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Noninfectious spikeless particles have been obtained from vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV, Indiana serotype) by bromelain or Pronase treatment. They lack the viral glycoprotein (G) but contain all the other viral components (RNA, lipid, and other structural proteins). Triton-solubilized VSV-Indiana glycoprotein preparations, containing the viral G protein as well as lipids (including phospholipids), have been extracted from whole virus preparations, freed from the majority of the detergent, and used to restore infectivity to spikeless VSV. The infectivity of such particles has been found to be enhanced by poly-L-ornithine but inhibited by Trition or homologous antiserum pretreatment. Heat-denatured glycoprotein preparations were not effective in restoring the infectivity to spikeless VSV. Heterologous glycoprotein preparations from the serologically distinct VSV-New Jersey serotype were equally capable of making infectious entities with VSV-Indiana spikeless particles, and the infectivity of these structures was inhibited by VSV-New Jersey antiserum but not by VSV-Indiana antiserum. Purified, detergent-free glycoprotein selectively solubilized from VSV-Indiana by the dialyzable detergent, octylglucoside, also restored infectivity of spikeless virions of VSV-Indiana and VSV-New Jersey.  相似文献   

A sensitive assay system for receptor activity of gangliosides to paramyxovirus was developed. This system involves incorporation of gangliosides into neuraminidase-treated chicken erythrocytes (asialoerythrocytes) followed by estimation of virus-mediated agglutination and hemolysis. The asialoerythrocytes coated with I-active ganglioside (Sia alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3(Gal alpha 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-6)Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc beta 1-Cer) were effectively agglutinated by hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ, Sendai virus). The hemolysis of the asialoerythrocytes mediated by HVJ was restored to the highest level by labeling the cells with gangliosides possessing lacto-series oligosaccharide chains, i.e., I-active ganglioside, N-acetylneuraminosylparagloboside (SiaPG(NeuAc)), and i-active ganglioside (Sia alpha 2-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4GlcNAc beta 1-3Gal beta 1-4Glc beta 1-Cer). The specific receptor activity of ganglioside GD1a possessing a gangliotetraose chain was lower than those of the gangliosides described above. Gangliosides GM3, GD3, GM1a, GD1b, SiaPG(NeuGc) showed little effect on the restoration of HVJ-mediated hemolysis. On infection with Newcastle disease virus (NDV), the highest specific restoration of lysis was found in chicken asialoerythrocytes coated with SiaPG(NeuAc or NeuGc) and GM3(NeuAc or NeuGc), whereas those coated with I-active ganglioside, GD3, GM1a, and GD1b showed very low NDV-mediated hemolysis. The above results indicate that the determinants of receptor for HVJ contain sialylated branched and/or linear lacto-series oligosaccharides carried by I,i-active gangliosides and SiaPG(NeuAc) and sialosylgangliotetraose chain carried by GD1a. The determinants for NDV are carried by SiaPG(NeuAc or NeuGc) containing linear lacto-series oligosaccharide and GM3(NeuAc or NeuGc). The absence of detectable binding of free oligosaccharides obtained from I-active ganglioside and sialoglycoprotein GP-2 isolated from bovine erythrocyte membranes as HVJ receptor (Suzuki, Y., et al. J. Biochem. (1983) 93, 1621-1633; (1984) 95, 1193-1200) indicates that HVJ recognizes the sialooligosaccharides oriented out of the lipid bilayer in the cell membranes where the hydrophobic ceramide or peptide backbone of the receptor is integrated.  相似文献   

Carbohydrate structures of HVJ (Sendai virus) glycoproteins   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
The carbohydrate structures of two membrane glycoproteins (HANA protein and F protein) of HVJ have been determined on materials purified from virions grown in the allantoic sac of embryonated chicken eggs. Both glycoproteins contain fucose, mannose, galactose, and glucosamine but not galactosamine, indicating that their sugar chains are exclusively of the asparagine-linked type. The radioactive oligosaccharide fractions obtained from the two glycoproteins by hydrazinolysis followed by NaB[3H]4 reduction gave quite distinct fractionation patterns after paper electrophoresis. More than 75% of the oligosaccharides from F protein were acidic and separated into at least four components by paper electrophoresis. Only 18% of the oligosaccharide from HANA protein was an acidic single component. These acidic oligosaccharides could not be converted to neutral oligosaccharides by sialidase digestion. Structural studies of the neutral oligosaccharide fractions from HANA and F proteins revealed that both of them are mixtures of a series of high mannose type oligosaccharides and of complex type oligosaccharides with Gal beta 1 leads to (Fuc alpha 1 leads to 3) GlcNAc group in their outer chain moieties.  相似文献   

Newcastle disease virus (Herts strain), grown in embryonated eggs or in a line of bovine kidney cells, was purified and then separated by sucrose density gradient centrifugation into infectious (IH) and noninfectious hemagglutinating (NIH) particles. These particles were morphologically similar, although the average size of IH was twice that of NIH particles. The activity of hemagglutinin per milligram of virus protein was two- to threefold higher in NIH particles than in IH particles, whereas the specific activity of neuraminidase did not differ in the two particle types. This was consistent with the observed particle size difference. The distribution of the major proteins in IH and NIH particles from egg-grown virus, determined by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE), was significantly different. In IH particles the molar ratio of protein 1 (74,000 daltons) to proteins 2 and 3 (56,000 daltons): protein 6 (41,000 daltons) was 1.0:2.5:2.5; in NIH particles the ratio was 1.0:0.6:1.0. When Newcastle disease virus was grown in bovine kidney cells, the molar ratio of proteins in IH particles resembled that of of egg-grown virus. However, in NIH particles from bovine kidney cells, only protein bands corresponding to protein 1 and proteins 2-3 were present and their molar ratio was 1.0:0.6. Protein 6 was marginally detectable in these particles. Analysis of the proteins in [3H]isoleucine- and [14C]glucosamine-labeled virus showed proteins 1 and 2 (glycoproteins) present in the ratio of 1.0:0.5; protein 3, the nucleoprotein, was not detected. These results are compatible with previous findings by others that NIH particles are deficient in RNA and nucleoprotein antigen, and suggest that formation of discrete particles of Newcastle disease virus by budding requires at most minimal amounts of proteins 3 or 6. The fatty acid composition of egg-grown IH and NIH particles was not significantly different and resembled that of normal allantoic fluid.  相似文献   

N Miura  E Ohtsuka  N Yamaberi  M Ikehara  T Uchida  Y Okada 《Gene》1985,38(1-3):271-274
A synthetic 20-mer based on the known amino acid (aa) sequence of the N-terminus of Sendai virus F1 polypeptide was synthesized. Using this dI-probe, which contained deoxyinosines at all six ambiguous codon positions, we isolated clones carrying cDNAs for the F mRNA of Sendai virus. Nucleotide (nt) sequence analysis revealed a long open reading frame (ORF) that encodes a protein of 565 aa. Thus, this type of dI-probes should prove useful for selecting cDNA clones, when the aa sequence is known and is characterized by high codon redundancy.  相似文献   

When HVJ virions were sonicated in the presence of a given protein, about 0.2%–0.3% of total protein added was recovered in the virions. The protein molecules could be introduced effectively into cells. In this study, fragment A of diphtheria toxin was used as the test protein. More than 96% of L cells were killed after short exposure to the virus suspension containing fragment A diluted so as to contain only about 0.004 μg of fragment A per ml.  相似文献   

Aggregation of intramembrane particles of human erythrocytes was found to be induced by HVJ (Sendai virus) under conditions which lead to cell fusion. Degree of polyerythrocyte formation was compared under a variety of conditions with extent of cluster formation observed with the same preparations. Both structural changes of the membranes, ie, fusion and clustering of the particles, behaved very similarly under widely different virus-to-cell ratios and over the time course of cell fusion. Furthermore, by inclusion of high concentrations of antispectrin antibodies within the ghosts, inhibition of clustering of intramembrane particles and hindrance of virus-induced cell fusion were found to occur simultaneously. Antibodies by themselves did not induce aggregation of particles under isotonic conditions, whereas particle clustering could be induced under hypotonic conditions at antibody concentrations causing partial cross-linking of spectrin molecules. In conclusion, clustering of intramembrane particles seems to be required for virus-induced fusion of human erythrocytes.  相似文献   

Two kinds of monoclonal antibodies against HN protein of HVJ were isolated. In competitive binding assay, binding of one of these antibodies to HN protein did not inhibit binding of the other antibody to the same molecule. One of the antibodies, named HN-1 antibody, inhibited hemagglutination activity of HVJ and also blocked neuraminidase activity of the virus when fetuin and Ehrlich ascites tumor cells were used as substrates, but it did not inhibit the activity when neuramine-lactose was used as substrate. The other antibody, HN-2, did not inhibit hemagglutination activity or neuraminidase activity, but blocked HVJ-induced viral envelope-cell fusion, cell-cell fusion and hemolysis. The mechanism by which HN-2 antibody blocked the fusion process is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract We have developed a transformation system for Streptomyces wadayamensis , a cephamycin C producer. 1−5 × 109 protoplasts can be obtained when late logarithmic phase cultures of this microorganisms are incubated with 10 mg/ml of lysozyme. Polyethylene glycol-Ca2+-mediated transformation of these protoplasts yielded 106 transformants per μg of pIJ702 or pIJ365 DNA.  相似文献   

The growth of poliovirus in a HeLa cell culture persistently infected with the hemagglutinating virus of Japan (HVJ, the Sendai strain of parainfluenza 1 virus) (HeLaHVJ) was studied. Plaques produced by poliovirus on HeLaHVJ cell monolayers were hazier, smaller and fewer than those on HeLa cells. HeLaHVJ cells were indistinguishable from normal HeLa cells with respect to adsorption rate and penetration efficiency of poliovirus. Extracellular yields of poliovirus in HeLaHVJ cells were lower, and the cytopathic changes were less than those in normal HeLa cells, while cell-associated virus growth in HeLaHVJ cells was nearly equal to that in HeLa cells. HeLaHVJ cells responded more effectively to the action of magnesium chloride, which facilitates virus release from infected cells, resulting in an cytopathic effects. No reduction in poliovirus yield could be detected in HeLa cells acutely infected with HVJ. The relationship between the inhibition of the release of poliovirus from HeLaHVJ cells and the persistent infection of the cells with HVJ is discussed.  相似文献   

The conditions for efficient introduction of the contents of liposomes into cells were examined using fragment A of diphtheria toxin (DA) as a marker; one molecule of DA can kill a cell when introduced into the cytoplasm. Liposomes containing DA (DA liposomes) were toxic to cells treated with HVJ (Sendai virus) at 4 degrees C just before exposure to DA liposomes at 37 degrees C, but were not toxic to untreated cells. This toxicity was temperature-dependent. DA outside of liposomes was not toxic to HVJ-treated cells. Results also showed that liposomes could fuse with HVJ at 37 degrees but not at 4 degrees C and that liposomes preincubated with HVJ at 37 degrees C could associate with cells. DA liposomes preincubated with HVJ at 37 degrees C were highly toxic to cells. This toxicity was dependent on the duration of preincubation with HVJ and the dose of HVJ. When plasmid DNA coded herpes simplex virus thymidine kinase was trapped in liposomes and fused with Ltk- cells with HVJ, the thymidine kinase activity was expressed in about 10% of the cells. These data show that naked liposomes fuse efficiently with cells with HVJ and that the contents of the liposomes can be introduced into the cytoplasm 100-10 000 times more efficiently by treatment of the cells or liposomes with HVJ.  相似文献   

Virus particles, lacking the spike G-glycoproteins, are produced during infection of Vero cells with the vesicular stomatitis virus mutant ts045 at the restrictive temperature 39.5 degrees C. At this temperature the mutated G proteins are blocked in their intracellular transport in the endoplasmic reticulum. We have studied the role of the G proteins in the formation of these spikeless virus particles. The results showed that the spikeless particles contain a full complement of membrane anchors, derived from the carboxy-terminal end of the G protein. Our observations suggest that virus particles are formed at the restrictive temperature with G protein which is later cleaved to produce spikeless particles. We suggest that this is due to a leak of G protein to the cell surface at 39.5 degrees C where budding then takes place, presumably driven by a G protein C-terminal tail--nucleocapsid interaction.  相似文献   

Fusion of cells mediated by HVJ was inhibited completely with 5 μg/ml or more of cytochalasin D (CD). With cytochalasin, HVJ-cell interaction at 0 °C proceeded as well as without cytochalasin; HVJ was adsorbed to cell surfaces and the cells agglutinated together. Then the virus particles were enfolded with cell membranes, which resulted in the disappearance of hemadsorption activity on the cell surfaces. When the cell-virus complex was incubated at 37 °C, the early reactions proceeded as well as without cytochalasin; the hemadsorption activity reappeared on the cell surfaces, the viral envelopes fused with cell membranes at the same degree as without cytochalasin, and a stage sensitive to sodium azide appeared as in a control without cytochalasin. But cell-to-cell fusion did not occur in the presence of cytochalasin; cells were dissociated freely from the cell aggregates during incubation. This indicates that cell-to-cell fusion was inhibited but HVJ envelope to cell membrane interactions proceeded well on incubation at 37 °C. These findings suggest that viral envelope-cell membrane fusion and cell-cell fusion are separable, and participation of a cytoskeleton system including microfilaments in the cells is essential for cell-cell fusion.  相似文献   

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