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A 203 base-pair fragment containing the lac operator/promoter region of Escherichia coli was inserted into the EcoRI site of the plasmid vector pKC7. Rates of restriction endonuclease cleavage of the flanking EcoRI sites and of several other restriction sites on the DNA molecule were then compared in the presence and absence of bound RNA polymerase or lac repressor. The rates were identical whether or not protein had been bound, even for sites as close as 40 base-pairs from a protein binding site. No difference was detected using supercoiled, nicked circular, or linear DNA substrates. No apparent change in the rates of methylation of EcoRI sites by EcoRI methylase was produced by binding the regulatory proteins.  相似文献   

Long poly(dA).poly(dT) tracts (poly(A) tracts), regions of DNA containing at least 20 contiguous dA residues on one strand and dT residues on the complementary strand, are found in about 2 X 10(4) copies interspersed throughout the human genome. Using poly(dA).poly(dA) as a hybridization probe, we identified recombinant lambda phage that contained inserts of human DNA with poly(A) tracts. Three such tracts have been characterized by restriction mapping and sequence analysis. One major poly(A) tract is present within each insert and is composed of from 28 to 35 A residues. In each case, the poly(A) tract directly abuts the 3' end of the human Alu element, indicating that the major class of poly(A) tracts in the human genome is associated with this family of repeats. The poly(A) tracts are also adjacent to A-rich sequences and, in one case, to a polypurine tract, having the structure GA3-GA3-GA4-GA6-GA5-GA4. We suggest that repetitive cycles of unequal crossing over may give rise to both the long poly(A) and polypurine tracts observed in this study.  相似文献   

Sau3A digestion of human G + C-rich DNA molecules yields discrete bands of approximately 70 and 140 base-pairs, under-represented in A + T-rich DNA molecules and in total DNA. We have cloned the 70 base-pair band in a plasmid vector and isolated a representative recombinant clone that identifies a new human family of repeats, the Sau3A family. The new family has been characterized for a number of parameters: genomic organization; reiteration frequency; sequence analysis; and distribution in a human genomic library. The Sau3A sequence (68 base-pairs in length, 53% G + C) is present in approximately 4 X 10(4) copies/haploid genome; the family is characterized by a cluster organization and is confined to a limited fraction (0.5%) of phages of a human genomic library. Southern blot hybridizations of the cloned sequence to restriction digests of total human DNA and of isolated genomic clones does not show the involvement of Sau3A blocks in long-range periodicities for any of the enzymes tested. The data suggest either a high sequence variability in the family or a complex organization of Sau3A sequence domains.  相似文献   

DNA sequence of the white locus of Drosophila melanogaster   总被引:59,自引:0,他引:59  
The DNA sequence of the white locus of Drosophila melanogaster is presented. This 14,100 base-pair sequence includes the region of the locus required for wild-type levels of expression and control of expression. We also report the sequence of a complementary DNA clone which established the position of the 3' end of the white RNA on this genomic sequence. The probable exon-intron structure of the gene has been predicted from the DNA sequence of the regions known to be represented in the RNA. The amino acid sequence of the protein which would be produced by translation of this RNA suggests that the white locus gene product may be a membrane protein. The DNA sequence rearrangements associated with seven insertion mutants (white-dominant-zeste-like (wDZL), white-spotted (wsp), white-honey (wh), white-zeste-mottled (wzm), white-apricot (wa), white-buff (wbf) and white-hd81b11 (whd81b11)), one deletion mutant (white-spotted 4 (wsp4)) and one internal duplication mutant (white-ivory (wi)) have been determined and positioned on the wild-type sequence. The positions of these insertions and those of previously characterized insertions associated with six other mutations suggest that some insertions within an intron may still allow the production of correctly spliced RNA, but affect the amount, and correspondingly the expression of the w locus.  相似文献   

The locations of ribosome binding sites on the right end of bacteriophage lambda DNA were determined by measurement of the positions of ribosomes bound to single-stranded DNA visualized by electron microscopy. A total of ten ribosome binding sites were found between map co-ordinates 0.90 and 1.0. Four of these ribosome binding sites probably correspond to the polypeptide initiation sites for genes Q (0.910), S (0.928), R (0.936) and Rz (0.945). Six other ribosome binding sites were found which presumably indicate the presence of new lambda genes. Four of these ribosome binding sites (0.958, 0.967, 0.975, 0.995) are located to the right of Rz, which is the most rightward known lambda gene. A ribosome binding site is located at 0.923, between genes Q and S, in or near the 6 S RNA sequence. Another is located left of gene Q at 0.900.  相似文献   

Specificity of insertion of IS1   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  

The 4.5 S RNA gene of Escherichia coli is essential for cell growth   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
The Escherichia coli gene coding for the metabolically stable 4.5 S RNA (ffs) has been shown to be required for cell viability. Essentiality was demonstrated by examining the recombination behavior of substitution mutations of ffs generated in vitro. Substitution mutants of ffs are able to replace the chromosomal allele only in the presence of a second, intact copy of ffs. Independent evidence of essentiality and the finding that 4.5 S RNA is important for protein synthetic activity came from characterization of cells dependent on the lac operon inducer isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside for ffs gene expression. Here, a strain dependent on isopropyl-beta-D-thiogalactoside for 4.5 S RNA synthesis was developed by inactivation of the chromosomal ffs allele and lysogenization by a lambda phage containing 4.5 S DNA fused to a hybrid trp-lac promoter. Withdrawal of the thiogalactoside leads to a deficiency in 4.5 S RNA, a dramatic loss in protein synthesis activity, and eventual cell death. Tagging of the chromosomal ffs region with a kanamycin-resistance gene allowed mapping of the 4.5 S RNA gene. Results from this analysis place ffs near lon at approximately ten minutes on the E. coli linkage map.  相似文献   

We have analysed beta-globin mRNA sequences in total RNA extracted from embryos and tadpoles of Xenopus laevis at different stages of development and we have identified the most abundantly transcribed beta-globin mRNA (beta T1). The entire nucleotide sequence of a cDNA clone corresponding to this mRNA is known. We have now identified the gene corresponding to this mRNA and we have determined the nucleotide sequences of its immediate 5'-flanking region. Using a DNA fragment from within the coding region of the cloned beta T1 cDNA we show, by primer extension analysis, that beta T1 mRNA is first detectable at stage 28-32 of development. This is the time at which the first presumptive erythropoietic tissue, the ventral blood island, becomes observable histologically. We show that two minor beta-globin genes, distinct from beta T1, are expressed during early stages of development, and that their expression ceases shortly after the beginning of the feeding stage. We term these two early larval genes beta E1 and beta E2. A third minor beta-globin gene is expressed during early development but, unlike beta E1 and beta E2, it is also expressed throughout subsequent larval development. We term this gene beta T2 and show that it corresponds to a gene previously termed beta LII. Finally, using a primer derived from the major adult beta-globin gene (beta 1), we have analysed the accumulation of the major adult beta-globin mRNA during larval development, and we show that this sequence does not accumulate to any significant level before metamorphosis.  相似文献   

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