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Deng HW  Li J 《Genetical research》2002,79(2):161-174
We investigate how sampling of parents or children based on their extreme phenotypic values selected from clinical databases would affect the power of identification of quantitative trait loci (QTL) by a transmission disequilibrium test (TDT). We consider three selective sampling schemes based on the selection of phenotypic values of parents or children in nuclear families: (1) two children, one of extreme value, the other random; (2) two children extremely discordant; (3) one parent of extreme value. Other family members not specified will be recruited randomly with regard to phenotypic values. Our study shows that the second sampling scheme can always enhance the power for QTL identification, sometimes dramatically so. The increase in the statistical power of the TDT is particularly dramatic when h2 at the QTL under test is small or intermediate (e.g. 0.05 or 0.10). For the other two sampling schemes, under dominant effects at the QTL, the power is always increased relative to random sampling; however, under recessive or additive genetic effects, the power gain is generally minor or even decreased a little sometimes. Allele frequencies at the QTL and the selection stringency are important for determining the effect of selective sampling on the power of QTL identification. Our study is useful as a practical guideline on how to perform the TDT efficiently in practice by taking advantage of the extensive databases accumulated that are enriched with people of extreme phenotypic values.  相似文献   

Y Cui  F Zhang  J Xu  Z Li  S Xu 《Heredity》2015,115(6):538-546
Quantitative trait locus (QTL) mapping is often conducted in line-crossing experiments where a sample of individuals is randomly selected from a pool of all potential progeny. QTLs detected from such an experiment are important for us to understand the genetic mechanisms governing a complex trait, but may not be directly relevant to plant breeding if they are not detected from the breeding population where selection is targeting for. QTLs segregating in one population may not necessarily segregate in another population. To facilitate marker-assisted selection, QTLs must be detected from the very population which the selection is targeting. However, selected breeding populations often have depleted genetic variation with small population sizes, resulting in low power in detecting useful QTLs. On the other hand, if selection is effective, loci controlling the selected trait will deviate from the expected Mendelian segregation ratio. In this study, we proposed to detect QTLs in selected breeding populations via the detection of marker segregation distortion in either a single population or multiple populations using the same selection scheme. Simulation studies showed that QTL can be detected in strong selected populations with selected population sizes as small as 25 plants. We applied the new method to detect QTLs in two breeding populations of rice selected for high grain yield. Seven QTLs were identified, four of which have been validated in advanced generations in a follow-up study. Cloned genes in the vicinity of the four QTLs were also reported in the literatures. This mapping-by-selection approach provides a new avenue for breeders to improve breeding progress. The new method can be applied to breeding programs not only in rice but also in other agricultural species including crops, trees and animals.  相似文献   

Linkage analysis based on identity-by-descent allele-sharing can be used to identify a chromosomal region harboring a quantitative trait locus (QTL), but lacks the resolution required for gene identification. Consequently, linkage disequilibrium (association) analysis is often employed for fine-mapping. Variance-components based combined linkage and association analysis for quantitative traits in sib pairs, in which association is modeled as a mean effect and linkage is modeled in the covariance structure has been extended to general pedigrees (quantitative transmission disequilibrium test, QTDT). The QTDT approach accommodates data not only from parents and siblings, but also from all available relatives. QTDT is also robust to population stratification. However, when population stratification is absent, it is possible to utilize even more information, namely the additional information contained in the founder genotypes. In this paper, we introduce a simple modification of the allelic transmission scoring method used in the QTDT that results in a more powerful test of linkage disequilibrium, but is only applicable in the absence of population stratification. This test, the quantitative trait linkage disequilibrium (QTLD) test, has been incorporated into a new procedure in the statistical genetics computer package SOLAR. We apply this procedure in a linkage/association analysis of an electrophysiological measurement previously shown to be related to alcoholism. We also demonstrate by simulation the increase in power obtained with the QTLD test, relative to the QTDT, when a true association exists between a marker and a QTL.  相似文献   

We present a maximum likelihood method for mapping quantitative trait loci that uses linkage disequilibrium information from single and multiple markers. We made paired comparisons between analyses using a single marker, two markers and six markers. We also compared the method to single marker regression analysis under several scenarios using simulated data. In general, our method outperformed regression (smaller mean square error and confidence intervals of location estimate) for quantitative trait loci with dominance effects. In addition, the method provides estimates of the frequency and additive and dominance effects of the quantitative trait locus.  相似文献   

Recently, the use of linkage disequilibrium (LD) to locate genes which affect quantitative traits (QTL) has received an increasing interest, but the plausibility of fine mapping using linkage disequilibrium techniques for QTL has not been well studied. The main objectives of this work were to (1) measure the extent and pattern of LD between a putative QTL and nearby markers in finite populations and (2) investigate the usefulness of LD in fine mapping QTL in simulated populations using a dense map of multiallelic or biallelic marker loci. The test of association between a marker and QTL and the power of the test were calculated based on single-marker regression analysis. The results show the presence of substantial linkage disequilibrium with closely linked marker loci after 100 to 200 generations of random mating. Although the power to test the association with a frequent QTL of large effect was satisfactory, the power was low for the QTL with a small effect and/or low frequency. More powerful, multi-locus methods may be required to map low frequent QTL with small genetic effects, as well as combining both linkage and linkage disequilibrium information. The results also showed that multiallelic markers are more useful than biallelic markers to detect linkage disequilibrium and association at an equal distance.  相似文献   

Lou XY  Casella G  Littell RC  Yang MC  Johnson JA  Wu R 《Genetics》2003,163(4):1533-1548
For tightly linked loci, cosegregation may lead to nonrandom associations between alleles in a population. Because of its evolutionary relationship with linkage, this phenomenon is called linkage disequilibrium. Today, linkage disequilibrium-based mapping has become a major focus of recent genome research into mapping complex traits. In this article, we present a new statistical method for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) of additive, dominant, and epistatic effects in equilibrium natural populations. Our method is based on haplotype analysis of multilocus linkage disequilibrium and exhibits two significant advantages over current disequilibrium mapping methods. First, we have derived closed-form solutions for estimating the marker-QTL haplotype frequencies within the maximum-likelihood framework implemented by the EM algorithm. The allele frequencies of putative QTL and their linkage disequilibria with the markers are estimated by solving a system of regular equations. This procedure has significantly improved the computational efficiency and the precision of parameter estimation. Second, our method can detect marker-QTL disequilibria of different orders and QTL epistatic interactions of various kinds on the basis of a multilocus analysis. This can not only enhance the precision of parameter estimation, but also make it possible to perform whole-genome association studies. We carried out extensive simulation studies to examine the robustness and statistical performance of our method. The application of the new method was validated using a case study from humans, in which we successfully detected significant QTL affecting human body heights. Finally, we discuss the implications of our method for genome projects and its extension to a broader circumstance. The computer program for the method proposed in this article is available at the webpage http://www.ifasstat.ufl.edu/genome/~LD.  相似文献   

A sib-pair approach to interval mapping of quantitative trait loci.   总被引:19,自引:10,他引:9  
An interval mapping procedure based on the sib-pair method of Haseman and Elston is developed, and simulation studies are carried out to explore its properties. The procedure is analogous to other interval mapping procedures used with experimental material, such as plants and animals, and yields very similar results in terms of the location and effect size of a quantitative trait locus (QTL). The procedure offers an advantage over the conventional Haseman and Elston approach, in terms of power, and provides useful information concerning the location of a QTL. Because of its simplicity, the method readily lends itself to the analysis of selected samples for increased power and the evaluation of multilocus models of complex phenotypes.  相似文献   

A quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of carcass composition data from a three-generation experimental cross between Meishan (MS) and Large White (LW) pig breeds is presented. A total of 488 F2 males issued from six F1 boars and 23 F1 sows, the progeny of six LW boars and six MS sows, were slaughtered at approximately 80 kg live weight and were submitted to a standardised cutting of the carcass. Fifteen traits, i.e. dressing percentage, loin, ham, shoulder, belly, backfat, leaf fat, feet and head weights, two backfat thickness and one muscle depth measurements, ham + loin and back + leaf fat percentages and estimated carcass lean content were analysed. Animals were typed for a total of 137 markers covering the entire porcine genome. Analyses were performed using a line-cross (LC) regression method where founder lines were assumed to be fixed for different QTL alleles and a half/full sib (HFS) maximum likelihood method where allele substitution effects were estimated within each half-/full-sib family. Additional analyses were performed to search for multiple linked QTL and imprinting effects. Significant gene effects were evidenced for both leanness and fatness traits in the telomeric regions of SSC 1q and SSC 2p, on SSC 4, SSC 7 and SSC X. Additional significant QTL were identified for ham weight on SSC 5, for head weight on SSC 1 and SSC 7, for feet weight on SSC 7 and for dressing percentage on SSC X. LW alleles were associated with a higher lean content and a lower fat content of the carcass, except for the fatness trait on SSC 7. Suggestive evidence of linked QTL on SSC 7 and of imprinting effects on SSC 6, SSC 7, SSC 9 and SSC 17 were also obtained.  相似文献   

Detection of quantitative trait loci for growth and fatness in pigs   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
A quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis of growth and fatness data from a three-generation experimental cross between Meishan (MS) and Large White (LW) pig breeds is presented. Six boars and 23 F1 sows, the progeny of six LW boars and six MS sows, produced 530 F2 males and 573 F2 females. Nine growth traits, i.e. body weight at birth and at 3, 10, 13, 17 and 22 weeks of age, average daily gain from birth to 3 weeks, from 3 to 10 weeks and from 10 to 22 weeks of age, as well as backfat thickness at 13, 17 and 22 weeks of age and at 40 and 60 kg live weight were analysed. Animals were typed for a total of 137 markers covering the entire porcine genome. Analyses were performed using two interval mapping methods: a line-cross (LC) regression method where founder lines were assumed to be fixed for different QTL alleles and a half-/full-sib (HFS) maximum likelihood method where allele substitution effects were estimated within each half-/full-sib family. Both methods revealed highly significant gene effects for growth on chromosomes 1, 4 and 7 and for backfat thickness on chromosomes 1, 4, 5, 7 and X, and significant gene effects on chromosome 6 for growth and backfat thickness. Suggestive QTLs were also revealed by both methods on chromosomes 2 and 3 for growth and 2 for backfat thickness. Significant gene effects were detected for growth on chromosomes 11, 13, 14, 16 and 18 and for backfat thickness on chromosome 8, 10, 13 and 14. LW alleles were associated with high growth rate and low backfat thickness, except for those of chromosome 7 and to a lesser extent early-growth alleles on chromosomes 1 and 2 and backfat thickness alleles on chromosome 6.  相似文献   

An autosomal genome scan for quantitative trait loci (QTL) affecting twinning rate was carried out in the Norwegian Cattle population. Suggestive QTL were detected on Chromosomes (Chr) 5, 7, 12, and 23. Among these, the QTL positions on both Chr 5 and Chr 23 are strongly supported by literature in the field. Our results also confirm previous mapping of a QTL for twinning to Chr 7, but definitely suggest a different location of the QTL on this chromosome. The most convincing QTL peak was observed for a region in the middle part of Chr 5 close to the insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF1) gene. Since IGF1 plays an important role in the regulation of folliculogenesis, a mutation search was performed by sequencing more than 3.5 kb of the gene in actual families. The sequencing revealed three polymorphisms in noncoding regions of the gene that will be important in fine structure mapping and characterization of the QTL. Received: 14 December 1999 / Accepted: 25 May 2000  相似文献   

The premature germination of seeds before harvest, known as preharvest sprouting (PHS), is a serious problem in all wheat growing regions of the world. In order to determine genetic control of PHS resistance in white wheat from the relatively uncharacterized North American germplasm, a doubled haploid population consisting of 209 lines from a cross between the PHS resistant variety Cayuga and the PHS susceptible variety Caledonia was used for QTL mapping. A total of 16 environments were used to detect 15 different PHS QTL including a major QTL, QPhs.cnl-2B.1, that was significant in all environments tested and explained from 5 to 31% of the trait variation in a given environment. Three other QTL QPhs.cnl-2D.1, QPhs.cnl-3D.1, and QPhs.cnl-6D.1 were detected in six, four, and ten environments, respectively. The potentially related traits of heading date (HD), plant height (HT), seed dormancy (DOR), and rate of germination (ROG) were also recorded in a limited number of environments. HD was found to be significantly negatively correlated with PHS score in most environments, likely due to a major HD QTL, QHd.cnl-2B.1, found to be tightly linked to the PHS QTL QPhs.cnl-2B.1. Using greenhouse grown material no overlap was found between seed dormancy and the four most consistent PHS QTL, suggesting that greenhouse environments are not representative of field environments. This study provides valuable information for marker-assisted breeding for PHS resistance, future haplotyping studies, and research into seed dormancy.  相似文献   

Liu Y  Zeng ZB 《Genetical research》2000,75(3):345-355
Most current statistical methods developed for mapping quantitative trait loci (QTL) based on inbred line designs apply to crosses from two inbred lines. Analysis of QTL in these crosses is restricted by the parental genetic differences between lines. Crosses from multiple inbred lines or multiple families are common in plant and animal breeding programmes, and can be used to increase the efficiency of a QTL mapping study. A general statistical method using mixture model procedures and the EM algorithm is developed for mapping QTL from various cross designs of multiple inbred lines. The general procedure features three cross design matrices, W, that define the contribution of parental lines to a particular cross and a genetic design matrix, D, that specifies the genetic model used in multiple line crosses. By appropriately specifying W matrices, the statistical method can be applied to various cross designs, such as diallel, factorial, cyclic, parallel or arbitrary-pattern cross designs with two or multiple parental lines. Also, with appropriate specification for the D matrix, the method can be used to analyse different kinds of cross populations, such as F2 backcross, four-way cross and mixed crosses (e.g. combining backcross and F2). Simulation studies were conducted to explore the properties of the method, and confirmed its applicability to diverse experimental designs.  相似文献   

Zhao HH  Fernando RL  Dekkers JC 《Genetics》2007,175(4):1975-1986
Linkage disequilibrium (LD) analysis in outbred populations uses historical recombinations to detect and fine map quantitative trait loci (QTL). Our objective was to evaluate the effect of various factors on power and precision of QTL detection and to compare LD mapping methods on the basis of regression and identity by descent (IBD) in populations of limited effective population size (N(e)). An 11-cM region with 6-38 segregating single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) and a central QTL was simulated. After 100 generations of random mating with N(e) of 50, 100, or 200, SNP genotypes and phenotypes were generated on 200, 500, or 1000 individuals with the QTL explaining 2 or 5% of phenotypic variance. To detect and map the QTL, phenotypes were regressed on genotypes or (assumed known) haplotypes, in comparison with the IBD method. Power and precision to detect QTL increased with sample size, marker density, and QTL effect. Power decreased with N(e), but precision was affected little by N(e). Single-marker regression had similar or greater power and precision than other regression models, and was comparable to the IBD method. Thus, for rapid initial screening of samples of adequate size in populations in which drift is the primary force that has created LD, QTL can be detected and mapped by regression on SNP genotypes without recovering haplotypes.  相似文献   

Wu R  Ma CX  Casella G 《Genetics》2002,160(2):779-792
Linkage analysis and allelic association (also referred to as linkage disequilibrium) studies are two major approaches for mapping genes that control simple or complex traits in plants, animals, and humans. But these two approaches have limited utility when used alone, because they use only part of the information that is available for a mapping population. More recently, a new mapping strategy has been designed to integrate the advantages of linkage analysis and linkage disequilibrium analysis for genome mapping in outcrossing populations. The new strategy makes use of a random sample from a panmictic population and the open-pollinated progeny of the sample. In this article, we extend the new strategy to map quantitative trait loci (QTL), using molecular markers within the EM-implemented maximum-likelihood framework. The most significant advantage of this extension is that both linkage and linkage disequilibrium between a marker and QTL can be estimated simultaneously, thus increasing the efficiency and effectiveness of genome mapping for recalcitrant outcrossing species. Simulation studies are performed to test the statistical properties of the MLEs of genetic and genomic parameters including QTL allele frequency, QTL effects, QTL position, and the linkage disequilibrium of the QTL and a marker. The potential utility of our mapping strategy is discussed.  相似文献   

An integrative approach for the identification of quantitative trait loci   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The genetic dissection of complex traits is one of the most difficult and most important challenges facing science today. We discuss here an integrative approach to quantitative trait loci (QTL) mapping in mice. This approach makes use of the wealth of genetic tools available in mice, as well as the recent advances in genome sequence data already available for a number of inbred mouse strains. We have developed mapping strategies that allow a stepwise narrowing of a QTL mapping interval, prioritizing candidate genes for further analysis with the potential of identifying the most probable candidate gene for the given trait. This approach integrates traditional mapping tools, fine mapping tools, sequence-based analysis, bioinformatics and gene expression.  相似文献   

The transmission/disequilibrium (TD) test (TDT), proposed, by Spielman et al., for binary traits is a powerful method for detection of linkage between a marker locus and a disease locus, in the presence of allelic association. As a test for linkage disequilibrium, the TDT makes the assumption that any allelic association present is due to linkage. Allison proposed a series of TD-type tests for quantitative traits and calculated their power, assuming that the marker locus is the disease locus. All these tests assume that the observations are independent, and therefore they are applicable, as a test for linkage, only for nuclear-family data. In this report, we propose a regression-based TD-type test for linkage between a marker locus and a quantitative trait locus, using information on the parent-to-offspring transmission status of the associated allele at the marker locus. This method does not require independence of observations, thus allowing for analysis of pedigree data as well, and allows adjustment for covariates. We investigate the statistical power and validity of the test by simulating markers at various recombination fractions from the disease locus.  相似文献   

Xing Y  Ren J  Ren D  Guo Y  Wu Y  Yang G  Mao H  Brenig B  Huang L 《Animal reproduction science》2009,114(1-3):210-218
To identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for traits related to semen and ejaculation, phenotype data including semen volume, sperm concentration, total sperm per ejaculate, sperm motility, sperm abnormality rate, semen pH value, ejaculation times and ejaculation duration were measured on 206 F(2) boar at 240 days in a White Duroc x Erhualian intercross. A genome-wide scan was performed and the entire White Duroc x Erhualian intercross was genotyped for 183 microsatellite markers covering the whole pig genome. QTL analysis was performed using a composite regression interval mapping method via QTLExpress. A total of 18 QTL were detected, including 4 genome-wide significant QTL each for semen pH on pig chromosome (SSC) 2 and SSC12, for semen volume on SSC15, and for ejaculation times on SSC17. Fourteen suggestive QTL were found on SSC1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 9, 17 and 18. To our knowledge, this is the first report about the QTL for semen and ejaculation traits in pigs, providing a start point to decipher the genetic basis of these complex traits.  相似文献   

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