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生物学教育中的科学过程技能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王健  刘恩山 《生物学通报》2007,42(11):33-35
科学过程技能是科学家进行科学研究所运用的技能。基础教育阶段的生物学课程标准都倡导探究性学习,强调对学生进行科学过程技能的训练。因此,在实际教学中,教师应加强自身的专业化发展,充分利用各种课程资源对学生进行科学过程技能的训练,并通过评价的方式,了解学生的科学过程技能水平,以为教学提供反馈信息,并最终更加有效地落实课程标准中的能力目标。  相似文献   

基础教育理科课程中科学探究概念的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
科学探究在世界范围的科学教育改革中倍受关注,“倡导探究性学习”也是我国科学教育课程标准的理念之一.对科学探究本身的理解,是科学教育的一个重要方面.通过国际比较,筛选出科学探究主题的概念并以命题的形式表述,将有助于加深教师、学生对科学探究本身的理解,并促进探究教学目标的落实.  相似文献   

根据OECD/PISA研究报告,简要介绍了OECD/PISA研究中科学素养评价的范围。  相似文献   

美国对科学教科书中科学素养的评价及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了美国为实现“2061计划”,以“科学素养”为目标对科学教科书进行评价的历史背景、评价内容和成果。提出了我国在基础教育课程改革和教材改革中,应提高对教科书评价的重视,以“科学素养”为主要的评价目标,设计有效、完善、简便的评价工具的初步构想。  相似文献   

目前,"以就业为导向,以学生为主体,以培育学生能力为目标"的校本课程中,教学过程中评价体系的不明确,重视考试结果、轻视学习过程的现象普遍,不能激发学生学习兴趣和综合学习能力的培养。因此,本人从学习者的角度出发,将过程性评价展现在《电动列车司机》校本课程中,强调学生的学习过程和在学习中的体验;强调学生兴趣的激发;强调综合职业素养的培养。  相似文献   

深刻挖掘教材中的科学探究技能教育资源,通过“模块教学中渗透、实验教学中体验、科学史教学中感悟、概念教学中凸显、问题解决中演练和总结反思中领悟”等途径,实现科学探究技能教育由“单一隐性”逐步向“显性一隐性”结合的方式发展,进而达成科学探究技能教育“显性为主、隐性为辅”的教育愿景,从而在中学生物学教学过程中有效地落实“提高生物科学素养”的课程理念。  相似文献   

1995年,加拿大学者敏锐地发现了传统科学教育中肤浅的学习现象背后所蕴涵的学习方式,并称之为“法蒂玛法则”,由于我国根深蒂固的传统应试教育文化依然非常厚重,在理科学习中,同时也存在着大量机械学习的“法蒂玛现象”。为消除此现象,加拿大学者开发和完善一种可以有效评价学生科学素养的评价工具——VOSTS(Views on Seience-Technology-Society),即“科学-技术-社会观点评价表”,本文探讨了该评价工具在生物学课程评价中的运用,希望能给新世纪的课程改革及课程评价带来有益启示。  相似文献   

简述了科学探究能力的涵义及其评价依据,以案例的方式说明如何设计科学探究能力的评价作业。  相似文献   


Book Review

Progress in theoretical vegetation scienceG. Grabhett, L. Mucina, M.B. Dale and C.J.F. ter Braak (Eds.), Vol 83. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990, 276 pages, £95.00. ISBN 0-7923-0507-1  相似文献   

What is the link between art and creativity? The purpose of this study was to determine the role of art education in creative thinking. A causal-comparative research design was used. Arts and science high school students (N = 162) participated. Results showed that creative thinking in visual arts students in Grade 10 with high scores differed significantly from that in music and science students; however, this difference was not found among students in Grade 11. A main reason for this result in Grade 10 students might be the non-routine problem-solving process in visual arts education, in which artwork production is an important component in creative thinking development. Considering this result, it was concluded that the effect of different education disciplines—called education department effect—on creative thinking can be significant.  相似文献   

The Internet hosts an abundance of science video resources aimed at communicating scientific knowledge, including webinars, massive open online courses, and TED talks. Although these videos are efficient at disseminating information for diverse types of users, they often do not demonstrate the process of doing science, the excitement of scientific discovery, or how new scientific knowledge is developed. iBiology (www.ibiology.org), a project that creates open-access science videos about biology research and science-related topics, seeks to fill this need by producing videos by science leaders that make their ideas, stories, and experiences available to anyone with an Internet connection.  相似文献   



Sustainability Science (SS) is considered an emerging discipline, applicative and solution-oriented whose aim is to handle environmental, social and economic issues in light of cultural, historic and institutional perspectives. The challenges of the discipline are not only related to better identifying the problems affecting sustainability but to the actual transition towards solutions adopting an integrated, comprehensive and participatory approach. This requires the definition of a common scientific paradigm in which integration and interaction amongst sectorial disciplines is of paramount relevance. In this context, life cycle thinking (LCT) and, in particular, life cycle-based methodologies and life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) may play a crucial role. The paper illustrates the main challenges posed to sustainability assessment methodologies and related methods in terms of ontology, epistemology and methodology of SS. The aims of the analysis are twofold: (1) to identify the main features of methodologies for sustainability assessment and (2) to present key aspects for the development of robust and comprehensive sustainability assessment.


The current debate on SS addressing ontological, epistemological and methodological aspects has been reviewed, leading to the proposal of a conceptual framework for SS. In addition, a meta-review of recent studies on sustainability assessment methodologies and methods, focusing those life cycle based, supports the discussion on the main challenges for a comprehensive and robust approach to sustainability assessment. Starting from the results of the meta-review, we identified specific features of sustainable development-oriented methods: firstly, highlighting key issues towards robust methods for SS and, secondly, capitalising on the findings of each review’s paper. For each issue, a recommendation towards a robust sustainability assessment method is given. Existing limitations of sectorial academic inquiries and proposal for better integration and mainstreaming of SS are the key points under discussion.


In the reviewed papers, LCT and its basic principles are acknowledged as relevant for sustainability assessment. Nevertheless, LCT is not considered as a reference approach in which other methods could also find a place. This aspect has to be further explored, addressing the lack of multi-disciplinary exchange and putting the mainstreaming of LCT as a priority on the agenda of both life cycle assessment and sustainability assessment experts. Crucial issues for further developing sustainability assessment methodologies and methods have been identified and can be summarised as follows: holistic and system wide approaches, shift from multi- towards trans-disciplinarity; multi-scale (temporal and geographical) perspectives; and better involvement and participation of stakeholders.


Those are also the main challenges posed to LCSA in terms of progress of ontology, epistemology and methodology in line with the progress of SS. The life cycle-based methodologies should be broadened from comparing alternatives and avoiding negative impacts, to also proactively enhancing positive impacts, and towards the achievement of sustainability goals.  相似文献   

D. H. Jennings published in Journal of Biological Education, 14 (3), 223-230, which commented on the Association for Science Education's consultative document Alternatives for Science Education and the Royal Society discussion paper Science and the Organisation of Schools in England.  相似文献   

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