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The oxygen binding properties of human hemoglobin are appreciably altered by the nicotinamide dinucleotides NADH, NADP+, and NADPH. These cofactors are important in the control of many metabolic pathways and in providing reductive potential for a number of enzymatic reactions, including in vivo reduction of methemoglobin. Specific binding of these cofactors to hemoglobin and their potential for acting as allosteric modifiers of hemoglobin function have not been previously recognized. Detailed oxygen binding studies utilizing a thin-layer method suggest that the nicotinamide dinucleotides bind with high affinity to the deoxyhemoglobin tetramer at the beta chain anion-binding site and stabilize the low affinity "T-state" conformation. Stripped Hb A in 0.05 M N-2-hydroxyethylpiperazine-N'-2-ethanesulfonic acid (HEPES) buffer, pH 6.5, at 20 degrees C is half-saturated at a pO2 of 1.6 mm Hg. In the presence of 0.5 mM NADH, NADP+, or NADPH, the P50 is raised to 3.8, 7.1, and 12.5 mm Hg, respectively. The Bohr factor for stripped Hb A in 0.05 M HEPES buffer is sensitive to these effectors and is raised from 0.25 to about 0.65 by the addition of NADPH. The data suggest that routine use of these effectors in studies of human hemoglobin variants or the allosteric mechanism of Hb A be considered carefully. The relatively low intraerythrocytic levels of the nicotinamide dinucleotides in relation to hemoglobin dictate that these cofactors cannot significantly affect in vivo oxygen delivery. However, the converse is theoretically possible. The binding of the cofactors to hemoglobin and the preferential binding of their reduced forms may affect cofactor-dependent metabolic processes in red blood cells.  相似文献   

  • 1. Blood oxygen affinities, erythrocytic nucleoside triphosphate concentrations (NTP) and other hematological parameters were measured in facultative air-breathing fish from the Amazon after acclimation to well-aerated (“normoxic”) and hypoxic water (PO2 = 125–135 and 20–25 mm, respectively).
  • 2. In the armored catfishHypostomus sp. andPterygoplichthys sp., hypoxia induces intermittent surfacing to gulp air and results in lower NTP levels, chiefly through significant decreases in guanosine triphosphate (GTP). The subsequent increases in blood O2 affinity appear adaptive to lowered time average internal O2 tensions. No similar changes were seen in the ellSynbranchus which breathes air almost continuously when kept in hypoxic water.
  • 3. The results are discussed in terms of their adaptive significance, and compared with data on temperate fish.

In solution, the oxygen affinity of hemoglobin in the T quaternary structure is decreased in the presence of allosteric effectors such as protons and organic phosphates. To explain these effects, as well as the absence of the Bohr effect and the lower oxygen affinity of T-state hemoglobin in the crystal compared to solution, Rivetti C et al. (1993a, Biochemistry 32:2888-2906) suggested that there are high- and low-affinity subunit conformations of T, associated with broken and unbroken intersubunit salt bridges. In this model, the crystal of T-state hemoglobin has the lowest possible oxygen affinity because the salt bridges remain intact upon oxygenation. Binding of allosteric effectors in the crystal should therefore not influence the oxygen affinity. To test this hypothesis, we used polarized absorption spectroscopy to measure oxygen binding curves of single crystals of hemoglobin in the T quaternary structure in the presence of the "strong" allosteric effectors, inositol hexaphosphate and bezafibrate. In solution, these effectors reduce the oxygen affinity of the T state by 10-30-fold. We find no change in affinity (< 10%) of the crystal. The crystal binding curve, moreover, is noncooperative, which is consistent with the essential feature of the two-state allosteric model of Monod J, Wyman J, and Changeux JP (1965, J Mol Biol 12:88-118) that cooperative binding requires a change in quaternary structure. Noncooperative binding by the crystal is not caused by cooperative interactions being masked by fortuitous compensation from a difference in the affinity of the alpha and beta subunits. This was shown by calculating the separate alpha and beta subunit binding curves from the two sets of polarized optical spectra using geometric factors from the X-ray structures of deoxygenated and fully oxygenated T-state molecules determined by Paoli M et al. (1996, J Mol Biol 256:775-792).  相似文献   

Summary The interaction of allosteric effectors (CO2, ATP, H+) with respect to the oxygen affinity of carp hemoglobin was analyzed by determining oxygen binding curves spectrophotometrically in dilute solutions of stripped hemoglobin at 20°C. The pH range studied was 6.8–8.2.P CO2 was 0, 10 and 70 mmHg (0, 1.33 and 9.3 kPa). ATP/Hb4 was 0, 8 and 24. In the presence of either CO2 or ATP, the effects of the cofactors onP 50 were as expected over the whole pH range. In contrast to other published data, each cofactor also had a significant effect onP 50 in the presence of the other cofactor. Evidence was obtained that oxylabile carbamate is formed by carp hemoglobin and that the formation of carbamate persists at a lower level in the presence of ATP. The results support the view that the binding of ATP to carp hemoglobin requires only one terminal amino group, leaving the other N-terminal of the -chain free to react with CO2.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of a high oxygen affinity species of hemoglobin, bar-headed goose hemoglobin in deoxy form, has been determined to a resolution of 2.8 A. The R and R(free) factor of the model are 0.197 and 0.243, respectively. The structure reported here is a special deoxy state of hemoglobin and indicates the differences in allosteric mechanisms between the goose and human hemoglobins. The quaternary structure of the goose deoxy hemoglobin shows obvious differences from that of human deoxy hemoglobin. The rotation angle of one alphabeta dimer relative to its partner in a tetramer molecule from the goose oxy to deoxy hemoglobin is only 4.6 degrees, and the translation is only 0.3 A, which are much smaller than those in human hemoglobin. In the alpha(1)beta(2) switch region of the goose deoxy hemoglobin, the imidazole ring of His beta(2)97 does not span the side-chain of Thr alpha(1)41 relative to the oxy hemoglobin as in human hemoglobin. And the tertiary structure changes of heme pocket and FG corner are also smaller than that in human hemoglobin. A unique mutation among avian and mammalian Hbs of alpha119 from proline to alanine at the alpha(1)beta(1 )interface in bar-headed goose hemoglobin brings a gap between Ala alpha119 and Leu beta55, the minimum distance between the two residues is 4.66 A. At the entrance to the central cavity around the molecular dyad, some residues of two beta chains form a positively charged groove where the inositol pentaphosphate binds to the hemoglobin. The His beta146 is at the inositol pentaphosphate binding site and the salt-bridge between His beta146 and Asp beta94 does not exist in the deoxy hemoglobin, which brings the weak chloride-independent Bohr effect to bar-headed goose hemoglobin.  相似文献   

The O2 binding properties of bovine Hb were examined. The increase in Cl- and DPG concentration enhanced P50. A reduction in n(max) was observed at high Cl- concentration, while DPG had little effect on n(max). An increase in Cl- concentration enhanced the Bohr effect, the magnitude of which reached a maximum at 0.1 M Cl- and 20 degrees C. This concentration is nearly equal to that at the highest slope of the log P50 vs. log [Cl-] plot, and also equal to the physiological Cl- concentration (0.1 M) of bovine blood. Furthermore, the influence of Cl- concentration on the Bohr effect is independent of temperature. On the other hand, in the absence of Cl-, bovine Hb is sensitive to DPG; an increase in DPG concentration enhanced the Bohr effect, which reached a maximum at 3 mM DPG and 20 degrees C. This concentration is nearly equal to that at the highest slope of the log P50 vs. log [DPG] plot. At low DPG concentrations, the DPG effect on the Bohr effect became small with increasing temperature, whereas at high DPG concentrations, the DPG effect was insensitive to temperature changes. At the physiological concentration of DPG (0.5 mM), increases in both Cl- concentration and temperature diminished the DPG effect. At the physiological concentrations of Cl- and DPG, the Bohr effect was -0.36 at 37 degrees C. The deltaH value at the physiological concentrations of Cl- and DPG was approximately -5.8 kcal/mol at pH 7.4. These results indicate that Cl- and temperature are important determinants of the O2 binding properties of bovine Hb.  相似文献   

The dependence of net charge and oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin upon hemoglobin concentration was reinvestigated. In contrast to earlier reports from various laboratories, both functional properties of hemoglobin were found to be independent of hemoglobin concentration. Two findings indicate a concentration-independent net charge of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin at pH 6.6: (A) The pH value of a given carbonmonoty hemoglobin solution remains constant at 6.6 when the hemoglobin concentration is raised from 10 to 40 g/dl, indicating that there is no change in protonation of titratable groups of hemoglobin: (b) the net charge of carbonmonoxy hemoglobin as estimated from the Donnan distribution of 22Na+ shows no dependence on hemoglobin concentration in this concentration range. The oxygen affinity of human hemoglobin was determined from measurements of oxygen concentrations in equilibrated samples using a Lex-O2-Con apparatus (Lexington Instruments, Waltham, Mass.). P50 averaged 11.4 mm Hg at 37 degrees C, pH = 7.2, and ionic strength approximately 0.15. Neither P50 nor Hill's n showed any variation with hemoglobin concentrations increasing from 10 to 40 g/dl.  相似文献   

The O(2) equilibria of human adult hemoglobin have been measured in a wide range of solution conditions in the presence and absence of various allosteric effectors in order to determine how far hemoglobin can modulate its O(2) affinity. The O(2) affinity, cooperative behavior, and the Bohr effect of hemoglobin are modulated principally by tertiary structural changes, which are induced by its interactions with heterotropic allosteric effectors. In their absence, hemoglobin is a high affinity, moderately cooperative O(2) carrier of limited functional flexibility, the behaviors of which are regulated by the homotropic, O(2)-linked T/R quaternary structural transition of the Monod-Wyman-Changeux/Perutz model. However, the interactions with allosteric effectors provide such "inert" hemoglobin unprecedented magnitudes of functional diversities not only of physiological relevance but also of extreme nature, by which hemoglobin can behave energetically beyond what can be explained by the Monod-Wyman-Changeux/Perutz model. Thus, the heterotropic effector-linked tertiary structural changes rather than the homotropic ligation-linked T/R quaternary structural transition are energetically more significant and primarily responsible for modulation of functions of hemoglobin.  相似文献   

The cooperative O(2)-binding of hemoglobin (Hb) have been assumed to correlate to change in the quaternary structures of Hb: T(deoxy)- and R(oxy)-quaternary structures, having low and high O(2)-affinities, respectively. Heterotropic allosteric effectors have been shown to interact not only with deoxy- but also oxy-Hbs causing significant reduction in their O(2)-affinities and the modulation of cooperativity. In the presence of two potent effectors, L35 and inositol hexaphosphate (IHP) at pH 6.6, Hb exhibits extremely low O(2)-affinities (K(T)=0.0085mmHg(-1) and K(R)=0.011mmHg(-1)) and thus a very low cooperativity (K(R)/K(T)=1.3 and L(0)=2.4). (1)H-NMR spectra of human adult Hb with these two effectors were examined in order to determine the quaternary state of Hb in solution and to clarify the correlation between the O(2)-affinities and the structural change of Hb caused by the heterotropic effectors. At pH 6.9, (1)H-NMR spectrum of deoxy-Hb in the presence of L35 and IHP showed a marker of the T-quaternary structure (the T-marker) at 14ppm, originated from inter- dimeric α(1)β(2)- (or α(2)β(1)-) hydrogen-bonds, and hyperfine-shifted (hfs) signals around 15-25ppm, caused by high-spin heme-Fe(II)s. Upon addition of O(2), the hfs signals disappeared, reflecting that the heme-Fe(II)s are ligated with O(2), but the T-marker signals still remained, although slightly shifted and broadened, under the partial pressure of O(2) (P(O2)) of 760mmHg. These NMR results accompanying with visible absorption spectroscopy and visible resonance Raman spectroscopy reveal that oxy-Hb in the presence of L35 and IHP below pH 7 takes the ligated T-quaternary structure under the P(O2) of 760mmHg. The L35-concentration dependence of the T-marker in the presence of IHP indicates that there are more than one kind of L35-binding sites in the ligated T-quaternary structure. The stronger binding sites are probably intra-dimeric binding sites between α(1)G- and β(1)G-helices, and the other weaker binding site causes the R→T transition without release of O(2). The fluctuation of the tertiary structure of Hb seems to be caused by both the structural perturbation of α(1)β(1) (or α(2)β(2)) intra-dimeric interface, where the stronger L35-binding sites exist, and by the IHP-binding to the α(1)α(2)- (or β(1)β(2)-) cavity. The tertiary structural fluctuation induced by the allosteric effectors may contribute to the significant reduction of the O(2)-affinity of oxy-Hb, which little depends on the quaternary structures. Therefore, the widely held assumptions of the structure-function correlation of Hb - [the deoxy-state]=[the T-quaternary structure]=[the low O(2)-affinity state] and [the oxy-state]=[the R-quaternary structure]=[the high O(2)-affinity state] and the O(2)-affiny of Hb being regulated by the T/R-quaternary structural transition - are no longer sustainable. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Allosteric cooperativity in respiratory proteins.  相似文献   

Solutions of modified adult human hemoglobin (Hb) have potential applications as physiological oxygen carriers. The chemical modification that has been the most studied during the last few years is the cross-linking of the protein between its two αβ dimers, in order, first, to hamper their diffusion through the kidney and therefore increase the plasma persistence of Hb, and second, to decrease its oxygen affinity. However, despite the cross-linking, the vascular retention time is only increased by a factor of three, and a supplementary modification of cross-linked Hb is needed in order to further improve its in vivo half-life. The Hb derivatives described in this paper were obtained by the covalent fixation of benzene tetracarboxylate-substituted dextran onto oxyHb. The resulting conjugates all exhibited a higher P50 than native Hb. The experiments carried out in the presence of inositolhexaphosphate showed that the allosteric sites of Hb molecules were occupied by the polymeric reagent. The important decrease in the Bohr effect and the lack of the Cl? effect on the oxygen-binding properties proved that the Val 1α residue was also substituted. Finally, the ability of some conjugates to unload as much O2 as blood, together with their other properties, make them quite promising candidates as red cell substitutes. © 1993 John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The Fe-histidine stretching (nu(Fe-His)) frequency was determined for deoxy subunits of intermediately ligated human hemoglobin A in equilibrium and CO-photodissociated picosecond transient species in the presence and absence of strong allosteric effectors like inositol(hexakis)phosphate, bezafibrate, and 2,3-bisphosphoglycerate. The nu(Fe-His) frequency of deoxyHb A was unaltered by the effectors. The T-to-R transition occurred around m = 2-3 in the absence of effectors but m > 3.5 in their presence, where m is the average number of ligands bound to Hb and was determined from the intensity of the nu(4) band measured in the same experiment. The alpha1-beta2 subunit contacts revealed by ultraviolet resonance Raman spectra, which were distinctly different between the T and R states, remained unchanged by the effectors. This observation would solve the recent discrepancy that the strong effectors remove the cooperativity of oxygen binding in the low-affinity limit, whereas the (1)H NMR spectrum of fully ligated form exhibits the pattern of the R state.  相似文献   

The variation of magneto-optical rotatory dispersion with pH for carp deoxyhemoglobin in the presence and absence of inositol hexaphosphate was interpreted as a pH-induced allosteric transition between the structures of high and low ligand affinity (the R and T states in terms of the two state model of cooperativity). Increasing the pH from 6 to 11 causes a decrease in the fraction of molecules in the T state from 1 to 0.65. In the absence of inositol hexaphosphate the pH dependence of this fraction has a midpoint at 7.8, addition of inositol hexaphosphate shifts this midpoint by 1.5 units toward high pH. From the analysis of the data obtained and the pH dependences of functional properties (Tan, A.L., Noble, R.W. and Gibson, Q.H. (1973) J. Biol. Chem. 248, 2880-2888) the parameters of the two state model of cooperativity for carp hemoglobin were estimated.  相似文献   

Under physiological conditions of pH (7.4) and chloride concentration (0.15 M), the oxygen affinity of bovine hemoglobin is substantially lower than that of human hemoglobin. Also, the Bohr effect is much more pronounced in bovine hemoglobin. Numerical simulations indicate that both phenomena can be explained by a larger preferential binding of chloride ions to deoxyhemoglobin in the bovine system. Also, they show that the larger preferential binding may be produced by a decreased affinity of the anions for oxyhemoglobin, thereby stressing the potential relevance of the oxy conformation in regulating the functional properties of the protein. The conformation of the amino-terminal end of the beta subunits appears to regulate the interaction of hemoglobin with solvent components. The pronounced sensitivity of the oxygen affinity of bovine hemoglobin to chloride concentration and to pH suggests that in bovine species these are the modulators of oxygen transport in vivo.  相似文献   

C H Robert  L Fall  S J Gill 《Biochemistry》1988,27(18):6835-6843
We have performed high-precision oxygen binding studies on human hemoglobin tetramers in the presence of a series of limited, subsaturating amounts of the effector compounds 2,3-diphosphoglycerate (DPG) and inositol hexaphosphate (IHP). The use of thin-layer optical methods enabled the use of high hemoglobin concentrations, preventing complications arising from the dissociation of the tetramer into dimers. Model-independent, simultaneous analysis of all data for each effector demonstrated that the intrinsic oxygen binding characteristics of the molecule are in agreement with those determined in earlier high-precision studies [e.g., Gill, S. J., Di Cera, E., Doyle, M. L., Bishop, G. A., & Robert, C. H. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 3995-4002] and that the affinity of the tetramer for the tightly binding effector IHP changes most markedly between the second and fourth oxygen binding steps, perhaps indicating a large conformational change. The data were then analyzed by using the truncated allosteric model [Di Cera, E., Robert, C. H., & Gill, S. J. (1987) Biochemistry 26, 4003-4008], which is based on the hypothesis that a quaternary conformational change occurs in the hemoglobin tetramer before the third and fourth oxygen molecules bind.  相似文献   

Human hemoglobin reacts with 4-Isothiocyanatobenzene sulfonic acid at the four amino groups of the N-terminal valines. The modified protein shows a decreased oxygen affinity over a wide pH range, a reduced alkaline Bohr effect, decreased co-operativity, and a reduced effect of inositol hexasulfate on the oxygen affinity.  相似文献   

The interactions between various dextran phosphates and Hb (hemoglobin) were studied by measuring the oxygen-binding parameters of the mixtures. The effector properties of polymers were found to depend on the concentration of monoalkylmonophosphate groups on the polymers and also on their molecular weights. The covalent fixation of dextran phosphates bearing aldehydic groups to oxyHb and deoxyHb was carried out. The oxygen-binding properties of the conjugates thus obtained depended upon the initial form of the protein. Thus, only the conjugates synthesized from deoxyHb exhibited a low oxygen affinity, which means that, in this case, the linkages between the dextran phosphate and the protein allow a permanent interaction of the phosphate groups with amines of the 2,3-diphosphoglycerate binding site. The Hill coefficient values of these conjugates were smaller than that of free Hb, corresponding to a loss of the cooperativity of the protein upon fixation of polymers. However, as these new conjugates are capable of unloading more O2 than blood when subjected to oxygen pressures corresponding to physiological conditions, they can be regarded as potential erythrocyte substitutes.  相似文献   

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