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Summary. One of the most species-rich ant-plant mutualisms worldwide is the palaeotropical Crematogaster-Macaranga system. Although the biogeography and ecology of both partners have been extensively studied, little is known about the temporal structuring and the dynamics of the association. In this study we compared life-history traits of the specific Crematogaster (Decacrema) partner-ants and followed the development of ant colonies on eight different Macaranga host plant species, from colony founding on saplings to adult trees in a snapshot fashion. We found differences in the onset of alate production, queen number and mode of colony founding in the ant species and examined the consequences of these differences for the mutualism with the host plant. The lifespan of some host plants and their specific ant partners seemed to be well matched whereas on others we found an ontogenetic succession of specific partner ants. The partner ants of saplings or young plants often differed from specific partner ants found on larger trees of the same species. Not all specific Crematogaster species can re-colonize the crown region of adult trees, thus facilitating a change of ant species. Therefore lifespan of the ant colony as well as colony founding behaviour of the different partner ant species are important for these ontogenetic changes. The lifespan of a colony of two species can be prolonged via secondary polygyny. For the first time, also primary polygyny (pleometrosis) is reported from this myrmecophytic system.  相似文献   

Macaranga is a tree genus that includes many species of myrmecophytes, which are plants that harbor ant colonies within hollow structures known as domatia. The symbiotic ants (plant–ants) protect their host plants against herbivores; this defense mechanism is called ‘ant defense’. A Bornean phasmid species Orthomeria cuprinus feeds on two myrmecophytic Macaranga species, Macaranga beccariana and Macaranga hypoleuca, which are obligately associated with Crematogaster ant species. The phasmids elude the ant defense using specialized behavior. However, the mechanisms used by the phasmid to overcome ant defenses have been insufficiently elucidated. We hypothesized that O. cuprinus only feeds on individual plants with weakened ant defenses. To test the hypothesis, we compared the ant defense intensity in phasmid-infested and non-infested M. beccariana trees. The number of plant–ants on the plant surface, the ratio of plant–ant biomass to tree biomass, and the aggressiveness of plant–ants towards experimentally introduced herbivores were significantly lower on the phasmid-infested trees than on the non-infested trees. The phasmid nymphs experimentally introduced into non-infested trees, compared with those experimentally introduced into phasmid-infested trees, were more active on the plant surface, avoiding the plant–ants. These results support the hypothesis and suggest that ant defenses on non-infested trees effectively prevent the phasmids from remaining on the plants. Thus, we suggest that O. cuprinus feeds only on the individual M. beccariana trees having decreased ant defenses, although the factors that reduce the intensity of the ant defenses remain unclear.  相似文献   

Many plants have mutualistic relationships with ants, whereby plants provide food and/or nesting sites for the symbiotic ants, and in turn the ants protect the host plants by excluding herbivores. While the ants are useful as guards, they may negatively affect host reproduction by excluding pollinators. Here we studied this potential conflict in the myrmecophytic Macaranga winkleri pollinated by the thrips Dolichothrips fialae. Behavioural responses of ant guards to pollinator thrips and their chemicals, and related chemical analyses, provide evidence that thrips deter ant-guards by secreting droplets containing ant-repelling n-decanoic acid from their anuses. This is the first report of insect pollinators repelling their host’s symbiotic guard ants to perform pollination. This is a novel strategy by which a plant host avoids interference with pollination by ant-guards in an ant–plant mutualism. The acquisition of a pollination system that is resistant to ant attacks may have facilitated the evolution of myrmecophytes in the genus Macaranga.  相似文献   

In the savanna-like Brazilian biome caatinga, the arboreal and polydomous ant Crematogaster brevispinosa rochai can be found cohabiting with two closely related Nasutitermes species (N. corniger and N. ephratae). This ant occupies variably sized portions of the termite nests and maintains a physical separation with its hosts by plugging the cells of the boundary areas with fibrous material. Although all the analysed cohabiting C. b. rochai nests were queenless, they always contained brood, especially from male and female reproductive castes. Interaction experiments between workers of C. b. rochai and workers or soldiers of N. ephratae revealed a low level of aggressiveness between the two species that contrasts with the aggressiveness of both C. b. rochai and N. ephratae in encounters with other ant (Azteca cf. chartifex, Cephalotes pusillus) or termite (M. cf. indistinctus) species. The association could benefit both ants (additional nesting sites, brood rearing places) and termites (protection against predators, dead ants or ant refuses as source of nitrogen).  相似文献   

Ant-gardens represent a special type of association between ants and epiphytes. Frequently, two ant species can share the same nest in a phenomenon known as ‘parabiosis’, but the exact nature (i.e., mutualistic or parasitic) of this interaction is the subject of debate. We thus attempted to clarify the mutual costs and benefits for each partner (ants and plants) in the Crematogaster levior/Camponotus femoratus ant-garden parabiosis. The ants’ response to experimental foliar damage to the epiphytes and to the host tree as well as their behavior and interactions during prey capture were investigated to see if the purported parasitic status of Cr. levior could be demonstrated in either the ant-ant or in the ant-plant interactions. The results show that both species take part in protecting the epiphytes, refuting the role of Cr. levior as a parasite of the ant-garden mutualism. During capture of large prey Ca. femoratus took advantage from the ability of Cr. levior to discover prey; by following Cr. levior trails Ca. femoratus workers discover the prey in turn and usurp them during agonistic interactions. Nevertheless, the trade-off between the costs and benefits of this association seems then to be favorable to both species because it is known that Cr. levior benefits from Ca. femoratus building the common carton nests and furnishing protection from vertebrates. Consequently, parabiosis can then be defined as the only mutualistic association existing between ant species, at least in ant-gardens. Received 31 August 2006 ; revised 8 December 2006 ; accepted 12 December 2006  相似文献   

Summary. Many species of ground nesting ants regularly visit extrafloral nectaries (EFNs) of the savannah tree Pseudocedrela kotschyi. The distribution of ants on the plants is mosaic-like, i.e. stable and predictable with different ant species dominating neighbouring trees. In order to examine whether foraging behaviour may influence the structure of these ant communities, we investigated individual foraging behaviour of Camponotus sericeus, the ant species with highest incidence on P. kotschyi trees in the study area. Foragers of C. sericeus continuously visited EFNs on the leafs of P. kotschyi during their diurnal activity period. Individually marked foragers showed a pronounced fidelity for individual plants and particular leaves. Ant individuals returned to the same plants over a three week period at least. They persistently focused foraging on the same leaves (about three per ant). Null model analysis of ant distribution revealed that ants partitioned their host plant. Co-occurrence on the same leaves was significantly lower than could be expected by chance for most trees studied. Foraging was not oriented towards the plants growing closest to the nest but more distantly growing plants were considerably used. Choice of plants could therefore be influenced by plant quality or by presence of other, competing ant species. The study is the first to show leaf fidelity caused by EFNs and micro-site fidelity within the context of species rich ant communities. It considers the resulting systematic, partitioned use of individual plants as important factor supporting the formation of a mosaic-like ant distribution on plants.  相似文献   

Maculinea butterflies are social parasites of Myrmica ants. Methods to study the strength of host ant specificity in the MaculineaMyrmica association include research on chemical and acoustic mimicry as well as experiments on ant adoption and rearing behaviour of Maculinea larvae. Here we present results of laboratory experiments on adoption, survival, development and integration of M. teleius larvae within the nests of different Myrmica host species, with the objective of quantifying the degree of specialization of this Maculinea species. In the laboratory, a total of 94 nests of four Myrmica species: M. scabrinodis, M. rubra, M. ruginodis and M. rugulosa were used. Nests of M. rubra and M. rugulosa adopted M. teleius larvae more readily and quickly than M. ruginodis colonies. No significant differences were found in the survival rates of M. teleius larvae reared by different ant species. Early larval growth of M. teleius larvae differed slightly among nests of four Myrmica host species. Larvae reared by colonies of M. rugulosa which were the heaviest at the beginning of larval development had the lowest mean larval body mass after 18 weeks compared to those reared by other Myrmica species. None of the M. teleius larvae was carried by M. scabrinodis or M. rubra workers after ant nests were destroyed, which suggests a lack of integration with host colonies. Results indicate that Myrmica species coming from the same site differ in their ability to adopt and rear M. teleius larvae but there was no obvious adaptation of this butterfly species to one of the host ant species. This may explain why, under natural conditions, all four ants can be used as hosts of this butterfly species. Slight advantages of particular Myrmica species as hosts at certain points in butterfly larval development can be explained by the ant species biology and colony structure rather than by specialization of M. teleius.  相似文献   

Symbiosis between plants and ants include examples in which the plant provides shelter and/or food for ants that, in turn, act in the defense or in the dispersion of seeds from the host plant. Although traditionally referred as mutualistic, the results of these interactions may vary with the ecological context in which patterns are involved. A range of species have facultative association with Turnera subulata (Turneraceae). Here, using behavioral bioassays, we investigated the effects of the most frequent ant species associated with T. subulata (Brachymyrmex sp.1, Camponotus blandus (Smith), Dorymyrmex sp.1, Crematogaster obscurata Emery, and Solenopsis invicta Buren) in the dispersion of plant host seeds and in the number of seedlings around the associated ant nests. We also evaluated the effects of these ant species in the germination of T. subulata seeds, in the consumption of elaiosome, and in the attractiveness to elaiosome odor. Our results showed that the ant species associated with T. subulata presented variation in the attraction by the odor and in the rate of consumption of the elaiosomes. However, none of the ant species studied contributed significantly to the increase of seed germination and seedling growth. Our results suggest that the consumption of the elaiosome by ant species is not a determinant factor to the success of germination of T. subulata. However, such species could contribute indirectly to seed germination by carrying seeds to sites more fertile to germination. In general, our results help to elucidate the results of ecological interactions involving ants and plants.  相似文献   

 In Macaranga myrmecophytes, differences in the production of the food bodies (FBs), on which symbiont ants feed, may relate to the intensity of antiherbivore defense by the ants. Interspecific comparisons among Macaranga species on such a mutualistic cost give important information on their strategies and evolution of antiherbivore defense. In this study, the carbon and nitrogen contents of FBs as well as the production rate of FBs were measured in three Macaranga species, M. winkleri, M. trachyphylla, and M. beccariana. There were significant differences in the production rates of FBs among species; the investment in FBs was greater in the Macaranga species in which ant defenses were more intensive. The carbon and nitrogen contents of FBs were significantly different among the three species, although they did not match the intensity of ant defense; the nitrogen content, especially, was greatest in the species of least intensive ant defense. It is suggested that Macaranga plants may have differentiated in the dependence on ant defense by controlling the total amount of nitrogen of FBs, not simply by nitrogen content. Received: January 19, 2001 / Accepted: December 23, 2001  相似文献   

Flowering plants have modified their floral organs in remarkably diverse ways to optimize their interaction with pollinators. Although floral organs represent a major source of floral diversity, many plants also use extrafloral organs, such as bracts and bracteoles, in interacting with pollinators; however, the evolutionary dynamics of non-floral organs involved in pollination are poorly studied. The genus Macaranga is characterized by protective mutualisms with ants that potentially interfere with pollinators on flowers. Macaranga flowers lack perianths and, notably, bracteoles serve the dual function of rewarding pollinators and protecting them from guarding ants; in one group of species, bracteoles provide a nectar reward to generalist pollinators, while in another group, bracteole “chambers” protect thrips or hemipteran pollinators that use these structures as feeding and breeding sites. We examined the diversity and evolutionary dynamics of inflorescence morphology in Macaranga, focusing on bracteoles. We recognized three inflorescence types based on examination of herbarium materials: Discoid-gland, which possess disc-shaped glands on the bracteole surfaces (including all the generalist-pollinated species); Enclosing, in which bracteoles cover flowers (including all the thrips- and hemipteran-pollinated species); and Inconspicuous, in which bracteoles are small, narrow or absent. Ancestral state reconstruction indicated that inflorescence morphologies have changed multiple times in the genus. These findings suggest that morphological changes in non-floral characters (bracteoles) of Macaranga species have occurred as frequently as in the floral structures of many flowering plants. The multiple evolutions of the Enclosing bracteoles, which protect pollinators, might have been facilitated by pollination interference from mutualistic ants.  相似文献   

The Alcon blue butterfly (Maculinea alcon) parasitizes the nests of several Myrmica ant species. In Denmark, it uses M. rubra and M. ruginodis, but never M. scabrinodis. To further examine the basis of this specificity and local co-adaptation between host and parasite, the pattern of growth and survival of newly-adopted caterpillars of M. alcon in Myrmica subcolonies was examined in the laboratory. M. alcon caterpillars were collected from three populations differing in their host use, and reared in laboratory nests of all three ant species collected from each M. alcon population. While there were differences in the pattern of growth of caterpillars from different populations during the first few months after adoption, which depended on host ant species and the site from which the ants were collected, there was no evidence of major differences in final size achieved. Survival was, however, much higher in nests of M. rubra than in nests of M. ruginodis and M. scabrinodis, even for caterpillars from a population that is never known to use M. rubra as a host in the field. The caterpillars of M. alcon thus do not show local adaptation in their pattern of growth and survival, but instead show a pattern that may reflect different nestmate recognition abilities of the host ants, related to their sociogenetic organisation. The pattern of observed host ant use in the field seems to result from a combination of differences in local host availability and locally adapted infectivity, modulated by smaller differences in survivorship in the nests of the different host ants.  相似文献   

Ant–plant interactions have mainly been considered as a protection mutualism where ants increase plant performance through protection from herbivory. However, host plants may also benefit from nutrients deposited by ants. Nitrogen limits the plant growth in most terrestrial ecosystems and the nutrient exchange between ants and plants may be an important mechanism operating in ant–plant interactions. In this study, we quantified the exchange of macronutrients (carbon and nitrogen) between ants and plants, using the Asian weaver ant Oecophylla smaragdina as a model species in a mango agroecosystem. A method was developed with which the amount of nitrogen retrieved to their host trees could be predicted by the trail density of O. smaragdina. Ant nutrient consumption was calculated based on data on O. smaragdina abundance and per capita consumption rates obtained in laboratory colonies. On a yearly basis, the influx of nitrogen to the host tree, originating from captured prey, averaged 14.4 (range 8.0–46.4) kg N ha?1 y?1. The loss of carbon from the host tree due to ant consumption of exudates from nectaries and tended homopterans averaged 278.1 (range 149.3–939.9) kg C ha?1 y?1. O. smaragdina may provide their host plant with a significant source of nitrogen albeit a substantial amount of carbon is consumed from the host plant. This study reveals that the flow of nutrients between ants and plants may play a critical and underestimated role in ant–plant mutualisms.  相似文献   

To investigate the potential of heterologous transposons as a gene tagging system in broccoli (Brassica oleracea var. Italica), we have introduced a Ds-based two-element transposon system. Ds has been cloned into a 35S-SPT excision-marker system, with transposition being driven by an independent 35S-transposase gene construct (Tpase). In three successive selfed generations of plants there was no evidence of germinal-excision events. To overcome this apparent inability to produce B. oleracea plants with germinal excisions, we performed a novel tissue-culture technique to select for fully green shoots from seed with somatic-excision events. The results showed a very high efficiency of regeneration of fully green plants (up to 65%) and molecular analysis indicated that the plants genetically were like plants that contain a germinal-excision event. Further molecular analysis of these plants showed that 69% exhibited reinsertion of Ds back into the plant genome. Sequencing of donor-site footprints after Ds excision, revealed that there is an indication of more-severe deletions and rearrangements when higher concentrations of streptomycin are used in the tissue-culture selection process. Adapted versions of this regeneration technique have a high potential for providing germinal excision-like events in heterologous plants species which show low transposon activity. Alternatively, there is the potential to increase the proportion of 'germinal' plants in earlier generations of more-active plant species.  相似文献   

Seed dispersal mutualisms are essential to ensure the survival of diverse plant species and communities worldwide. Here, we investigated whether the invasive Argentine ant can replace native ants by fulfilling their functional role in the seed dispersal of the rare and threatened endemic myrmecochorous plant, Anchusa crispa, in Corsica (France). Our study addressed the potential of Linepithema humile to disperse elaiosome-bearing seeds of A. crispa, examining L. humile’s effects on (1) the composition of communities of ants removing seeds, (2) the number of seed removals, (3) seed preference, (4) the distance of seed dispersion, and (5) seed germination. We caught seven native species at the control site, but only the Argentine ant at invaded sites. L humile removed A. crispa seeds in greater numbers than did native ants, respectively 66 and 23%, probably due to their higher worker density. The invader was similar to native ants with respect to distance of seed transport. Finally, rates of seed germination were not significantly different between seeds previously in contact with either Argentine ants or not. Taken all together, these results suggest that the Argentine ant is unlikely to pose a threat to A. crispa population. These results have important implications for the management of this rare and threatened endemic plant and provide an example of non-negative interactions between invasive and native species.  相似文献   

The richness of the parasitic community associated with social insect colonies has rarely been investigated. Moreover, understanding how hosts and pathogens interact in nature is important to interpret results from laboratory experiments. Here, we assessed the diversity, prevalence and virulence of fungal entomopathogens present around and within colonies of the ant Formica selysi. We detected eight fungal species known to be entomopathogenic in soil sampled from the habitat of ants. Six of these entomopathogens were found in active nests, abandoned nests, and corpses from dump piles or live ants. A systematic search for the presence of three generalist fungal entomopathogens in ant colonies revealed a large variation in their prevalence. The most common of the three pathogens, Paecilomyces lilacinus, was detected in 44% of the colonies. Beauveria bassiana occurred in 17% of the colonies, often in association with P. lilacinus, whereas we did not detect Metarhizium brunneum (formerly M. anisopliae) in active colonies. The three fungal species caused significant mortality to experimentally challenged ants, but varied in their degree of virulence. There was a high level of genetic diversity within B. bassiana isolates, which delineated three genetic strains that also differed significantly in their virulence. Overall, our study indicates that the ants encounter a diversity of fungal entomopathogens in their natural habitat. Moreover, some generalist pathogens vary greatly in their virulence and prevalence in ant colonies, which calls for further studies on the specificity of the interactions between the ant hosts and their fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

Larvae of the obligate myrmecophilous social parasite Maculinea alcon (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) were found exclusively using Myrmica aloba (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) ant hosts in NE-Portugal. This is the first record of the host ant usage of any Maculinea species in Portugal, and of any Maculinea using M. aloba nests. These results on such peripheral European populations confirm that knowledge of the local host ant species is crucial for the successful protection of these endangered butterflies, and vital for examining the evolution of such interactions.  相似文献   

Yeast abundance and species diversity in the colonies of Formica aquilonia ants in birch–pine grass forest near Novosibirsk, Russia, were studied. The average yeast number in the anthill material was 103–104 CFU/g, reaching 105 CFU/g in the hatching chambers. Typical litter species (Trichosporon moniliiforme and Cystofilobasidium capitatum) were predominant in soil and litter around the anthills. Apart from these species, ascomycete species of the family Debaryomycetaceae, Debaryomyces hansenii, and Schwanniomyces vanrijiae were predominant in the anthill material. Yeast population of the ant’ bodies consisted exclusively of the members of the last two species. Thus, highly specific yeast communities formed in the colonies of Formica aquilonia ants differ from the communities of surrounding soil. These differences are caused by environment-forming activity of the ants.  相似文献   

The responses of Quercus robur (oak) and Fagus sylvatica (beech) seedlings to four different light environments (full, 50%, 40% and 15% sunlight) and to a rapid increase in irradiance were explored during the summer, after 2 years of growth in a forest nursery at Nancy (France). Significant differences between the two species were found for most variables. Phenotypic plasticity for morphological variables (root-shoot ratio, leaf size, leaf weight ratio) was higher in beech than in oak, while the reverse was true for anatomical (stomatal density, epidermis thickness, exchange surface area of the palisade parenchyma) and physiological (maximum photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, Rubisco activity) variables. Predawn photochemical efficiency (Fv/Fm) was higher in oak than in beech in all light environments except in 15% sunlight. Fv/Fm was significantly lower in 100% sunlight than in the other light environments in beech but not in oak. Maximum photosynthetic rates (Amax) increased with increasing light availability in the two species but they were always higher in oak than in beech. Oak exhibited higher Rubisco activity than beech in full sunlight. The transfer of shade-adapted seedlings to the open caused a decrease of Fv/Fm, which was larger for beech than for oak. Transferred oak but not beech plants recovered gradually to the control Fv/Fm values. The decreased chlorophyll content and the increased non-photochemical quenching observed in high-light beech seedlings were not enough to avoid photoinhibition. The results suggest that a greater tolerance of strong irradiance is linked to an enhanced physiological plasticity (variables related to photosynthesis), while shade tolerance relies on an enhanced plasticity in light-harvesting variables (crown morphology and chlorophyll content).  相似文献   

As traditionally circumscribed, Cuscuta sect. Denticulatae is a group of three parasitic plant species native to the deserts of Western USA (Cuscuta denticulata, Cuscuta nevadensis) and the central region of Baja California, Mexico (Cuscuta veatchii). Molecular phylogenetic studies confirmed the monophyly of this group and suggested that the disjunct C. veatchii is a hybrid between the other two species. However, the limited sampling left the possibility of alternative biological and methodological explanations. We expanded our sampling to multiple individuals of all the species collected from across their entire geographical ranges. Sequence data from the nuclear and plastid regions were used to reconstruct the phylogeny and find out if the topological conflict was maintained. We obtained karyotype information from multiple individuals, investigated the morphological variation of the group thorough morphometric analyses, and compiled data on ecology, host range, and geographical distribution. Our results confirmed that C. veatchii is an allotetraploid. Furthermore, we found previously unknown autotetraploid population of C. denticulata, and we describe a new hybrid species, Cuscuta psorothamnensis. We suggest that this newly discovered natural hybrid is resulting from an independent (and probably more recent) hybridization event between the same diploid parental species as those of C. veatchii. All the polyploids showed host shift associated with hybridization and/or polyploidy and are found growing on hosts that are rarely or never frequented by their diploid progenitors. The great potential of this group as a model to study host shift in parasitic plants associated with recurrent allopolyploidy is discussed.  相似文献   

Urbanized landscapes are the theater of multiple simultaneous biological invasions likely to affect spread dynamics when co-occurring introduced species interact with each other. Interactions between widespread invaders call for particular attention because they are likely to be common and because non-additive outcomes of such associations might induce negative consequences (e.g., enhanced population growth increasing impacts or resistance to control). We explored the invasions of two widespread invasive taxa: the Japanese knotweed species complex Fallopia spp. and the invasive garden ant Lasius neglectus, in the urban area of Lyon (France). First, we investigated landscape habitat preferences as well as co-occurrence rates of the two species. We showed that Fallopia spp. and L. neglectus had broadly overlapping environmental preferences (measured by seven landscape variables), but their landscape co-occurrence pattern was random, indicating independent spread and non-obligatory association. Second, as Fallopia spp. produce extra-floral nectar, we estimated the amount of nectar L. neglectus used under field conditions without ant competitors. We estimated that L. neglectus collected 150–321 kg of nectar in the month of April (when nectar production is peaking) in a 1162 m2 knotweed patch, an amount likely to boost ant population growth. Finally, at six patches of Fallopia spp. surveyed, herbivory levels were low (1–6% loss of leaf surface area) but no relationship between ant abundance (native and invasive) and loss of leaf surface was found. Co-occurrences of Fallopia spp. and L. neglectus are likely to become more common as both taxa colonize landscapes, which could favor the spread and invasion success of the invasive ant.  相似文献   

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