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D Sung  H Kang 《Nucleic acids research》1998,26(6):1369-1372
Mutational effects on frameshifting efficiency of the RNA pseudoknot involved in ribosomal frameshifting in simian retrovirus-1 (SRV-1) have been investigated. The primary sequence and the proposed secondary structure of the SRV-1 pseudoknot are similar to those of other efficient frameshifting pseudoknots in mouse mammary tumor virus (MMTV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), where an unpaired adenine nucleotide intercalates between stem 1 and stem 2. In SRV-1 pseudoknot, the adenine nucleotide in between stem 1 and stem 2 has a potential to form an A*U base pair with the last uridine nucleotide in the loop 2, resulting in a continuous A-form helix with coaxially stacked stem 1 and stem 2. To test whether this A*U base pairing and coaxial stacking of stem 1 and stem 2 is absolutely required for efficient frameshifting in SRV-1, a series of mutants changing this potential A.U base pair to either G.C base pair or A.A, A.G, A.C, G.A, G.G mismatch is generated, and their frameshifting efficiencies are investigated in vitro using rabbit reticulocyte lysate translation assay. The frameshifting abilities of these mutant pseudoknots are similar to that of the wild-type pseudoknot, suggesting that the A*U base pair in between stem 1 and stem 2 is not necessary to promote efficient frameshifting in SRV-1. These results reveal that coaxial stacking of stem 1 and stem 2 with a Watson-Crick A.U base pair in between two stems is not a required structural feature of the pseudoknot for promoting efficient frameshifting in SRV-1. Our mutational data suggest that SRV-1 pseudoknot adopts similar structural features common to other efficient frameshifting pseudoknots as observed in MMTV and FIV.  相似文献   

The simian retrovirus-1 (SRV-1) gag-pro frameshift signal was identified in previous work, and the overall structure of the pseudoknot involved was confirmed (ten Dam E, Brierley I, Inglis S, Pleij C, 1994, Nucleic Acids Res 22:2304-2310). Here we report on the importance of specific elements within the pseudoknot. Some mutations in stem S1 that maintain base pairing have reduced frameshift efficiencies. This indicates that base pairing in itself is not sufficient. In contrast, frameshifting correlates qualitatively with the calculated stability of mutations in S2. The stems thus play different roles in the frameshift event. The nature of the base in L1 has little influence on frameshift efficiency. It is however required to bridge S2; deleting it lowers frameshifting from 23 to 9%. In L2, frameshift efficiency was not affected in a mutant that changed 10 to 12 bases. This makes it unlikely that the primary sequence of L2 plays a role in -1 frameshifting, in contrast to readthrough in Moloney murine leukemia virus (Wills N, Gesteland R, Atkins J, 1994, EMBO J 13:4137-4144). Deletions of 2 and 3 bases gave more frameshifting than the wild type, probably reflecting the increased stability of the pseudoknot due to a shorter loop L2. Deleting even more bases reduces frameshifting compared to wild-type levels. At this point, stress will build up in L2, and this will reduce overall pseudoknot stability.  相似文献   

Synthesis of the Gag-Pol protein of the human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1) requires a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshifting when ribosomes translate the unspliced viral messenger RNA. This frameshift occurs at a slippery sequence followed by an RNA structure motif that stimulates frameshifting. This motif is commonly assumed to be a simple stem-loop for HIV-1. In this study, we show that the frameshift stimulatory signal is more complex than believed and consists of a two-stem helix. The upper stem-loop corresponds to the classic stem-loop, and the lower stem is formed by pairing the spacer region following the slippery sequence and preceding this classic stem-loop with a segment downstream of this stem-loop. A three-purine bulge interrupts the two stems. This structure was suggested by enzymatic probing with nuclease V1 of an RNA fragment corresponding to the gag/pol frameshift region of HIV-1. The involvement of the novel lower stem in frameshifting was supported by site-directed mutagenesis. A fragment encompassing the gag/pol frameshift region of HIV-1 was inserted in the beginning of the coding sequence of a reporter gene coding for the firefly luciferase, such that expression of luciferase requires a -1 frameshift. When the reporter was expressed in COS cells, mutations that disrupt the capacity to form the lower stem reduced frameshifting, whereas compensatory changes that allow re-formation of this stem restored the frameshift efficiency near wild-type level. The two-stem structure that we propose for the frameshift stimulatory signal of HIV-1 differs from the RNA triple helix structure recently proposed.  相似文献   

A bioinformatics approach to finding new cases of -1 frameshifting in the expression of human genes revealed a classical retrovirus-like heptanucleotide shift site followed by a potential structural stimulator in the paraneoplastic antigen Ma3 and Ma5 genes. Analysis of the sequence 3' of the shift site demonstrated that an RNA pseudoknot in Ma3 is important for promoting efficient -1 frame-shifting. Ma3 is a member of a family of six genes in humans whose protein products contain homology to retroviral Gag proteins. The -1 frameshift site and pseudoknot structure are conserved in other mammals, but there are some sequence differences. Although the functions of the Ma genes are unknown, the serious neurological effects of ectopic expression in tumor cells indicate their importance in the brain.  相似文献   

Escherichia coli DNA polymerase III subunits tau and gamma are produced from one gene, dnaX, by a programmed ribosomal frameshift which generates the C terminal of gamma within the tau reading frame. To help evaluate the role of the dispensable gamma, the distribution of tau and gamma homologs in several other species and the sequence of the Salmonella typhimurium dnaX were determined. All four enterobacteria tested produce tau and gamma homologs. S. typhimurium dnaX is 83% identical to E. coli dnaX, but all four components of the frameshift signal are 100% conserved.  相似文献   

We previously demonstrated that the area encompassing residues 147-162 of the envelope protein of simian retrovirus serotype-1 (SRV-1) is the target for rhesus anti-SRV-1 neutralizing antibodies. A peptide representing amino acids 142-167 of envelope protein (gp70) is capable of inducing virus-neutralizing antibodies in mice. The virus receptor was immunoprecipitated from Raji cells using gp70 as the ligand. Antibodies to peptide 142-167 inhibit the immunoprecipitation, indicating that the receptor recognizes residues 142-167 of the viral envelope protein.  相似文献   

The ribosomal frameshifting signal of the mouse embryonal carcinoma differentiation regulated (Edr) gene represents the sole documented example of programmed -1 frameshifting in mammalian cellular genes [Shigemoto,K., Brennan,J., Walls,E,. Watson,C.J., Stott,D., Rigby,P.W. and Reith,A.D. (2001), Nucleic Acids Res., 29, 4079-4088]. Here, we have employed site-directed mutagenesis and RNA structure probing to characterize the Edr signal. We began by confirming the functionality and magnitude of the signal and the role of a GGGAAAC motif as the slippery sequence. Subsequently, we derived a model of the Edr stimulatory RNA and assessed its similarity to those stimulatory RNAs found at viral frameshift sites. We found that the structure is an RNA pseudoknot possessing features typical of retroviral frameshifter pseudoknots. From these experiments, we conclude that the Edr signal and by inference, the human orthologue PEG10, do not represent a novel 'cellular class' of programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift signal, but rather are similar to viral examples, albeit with some interesting features. The similarity to viral frameshift signals may complicate the design of antiviral therapies that target the frameshift process.  相似文献   

Base pairing between the 3' end of 16S rRNA and mRNA is shown to be important for the programmed -1 frameshifting utilized in decoding the Escherichia coli dnaX gene. This pairing is the same as the Shine-Dalgarno pairing used by prokaryotic ribosomes in selection of translation initiators, but for frameshifting the interaction occurs within elongating ribosomes. For dnaX -1 frameshifting, the 3' base of the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is 10 nucleotides 5' of the shift site. Previously, Shine-Dalgarno rRNA-mRNA pairing was shown to stimulate the +1 frameshifting necessary for decoding the release factor 2 gene. However, in the release factor 2 gene, the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is located 3 nucleotides 5' of the shift site. When the Shine-Dalgarno sequence is moved to the same position relative to the dnaX shift site, it is inhibitory rather than stimulatory. Shine-Dalgarno interactions by elongating ribosomes are likely to be used in stimulating -1 frameshifting in the decoding of a variety of genes.  相似文献   

In cell-free protein synthesis studies with RNA from phage MS2 as template, normal Escherichia coli tRNASer3 promotes two base translocation at GCA alanine codons with a resultant shift of ribosomes to the minus one reading frame. Similarly, normal tRNAThr3 promotes two base translocation at CCG proline codons. These conclusions were reached by amino acid sequencing of tryptic peptides or cyanogen bromide fragments that contained the reading frame shift site. It is proposed that these frameshift events occur by a two-base pair interaction between the anticodons of these exceptional tRNAs and the noncognate codons.  相似文献   

Programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift (-1 PRF) allows for alternative reading frames within one mRNA. First found in several viruses, it is now believed to exist in all kingdoms of life. Strong stimulators for -1 PRF are a heptameric slippery site and an RNA pseudoknot. Here, we present a new algorithm KnotInFrame, for the automatic detection of -1 PRF signals from genomic sequences. It finds the frameshifting stimulators by means of a specialized RNA-pseudoknot folding program, fast enough for genome-wide analyses. Evaluations on known -1 PRF signals demonstrate a high sensitivity.  相似文献   

Ribosomal frameshifting on viral RNAs relies on the mechanical properties of structural elements, often pseudoknots and more rarely stem-loops, that are unfolded by the ribosome during translation. In human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1 type B a long hairpin containing a three-nucleotide bulge is responsible for efficient frameshifting. This three-nucleotide bulge separates the hairpin in two domains: an unstable lower stem followed by a GC-rich upper stem. Toeprinting and chemical probing assays suggest that a hairpin-like structure is retained when ribosomes, initially bound at the slippery sequence, were allowed multiple EF-G catalyzed translocation cycles. However, while the upper stem remains intact the lower stem readily melts. After the first, and single step of translocation of deacylated tRNA to the 30 S P site, movement of the mRNA stem-loop in the 5′ direction is halted, which is consistent with the notion that the downstream secondary structure resists unfolding. Mechanical stretching of the hairpin using optical tweezers only allows clear identification of unfolding of the upper stem at a force of 12.8 ± 1.0 pN. This suggests that the lower stem is unstable and may indeed readily unfold in the presence of a translocating ribosome.  相似文献   

In +1 programmed ribosomal frameshifting (PRF), ribosomes skip one nucleotide toward the 3′-end during translation. Most of the genes known to demonstrate +1 PRF have been discovered by chance or by searching homologous genes. Here, a bioinformatic framework called FSscan is developed to perform a systematic search for potential +1 frameshift sites in the Escherichia coli genome. Based on a current state of the art understanding of the mechanism of +1 PRF, FSscan calculates scores for a 16-nt window along a gene sequence according to different effects of the stimulatory signals, and ribosome E-, P- and A-site interactions. FSscan successfully identified the +1 PRF site in prfB and predicted yehP, pepP, nuoE and cheA as +1 frameshift candidates in the E. coli genome. Empirical results demonstrated that potential +1 frameshift sequences identified promoted significant levels of +1 frameshifting in vivo. Mass spectrometry analysis confirmed the presence of the frameshifted proteins expressed from a yehP-egfp fusion construct. FSscan allows a genome-wide and systematic search for +1 frameshift sites in E. coli. The results have implications for bioinformatic identification of novel frameshift proteins, ribosomal frameshifting, coding sequence detection and the application of mass spectrometry on studying frameshift proteins.  相似文献   

The human immunodeficiency virus of type 1 (HIV-1) uses a programmed -1 ribosomal frameshift to produce the precursor of its enzymes, and changes in frameshift efficiency reduce replicative fitness of the virus. We used a fluorescent two-reporter system to screen for peptides that reduce HIV-1 frameshift in bacteria, knowing that the frameshift can be reproduced in Escherichia coli. Expression of one reporter, the green fluorescent protein (GFP), requires the HIV-1 frameshift, whereas the second reporter, the red fluorescent protein (RFP), is used to assess normal translation. A peptide library biased for RNA binding was inserted into the sequence of the protein thioredoxin and expressed in reporter-containing bacteria, which were then screened by fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS). We identified peptide sequences that reduce frameshift efficiency by over 50% without altering normal translation. The identified sequences are also active against different frameshift stimulatory signals, suggesting that they bind a target important for frameshifting in general, probably the ribosome. Successful transfer of active sequences to a different scaffold in a eukaryotic test system demonstrates that the anti-frameshift activity of the peptides is neither due to scaffold-dependent conformation nor effects of the scaffold protein itself on frameshifting. The method we describe identifies peptides that will provide useful tools to further study the mechanism of frameshift and may permit the development of lead compounds of therapeutic interest.  相似文献   

Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is an important human pathogen that affects approximately 100 million people worldwide. Its RNA genome codes for a polyprotein, which is cleaved by viral and cellular proteases to produce at least 10 mature viral protein products. We report here the discovery of a novel HCV protein synthesized by ribosomal frameshift. This protein, which we named the F protein, is synthesized from the initiation codon of the polyprotein sequence followed by ribosomal frameshift into the -2/+1 reading frame. This ribosomal frameshift requires only codons 8-14 of the core protein-coding sequence, and the shift junction is located at or near codon 11. An F protein analog synthesized in vitro reacted with the sera of HCV patients but not with the sera of hepatitis B patients, indicating the expression of the F protein during natural HCV infection. This unexpected finding may open new avenues for the development of anti-HCV drugs.  相似文献   

Sequence analysis of the simian foamy virus type 1 genome.   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
J J Kupiec  A Kay  M Hayat  R Ravier  J Périès  F Galibert 《Gene》1991,101(2):185-194

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