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建立一种利用高效液相色谱法-紫外法快速、简单并同时检测红花籽中油酸与亚油酸成分含量的方法,用以直接鉴定红花籽亚油酸和油酸含量高低,为红花资源鉴定提供理论依据。采用Outstand C18 HPLC Column 色谱柱,流动相为乙腈-0.1%磷酸水溶液(85∶15),检测波长为203 nm,流速为1 mL/min,柱温为30 ℃。红花种子中亚油酸的理论塔板数为24 620,油酸的理论塔板数为25 842。结果亚油酸和油酸分别在0.110~2.205、0.872~17.444 g/L,与峰面积呈良好的线性关系,亚油酸加样回收率在99 %,油酸加样回收率达到100 %,亚油酸RSD 与油酸RSD均为0 %(n=3);亚油酸与油酸的质量分数分别是12.32 %,14.07 %,13.92 %和0.82 %,0.93 %,0.95%,RSD分别为1.22%,0.94%(n=3)。该方法具有分离效率高,操作简单,检测快速的优点。  相似文献   

Conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) induces a body fat loss that is enhanced in mice fed coconut oil (CO), which lacks essential fatty acids (EFA). Our objective was to determine if CO enhancement of CLA-induced body fat loss is due to the lack of EFA. The CLA-EFA interaction was tested by feeding CO and fat free (FF) diets for varying times with and without replenishment of individual EFA. Mice fed CO during only the 2-week CLA-feeding period did not differ from control mice in their adipose EFA content but still tended (P=0.06) to be leaner than mice fed soy oil (SO). Mice raised on CO or FF diets and fed CLA were leaner than the SO+CLA-fed mice (P<0.01). Mice raised on CO and then replenished with linoleic, linolenic, or arachidonic acid were leaner when fed CLA than mice raised on SO (P<0.001). Body fat of CO+CLA-fed mice was not affected by EFA addition. In summary, CO-fed mice not lacking in tissue EFA responded more to CLA than SO-fed mice. Also, EFA addition to CO diets did not alter the enhanced response to CLA. Therefore, the increased response to CLA in mice raised on CO or FF diets appears to be independent of a dietary EFA deficiency.  相似文献   

The present study examined effects of a selectively hydrogenated soybean oil (SHSO) containing about 21% CLA on body composition, adipose depots and organ weights, and plasma lipid profiles in rats. Male Sprague Dawley rats were fed for 6 weeks a purified diet containing 0%, 1%, 3%, and 5% of SHSO. Different levels of SHSO supplementation did not significantly affect growth performance, although there was a trend toward decreased body weight gain with increasing dietary SHSO levels. The weights of inguinal, epididymal, and retroperitoneal adipose depot, but not mesenteric, were significantly influenced by dietary SHSO supplementation (P < 0.05, P < 0.01 and P < 0.001, respectively). Although the absolute weight of body protein in the control rats was higher in SHSO-fed rats, the effect on absolute weight of body protein is diluted and eliminated when the data are adjusted for eviscerated carcass weight as a percentage base. Therefore, as dietary SHSO level increased, body protein as a percentage of carcass weight increased (P < 0.05), although as dietary SHSO level increased, body fat proportion in carcass decreased (P < 0.01). Plasma triglycerides (TG) and total cholesterol (TC) concentrations were beneficially decreased, and HDL-cholesterol (HDL-C) to TC ratio was also beneficially increased by SHSO supplementation (P < 0.05, P < 0.001, and P < 0.01, respectively). However, plasma HDL-C concentration undesirably decreased with dietary SHSO supplementation (P < 0.05). The present study observed that body composition and plasma lipids were beneficially modulated by SHSO supplementation at least 3% levels (0.6% of CLA), and suggested that SHSO is a useful fat source because of the high level of CLA.  相似文献   

Infection of cells with the human immunodeficiency virus type-1 (HIV-1) usually results in the formation of giant multinuclear cells (syncytia) [(1986) Nature 322, 470-474; (1986) Nature 322, 725-728; (1985) Hum. Pathol. 18, 760-765; (1987) Arm. Neurol. 21, 490-496]. The appearance of syncytia is associated with an increase in the monounsaturated oleic acid content. This report describes experiments which compare the activity of known antiviral agents with that of saturated fatty acid derivatives in inhibiting oleic acid and syncytia formation. A concept is introduced which proposes that infection of cells with the human immunodeficiency virus causes a rise in cellular oleic acid which leads to increased membrane fluidity.  相似文献   

The substrate selectivity of several microbial lipases has been examined in the esterification of oleic acid, linoleic acid, linolenic acid and their all-trans-isomers and in the alcoholysis of isomeric linoleic acid methyl esters with n-butanol. Lipases from Candida cylindracea and Mucor miehei preferred fatty acids and methyl esters with a (first) cis double bond in 9-position, while Chirazyme L-5, a Candida antarctica lipase A, had a preference for trans-9 unsaturated substrates.  相似文献   

The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of zinc deficiency on fatty acid desaturation in rats fed two different types of dietary fat, a mixture of coconut oil and safflower oil (7∶1, w/w, “coconut oil diet”) or linseed oil (“linseed oil diet”). In order to ensure an adequate food intake, all rats were force-fed by gastric tube. Zinc deficiency caused statistical significant reducion of Δ9-desaturase activity in liver microsomes of rats fed coconut oil diet and tendencial reduction (p<0.15) in rats fed linseed oil diet compared with control rats fed diets with the same type of fat. In agreement with this effect, zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat increased the ratio between total saturated and total monounsaturated fatty in liver phospholipids and liver microsomes. Zinc deficient rats on the coconut oil diet had unchanged Δ6-desaturase activity with linoleic acid as substrate and lowered activity with α-linolenic acid as substrate. In contrast, zinc deficient rats on the linseed oil diet had increased Δ6-desaturase activity with linoleic acid as substrate and unchanged activity with α-linolenic acid. Because linoleic acid is the main substrate for Δ6-desaturase in the rats fed coconut oil diet, and α-linolenic acid is the main substrate in the rats fed linseed oil diet, it is concluded that in vivo Δ6-desaturation was not changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat. Activity of Δ5-desaturase was also not changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both dietary fats. Levels of fatty acids in liver phospholipids and microsomes derived by Δ4-, Δ5-, and Δ6-desaturation were not consistently changed by zinc deficiency in the rats fed both types of dietary fat. Thus, the enzyme studies and also fatty acid composition data of liver phospholipids and microsomes indicate that zinc deficiency does not considerably disturb desaturation of linoleic and α-linolenic acid. Therefore, it is suggested that similarities between deficiencies of zinc and essential fatty acids described in literature are not due to disturbed desaturation of linoleic acid in zinc deficiency. The present study also indicates that zinc deficiency enhances incorporation of eicosapentaenoic acid into phosphatidylcholine of rats fed diets with large amounts ofn-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.  相似文献   

Low dienoic acid content of the tissues of rats has been produced in two ways: (a) withdrawal of essential fatty acid from the diet, and (b) exclusion of pyridoxine or thiamine from the diet or severe restriction of food (caloric deficiency).By the first method dienoic acid content of the tissues fell to lower levels, and typical symptoms of the deficiency were produced. By the second procedure, the fall was more rapid in the acute vitamin deficiencies but no symptoms characteristic of linoleic acid deficiency occurred. A similar but less rapid course was followed in caloric restriction.Since no essential difference in dienoic acid content of the tissues of rats was found under these several dietary conditions, it was concluded that pyridoxine under the conditions of these experiments does not exert a special supplementary action in the production or conservation of polyenoic fatty acids.  相似文献   

Antiarrhythmic effects of the Prostaglandin (PG) precursors arachidonic and Linoleic acid were demonstrated on three models of experimental arrhythmias, whereas the fatty acids linolenic and oleic acid proved to be ineffective in these models. In ouabain-induced arrhythmias infusions of arachidonic acid (1,0 mg/kg/min) caused a strong antiarrhythmic effect in 80 percent of the animals. On the same model linoleic acid showed a maximum effect in 40 percent of the animals. BaCl2-induced arrhythmias were abolished by arachidonic and linoleic acid in 60 percent and 66 percent of the rabbits, respectively. Pretreatment by indomethacin reduced the antiarrhythmic effect of linoleic acid from 40 percent to 9 percent on ouabain-induced arrhythmias in cats. The results suggest a participation of PG synthesis in the antiarrhythmic effect of PG precursors.  相似文献   

To assess the contribution of singlet molecular oxygen [O2 (1Δg)] to lipid peroxidation in vivo, this study combined gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with thin layer chromatography to analyse peroxidized lipids in the skin of hairless mice. Hydroxyoctadecenoate isomers and unconjugated hydroxyoctadecadienoate isomers derived from peroxidized oleic acid and linoleic acid, respectively, which are specific to O2 (1Δg)-dependent oxygenation, were detected in the skin of live mice under ordinary feeding conditions. Short-term ultraviolet A (UVA)-irradiation of the skin in vivo elevated levels of the unconjugated hydroxyoctadecadienoate isomers significantly, whereas the irradiation of skin homogenate in vitro increased levels of all isomers derived from both O2 (1Δg) and free radical-dependent oxygenation to a much greater extent. This is the first report to demonstrate the occurrence of O2 (1Δg)-specific oxygenation of unsaturated fatty acids in living animals.  相似文献   

The diversity and population densities of facultative anaerobic bacteria with the capacity to hydrate oleic acid and linoleic acid in the rumen of sheep and dairy cows were determined. The screening of representative colonies, from rumen fluid plated aerobically on a range of agar media, revealed that sheep rumen fluid contained hydration-positive strains of Streptococcus, Staphylococcus, Enterococcus, Lactobacillus and Pediococcus, whereas cow rumen fluid contained hydration-positive strains of Streptococcus, Lactobacillus and Staphylococcus. Mean counts of facultative anaerobic bacteria in sheep and cattle rumen were log10 7.29 and log10 6.40, respectively, and were independent of diet. Approximately 56% of facultative anaerobic bacteria were able to hydrate oleic and/or linoleic acid in anaerobic broth culture. For both sheep and cows, the most numerous hydration-positive isolates were strains of Strep. bovis. The results, which are the first to show that pediococci have the capacity to hydrate unsaturated fatty acids, suggest that lactic acid bacteria are the major unsaturated fatty acid hydrating bacteria in the rumen.  相似文献   

Coconut oil is rich in medium chain fatty acids, but deficient in polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA). Structured lipids (SL) enriched with omega 6 PUFA were synthesized from coconut oil triglycerides by employing enzymatic acidolysis with free fatty acids obtained from safflower oil. Rats were fed a diet containing coconut oil, coconut oil-safflower oil blend (1:0.7 w/w) or structured lipid at 10% levels for a period of 60 days. The SL lowered serum cholesterol levels by 10.3 and 10.5% respectively in comparison with those fed coconut oil and blended oil. Similarly the liver cholesterol levels were also decreased by 35.9 and 26.6% respectively in animals fed structured lipids when compared to those fed on coconut oil or the blended oil. Most of the decrease observed in serum cholesterol levels of animals fed structured lipids was found in LDL fraction. The triglyceride levels in serum showed a decrease by 17.5 and 17.4% while in the liver it was reduced by 45.8 and 23.5% in the structured lipids fed animals as compared to those fed coconut oil or blended oil respectively. Differential scanning calorimetric studies indicated that structured lipids had lower melting points and solid fat content when compared to coconut oil or blended oils. These studies indicated that enrichment of coconut oil triglycerides with omega 6 fatty acids lowers its solid fat content. The omega 6 PUFA enriched structured lipids also exhibited hypolipidemic activity.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) and normotensive rats were fed a diet supplemented with linseed oil or cod liver oil for 22 weeks. The most remarkable finding was an extreme fall of linoleic acid in lipids from renal medulla after cod liver oil supplementation. In free fatty acids (FFA) eicosatrienoic acid (C2): 3n-9) appeared increased as a sign of essential fatty acid (EFA) deficiency.  相似文献   

Inflammation is a crucial step for the wound healing process. The effect of linoleic and oleic acids on the inflammatory response of the skin during the healing process and on the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines by rat neutrophils in vitro was investigated. A wound in the dorsal surface of adult rats was performed and fatty acids were then topically administered. Both oleic and linoleic acids increased the wound healing tissue mass. The total protein and DNA contents of the wounds were increased by the treatment with linoleic acid. The treatments with oleic and linoleic acids did not affect vascular permeability. However, the number of neutrophils in the wounded area and air pouches was increased and the thickness of the necrotic cell layer edge around the wound was decreased. A dose-dependent increase in vascular endothelial growth factor-alpha (VEGF-alpha) and interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) by neutrophils incubated in the presence of oleic and linoleic acid was observed. Oleic acid was able to stimulate also the production of cytokine-induced neutrophil chemoattractant in inflammation 2 alpha/beta (CINC-2alpha/beta). This pro-inflammatory effect of oleic and linoleic acids may speed up the wound healing process.  相似文献   

Miyazawa D  Ikemoto A  Fujii Y  Okuyama H 《Life sciences》2003,73(16):2083-2090
Rats fed a high linoleic acid (LA, 18:2n-6) diet or a high alpha-linolenic acid (ALA, 18:3n-3) diet for 4 months after weaning. Platelets from the high-LA group contained more arachidonic acid (AA, 20:4n-6) and less eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA, 20:5n-3) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA, 22:6n-3) compared with those from the high-ALA group. Incorporation of [32P]orthophosphate into platelet phospholipids was increased by thrombin-treatment, and was greater by ca. 30% in the high-LA group than in the high-ALA group both in the presence and absence of thrombin. The formation of [32P]lysophosphatidic acid (LPA), a lipid messenger, in [32P]orthophosphate-labeled platelets was increased 6.6-fold in the high-LA group and 4.1-fold in the high-ALA-group by thrombin-treatment. The formation of [32P] LPA in activated platelets was reduced by 35% in the high-ALA group.  相似文献   

This study describes the effect of substituting dietary linoleic acid (18:2 n-6) with alpha-linolenic acid (18:3 n-3) on sucrose-induced insulin resistance (IR). Wistar NIN male weanling rats were fed casein based diet containing 22 energy percent (en%) fat with approximately 6, 9 and 7 en% saturated fatty acids (SFA), monounsaturated fatty acids (MUFA) and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) respectively for 3 months. IR was induced by replacing starch (ST) with sucrose (SU). Blends of groundnut, palmolein, and linseed oil in different proportions furnished the following levels of 18:3 n-3 (g/100 g diet) and 18:2 n-6/18:3 n-3 ratios respectively: ST-220 (0.014, 220), SU-220 (0.014, 220), SU-50 (0.06, 50), SU-10 (0.27, 10) and SU-2 (1.1, 2). The results showed IR in the sucrose fed group (SU-220) as evidenced by increase in fasting plasma insulin and area under the curve (AUC) of insulin in response to oral glucose load. In SU-220, the increase in adipocyte plasma membrane cholesterol/phospholipid ratio was associated with a decrease in fluidity, insulin stimulated glucose transport, antilipolytic effect of insulin and increase in basal and norepinephrine stimulated lipolysis in adipocytes. In SU-50, sucrose induced alterations in adipocyte lipolysis and antilipolysis were normalized. However, in SU-2, partial corrections in plasma insulin, AUC of insulin and adipocyte insulin stimulated glucose transport were observed. Further, plasma triglycerides and cholesterol decreased in SU-2. In diaphragm phospholipids, the observed dose dependent increase in long chain (LC) n-3 PUFA was associated with a decrease in LC-n-6 PUFA but insulin stimulated glucose transport increased only in SU-2. Thus, this study shows that the substitution of one-third of dietary 18:2 n-6 with 18:3 n-3 (SU-2) results in lowered blood lipid levels and increases peripheral insulin sensitivity, possibly due to the resulting high LCn-3 PUFA levels in target tissues of insulin action. These findings suggest a role for 18:3 n-3 in the prevention of insulin resistant states. The current recommendation to increase 18:3 n-3 intake for reducing cardiovascular risk may also be beneficial for preventing IR in humans.  相似文献   

Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) were fed a basal regular diet (BD) or three different fat-supplemented diets which contained 10% hydrogenated coconut oil (HCO), 10% safflower oil (SFO), or 10% evening primrose oil (EPO). The rats received these four different diets from 4 weeks to over 24 weeks of age. The development of hypertension in SHR was significantly retarded in the EPO-supplemented animals. The blood pressure was lower in the SFO group animals as compared with the BD and HCO groups, but this did not reach significance. Sodium excretion rate in young SHR was increased in the EPO group compared with the HCO and SFO groups, and the urinary K/Na ratio was decreased in the EPO group compared with the HCO and EPO groups. Water intake and urine volume were increased in the SFO group as compared with the HCO and EPO groups. Sodium concentration in erythrocytes was decreased in the rats receiving SFO. Pressor responses to norepinephrine and angiotensin II were enhanced in the EPO and SFO groups as compared with the basal chow group. These data suggest that a dietary supplementation of EPO which contains a substantial amount of gamma-linolenic acid consistently lowers blood pressure in SHR. The mechanism is uncertain, but the effects on sodium handling may in part be responsible for the retardation of the development of hypertension. There was a difference between the EPO and the SFO groups in sodium--water handling, and to some extent in the blood pressure development in SHR.  相似文献   

Rats were fed diets containing a high level of saturated fatty acids (hydrogenated beef tallow) versus a high level of linoleic acid (safflower oil) at both low and high levels of fish oil containing 7.5% (w/w) eicosapentaenoic and 2.5% (w/w) docosahexaenoic acids for a period of 28 days. The effect of feeding these diets on the cholesterol content and fatty acid composition of serum and liver lipids was examined. Feeding diets high in fish oil with safflower oil decreased the cholesterol content of rat serum, whereas feeding fish oil had no significant effect on the cholesterol content of serum when fed in combination with saturated fatty acids. The serum cholesterol level was higher in animals fed safflower oil compared to animals fed saturated fat without fish oil. Consumption of fish oil lowered the cholesterol content of liver tissue regardless of the dietary fat fed. Feeding diets containing fish oil reduced the arachidonic acid content of rat serum and liver lipid fractions, the decrease being more pronounced when fish oil was fed in combination with hydrogenated beef tallow than with safflower oil. These results suggest that dietary n-3 fatty acids of fish oil interact with dietary linoleic acid and saturated fatty acids differently to modulate enzymes of cholesterol and fatty acid metabolism.  相似文献   

Vegetable oils extracted from oilseeds are an important component of foods, but are also used in a range of high value oleochemical applications. Despite being biodegradable, nontoxic and renewable current plant oils suffer from the presence of residual polyunsaturated fatty acids that are prone to free radical formation that limit their oxidative stability, and consequently shelf life and functionality. Many decades of plant breeding have been successful in raising the oleic content to ~90%, but have come at the expense of overall field performance, including poor yields. Here, we engineer superhigh oleic (SHO) safflower producing a seed oil with 93% oleic generated from seed produced in multisite field trials spanning five generations. SHO safflower oil is the result of seed‐specific hairpin‐based RNA interference of two safflower lipid biosynthetic genes, FAD2.2 and FATB, producing seed oil containing less than 1.5% polyunsaturates and only 4% saturates but with no impact on lipid profiles of leaves and roots. Transgenic SHO events were compared to non‐GM safflower in multisite trial plots with a wide range of growing season conditions, which showed no evidence of impact on seed yield. The oxidative stability of the field‐grown SHO oil produced from various sites was 50 h at 110°C compared to 13 h for conventional ~80% oleic safflower oils. SHO safflower produces a uniquely stable vegetable oil across different field conditions that can provide the scale of production that is required for meeting the global demands for high stability oils in food and the oleochemical industry.  相似文献   

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