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1. Vigilance increases fitness by improving predator detection but at the expense of increasing starvation risk. We related variation in vigilance among 122 radio-tagged overwintering grey partridges Perdix perdix (L.) across 20 independent farmland sites in England to predation risk (sparrowhawk Accipiter nisus L., kill rate), use of alternative antipredation behaviours (grouping and use of cover) and survival. 2. Vigilance was significantly higher when individuals fed in smaller groups and in taller vegetation. In the covey period (in early winter when partridges are in flocks), vigilance and use of taller vegetation was significantly higher at sites with higher sparrowhawk predation risk, but tall vegetation was used less by larger groups. Individuals were constrained in reducing individual vigilance by group size and habitat choice because maximum group size was determined by overall density in the area during the covey period and by the formation of pairs at the end of the winter (pair period), when there was also a significant twofold increase in the use of tall cover. 3. Over the whole winter individual survival was higher in larger groups and was lower in the pair period. However, when controlling for group size, mean survival decreased as vigilance increased in the covey period. This result, along with vigilance being higher at sites with increasing with raptor risk, suggests individual vigilance increases arose to reduce short-term predation risk from raptors but led to long-term fitness decreases probably because high individual vigilance increased starvation risk or indicated longer exposure to predation. The effect of raptors on survival was less when there were large groups in open habitats, where individual partridges can probably both detect predators and feed efficiently. 4. Our study suggests that increasing partridge density and modifying habitat to remove the need for high individual vigilance may decrease partridge mortality. It demonstrates the general principle that antipredation behaviours may reduce fitness long-term via their effects on the starvation-predation risk trade-off, even though they decrease predation risk short-term, and that it may be ecological constraints, such as poor habitat (that lead to an antipredation behaviour compromising foraging), that cause mortality, rather than the proximate effect of an antipredation behaviour such as vigilance.  相似文献   

Passerines are especially vulnerable to predation at the pre-independence stage. Although the role of nest success in British farmland passerine declines is contentious, improvement in nest success through sympathetic management could play a role in their reversal. Because habitat is known to interact with predation, management options for mitigation will need to consider effects of nest predation. We present results from an observational study of a population of Common Blackbird Turdus merula on a farm which has experienced a range of agri-environment and game-management options, including a period with nest predator control, as a case study to address some of these issues. We used an information theoretic model comparison procedure to look for evidence of interactions between habitat and nest predation, and then asked whether habitat management and nest predator abundances could explain population trends at the site through their effects on nest success. Interactions were detected between measures of predator abundance and habitat variables, and these varied with nest stage – habitat within the vicinity of the nest appeared to be important at the egg stage, and nest-placement characteristics were important at the nestling stage. Although predator control appeared to have a positive influence on Blackbird breeding population size, the non-experimental set-up meant we could not eliminate other potential explanations. Variation in breeding population size did not appear to be influenced by variation in nest success alone. Our study demonstrates that observational data can only go so far in detection of such effects, and we discuss how it might be taken further. Agri-environment and game-management techniques are likely to influence nest predation pressure on farmland passerines, but the patterns, mechanisms and importance to population processes remain not wholly understood.  相似文献   

Practically all animals must find food while avoiding predators.An individual's perception of predation risk may depend on manyfactors, such as distance to refuge and group size, but it isunclear whether individuals respond to different factors ina similar manner. We tested whether flocks of foraging starlingsresponded in the same way to an increased perception of predationrisk by assessing three factors: (1) neighbor distances, (2)habitat obstruction, and (3) recent exposure to a predator.We found that in all three scenarios of increased risk, starlingsreduced their interscan intervals (food-searching bouts), whichincreased the frequency of their vigilance periods. We thenexamined how one of these factors, habitat obstruction, affectedescape speed by simulating an attack with a model predator.Starlings were slower to respond in visually obstructed habitats(long grass swards) and slower when they had their head downin obstructed habitats than when they had their head down inopen habitats. In addition, reaction times were quicker whenstarlings could employ their peripheral fields of vision. Ourresults demonstrate that different sources of increased riskcan generate similar behavioral responses within a species.The degree of visibility in the physical and social environmentaffects both the actual and perceived risk of predation.  相似文献   

Vigilance is amongst the most universal of anti‐predator strategies and commonly declines with increasing group size. We experimentally manipulated predation risk in a system with a known relationship between group size and vigilance levels to explore whether this relationship changes in response to elevated predation risk. We investigated the vigilance levels of Egyptian geese Alopochen aegyptiaca at eight golf courses in the western Cape, South Africa, to assess the perception of and reaction to predation risk. We manipulated predation risk by introducing trained Harris's hawks Parabuteo unicintus where avian predation was otherwise low or absent. The study confirmed the typical reduction in vigilance with group size on control sites, where the risk of predation is low. However, at experimental sites with elevated predation risk, a positive relationship between vigilance and group size was observed. We hypothesize that the mechanism for this relationship might be linked to social information transfer via copying behaviour and manipulation to induce vigilance. Thus, larger groups will have a higher probability of containing individuals with experience of elevated predation risk and their increased vigilance behaviour is copied by naïve individuals. This prediction is based on the intended outcome of introducing avian predation to make the geese feel less safe and to eventually leave the site as a management tool for controlling nuisance geese.  相似文献   

Agri‐environment schemes (AES) are central to the conservation of Europe’s farmland biodiversity. The UK Government’s Public Service Agreement target seeks to reverse the decline of farmland birds in England by 2020 through the use of AES. The Entry Level Stewardship (ELS) scheme, introduced in 2005, is the first non‐competitive, broad‐uptake stewardship scheme designed to deliver simple but effective environmental management on farms throughout England. Approximately 5 million hectares of farmland are currently entered into Environmental Stewardship (ES) agreements, and given the scale of this investment it is important to verify the efficacy of ELS as a mechanism for delivering biodiversity benefits. We used spatially referenced ES agreement data to assess the influence of specific management options and combinations of options on farmland bird population changes between 2005 and 2008 derived from standardized surveys carried out on over 2000 lowland farmland 1‐km squares in England. The results showed only limited evidence for short‐term effects of ES. Only Corn Bunting Emberiza calandra and Common Starling Sturnus vulgaris showed some landscape‐specific positive associations with area under ELS management. There was also limited evidence for positive associations between specific management options and the population changes of the species at which they were aimed. The current pattern of option uptake may be limiting benefits of ELS, with boundary management accounting for over 50% of scheme compensation value. However, the time required for option maturation and the time lags in bird population responses to environmental change mean that it is too early to reach definitive conclusions about the success or failure of the scheme. The findings of this study will assist in the development of ELS by feeding into the 5‐year review scheduled for 2010 and have implications for the development of similar schemes elsewhere in Europe.  相似文献   

Foraging theory predicts that animals will sacrifice feedingeffort in order to reduce predation risk. Once a forager choosesa habitat, it must decide how to allocate its foraging effort.Nubian Ibex are diurnal, social, cliff-dwelling herbivores.Many of their characteristics seem to have evolved as responsesto predation risk. In order to assess the effects that perceivedrisk of predation might have on foraging behavior of free-rangingNubian Ibex in the Negev Desert, Israel, we measured giving-updensities (GUDs) in artificial food patches and used them togauge apprehension level. (Apprehension can be defined as areduction in attention devoted to performing an activity asa consequence of reallocating attention to detecting or respondingto predation risk. A forager can also be vigilant. Vigilanceis often defined as time spent scanning the surroundings withthe head up.) We also quantified time budgeting using focalobservation of individual Nubian Ibex. Habitat preferences andpatch selectivity as a measure of apprehension were considered.In particular, we tested the effect of distance from refugeon GUDs, the effect of micropatch structure on selectivity,and the effect of distance from the refuge and group size onNubian Ibex vigilance level and apprehension. Nubian Ibex allocatetheir foraging effort more toward patches closer to the escapeterrain. At the same time, Nubian Ibex are more apprehensiveat intermediate distances from the cliff edge than nearer thecliff, and their use of vigilance increases with distance fromthe cliff edge. These results suggest that Nubian Ibex may switchfrom apprehension to a more extreme behavior of vigilance atgreater distances from the refuge. This study demonstrated theuse of antipredatory behaviors, apprehension, and vigilanceby a forager. Estimating apprehension and vigilance levels ofa forager simultaneously gives a more complete and accuratepicture of how the habitat is perceived by them and combinedwith measurements of GUD allow a more accurate assessment ofhabitat quality.  相似文献   

In birds and mammals, mobbing calls constitute an important form of social information that can attract numerous sympatric species to localized mobbing aggregations. While such a response is thought to reduce the future predation risk for responding species, there is surprisingly little empirical evidence to support this hypothesis. One way to test the link between predation risk reduction and mobbing attraction involves testing the relationship between species’ attraction to mobbing calls and the functional traits that define their vulnerability to predation risk. Two important traits known to influence prey vulnerability include relative prey‐to‐predator body size ratio and the overlap in space use between predator and prey; in combination, these measures strongly influence prey accessibility, and therefore their vulnerability, to predators. Here, we combine community surveys with behavioral experiments of a diverse bird assemblage in the lowland rainforest of Sumatra to test whether the functional traits of body mass (representing body size) and foraging height (representing space use) can predict species’ attraction to heterospecific mobbing calls. At four forest sites along a gradient of forest degradation, we characterized the resident bird communities using point count and mist‐netting surveys, and determined the species groups attracted to standardized playbacks of mobbing calls produced by five resident bird species of roughly similar body size and foraging height. We found that (1) a large, diverse subcommunity of bird species was attracted to the mobbing calls and (2) responding species (especially the most vigorous respondents) tended to be (a) small (b) mid‐storey foragers (c) with similar trait values as the species producing the mobbing calls. Our findings from the relatively lesser known bird assemblages of tropical Asia add to the growing evidence for the ubiquity of heterospecific information networks in animal communities, and provide empirical support for the long‐standing hypothesis that predation risk reduction is a major benefit of mobbing information networks.  相似文献   

This study examined the potential causes of the difference in spawning ascent height between two species of trunk fishes, Ostracion meleagris (mean height 3.3 m) and O. whitleyi (mean height 1.5 m), above a coral reef at Johnston Atoll (central Pacific). One hypothesis proposes that ascent height is influenced by the risk of predation, and predicts that species most susceptible to predation should spawn closer to the substrate. Differences in toxicity levels were analysed to assess the potential susceptibility of each species to predation: O. whitleyi was more toxic than O. meleagris , thus refuting the predation-risk hypothesis. A second hypothesis proposes that spawning pairs can use long ascents to avoid disturbances by male conspecifics. During spawning, males were frequently involved in fighting episodes and high rates of male sneaking were observed in O. meleagris , but not for O. whitleyi . Thus, the larger spawning height from the substrate may be an attempt by pairs of O. meleagris to reduce the possibility of interference by other male conspecifics, in support of the male disturbance hypothesis.  相似文献   

植食性哺乳动物对食物斑块的选择和利用不仅取决于食物的可利用性,且与觅食环境潜存的各种风险紧密关联。捕食风险是否通过作用于动物觅食活动中的警觉影响其功能反应格局。在新鲜白三叶叶片构成的各类食物密集斑块上,测定东方田鼠觅食行为,建立功能反应模型,检验捕食风险对其功能反应格局的作用。结果发现,捕食风险能显著地延长东方田鼠的觅食决定时间,但其摄入率保持稳定,功能反应构型亦未发生改变,仍为Ⅱ型功能反应;除了对照组个体的采食时间随叶片大小增大无明显变动规律外,处理组个体的采食时间及对照组和处理组个体的处理时间、觅食中断时间均随叶片大小及口量的增大呈线性增高趋势,处理组个体的觅食中断时间明显大于对照组个体的;对照组和处理组个体的采食率均随叶片大小及口量呈非线性渐近递减趋势,但处理组个体的采食率较对照组个体的略有降低。结果揭示,在捕食风险压力下,虽然上述觅食参数变异能潜在地降低摄入率,但个体能通过改变觅食活动中各种警觉行为动作如降低嗅闻和静听监视动作的发生频次,增大视觉监视动作比重,以此缓冲捕食风险压力,维持摄入率。摄入率测定值与模型预测值的线性回归极显著,表明,功能反应模型具有良好的预测性。在可利用植物密集斑块,动物觅食活动中的警觉能缓冲捕食风险压力;动物摄入率是由植物大小调控的口量决定的,且受采食与处理食物竞争及觅食中断的制约;其功能反应仍属Ⅱ型功能反应。  相似文献   

Birds show interspecific variation both in the size of the fields of individual eyes and in the ways that these fields are brought together to produce the total visual field. Variation is found in the dimensions of all main parameters: binocular region, cyclopean field and blind areas. There is a phylogenetic signal with respect to maximum width of the binocular field in that passerine species have significantly broader field widths than non-passerines; broadest fields are found among crows (Corvidae). Among non-passerines, visual fields show considerable variation within families and even within some genera. It is argued that (i) the main drivers of differences in visual fields are associated with perceptual challenges that arise through different modes of foraging, and (ii) the primary function of binocularity in birds lies in the control of bill position rather than in the control of locomotion. The informational function of binocular vision does not lie in binocularity per se (two eyes receiving slightly different information simultaneously about the same objects from which higher-order depth information is extracted), but in the contralateral projection of the visual field of each eye. Contralateral projection ensures that each eye receives information from a symmetrically expanding optic flow-field from which direction of travel and time to contact targets can be extracted, particularly with respect to the control of bill position.  相似文献   

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