentrations decreased dramatically within a few days of the initial melt (< 50 eq.l–1). The concentrations of SO 4 2– and NO 3 in snowpack and snowmelt water were similar, whereas NO 3 in the forest floor leachate was at least two times the concentration of SO 4 2– .Study results suggest that the forest floor was a sink for snowmelt inputs of alkalinity, and a net source of H+, NO 3 , dissolved organic carbon, K+ and Al inputs to the mineral soil. The forest floor was relatively conservative with respect to snowmelt inputs of Ca2+, SO 4 2– and Cl. These results indicate that mineralization of N, followed by nitrification in the forest floor may be an important process contributing to elevated concentrations of H+ and NO 3 in streams during the snowmelt period.  相似文献   

Impact of drying and re-wetting on N,P and K dynamics in a wetland soil   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
Venterink  H. Olde  Davidsson  T.E.  Kiehl  K.  Leonardson  L. 《Plant and Soil》2002,243(1):119-130
As increased nutrient availability due to drainage is considered a major cause of eutrophication in wetlands rewetting of drained wetlands is recommended as a restoration measure. The effect of soil drying and rewetting on the contribution of various nutrient release or transformation processes to changed nutrient availability for plants is however weakly understood. We measured effects of soil drying and re-wetting on N mineralization, and denitrification, as well as on release of dissolved organic nitrogen (DON), phosphorus, and potassium in incubated soil cores from a wet meadow in southern Sweden. Additionally, the impact of re-wetting with sulphate-enriched water was studied. Soil drying stimulated N mineralization (3 times higher) and reduced denitrification (5 times lower) compared to continuously wet soil. In the wet cores, denitrification increased to 20 mg N m–2 d–1, which was much higher than denitrification measured in the field. In the field, increased inorganic-N availability for plants due to drainage seemed primarily to be caused by increased N mineralization, and less by decreased denitrification. Soil drying also stimulated the release of DON and K, but P release was not affected. Re-wetting of dried soil cores strongly stimulated denitrification (up to 160 mg N m–2 d–1), but N mineralization was not significantly decreased, neither were DON or K release. In contrast, the extractable P pool increased upon soil wetting. Re-wetting with sulphate-enriched water had no effect on any of the nutrient release or transformation rates. We conclude that caution is required in re-wetting of drained wetlands, because it may unintendently cause internal eutrophication through an increased P availability for plants.  相似文献   

Effects on water chemistry after drainage of a bog for forestry   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Drainage for forestry has received increasing interest during recent decades. Generally, drainage concerns wet mineral soils while the utilization of peatlands is a matter of controversy. The peatlands mainly involved are fens, while forestry on bogs is an insignificant activity. Consequently, hydrology of bogs and effects of drainage on their hydrochemistry are little known.The investigation performed aimed at elucidating the parent conditions and the drainage impact on the hydrology and hydrochemistry of an ombrotrophic bog. Two bogs were first compared during a calibration period of two years and then, after drainage of one of them, during a period of three years. The second bog was kept virgin as a control.Considerable influences on runoff and stream water quality were found from the surrounding mineral soil uplands of the bog. Significant differences occurred between the chemical composition of the groundwater in the mineral soil and in the bog peat.Effects on runoff water from drainage of the bog deviate from drainage of minerotrophic peatlands with respect to decreased concentrations and losses of organic carbon and nitrogen. From two small bog catchments within the drained bog, there generally were greater losses of nutrients than from the catchment as a whole. Furthermore, the runoff from the drained bog decreased in comparison with the undrained condition. However, there were also similarities to drainage of other peatlands as regards increased pH, alkalinity and concentrations of sulphate. Also, concentrations of total-phosphorus increased in spite of a decreased phosphate (MRP) concentration.  相似文献   

Hydrochemical changes caused by slash-and-burnagricultural practices in a small upland catchment inthe central Amazon were measured. Soluteconcentrations were analyzed in wet deposition,overland flow, shallow throughflow, groundwater andbank seepage in a forested plot (about 5 ha) and anadjacent plot (about 2 ha) which had been deforestedin July 1989 and planted to manioc, and in streamwater in partially deforested and forested catchments. Measurements were made from November 1988 to June1990. The effects of slash-and-burn agriculturalpractices observed in the experimental plot includedincreased overland flow, erosion, and large losses ofsolutes from the rooted zone. Concentrations ofNO3 -, Na+, K+, SO4 2-,Cl- and Mn in throughflow of the experimentalplot were higher than those of the control plot bymore than a factor of 10. Extensive leaching occurredafter cutting and burning, but solute transfers werediminished along pathway stages of throughflow togroundwater, and particularly within the riparian zoneof the catchment. High concentrations of N and P inoverland flow indicate the importance of usingforested riparian buffers to mitigate solute inputs toreceiving waters in tropical catchments.  相似文献   

A solute mass balance for a 23.4 ha catchment of undisturbed rainforest in the central Amazon Basin was computed from detailed measurements of water and solute fluxes via rainfall, streamflow, and subsurface outflow over an annual cycle. Annual atmospheric deposition fluxes are lower than previously reported among mass balance studies conducted in the Amazon. Nutrient export fluxes are lower than previously reported for the Amazon, despite the fact that export fluxes via flow paths not previously measured were included. Given that climatic conditions were representative of a one in 10 wet year, the ecosystem was expected to show a net loss of nutrients rather than net gain. Instead, an excess of nutrient inputs via rainfall over ecosystem outflows was detected, ranging in annual quantities from 0.30 to 0.50 of the measured input. Among several mechanisms that could reconcile this budget, two are supported by the information presently available while two others cannot be evaluated without further research. Interannual variability in the amount of water available for runoff at the spatial scale of small catchments varies by a factor of two, in contrast to rainfall variability of ±20%, and may be a critical control on the apparent changes in ecosystem storage detected by annual-scale nutrient budgets in rainforests. Entrainment of materials from the terrestrial ecosystem to the atmosphere, including particulates containing elements which do not exist as gases, may be a particularly important loss pathway in rainforests existing on deeply weathered or nutrient poor soils.  相似文献   

Sulphate reduction and sulphur cycling in lake sediments: a review   总被引:28,自引:0,他引:28  
1. The concentration of sulphate is low in lakes and sulphur cycling has often been neglected in studies of organic matter diagenesis in lake sediments. The cycling of sulphur is, however, both spatially and temporally dynamic and strongly influences many biogeochemical reactions in sediments, such as the binding of phosphorus. This review examines the control of sulphate reduction and sulphur cycling in sediments of lakes with different trophic status. 2. The factors that control the rate of sulphate reduction have not been identified with certainty in the various environments because many factors are involved, e.g. oxygen and sulphate concentrations, temperature and organic matter availability. 3. Sulphate reduction is less significant under oligotrophic conditions, where mineralization is dominated by oxic decomposition. The supply of organic matter may not be sufficient to support sulphate reduction in the anoxic parts of sediments and, also, sulphate availability may control the rate as the concentration is generally low in oligotrophic lakes. 4. There is a potential for significant sulphate reduction in eutrophic lakes, as both the availability of organic matter and sulphate concentration are often higher than in oligotrophic lakes. Sulphate is rapidly depleted with sediment depth, however, and methanogenesis is generally the most important process in overall carbon mineralization. Sulphate reduction is generally low in acidic lakes because of low sulphate availability and reduced microbial activity. 5. It is still unclear which of the forms of sulphur deposits are the most important and under which conditions burial occurs. Sulphur deposition is controlled by the rate of sulphate reduction and reoxidation. Reoxidation of sulphides occurs rapidly through several pathways, both under oxic and anoxic conditions. Only a few studies have been able to examine the importance of reoxidation, but it is hypothesized that most of the reoxidation takes place under anoxic conditions and that disproportionation is often involved. The presence of sulphide oxidizing bacteria, benthic fauna and rooted macrophytes may substantially enhance oxic reoxidation. Deposition of sulphur is generally higher in eutrophic than in oligotrophic lakes because of a number of factors: a higher rate of sulphate reduction, enhanced sedimentation of organic sulphur and less reoxidation as a result of reduced penetration of oxygen into the sediments, a lack of faunal activity and rooted macrophytes.  相似文献   

康满萍  赵成章  李群 《生态学报》2022,42(22):9026-9034
地下水是内陆盐沼湿地生态水文过程及演变的关键因素,地下水位埋深和水质特征交互作用影响水盐运移过程和表层土壤盐渍化程度。根据2018年8月土壤盐分与地下水特征的监测数据,运用经典统计学、皮尔逊相关性和主成分分析等方法对苏干湖湿地(93°47''53″-94°04''26″E,38°50''07″-38°56''27″N)不同水位下表层0-10 cm土壤全盐含量、地下水水质特征及其间的关系进行定量分析。结果表明:(1)研究区0-10 cm土壤全盐含量的均值为204.41 g/kg,随地下水埋深的增加,土壤全盐含量的均值、变化幅度和变异系数呈先增加后降低的趋势。(2)地下水埋深介于0.17-6 m,pH在7.06-9.56范围,阳离子以Na+为主,阴离子以SO42-和Cl-为主,离子浓度变异系数从强到弱依次为Na+ > Mg2+ > Ca2+ > Cl- > SO42- > HCO3- > K+ > CO32-。(3)关联分析表明,在水埋深<1 m、1-2 m的区域表层全盐含量与地下水埋深呈正相关,地下水埋深介于2-3 m和>3 m的区域两者间呈负相关;土壤全盐含量与地下水水质离子Na+、Mg2+、SO42-、Cl-间呈极显著正相关,与K+、CO32-、HCO3-间的相关系数较低且不显著。内陆盐沼湿地表层土壤全盐含量与地下水埋深、地下水水质特征的关联分析,体现了内陆盐沼湿地土壤水盐运移过程的复杂性。  相似文献   

This study examined changes in pH and extractable nutrients in soilsfollowing wetland creation. Sample plots were established in two areas: (1) an old-field with parts that were flooded during wetland creation, and (2) a native wetland in a floodplain of the Ohio River called Green Bottom Swamp. Soils were sampled before inundation and eight months afterwards. Compared to old-field soils in the pre-inundation period, swamp soils exhibited: (1) higher acidity, (2) lower NO3 and higher NH4 concentrations, (3) higher extractable P, Fe, and Mn, and (4) lower Ca, Mg, and Zn concentrations. Eight months after inundation, the old-field soil redox decreased from +210 mV in the old field –290 mV, and extractable NO3 and Ca decreased and extractable NH4 and Fe increased, but pH and extractable P, Mn, Mg, and Zn changed either slightly or not at all. These results suggest that eight months is an insufficient period of time for a complete change. Other results suggest that the response of nitrogen during the wetland creation processes may be extremely rapid.  相似文献   

1. Phosphorus (P) concentrations in the water column of lakes and wetlands are crucial to their trophic status and ecosystem function, but quantifying the processes controlling P concentrations in the field has been a difficult task. A site‐based, in‐lake method is described to partition major field processes controlling P concentration in a shallow lake. 2. It involves (i) in‐lake deployment of a suite of chambers that isolate in‐chamber activities from atmospheric sources, groundwater input and horizontal water movement; (ii) monitoring P concentrations and relevant water properties inside and outside the isolation chambers; and (iii) calculating the contribution of each individual process by simple mathematical deduction, so as to differentiate the contributions from the different sources. 3. The method was applied at nearshore and offshore sites in a seasonal, groundwater‐fed shallow lake on the Swan Coastal Plain, south‐western Australia, during winter refilling. Primary (atmospheric and groundwater) and secondary processes (e.g. circulation and sediment‐water interactions) were partitioned and quantified in terms of their contributions to water column P [as total P (TP; μg m?2 day?1)]. 4. Atmospheric and groundwater inputs were the two main processes contributing P loadings (1233 and 1010 μg P m?2 day?1), but their influence appeared restricted to the near‐shore site. The estimated influence on TP by mixing‐circulation, atmosphere and groundwater were 2.4–25 times higher near the lake margin as compared with the offshore site. The circulation and sediment‐water interactions decreased water column P at the marginal site, but increased P offshore because of subsequent P release from sediment and a concurrent increase in pH. 5. Results are consistent with data reported elsewhere, and the factors that could affect the accuracy of partitioning are discussed.  相似文献   

Herbaceous vegetation was examined in an Otanoshike wetland in northern Japan to clarify the relationships between vegetation patterns and environmental factors with different scales. Alders (Alnus japonica) have recently invaded and might modify the herbaceous vegetation. In total, 150 50×50cm plots were established on the transitional areas between alder thickets and grassy marshland. Cover was measured for the vascular plant taxa, and canopy area, number of stumps, number of mounds, water depth, elevation difference, litter thickness, soil organic matter, and soil pH were measured in each plot. TWINSPAN cluster analysis classified four vegetation groups: (i), grasslands represented by Phragmites australis, Trientalis europaea, Lythrum salicaria, and Hosta rectifolia; (ii), Calamagrostis langsdorfii, and Polygonum thunbergii grasslands with Spiraea salicifolia; (iii), reed swamp dominated by Phragmites australis, and (iv), marshland dominated by Carex lyngbyei. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that water depth primarily divided vegetation groups 1–2 and 3–4. Alder established in drier sites mostly by re-sprouting, and the canopy affected light and soil conditions on the ground surface. The second axis of canonical correspondence analysis was related to the canopy area and soil pH, and explained the vegetation differentiation between groups 1 and 2, and groups 3 and 4. In conclusion therefore, scale-dependent or hierarchical variables affected the vegetation patterns in different ways, that is, the herbaceous vegetation was first differentiated by water depth that was corresponding to alder establishment on a large scale, and subsequent light and soil conditions were second determinants on a small scale.  相似文献   

浅层地下水对华北地区河岸杨树林树干液流的影响   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
华北地区河岸杨树林生长季的用水特征对杨树人工林经营管理具有重要意义.本文以北京市潮白河畔的杨树人工林为研究对象,采用热扩散式探针(TDP)测定树干液流、管式TDR土壤含水量法测定土壤体积含水量、开路涡度相关系统测定环境因子数据,对2014年6—7月的杨树树干液流及其影响因素进行系统研究,以探究浅层地下水对树干液流的可能影响.结果表明: 杨树树干液流日变化随太阳辐射呈现单峰或双峰变化,在土壤水分相对亏缺时,杨树树干液流密度明显减小,达到峰值的时间从14:00提前到12:30,但树干液流对太阳辐射的时滞效应没有明显变化.在表层土壤水分相对充足时,太阳辐射和空气饱和水汽压差是杨树树干液流变化的主导因子,但在表层土壤水分亏缺时,土壤水会成为杨树树干液流的限制因子;当表层土壤水分相对亏缺时,杨树单株耗水与100 cm土层土壤体积含水量呈显著负相关,与其余各土层体积含水量呈显著正相关.浅层地下水(相对稳定的150 cm及更深处)在土壤表层土壤水分含量相对亏缺时,可在毛管力作用下对上层土壤水进行补充,供给杨树生长需要.  相似文献   

Long-term and spatially dense time series of total head measured alongthree forest-marsh piezometer transects across a finger marsh basin,together with bimonthly groundwater salinity measurements, reveal dynamicfeatures that present challenges to the interpretation and modeling of thisshallow water table aquifer. These include:1. Rapid response of forest water table to rain events.2. Daytime lowering (drawdown) of the water table in the forest and highmarsh due to evapotranspiration and its recovery due to rain, seepage ortidal inundation.3. Upward gradients in head along the western margin of the marsh butdownward gradients in the eastern, more seaward, high marsh and forest.4. Rapid head responses to the tide in parts of the high marsh andforest that are not actually inundated.5. Asymmetrical distribution of salinity with higher values in theeastern marsh and forest than in the west.6. Sharp salinity gradients across the tidal creek that bisects the basin. We discuss modeling issues related to these features because acomprehensive understanding of them may have a bearing on patterns ofbotanical zonation and primary production, the transport of nutrients andcontaminants, and the response of this system to sea level rise.  相似文献   

To study salt dynamics in soil profiles under different groundwater conditions, a 3-year indoor experiment was carried out under conditions of open-air evaporation. Silt loam soil was treated under three groundwater table depths (0.85, 1.05, and 1.55 m) combined with three groundwater salinities: 0.40 dS m? 1 (2 g l? 1), 0.80 dS m? 1 (4 g l? 1), and 1.60 dS m? 1 (8 g l? 1). A total of nine soil columns (0.14 m internal diameter) were used to simulate different combinations of groundwater depths and salinities. The results obtained showed that salt first accumulated at the bottom of the soil column, and only when soil salinity in this layer had remained relatively stable with time, salt began to accumulate in the adjacent upper soil layers. When all subsoil layers had reached dynamic salinity equilibrium, electrical conductivity (EC) of soils in the surface layer began to increase drastically. With increasing salt accumulation in the surface soil, EC of the subsoil began to rise tardily. The further up the soil layer, the earlier EC started to increase, although the redistribution of salts in the soil profile tended to be homogenous. Groundwater depth did not significantly change subsoil EC values at the same depth; however, it distinctly affected the time needed for the subsoil to reach dynamic salinity equilibrium. Groundwater salinity, on the other hand, did not significantly alter the time point at which soil salinity at the same depth began to increase rapidly or the time period needed to reach dynamic salinity equilibrium. This study explored salt transport processes in the soil profile through a long-term experiment, enabling us to reveal some general laws governing salt dynamics that will be very important to understand the mechanism of soil salinization. The results could be further used to set up strategies to prevent salinization or to improve salt-affected soils.  相似文献   

1. In this study we predict stream sensitivity to non‐point source pollution based on the non‐linear responses of hydrological regimes and associated loadings of non‐point source pollutants to catchment properties. We assessed two hydrologically based thresholds of impairment, one for catchment storage (5–10%) and one for mature forest (<50% versus >60% of catchment in mature forest cover) across two different hydrogeomorphic regions within the Northern Lakes and Forest (NLF) ecoregion: the North Shore [predominantly within the North Shore Highlands Ecological Unit] and the South Shore (predominantly within the Lake Superior Clay Plain Ecological Unit). Water quality samples were collected and analysed during peak snowmelt and baseflow conditions from 24 second‐order streams grouped as follows: three in each region × catchment storage × mature forest class. 2. Water quality was affected by a combination of regional influences, catchment storage and mature forest. Regional differences were significant for suspended solids, phosphorus, nitrogen: phosphorus ratios, dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and alkalinity. Catchment storage was significantly correlated with dissolved silica during the early to mid‐growing season, and with DOC, specific conductance and alkalinity during all seasons. Total nitrogen and dissolved nitrogen were consistently less in low mature forest than in high mature forest catchments. Catchment storage interacted with the influence of mature forest for only two metrics: colour and the soluble inorganic nitrogen : phosphorus ratio. 3. Significant interaction terms (region by mature forest or region by storage) suggest differences in regional sensitivity for conductance, alkalinity, total organic carbon, and colour, as well as possible shifts in thresholds of impact across region or mature forest class. 4. Use of the NLF Ecoregion alone as a basis for setting regional water quality criteria would lead to the misinterpretation of reference condition and assessment of condition. There were pronounced differences in background water quality between the North and South Shore streams, particularly for parameters related to differences in soil parent material and glacial history. A stratified random sampling design for baseflow and snowmelt stream water quality based on both hydrogeomorphic region and catchment attributes improves assessments of both reference condition and differences in regional sensitivity.  相似文献   

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