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Transport of yeast alkaline phosphatase (ALP) to the vacuole depends on the clathrin adaptor-like complex AP-3, but does not depend on proteins necessary for transport through pre-vacuolar endosomes. We have identified ALP sequences that direct sorting into the AP-3-dependent pathway using chimeric proteins containing residues from the ALP cytoplasmic domain fused to sequences from a Golgi-localized membrane protein, guanosine diphosphatase (GDPase). The full-length ALP cytoplasmic domain, or ALP amino acids 1-16 separated from the transmembrane domain by a spacer, directed GDPase chimeric proteins from the Golgi complex to the vacuole via the AP-3 pathway. Mutation of residues Leu13 and Val14 within the ALP cytoplasmic domain prevented AP-3-dependent vacuolar transport of both chimeric proteins and full-length ALP. This Leucine-Valine (LV)-based sorting signal targeted chimeric proteins and native ALP to the vacuole in cells lacking clathrin function. These results identify an LV-based sorting signal in the ALP cytoplasmic domain that directs transport into a clathrin-independent, AP-3-dependent pathway to the vacuole. The similarity of the ALP sorting signal to mammalian dileucine sorting motifs, and the evolutionary conservation of AP-3 subunits, suggests that dileucine-like signals constitute a core element for AP-3-dependent transport to lysosomal compartments in all eukaryotic cells.  相似文献   

Little is known about the mechanisms that determine localization of proteins to the plasma membrane in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The length of the transmembrane domains and association of proteins with lipid rafts have been proposed to play a role in sorting to the cell surface. Here, we report that Fus1p, an O-glycosylated integral membrane protein involved in cell fusion during yeast mating, requires O-glycosylation for cell surface delivery. In cells lacking PMT4, encoding a mannosyltransferase involved in the initial step of O-glycosylation, Fus1p was not glycosylated and accumulated in late Golgi structures. A chimeric protein lacking O-glycosylation motif was missorted to the vacuole and accumulated in late Golgi in wild-type cells. Exocytosis of this protein could be restored by addition of a 33-amino acid portion of an O-glycosylated sequence from Fus1p. Our data suggest that O-glycosylation functions as a sorting determinant for cell surface delivery of Fus1p.  相似文献   

Temperature-sensitive secretory mutants (sec) of S. cerevisiae have been used to evaluate the organelles and cellular functions involved in transport of the vacuolar glycoprotein, carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). Others have shown that CPY (61 kd) is synthesized as an inactive proenzyme (69 kd) that is matured by cleavage of an 8 kd amino-terminal propeptide. sec mutants that are blocked in either of two early stages in the secretory process and accumulate endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi bodies also accumulate precursor forms of CPY when cells are incubated at the nonpermissive temperature (37°C). These forms are converted to a proper size when cells are returned to a permissive temperature (25°C). Vacuoles isolated from sec mutant cells do not contain the proCPY produced at 37°C. These results suggest that vacuolar and secretory glycoproteins require the same cellular functions for transport from the endoplasmic reticulum and from the Golgi body. The Golgi body represents a branch point in the pathway: from this organelle, vacuolar proenzymes are transported to the vacuole for proteolytic processing and secretory proteins are packaged into vesicles.  相似文献   

The late Golgi compartment is a major protein sorting station in the cell. Secreted proteins, cell surface proteins, and proteins destined for endosomes or lysosomes must be sorted from one another at this compartment and targeted to their correct destinations. The molecular details of protein trafficking pathways from the late Golgi to the endosomal system are becoming increasingly well understood due in part to information obtained by genetic analysis of yeast. It is now clear that proteins identified in yeast have functional homologues (orthologues) in higher organisms. We will review the molecular mechanisms of protein targeting from the late Golgi to endosomes and to the vacuole (the equivalent of the mammalian lysosome) of the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae.  相似文献   

vps33 mutants missort and secrete multiple vacuolar hydrolases and exhibit extreme defects in vacuolar morphology. Toward a molecular understanding of the role of the VPS33 gene in vacuole biogenesis, we have cloned this gene from a yeast genomic library by complementation of a temperature-sensitive vps33 mutation. Gene disruption demonstrated that VPS33 was not essential but was required for growth at high temperatures. At the permissive temperature, vps33 null mutants exhibited defects in vacuolar protein localization and vacuole morphology similar to those seen in most of the original mutant alleles. Sequence analysis revealed a putative open reading frame sufficient to encode a protein of 691 amino acids. Hydropathy analysis indicated that the deduced product of the VPS33 gene is generally hydrophilic, contains no obvious signal sequence or transmembrane domains, and is therefore unlikely to enter the secretory pathway. Polyclonal antisera raised against TrpE-Vps33 fusion proteins recognized a protein in yeast cells of the expected molecular weight, approximately 75,000. In cell fractionation studies, Vps33p behaved as a cytosolic protein. The predicted VPS33 gene product possessed sequence similarity with a number of ATPases and ATP-binding proteins specifically in their ATP-binding domains. One vps33 temperature-sensitive mutant contained a missense mutation near this region of sequence similarity; the mutation resulted in a Leu-646----Pro substitution in Vps33p. This temperature-sensitive mutant strain contained normal vacuoles at the permissive temperature but lacked vacuoles specifically in the bud at the nonpermissive temperature. Our data suggest that Vps33p acts in the cytoplasm to facilitate Golgi-to-vacuole protein delivery. We propose that as a consequence of the vps33 protein-sorting defects, abnormalities in vacuolar morphology and vacuole assembly result.  相似文献   

Cell division requires an accurate partitioning of cytoplasmic organelles. The segregation of vacuoles in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisaie occurs at a specific time in the cell cycle and is spatially targeted to the small bud. Several yeast vac mutants have been isolated which are defective in this process. We have now cloned the VAC1 gene, corresponding to the first of these mutants, vac1-1. This gene encodes a protein of 515 amino acids, without homolog in the current data bases. It contains neither long hydrophobic stretches nor a classical leader peptide. The most notable aspect of the sequence is the presence of three zinc fingers. Yeast in which the VAC1 gene has been entirely deleted are viable. However, they grow more slowly than wild-type cells and only form microcolonies when grown on glycerol at 37 degrees C. These yeast are defective in vacuole segregation at both the permissive and nonpermissive temperatures. The vac1 mutant was previously shown to mislocalize carboxypeptidase Y to the cell surface, suggesting that Vac1p is involved in more than one vesicular traffic pathway.  相似文献   

Membrane fusion and protein trafficking to the vacuole are complex processes involving many proteins and lipids. Cytosol from Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a high Mr activity, which stimulates the in vitro homotypic fusion of isolated yeast vacuoles. Here we purify this activity and identify it as enolase (Eno1p and Eno2p). Enolase is a cytosolic glycolytic enzyme, but a small portion of enolase is bound to vacuoles. Recombinant Eno1p or Eno2p stimulates in vitro vacuole fusion, as does a catalytically inactive mutant enolase, suggesting a role for enolase in fusion that is separate from its glycolytic function. Either deletion of the non-essential ENO1 gene or diminished expression of the essential ENO2 gene causes vacuole fragmentation in vivo, reflecting reduced fusion. Combining an ENO1 deletion with ENO2-deficient expression causes a more severe fragmentation phenotype. Vacuoles from enolase 1 and 2-deficient cells are unable to fuse in vitro. Immunoblots of vacuoles from wild type and mutant strains reveal that enolase deficiency also prevents normal protein sorting to the vacuole, exacerbating the fusion defect. Band 3 has been shown to bind glycolytic enzymes to membranes of mammalian erythrocytes. Bor1p, the yeast band 3 homolog, localizes to the vacuole. Its loss results in the mislocalization of enolase and other vacuole fusion proteins. These studies show that enolase stimulates vacuole fusion and that enolase and Bor1p regulate selective protein trafficking to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Several complementary approaches have been fruitful in the study of transport from the ER to the Golgi complex in yeast. Mutational analysis has led to the identification of genes required for this process, many of which are now being studied at the molecular and biochemical level. In the case of SEC18, DNA sequence analysis has demonstrated homology to a factor needed for transport in mammalian in vitro systems. In addition, the events that take place at this stage of the secretory pathway have been reconstituted in vitro.  相似文献   

In yeast, ubiquitin plays a central role in proteolysis of a multitude of proteins and serves also as a signal for endocytosis of many plasma membrane proteins. We showed previously that ubiquitination of the general amino acid permease (Gap1) is essential to its endocytosis followed by vacuolar degradation. These processes occur when NH(4)(+), a preferential source of nitrogen, is added to cells growing on proline or urea, i.e. less favored nitrogen sources. In this study, we show that Gap1 is ubiquitinated on two lysine residues in the cytosolic N terminus (positions 9 and 16). A mutant Gap1 in which both lysines are mutated (Gap1(K9K16)) remains fully stable at the plasma membrane after NH(4)(+) addition. Furthermore, each of the two lysines harbors a poly-ubiquitin chain in which ubiquitin is linked to the lysine 63 of the preceding ubiquitin. The Gap1(K9) and Gap1(K16) mutants, in which a single lysine is mutated, are down-regulated in response to NH(4)(+) although more slowly. In proline-grown cells lacking Npr1, a protein kinase involved in the control of Gap1 trafficking, newly synthesized Gap1 is sorted from the Golgi to the vacuole without passing through the plasma membrane (accompanying article, De Craene, J.-O., Soetens, O., and André, B. (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 43939-43948). We show here that ubiquitination of Gap1 is also required for this direct sorting to the vacuole. In an npr1Delta mutant, neosynthesized Gap1(K9K16) is rerouted to and accumulates at the plasma membrane. Finally, Bul1 and Bul2, two proteins interacting with Npi1/Rsp5, are essential to ubiquitination and down-regulation of cell-surface Gap1, as well as to sorting of neosynthesized Gap1 to the vacuole, as occurs in an npr1Delta mutant. Our results reveal a novel role of ubiquitin in the control of Gap1 trafficking, i.e. direct sorting from the late secretory pathway to the vacuole. This result reinforces the growing evidence that ubiquitin plays an important role not only in internalization of plasma membrane proteins but also in their sorting in the endosomes and/or trans-Golgi.  相似文献   

J H Rothman  T H Stevens 《Cell》1986,47(6):1041-1051
We have devised a genetic selection for mutant yeast cells that fail to properly deliver the vacuolar glycoprotein CPY to the lysosome-like vacuole. This has allowed us to identify mutations in eight VPL complementation groups that result in aberrant secretion of up to approximately 90% of the immunoreactive CPY. Other soluble vacuolar proteins are also affected by each vpl mutation, demonstrating that a sorting system for multiple vacuolar proteins exists in yeast. Mislocalized CPY apparently traverses late stages of the secretory pathway, since a vesicle-accumulating sec1 mutation prevents secretion of this protein. Despite the presence of abnormal membrane-enclosed organelles in some of the vpl mutants, maturation and secretion of invertase are not substantially perturbed. Thus vpl mutations define a new class of genes that encode products required for sorting of newly synthesized vacuolar proteins from secretory proteins during their transit through the yeast secretory pathway.  相似文献   

The targeting signals of two yeast integral membrane dipeptidyl aminopeptidases (DPAPs), DPAP B and DPAP A, which reside in the vacuole and the Golgi apparatus, respectively, were analyzed. No single domain of DPAP B is required for delivery to the vacuolar membrane, because removal or replacement of either the cytoplasmic, transmembrane, or lumenal domain did not affect the protein's transport to the vacuole. DPAP A was localized by indirect immunofluorescence to non-vacuolar, punctate structures characteristic of the yeast Golgi apparatus. The 118-amino acid cytoplasmic domain of DPAP A is sufficient for retention of the protein in these structures, since replacement of the cytoplasmic domain of DPAP B with that of DPAP A resulted in an immunolocalization pattern indistinguishable from that of wild type DPAP A. Overproduction of DPAP A resulted in its mislocalization to the vacuole, because cells expressing high levels of DPAP A exhibited vacuolar as well as Golgi staining. Deletion of 22 residues of the DPAP A cytoplasmic domain resulted in mislocalization of the mutant protein to the vacuole. Thus, the cytoplasmic domain of DPAP A is both necessary and sufficient for Golgi retention, and removal of the retention signal, or saturation of the retention apparatus by overproducing DPAP A, resulted in transport to the vacuole. Like wild type DPAP B, the delivery of mutant membrane proteins to the vacuole was unaffected in the secretory vesicle-blocked sec1 mutant; thus, transport to the vacuole was not via the plasma membrane followed by endocytosis. These data are consistent with a model in which membrane proteins are delivered to the vacuole along a default pathway.  相似文献   

We characterized rat cDNAs that predict a protein, r-Slyl, which is similar to SLY1, a yeast protein that plays a critical role in endoplasmic reticulum to Golgi apparatus vesicle trafficking. The r-Slyl gene is expressed in all tissues examined  相似文献   

The vacuole of the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae contains a proton-translocating ATPase that acidifies the vacuolar lumen and generates a pH gradient across the vacuole membrane. We have investigated the role of compartment acidification of the vacuolar system in the sorting of vacuolar proteins. Strains with chromosomal disruptions of the genes encoding the A, B, or c subunit of the vacuolar ATPase are unable to acidify their vacuoles. These vat mutant strains accumulate and secrete precursor forms of the soluble vacuolar hydrolases carboxypeptidase Y and proteinase A. The kinetics of secretion suggests that missorting occurs in the Golgi complex or in post-Golgi vesicles. The presence of mature forms of the vacuolar proteins within the cell indicates that vat mutations do not cause defects in zymogen processing. Precursor forms of the membrane-associated vacuolar hydrolase alkaline phosphatase are also accumulated in vat mutant cells but to a lesser extent, suggesting that sorting of vacuolar membrane proteins is less sensitive to changes in the lumenal pH. A similar type of missorting defect can be induced in wild-type cells at pH 7.5. These results indicate that acidification of the vacuolar system is important for efficient sorting of proteins to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Kex2 protease processes pro-alpha-factor in a late Golgi compartment in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The first approximately 30 residues of the 115 amino acid CO2H-terminal cytosolic tail (C-tail) of the Kex2 protein (Kex2p) contain a Golgi retention signal that resembles coated-pit localization signals in mammalian cell surface receptors. Mutation of one (Tyr713) of two tyrosine residues in the C-tail or deletion of sequences adjacent to Tyr713 results in loss of normal Golgi localization. Surprisingly, loss of the Golgi retention signal resulted in transport of C-tail mutant Kex2p to the vacuole (yeast lysosome), as judged by kinetics of degradation and by indirect immunofluorescence. Analysis of the loss of Kex2 function in vivo after shutting off expression of wild-type or mutant forms proved that mutations that cause rapid vacuolar turnover do so by increasing the rate of exit of the enzyme from the pro-alpha-factor processing compartment. The most likely explanation for these results is that mutation of the Golgi retention signal in the C-tail results in transport of Kex2p to the vacuole by default. Wild-type Kex2p also was transported to the vacuole at an increased rate when overproduced, although apparently not due to saturation of a Golgi-retention mechanism. Instead, the wild-type and C-tail mutant forms of Kex2p may follow distinct paths to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Intracellular membrane fusion requires that membrane-bound soluble N-ethylmaleimide-sensitive factor attachment protein receptor (SNARE) proteins on both vesicle and target membranes form a highly specific complex necessary to bring the membranes close in space. Ykt6p is a yeast R-SNARE protein that has been implicated in retrograde transport to the cis-Golgi compartment. Ykt6p has been also been found to fractionate with vacuole membranes and participate in a vacuolar SNARE complex in homotypic vacuole fusion. To investigate the role of Ykt6p in membrane traffic to the vacuole we generated temperature-sensitive mutations in YKT6. One mutation produces an early Golgi block to secretion, and overexpression of the SNARE protein Sft1p suppresses the growth and secretion defects of this mutation. These results are consistent with Ykt6p and Sft1p participating in a SNARE complex associated with retrograde transport to the cis-Golgi. A second set of mutations in YKT6 specifically affects post-Golgi membrane traffic to the vacuole, and the effects of these mutations are not suppressed by Sft1p overexpression. Defects are seen in carboxypeptidase Y sorting, alkaline phosphatase transport, and aminopeptidase I delivery, and in one mutant, overexpression of the SNARE protein Nyv1p suppresses the alkaline phosphatase transport defect. By mutationally separating early and late requirements for Ykt6p, our findings have revealed that Ykt6p is a R-SNARE protein that functions directly in the three biosynthetic pathways to the vacuole.  相似文献   

Although glycosphingolipids are ubiquitously expressed and essential for multicellular organisms, surprisingly little is known about their intracellular functions. To explore the role of glycosphingolipids in membrane transport, we used the glycosphingolipid-deficient GM95 mouse melanoma cell line. We found that GM95 cells do not make melanin pigment because tyrosinase, the first and rate-limiting enzyme in melanin synthesis, was not targeted to melanosomes but accumulated in the Golgi complex. However, tyrosinase-related protein 1 still reached melanosomal structures via the plasma membrane instead of the direct pathway from the Golgi. Delivery of lysosomal enzymes from the Golgi complex to endosomes was normal, suggesting that this pathway is not affected by the absence of glycosphingolipids. Loss of pigmentation was due to tyrosinase mislocalization, since transfection of tyrosinase with an extended transmembrane domain, which bypassed the transport block, restored pigmentation. Transfection of ceramide glucosyltransferase or addition of glucosylsphingosine restored tyrosinase transport and pigmentation. We conclude that protein transport from Golgi to melanosomes via the direct pathway requires glycosphingolipids.  相似文献   

Mutations in SHR3 block amino acid uptake into yeast by reducing the levels of multiple amino acid permeases within the plasma membrane. SHR3 is a novel integral membrane protein component of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). shr3 null mutants specifically accumulate amino acid permeases in the ER; other plasma membrane proteins, secretory proteins, and vacuolar proteins are processed and targeted correctly. Our findings suggest that SHR3 interacts with a structural domain shared by amino acid permeases, an interaction required for permease-specific processing and transport from the ER. Even in the presence of excess amino acids, shr3 mutants exhibit starvation responses. shr3 mutants constitutively express elevated levels of GCN4, and mutant shr3/shr3 diploids undergo dimorphic transitions that result in filamentous growth at enhanced frequencies.  相似文献   

VPS34 gene function is required for the efficient localization of a variety of vacuolar proteins. We have cloned and sequenced the wild-type VPS34 gene in order to gain a better understanding of the role of its protein product in this intracellular sorting pathway. Interestingly, disruption of the VPS34 locus resulted in a temperature-sensitive growth defect, indicating that the VPS34 gene is essential for vegetative growth only at elevated growth temperatures. As with the original vps34 alleles, vps34 null mutants exhibited severe vacuolar protein sorting defects and possessed a morphologically normal vacuolar structure. The VPS34 gene DNA sequence identifies an open reading frame that could encode a hydrophilic protein of 875 amino acids. The predicted protein sequence lacks any apparent signal sequence or membrane-spanning domains, suggesting that Vps34p does not enter the secretory pathway. Results from immunoprecipitation experiments with antiserum prepared against a TrpE-Vps34 fusion protein were consistent with this prediction: a rare, unglycosylated protein of approximately 95,000 Da was detected in extracts of wild-type Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells. Cell fractionation studies indicated that a significant portion of the Vps34p is found associated with a particulate fraction of yeast cells. This particulate Vps34p was readily solubilized by treatment with 2 M urea but not with Triton X-100, suggesting that the presence of Vps34p in this pelletable structure is mediated by protein-protein interactions. vp34 mutant cells also exhibited a defect in the normal partitioning of the vacuolar compartment between mother and daughter cells during cell division. In more than 80% of the delta vps34 dividing cells examined, no vacuolar structures were observed in the newly emerging bud, whereas in wild-type dividing cells, more than 95% of the buds had a detectable vacuolar compartment. Our results suggest that the Vps34p may act as a component of a relatively large intracellular structure that functions to facilitate specific steps of the vacuolar protein delivery and inheritance pathways.  相似文献   

《The Journal of cell biology》1990,111(6):2871-2884
Toward a detailed understanding of protein sorting in the late secretory pathway, we have reconstituted intercompartmental transfer and proteolytic maturation of a yeast vacuolar protease, carboxypeptidase Y (CPY). This in vitro reconstitution uses permeabilized yeast spheroplasts that are first radiolabeled in vivo under conditions that kinetically trap ER and Golgi apparatus-modified precursor forms of CPY (p1 and p2, respectively). After incubation at 25 degrees C, up to 45% of the p2CPY that is retained in the perforated cells can be proteolytically converted to mature CPY (mCPY). This maturation is specific for p2CPY, requires exogenously added ATP, an ATP regeneration system, and is stimulated by cytosolic protein extracts. The p2CPY processing shows a 5-min lag period and is then linear for 15-60 min, with a sharp temperature optimum of 25-30 degrees C. After hypotonic extraction, the compartments that contain p2 and mCPY show different osmotic stability characteristics as p2 and mCPY can be separated with centrifugation into a pellet and supernatant, respectively. Like CPY maturation in vivo, the observed in vitro reaction is dependent on the PEP4 gene product, proteinase A, which is the principle processing enzyme. After incubation with ATP and cytosol, mCPY was recovered in a vacuole-enriched fraction from perforated spheroplasts using Ficoll step-gradient centrifugation. The p2CPY precursor was not recovered in this fraction indicating that intercompartmental transport to the vacuole takes place. In addition, intracompartmental processing of p2CPY with autoactivated, prevacuolar zymogen pools of proteinase A cannot account for this reconstitution. Stimulation of in vitro processing with energy and cytosol took place efficiently when the expression of PEP4, under control of the GAL1 promoter, was induced then completely repressed before radiolabeling spheroplasts. Finally, reconstitution of p2CPY maturation was not possible with vps mutant perforated cells suggesting that VPS gene product function is necessary for intercompartmental transport to the vacuole in vitro.  相似文献   

Summary The vacuole is often termed the lytic compartment of the plant cell. The yeast cell also possesses a vacuole containing acid hydrolases. In animal cells these enzymes are localized in the lysosome. Recent research suggests that there is good reason to regard these organelles as homologous in terms of protein transport. Although sorting motifs for the recognition of vacuolar proteins within the endomembrane system differ between the three organelles, there is an underlying similarity in targeting determinants in the cytoplasmic tails of Golgi-based receptors. In all three cases these determinants appear to interact with adaptins of clathrin-coated vesicles which ferry their cargo first of all to an endosomal compartment. The situation in sorting and targeting of plant vacuolar proteins is complicated by the fact that storage and lytic vacuoles may exist together in the same cell. The origin of these two types of vacuole is also a matter of some uncertanity.Abbrevations AP assembly protein - ALP alkaline phosphatase - ARF adenosine diphosphate ribosylation factor - BiP immunoglobulin binding protein - CCV clathrin coated vesicle - CPY carboxypeptidase-Y - DPAP dipeptidyl aminopeptidase - ER endoplasmic reticulum - GApp Golgi apparatus - LAMPs lysosomal associated membrane protein(s) - LAP lysosomal acid phosphatase - LIMPs lysosomal integral membrane protein(s) - MPRs mannosyl 6-phosphate receptors - MVB multivesicular bodies - NSF N-ethylmaleimide sensitive fusion (protein) - PAT phosphinotricine acetyltransferase - PB protein body - PHA phytohemagglutinin - PM plasma membrane - PSV protein storage vacuole - SNAPs soluble NSF attachment protein(s) - SNAREs SNAP receptor(s) - TGN trans Golgi network - TIP tonoplast integral protein - VPS vacuolar protein sorting - ZIO zinc iodide/osmium  相似文献   

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