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Chickpea contains high levels of protein, vitamins and minerals. Acceptable chickpea yield is the result of meeting nitrogen and phosphorus requirements. The effect of appropriately meeting such requirements reflects on growth and can easily be evaluated using growth analysis. This research determined: (a) The effect of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization on phenology, net assimilation rate, number of green leaves, leaf area, leaf area index and leaf area duration; (b) Green chickpea yield and number of pods due to fertilization; and (c) The combination of nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization that yields the most net revenue. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization was evaluated; each at the doses of 0, 75 and 150 kg ha–1 (N0, N75, N150; P0, P75 and P150, respectively). The combination of the levels of both nutrients generated nine combinations of treatments which were distributed in the field in a randomized complete block design in an arrangement of divided plots with four repetitions. Timing of phenological phases were similar among treatments. Nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization increased number of leaves, leaf area index, and leaf area duration that translated into increased green chickpea yield (GCY). Combinations N150-P75 and N150-P150 produced the highest GCY. The highest net revenue and revenue per peso invested was obtained with N150-P75.  相似文献   

草炭作为土壤改良剂,可有效调节土壤基质的理化性质.本研究利用草炭在盆栽条件下改良葡萄根际土壤理化性质,用Logistic方程对葡萄年生长节律进行了模拟,并用灰色关联法分析了草炭含量、土壤物理性状及葡萄生长相互关系.结果表明:增施草炭可以显著提高土壤孔隙度、粘粒性物理含量;不同土壤栽培条件下葡萄生长均可用Logistic函数曲线进行可靠描述(R~20.98),并用数学分析的方法确定不同处理梢蔓和梢蔓粗的速生期和速生点,将一年生葡萄生长分为生长前期、速生期和生长后期;土壤施加草炭后,缓苗期缩短,盆栽葡萄较快进入快速生长期,使生长前期缩短4-7d;灰色关联度分析表明,土壤物理性粘粒含量、孔隙度对葡萄新梢生长影响最大,比重对其影响不显著.  相似文献   

塔拉豆中塔拉胶含量的分析测定方法研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了塔拉豆的研究现状,并对塔拉豆中塔拉胶含量的分析测定方法进行了研究。结果显示:塔拉胶的分离条件为:烘炒温度为150℃,时间7 min,每小组为4颗成熟饱满的塔拉豆。烘炒后破碎,塔拉胶和其余两部分的分离效果好,塔拉胶的经济性状也完整。每个分析样品所需塔拉豆的数量:5小组(即20颗塔拉豆)为一组实验结果,三组平行实验结果经过方差分析达到实验要求。  相似文献   

王兆峰  王梓瑛 《生态学报》2021,41(10):3917-3928
随着旅游产业的快速发展,其对生态环境的负面影响逐渐增大。为缓解当前旅游经济发展与生态环境保护间存在的矛盾,政府有必要在制度层面发挥其对旅游企业的约束作用,减轻旅游环境压力,实现旅游产业可持续发展。基于此,首先采用超效率SBM模型测算2006-2017年长江中游城市群旅游产业生态效率。然后运用重心模型、标准差椭圆等地学方法刻画其空间格局演化特征。最后,以广义最小二乘法建立面板数据模型,分析环境规制对城市群旅游产业生态效率影响。主要结论为:1)2006-2017年长江中游城市群旅游产业生态效率总体始终处于生产前沿面以下,旅游产业生态发展的集约化程度较低。从区域尺度看,三大城市群间效率存在一定差异,环鄱阳湖城市群效率最大,而武汉城市圈最小。从空间格局上看,效率重心整体向东北方向移动,"东高-西低"的空间格局逐渐形成;2)三大子城市群环境规制与旅游产业生态效率间呈"U"型的非线性关系,表明当前总体环境规制水平仍然较低,对效率的增长起抑制作用,但从长远来看,随着环境规制的逐渐增强,其对旅游产业生态效率的影响开始向积极促进方向转变;3)三大子城市群环境规制对效率的影响程度不同,整体呈正向显著影响的城市数量较少,主要集聚在各子城市群的中心城市附近。  相似文献   

Chlorophyll content, one of the most important physiological parameters related to plant photosynthesis, is usually used to predict yield potential. To map the quantitative trait loci (QTLs) underlying the chlorophyll content of rice leaves, a double haploid (DH) population was developed from an indica/japonica (Zhenshan 97/Wuyujing 2) crossing and two backcross populations were established subsequently by backcrossing DH lines with each of their parents. The contents of chlorophyll a and chlorophyll b were determined by using a spectrophotometer to directly measure the leaf chlorophyll extracts. To determine the leaf chlorophyll retention along with maturation, all measurements were performed on the day of heading and were repeated 30 days later. A total of 60 QTLs were resolved for all the traits using these three populations. These QTLs were distributed on 10 rice chromosomes, except chromosomes 5 and 10; the closer the traits, the more clustering of the QTLs residing on common rice chromosomal regions. In general, the majority of QTLs that specify chlorophyll a content also play a role in determining chlorophyll b content. Strangely, chlorophyll content in this study was found mostly to be lacking or to have a negative correlation with yield. In both backcross F1 populations, overdominant (or underdominant) loci were more important than complete or partially dominant loci for main-effect QTLs and epistatic QTLs, thereby supporting previous findings that overdominant effects are the primary genetic basis for depression in inbreeding and heterosis in rice.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) and its receptors have been involved in critical signal transduction mechanism and deregulation implicated in mood-related disorders. 5-HT activities are mediated through a family of transmembrane spanning serotonin receptors. Both within the family and species, 5-HT receptor protein sequence diversity and 7-transmembrane structural homogeneity have long been intriguing. In this study, we have analyzed the codon site constraint in 5-HT1 subclass receptors from 13 orthologous mammalian mRNA coding sequence. Further, the study was extended to computationally investigate the impact of non-synonymous sites with respect to function and structural significance through sequence homology algorithm and molecular dynamics simulation (MDS). Codon sites with significant posterior probability were observed in 5-HT1A, 5‐HT1B and 5-HT1D receptor indicating variations in site constraint within the 5‐HT1 sub-class genes. In 5-HT1A receptor, seven sites were detected at the functional intracellular loop3 (ICL3) with higher substitution rate through Codeml program. Sequence homology algorithm identifies that these sites were functionally tolerant within the mammals representing a selectively relaxed constraint at this domain. On the other hand, the root mean square deviation (rmsd) values from MDS suggest differences in structural conformation of ICL3 models among the species. Specifically, the human ICL3 model fluctuation was comparatively more stable than other species. Hence, we argue that these sites may have varying influence in G-proteins coupling and activation of effectors systems through downstream interacting accessory proteins of cell among the species. However, further experimental studies are required to elucidate the precise role and the seeming difference of these sites in 5-HT receptors between species.  相似文献   

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