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A structure has been obtained for the loop E region of the 5S rRNA from Spinacia oleracia chloroplast ribosomes using residual dipolar coupling data as well as NOE, J coupling and chemical shift information. Even though the loop E sequence of this chloroplast 5S rRNA differs from that of Escherichia coli loop E at approximately 40% of its positions, its conformation is remarkably similar to that of E.coli loop E. Consistent with this conclusion, ribosomal protein L25 from E.coli, which binds to the loop E region of both intact E.coli 5S rRNA and to oligonucleotides containing that sequence, also binds to the chloroplast-derived oligonucleotide discussed here.  相似文献   

Pseudouridine synthase RluE modifies U2457 in a stem of 23 S RNA in Escherichia coli. This modification is located in the peptidyl transferase center of the ribosome. We determined the crystal structures of the C-terminal, catalytic domain of E. coli RluE at 1.2 A resolution and of full-length RluE at 1.6 A resolution. The crystals of the full-length enzyme contain two molecules in the asymmetric unit and in both molecules the N-terminal domain is disordered. The protein has an active site cleft, conserved in all other pseudouridine synthases, that contains invariant Asp and Tyr residues implicated in catalysis. An electropositive surface patch that covers the active site cleft is just wide enough to accommodate an RNA stem. The RNA substrate stem can be docked to this surface such that the catalytic Asp is adjacent to the target base, and a conserved Arg is positioned to help flip the target base out of the stem into the enzyme active site. A flexible RluE specific loop lies close to the conserved region of the stem in the model, and may contribute to substrate specificity. The stem alone is not a good RluE substrate, suggesting RluE makes additional interactions with other regions in the ribosome.  相似文献   

Explicit solvent and counterion molecular dynamics simulations have been carried out for a total of >80 ns on the bacterial and spinach chloroplast 5S rRNA Loop E motifs. The Loop E sequences form unique duplex architectures composed of seven consecutive non-Watson-Crick basepairs. The starting structure of spinach chloroplast Loop E was modeled using isostericity principles, and the simulations refined the geometries of the three non-Watson-Crick basepairs that differ from the consensus bacterial sequence. The deep groove of Loop E motifs provides unique sites for cation binding. Binding of Mg(2+) rigidifies Loop E and stabilizes its major groove at an intermediate width. In the absence of Mg(2+), the Loop E motifs show an unprecedented degree of inner-shell binding of monovalent cations that, in contrast to Mg(2+), penetrate into the most negative regions inside the deep groove. The spinach chloroplast Loop E shows a marked tendency to compress its deep groove compared with the bacterial consensus. Structures with a narrow deep groove essentially collapse around a string of Na(+) cations with long coordination times. The Loop E non-Watson-Crick basepairing is complemented by highly specific hydration sites ranging from water bridges to hydration pockets hosting 2 to 3 long-residing waters. The ordered hydration is intimately connected with RNA local conformational variations.  相似文献   

The Bodo caudatus mini-exon-derived RNA gene repeat has been isolated following PCR amplification. The DNA sequence of the mini-exon fits the trypanosomatid mini-exon consensus, supporting inclusion of Bodo in this group. The B. caudatus mini-exon repeat also contains the 5S ribosomal RNA gene, an organization found in the trypanosome T. rangeli and five genera of nematodes. Phylogenetic analysis of both mini-exon-derived RNA gene and 5S gene sequences show that the free-living B. caudatus is more closely related to the monogenetic Crithidia than the digenetic Trypanosoma. Similarity between the Euglena gracilis trans-spliced leader and trypanosomatid mini-exon sequences was also noted during these comparisons.  相似文献   

We assess the phylogenetic position of Siboglinidae (previously known as the phyla Pogonophora and Vestimentifera, but now referred to Annelida) in parsimony analyses of 1100 bp from 18S rRNA, 320 bp from the D1 region of 28S rRNA, and 107 morphological characters, totaling 667 parsimony informative characters. The 34 terminal taxa, apart from six siboglinids, include polychaete members of Sabellida, Terbelliformia, Cirratuliformia and Spionida, plus two Aciculata polychaetes as outgroups. Our results contradict most recent hypotheses in showing a sistergroup relationship between Siboglinidae and Oweniidae, and in that the latter taxon is not a member of Sabellida. Furthermore, our results indicate that Sabellariidae is not closely related to Sabellida, that Serpulidae may be nested within Sabellidae, and that Alvinellidae is nested within Ampharetidae. © The Willi Hennig Society 2004.  相似文献   

The complete 12S ribosomal RNA(rRNA) sequences from 23 gobioid species and nine diverse assortments of other fish species were employed to establish a core secondary structure model for fish 12S rRNA. Of the 43 stems recognized, 41 were supported by at least some compensatory evidence among vertebrates. The rates of nucleotide substitution were lower in stems than in loops. This may produce less phylogenetic information in stems when recently diverged taxa are compared. An analysis of compensatory substitution shows that the percentage of covariation is 68%, and the weighting factor for phylogenetic analyses to account for the dependence of mutations should be 0.66. Different stem-loop weighting schemes applied to the analyses of phylogenetic relationships of the Gobioidei indicate that down-weighting paired regions because of nonindependence could not improve the present phylogenetic analysis. A biased nucleotide composition (adenine% [A%] > thymine% [T%], cytosine% [C%] > guanine% [G%]) in the loop regions was also observed in the mammalian counterpart. The excess of A and C in the loop regions may be because of the asymmetric mechanism of mtDNA replication, which leads to the spontaneous deamination of C and A. This process may also be responsible for a transition-transversion bias and the patterns of nucleotide substitutions in both stems and loops.  相似文献   

Consensus structure and evolution of 5S rRNA   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5       下载免费PDF全文
A consensus structure model of 5S rRNA presenting all conserved nucleotides in fixed positions has been deduced from the primary and secondary structure of 71 eubacterial, archaebacterial, eukaryotic cytosolic and organellar molecules. Phylogenetically related groups of molecules are characterized by nucleotide deletions in helices III, IV and V, and by potential base pair interactions in helix IV. The group-specific deletions are correlated with the early branching pattern of a dendrogram calculated from nucleotide substitution data: the first major division separates the group of eubacterial and organellar molecules from a second group containing the common ancestors of archaebacterial and eukaryotic/cytosolic molecules. The earliest diverging branch of the eubacterial/organellar group includes molecules from Thermus thermophilus, T. aquaticus, Rhodospirillum rubrum, Paracoccus denitrificans and wheat mitochondria.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequence of the 5S ribosomal RNA of the thermoacidophilic archaebacterium Sulfolobus acidocaldarius was determined. The high degree of evident secondary structure in the molecule has implications for the common higher order structure of other 5S rRNAs, both bacterial and eukaryotic.  相似文献   

We report on the construction of a novel strain of E. coli that can be useful for studies on the structure/function relationship of 5S rRNAs. The bacterial strain is deficient in six of the eight naturally occurring 5S rRNA genes (operons B, D, H, G, E) and demonstrates a greatly reduced growth rate that can be compensated by the plasmid-encoded expression of 5S rRNA. The relatively large difference in growth rate between compensated and non-compensated mutants provides the basis for a quick and simple assaying system for both the evaluation and mass screening of divergent 5S rRNA sequences for function. We describe the construction of the 5S rRNA deletion mutant BDHGE and characterize the usefulness and limitations of the system for evaluating structure/function relationships of 5S rRNA sequence. Received: 20 August 2000 / Accepted: 2 January 2001  相似文献   

H Hori  S Osawa 《Bio Systems》1986,19(3):163-172
The secondary structure models of 5S rRNA have been constructed from the primary structure of 352 5S rRNA species available at present. All the 5S rRNAs examined can take essentially the same secondary structure, however they reveal characteristic differences between eukaryotes, metabacteria (= archaebacteria) and eubacteria. These three types of models can be further subgrouped by minor but characteristic differences. A phylogenic tree of organisms has been constructed using these 5S rRNA sequences by the weighted pairing method (WPG method). The tree reveals that there exist several major groups of eubacteria which seem to have diverged into different directions in the early stages of bacterial evolution. After emergence of eubacteria, metabacteria and eukaryotes separated from each other from their common ancestor. In the eukaryotic evolution, red algae (Rhodophyta) emerged first, and thereafter, thraustocytrids-Proctista, Ascomycota, green plants (green algae and land plants), Basidiomycota, Chromophyta (brown algae, diatoms and golden-yellow algae), slime- and water molds, various protozoans, and animals emerged in this order.  相似文献   

A ribosomal ambiguity mutation in the 530 loop of E. coli 16S rRNA.   总被引:6,自引:8,他引:6       下载免费PDF全文
A series of base substitution and deletion mutations were constructed in the highly conserved 530 stem and loop region of E. coli 16S rRNA involved in binding of tRNA to the ribosomal A site. Base substitution and deletion of G517 produced significant effects on cell growth rate and translational fidelity, permitting readthrough of UGA, UAG and UAA stop codons as well as stimulating +1 and -1 frameshifting in vivo. By contrast, mutations at position 534 had little or no effect on growth rate or translational fidelity. The results demonstrate the importance of G517 in maintaining translational fidelity but do not support a base pairing interaction between G517 and U534.  相似文献   

The temperature dependent transition from duplex to a single strand in E. coli 5S ribosomal RNA is a multistep process, and it involves intermediate states. We have analyzed these structural dynamics by chemical modification of cytidines and by single strand specific nuclease digestions. This combined approach led to the characterization of premelting and melting transitions within individual structural segments of the native macromolecule, which we feel may find general application to the structure of biological polyribonucleotides: 1) G-C base pairs at the termini of helices are relatively unstable and they readily undergo premelting transition. 2) Internal G-U/A-U rich stretches of helices exhibit dynamic premelting properties. 3) Hairpin loops have a relatively stronger destabilizing effect than internal loops. 4) Bulge loops destabilize the neighbouring base pairs. 5) Melting of helical segments occurs starting from the destabilizing structures listed above, preferentially from the helix termini. E. coli 5S rRNA has been shown to adopt different conformations. The presence of urea leads to induction of enhancement in the sensitivity for nuclease S1 at several nucleotide positions. The possibility of structural rearrangements will be discussed.  相似文献   

The chemical modification of adenine residues in mouse 5S rRNA with monoperphthalate was carried out to investigate the higher ordered structure of 5S rRNA. The adenine residues at positions 11, 22 (or/and 23), 49 (or/and 50), 54 (or/and 55), 77, 83, 88, 90 and 100 (or/and 101) were modified. This result further confirmed the secondary structure of 5S rRNA constituted of 5 helices and 5 loops postulated by other chemical modifications.  相似文献   

5S rRNA Data Bank.   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
In this paper we present the updated version of the compilation of 5S rRNA and 5S rDNA nucleotide sequences. It contains 1622 primary structures of 5S rRNAs and 5S rRNA genes from 888 species. These include 58 archaeal, 427 eubacterial, 34 plastid, nine mitochondrial and 1094 eukaryotic DNA or RNA nucleotide sequences. The sequence entries are divided according to the taxonomic position of the organisms. All individual sequences deposited in the 5S rRNA Database can be retrieved using the WWW-based, taxonomic browser at http://rose.man.poznan.pl/5SData/5SRNA.html++ + or http://www.chemie. fu-berlin.de/fb_chemie/agerdmann/5S_rRNA.html . The files with complete sets of data as well as sequence alignments are available via anonymous ftp.  相似文献   

The 135-nucleotide Drosophila melanogaster 5 S RNA precursor is processed by removal of 15 nucleotides from its 3' end before incorporation into the large ribosomal subunit. Mature 5 S RNA consists of five helical stem-loops; stem IV and part of V are dispensable, whereas stem III and the 1/118 G-C base pair closest to the processing site at nucleotide 120 are required for processing (Preiser, P., and Levinger, L. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 7509-7516; Preiser, P., and Levinger, L. (1991) J. Biol. Chem. 266, 23602-23605). We have investigated the effects of stem I and loop A transversions, transitions, selected additions and deletions on 5 S RNA processing. Stem I single substitutions generally prevent processing, whereas compensatory double substitutions restore a range of processing rates. Proximal to the processing site, stem I double substitutions inhibit processing. In the distal portion of stem I and loop A, the processing effect of paired sequence changes varies widely in an irregular pattern. The 7/112 GU pair and nucleotide 13A least tolerate sequence changes; several mutations clustered close to the stem I-loop A boundary stimulate processing. We interpret these results in terms of the RNA helix path and possible RNA-protein contacts.  相似文献   

Summary Single-strand-specific nuclease S1 was employed as a structural probe to confirm locations of unpaired nucleotide bases in 5S rRNAs purified from prokaryotic species of rRNA superfamily I. Limited nuclease S1 digests of 3- and 5-end-labeled [32P]5S rRNAs were electrophoresed in parallel with reference endoribonuclease digests on thin allel with reference endoribonuclease digests on thin sequencing gels. Nuclease S1 primary hydrolysis patterns were comparable for 5S rRNAs prepared from all 11 species examined in this study. The locations of base-paired regions determined by enzymatic analysis corroborate the general features of the proposed universal five-helix model for prokaryotic 5S rRNA, although the results of this study suggest a significant difference between prokaryotic and eukaryotic 5S rRNAs in the evolution of helix IV. Furthermore, the extent of base-pairing predicted by helix IV needs to be reevaluated for eubacterial species. Clipping patterns in helices II and IV appear to be consistent with a secondary structural model that undergoes a conformational rearrangement between two (or more) structures. Primary clipping patterns in the helix II region, obtained by S1 analysis, may provide useful information concerning the tertiary structure of the 5S rRNA molecule.  相似文献   

Summary We have determined the secondary structure of the human 28S rRNA molecule based on comparative analysis of available eukaryotic cytoplasmic and prokaryotic large-rRNA gene sequences. Examination of large-rRNA sequences of both distantly and closely related species has enabled us to derive a structure that accounts both for highly conserved sequence tracts and for previously unanalyzed variable-sequence tracts that account for the evolutionary differences in size among the large rRNAs.Human 28S rRNA is composed of two different types of sequence tracts: conserved and variable. They differ in composition, degree of conservation, and evolution. The conserved regions demonstrate a striking constancy of size and sequence. We have confirmed that the conserved regions of large-rRNA molecules are capable of forming structures that are superimposable on one another. The variable regions contain the sequences responsible for the 83% increase in size of the human large-rRNA molecule over that ofEscherichia coli. Their locations in the gene are maintained during evolution. They are G+C rich and largely nonhomologous, contain simple repetitive sequences, appear to evolve by frequent recombinational events, and are capable of forming large, stable hairpins.The secondary-structure model presented here is in close agreement with existing prokaryotic 23S rRNA secondary-structure models. The introduction of this model helps resolve differences between previously proposed prokaryotic and eukaryotic large-rRNA secondary-structure models.  相似文献   

We present the sequence of the 5' terminal 585 nucleotides of mouse 28S rRNA as inferred from the DNA sequence of a cloned gene fragment. The comparison of mouse 28S rRNA sequence with its yeast homolog, the only known complete sequence of eukaryotic nucleus-encoded large rRNA (see ref. 1, 2) reveals the strong conservation of two large stretches which are interspersed with completely divergent sequences. These two blocks of homology span the two segments which have been recently proposed to participate directly in the 5.8S-large rRNA complex in yeast (see ref. 1) through base-pairing with both termini of 5.8S rRNA. The validity of the proposed structural model for 5.8S-28S rRNA complex in eukaryotes is strongly supported by comparative analysis of mouse and yeast sequences: despite a number of mutations in 28S and 5.8S rRNA sequences in interacting regions, the secondary structure that can be proposed for mouse complex is perfectly identical with yeast's, with all the 41 base-pairings between the two molecules maintained through 11 pairs of compensatory base changes. The other regions of the mouse 28S rRNA 5'terminal domain, which have extensively diverged in primary sequence, can nevertheless be folded in a secondary structure pattern highly reminiscent of their yeast' homolog. A minor revision is proposed for mouse 5.8S rRNA sequence.  相似文献   

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