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Observations of meiotic chromosomes are reported for all 21 species and 3 additional sub species ofGaura (Onagraceae), based upon a study of 647 individuals from 509 naturally occurring populations throughout the range of the genus. The basic chromosome number for the genus isx = 7, and 18 species are diploid withn = 7. Among these, the self-incompatible ones are often highly chromosomally heterozygous, with no homozygous individuals having been found in nature in the perenrennialsGaura lindheimeri andG. villosa, and two-thirds or more of the individuals apparently heterozygous in the following well-sampled species:G. calcicola, G. longiflora, andG. suffulta subsp.suffulta. In contrast, the autogamous species are entirely chromosomally homozygous or nearly so. Two species ofGaura are reported as chromosomal structural heterozygotes, with about 50% pollen abortion:G. biennis andG. triangulata; the translocation systems originated independently of one another. Two of the three polyploid species,G. sinuata andG. drummondii (G. odorata of many authors), are consistently tetraploid (n = 14) and, despite their cytological autotetraploidy, are thought to have originated following interspecific hybridization. They are the only rhizomatous species in the genus and may have had one ancestor in common. The remaining polyploid,G. coccinea, includes populations withn = 7, 14, 21, and 28, as well as evident interploid hybrids and, frequently, supernumerary chromosomes. The relationship among these populations is close and is maintained by frequent hybridization and exchange of genetic material. No other species seems to have participated in their origin, and the association of their chromosomes is consistently that characteristic of autopolyploidy in plants with tetraploid and higher chromosome numbers.  相似文献   

In prolongation of the previous studies, the Gregoryceras Spath, 1924 (Ammonitina, Peltoceratina) species from the uppermost Middle Oxfordian (Rotoides sub-zone) to the Early Late Oxfordian (Bifurcatus zone), are revised. Sections providing most of the studied specimens in this work (Spain, Algeria, Tunisia) are described and dated based on faunal comparisons between Tethyan and Subtethyan domains. It appears that the best tool for correlations is the presence of the genus Gregoryceras, the succession of its species being similar for the two considered domains. It allows us to complete the biostratigraphic scale based on the Gregoryceras species succession, and parallel to the standard zonation. During this period the revised species of Gregoryceras are G. fouquei (Kilian, 1889) and G. pervinquieri (Spath, 1913). G. fouquei is only present in the Rotoides sub-zone (uppermost Middle Oxfordian), and not in the Stenocycloides sub-zone (early Late Oxfordian), where G. pervinquieri (Spath, 1913). A new species, G. benosmanae nov. sp. is described as the most recent species of the genus (Grossouvrei sub-zone). The evolution of the youngest species of Gregoryceras continues the peramorphocline described for older forms. Concerning a potential dimorphism, new data (size differences, umbilicus enlargement during growth) are particularly provided by G. pervinquieri.  相似文献   

A new species of Grillotia, G. gastrica n. sp., is described from the stomach musculature of the teleosts Upeneichthys lineatus (Bloch & Schneider) and Sillaginodes punctatus (Cuvier) from off Perth, Western Australia. The new species most closely resembles G. pristiophori Beveridge & Campbell, 2001 in having six hooks in each principal row of the metabasal tentacular armature but differs in having a smooth scolex tegument and in having a band of hooklets running the entire length of the external surface of the tentacle rather than diminishing in width to a single hooklet as occurs in G. pristiophori. Grillotia heptanchi (Vaullegeard, 1899) is redescribed and the details of the mature segment are described for the first time. Grillotia adenoplusius (Pintner, 1903) is redescribed from the type-specimens and is considered to be the larval stage of G. acanthoscolex Rees, 1944 (syns G. spinosissima Dollfus, 1969 and G. microthrix Dollfus, 1969). The adult of G. adenoplusius is also redescribed based on the types of G. spinosissima. The type-specimens of G. dolichocephala Guiart, 1935 and G. minor Guiart, 1935 were re-examined and G. minor is considered to be a synonym of G. dolichocephala as is G. meteori Palm & Schröder, 2001. Based on an examination of the type-specimens, G. scolecina (Rudolphi, 1819) is treated as a species inquirenda. A list is provided of the species currently placed in Grillotia.  相似文献   

Agrobacteria are common soil bacteria that interact with plants as commensals, plant growth promoting rhizobacteria or alternatively as pathogens. Indigenous agrobacterial populations are composites, generally with several species and/or genomic species and several strains per species. We thus developed a recA-based PCR approach to accurately identify and specifically detect agrobacteria at various taxonomic levels. Specific primers were designed for all species and/or genomic species of Agrobacterium presently known, including 11 genomic species of the Agrobacterium tumefaciens complex (G1-G9, G13 and G14, among which only G2, G4, G8 and G14 still received a Latin epithet: pusense, radiobacter, fabrum and nepotum, respectively), A. larrymoorei, A. rubi, R. skierniewicense, A. sp. 1650, and A. vitis, and for the close relative Allorhizobium undicola. Specific primers were also designed for superior taxa, Agrobacterium spp. and Rhizobiaceace. Primer specificities were assessed with target and non-target pure culture DNAs as well as with DNAs extracted from composite agrobacterial communities. In addition, we showed that the amplicon cloning-sequencing approach used with Agrobacterium-specific or Rhizobiaceae-specific primers is a way to assess the agrobacterial diversity of an indigenous agrobacterial population. Hence, the agrobacterium-specific primers designed in the present study enabled the first accurate and rapid identification of all species and/or genomic species of Agrobacterium, as well as their direct detection in environmental samples.  相似文献   

Advanced third-stage larvae (ADV L3) of Gnathostoma spp. were collected from the muscle tissue of three species of freshwater fish (i.e., Gobiomorus dormitor, Petenia splendida, and Parachromis managuensis) in Swamps of Centla, Tabasco, Mexico. Nine sequences of the ITS2 of the ribosomal DNA of Gnathostoma spp. were compared with sequences obtained from GenBank for G. binucleatum, G. lamothei, G. miyazakii, G. spinigerum, and G. turgidum. Sequences of the ADV L3 from P. splendida (Isla Chinal), P. managuensis (Isla Chinal), and of two of the six larvae collected from G. dormitor (Tres Brazos), were identical to that of G. binucleatum (GenBank). Sequences from the other four larvae from G. dormitor (Tres Brazos) are identical to the sequence of G. lamothei (GenBank). This is the first record of the intermediate host of G. lamothei. The only species documented to cause human gnathostomiasis in the Americas is G. binucleatum. Our finding of G. binucleatum, and G. lamothei parasitizing the commercially important fish species, G. dormitor in Centla swamps, indicates the possibility of G. lamothei causing human gnathostomiasis in Mexico as well.  相似文献   

In the northern Indian Ocean, planktonic foraminiferal tests accumulate in a wide variety of surface-water environments and depositional settings. This variability enables us to isolate the effects that surface-water ecology and differential dissolution have on the distribution of planktonic foraminifera from 251 geographically widespread surface sediment samples.Foraminiferal abundance varies from 0 to > 104 whole foraminifera in the greater than 150 μm fraction per gram dry sediment. Values < 10 characterize the three deep basins of the equatorial Indian Ocean and the western Bay of Bengal. Foraminiferal tests are most abundant on carbonate covered Ninety-East and Carlsberg Ridges. Absolute abundance patterns are mainly controlled by non-ecological processes. Variations in dissolution resistant species (RSP) with water depth reveal that the foraminiferal lysocline (FL) varies regionally. The FL is deepest (3,800 m) in the equatorial region, rises abruptly to 3,300 m in the Arabian Sea, and varies from 2,600 m to near 2,000 m moving northward in the Bay of Bengal. Deep samples with anomalously low RSP (< 30%) suggest redeposition.Systematic geographic and depth-related variation is observed for the 17 most abundant foraminiferal species. Dissolution resistant species (G. menardii, G. tumida, G. dutertrei, P. obliquiloculata) generally exhibit a rapid and continuous increase in relative abundance at and below the FL. Susceptible species (G. ruber, G. bulloides, G. glutinata, for example) exhibit a rapid and continuous decrease in relative abundance at and below the FL. Moderately susceptible species (G. conglobatus, G. aequilateralis, G. conglomerata, for example) rapidly increase in abundance at the FL and systematically decrease with depth below the FL.Principal components analysis (PCA) of faunal data from minimally dissolved (< 30% RSP) samples reveals important ecologically related species intercorrelations. The major biogeographic gradient is the negative covarying relationship between aG. bulloides-G. glutinata species pair and a grouping ofG. sacculifer, G. conglobatus, G. aequilateralis, andG. ruber. PCA of all samples demonstrates how differential dissolution alters this and other species relationships. Species groupings that incorporateG. ruber, G. menardii, andG. dutertrei are particularly affected by dissolution.Comparison of average faunal data from minimally dissolved samples in the northern Indian Ocean with similar samples from other tropical regions suggests varying environmental factors produce distinct faunas within the tropical ocean. For example,G. bulloides, G. falconensis, andG. hexagona are significantly more abundant in northern Indian Ocean surface sediments while such species asG. ruber, G. sacculifer, G. dutertrei, andP. obliquiloculata dominate in other tropical regions.  相似文献   

The new genus Groveromyia gen. n. was described from the Late Eocene Rovno amber. The genus includes 4 species: G. occlusa sp. n., G. digna sp. n., G. astrosa sp. n., and G. concinna (Fedotova, 2005) comb. n. (Bryocrypta). Some changes in the biometric parameters of the genera and species were revealed relative to those in the recent and the Late Eocene Stomatosematidi. Keys to the recent and fossil genera of the tribe Stomatosematidi and the species of the genus Groveromyia are given.  相似文献   

The monogenean flatworm Gyrodactylus salaris is a serious threat to wild and farmed Atlantic salmon stocks in Norway. Morphologically, the closely related but harmless Gyrodactylus thymalli on grayling can hardly be distinguished from G. salaris. Until now, molecular approaches could not resolve unambiguously whether G. salaris and G. thymalli represent just one polytypic species, two polytypic species or a complex of more than two species. In the first known genome-wide analysis utilizing 37 conserved microRNA loci, the genetic differentiation of seven populations of G. salaris and G. thymalli was assessed. The concatenated alignment spanned 21,742 bp including 62 variable positions. A neighbor-joining cluster analysis did not support any host-based or mitochondrial haplotype-based grouping of strains. We conclude that a two species concept for G. salaris and G. thymalli does not reflect meaningful biological entities. Instead, G. salaris and G. thymalli are just one species comprising several pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains on various primary hosts. Following the International Code for Zoological Nomenclature, G. salaris Malmberg, 1957 is the valid species name with G. thymalli ?itňan, 1960 becoming the junior synonym. Accordingly, the range of G. salaris is significantly increased, given that formerly G. salaris-free countries such as e.g., Great Britain are now within the species’ natural range. The synonymization of G. salaris and G. thymalli implies severe challenges to current disease management routines, which assume that G. salaris and G. thymalli are readily distinguishable. Protocols for reliable identification of pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains of G. salaris need to be developed.  相似文献   

Globodera millefolii and G. artemisiae are interesting because their type localities (Estonia and Russia, respectively) are geographically distant from those of the potato cyst nematodes and other Globodera species that seem to have originated in the Western world, and because the type host for each is a member of Compositae rather than Solanaceae. Sequence data for ITS1, ITS2, and 5.8S ribosomal DNA (ITS rDNA) for G. millefolii and G. artemisiae were nearly identical to sequence data for Cactodera salina from the rhizosphere of the estuary plant Salicornia bigelovii in Sonora, Mexico. The ITS rDNA sequences of these three species were all about 94% similar to those of two other Cactodera species for which ITS rDNA data were obtained. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that, based on the ITS rDNA data, G. millefolii and G. artemisiae are more closely related phylogenetically to the Cactodera species than to other nominal Globodera species. The molecular data further suggest that the genus Cactodera may comprise two or more morphologically similar but separate groups.  相似文献   

Heretofore the genusGnathagnus (Uranoscopidae) has been composed of three species:G. elongatus (Temminck et Schlegel) from northern Australia to Japan,G. innotabilis (Waite) from Australasia, andG. egregius (Jordan et Thompson) from the western Atlantic Ocean. In this paper, a new species and a new subspecies from northwestern Australia are described and a key to the known species and subspecies of the genus is presented.  相似文献   

Material collected during a three-year sediment trapping experiment in the Cariaco Basin, Venezuela (January 1997 to December 1999) is used to examine both temporal and inter-species variability in the oxygen isotope composition of planktonic foraminifera. Specifically, this study compares the oxygen isotope composition of six species of planktonic foraminifera (Globigerinoides ruber (pink), Globigerina bulloides, Neogloboquadrina dutertrei, Orbulina universa, Globorotalia menardii and Globorotalia crassaformis) with the climatology and hydrography of the region, and evaluates the application of each species for use in paleoceanographic reconstructions. The isotope results are consistent with known depth habitats for all six species. The lowest δ18O values (− 1 to − 2‰) were measured on G. ruber (pink) and G. bulloides, two species that live in the surface mixed layer. Values for deeper-dwelling species such as N. dutertrei, G. menardii and G. crassaformis are higher, predominantly ranging from 0 to − 0.5‰. Temperature estimates derived using species-specific paleotemperature equations indicate that G. ruber (pink) accurately estimates sea surface temperatures (SSTs) throughout the year, while G. bulloides temperature estimates are similar to measured surface temperatures only during the upwelling season (January–April). For the remainder of the year, the δ18O-derived temperatures for G. bulloides typically are lower than the measured SST. Although the maximum flux of all species occurs during upwelling, the flux-weighted annual mean isotopic composition of the six species indicates that only G. bulloides is biased towards this season. Therefore, we conclude that the sediment δ18O record of G. ruber (pink) is most suitable for estimating past values of mean annual SST, while G. bulloides provides information on conditions during spring upwelling. The depth of calcification of N. dutertrei varies seasonally in response to changes in the depths of the thermocline and chlorophyll maximum. As a result, the δ18O difference between G. ruber (pink) and N. dutertrei provides an estimate of the annual surface to thermocline temperature gradient in the basin.  相似文献   

The sharpshooter genus Geitogonalia Young was so far known from a single species from Southeastern Brasil—Geitogonalia quatuordecimmaculata (Taschenberg). A new species, Geitogonalia viridis, is described and illustrated in this paper based on males and females from the state of Rio de Janeiro. In addition, the female of G. quatuordecimmaculata is for the first time described and illustrated in detail. Geitogonalia quatuordecimmaculata is a dark species marked with bright orange on the fore wings, whereas the new species has the corium and clavus of the fore wings mostly green. The paraphyses are well developed in G. quatuordecimmaculata, with elongate rami, whereas they are inconspicuous in G. viridis, with the rami modified as a pair of very small sclerites.  相似文献   

Morphological, cytological, and paper Chromatographic studies of populations from northern Michigan and examination of herbarium specimens from throughout North America were used to clarify the relationships ofGoodyera oblongifolia, G. repens var.ophioides, andG. tesselata. A canonical analysis of morphological data from mixed populations of these three species depictsG. tesselata as intermediate betweenG. oblongifolia andG. repens var.ophioides. The latter two species are diploid (2n = 30) andG. tesselata is tetraploid (2n = 60). Triploids (2n = ca. 45) were found in two mixed-species populations in northern Michigan.Goodyera tesselata produces three phenolic compounds present inG. oblongifolia and five different compounds present inG. repens var.ophioides. The range ofG. tesselata is confined to glaciated territory (except for two stations) in northeastern North America where the postglacially produced ranges ofG. oblongifolia andG. repens var.ophioides overlap. However,G. tesselata is quite abundant in areas outside the region of sympatry of the other two species. Based on this evidence, it is postulated thatG. tesselata is an allotetraploid species which resulted from hybridization betweenG. oblongifolia andG. repens var.ophioides during early post-Pleistocene. The slightly earlier blooming season ofG. tesselata may have been selected for to provide a measure of reproductive isolation between the tetraploid and its parents and to adapt the new species to the rather short growing season of northeastern North America.  相似文献   

A solitary endoparasitic species of Pteromalidae (Hymenoptera: Chalcidoidea) was reared from pupae of an aphidophagous gall midge, Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae), in Japan. The parasitoid was identified as Gastrancistrus fuscicornis Walker, a species that has been recorded from Europe. An unidentified aphid has been proposed as being a host of G. fuscicornis, but the study reported here confirmed that G. fuscicornis is an endoparasitoid of A. aphidimyza. I consider that G. fuscicornis may not be a parasitoid of aphid. I found a nontentorial pit on the head of male and female of G. fuscicornis. According to the definition of the nontentorial pits, the pit found in G. fuscicornis corresponds to the facial pit. This is the first finding of the facial pit in Chalcidoidea. Morphological differences between G. fuscicornis and its allied species are provided.  相似文献   

Despite the importance of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in the majority of terrestrial ecosystems, their ecology, genetics, and evolution are poorly understood, partly due to difficulties associated with detecting and identifying species. We explored the inter- and intraspecies variations of the 18S rRNA genes of the genus Gigaspora to assess the use of this marker for the discrimination of Gigaspora isolates and of Gigasporaceae populations from environmental samples. Screening of 48 Gigaspora isolates by PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) revealed that the V3-V4 region of the 18S rRNA gene contained insufficient variation to discriminate between different Gigaspora species. In contrast, the patterns of 18S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) heterogeneity within the V9 region of this marker could be used for reliable identification of all recognized species within this genus. PCR-DGGE patterns provided insight into some putative misidentifications and could be used to differentiate geographic isolates of G. albida, G. gigantea, and G. margarita but not G. rosea. Two major clusters were apparent based upon PCR-DGGE ribotype patterns, one containing G. albida, G. candida, G. ramisporophora, and G. rosea and the other containing G. decipiens and G. margarita. Dissection of the DGGE patterns by cloning, DGGE screening, and sequencing confirmed these groupings and revealed that some ribotypes were shared across species boundaries. Of the 48 isolates examined, only two displayed any spore-to-spore variation, and these exceptions may be indicative of coisolation of more than one species or subspecies within these cultures. Two Brazilian agricultural soils were also analyzed with a Gigasporaceae-specific nested PCR approach, revealing a dominance of G. margarita within this family.  相似文献   

Gyrodactylus ostendicus n. sp. was exclusively found on fins of the common goby Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer). The haptoral hard parts are among the smallest described for species of Gyrodactylus. A presumed similarity between the new species and G. harengi Malmberg, 1957 (subgenus Metanephrotus Malmberg, 1964) encouraged a comparative approach. A morphological analysis showed the marginal hook sickles of G. ostendicus to be of quite a different type and similar to those of G. arcuatus Bychowsky sensu Bychowsky &; Poljansky (1953) (subgenus Mesonephrotus Malmberg, 1964). The new species has a pharynx with short pharyngeal processes. Its protonephridial system has small bladders, indicating an association with the subgenera Mesonephrotus or Metanephrotus. Molecular phylogenetic analyses, including all of the species of Mesonephrotus and Metanephrotus currently available on the GenBank database, suggested that the new species belongs to Mesonephrotus. Combined morphological and molecular studies of the new species show that G. ostendicus is more closely related to G. arcuatus than to G. harengi.  相似文献   

Four Gymnodinium species have previously been reported to produce microreticulate cysts. Worldwide, Gymnodinium catenatum strains are conservative in terms of larger subunit (LSU) rDNA and internal transcribed spacer region (ITS) sequences, but only limited information on the molecular sequences of other species is available. In the present study, we explored the diversity of Gymnodinium by incubating microreticulate cysts collected from the Yellow Sea off China. A total of 18 strains of Gymnodinium, from three species, were established. Two of these were identified as Gymnodinium catenatum and Gymnodinium microreticulatum, and the third was described as a new species, Gymnodinium inusitatum. Motile cells of G. inusitatum are similar to those of Gymnodinium trapeziforme, but they only share 82.52% similarity in LSU sequences. Cysts of G. inusitatum are polygonal in shape, with its microreticulate wall composed of approximately 14 concave sections. G. microreticulatum strains differ from each other at 69 positions (88.00% similarity) in terms of ITS sequences, whereas all G. catenatum strains share identical ITS sequences and belonged to the global populations. Phylogenetic analyses, based on LSU sequences, revealed that Gymnodinium species that produce microreticulate cysts are monophyletic. Nevertheless, the genus as a whole appears to be polyphyletic. Paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) were found in all G. catenatum strains tested (dominated by 11-hydroxysulfate benzoate analogs and N-sulfocarmaboyl analogs) but not in any of the G. microreticulatum and G. inusitatum strains. Our results support the premise that cyst morphology is taxonomically informative and is a potential feature for subdividing the genus Gymnodinium.  相似文献   

Four species of Gnathusa Fenyes (G. alfacaribou Klimaszewski & Langor, G. caribou Lohse, G. eva Fenyes, and G. tenuicornis Fenyes) occur in the Nearctic and in Canada. Three species of Ocyusa Kraatz (O. asperula Casey, O. californica Bernhauer, O. canadensis Lohse), and three species of Mniusa Mulsant and Ray (M. minutissima (Klimaszewski & Langor), M. yukonensis (Klimaszewski & Godin), and M. odelli Klimaszewski & Webster, sp. n.), are known from the Nearctic and all but O. californica occur in Canada. The recently described Gnathusa minutissima Klimaszewski and Langor and Ocyusa yukonensis Klimaszewski and Godin, are transferred here to the genus Mniusa Mulsant & Rey. New provincial and state records are reported for: G. eva (Alberta), G. tenuicornis (Alberta, Oregon, and New Brunswick), O. canadensis (New Brunswick and Newfoundland), M. minutissima (New Brunswick), and M. yukonensis (Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Quebec, and British Columbia). The female of M. yukonensis was discovered and is illustrated for the first time. The genus Mniusa is reported for the first time from Canada and represents the first confirmed generic record for North America. Keys for identification of all Canadian species, images of body and genital structures, maps showing distribution mainly in Canada, and new bionomics data are provided.  相似文献   

The reproductive biology ofGoodyera oblongifolia, G. repens var.ophioides andG. tesselata is discussed with emphasis on the reproductive isolating mechanisms operating in mixed-species populations. Cytology, phenology and pollination of the above three species were studied. Artificial hybridizations were made of these three species and ofG. pubescens. Results show that within mixed-species populations,G. oblongifolia,G. repens var.ophioides andG. tesselata are not completely isolated reproductively, and hybridization does occur. The deleterious effects of the loss of gametes to interspecific crosses are reduced by seasonal isolation, perennial growth and geitonogamous seed production which is encouraged by self-compatibility and clonal growth. Thus, hybridization in mixed-species populations is apparently kept to levels low enough to allow the species to maintain their identities.  相似文献   

Data on the genera Gryllacris A.-Serv., Aphanogryllacris Karny, and Papuogryllacris Griff. (Stenopelmatidae, Gryllacridinae) from the Indo-Malayan and Papuan Regions are reported. The former genera Gigantogryllacris Karny and Pardogryllacris Karny are tentatively included in the genus Gryllacris as subgenera. Eight new species and three new subspecies are described. Neotype of Gryllacris signifera (Stoll) and lectotypes of G. obscura Br.-W., G. obscura sumatrana Griff., G. javanica (Griff.), G. appendiculata Br.-W., G. fuscifrons Gerst., G. sirambeica battaka (Griff.), G. excelsa Br.-W., G. heros Gerst., and Aphanogryllacris sexpunctata Br.-W. are designated. G. athleta Br.-W., G. adjutrix Br.-W., and, probably, Aphanogryllacris sexpunctata obscuriceps Karny are considered to be distinct species. Some insufficiently known taxa are redescribed, the systematic position of several species and subspecies is clarified, and new distributional data are reported.  相似文献   

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