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以我国农产品质量安全官方认证主要模式——无公害农产品认证为例,从强化认证管理有效性出发,全面分析了当前认证管理制度、审查监管行为、组织运行体系等方面的内源性风险隐患,并就如何建立完善、规范的认证管理机制,防范无公害农产品质量安全风险提出一些认识和思考。  相似文献   

食用农产品质量安全问题一直是社会关注的焦点,物流与农产品质量安全关系密切。我国农产品流通环节多、储运效率低、物流基础设施与设备落后、保鲜技术落后等现状是导致农产品出现质量安全风险的主要原因。分析认为,农产品市场组织化程度低、农产品质量安全监管不力、政府重视和投入不足等,是制约农产品物流发展的根本所在。因此,建议通过采取改善农产品物流设施和工具、提高农产品物流的组织化程度、积极推进农产品物流标准化、加大物流环节的农产品质量监控力度等措施,来促进农产品物流的健康发展。  相似文献   

分析了国内外政府在农产品质量安全追溯方面的实践,并从品种、手段、地域等方面对国内外农产品质量安全追溯的研究现状进行了综述。  相似文献   

阐述了加快推进我国“三品一标”事业发展的重要意义,对当前事业发展存在的问题和制约因素进行深入研究与剖析,并对下一步如何全面加快推进全国“三品一标”事业发展提出了对策和建议。  相似文献   

在《汉书·郦食其传》中就有着"民以食为天"的记载,由此可以看出生活资源对于人们的重要性,关于植物的保护方面在当下有着一个两面性的问题,就是在这一过程中对于化学农药的使用可以增加农业的产量,但是对于农产品的质量安全却存在着威胁这样的矛盾问题。本文主要就是对于植物保护以及农产品的质量安全的相关问题进行深入的探讨,希望能够对此领域的发展起到一点作用。  相似文献   

分析了国内外在农产品质量安全预警方面的实践,并从环节、手段等方面对国内外农产品质量安全预警的研究进展进行了综述。  相似文献   

综述了初级农产品质量安全检测技术研究进展,包括样品前处理检测技术、仪器检测技术、确证检测技术和快速检测技术。样品前处理检测技术中的免疫亲和净化小柱在生物毒素检测中被广泛使用;确证检测技术中色谱—质谱连用技术因定性定量准确,在有条件的实验室中得到了快速发展;快速检测技术中酶抑制法简便、快速等优点使这项技术与大型仪器互补,在农药残留检测中被大力推广。  相似文献   

欧盟对农产品的安全保证和质量提升非常重视。对于前者,欧盟于2002年实施的《通用食品法》确定了从农场到餐桌的全程监管理念之对于后者,20世纪80年代后期就着手转型的共同农业政策也将重点从保障农产品数量安全转移到了提升农产品质量安全,并以此作为发展欧盟农业、改善农村环境、提高农产品国际市场竞争力的重要手段。有鉴于此,在我国修订《农产品质量安全法》之际,总结分析欧盟农产品质量安全立法方面的经验将从主体责任、灵活监管、市场准入、协调发展等方面,就完善我国农产品质量安全方法与管理提供借鉴。  相似文献   

总结了西藏自治区农产品质量安全工作现状,分析目前面临的形势、任务和存在问题,有针对性地提出相关思路和建议。  相似文献   

农产品质量安全是人们身体健康、生命安全的保障,更是国家发展、社会稳定的支撑。提高农产品质量安全水平是一项长期而艰巨的任务和复杂的系统工程,本文分析了我国农产品质量安全工作进展中存在的问题,阐述了包括现代信息、现代生物和"清洁农业"等新技术在农产品质量安全中的应用,并对改善农产品质量安全、实施科技创新的政策环境等方面提出了相关建议。  相似文献   

Two types of commercial products for feeding zoo animals (a frozen meat product, referred to as zoo food, and a dry product, referred to as dry food) were microbiologically examined for spoilage organisms (aerobic, psychrotrophic, coliform, Escherichia coli, mold, and yeasts) and pathogens (Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Campylobacter jejuni). Levels of microorganisms in frozen ground zoo food were compared with those in frozen ground beef and frozen ground turkey meat. The level of microbial contaminants in frozen ground zoo meat was found to be similar to that in frozen ground beef and higher than that in frozen ground turkey meat. Sixty percent of the frozen zoo meat samples were Salmonella positive, and all of the samples were L. monocytogenes positive. Dry zoo food was documented to have microbial levels lower than those in frozen zoo meat; the pathogen levels were less than 1/25 g of food. Defrosting zoo meat at 10, 25, and 37 degrees C for 24 h showed that 10 degrees C is the best temperature for defrosting frozen ground zoo meat loaves (length, 9 in. [22.8 cm]; radius, 2 in. [5.1 cm]) without affecting the microbiological quality or safety of the product.  相似文献   

Two types of commercial products for feeding zoo animals (a frozen meat product, referred to as zoo food, and a dry product, referred to as dry food) were microbiologically examined for spoilage organisms (aerobic, psychrotrophic, coliform, Escherichia coli, mold, and yeasts) and pathogens (Salmonella spp., Listeria monocytogenes, and Campylobacter jejuni). Levels of microorganisms in frozen ground zoo food were compared with those in frozen ground beef and frozen ground turkey meat. The level of microbial contaminants in frozen ground zoo meat was found to be similar to that in frozen ground beef and higher than that in frozen ground turkey meat. Sixty percent of the frozen zoo meat samples were Salmonella positive, and all of the samples were L. monocytogenes positive. Dry zoo food was documented to have microbial levels lower than those in frozen zoo meat; the pathogen levels were less than 1/25 g of food. Defrosting zoo meat at 10, 25, and 37 degrees C for 24 h showed that 10 degrees C is the best temperature for defrosting frozen ground zoo meat loaves (length, 9 in. [22.8 cm]; radius, 2 in. [5.1 cm]) without affecting the microbiological quality or safety of the product.  相似文献   

A listserv is an e-mail group to which people subscribe based upon common interests. We used a retrospective study to examine the relationship between listserv use and team success for health care quality improvement efforts. We hypothesized high listserv use would be associated with team success. Eighty-seven Department of Veterans Affairs teams participated in facilitated quality improvement efforts to address three areas: improving safety in high-hazard areas, improving the disability evaluation process, and reducing falls and related injuries. We coded messages sent to the listserv according to sender (faculty or participant), team, and content. We correlated the volume of messages sent per team with team success and with team and facility characteristics. Teams with high listserv contributions were more likely to complete their first test of change, report facility use of nonpunitive methods of investigating medical incidents, and report their information systems were useful. We found a negative correlation between listserv contribution and the number of face-to-face meetings and a physician as an active team member, but we found no relationship between team success and listserv contribution. Team listserv contribution was not associated with team success in multisite quality improvement efforts. Successful teams may be accessing information on the listserv but not sending a message to indicate use.  相似文献   

Few question the need for continuous professional development throughout a physician's career, but rapid changes in health care are creating demand for physicians to acquire new knowledge, skills, and attitudes to implement quality improvement in clinical practice. The Internet and World Wide Web are technologies that have the potential to facilitate deep change in physician practice and lifelong learning. This paper describes how the American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM) has utilized the Web and the Internet to engage physicians in the competencies of practice-based learning and improvement and systems-based practice. Specifically, we describe how the ABIM developed and implemented Web-based practice improvement modules (PIMs) to help physicians measure and improve their clinical practice.  相似文献   

Assuring the quality, safety, and efficacy of DNA vaccines   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Scientists in academia whose research is aimed at the development of a novel vaccine or approach to vaccination may not always be fully aware of the regulatory process by which a candidate vaccine becomes a licensed product. It is useful for such scientists to be aware of these processes as the development of a novel vaccine could be problematic owing to the starting material often being developed in a research laboratory under ill-defined conditions. This paper examines the regulatory process with respect to the development of a DNA vaccine. DNA vaccines present unusual safety considerations that must be addressed during preclinical safety studies, including adverse immunopathology, genotoxicity through integration into a vaccinees chromosomes, and the potential for the formation of anti-DNA antibodies.  相似文献   

The role of moulds in the spoilage of fresh fruits and vegetables is discussed. Although the major problems are economic with a significant loss of useful food materials, there are a few examples implicating a role for mycotoxins in the safety of fresh fruits. The significance of the mycotoxins patulin, ochratoxin and tenuazonic acid will be reviewed.  相似文献   

Male courtship displays and bright coloration are usually assumedto provide information to females about some aspect of themale's value as a mate. However, in some species, courtshipmay serve another function—namely, indicating the currentpredation risk at the mating site and assuring the female thatit is safe to mate there at this time. We developed this safetyassurance hypothesis (SAH) and tested its predictions in thebluehead wrasse (Thalassoma bifasciatum), a Caribbean reef fish. Females in this species come to males' territories to spawn,and males court each arriving female. Males with larger whiteflank patches court less intensely than less bright males.We show that such males are probably more visible to predatorsand thus need not court so intensely to provide the same degreeof safety assurance to a female. When model lizardfish predatorsare presented at spawning sites, males habituate to them quickly,but newly arriving females who see the predator are expectedto demand more assurance of site safety. Accordingly, and consistentwith the SAH, males court females more intensely (longer averagecourtship bout length) under such circumstances, but maleswith bright flank patches do not increase their courtship asmuch as duller males do. Despite this relatively low intensityof courtship, the spawning rate of bright males does not declinerelative to that of duller males in the presence of a predator,suggesting that bright coloration conveys a differential benefit.Females of species like the bluehead wrasse, who spawn repeatedlyover the course of their life, are expected to be more concernedwith their own risk of mortality during each spawning boutthan with the quality of a particular male. It is in such speciesthat we expect the SAH to be most applicable.  相似文献   

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