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啤酒废水二相厌氧消化动力学研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本工作分阶段研究了啤酒废水厌氧消化反应特性。酸化初始速度很快,pH下降至4.0以下时,酸化产物对酸化菌代谢活性具有显著的抑制效应。系统pH值的大小对甲烷化过程中底物降解速率、产气速率和产气质量均有显著影响。pH6.5以上时,高浓度底物不构成底物抑制。底物浓度低于500mg/L,甲烷化速率明显下降。合理控制预酸化程度以及甲烷化反应器的进料速率是提高厌氧消化处理效率,维持系统稳定性的关键措施。  相似文献   

目的 探究添加沙葱对牛瘤胃体外发酵和产气量的影响。 方法 实验分为对照组(以玉米秸秆为发酵底物)和沙葱处理组(在发酵底物中添加沙葱),每组设置3个重复,于不同时间节点记录2组的产气量,并在发酵72 h后对发酵液的pH值、氨态氮以及挥发性脂肪酸进行测定。 结果 12、24和72 h时,2组产气量具有一定差异,在12 h时沙葱处理组显著高于对照组(t=3.717,P=0.020 5),而24 h及72 h时沙葱组产气量极显著高于对照组(t=4.832,P=0.008 5;t=4.953,P=0.007 7)。发酵72 h时对发酵液pH值及氨态氮进行测量发现沙葱组pH值显著高于对照组(t=3.949,P=0.017 0),而对照组的氨态氮含量极显著高于沙葱组(t=-4.806,P=0.009 0)。2组挥发性脂肪酸的含量差异无统计学意义。 结论 在体外发酵条件下添加沙葱对瘤胃微生物发酵状态具有一定的调节作用,沙葱作为反刍动物使用的植物提取物饲料添加剂具有潜在价值。  相似文献   

【背景】开发生物甲烷资源是减轻化石燃料供求紧张的有效措施,而秸秆类原料的预处理及甲烷生产方法需要不断创新,从而进一步满足可持续发展。厌氧真菌与甲烷菌共培养能够通过假根侵入及纤维降解酶双重预处理秸秆并生产甲烷,但目前全世界被报道的骆驼胃肠道来源的厌氧真菌分离培养物仅有1株。【目的】从新疆准噶尔双峰驼瘤胃内容物中分离出新型厌氧真菌和甲烷菌共培养物,研究其在降解秸秆并联合生产生物甲烷方面的应用潜力。【方法】采用Hungate滚管纯化技术将从骆驼胃肠道中分离的厌氧真菌和甲烷菌共培养,对其进行形态学及分子学鉴定,随后厌氧发酵5种底物(稻秸、芦苇、构树叶、苜蓿秆和草木樨),研究产甲烷量、降解效果及主要代谢产物等方面的特性。【结果】筛选到的共培养物中的厌氧真菌为Oontomyces sp. CR1,甲烷菌为Methanobrevibacter sp. CR1。其在降解稻秸时表现出最高的木聚糖酶酶活力(21.64 IU/mL)及甲烷产量(143.39 mL/g-DM),甲烷生产特性较分离自其他动物宿主的厌氧真菌共培养物更优。【结论】共培养厌氧真菌与甲烷菌菌株CR1是一种新型高效降解菌株资源,其在利用木质纤维素生物质生产生物甲烷方面具有良好的应用前景。  相似文献   

一个新的高温产氢菌及产氢特性的研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
利用Hungate滚管技术从西藏山南地区热泉淤泥中分离到一株高温产氢的厌氧发酵细菌T42。菌株T42革兰氏染色反应为阴性,但KOH裂解试验证实其为革兰氏阳性杆菌。菌体大小为0.7μm~0.9μm×3.2μm~7μm,不运动,不产芽孢。其生长温度范围为32℃~69℃,最适生长温度为60℃~62℃,生长pH范围为5.0~8.8,最适生长pH为7.0~7.5,代时30min。有机氮源是T42菌株的必需生长因子。菌株T42利用淀粉、纤维二糖、蔗糖、麦芽糖、糊精、果糖、糖原和海藻糖等底物生长并发酵产氢,发酵葡萄糖的终产物为乙酸、乙醇、H2和CO2。G C含量为31.2mol%。系统发育分析表明菌株T42与Thermobrachium celere和Caloramator indicus位于同一分支,生理生化特征也表明菌株T42应是Thermobrachium属的一个新菌株,在中国普通微生物菌种保藏中心的保藏号为AS1.5039。菌株T42的最佳产氢初始pH为7.2,最佳产氢温度为62℃,其氢转化率为1.06mol H2/mol葡萄糖,最大产氢速率为24.0mmol H2/gDW/h。20mmol/L的Mg2 和2mmol/L的Fe2 可分别提高菌株T42的产氢量20%和23.3%,而Ni2 对其产氢无明显的作用。当菌株T42和热自养甲烷热杆菌(Methanothermobacter thermautotrophicus)Z245共培养时,由于降低了氢分压,使其葡萄糖利用率和氢产量分别提高1倍和2.8倍,发酵产物乙酸和乙醇的比例也从1提高到1.7。  相似文献   

厌氧消化法处理畜禽粪的研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报导了2个沼气工程的概况。其一是上海跃进农场的装置128m3的上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB),该装置于1985年建成,已正常运行8年。用于处理2万羽鸡的粪水,20~24℃发酵,共产气45万m3。平均产气率1.35m3/m3.d。COD去除率88%。产生的沼气供应120户居民使用。其二是上海星火农场沼气站,该站为处理2700头奶牛的粪便,于1991年建成了2700m3上流式全混合型厌氧消化装置,日处理牛粪便80吨,鸡粪20吨,25~31℃发酵。至1996年底,共产气360万m3,供应了3000户职工及10个集体单位使用。发酵残留物全部进行了综合利用,不但净化了环境而且创造了较好的经济效益。2个工程长期稳定运行的结果表明,沼气工程的工艺设计先进,设备配套齐全,可为全国畜禽粪的处理提供供鉴。  相似文献   

由处理啤酒厂废水的厌氧消化器颗粒污泥中分离和纯化了一个能厌氧降解丁酸产生甲烷的共培养物BF2。共培养物BF2可降解包括异丁酸在内的含4~18个碳原子的脂肪酸,最适生长温度37℃,最适pH7.7。以巴豆酸为底物,成功地将共培养物BF2分离为专性质子还原产乙酸细菌沃尔夫互营单胞菌嗜脂肪亚种菌株CF2和产甲烷细菌甲酸甲烷杆菌菌株MF2两个纯培养,将它们再组合后仍可降解丁酸。菌株CF2与亨氏甲烷螺菌、布氏甲烷短杆菌菌株1125、甲酸甲烷杆菌菌株1535和普通脱硫弧菌G11组合成人工共培养物,可以厌氧降解丁酸。  相似文献   

采用全自动甲烷潜力测试系统(AMPTS)和热重红外联用技术(TG-FTIR), 对中温(37 ℃)下猪粪和稻草按不同挥发性固体(VS)比例(1:0、0:1、2:1、1:1、1:2、1:3)混合发酵产甲烷特性进行分析。AMPTS 测试结果表明: 稻草和猪粪混合比例为1:1 时, 发酵协同作用最好, 实际甲烷产量比理论值提高了9.78%。TG-FTIR 分析表明: 1:1 发酵时,残渣TG 总失重率为47.84%, 明显低于其它实验组; DSC 曲线在250—350 ℃和400—550 ℃有2 个明显放热峰,且1:1时放热量最少, 说明该比例下有机物消耗最多, 底物利用性更好, 发酵稳定性更高; FTIR 分析表明发酵残渣燃烧释放气体主要为水汽、CO2、NH3 和少量挥发酸; 200—350 ℃和400—550 ℃温区下CO2 的峰值差异说明发酵中易消化有机物大量降解, 残渣中较难氧化的芳香族结构和木质纤维素比例增加, 发酵稳定性提高。研究结果阐明了混合厌氧发酵技术在农业废弃物甲烷化利用中的应用潜力及TG-FTIR 技术在发酵产气特性及底物稳定性分析中的作用。  相似文献   

考察了不同的预处理方式对餐厨垃圾与市政污泥混合厌氧消化产甲烷的影响。结果表明:对市政污泥进行热碱预处理效果最优,与空白组相比,热碱处理组累计单位质量的挥发性固体(VS)的甲烷产量达到了255.00 L,提高了13.03%,溶解性化学需氧量(SCOD)的降解率提高了27.05%,总固体(TS)的降解率提高了16.65%,VS的降解率提高了9.08%。在厌氧消化过程中,利用碳水化合物及蛋白质的热袍菌门(Thermotogae)的比例在所有处理中都有所上升;与产生短链脂肪酸有关的Erysipelotrichaceae菌属在预处理组中的丰度显著高于空白组,热碱处理组中Erysipelotrichaceae在末期的丰度最高,为19.21%;Petrimonas在厌氧消化体系中的作用为产氢产乙酸菌,热碱处理组的Petrimonas的丰度在产气高峰时最高,为6.84%。不同处理系统起主要产甲烷作用的古菌属为Methanosarcina,在产气高峰期热碱预处理组中Methanosarcina的丰度最高。预处理能够破环市政污泥的细胞结构,提高污泥的可生物利用性,提高混合厌氧消化产甲烷的效率。  相似文献   

【背景】电化学厌氧消化(electrochemical anaerobic digestion,EAD)系统的代谢途径由具备不同功能的微生物所主导,其代谢通量与功能微生物丰度、活性及群落结构相关。【目的】探究EAD产甲烷代谢通量与微生物的关系。【方法】采用代谢通量分析(metabolic flux analysis,MFA)方法,以pH为扰动因子得到微生物群落与产甲烷通量的响应关系。【结果】pH 7.5扰动时产甲烷通量最大为0.398 4±0.029 3,较对照组(pH 6.9)的0.297 4±0.012 7和扰动组(pH 6.3)的0.136 5±0.012 0分别提高了25%和65%。另外,平均有33.8%±3.1%的氢气(通量)用于还原二氧化碳产甲烷和乙酸,平均有21.0%±2.6%的乙酸(通量)转化为甲烷。此外,产甲烷通量与Mariniphaga、Methanosaeta和Desulfomicrobium的丰度呈正相关,与Sedimentibacter的丰度呈负相关且影响显著。【结论】在EAD产甲烷体系中产甲烷菌和产酸菌共存时,pH值略大于7.0的环境有利于甲烷的生成,改变E...  相似文献   

利用玉米秸秆粉为唯一碳源的筛选培养基,从肉牛瘤胃液中筛选构建了一组厌氧真菌菌系,研究了该菌系产阿魏酸酯酶的特征.阿魏酸酯酶的最适pH为8.0,最适温度为40℃,最高酶活力为19.1 mU/mL,在pH 6.0 ~8.0及35~45℃之间,酶活性保持相对稳定.Mg2+对酶活力具有激活作用,Fe2、Cu2+、Fe3+等均抑制酶活力.  相似文献   

Anaerobic digestion using animal manure and crop biomass is increasingly being used to produce biogas as a durable alternative to fossil fuel. The sludge, the leftover after processing, is returned to the field as a crop fertilizer. If weed seeds survive anaerobic digestion, the use of contaminated sludge poses a phytosanitary risk. The conditions that seeds are likely to encounter in biogas plants, and the effect of these, in particular temperature, on seed viability were reviewed. Knowledge on seed defence mechanisms and how these might protect seeds from inactivation in biogas reactors was summarized. Mechanisms of seed inactivation can be classified as thermal, biological and chemical. Weed species with hard seeds (physical dormant), high thermoresistance, a thick seed coat or adapted to endozoochory were identified as high-risk species. Specific seed traits could be used in future tests to circumvent extensive testing of seeds in biogas reactors.  相似文献   

Summary A novel anaerobic hybrid reactor (AHR) configuration incorporating floating support media for biomass immobilization and biogas recirculation for enhanced mixing was used for anaerobic digestion of dairy manure. No pretreatment or solid liquid separation was applied. The reactor was operated at high influent volatile solids (VS) and organic loading rates (OLR) of up to 9.87% and 7.30 g VS/l day, respectively. After 149 days of continuous operation the results revealed that a high amount (38.1 g VSS) of biomass was able to attach itself to the support medium being used. The investigated AHR configuration achieved COD, BOD, TS, and VS removal efficiencies of 48–63, 64–78, 55–65, and 59–68%, respectively, at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 15 days. The corresponding average methane production value obtained in this study was 0.191 l/g VS added.  相似文献   

厌氧发酵过程中温度对甲烷产量的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
于晓章 《生态科学》2004,23(4):310-314
厌氧发酵是对有机废弃物进行无害化和资源化处理的有效方法之一。目前已知有许多微生物菌群参与此过程,许多环境因素都直接或间接地影响着微生物的生长,这其中温度对其影响很大。实验用序批次反应器测定不同温度条件下,乙酸和丙酸分别作为底物时产生甲烷的潜力。在108mL的反应器中加入8mL嗜热性微生物菌群和0.5mL的底物以及31.5mL 的营养液,然后放置在9个不同处理温度的生化培养箱中进行适应性培养。二周后,重新加入0.5mL底物和0.5mL维生素混合液。反应器中甲烷的产量用气相色谱(Shimadzu GC-8A)分析和测定。实验结果表明,当处理温度为25℃和30℃时乙酸和丙酸作为底物它们产甲烷的能力几乎没有差异;当处理温度为37℃和50℃时产甲烷的能力丙酸作为底物要大于乙酸作为底物;在其余的试验组中乙酸产甲烷的能力都要高于丙酸。同时发现在40℃和55℃试验组乙酸产甲烷的能力为最大,而丙酸作为底物时其最大产甲烷能力发现在37℃和50℃试验组。导致这一实验结果的原因在于试验所使用的微生物菌群不是单一的品种,尽管它们在各自的试验温度中都进行了先期适应性培养。  相似文献   

Lignocellulosic biomass is one of the most abundant yet underutilized renewable energy resources. Both anaerobic digestion (AD) and hydrothermal carbonization (HTC) are promising technologies for bioenergy production from biomass in terms of biogas and HTC biochar, respectively. In this study, the combination of AD and HTC is proposed to increase overall bioenergy production. Wheat straw was anaerobically digested in a novel upflow anaerobic solid state reactor (UASS) in both mesophilic (37 °C) and thermophilic (55 °C) conditions. Wet digested from thermophilic AD was hydrothermally carbonized at 230 °C for 6 hr for HTC biochar production. At thermophilic temperature, the UASS system yields an average of 165 LCH4/kgVS (VS: volatile solids) and 121 L CH4/kgVS at mesophilic AD over the continuous operation of 200 days. Meanwhile, 43.4 g of HTC biochar with 29.6 MJ/kgdry_biochar was obtained from HTC of 1 kg digestate (dry basis) from mesophilic AD. The combination of AD and HTC, in this particular set of experiment yield 13.2 MJ of energy per 1 kg of dry wheat straw, which is at least 20% higher than HTC alone and 60.2% higher than AD only.  相似文献   

产木聚糖酶厌氧真菌菌株筛选及产酶培养条件研究*   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从12株分离自反刍动物瘤胃及粪样的厌氧真菌中筛选到一株木聚糖酶高产菌,编号为A4,初步鉴定为Neocallimastix属菌。以稻草秸、玉米秸、花生秸、滤纸片段为发酵底物,经39℃厌氧培养,A4菌产生的木聚糖酶活分别为14.31U/mL、11.39U/mL、6.99U/mL和13.38U/mL。对A4菌产生木聚糖酶的条件进行优化,结果发现,培养基中无细胞瘤胃液浓度对A4菌产生的木聚糖酶活无显著影响;但酵母膏浓度从1.0g/L降至0.5g/L后,A4菌产生的木聚糖酶活显著下降(P<0.05)。  相似文献   

To investigate the distribution and dynamics of microbial community in anaerobic digestion at agitated and non-agitated condition, 454 pyrosequencing of 16s rRNA was conducted. It revealed the distinct community compositions between the two digesters and their progressive shifting over time. Methanogens and syntrophic bacteria were found much less abundant in the agitated digester, which was mainly attributed to the presence of bacterial genera Acetanaerobacterium and Ruminococcus with relatively high abundance. The characterization of the microbial community corroborated the digestion performance affected at the agitated condition, where lower methane yield and delayed methane production rate were observed. This was further verified by the accumulation of propionic acid in the agitated digester.  相似文献   

Beet silage and beet juice were digested continuously as representative energy crops in a thermophilic biogas fermentor for more than 7 years. Fluorescence microscopy of 15 samples covering a period of 650 days revealed that a decrease in temperature from 60°C to 55°C converted a morphologically uniform archaeal population (rods) into a population of methanogens exhibiting different cellular morphologies (rods and coccoid cells). A subsequent temperature increase back to 60°C reestablished the uniform morphology of methanogens observed in the previous 60°C period. In order to verify these observations, representative samples were investigated by amplified rRNA gene restriction analysis (ARDRA) and fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). Both methods confirmed the temperature-dependent population shift observed by fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, all samples investigated demonstrated that hydrogenotrophic Methanobacteriales dominated in the fermentor, as 29 of 34 identified operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were assigned to this order. This apparent discrimination of acetoclastic methanogens contradicts common models for anaerobic digestion processes, such as anaerobic digestion model 1 (ADM1), which describes the acetotrophic Euryarchaeota as predominant organisms.The replacement of fossil fuels by renewable energy sources such as agricultural crops is gaining momentum internationally as a means to decrease emissions from conventional fuel sources impacting global warming (39). Thereby, biogasification using energy crops is the only fuel-producing process with a closed CO2 and nutrient cycle (8). The production of biogas from plant waste or other organic materials is a feasible strategy in view of both ecology and economy (63). Fodder beet was chosen as the renewable biomass source for a thermophilic biogas fermentor because the European Union decreased the regulatory price for sugar beets in 2006, and therefore many farmers are looking for an alternative use. Furthermore, fodder beet was considered an attractive renewable energy crop due to its high methane yield per hectare (67), as well as the ideal ensiling conditions enabling the storage of beet silage for many years. Furthermore, the sugar beet was only recently identified as one of the most sustainable energy crops with regard to its water footprint when used for biofuel production (22).A long-term experiment was started on 4 July 2001 (see reference 48 for startup details), and the same biogas fermentors are still running stable due to the use of fuzzy logic control (16, 48). During the conversion of biomass to methane, four different microbial processes can be distinguished: hydrolysis, acidogenesis, acetogenesis, and methanogenesis (17, 69). Population changes might therefore impact the entire community by triggering an imbalance that is reflected in the bioreactor performance via accumulation of intermediates such as volatile fatty acids (mainly C2 and C3), via pH changes, or via reduced efficiency (52). This work focused on the methanogens which directly reduce CO2 to CH4 or use acetate or methylated C1 compounds as the main substrate to yield methane (35). However, about 65 to 70% of methane produced by methanogens is assumed to originate from acetate (4, 5), and the so-called acetoclastic Euryarchaeota are also dominant in many biogas fermentors used for anaerobic wastewater treatment and sewage sludge digestion (17, 24, 30, 53).Our results seem to contradict these assumptions, as they clearly demonstrate that hydrogenotrophic methanogens can dominate during a thermophilic fermentation process with renewable biomass (16, 49-51). It appears that temperature has a decisive influence on the type of archaeal morphotypes present, as rod-like methanogens dominated at 60°C periods, whereas different morphotypes of methanogens appeared when 55°C conditions were enabled. However, studies elucidating the population dynamics of both acetotrophic and hydrogenotrophic methanogens during the anaerobic digestion of particulate solid biomass for biogas production are rather scarce. These population processes remain somewhat of a “black box” (12) due to the lack of data concerning the microbial consortia involved therein. Molecular biological techniques such as those targeting the 16S rRNA gene represent a valuable addition to culture-based techniques for studying the biodiversity and structure of complex microbial communities. By targeting methanogens, this study aimed to improve our insight into the poorly understood population dynamics of anaerobic digestion processes and how they are linked to operating conditions such as temperature.  相似文献   

To improve biogas yield and methane content in anaerobic digestion of excess sludge from the wastewater treatment plant, the sludge was disintegrated by using various methods (sonication, alkaline and thermal treatments). Since disintegrated sludge contains a high concentration of soluble proteins, the resulting metabolite, ammonia, may inhibit methane generation. Therefore, the effects of protein removal from disintegrated sludge on methane production were also studied. As a result, an obvious enhancement of biogas generation was observed by digesting disintegrated sludge (biogas yield increased from 15 to 36 ml/g CODadded·day for the raw excess sludge and the sonicated sludge, respectively). The quality of biogas was also improved by removing proteins from the disintegrated sludge. About 50% (w/w) of soluble proteins were removed from the suspension of disintegrated sludge by salting out using 35 g MgCl2·6H2O/l and also by isoelectric point precipitation at pH 3.3. For deproteinized sludge, methane production increased by 19%, and its yield increased from 145 ml/g CODremoved to 325 ml/g CODremoved. Therefore, the yield and quality of biogas produced from digestion of excess sludge can be enhanced by disintegrating the sludge and subsequent protein removal. Revisions requested 14 November 2005; Revisions received 13 January 2006  相似文献   

The effect of different substrates and different levels of sulfate and sulfide on methane production relative to sulfate reduction in high-rate anaerobic digestion was evaluated. Reactors could be acclimated so that sulfate up to a concentration of 5 g of sulfate S per liter did not significantly affect methanogenesis. Higher levels gave inhibition because of salt toxicity. Sulfate reduction was optimal at a relatively low level of sulfate, i.e., 0.5 g of sulfate S per liter, but was also not significantly affected by higher levels. Both acetoclastic and hydrogenotrophic methane-producing bacteria adapted to much higher levels of free H2S than the values reported in the literature (50% inhibition occurred only at free H2S levels of more than 1,000 mg/liter). High levels of free H2S affected the sulfate-reducing bacteria only slightly. Formate and acetate supported the sulfate-reducing bacteria very poorly. In the high-rate reactors studied, intensive H2S formation occurred only when H2 gas or an H2 precursor such as ethanol was supplied.  相似文献   

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