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Fluorescence imaging using voltage-sensitive dyes is an important tool for studying electrical propagation in the heart. Yet, the low amplitude of the voltage-sensitive component in the fluorescence signal and high acquisition rates dictated by the rapid propagation of the excitation wave front make it difficult to achieve recordings with high signal-to-noise ratios. Although spatially and temporally filtering the acquired signals has become de facto one of the key elements of optical mapping, there is no consensus regarding their use. Here we characterize the spatiotemporal spectra of optically recorded action potentials and determine the distortion produced by conical filters of different sizes. On the basis of these findings, we formulate the criteria for rational selection of filter characteristics. We studied the evolution of the spatial spectra of the propagating wave front after epicardial point stimulation of the isolated, perfused right ventricular free wall of the pig heart stained with di-4-ANEPPS. We found that short-wavelength (<3 mm) spectral components represent primarily noise and surface features of the preparation (coronary vessels, fat, and connective tissue). The time domain of the optical action potential spectrum also lacks high-frequency components (>100 Hz). Both findings are consistent with the reported effect of intrinsic blurring caused by light scattering inside the myocardial wall. The absence of high-frequency spectral components allows the use of aggressive low-pass spatial and temporal filters without affecting the optical action potential morphology. We show examples where the signal-to-noise ratio increased up to 150 with <3% distortion. A generalization of our approach to the rational filter selection in various applications is discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Standard microelectrode techniques were used to record action potentials from single atrial, ventricular and Purkinje fibers of hearts taken from three species of marsupial (Macropus rufus, Macropus robustus andMacropus eugenii) and from dogs, sheep and guinea-pigs. The major electrophysiological parameters of marsupial potentials were qualitatively similar to the values for placental mammals. The grouped data for ventricular action potentials from studies on 6 adult male red kangaroos (Macropus rufus) were (mean ±SD): Resting potential –69.5±5.0 mV; action potential amplitude 92.7±5.7 mV; action potential duration (to 90% repolarization): 182.5±17.5 ms; maximum rate of depolarization: 196.5±80.1 V/s. The major point of difference was the short duration of the red kangaroo ventricular action potential compared to those of the placental mammals, and compared to atrial cells from the kangaroos. It is suggested that this explains the short QT interval reported by others for kangaroo electrocardiograms, and that it may also be implicated in the high frequency of sudden death previously noted in these animals.  相似文献   

Simulated propagation of cardiac action potentials.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
We have used numerical methods for solving cable equations, combined with previously published mathematical models for the membrane properties of ventricular and Purkinje cells, to simulate the propagation of cardiac action potentials along a unidimensional strand. Two types of inhomogeneities have been simulated and the results compared with experimentally observed disturbances in cardiac action potential propagation. Changes in the membrane model for regions of the strand were introduced to simulate regions of decreased excitability. Regional changes in the intercellular coupling were also studied. The results illustrate and help to explain the disturbances in propagation which have been reported to occur at regions of decreased excitability, regions with changing action potential duration, or regions with changing intercellular coupling. The propagational disturbances seen at all of these regions are discussed in terms of the changing electrical load imposed upon the propagating impulse.  相似文献   

Ca channel gating during cardiac action potentials.   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
How do Ca channels conduct Ca ions during the cardiac action potential? We attempt to answer this question by applying a two-microelectrode technique, previously used for Na and K currents, in which we record the patch current and the action potential at the same time (Mazzanti, M., and L. J. DeFelice. 1987. Biophys. J. 12:95-100, and 1988. Biophys. J. 54:1139-1148; Wellis, D., L. J. DeFelice, and M. Mazzanti. 1990. Biophys. J. 57:41-48). In this paper, we also compare the action currents obtained by the technique with the step-protocol currents obtained during standard voltage-clamp experiments. Individual Ca channels were measured in 10 mM Ca/1 Ba and 10 mM Ba. To describe part of our results, we use the nomenclature introduced by Hess, P., J. B. Lansman, and R. W. Tsien (1984. Nature (Lond.). 311:538-544). With Ba as the charge carrier, Ca channel kinetics convert rapidly from long to short open times as the patch voltage changes from 20 to -20 mV. This voltage-dependent conversion occurs during action potentials and in step-protocol experiments. With Ca as the charge carrier, the currents are brief at all voltages, and it is difficult to define either the number of channels in the patch or the conductance of the individual channels. Occasionally, however, Ca-conducting channels spontaneously convert to long-open-time kinetics (in Hess et al., 1984, notation, mode 2).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Contemporary accounts of the initiation of cardiac arrhythmias typically rely on after-depolarizations as the trigger for reentrant activity. The after-depolarizations are usually triggered by calcium entry or spontaneous release within the cells of the myocardium or the conduction system. Here we propose an alternative mechanism whereby arrhythmias are triggered autonomously by cardiac cells that fail to repolarize after a normal heartbeat. We investigated the proposal by representing the heart as an excitable medium of FitzHugh-Nagumo cells where a proportion of cells were capable of remaining depolarized indefinitely. As such, those cells exhibit bistable membrane dynamics. We found that heterogeneous media can tolerate a surprisingly large number of bistable cells and still support normal rhythmic activity. Yet there is a critical limit beyond which the medium is persistently arrhythmogenic. Numerical analysis revealed that the critical threshold for arrhythmogenesis depends on both the strength of the coupling between cells and the extent to which the abnormal cells resist repolarization. Moreover, arrhythmogenesis was found to emerge preferentially at tissue boundaries where cells naturally have fewer neighbors to influence their behavior. These findings may explain why atrial fibrillation typically originates from tissue boundaries such as the cuff of the pulmonary vein.  相似文献   

Machine-pulled high-impedance glass capillary microelectrode is standard for transmembrane potential (TMP) recordings. However, it is fragile and difficult to impale, especially in beating myocardial tissues. We hypothesize that a high-impedance pure iridium metal electrode can be used as an alternative to the glass microelectrode for TMP recording. The TMPs were simultaneously recorded from isolated perfused swine right ventricles with a metal microelectrode and a standard glass microelectrode during pacing and during ventricular fibrillation. The basic morphology of TMP recorded with these electrodes was comparable. The action potential duration (APD) at 90% repolarization was 241 +/- 29 ms for the metal microelectrode and 236 +/- 31 ms for the glass microelectrode with a good correlation (r = 0.99, P < 0.0001). The maximum slope value of the APD restitution curves during pacing was also significantly correlated. One metal microelectrode and >20 glass microelectrodes were needed per study. We conclude that, in isolated perfused swine right ventricles, the TMP recorded by the metal microelectrode is comparable with that recorded by the glass microelectrode. Because the metal microelectrode is more durable than the glass microelectrode, it can serve as an alternative for APD recording and for restitution analyses.  相似文献   

We aimed to investigate fatigue-induced changes in the spectral parameters of slow (SMF) and fast fatigable muscle fiber (FMF) action potentials using discrete wavelet (DWT) and fast Fourier (FFT) transforms. Intracellular potentials were recorded during repetitive stimulation of isolated muscle fibers immersed in Ca2+-enriched medium, while extracellular potentials were obtained from muscle fibers pre-exposed to electromagnetic microwaves (MMW, 2.45 GHz, 20 mW/cm2). The changes in the frequency distribution of the action potentials during the period of uninterrupted fiber activity were used as criteria for fatigue assessment. The wavelet coefficients’ changes in the calculated frequency scales demonstrated a contribution of the increased [Ca2+]0 to an earlier compression of the frequency spectrum towards lower ranges. Root mean square (RMS) analysis of the wavelet coefficients calculated from SMF potentials showed a reduction of the higher frequencies (scale 1) by 90% in elevated [Ca2+]0 vs. 55% in controls and an increase of low frequencies (scale 5) by 323% vs. 187%, respectively. For FMF potentials a decrease of 71% vs. 59% for high frequencies (scale 1, elevated [Ca2+]0 vs. control) and an increase of 386% vs. 295% in scale 5, respectively, were observed. MMW pre-exposure resulted in increased muscle fiber resistance to fatigue. The fatigue-induced decrease of potential high frequencies (SMF: 59% vs. 96%, MMW vs. control; FMF: 30% vs. 92%, respectively), and the increase of low frequencies (SMF: 200% vs. 207%, MMW vs. control; FMF: 93% vs. 314%, respectively) were significantly smaller and delayed in exposed muscle fibers. Data from RMS analysis indicate that DWT provides a reliable method for estimation of muscle fatigue onset and progression.  相似文献   

The course of the total transmembrane ionic current (Ii) during a natural action potential (AP) was reconstructed from a family of current traces recorded for single voltage clamp depolarization steps to various levels. The experiments were performed on 9 papillary cat muscles driven at 0.5 per second in oxygenated 31 degrees C Tyrode. Under varying experimental conditions very good agreement was found between the resulting Ii curve and another indicator of Ii, the first time derivative of the AP (dV/dt). Furthermore, the coefficient needed to adjust dV/dt to reconstructed Ii may serve as an indicator of the membrane capacity. The results suggest the validity of the employed approximation and, in general, the adequacy of the sucrose gap technique applied to cardiac muscle.  相似文献   

Unipolar electrograms (EGs) and hybrid (or unorthodox or unipolar) monophasic action potentials (HMAPs) are currently the only proposed extracellular electrical recording techniques for obtaining cardiac recovery maps with high spatial resolution in exposed and isolated hearts. Estimates of the repolarization times from the HMAP downstroke phase have been the subject of recent controversies. The goal of this paper is to computationally address the controversies concerning the HMAP information content, in particular the reliability of estimating the repolarization time from the HMAP downstroke phase. Three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed by using the anisotropic bidomain model with a region of short action potential durations. EGs, transmembrane action potentials (TAPs), and HMAPs elicited by an epicardial stimulation close or away from a permanently depolarized site were computed. The repolarization time was computed as the moment of EG fastest upstroke (RT(eg)) during the T wave, of HMAP fastest downstroke (RT(HMAP)), and of TAP fastest downstroke (RT(tap)). The latter was taken as the gold standard for repolarization time. We also compared the times (RT90(HMAP), RT90(tap)) when the HMAP and TAP first reach 90% of their resting value during the downstroke. For all explored sites, the HMAP downstroke closely followed the TAP downstroke, which is the expression of local repolarization activity. Results show that HMAP and TAP markers are highly correlated, and both markers RT(HMAP) and RT(eg) (RT90(HMAP)) are reliable estimates of the TAP reference marker RT(tap) (RT90(tap)). Therefore, the downstroke phase of the HMAP contains valuable information for assessing repolarization times.  相似文献   



We previously demonstrated that transverse propagation of excitation (cardiac action potentials simulated with PSpice) could occur in the absence of low-resistance connections (gap – junction channels) between parallel chains of myocardial cells. The transverse transmission of excitation between the chains was strongly dependent on the longitudinal resistance of the interstitial fluid space between the chains: the higher this resistance, the closer the packing of the parallel chains within the bundle. The earlier experiments were carried out with 2-dimensional sheets of cells: 2 × 3, 3 × 4, and 5 × 5 models (where the first number is the number of parallel chains and the second is the number of cells in each chain). The purpose of the present study was to enlarge the model size to 7 × 7, thus enabling the transverse velocities to be compared in models of different sizes (where all circuit parameters are identical in all models). This procedure should enable the significance of the role of edge (boundary) effects in transverse propagation to be determined.  相似文献   

Many cardiac diseases are caused by the abnormal propagation of electrical waves. Previous experimental and modelling work is reviewed, then a detailed study of the mathematics of cardiac propagation is presented. Pathologies are examined in the context of the models by varying parameters in the models to mimic different pathological states. Ionic models of cells are simplified to form analytically tractable models of the propagation of electrical cardiac waves. The roles that sodium channel activation and inactivation play in determining the conduction velocity are studied in detail, and the roles of resting potential currents in conduction block are calculated. The effect of curvature on the conduction velocity is examined, and the conditions in which curvature leads to conduction block and fibrillation are discussed. Hyperkalaemia (important during ischaemia) is modelled, and the model correctly describes the bi-phasic relation between propagation velocity and extracellular potassium.  相似文献   



Propagation of repolarization is a phenomenon that occurs in cardiac muscle. We wanted to test whether this phenomenon would also occur in our model of simulated action potentials (APs) of cardiac muscle (CM) and smooth muscle (SM) generated with the PSpice program.  相似文献   

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