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河南省马铁菊头蝠肠道寄生吸虫   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2003年8月至2006年12月对河南省7个产地35只马铁菊头蝠肠道检查, 发现吸虫5种, 隶属于3科4属.即:软体肠前腺吸虫、长形肠前腺吸虫、软体亚睾吸虫、朝鲜斜睾吸虫和中孔吸虫未定种.马铁菊头蝠是软体亚睾吸虫的新宿主.软体肠前腺吸虫、长形肠前腺吸虫、软体亚睾吸虫是河南省蝙蝠寄生虫的首次报道.  相似文献   

应用石蜡常规切片、HE染色,对马铁菊头蝠消化系统各器官的组织结构进行了观察.结果 表明:食管粘膜上皮为复层扁平上皮,轻微角质化,前、中、后段的上皮结构没有显著差异,食管腺在前段较多,中、后段较少.胃固有层含有大量的管状腺.小肠粘膜表面有许多环形皱襞,在十二指肠上段粘膜下层分布有十二指肠腺.大肠粘膜表面光滑,无绒毛,在粘膜下层的结缔组织中有小动脉、静脉和淋巴管.肝内结缔组织多,肝小叶分界较明显,肝血窦发达.胰的小叶间分界不明显.  相似文献   

对四川产中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种(Rhinolophus affinis himalayanus)和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种(R.ferrumequinum nippon)的23项外部形态指标和22项头骨形态指标进行了测量,并进行数理统计分析。结果表明,(1)中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种的23项外部形态测量指标中有2项差异显著(P<0.05),16项差异极显著(P<0.01),其中:中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种(n=14)体长小于59 mm(47.30~58.40),尾长小于26 mm(21.69~25.68),耳长小于22 mm(18.36~21.88),前臂长小于56 mm(50.9~54.20),第Ⅲ掌骨第一指节长小于16 mm(13.2~15.53),第Ⅲ掌骨第二指节小于32 mm(27.38~31.74);而马铁菊头蝠日本亚种(n=6)体长大于62 mm(62.43~66.76),尾长大于30 mm(30.56~36.18),耳长大于24 mm(24.47~27.20),前臂长大于56 mm(58.78~63.46),第Ⅲ掌骨第一指节大于19 mm(19.38~21.39),第Ⅲ掌骨第二指节大于34 mm(34.42~38.11),这些差异可作为区分四川产这两个种的依据。(2)中菊头蝠喜马拉雅亚种和马铁菊头蝠日本亚种的22项头骨形态测量指标中,除颅高、听泡间距差异不显著(P>0.05)外,其他20项指标都存在极显著差异(P<0.01)。  相似文献   

在自建网室(9 m×4 m×4 m)内驯养马铁菊头蝠(Rhinolophus ferrumequinum),利用超声波探测仪录制蝙蝠不同状态下回声定位声波,声波录制与红外摄像保持同步。结果表明,马铁菊头蝠回声定位声波为调频(FM)/恒频(CF)/调频(FM)型;在蝙蝠接近猎物过程中,声脉冲持续时间和间隔时间显著变短,下调FM(即tFM)组分变得愈为显著,捕捉猎物瞬间,产生捕食蜂鸣;飞行与悬挂状态相比,声脉冲重复率、主频率、声脉冲时间、声脉冲间隔和能率环的差异均达到显著水平。  相似文献   

捕食者与猎物的关系研究对了解物种捕食行为及种群空间格局具有重要意义。采用Avisoft Bioacoustics超声波仪录制马铁菊头蝠自然状态下的声波以确定其捕食活动强度,用灯诱法、扫网法和飞行阻隔法相结合采集昆虫,搜集蝙蝠粪便并分析其食物组成。结果表明,马铁菊头蝠在8月份活动最频繁,昆虫丰富度在8月份最丰富,马铁菊头蝠捕食活动与鳞翅目丰富度呈显著正相关。马铁菊头蝠主要以鳞翅目和鞘翅目为食,但食性存在明显的月份变化。卡方检验结果表明,马铁菊头蝠捕食的猎物与环境中可利用的昆虫猎物存在显著差异。在食物资源丰富时,马铁菊头蝠选择性地捕食营养丰富的鞘翅目昆虫。  相似文献   

河南省二种菊头蝠的核型研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
取骨髓细胞采用空气干燥法对河南省二种菊头蝠的核型进行研究。结果:1.中菊头蝠染色体数为2n=62,N,F=60,属于Harada等划分的菊头蝠属的第1类群,即最原始的类群;2.马铁菊头蝠染色体数为2n=58.N.F=60,属于Harada等划分的菊头蝠属的第2类群;3.马铁菊头蝠的核型为国内首次报道。  相似文献   

蝙蝠的回声定位声波普遍存在地理变化,然而尚不清楚幼蝠在扩散前能否辨别不同种群间的声波差异。本文采用"双选择声学回放实验",研究马铁菊头蝠(Rhinolophus ferrumequinum)幼蝠(1月龄)对回声定位声波地理变化的辨别能力及行为反应。采用4个行为参数衡量幼蝠对本种群(CC)与外种群(JN)回声定位声波的行为反应:每一回放室飞入的次数、飞行时间、停留次数、探测时间。Mann-Whitney U tests表明,马铁菊头蝠1月龄个体对回放声波的行为反应,除每一回放室停留的次数外,其他3个参数均存在显著差异(P0.05),且在本种群声波回放室(CC)的飞行次数和时间以及探测时间均高于外种群声波回放室(JN)。对4个行为参数进行主成分分析,Mann-Whitney U tests表明,回放本种群声波(CC)与外种群声波(JN)之间,第一主成分得分(PC1)存在显著差异(P0.01)。配对T检验表明,幼蝠对本种群声波反应更加强烈(PC1:t10=5.25,P0.001;PC2:t10=2.34,P0.05)。本研究说明马铁菊头蝠幼蝠能够辨别不同种群间回声定位声波的差异。  相似文献   

马铁菊头蝠不同行为下的回声定位叫声   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
蝙蝠回声定位的研究自50年代以来在世界范围内经久不衰,从行为生态学及神经生物学两方面研究回声定位又是该领域最近十几年的热点.其中从行为生态学角度主要研究蝙蝠回声定位对其所处生境及捕食行为的适应性;神经生物学则研究蝙蝠通过回声定位而"观察"周围世界的神经生理学基础.相比之下我国对蝙蝠的回声定位行为研究较少,孙心德等对鲁氏菊头蝠(Rhinolophus rouxi)进行过回避障碍物及听觉神经机理的研究,而对于蝙蝠回声定位超声波信号的研究则基本是空白.  相似文献   

朱旭  王静  孙克萍  江廷磊  姜云垒  冯江 《生态学报》2008,28(11):5248-5258
2007年在吉林省罗通山自然保护区,利用超声波探测仪(Avisoft-SASLAB PRO)录制并分析不同生境中马铁菊头蝠的回声定位声波。结果显示马铁菊头蝠在不同类型生境中活动;各生境中回声定位声波参数存在显著差异(one-way ANOVA,P〈0.05)。从环境因子中通过主成分分析筛选出与其回声定位声波相关的植被、气候和地形因子,探讨回声定位声波与这些因子的相关性。结果显示FM1和FM2带宽与乔木高(r=-0.948,-0.825;P〈0.05)、FM1起始频率和FM2终止频率与林冠面积(r=-0.967,-0.958;P〈0.05)、FM1起始频率、FM2终止频率和峰频与湿度(r=-0.776、-0.875和-0.794,P〈0.05)、脉冲持续时间和脉冲间隔与平均灌木高均呈显著负相关(r=-0.911,-0.990;P〈0.05),峰频与植被株数(r=0.756,P〈0.05)、脉冲持续时间与冠下高呈显著正相关(r=0.870,P〈0.05)。表明各种环境因子(植被因子、气候因子和地形因子)都在一定程度上影响回声定位声波,回声定位声波具有表型可塑性和生境适应性,这些特性决定了马铁菊头蝠生境利用的程度和可利用的资源。  相似文献   

2011年3月至11月,在调查河南省洞栖蝙蝠过程中,分别在河南省信阳市新县沙窝镇胡山水库引水渠(N31°41′,E115°04′)、南阳市桐柏县桐柏山太白顶桃花洞(32°23′N,113°16′E)、洛阳市栾川县伏牛山龙峪湾矿洞(N33°42′,E111°45′)3地观察到大菊头蝠(Rhinolophus luctus),并各捕获1只个体共3只,对其外形和头骨特征进行了测量、描述,与其他地区的大菊头蝠进行了比较,经鉴定为大菊头蝠华南亚种(R.luctus lanous).标本现保存于河南师范大学标本馆.本文还探讨了大菊头蝠在河南省的分布状况.  相似文献   

裴俊峰 《动物学杂志》2011,46(6):130-133
2010年4月16日,在陕西省安康市镇坪县的一无名岩洞获得1号蝙蝠标本.该标本为雄性,体型较大.马蹄叶发达、覆盖上唇且两侧无小附叶.鞍状叶呈三角形,向两侧明显扩张成翼状.体毛细长柔软而稍卷曲.经鉴定为大菊头蝠(Rhinolophus luctus),属陕西省翼手类新纪录.标本保存于陕西省动物研究所标本室.本文报道了这种...  相似文献   

在近年的野外调查中,在河南省伏牛山国家级自然保护区(2011年7月1~9日)和太行山猕猴国家级自然保护区(济源管理局,2010~2011年)分别采集到7号和5号鬣蜥科蜥蜴标本,经鉴定确定为米仓山龙蜥(Japalura micangshanensis),为河南省蜥蜴新纪录。标本分别保存于河南大学生命科学学院动物标本室和郑州大学生物标本室。此新纪录为研究米仓山龙蜥的形态变异和地理分布提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

2011年7月、2012年7月和10月在河南伏牛山国家级自然保护区采集到5号宁波滑蜥(Scincella modesta)标本,系河南首次发现,标本保存于河南大学生命科学学院动物学标本室。  相似文献   

Karaj is an area with large influx of refugee people in Iran. To increase knowledge about parasitic infections, we carried out this research during 2006-2008. We recorded the stool examination results and some of their personal characteristics. A total of 13,915 human stools were examined, and 649 (4.7%) were positive for intestinal parasites. Among them, 13 (0.09%) had worm and 636 (4.6%) had protozoan infections. Maximum infections belonged to Giardia intestinalis, and 534 (3.8%) samples had this infection. Other parasitic infections included Entamoeba coli (0.39%), Entamoeba histolytica (0.021%), Blastocystis hominis (0.08%), Trichomonas hominis (0.1%), Iodamoeba butschlii (0.06%), Chilomastix mesnili (0.007%), Endolimax nana (0.05%), Enterobius spp. eggs (0.028%), Taenia proglottids (0.028%), and Strongyloides stercoralis larvae (0.03%). The maximum numbers of referred people to laboratories were in July and the maximum percentage of infections was in August. There is a point that all 5 Strongyloides stercoralis infections were pertained to 2008. With attention to the rate of parasitic infections (4.7%), it seems that we should take additional educational information to wide spectrum of people living in this city.  相似文献   

粤北六地森林群落的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
利用植被样方法和重要值计算,对地处广东北部山区的南雄青嶂山、始兴南山、曲江沙溪、翁源青云山、新丰云髻山、河源大桂山的森林群落乔木层优势科、优势种及各地共优种的径级结构进行了比较分析。结果表明,各地共有优势科为壳斗科、樟科、山茶科、金缕梅科、冬青科、杜鹃花科等13科,与他们所处的中亚热带地理位置相适应;6地共有优势种9个,优势度存在明显差异。群落的相似性系数以沙溪与南山之间的75.88%为最大;青云山与大桂山之间的45.64%为最低;南山与其他各地的群落相似性系数均大于60%。共有优势种的种群径级结构中,甜锥(Castanopsis eyrei)、罗浮柿(Diospyros morrisiana)、酸枣(Choerospondias axillaris)种群在粤北6地的个体数量分布,与各地的纬度差异有较明显的相关性。云髻山和沙溪的黧蒴(Castanopsis fissa)种群呈增长趋势,而南山和大桂山的趋于衰退。青云山的木荷(Schima superba)种群呈增长趋势,而其他地区的更新不良。黄樟(Cinnamomum porrectum)在各地分布为散生,种群规模小,径级结构不完整。各地枫香(Liquidambar formosana)种群的径级结构不完整,缺乏Ⅰ级幼苗。杉木(Cunninghamia lanceolata)、马尾松(Pinus massoniana)种群在粤北6地均呈现衰退趋势。研究结果提示,整体上粤北6地森林的非地带性植被趋于衰退,常绿阔叶林的恢复进展顺利。  相似文献   

A total of 1,708 small mammals (1,617 rodents and 91 soricomorphs), including Apodemus agrarius (n = 1,400), Microtus fortis (167), Crocidura lasiura (91), Mus musculus (32), Myodes (= Eothenomys) regulus (9), Micromys minutus (6), and Tscherskia (= Cricetulus) triton (3), were live-trapped at US/Republic of Korea (ROK) military training sites near the demilitarized zone (DMZ) of Paju, Pocheon, and Yeoncheon, Gyeonggi Province from December 2004 to December 2009. Small mammals were examined for their intestinal nematodes by necropsy. A total of 1,617 rodents (100%) and 91 (100%) soricomorphs were infected with at least 1 nematode species, including Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Syphacia obvelata, Heterakis spumosa, Protospirura muris, Capillaria spp., Trichuris muris, Rictularia affinis, and an unidentified species. N. brasiliensis was the most common species infecting small mammals (1,060; 62.1%) followed by H. polygyrus (617; 36.1%), S. obvelata (370; 21.7%), H. spumosa (314; 18.4%), P. muris (123; 7.2%), and Capillaria spp. (59; 3.5%). Low infection rates (0.1-0.8%) were observed for T. muris, R. affinis, and an unidentified species. The number of recovered worms was highest for N. brasiliensis (21,623 worms; mean 20.4 worms/infected specimen) followed by S. obvelata (9,235; 25.0 worms), H. polygyrus (4,122; 6.7 worms), and H. spumosa (1,160; 3.7 worms). A. agrarius demonstrated the highest prevalence for N. brasiliensis (70.9%), followed by M. minutus (50.0%), T. triton (33.3%), M. fortis (28.1%), M. musculus (15.6%), C. lasiura (13.2%), and M. regulus (0%). This is the first report of nematode infections in small mammals captured near the DMZ in ROK.  相似文献   

The prevalence of liver and intestinal helminth infections, including Opisthorchis, Haplorchis, Phaneropsolus, hookworms, Enterobius, and Taenia, was surveyed in Khammouane province, Lao PDR. Fecal specimens were collected from 1,242 people (590 men and 652 women) in 3 Mekong riverside villages and were examined by the Kato-Katz thick smear technique. The overall helminth egg positive rate was 81.1%. The positive rate for small trematode eggs, including Opisthorchis viverrini, heterophyids, and lecithodendriids, was 81.1% and the positive rate for hookworms was 6.7%. To obtain adult worms, 35 people who were positive for small trematode eggs were treated with 20-30 mg/kg praziquantel and 10-15 mg/kg pyrantel pamoate, and then purged. Diarrheic stools were collected from 33 of these people and searched for helminth parasites using a stereomicroscope. Mixed infections with various helminths (Haplorchis taichui, Haplorchis yokogawai, Prosthodendrium molenkampi, Phaneropsolus bonnei, echinostomes, hookworms, Trichostrongylus spp., Trichuris trichiura, Enterobius vermicularis, and/or Taenia saginata) were found. The total number of helminth specimens collected was 20,907 (approximately 634 per person). The most common species was H. taichui, followed by P. molenkampi, O. viverrini, P. bonnei, E. vermicularis, hookworms, and Trichostrongylus spp. These results show that diverse species of intestinal nematodes, trematodes, and cestodes are infecting humans in Khammouane province, Lao PDR.  相似文献   

Infective L3s (iL3s) of parasitic nematodes share common behavioural, morphological and developmental characteristics with the developmentally arrested (dauer) larvae of the free-living nematode Caenorhabditis elegans. It is proposed that similar molecular mechanisms regulate entry into or exit from the dauer stage in C. elegans, and the transition from free-living to parasitic forms of parasitic nematodes. In C. elegans, one of the key factors regulating the dauer transition is the insulin-like receptor (designated Ce-DAF-2) encoded by the gene Ce-daf-2. However, nothing is known about DAF-2 homologues in most parasitic nematodes. Here, using a PCR-based approach, we identified and characterised a gene (Hc-daf-2) and its inferred product (Hc-DAF-2) in Haemonchus contortus (a socioeconomically important parasitic nematode of ruminants). The sequence of Hc-DAF-2 displays significant sequence homology to insulin receptors (IR) in both vertebrates and invertebrates, and contains conserved structural domains. A sequence encoding an important proteolytic motif (RKRR) identified in the predicted peptide sequence of Hc-DAF-2 is consistent with that of the human IR, suggesting that it is involved in the formation of the IR complex. The Hc-daf-2 gene was transcribed in all life stages of H. contortus, with a significant up-regulation in the iL3 compared with other stages. To compare patterns of expression between Hc-daf-2 and Ce-daf-2, reporter constructs fusing the Ce-daf-2 or Hc-daf-2 promoter to sequence encoding GFP were microinjected into the N2 strain of C. elegans, and transgenic lines were established and examined. Both genes showed similar patterns of expression in amphidial (head) neurons, which relate to sensation and signal transduction. Further study by heterologous genetic complementation in a daf-2-deficient strain of C. elegans (CB1370) showed partial rescue of function by Hc-daf-2. Taken together, these findings provide a first insight into the roles of Hc-daf-2/Hc-DAF-2 in the biology and development of H. contortus, particularly in the transition to parasitism.  相似文献   

描述了产自江西的兰科(Orchidaceae)虾脊兰属(Calanthe R. Br.)植物一新变型——异钩距虾脊兰 (Calanthe graciliflora f. jiangxiensis B. Li, L. J. Kong et B. Y. Yang),并绘制了线条图。该新变型与原变型钩距虾脊兰(C. graciliflora Hayata)的主要区别为距末端分裂为2个不等的短尖。  相似文献   

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