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为获得能适合于烟道气条件下生长的微藻,找到一种高效的温室气体固定的方法,利用配置烟道气(CO2和O2的浓度分别为15%和2%)驯化稻田微藻混合试样,分离出对高浓度CO2条件有很强适应力的微藻ZY-1,并研究了在不同培养条件下微藻ZY-1的生长情况.微藻ZY-1在CO2浓度从10%~15%的范围内有较高生长力,在CO2浓度为10%时,生长最好.微藻ZY-1对温度、气体流速、pH值等物理条件也有很宽的适应范围,在温度为25~30.C、流速为0.25~0.75L·min-1、pH4~6范围内,生长基本稳定.在培养条件为10%CO2、25.C、pH5.0时,微藻ZY-1的生长率最高,CO2的固定率平均值为0.397%.可以认为,利用该藻固定烟道气温室气体具有一定的可行性.  相似文献   

微藻固定CO2研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
空气中CO2 浓度升高所导致的温室效应已成为重大的环境问题 ,受到人们普遍关注。概述了高效固定CO2 微藻藻种的筛选和培养方法 ,分析了微藻固定CO2 的无机碳利用形式和浓缩机制 ,讨论了高效光生物反应器设计和运行目标 ,简要介绍了微藻 (酶 ) 膜生物反应器集成新技术。并认为今后的研究方向主要是在进一步探索微藻固定CO2 有关机理的基础上 ,构建高效固定CO2 的转基因微藻 ,开发高效膜生物反应集成系统。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了固定CO2的意义及方法,然后分析了微生物固定CO2技术流程,接下来阐述了微生物种群及生物反应器类型,最后重点讨论了微生物固定CO2的应用(以微型藻类在CO2吸收与资源化中的应用为例),以期为同行提供有益借鉴与参考。  相似文献   

微生物利用CO2,这不仅提高了自然界碳的利用率,而且能将CO2转化为高附加值产品,可以实现资源的再利用。利用现代生物技术改造微生物以提高CO2的利用效率对生物制造和实现碳中和有一定的促进作用。本文首先总结了微生物利用CO2的6个主要天然途径,并分析这些途径的优缺点,这是对相关途径进行改造的基础;其次提供克服天然途径中碳原子利用率低、能耗高、产品得率低等问题的方法;再次阐述了面向CO2高效利用的合成生物技术研究方向以及途径改造的主要策略和效果;最后展望了微生物利用CO2的机遇及挑战,以期为改造微生物提高CO2利用效率和高附加值产品的生产奠定基础。  相似文献   

微藻固定燃烧烟气中CO2 的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空气中CO2浓度升高导致的气候变暖问题已经成为全球性的环境、科学、政治、经济问题。近年来,对可用于直接固定工业废气尤其是燃烧烟气中CO2的捕捉和封存 (CCS) 技术进行了广泛的研究。在这些技术中,微藻生物固定CO2是一种具有大规模应用前景和经济上可行的CCS技术。以下从藻种的筛选、烟气条件对微藻固定CO2的影响、高效光生物反应器的开发和微藻产物的利用等方面对微藻生物固定烟气中CO2的现状和发展以及作者所在实验室在这一领域的研究情况进行了分析和总结,最后对其技术前景进行了展望,以期对微藻固定燃烧烟气中CO  相似文献   

橡胶林固定CO2和释放O2的服务功能及其价值估计   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
蒋菊生  王如松 《生态学报》2002,22(9):1545-1551
橡胶树除生产橡胶和提供优质木材外,还有长期不为人们注意的生态服务功能。以中国的橡胶林为研究对象,采用标准标木生物量法,对橡胶林固定CO2和释放O2的生态服务功能及其价值估计进行了研究。结果表明中国橡胶林目前每年从大气中固定的CO2总量为411万t,所释放的O2为299万t。经分别采用C税法和工业制氧成本法估计了CO2和O2的价值达到1238亿元和12亿元。二者价值之和相当于中国橡胶林每年生产橡胶和提供木材等直接产品价值的28.7倍。橡胶林CO2的固定能力是热带山地雨林的4.7倍。50a来中国橡胶林已累计固定CO2达到11292万t,释放O2达8212万t,对短期内缓解大气的温室效应发挥了巨大的作用。  相似文献   

微藻固定CO2研究进展   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
空气中CO2浓度升高所导致的温室效应已成为重大的环境问题,受到人们普遍关注.概述了高效固定CO2微藻藻种的筛选和培养方法,分析了微藻固定CO2的无机碳利用形式和浓缩机制,讨论了高效光生物反应器设计和运行目标,简要介绍了微藻(酶)-膜生物反应器集成新技术.并认为今后的研究方向主要是在进一步探索微藻固定CO2有关机理的基础上,构建高效固定CO2的转基因微藻,开发高效膜生物反应集成系统.  相似文献   

夏建荣  高坤山 《生态学杂志》2002,(11):1507-1510
单细胞绿藻是淡水水体中浮游植物的重要组成部分,也是淡水生态系统中主要的初级生产者,其在适应外界环境CO2浓度变化的过程中,细胞内形成了一种主动转移无机碳的机制———CO2浓缩机制(CO2concentrating mechanism,CCM).该机制能使细胞在核酮糖2磷酸羧化氧化酶(rubisco)固碳位点提高CO2浓度,以增加光合作用和减少光呼吸.本文综述了这种机制中的无机碳转移模型和不同环境因子(光、温度、CO2浓度和营养水平)对它的调控作用,以期促进深入开展浮游植物对大气CO2浓度升高响应的研究.  相似文献   

在FACE(free-aircarbondioxideenrichment)平台上,采用静态暗箱气相色谱法观测研究了大气CO2浓度增加对稻田CH4和N2O排放的影响.结果表明,在150和250kgN·hm-2两种氮肥水平下大气CO2浓度增加200μmol·mol-1均明显促进水稻生长,水稻生物量积累.大气CO2浓度增加对150和250kgN·hm-2两种氮肥水平下稻田CH4排放均无显著影响,并简要分析了与现有文献报道结果不一致的原因.大气CO2浓度增加也未导致150和250kgN·hm-2两种氮肥水平下稻田N2O排放的明显变化,与大多数研究结果一致.  相似文献   

不同利用方式对红壤CO2排放的影响   总被引:18,自引:2,他引:18  
采用静态箱法研究了我国亚热带红壤区农田利用方式 (旱地或水田 )对土壤 CO2 排放及其相关因子的影响 ,并估算了旱地和水田 CO2 的年排放通量。结果表明 ,水田在淹水植稻期 (夏季 ) ,其排放通量明显低于旱地 ,而在非淹水期 (排水落干或休闲期 ) ,其排放通量则显著高于旱地。 CO2 排放通量呈现明显的季节性变异 ,旱地以夏季最高、春秋季次之、冬季最低 ;而水田则以秋季最高、其次是春冬季、夏季最低。土壤温度和湿度分别是影响旱地和水田 CO2 排放的主导因子 ,可将二者与通量的指数关系作为模型 ,分别进行旱地和水田 CO2 排放的估算。经模型估算 ,我国中亚热带旱地和水田红壤 CO2 的年排放通量分别为 1.37和 2 .73kg CO2 / (m2 · a) )。  相似文献   

碳减排与可再生能源的开发利用是研究可持续发展的热点,而微藻在此方面具有巨大优势.利用微藻减排CO2合成生物柴油生产原料油脂,对于解决能源短缺和全球变暖具有重大战略意义.将碳减排与微藻生物柴油的制备方法相结合,对微藻转化CO2合成生物油脂的机制,微藻油脂积累的影响因素以及国内外在工业上的研究概况等方面进行综合归纳和评述,并对微藻生物油脂的发展前景进行了展望.  相似文献   

污水资源化、二氧化碳减排及微藻生物柴油是当前能源与环境领域的前沿课题。以下围绕污水及烟道气资源化培养产油微藻的培养体系,就藻种、营养条件、培养方式、培养环境及微藻生物反应器等影响产油微藻培养的因素研究进展进行了综述。在综述的基础上提出:由于微藻具有特殊营养方式,通过藻种筛选、微藻营养条件和培养环境的优化以及高效光生物反应器和生产工艺等的创新,可利用污水进行产油微藻生产,以获得生物柴油等高附加值产品,实现微藻生物能源、污水资源化处理和CO2减排三者高度耦合的产油微藻生产体系,从而减少微藻培养费用及污水处理费用,因此,该体系具有重要的环境、社会、经济价值和商业化应用前景。  相似文献   

Soil erosion redistributes soil organic carbon (SOC) within terrestrial ecosystems, to the atmosphere and oceans. Dust export is an essential component of the carbon (C) and carbon dioxide (CO2) budget because wind erosion contributes to the C cycle by removing selectively SOC from vast areas and transporting C dust quickly offshore; augmenting the net loss of C from terrestrial systems. However, the contribution of wind erosion to rates of C release and sequestration is poorly understood. Here, we describe how SOC dust emission is omitted from national C accounting, is an underestimated source of CO2 and may accelerate SOC decomposition. Similarly, long dust residence times in the unshielded atmospheric environment may considerably increase CO2 emission. We developed a first approximation to SOC enrichment for a well‐established dust emission model and quantified SOC dust emission for Australia (5.83 Tg CO2‐e yr?1) and Australian agricultural soils (0.4 Tg CO2‐e yr?1). These amount to underestimates for CO2 emissions of ≈10% from combined C pools in Australia (year = 2000), ≈5% from Australian Rangelands and ≈3% of Australian Agricultural Soils by Kyoto Accounting. Northern hemisphere countries with greater dust emission than Australia are also likely to have much larger SOC dust emission. Therefore, omission of SOC dust emission likely represents a considerable underestimate from those nations’ C accounts. We suggest that the omission of SOC dust emission from C cycling and C accounting is a significant global source of uncertainty. Tracing the fate of wind‐eroded SOC in the dust cycle is therefore essential to quantify the release of CO2 from SOC dust to the atmosphere and the contribution of SOC deposition to downwind C sinks.  相似文献   

A vertical flat-plate photobioreactor was developed for the outdoor culture of microalgae using sunlight as the light source. The ability for biomass production and CO2 fixation was evaluated by using a cyanobacterium, Synechocystis aquatilis SI-2. The average areal productivity was 31 g biomass m–2 d–1, which corresponded to a CO2 fixation rate of 51 g CO2 m–2 d–1, sustainable in the northern region of Japan during the winter time (January and February). The relationships between the efficiency of solar energy utilization of the reactor and its effect factors (cell concentration and irradiation) were investigated.  相似文献   

随着生物化工技术的不断发展成熟,通过改造微生物已可以实现二氧化碳、甲烷等温室气体的固定、转化和利用,而电子传递及能量供给对微生物固碳效率起着决定性的作用。本文首先分析了好氧性嗜甲烷菌、化能自养微生物等天然微生物细胞内外的直接、间接电子传递系统。在此基础上,围绕微生物固碳细胞工厂的构建,进一步介绍了基于光能、电能的人工电子供给策略及其对固碳过程中代谢通量、合成路径和供能效率的影响。最后针对微生物固碳的关键共性技术难点,简要展望了可行性的解决方案及相关应用前景。  相似文献   

Recent progress in the use of processed microalgae in aquaculture   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
Sommer  T. R.  Potts  W. T.  Morrissy  N. M. 《Hydrobiologia》1990,(1):435-443
Mass-cultured algal biomass has been tested as a food source for a number of aquaculture animals because of its low cost and convenience. This paper reviews the results of nutritional studies on processed microalgae with respect to mollusc, crustacean, rotifer and fish culture. Research using species of Spirulina, Chlorella, Scenedesmus and other mass-produced algae indicates that microalgae can be an effective dietary component provided that processing, diet formulation and presentation requirements are met. Processed microalgae can be used to correct specific dietary deficiencies in artificial diets. Our research found that the growth and pigmentation of marron, Cherax tenuimanus (Decapoda, Crustacea), can be significantly enhanced by the incorporation of Dunaliella salina in its artificial diet. Likewise, rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss, were pigmented by Haematococcus pluvialis.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the influence of different carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations on the distribution of carbon forms in the culture medium and the biomass production and biomolecules productivity of the strain Chlorella fusca LEB 111. In this study, experiments were carried out in which C. fusca cultures were exposed to different CO2 concentrations, 0.03% (0.08 mlCO2 mlmedium−1 days−1), 5% (0.18 mlCO2 mlmedium−1 days−1), and 15% vol/vol CO2 (0.54 mlCO2 mlmedium−1 days−1). Among the carbon chemical species distributions in the culture medium, bicarbonate was predominant (94.2–98.9%), with the highest quantitative percentage in the experiment receiving a 15% CO2 injection. C. fusca LEB 111 cultivated with 15% CO2 showed the highest biomass productivity (194.3 mg L−1 days−1) and CO2 fixation rate (390.9 mg L−1 days−1). The carbohydrate productivity in the culture that received 15% CO2 was 46.2% higher than the value verified for the culture with the addition of CO2 from the air (0.03% CO2). In addition, CO2 concentration providing increases of 0.03–15% to C. fusca cultures resulted in a 31.6% increase in the lipid productivity. These results showed that C. fusca can be used for CO2 bioconversion and for producing biomass with potential applications for biofuels and bioproducts.  相似文献   

产油嗜碱绿球藻MC-1的烟气适应性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了降低微藻产油成本和减少温室气体的排放,利用煤炭烟气培养一株具有pH快速漂移和高碱适应特性的产油微藻Chlorococcum alkaliphilus MC-1.首先于15L光生物反应器中分三组(空白组、CO2组和烟气组)进行小体积培养实验,然后在24 m2开放式跑道池中进行放大培养,研究了微藻MC-1对烟气培养的适应性.结果表明,在光生物反应器培养实验中,烟气组的最高生物量浓度、生长速率、藻体总脂含量和CO2固定速率分别为:(1.02±0.07) g/L、(0.12±0.02) g/(L·d)、(37.84±0.58)%和(0.20±0.02) g/(L·d),比CO2组分别提高了36%、33.33%、15.34%和33.33%.在开放式跑道池培养实验中,烟气与纯CO2的培养效果相似,烟气培养下的最高生物量浓度、生长速率、藻体总脂含量和CO2固定速率分别为:147.40 g/m2、14.73 g/(m2·d)、35.72%和24.01 g/(m2·d);烟气培养产出的藻粉中有毒重金属Pb、As、Cd和Cr的含量均低于国家限量标准.实验同时测定了烟气培养下藻液对烟气中CO2、NO和SO2的吸收效果,结果显示,在光生物反应器和开放式跑道池培养中此三种气体的平均吸收率均高于以往研究结果.上述结果说明,该藻能适应烟气培养条件,耦合微藻MC-1产油与烟气减排的室外放大培养是可行的.  相似文献   

Batch experiments were performed to study biomass growth rate, nutrient removal and carbon dioxide bio-fixation of the marine microalgae Chlorella stigmatophora. Four different cultures at different salinities were tested: wastewater (WW), synthetic wastewater (SWW), seawater (SW) and diluted seawater (DSW). Experimental results showed that Chlorella stigmatophora grew satisfactorily in all culture media, except in SWW where inhibition occurred. In all cases, biomass experimental data were fitted to the Verlhust Logistic model (R2 > 0.982, p < or = 0.05). Maximum biomass productivity (P(bmax)) and CO2 biofixation (P(vCO2)) were reached in the WW medium, 1.146g SSL(-1)day(-1) and 2.324g CO2L(-1)day(-1) respectively. The order of maximum specific growth rates (micro max) was WW >DSW>SW. In order to compare nitrogen and phosphorous removal kinetics, an estimation of the time required to reach the most restrictive concentration of total N and P in effluents as defined in the Directive 98/1565/CE (10 mg sigmaNL(-1) (T10(N)) and 1 mg sigmaPL(-1) (T1(p)) was performed. In the WW test T10(N) and T1(p) needed were of 45.15 and 32.27 hours respectively and at the end of the experimental the removal was in both 100%.  相似文献   

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