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The kinesin superfamily is a large group of proteins (kinesin-like proteins [KLPs]) that share sequence similarity with the microtubule (MT) motor kinesin. Several members of this superfamily have been implicated in various stages of mitosis and meiosis. Here we report our studies on KLP67A of Drosophila. DNA sequence analysis of KLP67A predicts an MT motor protein with an amino-terminal motor domain. To prove this directly, KLP67A expressed in Escherichia coli was shown in an in vitro motility assay to move MTs in the plus direction. We also report expression analyses at both the mRNA and protein level, which implicate KLP67A in the localization of mitochondria in undifferentiated cell types. In situ hybridization studies of the KLP67A mRNA during embryogenesis and larval central nervous system development indicate a proliferation-specific expression pattern. Furthermore, when affinity-purified anti-KLP67A antisera are used to stain blastoderm embryos, mitochondria in the region of the spindle asters are labeled. These data suggest that KLP67A is a mitotic motor of Drosophila that may have the unique role of positioning mitochondria near the spindle.  相似文献   

Previous structural and biochemical studies have revealed that the inner arm dynein I1 is targeted and anchored to a unique site located proximal to the first radial spoke in each 96-nm axoneme repeat on flagellar doublet microtubules. To determine whether intermediate chains mediate the positioning and docking of dynein complexes, we cloned and characterized the 140-kDa intermediate chain (IC140) of the I1 complex. Sequence and secondary structural analysis, with particular emphasis on β-sheet organization, predicted that IC140 contains seven WD repeats. Reexamination of other members of the dynein intermediate chain family of WD proteins indicated that these polypeptides also bear seven WD/β-sheet repeats arranged in the same pattern along each intermediate chain protein. A polyclonal antibody was raised against a 53-kDa fusion protein derived from the C-terminal third of IC140. The antibody is highly specific for IC140 and does not bind to other dynein intermediate chains or proteins in Chlamydomonas flagella. Immunofluorescent microscopy of Chlamydomonas cells confirmed that IC140 is distributed along the length of both flagellar axonemes. In vitro reconstitution experiments demonstrated that the 53-kDa C-terminal fusion protein binds specifically to axonemes lacking the I1 complex. Chemical cross-linking indicated that IC140 is closely associated with a second intermediate chain in the I1 complex. These data suggest that IC140 contains domains responsible for the assembly and docking of the I1 complex to the doublet microtubule cargo.  相似文献   

Motile cilia mediate the flow of mucus and other fluids across the surface of specialized epithelia in metazoans. Efficient clearance of peri-ciliary fluids depends on the precise coordination of ciliary beating to produce metachronal waves. The role of individual dynein motors and the mechanical feedback mechanisms required for this process are not well understood. Here we used the ciliated epithelium of the planarian Schmidtea mediterranea to dissect the role of outer arm dynein motors in the metachronal synchrony of motile cilia. We demonstrate that animals that completely lack outer dynein arms display a significant decline in beat frequency and an inability of cilia to coordinate their oscillations and form metachronal waves. Furthermore, lack of a key mechanosensitive regulatory component (LC1) yields a similar phenotype even though outer arms still assemble in the axoneme. The lack of metachrony was not due simply to a decrease in ciliary beat frequency, as reducing this parameter by altering medium viscosity did not affect ciliary coordination. In addition, we did not observe a significant temporal variability in the beat cycle of impaired cilia. We propose that this conformational switch provides a mechanical feedback system within outer arm dynein that is necessary to entrain metachronal synchrony.  相似文献   

CCDC103 is an ∼29-kDa protein consisting of a central RPAP3_C domain flanked by N- and C-terminal coiled coils. Defects in CCDC103 lead to primary ciliary dyskinesia caused by the loss of outer dynein arms. This protein is present along the entire length of the ciliary axoneme and does not require other dynein or docking complex components for its integration. Unlike other known dynein assembly factors within the axoneme, CCDC103 is not solubilized by 0.6 m NaCl and requires more chaotropic conditions, such as 0.5 m KI. Alternatively, it can be extracted using 0.3% sarkosyl. CCDC103 forms stable dimers and other oligomers in solution through interactions involving the central domain. The smallest particle observed by dynamic light scattering has a hydrodynamic diameter of ∼25 nm. Furthermore, CCDC103 binds microtubules directly, forming ∼9-nm diameter particles that exhibit a 12-nm spacing on the microtubule lattice, suggesting that there may be two CCDC103 units per outer arm dynein repeat. Although the outer dynein arm docking complex is necessary to form arrays of dyneins along microtubules, it is not sufficient to set up a single array in a precise location on each axonemal doublet. We propose that CCDC103 helps generate a high-affinity site on the doublets for outer arm assembly, either through direct interactions or indirectly, perhaps by modifying the underlying microtubule lattice.  相似文献   

To gain a further understanding of axonemal dynein regulation, mutant strains of Chlamydomonas reinhardtii that had defects in both phototactic behavior and flagellar motility were identified and characterized. ptm1, ptm2, and ptm3 mutant strains exhibited motility phenotypes that resembled those of known inner dynein arm region mutant strains, but did not have biochemical or genetic phenotypes characteristic of other inner dynein arm mutations. Three other mutant strains had defects in the f class of inner dynein arms. Dynein extracts from the pf9-4 strain were missing the entire f complex. Strains with mutations in pf9/ida1, ida2, or ida3 failed to assemble the f dynein complex and did not exhibit phototactic behavior. Fractionated dynein from mia1-1 and mia2-1 axonemes exhibited a novel f class inner dynein arm biochemical phenotype; the 138-kD f intermediate chain was present in altered phosphorylation forms. In vitro axonemal dynein activity was reduced by the mia1-1 and mia2-1 mutations. The addition of kinase inhibitor restored axonemal dynein activity concomitant with the dephosphorylation of the 138-kD f intermediate chain. Dynein extracts from uni1-1 axonemes, which specifically assemble only one of the two flagella, contained relatively high levels of the altered phosphorylation forms of the 138-kD intermediate chain. We suggest that the f dynein complex may be phosphoregulated asymmetrically between the two flagella to achieve phototactic turning. C hlamydomonas reinhardtii flagella use an asymmetric beat stroke, similar to a breast stroke, to propel cells forward. To generate the asymmetric beat stroke, dynein activity must be regulated both along the length and around the circumference of the flagella. If all dyneins were active at the same time, the flagella would exist in a state of rigor. The dyneins are located in two rows along the length of the doublet microtubules. The inner dynein arms are heterogeneous in composition with at least eight heavy chains and various intermediate and light chains arranged in an elaborate morphology that repeats every 96 nm (Kagami and Kamiya, 1992; Mastronarde et al., 1992). In contrast, the outer dynein arms are biochemically and morphologically homogeneous (Huang et al., 1979; Mitchell and Rosenbaum, 1985; Kamiya, 1988); each outer dynein arm contains three dynein heavy chains and 10 intermediate and light chains. The inner and outer arms appear to have different functions in the formation of the beat stroke; the inner arms generate the waveform of the beat stroke, whereas the outer arms provide additional force to the waveform (Brokaw and Kamiya, 1987).Previous workers had shown that dynein regulation is imposed, in part, by activities of the radial spokes and the central pair complex. Mutant strains that are missing or have altered radial spokes or central pair complexes are paralyzed even if they have a full complement of dyneins (Adams et al., 1981; Piperno et al., 1981). Many extragenic suppressors of this paralysis phenotype do not restore the missing structures, but rather suppress by altering either inner arm or outer arm region structures (Huang et al., 1982a ; Piperno et al., 1992; Porter et al., 1992, 1994). These data suggest that direct or indirect interactions exist between the dynein arms and the radial spokes or central pair complexes.Over 80 proteins in Chlamydomonas flagella are phosphorylated (Piperno et al., 1981), which makes dynein regulation by phosphorylation an attractive model. Hasegawa et al. (1987) showed that a higher percentage of demembranated axonemes reactivate with ATP after treatments that lower cAMP levels or inhibit cAMP-dependent protein kinase (cAPK)1. In flagella from other organisms, cAMP has an opposite role (for reviews see Tash and Means, 1983; Tash, 1989). An increased frequency of reactivation also occurs after the NP-40–soluble components are extracted from the axonemes, which suggests that the cAPK, target phosphoproteins, and endogenous phosphatases are all integral axonemal components (Hasegawa et al., 1987). In quantitative sliding disintegration assays, the inner dynein arm activity of axonemes that are missing the radial spokes is increased in the presence of pharmacological or specific peptide inhibitors of cAPK (Smith and Sale, 1992; Howard et al., 1994). Reconstitution experiments with axonemes that are missing the radial spokes suggest that radial spokes normally function to activate the inner dynein arms by inhibiting a cAPK (Smith and Sale, 1992; Howard et al., 1994). It is not known if the cAPK directly phosphorylates inner dynein arm components or phosphorylates another axonemal component that then acts on the inner dynein arms (Howard et al., 1994).The f (originally called I1) inner arms are biochemically the best studied inner dynein arm complex. This complex is comprised of two dynein heavy chains and three intermediate chains of 140, 138, and 110 kD; it can be purified by sucrose density centrifugation (Piperno and Luck, 1981; Smith and Sale, 1991; Porter et al., 1992) or ion-exchange chromatography (Kagami and Kamiya, 1992). The purified complex has low ATPase activity and only rarely translocates microtubules in vitro (Smith and Sale, 1991; Kagami and Kamiya, 1992). Deep-etch EM of the purified f inner arm shows a two-headed complex that is connected to a common base by thin stalks (Smith and Sale, 1991). Longitudinal EM image analyses have shown that this complex is located just proximally of the first radial spoke in each 96-nm repeating unit (Piperno et al., 1990; Mastronarde et al., 1992). Mutations at three different loci (PF9/ IDA1, IDA2, and IDA3) result in the complete loss of the f complex (Kamiya et al., 1991; Kagami and Kamiya, 1992; Porter et al., 1992). The PF9/IDA1 locus encodes a dynein heavy chain that is believed to be one of the two heavy chains that are components of the f complex (Porter, 1996).We undertook a new approach to identify axonemal components involved in dynein regulation; we isolated and characterized mutant strains that were unable to perform phototaxis. In Chlamydomonas, phototaxis is a behavior by which cells orient to the direction of incident light. Light direction is detected by the eyespot, an asymmetrically located organelle, and a signal is transmitted to the flagella using voltage-gated ion channels (Harz and Hegemann, 1991). For cells to perform phototaxis, the waveforms of the two flagella are altered coordinately. The trans flagellum, which is located farther from the eyespot, beats with a larger front amplitude than the cis flagellum to turn the cell toward the light (Rüffer and Nultsch, 1991). It seemed likely that the alterations in the beat amplitudes needed for correct phototactic behavior could be caused by differential dynein regulation in the cis and trans flagella. Therefore, we hypothesized that there should be a class of phototactic mutant strains that is not able to perform phototaxis because of defects in the regulation of dyneins. Three of the eight phototactic mutant strains that we characterized had biochemical defects in the f class of inner dynein arms. One of these strains, pf9-4, was missing the entire f complex, and the other two strains, mia1-1 and mia2-1, exhibited a novel f class inner dynein arm biochemical phenotype. These observations suggest that the f inner dynein arm is a target for regulation during phototaxis.  相似文献   

Primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD) is a group of autosomal-recessive disorders resulting from cilia and sperm-flagella defects, which lead to respiratory infections and male infertility. Most implicated genes encode structural proteins that participate in the composition of axonemal components, such as dynein arms (DAs), that are essential for ciliary and flagellar movements; they explain the pathology in fewer than half of the affected individuals. We undertook this study to further understand the pathogenesis of PCD due to the absence of both DAs. We identified, via homozygosity mapping, an early frameshift in LRRC6, a gene that encodes a leucine-rich-repeat (LRR)-containing protein. Subsequent analyses of this gene mainly expressed in testis and respiratory cells identified biallelic mutations in several independent individuals. The situs inversus observed in two of them supports a key role for LRRC6 in embryonic nodal cilia. Study of native LRRC6 in airway epithelial cells revealed that it localizes to the cytoplasm and within cilia, whereas it is absent from cells with loss-of-function mutations, in which DA protein markers are also missing. These results are consistent with the transmission-electron-microscopy data showing the absence of both DAs in cilia or flagella from individuals with LRRC6 mutations. In spite of structural and functional similarities between LRRC6 and DNAAF1, another LRR-containing protein involved in the same PCD phenotype, the two proteins are not redundant. The evolutionarily conserved LRRC6, therefore, emerges as an additional player in DA assembly, a process that is essential for proper axoneme building and that appears to be much more complex than was previously thought.  相似文献   

The cytoplasmic dynein light chain Tctex1 is a candidate for one of the distorter products involved in the non-Mendelian transmission of mouse t haplotypes. It has been unclear, however, how the t-specific mutations in this protein, which is found associated with cytoplasmic dynein in many tissues, could result in a male germ cell–specific phenotype. Here, we demonstrate that Tctex1 is not only a cytoplasmic dynein component, but is also present both in mouse sperm and Chlamydomonas flagella. Genetic and biochemical dissection of the Chlamydomonas flagellum reveal that Tctex1 is a previously undescribed component of inner dynein arm I1. Combined with the recent identification of another putative t complex distorter, Tctex2, within the outer dynein arm, these results support the hypothesis that transmission ratio distortion (meiotic drive) of mouse t haplotypes involves dysfunction of both flagellar inner and outer dynein arms but does not require the cytoplasmic isozyme.  相似文献   

We have identified a mammalian homologue of yeast Ump1p by searching for similar proteins in human and mouse expressed sequence tag (EST) databases. Ump1p is an accessory protein that is required for normal proteasome assembly in yeast (1). A mammalian homologue, which we refer to as “proteassemblin,” is a constituent of proteasome assembly intermediates (preproteasomes), but not fully assembled 20S proteasomes, as is Ump1p in yeast. We also provide evidence that proteassemblin is a constituent of pre-immunoproteasomes that contain the precursor of the interferon-γ-inducible subunit LMP2. By analogy with Ump1p, we hypothesize that proteassemblin is required for normal mammalian proteasome assembly.  相似文献   

The Tctex1/Tctex2 family of dynein light chains associates with the intermediate chains at the base of the soluble dynein particle. These components are essential for dynein assembly and participate in specific motor-cargo interactions. To further address the role of these light chains in dynein activity, the structural and biochemical properties of several members of this polypeptide class were examined. Gel filtration chromatography and native gel electrophoresis indicate that recombinant Chlamydomonas flagellar Tctex1 exists as a dimer in solution. Furthermore, yeast two-hybrid analysis suggests that this association also occurs in vivo. In contrast, both murine and Chlamydomonas Tctex2 are monomeric. To investigate protein-protein interactions involving these light chains, outer arm dynein from Chlamydomonas flagella was cross-linked using dimethylpimelimidate. Immunoblot analysis of the resulting products revealed the interaction of LC2 (Tctex2) with LC6, which is closely related to the highly conserved LC8 protein found in many enzyme systems, including dynein. Northern dot blot analysis demonstrated that Tctex1/Tctex2 family light chains are differentially expressed both in a tissue-specific and developmentally regulated manner in humans. These data provide further support for the existence of functionally distinct populations of cytoplasmic dynein with differing light chain content.  相似文献   

A diverse family of cytoskeletal dynein motors powers various cellular transport systems, including axonemal dyneins generating the force for ciliary and flagellar beating essential to movement of extracellular fluids and of cells through fluid. Multisubunit outer dynein arm (ODA) motor complexes, produced and preassembled in the cytosol, are transported to the ciliary or flagellar compartment and anchored into the axonemal microtubular scaffold via the ODA docking complex (ODA-DC) system. In humans, defects in ODA assembly are the major cause of primary ciliary dyskinesia (PCD), an inherited disorder of ciliary and flagellar dysmotility characterized by chronic upper and lower respiratory infections and defects in laterality. Here, by combined high-throughput mapping and sequencing, we identified CCDC151 loss-of-function mutations in five affected individuals from three independent families whose cilia showed a complete loss of ODAs and severely impaired ciliary beating. Consistent with the laterality defects observed in these individuals, we found Ccdc151 expressed in vertebrate left-right organizers. Homozygous zebrafish ccdc151ts272a and mouse Ccdc151Snbl mutants display a spectrum of situs defects associated with complex heart defects. We demonstrate that CCDC151 encodes an axonemal coiled coil protein, mutations in which abolish assembly of CCDC151 into respiratory cilia and cause a failure in axonemal assembly of the ODA component DNAH5 and the ODA-DC-associated components CCDC114 and ARMC4. CCDC151-deficient zebrafish, planaria, and mice also display ciliary dysmotility accompanied by ODA loss. Furthermore, CCDC151 coimmunoprecipitates CCDC114 and thus appears to be a highly evolutionarily conserved ODA-DC-related protein involved in mediating assembly of both ODAs and their axonemal docking machinery onto ciliary microtubules.  相似文献   

In this work, we describe a periplasmic protein that is essential for flagellar rotation in Rhodobacter sphaeroides. This protein is encoded upstream of flgA, and its expression is dependent on the flagellar master regulator FleQ and on the class III flagellar activator FleT. Sequence comparisons suggest that this protein is a distant homologue of FlgT. We show evidence that in R. sphaeroides, FlgT interacts with the periplasmic regions of MotB and FliL and with the flagellar protein MotF, which was recently characterized as a membrane component of the flagellum in this bacterium. In addition, the localization of green fluorescent protein (GFP)-MotF is completely dependent on FlgT. The Mot phenotype of flgT cells was weakly suppressed by point mutants of MotB that presumably keep the proton channel open and efficiently suppress the Mot phenotype of motF and fliL cells, indicating that FlgT could play an additional role beyond the opening of the proton channel. The presence of FlgT in purified filament-hook-basal bodies of the wild-type strain was confirmed by Western blotting, and the observation of these structures under an electron microscope showed that the basal bodies from flgT cells had lost the ring that covers the LP ring in the wild-type structure. Moreover, MotF was detected by immunoblotting in the basal bodies obtained from the wild-type strain but not from flgT cells. From these results, we suggest that FlgT forms a ring around the LP ring, which anchors MotF and stabilizes the stator complex of the flagellar motor.  相似文献   

Dyneins are microtubule-based molecular motors involved in many different types of cell movement. Most dynein heavy chains (DHCs) clearly group into cytoplasmic or axonemal isoforms. However, DHC1b has been enigmatic. To learn more about this isoform, we isolated Chlamydomonas cDNA clones encoding a portion of DHC1b, and used these clones to identify a Chlamydomonas cell line with a deletion mutation in DHC1b. The mutant grows normally and appears to have a normal Golgi apparatus, but has very short flagella. The deletion also results in a massive redistribution of raft subunits from a peri-basal body pool (Cole, D.G., D.R. Diener, A.L. Himelblau, P.L. Beech, J.C. Fuster, and J.L. Rosenbaum. 1998. J. Cell Biol. 141:993–1008) to the flagella. Rafts are particles that normally move up and down the flagella in a process known as intraflagellar transport (IFT) (Kozminski, K.G., K.A. Johnson, P. Forscher, and J.L. Rosenbaum. 1993. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA. 90:5519–5523), which is essential for assembly and maintenance of flagella. The redistribution of raft subunits apparently occurs due to a defect in the retrograde component of IFT, suggesting that DHC1b is the motor for retrograde IFT. Consistent with this, Western blots indicate that DHC1b is present in the flagellum, predominantly in the detergent- and ATP-soluble fractions. These results indicate that DHC1b is a cytoplasmic dynein essential for flagellar assembly, probably because it is the motor for retrograde IFT.  相似文献   

Protein transport in eukaryotic cells requires the selective docking and fusion of transport intermediates with the appropriate target membrane. t-SNARE molecules that are associated with distinct intracellular compartments may serve as receptors for transport vesicle docking and membrane fusion through interactions with specific v-SNARE molecules on vesicle membranes, providing the inherent specificity of these reactions. VAM3 encodes a 283–amino acid protein that shares homology with the syntaxin family of t-SNARE molecules. Polyclonal antiserum raised against Vam3p recognized a 35-kD protein that was associated with vacuolar membranes by subcellular fractionation. Null mutants of vam3 exhibited defects in the maturation of multiple vacuolar proteins and contained numerous aberrant membrane-enclosed compartments. To study the primary function of Vam3p, a temperature-sensitive allele of vam3 was generated (vam3tsf). Upon shifting the vam3tsf mutant cells to nonpermissive temperature, an immediate block in protein transport through two distinct biosynthetic routes to the vacuole was observed: transport via both the carboxypeptidase Y pathway and the alkaline phosphatase pathway was inhibited. In addition, vam3tsf cells also exhibited defects in autophagy. Both the delivery of aminopeptidase I and the docking/ fusion of autophagosomes with the vacuole were defective at high temperature. Upon temperature shift, vam3tsf cells accumulated novel membrane compartments, including multivesicular bodies, which may represent blocked transport intermediates. Genetic interactions between VAM3 and a SEC1 family member, VPS33, suggest the two proteins may act together to direct the docking and/or fusion of multiple transport intermediates with the vacuole. Thus, Vam3p appears to function as a multispecificity receptor in heterotypic membrane docking and fusion reactions with the vacuole. Surprisingly, we also found that overexpression of the endosomal t-SNARE, Pep12p, suppressed vam3Δ mutant phenotypes and, likewise, overexpression of Vam3p suppressed the pep12Δ mutant phenotypes. This result indicated that SNAREs alone do not define the specificity of vesicle docking reactions.  相似文献   

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