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Some physico-chemical properties of endonuclease (EC from Serratia marcescens were studied and the amino acid composition of the enzyme was determined. The protein molecule was shown to contain one SH-group and one S-S-bond, which renders it different from the well studied nuclease (EC from Staph. pyogenes. The conditions for reconstitution of the S-S-bond by dithioerythritol for quantitative estimation of cysteine residues of the endonuclease molecule were selected. The N-terminal amino acid was found to be threonine. The UV spectra for the enzyme are typical for proteins; A 0,1% 1cm,280nm is 1.46, epsilon 25 degrees 280nm,pH7,4 is 47292 M-1 cm-1. The sedimentation coefficient in phosphate buffer sW, 20 degrees is 3.4 S, pI is 6.5 and 7.5.  相似文献   

Properties of a DNA repair endonuclease from mouse plasmacytoma cells   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The properties of a DNA-repair endonuclease isolated from mouse plasmacytoma cells have been further studied. It acted on ultraviolet-light-irradiated supercoiled DNA, and the requirement for a supercoiled substrate was absolute at ultraviolet light doses below 1.5 kJ m-2. At higher doses relaxed DNA could also serve as a substrate, but the activity on this DNA was due mostly to hydrolysis of ultraviolet-light-induced apurinic/apyrimidinic (AP) sites by the AP-endonuclease activity associated with the enzyme. The latter enzyme activity did not require a supercoiled form of the DNA. The enzyme also introduced nicks in unirradiated d(A-T)n. The nicked ultraviolet-light-irradiated DNA served as a substrate for DNA polymerase I, showing that the nicks contained free 3'-OH ends. Treatment of the nicked ultraviolet-light-irradiated DNA with bacterial alkaline phosphatase followed by T4 polynucleotide kinase, resulted in the phosphorylation of the 5' ends of the nicks, indicating that the nicks possessed a 5'-phosphate group; 5'- and 3'-mononucleotide analyses of the labelled DNA suggested that the enzyme introduced breaks primarily between G and T residues. The enzyme did not act on any specific region on the supercoiled DNA molecule; it produced random nicks in ultraviolet-light-modified phi X 174 replicative form I DNA. Antibodies raised against ultraviolet-light-irradiated DNA inhibited the activity. DNA adducts such as N-acetoxy-2-acetylaminofluorene and psoralen were not recognized by the enzyme. It is suggested that the enzyme has a specificity directed toward helical distortions.  相似文献   

Ape1 is the major human abasic endonuclease, initiating repair of this common DNA lesion by incising the phosphodiester backbone 5' to the damage site. This enzyme also functions in specific contexts to excise 3'-blocking termini, e.g. phosphate and phosphoglycolate residues, from DNA. Recently, the comparatively "minor" 3' to 5' exonuclease activity of Ape1 was found to contribute to the excision of certain 3'-mismatched nucleotides. In this study, I characterize more thoroughly the 3'-nuclease properties of Ape1 and define the effects of specific DNA determinants on this function. Data within shows that Ape1 is a non- or poorly processive exonuclease, which degrades one nucleotide gap, 3'-recessed, and nicked DNAs, but exhibits no detectable activity on blunt end or single-stranded DNA. A 5'-phosphate, compared to a 5'-hydroxyl group, reduced Ape1 degradation activity roughly tenfold, suggesting that the biological impact of certain DNA single strand breaks may be influenced by the terminal chemistry. In the context of a base excision repair-like DNA intermediate, a 5'-abasic residue exerted an about tenfold attenuation on the 3' to 5' exonuclease efficiency of Ape1. A 3'-phosphate group had little impact on Ape1 exonuclease activity, and oligonucleotides harboring these blocking termini were activated by Ape1 for DNA polymerase beta extension. Ape1 was also found to remove 3'-tyrosyl residues from 3'-recessed and nicked DNAs, suggesting a potential role in processing covalent topoisomerase I-DNA intermediates formed during chromosome relaxation. While exhibiting preferential excision of thymine in a T:G mismatch context, Ape1 was unable to degrade a triple 3'-thymine mispair. However, Ape1 was able to excise double nucleotide mispairs, apparently through a novel 3'-flap-type endonuclease activity, again activating these substrates for polymerase beta extension.  相似文献   

Properties and regulation of glutathione peroxidase   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  

D J Beck  S Popoff  A Sancar    W D Rupp 《Nucleic acids research》1985,13(20):7395-7412
Mutants of Escherichia coli, which are blocked in excision repair (uvrA6, uvrB5, or uvrC34) are exceptionally sensitive to the antitumor drug cis-Pt(II)(NH3)2Cl2 (cis-DDP) but not the trans isomer. Plasmid DNA, damaged by either the cis or trans compound and treated with the UVRABC excision nuclease was cut as shown by conversion of supercoiled DNA to relaxed forms. All three protein products of the uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC genes were required for incision. End-labeled fragments damaged with cis-DDP and reacted with the UVRABC nuclease were cut at the 8th phosphodiester bond 5' and at the 4th phosphodiester bond 3' to adjacent GG's. DNA treated with trans-DDP was not cut appreciably at adjacent GG's by the repair enzyme as subsequent analysis of reaction products after enzyme digestion gave a pattern similar to those obtained with control untreated fragments. The results indicate that the UVRABC nuclease may promote cell survival by the removal of adjacent GG's which are crosslinked by cis-Pt(II)(NH3)2Cl2.  相似文献   

The binding of the anti-tumor antibiotic anthramycin to a defined linear DNA fragment was investigated using both exonuclease III and lambda exonuclease. We show that most of the guanine residues are reactive toward anthramycin; however, several guanine residues showed preferential reactivity for the drug. Using purified UVRA, UVRB and UVRC proteins we present evidence that these three proteins in concert are able to recognize and produce specific strand cleavage flanking anthramycin-DNA adducts. The cleavage of anthramycin adducts by UVRABC nuclease is specific and results in strand breaks at five or six bases 5' and three or four bases 3'-flanking an adduct. At some guanine residues single incisions were observed only on one side of the adduct. The 5' strand breaks observed often occurred as doublet bands on sequencing gels, indicating plasticity in the site of 5' cleavage whereas the 3' cleavage did not show this effect. When DNA fragments modified with elevated levels of anthramycin were used as substrates the activity of the UVRABC nuclease toward the anthramycin adducts decreased. Possible mechanisms for the recognition and specific cleavage of the helix-stabilizing anthramycin DNA adduct and other helix destabilizing lesions by the UVRABC nuclease are discussed.  相似文献   

2'-Fluorothymidine (Tf) was synthesized via an improved procedure with (diethylamino)sulfur trifluoride. The compatibility of the analogue with DNA synthesis via the phosphoramidite method was demonstrated after complete enzymatic digestion of the oligonucleotides d(Tf11T) and d(Tf3T), the sole products of which were 2'-fluorothymidine and thymidine in the expected ratio. The 2'-fluorothymidine was also incorporated into the EcoRV recognition sequence (underlined), within the complementary oligonucleotides d(CAAACCGATATCGTTGTG) and d(CACAACGATATCGGTTTG). Thermal melting characteristics of these duplexes showed a significant decrease in stability only when both of the thymidine residues in one of the strands were replaced. In contrast, when all of one strand of a duplex contained 2'-fluorothymidine, as in d(Tf11T).d(A12), a substantially higher Tm and cooperativity of melting was observed relative to the unmodified structure. EcoRV cleaved a duplex that contained a 2'-fluorothymidine at the scissile linkage in each strand at two-thirds of the rate obtained for the unmodified structure. A duplex containing two 2'-fluorothymidine residues in one strand and none in the other was cleaved at one-third of the rate in its unsubstituted strand, whereas the cleavage rate was reduced to 22% in its modified strand.  相似文献   

Toward the end of the 20th and beginning of the 21st centuries, clever in vitro biochemical complementation experiments and genetic screens from the laboratories of Xiaodong Wang, Shigekazu Nagata, and Ding Xue led to the discovery of two major apoptotic nucleases, termed DNA fragmentation factor (DFF) or caspase-activated DNase (CAD) and endonuclease G (Endo G). Both endonucleases attack chromatin to yield 3'-hydroxyl groups and 5'-phosphate residues, first at the level of 50-300 kb cleavage products and next at the level of internucleosomal DNA fragmentation, but these nucleases possess completely different cellular locations in normal cells and are regulated in vastly different ways. In non-apoptotic cells, DFF exists in the nucleus as a heterodimer, composed of a 45 kD chaperone and inhibitor subunit (DFF45) [also called inhibitor of CAD (ICAD-L)] and a 40 kD latent nuclease subunit (DFF40/CAD). Apoptotic activation of caspase-3 or -7 results in the cleavage of DFF45/ICAD and release of active DFF40/CAD nuclease. DFF40's nuclease activity is further activated by specific chromosomal proteins, such as histone H1, HMGB1/2, and topoisomerase II. DFF is regulated by multiple pre- and post-activation fail-safe steps, which include the requirements for DFF45/ICAD, Hsp70, and Hsp40 proteins to mediate appropriate folding during translation to generate a potentially activatable nuclease, and the synthesis in stoichiometric excess of the inhibitors (DFF45/35; ICAD-S/L). By contrast, Endo G resides in the mitochondrial intermembrane space in normal cells, and is released into the nucleus upon apoptotic disruption of mitochondrial membrane permeability in association with co-activators such as apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF). Understanding further regulatory check-points involved in safeguarding non-apoptotic cells against accidental activation of these nucleases remain as future challenges, as well as designing ways to selectively activate these nucleases in tumor cells.  相似文献   

The main endonuclease for apurinic sites of Escherichia coli (endonuclease VI) has no action on normal strands, either in double-stranded or single-stranded DNA, or on alkylated sites. The enzyme has an optimum pH at 8.5, is inhibited by EDTA and needs Mg2+ for its activity; it has a half-life of 7 min at 40 degrees C. A purified preparation of endonuclease VI, free of endonuclease II activity, contained exonuclease III; the two activities (endonuclease VI and exonuclease III) copurified and were inactivated with the same half-lives at 40 degrees C. Endonuclease VI cuts the DNA strands on the 5' side of the apurinic sites giving a 3'-OH and a 5'-phosphate, and exonuclease III, working afterwards, leaves the apurinic site in the DNA molecule; this apurinic site can subsequently be removed by DNA polymerase I. The details of the excision of apurinic sites in vitro from DNA by endonuclease VI/exonuclease III, DNA polymerase I and ligase, are described; it is suggested that exonuclease III works as an antiligase to facilitate the DNA repair.  相似文献   

Characterization of the Escherichia coli X-ray endonuclease, endonuclease III   总被引:34,自引:0,他引:34  
H L Katcher  S S Wallace 《Biochemistry》1983,22(17):4071-4081
The X-ray endonuclease endonuclease III of Escherichia coli has been purified to apparent homogeneity by using the criterion of sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The most purified fraction shows endonucleolytic activity against apurinic and apyrimidinic (AP) sites and a dose-dependent response to DNA that has been X irradiated, UV irradiated, or treated with OsO4. The endonuclease also nicks OsO4-treated DNA that has been subsequently treated with alkali to produce fragmented thymine residues and DNA treated with potassium permanganate. The enzyme does not incise the alkali-labile sites present in DNA X irradiated in vitro in the presence of hydroxyl radical scavengers. The most purified fractions exhibit two distinct activities, an AP endonuclease that cleaves on the 3' side of the damage leaving a 3'-OH and a 5'-PO4 and a DNA N-glycosylase that recognizes at least two substrates, thymine glycol residues and urea residues. The glycosylase activity is sensitive to N-ethylmaleimide while the AP endonuclease is not.  相似文献   

The structure-specific Mus81-Eme1/Mms4 endonuclease contributes importantly to DNA repair and genome integrity maintenance. Here, using budding yeast, we have studied its function and regulation during the cellular response to DNA damage and show that this endonuclease is necessary for successful chromosome replication and cell survival in the presence of DNA lesions that interfere with replication fork progression. On the contrary, Mus81-Mms4 is not required for coping with replicative stress originated by acute treatment with hydroxyurea (HU), which causes fork stalling. Despite its requirement for dealing with DNA lesions that hinder DNA replication, Mus81-Mms4 activation is not induced by DNA damage at replication forks. Full Mus81-Mms4 activity is only acquired when cells finish S-phase and the endonuclease executes its function after the bulk of genome replication is completed. This post-replicative mode of action of Mus81-Mms4 limits its nucleolytic activity during S-phase, thus avoiding the potential cleavage of DNA substrates that could cause genomic instability during DNA replication. At the same time, it constitutes an efficient fail-safe mechanism for processing DNA intermediates that cannot be resolved by other proteins and persist after bulk DNA synthesis, which guarantees the completion of DNA repair and faithful chromosome replication when the DNA is damaged.  相似文献   

A brief survey is made of the function of the H+-ATP synthase of mitochondria with emphasis on how it is regulated. A main regulatory factor is a low molecular weight protein whose binding to the enzyme appears to be essential for optimal accumulation of ATP as driven by electron transport. The ATP synthase is also controlled by ADP that, by binding to a site in the enzyme, inhibits ATP hydrolysis. Data on the spontaneous synthesis of a tightly bound ATP are discussed. Apparently, this requires proper subunit interactions to yield a competent catalytic site.  相似文献   

Transducing lambda phages have been isolated that carry segments of the Escherichia coli chromosome in the aspC region, 20.5 min on the E. coli map. One of these phages, lambda aspC2, carries rpsA, the structural gene for the ribosomal protein S1. A three kilobase fragment from this phage, cloned into either the plasmid pACYC184 or the plasmid pBR322, was found to express S1. In cells carrying the rpsA gene on the high copy number plasmid pBR322 the rate of rpsA mRNA synthesis was increased 40-fold, whereas the rate of protein S1 synthesis was doubled, in comparison with these rates in an rpsA haploid.  相似文献   

J R Pierce  R Case  M S Tang 《Biochemistry》1989,28(14):5821-5826
Recognition of damage induced by N-hydroxy-2-aminofluorene (N-OH-AF) and N-acetoxy-2-(acetylamino)fluorene (NAAAF) in both phi X174 RFI supercoiled DNA and a linear DNA fragment by purified UVRA, UVRB, and UVRC proteins was investigated. We have previously demonstrated that N-OH-AF and NAAAF treatments produce N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-aminofluorene (dG-C8-AF) and N-(deoxyguanosin-8-yl)-2-(acetylamino)fluorene (dG-C8-AAF), respectively, in DNA. Using a piperidine cleavage method and DNA sequence analysis, we have found that all guanine residues can be modified by N-OH-AF and NAAAF. These two kinds of adducts have different impacts on the DNA helix structure; while dG-C8-AF maintains the anti configuration, dG-C8-AAF is in the syn form. phi X174 RF DNA-Escherichia coli transfection results indicate that while the uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC gene products are needed to repair dG-C8-AAF, the uvrC, but not the uvrA or uvrB gene products, is needed for repair of dG-C8-AF. However, we have found that in vitro the UVRA, UVRB, and UVRC proteins must work in concert to nick both dG-C8-AF and dG-C8-AAF. In general, the reactions of UVRABC nuclease toward dG-C8-AF are similar to those toward dG-C8-AAF; it incises seven to eight nucleotides from the 5' side and three to four nucleotides from the 3' side of the DNA adduct. Evidence is presented to suggest that hydrolysis on the 3' and 5' sides of the damaged base by UVRABC nuclease is not simultaneous and that at least occasionally hydrolysis occurs only on the 3' side or on the 5' side of the damage site. The possible mechanisms of UVRABC nuclease incision for AF-DNA are discussed.  相似文献   

The properties and developmental regulation of the protein phosphatases of Dictyostelium discoideum were examined. When crude extracts from vegetative cells were separated on a Mono Q column (FPLC) three protein phosphatase peaks, designated P1, P2 and P3 were found. When aggregation and culmination cells were examined only one protein phosphatase peak was observed. This corresponded to phosphatase P1 of vegetative cells. All three of the vegetative cell phosphatase were inhibited by heparin and mammalian phosphatase inhibitor-2, both of which are specific for type-1 protein phosphatases. Trifluoperazine, which inhibits type-2 protein phosphatases, had little effect on any peaks while levamisole, an alkaline phosphatase inhibitor, stimulated P2, slightly inhibited P3 and had no effect on P1. These results demonstrate the existence of two vegetative phase specific protein phosphatases in D. discoideum and one which occurs during all phases of the life cycle. The protein phosphatases isolated from vegetative cells all appear to be type-1 enzymes.  相似文献   

The recognition and repair of the helix-stabilizing and relatively nondistortive CC-1065-(N3-adenine)-DNA adduct by UVRABC nuclease has been investigated both in vivo with phi X174 RFI DNA by a transfection assay and in vitro by a site-directed adduct in a 117 base pair fragment from M13mp1. CC-1065 is a potent antitumor antibiotic produced by Streptomyces zelensis which binds within the minor groove of DNA through N3 of adenine. In contrast to the helix-destabilizing and distortive modifications of DNA caused by ultraviolet light or N-acetoxy-2-(acetylamino)fluorene, CC-1065 increases the melting point of DNA and decreases the S1 nuclease activity. Using a viral DNA-Escherichia coli transfection system, we have found that the uvrA, uvrB, and uvrC genes, which code for the major excision repair proteins for UV- and NAAAF-induced DNA damage, are also involved in the repair of CC-1065-DNA adducts. In contrast, the uvrD gene product, which has been found to be involved in the repair of UV damage, has no effect in repairing CC-1065-DNA adducts. Purified UVRA, UVRB, and UVRC proteins must work in concert to incise the drug-modified phi X174 RFI DNA. Using a site-directed and multiple CC-1065 modified (MspI-BstNI) 117 base pair fragment from M13mp1, we have found that UVRABC nuclease incises at the eighth phosphodiester bond on the 5' side of the CC-1065-DNA adduct on the drug-modified strand.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

An endonuclease activity associated with purified proteinase K-treated intracisternal A-particles was identified and characterized. The activity required divalent cations, preferring Mn2+ to Mg2+. Salt concentrations above 50 mM inhibited the activity. The endonuclease was greatly stimulated by ATP, ADP, and dATP, whereas AMP appeared to produce a slight inhibition. GTP had no apparent effect on the activity. The enzyme introduced single-stranded nicks into DNA and nicked preferentially supercoiled DNA duplexes in the presence of ATP, although linear duplexes also functioned as substrates. Single-stranded DNA was not nicked to any great extent. The molecular weight of the enzyme was estimated to be about 40,000. The characteristics of this enzyme are very similar to those of the endonuclease found associated with Friend murine leukemia virus.  相似文献   

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