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After being the victim of an agonistic conflict, long-tailed macaques increased the rate of tension-related activities such as scratching, body-shake and selfgrooming. This increase indicates that they experienced physiological changes preparing them to cope with the uncertainty of the post-conflict situation. Indeed, victims of agonistic conflict experienced a higher risk of renewed attacks. However, victims were also involved in social interactions characteristic of post-conflict situations, namely reconciliation and redirection. These two post-conflict social events reduced the rate of scratching, body-shake and selfgrooming. This suggests a faster termination of the stress response. Indeed, the two social events also decreased the likelihood of renewed attacks, one of the causes of the state of uncertainty. Reconciliation is more effective than redirection in this process probably because the restoration of the relationship with the former aggressor allows the victim to resume control of the situation.  相似文献   

The experiments described in this study were intended to increase our knowledge about social cognition in primates. Longtailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) had to discriminate facial drawings of different emotional expressions. A new experimental approach was used. During the experimental sessions social interactions within the group were permitted, but the learning behaviour of individual monkeys was analysed. The procedure consisted of a simultaneous discrimination between four visual patterns under continuous reinforcement. It has implications not only for simple tasks of stimulus discrimination but also for complex problems of internal representations and visual communication. The monkeys learned quickly to discriminate faces of different emotional expressions. This discrimination ability was completely invariant with variations of colour, brightness, size, and rotation. Rotated and inverted faces were recognized perfectly. A preference test for particular features resulted in a graded estimation of particular facial components. Most important for face recognition was the outline, followed by the eye region and the mouth. An asymmetry in recognition of the left and right halves of the face was found. Further tests involving jumbled faces indicated that not only the presence of distinct facial cues but the specific relation of facial features is essential in recognizing faces. The experiment generally confirms that causal mechanisms of social cognition in non-human primates can be studied experimentally. The behavioural results are highly consistent with findings from neurophysiology and research with human subjects.  相似文献   

The sexual behaviour of wild long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) was studied in the Gunung Leuser National Park, Sumatra, Indonesia. All females showed some swelling of the sexual skin, but the frequency and maximum size of the swelling decreased with age. The frequency of copulations and consortships for a given female increased with increasing degree of swelling or coloration. No regular cycles could be found in the occurrence of swellings, copulations and consortships. Periods for which a female had consortships tended to be long (up to 5–6 weeks on end). These two results suggest that in the wild the predictability of the moment of ovulation is very low. The consortships were not exclusive: both the male and the female occasionally copulated with others. All females had many different male partners and, as ovulation signalling was not clear, none of these males could have any certainty about paternity of a female's offspring. Yet, the highest-ranking males probably had the best chances to father children because they were more often involved in sexual interaction (both copulations and consortships), especially around the estimated date of conception. This does not hold for the nulliparous females who were virtually ignored by the higher-ranking males. Consortships were occasionally actively maintained by the female, for whom a direct advantage of consorting might be an increased safety against conspecifics and predators. One advantage of mating with many different males might be a reduced risk of infanticide.  相似文献   

Climatic conditions can significantly affect the behavior of animals and constrain their activity or geographic distribution. Barbary macaques (Macaca sylvanus) are one of the few primates that live outside the tropics. Here we analyze if and how the activity budgets of Barbary macaques are affected by climatic variables, i.e., air temperature, relative humidity, rainfall, and snow coverage. We collected scan sampling data on the activity budgets of four groups of macaques living in the Middle Atlas Mountains of Morocco from June 2008 to January 2011. This habitat is characterized by extreme seasonal changes, from cold and snowy winters to hot and dry summers. The activity budgets of the macaques differed across months but not across the time of day (with the exception of time spent feeding). The monkeys spent significantly more time feeding or foraging when there was no snow than when snow coverage was moderate or major. Daily rainfall was positively related to resting time and negatively to time spent moving or in social behavior. Air temperature was negatively related to time spent feeding or foraging. Finally, time spent on social behavior was significantly lower when relative humidity was high. These data indicate that environmental factors significantly affect the time budgets of endangered Barbary macaques, a species that has been little studied in the wild. Our findings support previous studies on temperate primates in showing that snow coverage can have negative consequences on the feeding ecology and survival of these species.  相似文献   

This is the first report of group fission in a wild group of Moor macaques (Macaca maurus) in South Sulawesi, Indonesia. The subject group, which has been observed on the basis of individual identification since 1988, showed no sign of fission in April 1999. In August 1999, the group had split in two, with the same number of mature females in each new group. For the most part, mothers and their offspring joined the same groups. Dominance relations and association patterns established during the previous year among adult females did not strongly affect new group membership. The difference in female reproductive state between the two branch groups was a prominent characteristic. The -male of the original group visited both groups at the first stage of group fission, even though otherwise the compositions of the new groups were stable. After the division, six adult males from outside the original group immigrated exclusively into the group that did not contain the -male of the original group. Severe intergroup encounters occurred between the two groups. We discuss the process of the fission and the resultant pattern in relation to the egalitarian dominance style among females, lack of seasonality in reproduction, and resemblance to one-male type social organization.  相似文献   

Monkeypox virus (MPXV) infection in humans results in clinical symptoms very similar to ordinary smallpox. Aerosol is a route of secondary transmission for monkeypox, and a primary route of smallpox transmission in humans. Therefore, an animal model for aerosol exposure to MPXV is needed to test medical countermeasures. To characterize the pathogenesis in cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis), groups of macaques were exposed to four different doses of aerosolized MPXV. Blood was collected the day before, and every other day after exposure and assessed for complete blood count (CBC), clinical chemistry analysis, and quantitative PCR. Macaques showed mild anorexia, depression, and fever on day 6 post-exposure. Lymphadenopathy, which differentiates monkeypox from smallpox, was observed in exposed macaques around day 6 post-exposure. CBC and clinical chemistries showed abnormalities similar to human monkeypox cases. Whole blood and throat swab viral loads peaked around day 10, and in survivors, gradually decreased until day 28 post-exposure. Survival was not dose dependent. As such, doses of 4×104 PFU, 1×105 PFU, or 1×106 PFU resulted in lethality for 70% of the animals, whereas a dose of 4×105 PFU resulted in 85% lethality. Overall, cynomolgus macaques exposed to aerosolized MPXV develop a clinical disease that resembles that of human monkeypox. These findings provide a strong foundation for the use of aerosolized MPXV exposure of cynomolgus macaques as an animal model to test medical countermeasures against orthopoxviruses.  相似文献   

Varicella-zoster virus (VZV) is a member of the alphaherpesvirus family and the causative agent of chickenpox and shingles. To determine the utility of cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) as a nonhuman primate model to evaluate VZV-based simian immunodeficiency virus/human immunodeficiency virus (SIV/HIV) vaccines, we experimentally inoculated 10 animals with the parental Oka (Oka-P) strain of VZV derived from MeWo or Telo-RF cells. VZV DNA could be detected in the lungs as late as 4 days postinfection, with replicating virus detected by shell vial culture assay in one case. Infection did not result in any overt clinical symptoms but was characterized by humoral and cell-mediated immunity in a time frame and at a magnitude similar to those observed following VZV vaccination in humans. The cell line source of VZV inoculum influenced both the magnitude and polyfunctionality of cell-mediated immunity. Animals mounted a vigorous anamnestic antibody response following a second inoculation 12 weeks later. Inoculations resulted in transient increases in CD4(+) T-cell activation and proliferation, as well as a sustained increase in CD4(+) T cells coexpressing CCR5 and α4β7 integrin. In contrast to previous failed attempts to successfully utilize attenuated VZV-Oka as an SIV vaccine vector in rhesus macaques due to suboptimal infectivity and cellular immunogenicity, the ability to infect cynomolgus macaques with Oka-P VZV should provide a valuable tool for evaluating VZV-vectored SIV/HIV vaccines.  相似文献   

3,4-methylenedioxy-N-methyl amphetamine (MDMA) is one of the few known molecules to increase human and rodent prosocial behaviors. However, this effect has never been assessed on the social behavior of non-human primates. In our study, we subcutaneously injected three different doses of MDMA (1.0, 1.5 or 2.0mg/kg) to a group of three, socially housed, young male long-tailed macaques. More than 200 hours of behavioral data were recorded, during 68 behavioral sessions, by an automatic color-based video device that tracked the 3D positions of each animal and of a toy. This data was then categorized into 5 exclusive behaviors (resting, locomotion, foraging, social contact and object play). In addition, received and given social grooming was manually scored. Results show several significant dose-dependent behavioral effects. At 1.5mg/kg only, MDMA induces a significant increase in social grooming behavior, thus confirming the prosocial effect of MDMA in macaques. Additionally, at 1.5 and 2.0 mg/kg MDMA injection substantially decreases foraging behavior, which is consistent with the known anorexigenic effect of this compound. Furthermore, at 2.0 mg/kg MDMA injection induces an increase in locomotor behavior, which is also in accordance with its known stimulant property. Interestingly, MDMA injected at 1.0mg/kg increases the rate of object play, which might be interpreted as a decrease of the inhibition to manipulate a unique object in presence of others, or, as an increase of the intrinsic motivation to manipulate this object. Together, our results support the effectiveness of MDMA to study the complex neurobiology of primates’ social behaviors.  相似文献   

Fat embolization (FE), the introduction of bone marrow elements into circulation, is a known complication of bone fractures. Although FE has been described in other animal models, this study represents the first reported cases of FE and bone marrow embolism in nonhuman primates. Histopathologic findings from cynomolgus macaques (Macaca fascicularis) indicated that in all 5 cases, fat and bone marrow embolization occurred subsequent to multiple bone marrow biopsies. In the most severe case, extensive embolization was associated pulmonary damage consistent with acute respiratory distress syndrome. Fat embolism syndrome (FES) is an infrequent clinical outcome of FE and is triggered by systemic biochemical and mechanical responses to fat in circulation. Although clinical criteria diagnostic of FES were not investigated at the time of death, this severe case may represent the fulminant form of FES, which occurs within 12 h after trauma. Bone marrow biopsy as an etiology of FES has been reported only once in humans. In addition, the association of embolization with bone marrow biopsies suggests that nonhuman primates may be a useful animal model of FE. FE and FES represent important research confounders and FES should be considered as a differential diagnosis for clinical complications subsequent to skeletal trauma.  相似文献   

Many animal species engage in various forms of solitary object play, but this activity seems to be of particular importance in primates. If playing objects constitute a valuable resource, and access to such objects is limited, a competitive context may arise. We inserted a unique toy within a mini-colony of long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and compared their behaviors to sessions without playing object. An automatic color-based 3D video device was used to track the positions of each animal and the toy, and this data was categorized into 5 exclusive behaviors (resting, locomotion, foraging, social contact and object play). As expected, the delay to first access to the object reflected the hierarchy of the colony, indicating that a competition took place to own this unique resource of entertainment. In addition, we found that the amount of object play was not correlated with social or foraging behavior, suggesting independent motivational mechanisms. Conversely, object playing time was negatively correlated with idling time, thus indicating its relation to pastime activities. Interestingly, the amount of social contacts in the group was significantly reduced by the heightened competitive context, suggesting that competitors are more likely to be perceived as potential threat requiring caution, as shown in humans. Experimental manipulation of competitive contexts in primates reveals common mental processes involved in social judgment, and shows that access to valuable resources can be a sufficient cause for variations in group cohesion.  相似文献   

Studies on cercopithecine monkeys have shown that soon after an agonistic conflict, victims have increased rates of affiliation with the agressor—reconciliation—but not with other group members. Postconflict affiliation is thought to function to restore disturbed relationships and to reduce social tension. This study on a captive group of long-tailed macaques (Macaca fascicularis) is focused on postconflict affiliative behavior of the aggressor. Increased rates of contact between female aggressors and kin of the victim occurred, as well as between female aggressors and their own kin. Furthermore, there were increased rates of contact between aggressors—males and females—and other group members. The increase in contacts with the victim's kin was selective, i.e., it could not be ascribed to the increased contact tendency with group members in general, and was not a side effect of the aggressor's proximity to the victim due to reconciliation. The increase in contacts with own kin was not selective. The fact that male aggressors do not have increased postconflict contacts with their kin or with kin of the victim is in agreement with the notion that males are less integrated in the nepotistic matrilineal network than females are. The fact that studies by others that focused on the victim evidence no increase in postconflict contacts with kin of the opponent or with other group members may be explained by the aggressor's larger influence over the postconflict situation: to reduce social tension, it might be more effective to affiliate with the aggressor than with the victim. Our findings emphasize that conflicts influence the behavior of other monkeys besides the direct contestants and, thus, indicate that the disturbance of social homeostasis is a matter of concern for all group members.  相似文献   

Since the anthrax attacks of 2001, the emphasis on developing animal models of aerosolized select agent pathogens has increased. Many scientists believe that nonhuman primate models are the most appropriate to evaluate pulmonary response to, vaccines for, and treatments for select agents such as Yersinia pestis (Y. pestis), the causative agent of plague. A recent symposium concluded that the cynomolgus macaque (Macaca fascicularis) plague model should be characterized more fully. To date, a well-characterized cynomolgus macaque model of pneumonic plague using reproducible bioaerosols of viable Y. pestis has not been published. In the current study, methods for creating reproducible bioaerosols of viable Y. pestis strain CO92 (YpCO92) and pneumonic plague models were evaluated in 22 Indonesian-origin cynomolgus macaques. Five macaques exposed to doses lower than 250 CFU remained free of any indication of plague infection. Fifteen macaques developed fever, lethargy, and anorexia indicative of clinical plague. The 2 remaining macaques died without overt clinical signs but were plague-positive on culture and demonstrated pathology consistent with plague. The lethal dose of plague in humans is reputedly less than 100 organisms; in this study, 66 CFU was the dose at which half of the macaques developed fever and clinical signs (ED50), The Indonesian cynomolgus macaque reproduces many aspects of human pneumonic plague and likely will provide an excellent model for studies that require a macaque model.Yersinia pestis is the causative agent of plague. Likely more people worldwide have died from Y. pestis infections than from any other single infectious disease.26,27 Bubonic plague, the most common form of the disease, results when the bacterium is inoculated into the skin, typically by means of flea bites. The resulting cutaneous infection spreads to local lymph nodes; the swollen lymph nodes are known as bubos and often serve as a source of systemic infection. Although less common, the bacterium also can spread by aerosol, causing pneumonic plague. Pneumonic plague can result from pulmonary spread of systemic infection or from deliberate dissemination and is associated with nearly 100% human mortality if left untreated. Y. pestis is susceptible to commonly available antibiotics if treatment begins soon after infection. However, depending on the route of infection, the time at which infection is confirmed is often too late for antibiotics to prevent significant morbidity or mortality.10 Because pneumonic plague is the form most likely to be seen in bioterrorism events,16 interest in animal models has arisen to support development of vaccines and improved therapeutics.Potential vaccines and therapeutic agents for plague must protect against the pneumonic disease, but contemporary published data regarding disease pathogenesis using aerosolized Y. pestis pathogenesis in nonhuman primates are scant.4,9,21,23,24 In the United States, when vaccine or antibiotic efficacy cannot be evaluated in humans, an animal species that is reasonably expected to recapitulate human disease must be used.9 For many biothreat agents such as plague, a nonhuman primate model often is required. Although some laboratories have examined the cynomolgus macaque model of aerosolized plague briefly,1 no published reports fully characterize this model. Published studies have examined plague in the African green monkey or vervet (Chlorocebus spp., formerly Cercopithecus aethiops) and rhesus macaque (Macaca mulatta).1 Vervets reportedly are more sensitive to plague than are macaques,4,24 such that some vervets are susceptible to infection with vaccine strains, casting some doubt on applicability of this species for plague studies.1 The disease in rhesus macaques differs from that in humans in that rhesus macaques frequently develop disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and chronic pneumonia as a result of pneumonic plague while humans usually develop acute pneumonia without DIC.1,7Many participants at a recent symposium sponsored by the Food and Drug Administration and National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Disease endorsed the development of a cynomolgus macaque pneumonic plague model to support plague therapeutic and vaccine studies.8 The current study was undertaken to evaluate the Indonesian cynomolgus macaque as a model of aerosolized Y. pestis Colorado 92 (YpCO92) for subsequent vaccine and therapeutic trials. We also sought to determine whether fever development could be used to determine a humane endpoint to the study, as an alternative to LD50 methods.  相似文献   

We analyzed eight group fissions occurring during a 20-year period in three groups of a free-ranging provisioned Barbary macaque population. The founder group fissioned four times within 3.5 years after transfer to the enclosure, indicating that external factors—new environment, more space, absence of other groups—facilitated group fissions. Two groups resulting from these fissions, split twice within 2.5 and 1 years, respectively, many years later. The process of fissioning lasted from a few months to almost 2 years. Fissions were preceded by peripheralization/subgrouping of mainly young adult males (8-10 years old), suggesting that male competition was the primary force for the fissions. The males were joined by middle- to low-ranking but not the lowest-ranking females. The resulting new groups were usually smaller than the groups in which the former -matriline—old groups—stayed, and they were also more variable in size and sex ratio, suggesting that variable numbers of surplus individuals were expelled during fission. Mean adult sex ratios were similar in both groups after fission, indicating that the competitively superior males in the old groups (groups + -matriline) could not increase their breeding opportunities. Female kin, even of large matrilinies, almost always stayed together during fission. Natal males strongly preferred to join the old groups, and this preference was most pronounced in juveniles and subadults. Hence, most natal males stayed with maternally related females, i.e., remained true natal males, if the females stayed in old groups. They were separated from female kin, i.e., became seminatal, if the females joined the new groups. These seminatal males did not differ from natal males with respect to matrilineal rank, but they had more female relatives, above all more close relatives (sisters), indicating that avoidance of mating with maternal kin was important for group choice. Despite joining the same group as female kin during fissioning, breeding opportunities of natal males (ratio of unrelated females/male) were not less than that of their seminatal peers, because natal males had fewer female relatives. Only a minority of both groups of males would have done better by joining the alternative group. Paternal relatives were distributed during fission by chance, and loss of patrilinies was therefore much less pronounced. We conclude that the rules governing social relationships among Barbary macaque males are less apt to cope with the high number of males resulting from provisioning, whereas the rules regulating social relationships of females living in a nepotistic, female-bonded society are very robust in this respect.  相似文献   

There are measurable differences in behavior, physiology, social organization, and geographic distribution within and between various species of macaques. We collected information on the social behavior of captive Macaca fascicularis from Indochina and island populations after they had been transferred to a new environment and new social groups. While some changes in behavior occurred over time, we found no decrease in high levels of agonistic behaviors. We interpret this finding in light of previous research reporting that long-tailed macaques show low levels of habitatuation to novelty and are highly aroused in comparison to other macaque species. We found predictable differences in behavior for males, females, and infants, in which infants played more, females had higher levels of contact proximity to other individuals, and males exhibited more sexual and threat behavior. A comparison of social behavior in long-tailed macaques from different origins indicate that Indochinese macaques are generally less affiliative and Indochinese males are more aggressive than their insular counterparts. Differences among macaque species, and within the fascicularis-group, should be considered in management of captive colonies and when interpreting research data.  相似文献   

Social animals may employ evolved implicit rules to maintain a balance between cooperation and competition. Inequity aversion (IA), the aversive reaction to an unequal distribution of resources, is considered such a rule to avoid exploitation between cooperating individuals. Recent studies have revealed the presence of IA in several nonhuman species. In addition, it has been shown that an effort is crucial for this behavior to occur in animals. Moreover, IA may well depend on the partner's identity. Although dominant individuals typically monopolize food, subordinate individuals obtain less preferred food and usually do not protest. Furthermore, "friends" may pay less attention to equity than "nonfriends." We tested whether long-tailed macaques show IA with different cost-benefit ratios. In addition, we determined whether IA depends on relationship quality (RQ). Dominant subjects expressed IA only when a small effort was required. At a very large effort, however, long-tailed macaques did not show IA, possibly owing to bottom effects on the number of rewards they aim to receive. Moreover, and contrary to our predictions, an individual's inequity response was similar when tested with a "friend" or a "nonfriend." Therefore, we conclude that long-tailed macaques show IA only in conditions of moderate effort, yet that IA seems independent of RQ. Furthermore, IA may not be domain specific. Altogether, IA may be a trait present in all species that habitually cooperate, independent of their social organization.  相似文献   

An eight year old wild caught Cynomolgus monkey was diagnosed as having alkaptonuria, a condition characterized by the passage of a normal-colored urine which darkens upon standing. The underlying cause is the congenital lack of homogentisic acid oxidase with subsequent passage of homogentisic acid in the urine. No other clinical manifestations, such as deposition of pigment in the skin or mucous membranes or development of an ochronitic arthritis, were observed in this animal.  相似文献   

In most primate species, females remain in the natal group with kin while males disperse away from kin around the time of puberty. Philopatric females bias their social behavior toward familiar maternal and paternal kin in several species, but little is known about kin bias in the dispersing sex. Male dispersal is likely to be costly because males encounter an increased risk of predation and death, which might be reduced by dispersing together with kin and/or familiar males (individuals that were born and grew up in same natal group) or into a group containing kin and/or familiar males. Here we studied the influence of kinship on familiar natal migrant rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) on Cayo Santiago, Puerto Rico, by combining demographic, behavioral, and genetic data. Our data suggest that kinship influences spatial proximity between recent natal immigrants and males familiar to them. Immigrants were significantly nearer to more closely related familiar males than to more distantly related individuals. Within a familiar subgroup, natal migrants were significantly closer to maternal kin, followed by paternal kin, then non-kin, and finally to males related via both the maternal and paternal line. Spatial proximity between natal immigrants and familiar males did not decrease over time in the new group, suggesting that there is no decline in associations between these individuals within the first months of immigration. Overall, our results might indicate that kinship is important for the dispersing sex, at least during natal dispersal when kin are still available.  相似文献   

Yawning behavior was studied in two species of macaques: the long-tailed macaque (Macaca fascicularis) and the Japanese macaque (M. fuscata). Japanese macaques yawned much more than long-tailed macaques. Age, sex, and dominance rank exerted different effects on yawning in the two species. In the long-tailed macaques, sex differences in frequency of yawning emerged only after sexual maturity; yawning rates increased significantly in both males and females as they reached sexual maturity; and, among males, dominance rank was positively correlated with frequency of yawning. Differently, in the Japanese macaques, males, both mature and immature, yawned more than same-aged females; sexual maturity was associated with an increase in yawning in males only; and male rank did not correlate with the frequency of yawning. Regardless of interspecific differences, the overall results supported only in part the finding that, in Old World monkeys, yawning is largely influenced by plasma concentrations of androgens. There was evidence that social factors were also important in influencing the age-sex class distribution of yawning.  相似文献   

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