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Male reproductive effect of nickel sulphate in mice   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Nickel sulphate was administered orally to adult male mice at dose level of 5 and 10 mg/kg body weight (5 days per week) for 35 days. There was no change in body weight. However a significant decrease in absolute and organ-to-body weight ratios of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and prostate gland was observed. The sperm abnormality, associated with decrease in sperm motility and sperm count was also observed. Significant alterations in the activities of marker testicular enzymes, viz. sorbitol dehydrogenase (decreases), lactate dehydrogenase (increases) and -glutamyl transpeptidase (increases) associated with histopathological changes in testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles, were also observed. Accumulation of nickel in testes, epididymides and seminal vesicles was also observed. The study reveals that the oral exposure to nickel may affect the histology of testes, epididymides, seminal vesicles and sperms morphology. These testicular and spermatotoxic changes may be responsible for observed male mediated developmental toxic effects.  相似文献   

We investigated the protective effect of the folic acid (FA) against bisphenol-A (BPA) induced toxicity in rat testis. We used four groups of seven adult male Wistar albino rats. The control group was fed corn oil, the BPA group was given BPA, the FA group was given FA and the FA + BPA group was given FA initially followed by BPA 1 h later. The BPA, FA and corn oil were administered by oral gavage for 14 days. At the end of the experiment, testis sections were examined for histological and histomorphometric characteristics. The TUNEL method was used to detect apoptosis and immunohistochemistry was used to examine the distribution of spermatogonial stem cells. Levels of serum testosterone were measured, and sperm viability and morphology were determined. The histological structure of the testis was normal in the control and FA groups. Although the number of TUNEL positive cells/tubule increased, the seminiferous epithelium height (SEH) at stages VII?VIII decreased in the BPA group compared to the control, FA and FA + BPA groups. The number of TUNEL positive cells/tubule decreased and the SEH at stages VII?VIII increased in the FA + BPA group compared to the BPA group. No significant difference in spermatogonial stem cells was found among groups. The level of serum testosterone and percentage of viable sperm was significantly lower, while the head, midpiece and total sperm abnormalities were significantly higher in the BPA treated group compared to control, FA, FA + BPA groups. It appears that the toxic effects of BPA on testis might be minimized by FA treatment.  相似文献   

Sodium fluoride (NaF) administered orally to adult male rats at a dose level of 4.5 ppm and 9.0 ppm for 75 days caused significant decrease in the body weight, brain index and testicular index. A significant decrease in sperm count, sperm motility, sperm viability and sperm function (HOS positive) with increased sperm abnormalities was also observed in NaF-exposed male rats. The activity levels of testicular steroidogenic marker enzymes 3-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3-HSD) and 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17-HSD) were significantly decreased in NaF-treated rats indicating decreased steroidogenesis and in turn spermatogenesis in rats exposed to NaF.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of exposure in utero to a 900 megahertz (MHz) electromagnetic field (EMF) on 60-day-old rat testis and epididymis. Pregnant rats were divided into control (CG; no treatment) and EMF (EMFG) groups. The EMFG was exposed to 900 MHz EMF for 1 h each day during days 13 ? 21 of pregnancy. Newborn rats were either newborn CG (NCG) or newborn EMF groups (NEMFG). On postnatal day 60, a testis and epididymis were removed from each animal. Epididymal semen quality, and lipid and DNA oxidation levels, apoptotic index and histopathological damage to the testis were compared. We found a higher apoptotic index, greater DNA oxidation levels and lower sperm motility and vitality in the NEMFG compared to controls. Immature germ cells in the seminiferous tubule lumen, and altered seminiferous tubule epithelium and seminiferous tubule structure also were observed in hematoxylin and eosin stained sections of NEMFG testis. Nuclear changes that indicated apoptosis were identified in TUNEL stained sections and large numbers of apoptotic cells were observed in most of the seminiferous tubule epithelium in the NEMFG. Sixty-day-old rat testes exposed to 900 MHz EMF exhibited altered sperm quality and biochemical characteristics.  相似文献   

Regulation of foreign DNA uptake by mouse spermatozoa   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
We have studied some features of DNA uptake in both mature and immature mammalian spermatozoa. Mature sperm collected from the cauda epididymis are able to incorporate foreign DNA in a buffer containing only salts and calcium. Immature spermatozoa, however, are unable to bind DNA. This seems to be caused by the lack of a functional receptor in the sperm membrane since once this membrane is disrupted by sonication, DNA can be detected in the postacrosome region of the sperm nucleus, matching the distribution of the mature spermatozoa. Comparison between the DNA binding proteins of mature and immature spermatozoa allowed us to identify two bands that could be part of the putative membrane receptor for the DNA. On the other hand, DNA uptake in mature sperm is prevented by the seminal plasma. We have identified two components of the seminal plasma, a calcium-dependent DNase present in the seminal vesicle fluid and several DNA binding proteins secreted by the ventral prostate, that could account for the inhibitory activity. Taken as a whole, our results indicate that DNA uptake by the mammalian spermatozoa is a very specific and highly regulated phenomenon.  相似文献   

The testis, the seminal vesicles and the spermatic duct of Coralliozetus angelica (Böhlke & Mead) are described. The testis and the seminal vesicles are not arranged in pairs but are single. The testis is situated on the left side of the animal and consists of chambers instead of tubules. The seminal vesicle on the right side is composed of two different types (seminal vesicle 1 and 2) which are not connected with each other  相似文献   

Low molecular weight, acid-stable proteinase inhibitors from epididymal and seminal vesicle homogenates were isolated and characterized. The isolation procedure consisted of gel filtration, trypsin affinity, and ion exchange chromatography. The inhibitor from seminal vesicle homogenates has a molecular weight of approximately 6,200, and that of the epididymal inhibitor was estimated at 4,000. Antiserum directed against the seminal vesicle inhibitor did not react with epididymal components. The epididymal inhibitor shows competitive, whereas the seminal vesicle inhibitor shows noncompetitive inhibition against trypsin on double reciprocal plots. Both inhibitors are effective against trypsin and acrosin but not against chymotrypsin, kallikrein, thrombin, or plasmin. To verify site of origin and to investigate androgen dependency of the epididymal inhibitor, mice were efferentiectomized, orchiectomized, or orchiectomized with androgen supplementation. Gel filtration profiles of acid-treated epididymal homogenates from normal and efferentiectomized animals show inhibitor peaks in the same regions. The concentration of acid-stable inhibitor from epididymal homogenates decreased with orchiectomy but returned to normal values when exogenous androgen was supplied. These observations suggest that the low molecular weight inhibitor in the epididymal homogenates is distinct from that in the seminal vesicles. Furthermore, the inhibitor associated with epididymal homogenates is androgen-dependent, and the epididymis is the site of origin of this inhibitor.  相似文献   

Silastic rods containing 25% or 50% prazosin HCl were inserted adjacent to the epididymis of rats. Silastic collars containing 25% prazosin HCl were placed around the vas deferens of rats. Treated males were infertile or subfertile for 6-9 weeks after insertion of these rods or collars. The number of spermatozoa observed in the vaginal smears was reduced. It is concluded that the antifertility effect of prazosin results mainly from inhibition of ejaculation.  相似文献   

Coccidioides immitis infection of the male reproductive tract is a rare entity that can evade diagnosis and pose a dilemma in management. Initially, patients are often evaluated for malignancy or other infections such as tuberculosis. In the past, surgery was the only management option for C. immitis infection of the male reproductive tract, but azole therapy now provides an adjunct or an alternative. We describe two patients who received azole therapy for C. immitis infection of the male reproductive tract. One received fluconazole for prostatic disease, while one received surgery followed by itraconazole for testicular disease. After 12 months of therapy, both remain asymptomatic and have decreased antibody titers against C. immitis.Disclaimer: The Views expressed herein are those of the authors do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of the Air Force, Department of the Army, Department of Defence, or the U.S. Government.  相似文献   

Vespa velutina var nigrithorax (Lepelletier, 1835) is an invasive predator of bees accidentally introduced in France in 2004, and it is having a serious impact on apiculture and ecosystems. Studying the reproduction of an invasive species is key to assess its population dynamic. This study explores the sexual maturation of V. velutina males and the evolution of their fertility. The main studied parameters were physiologic (spermiogenesis, spermatogenesis) and anatomic (testes size and structure, head width). Two populations of males were described based on their emergence period: early males in early summer or classic males in autumn. Each testis has an average of 108 testicular follicles. Spermatogenesis is synchronous, with only 1 sperm production wave, and completed, on average, at 10.3 d after emergence with the degeneration of the testes. The sperm counts in seminal vesicles of mature males are 3 × 106 in October/November and 0.8 × 106 in June. In comparison, females store 0.1 × 106 sperm in their spermathecae. The early males emerged from colonies made by fertilized queens. The reproductive potential of these early males seemed limited, and their function in the colony is discussed. The sperm stock evolution in autumn males suggests the occurrence of a reproductive pattern of male competition for the access to females and a single copulation per male. The synchronicity of male and foundress emergences and sexual maturation is of primary importance for the mating success and the future colony development.  相似文献   

The metabolism of ascorbic acid, cholesterol, serum testosterone level and activities of 3Β and 17Β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were studied in testis and Cauda epididymis of prepubertal, pubertal and postpubertal (5, 15, 30, 45, 55 and 60 day old) rats. The data showed that serum testosterone levels and 3Β and 17Β hydroxysteroid dehydrogenases were increased with the age. The ascorbic acid metabolism was found to be stabilized in testis at day 30 being comparable with the adult, whereas a spurt in its metabolism occurred by day 45 and a significant depletion in ascorbic acid content in relation to the passage of the first wave of spermatozoa through cauda epididymis. The results of this study clearly elucidate that ascorbic acid is involved in metabolism of testis and epididymis in developing postnatal rats, in relation to the increasing demands for attaining a stable hormonal milieu, and the onset of puberty and the passage of the first wave of spermatozoa,via the formation of its free radical monodehydroascorbic acid and charge transfer complex mechanism  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Feed restriction with its resultant body weight loss impacts the rodent estrous cycle; however, the manifestation of these changes in a regulatory study design has not been documented. This study reports the effects of feed restriction in the context of an FDA regulatory submission. METHODS: Adult female rats (n = 20/group; weighing approximately 200 g each) were provided rodent chow ad lib (control) or at 20, 15, 10, or 7.5 g/rat/day (g/day) during a 2-week pre-mating phase, throughout the mating phase, and up to gestation day (GD) 7. On GD 8, all animals were provided ad lib feed until necropsy on GD 14. Estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility parameters were evaluated. RESULTS: Ad lib rats consumed approximately 20 and 28 g/day during the pre-mating and gestation phases, respectively. All measured fertility parameters in the 20 g/day group were similar to control values. In the 15 g/day group, body weight was reduced by 16% at 2 weeks, prolonged diestrus occurred, and fertility was compromised due to reductions in corpora lutea. Within 2 weeks, mean body weight in groups receiving < or = 10 g/day was reduced by > or = 29% compared to ad lib values, and overt changes in estrous cyclicity, mating, and fertility occurred. The 7.5 g/day group was not sustainable beyond the pre-mating phase. CONCLUSIONS: For this study type, feed intake at < or = 50% ad lib values (< or = 10 g/day) was inadequate due to the magnitude and rapidity of body weight effects. Estrous parameters appeared slightly more sensitive than functional measures, as body weight changes of approximately 16% appeared near the threshold of changing routinely calculated estrous cycle parameters and were later associated with reduced fertility. In general, body weight differences of 10-15% by themselves were not adverse to normal reproduction (20 g/day).  相似文献   

Depeptidyl peptidase (DPP II) was partially purified from guinea pig testes by (NH4)2SO4 precipitation, Con A-Sepharose 4B chromatography, and Sephadex G-200 chromatography to a specific activity of 27.4 μmol Ala3 hydrolyzed min?1 mg?1 protein. Chromatography on a calibrated G-200 column yielded a molecular weight of 135,000 daltons for the enzyme. Sodium dodecyl sulfate polyacrylamide electrophoresis showed an enrichment of a broad doublet at 64–66,000 daltons. The enzyme had optimal activity toward hydrolysis of L-alanyl-alanyl-alanine at pH 4.5 and showed sensitivity to cations of increasing size with Tris producing the most inhibition of those tested. The enzyme was moderately inhibited by serine proteinase inhibitors. Thin-layer chromatography revealed the dipeptidase nature of the enzyme's activity on tripeptides and dipeptidyl arylamides. A doublet of activity occurred when nitrocellulose electroblots of nondenaturing gel electrophoresis of the (NH4)2SO4 fraction were reacted with the specific DPP II substrate, lysyl-alanyl-4-methoxy-2-napthylamide. Analytical isoelectric focusing of the G-200 fraction followed by fluorescent enzyme activity detection that used cellulose triacetate overlay membranes impregnated with the specific DPP II substrate, lysyl-alanyl-7-amino-4-trifluoromethylcou-marin, revealed multiple isoforms focusing at pI = 4.8–5.6. Two prominent bands focused at pI = 4.9 and pI = 5.1. The properties of guinea pig testicular DPP II are compared and contrasted with similar dipeptidyl peptidases from other sources.  相似文献   

Captive-bred Australian spinifex hopping mice Notomys alexis have very small testes regardless of their age. Compared with other rodents of similar body mass, these animals also produce and store comparatively low numbers of spermatozoa. In the present study, we thus ask the following questions: (1) what is the testis weight of sexually mature spinifex hopping mice in the natural environment and does this change at different times of reproductive activity of the population and (2) what is the fertility potential of adult sexually mature males? The results show that wild-caught individuals, like the captive-bred animals, invariably have very small testes, regardless of whether females in the population are, or are not, reproducing. Spermatogenesis continues at times when females are reproductively inactive, thus suggesting males may remain potentially able to inseminate females as soon as they enter oestrus. In spite of their very small testes and low epididymal sperm stores, an adult male can fertilize the ovulated oocytes of at least two females within a period of a few days. Thus, although sperm reserves are likely to be heavily depleted after the first ejaculation, males rapidly return to maximum fertility, which is no doubt due, at least in part, to the short sperm epididymal transit time that occurs in this species.  相似文献   

Despite ample literature on the toxic impact of lead on the environment and health, the exact mechanism of pathogenesis/toxicity is not clearly known. Because it is well established that lead induces oxidative stress, it is assumed that exposure to antioxidants may reduce the toxic impact of lead. In this study, we evaluated the impact of coadministration of the methanolic root extract of a plant Abutilon indicum (50, 100, 200 mg kg −1b.wt.) in mitigating the toxic impact of lead on the reproductive system of rats. In brief, Wistar rats were exposed to lead acetate in drinking water with or without coadministration of plant root extract and compared with that of control animals. After 45 days of exposure as outlined above, the animals were killed and the reproductive toxicity was assessed by sperm parameters, hormone and antioxidant enzyme assays, and testis histopathology. Significant reduction in testis weight, sperm count, testosterone levels, and antioxidant enzymes levels such as Superoxide Dismutase, Catalase, and Glutathione peroxidase was seen in lead-treated animals, confirming the toxic impact. The coadministration of A. Indicum (100 and 200 mg kg −1b.wt.) was found to bring the studied parameters close to the levels seen in untreated (control) animals. Our findings are indicative of the protective nature of A. Indicum against lead-induced reproductive toxicity in a dose-dependent manner. However, further characterization of the root extract is required to elucidate the probable mechanism of protection.  相似文献   

Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein (PBP) has been described previously in the male reproductive tract, where it has been implicated in the biogenesis and maintenance of antigen segregation of membranes. In the present study we have used a specific antiserum to PBP to determine its expression and localisation in the adult and prepubertal rat testis and epididymis by Western blotting and immunohistochemistry. In the adult rat testis, PBP was localised to step 17–19 elongating spermatids, residual bodies, and interstitial Leydig cells. In the adult epididymis, PBP was localised to epithelial cells of the caput, corpus, and cauda regions and to the cytoplasmic droplets of spermatozoa in the lumen of the initial segment, caput, and corpus epididymidis. In prepubertal animals, PBP was expressed in both testes and epididymides from day 1 and day 3 postpartum, respectively (day 3 being the earliest epididymal tissue taken). In prepubertal testes, PBP was localised to Leydig cells from day 1 postpartum and was not detected in any other cell type until the differentiation of elongate spermatids, when it was detected in step 17–19 elongating spermatids. These data suggest that PBP may be involved in the organisation of sperm membranes during spermiogenesis. The presence of PBP in Leydig cells, however, suggests diverse roles for this protein as a lipid carrier or binding protein. Mol. Reprod. Dev. 49:454–460, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the possible prophylactic effects of agomelatine (AGO) against testicular and epididymal damage induced by methotrexate (MTX) in rats. Twenty‐four male Wistar albino rats were divided into three groups: Group I (control group), Group II (MTX group: 20 mg/kg MTX, i.p, single dose), and Group III (MTX+AGO group: 20 mg/kg MTX, i.p, single dose+40 mg/kg AGO; gavage, 7 days). The rats were killed under anesthesia 24 hours after the last AGO application. Testicular and epididymal tissues were bilaterally removed for morphometric, biochemical, pathological, and immunohistochemical analyses. Body, testicular, and epididymal weights were measured. Malondialdehyde (MDA), superoxide dismutase, catalase, and glutathione peroxidase levels were measured in testes. Sperm count, hyperemia, edema, inflammatory reaction, degenerated and necrotic cells were evaluated by histopathological analysis. In addition, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), granulocyte colony‐stimulating factor (G‐CSF), osteopontin (OPN), and heat shock protein‐70 (HSP70) immune reactions were analyzed in testes and epididymides. Decreased epididymal weights, increased MDA levels, decreased sperm count, hyperemia, edema, inflammatory reaction, and degenerated and necrotic cells were observed in the MTX group. In addition, iNOS, HSP70, G‐CSF, and OPN immune reactions were increased. AGO improved morphometric, biochemical, histopathological, and immunohistochemical findings. The present study confirms that MTX induces testicular and epididymal damage both biochemically and immunohistochemically. However, AGO demonstrated ameliorative effects on both biochemical and pathological findings of the current study.  相似文献   

At different parts of the world, Red Seaweeds are one component of human diets especially at Southeast Asia. Red Seaweeds structurally contain bioactive molecules so; we studied the effect of Chondrus crispus on increasing the male albino rat fertility. Twelve male albino rats are used in this study as two group pre-treated group and post- treated one each with 6 animals. The pretreated group was dissected before the post-treated group injection. Each post treated rat injected intramuscular with 1 mg of Chondrus crispus with dose 0.1 ml/ twice per week for 48 day (Mukhtar et al., 2013).The results showed that increasing on the total testosterone levels insignificantly, sperm motility significantly, and decreasing in both FSH and DPPH levels insignificantly and significantly for the MDA levels in the post-treated group. The morphological appearance and histological examination for the sperm, testis and liver were normal as the pretreated group. The molecular studies showed absence of any DNA fragmentation for the testis of both group.The Red Seaweed has an enhanced effect in the testicular function of the animal which might increase their fertility and sexual activities.  相似文献   

Variations of sperm release in three batches of zebrafish   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
By collecting and counting the number of sperm released during separate matings in three batches of zebrafish Danio rerio , aged 3–4, 4–5 and 5–6 months, males were observed to release sperm before the female started laying their eggs. After the female left the nest, the number and motility of sperm and life span of sperm of younger fish were higher than those of older fish in water samples collected under the nest and at the surface of the tank. Sperm were released in the form of sperm trails laid on the nest surface, subsequently active spermatozoa left the trails and moved in the water for several minutes. Sperm trails consisted of bands of viscous material in which the sperm were embedded. In most cases eggs were not laid directly over the sperm trail, suggesting that sperm may contact the eggs after the latter are released into the water. In all the three tested groups there was no significant difference ( P  > 0·05) between the number of sperm collected on some portions of the acetate sheets which lined the nest ceiling. This result demonstrated that the greater activity of younger fish accelerated the sperm dispersal in water. Male sperm duct glands, seminal vesicles, known to secrete mucosubstances are probably involved in the production of sperm trails. The possible influence of insemination on the mating style of zebrafish is discussed.  相似文献   

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