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Bacteriophages are very abundant in the biosphere, and viral infection is believed to affect the activity and genetic diversity of bacterial communities in aquatic environments. Lysogenic conversion, for example, can improve host fitness and lead to phage-mediated horizontal gene transfer. However, little is known about lysogeny and transduction in the soil environment. In this study we employed atrazine-impregnated Bio-Sep beads (a cell immobilization matrix) to sample active microbiota from soils with prior pesticide exposure history. Once recovered from soil, the bead communities were induced with mitomycin C (MC), and viral and bacterial abundances were determined to evaluate the incidence of inducible prophage in soil bacteria. The inducible fraction calculated within bead communities was high (ca. 85%) relative to other studies in aquatic and sedimentary environments. Moreover, the bacterial genes encoding 16S rRNA and trzN, a chlorohydrolase gene responsible for dehalogenation of atrazine, were detected by PCR in the viral DNA fraction purified from MC-induced bead communities. A diverse collection of actinobacterial 16S rRNA gene sequences occurred within the viral DNA fraction of induced, water-equilibrated beads. Similar results were observed in induced atrazine-equilibrated beads, where 77% of the cloned sequences were derived from actinobacterial lineages. Heterogeneous 16S rRNA gene sequences consisting of fragments from two different taxa were detected in the clone libraries. The results suggest that lysogeny is a prevalent reproductive strategy among soil bacteriophages and that the potential for horizontal gene transfer via transduction is significant in soil microbial communities.  相似文献   

Our investigations to detect naturally lysogenic strains of mycobacteria were limited to 1 strain ofMycobacterium smegmatis, 4 strains ofMycobacterium borstelense var.niacinogenes, and to 5 strains ofMycobacterium marinum (Syn:Mycobacterium balnei), all together 10 strains. They were chosen because as a sign of lysis they secrete a large quantity of cytoplasmatic components (nucleic acids proteins, amino acids etc.) into the fluid medium (for instance phosphate buffer), in which they are suspended. In a first series of experiments culture filtrates were tested on 84 strains of slowly and rapidly growingMycobacterium species as indicator strains. Using this method free phage particles were only found in the culture filtrate of 1 strain,Mycobacterium smegmatis SN 46, isolated from a patient with achalasia. Phage particles could not be found in the filtrates of the other 9 probably lysogenic strains. In a second series of experiments more closely related indicator strains were used. The 10 probably lysogenic strains were cultured in bovine serum or antiphage-antiserum containing medium and single selected colony cultures a small part of which showed sensitivity to the filtrates. The released and adapted phages, designated as B24, B30, B32, B33, B34 and B35 have a very narrow host range. The plaques are very small and turbid. On electron micrographs the temperate phages B24, B30 and B35 exhibit the typical head-tail morphology. The head of the temperateborstelense var.niacinogenes phage B30 is 45 nm in diameter, the tength of tail is about, 120nm. The average dimensions of the long head ofsmegmatis phage B24 are 40 × 80 nm, the tail is about 160 nm long. The balnei phage B35 is very similar morphologically to phage B30. The head is about 50 nm in diameter, the length of tail about 160 nm. The phage sensitive variants are not “carrier” strains. Their phage sensitivity is not a stable property. After several culture passages in serum-free medium the variants regain their phage immunity completely and release phages like the lysogenic parent strains. The sensitive variants must therefore be considered to be also lysogenic. TheMycobacterium borstelense var.niacinogenes phages are serologically very related. Dedicated to Academician Ivan Málek on the occasion of his 60th birthday  相似文献   

A field study was conducted to compare the formationand bacterial communities of rhizosheaths of wheat grown under wheat-cotton and wheat-rice rotation and to study the effects of bacterial inoculation on plant growth. Inoculation of Azospirillum sp. WS-1 and Bacillus sp. T-34 to wheat plants increased root length, root and shoot dry weight and dry weight of rhizosheathsoil when compared to non-inoculated control plants, and under both crop rotations. Comparing both crop rotations, root length, root and shoot dry weight and dry weight of soil attached with roots were higher under wheat-cotton rotation. Organic acids (citric acid, malic acid, acetic acid and oxalic acid) were detected in rhizosheaths from both rotations, with malic acid being most abundant with 24.8±2 and 21.3±1.5 μg g-1 dry soil in wheat-cotton and wheat-rice rotation, respectively. Two sugars (sucrose, glucose) were detected in wheat rhizosheath under both rotations, with highest concentrations of sucrose (4.08±0.5 μg g-1and 7.36±1.0 μg g-1) and glucose (3.12±0.5 μg g-1 and 3.01± μg g-1) being detected in rhizosheaths of non-inoculated control plants under both rotations. Diversity of rhizosheath-associated bacteria was evaluated by cultivation, as well as by 454-pyrosequencing of PCR-tagged 16S rRNA gene amplicons. A total of 14 and 12 bacterial isolates predominantly belonging to the genera Arthrobacter, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Enterobacter and Pseudomonaswere obtained from the rhizosheath of wheat grown under wheat-cotton and wheat-rice rotation, respectively. Analysis of pyrosequencing data revealed Proteobacteria, Bacteriodetes and Verrucomicrobia as the most abundant phyla in wheat-rice rotation, whereas Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Chloroflexi, Acidobacteria, Planctomycetes and Cyanobacteria were predominant in wheat-cotton rotation. From a total of 46,971 sequences, 10.9% showed ≥97% similarity with 16S rRNA genes of 32 genera previously shown to include isolates with plant growth promoting activity (nitrogen fixation, phosphate-solubilization, IAA production). Among these, the most predominant genera were Arthrobacter, Azoarcus, Azospirillum, Bacillus, Cyanobacterium, Paenibacillus, Pseudomonas and Rhizobium.  相似文献   

Artificial transformation is typically performed in the laboratory by using either a chemical (CaCl2) or an electrical (electroporation) method. However, laboratory-scale lightning has been shown recently to electrotransform Escherichia coli strain DH10B in soil. In this paper, we report on the isolation of two “lightning-competent” soil bacteria after direct electroporation of the Nycodenz bacterial ring extracted from prairie soil in the presence of the pBHCRec plasmid (Tcr, Spr, Smr). The electrotransformability of the isolated bacteria was measured both in vitro (by electroporation cuvette) and in situ (by lightning in soil microcosm) and then compared to those of E. coli DH10B and Pseudomonas fluorescens C7R12. The electrotransformation frequencies measured reached 10−3 to 10−4 by electroporation and 10−4 to 10−5 by simulated lightning, while no transformation was observed in the absence of electrical current. Two of the isolated lightning-competent soil bacteria were identified as Pseudomonas sp. strains.  相似文献   


Phosphate solubilizing bacteria (PSB) can convert insoluble form of phosphorous (P) to an available form which is a major concern in Indian agriculture. In this study, 21 isolates having phosphate solubilizing capability were isolated from different regions of Lucknow, India. Among all, six efficient PSB were confirmed by using in vitro P estimation and 16S rRNA universal primers. The similarity detection was done using random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) finger printing for genotyping the PSB isolates and to determine genetic relatedness between them. Twenty different OPA primers were tested among which four primers produced prominent, highly reproducible, and polymorphic bands. An average of 10.5 polymorphic bands per primer with the amplified DNA fragments ranging from 200 to 2000?bp in size. A dendrogram constructed from these data indicated 25–76% homology. Highest similarity was found in between Bacillus anthracis and Bacillus cereus with 33.8% similarity while least dissimilarity was found in B. anthracis and Pseudomonas fragi with 12% of similarity. These findings provide that there is a great genetic diversity between bacterial isolates from different geographical regions and RAPD can be used as a specific, time consuming and also proves as a reliable molecular tool which helps in strain level discrimination.  相似文献   

Effect of Lysogeny on Serum Sensitivity   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
When Escherichia coli K-12 was infected with lambda phage and mutants of lambda characterized by the production of temperature-sensitive repressors, the lysogenic bacteria were significantly more resistant to normal serum than the uninfected organisms. Infection of E. coli K-12 with a lambdoid phage, phi80, whose prophage attachment site is different from that of lambda, did not result in a detectable change in serum resistance. Similarly, infection with certain Pseudomonas and Shigella phages caused no detectable differences in serum resistance. Finally, the well-known conversion of the Salmonella anatum serotype to S. newington by E(15) phage indicated that, despite the relatively greater roughness of S. anatum, S. newington was more sensitive to normal serum than S. anatum. Thus, the effects of lysogeny on the sensitivity of bacteria to the bactericidal action of serum mediated by the complement system may be quite variable.  相似文献   

Rabbits were immunized with four strains of halobacteria, Halobacterium halobium NRL, H. halobium R-1, H. salinarium NRL-9, and H. cutirubrum NRL-10, that had been fixed with formaldehyde. The antisera obtained detected the presence of an antigen common to the Halobacterium genus and, after absorption, detected three distinct antigenic groups within the Halobacterium genus. A fourth group was agglutinated only by unabsorbed sera.  相似文献   

Typing of Nontypable Staphylococci by Lysogeny   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
Strains of coagulase-positive staphylococci which were nontypable with the routine typing set of phages could be typed by lysogeny with phage-propagating strains as indicators and with ultraviolet induction. About 10% of the strains could be typed without induction. About 36% of them could be typed by this method when ultraviolet irradiation was used as an inducing agent. The phage groups from which the majority of the nontypable staphylococci originated were easily identified by this method of typing.  相似文献   

A new method for the isolation and enumeration of streptomycete spores from soil was developed. This method makes use of a cation-exchange resin to disperse soil particles. It allowed the detection of 10 spores in 100 g of sterile soil, while ca. 103 could be accurately enumerated in 100 g. This method was applied to studying the fate of a marked actinophage in soil. In sterile amended and nonsterile soil, relatively high numbers of actinophages were only found during the first few days of the experiment when the host streptomycete was in the mycelial form. Later, after sporulation, lysogens could be detected in sterile amended soil and could still be found 60 days after inoculation. Although no lysogens were found in nonsterile soil, the introduced phage could still be detected in the free state after 60 days, albeit at a low titer.  相似文献   

为了比较分析盐碱土壤与非盐碱土壤微生物资源抗盐碱性差异,本研究利用含有不同浓度Na2CO3、NaHCO3和pH的培养基对盐碱土壤和非盐碱土壤细菌进行培养计数.结果显示:非盐碱土壤出菌数量随Na2CO3、pH和NaHCO3浓度升高而下降,盐碱土壤细菌出菌数量随着Na2CO3、pH和NaHCO3浓度升高先是升高然后下降,最高值分别出现在200 mmol/L NaHCO3、50 mmol/L Na2CO3和pH 9.0的分离平板上.此外,高Na2CO3、pH和NaHCO3浓度的平板中盐碱土壤出菌数量远高于非盐碱土壤;以上结果可见,耐盐碱细菌资源主要集中分布在盐碱土壤中,在非盐碱土壤中虽有分布,但是仅占有很少一部分.  相似文献   

Abstract Indigenous ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in a clay loam soil were extremely difficult to release from soil particles compared to most heterotrophic bacteria; less than 1% of indigenous AOB (estimated as potential ammonia oxidation rate) were extractable by the dispersion-density-gradient centrifugation technique. This is at least 10-fold less than the extractability of heterotrophic bacteria. Urea applications to the same soil induced a 5-fold increase in the potential ammonia oxidation rate, and this resulted in a much higher percentage (8%) extractability of AOB. Thus, the newly grown AOB in the urea-treated soil were less strongly attached to the soil particles. The contrast suggests that the strong attachment of indigenous AOB is a gradual process taking place due to a long residence time (infrequent/slow cell division) compared to heterotrophic organisms. However, the contrast could also reflect differences in species composition of the original AOB community and those growing in response to urea inputs. Specific detection of AOB in extinction dilution cultures was done by PCR and sequencing of the products. Considerable diversity was found within the genus Nitrosospira, but severe problems with the specificity of the primers were observed. Two allegedly AOB specific PCR primers pairs were used: one specific for Nitrosospira (SPIRA) and one which should encompass all AOB within the β-Proteobacteria (GAOB). Only 33% of the cultures that gave PCR products with GAOB also gave products with the SPIRA primer pair, suggesting the presence of AOB other than Nitrosospira. However, the phylogeny based on the sequencing placed all the cultures in various clusters of the Nitrosospira clade, suggesting that the SPIRA primers do not match all members of the Nitrosospira genus. The cultures obtained from the urea-treated soil were different from the others in giving PCR products only with the SPIRA primers and not with the GAOB. Since sequencing also here confirmed the presence of Nitrosospira, these observations suggest that the GAOB primers do not match all AOB species. Received: 15 September 1999; Accepted: 8 November 1999; Online Publication: 28 April 2000  相似文献   

This study attempted to investigate if the tolerance of soil bacterial communities in general, and autotrophic ammonia-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) in particular, evolved as a result of prolonged exposure to metals, and could be used as an indigenous bioindicator for soil metal pollution. A soil contaminated with copper, chromium, and arsenic (CCA) was mixed with an uncontaminated garden soil (GS3) to make five test soils with different metal concentrations. A modified potential ammonium oxidation assay was used to determine the metal tolerance of the AOB community. Tolerance to Cr, Cu, and As was tested at the beginning and after up to 13 months of incubation. Compared with the reference GS3 soil, the five CCA soils showed significantly higher tolerance to Cr no matter which form of Cr (Cr3+, CrO4 2?, or Cr2O7 2?) was tested, and the Cr tolerance correlated with the total soil Cr concentration. However, the tolerance to Cu2+, As3+, and As5+ did not differ significantly between the GS3 soil and the five CCA soils. Community level physiological profiles using Biolog microtiter plates were also used to examine the chromate tolerance of the bacterial communities extracted after six months of exposure. Our results showed that the bacterial community tolerance was altered and increased as the soil Cr concentration was increased, indicating that the culturable microbial community and the AOB community responded in a similar manner.  相似文献   

Separation and Purification of Bacteria from Soil   总被引:19,自引:9,他引:19       下载免费PDF全文
Bacteria were released and separated from soil by a simple blending-centrifugation procedure. The percent yield of bacterial cells (microscopic counts) in the supernatants varied over a wide range depending on the soil type. The superantants contained large amounts of noncellular organic material and clay particles. Further purification of the bacterial cells was obtained by centrifugation in density gradients, whereby the clay particles and part of the organic materials sedimented. A large proportion of the bacteria also sedimented through the density gradient, showing that they had a buoyant density above 1.2 g/ml. Attachment to clay minerals and humic material may account for this apparently high buoyant density. The percent yield of cells was negatively correlated with the clay content of the soils, whereas the purity was positively correlated with it. The cell size distribution and the relative frequency of colony-forming cells were similar in the soil homogenate, the supernatants after blending-centrifugation, and the purified bacterial fraction. In purified bacterial fraction from a clay loam, the microscopically measured biomass could account for 20 to 25% of the total C and 30 to 40% of the total N as cellular C and N. The amount of cellular C and N may be higher, however, owing to an underestimation of the cell diameter during fluorescence. A part of the contamination could be ascribed to extracellular structures as well as partly decayed cells, which were not revealed by fluorescence microscopy.  相似文献   

Phytochromes are biliprotein photoreceptors that are found in plants, bacteria, and fungi. Prototypical phytochromes have a Pr ground state that absorbs in the red spectral range and is converted by light into the Pfr form, which absorbs longer-wavelength, far-red light. Recently, some bacterial phytochromes have been described that undergo dark conversion of Pr to Pfr and thus have a Pfr ground state. We show here that such so-called bathy phytochromes are widely distributed among bacteria that belong to the order Rhizobiales. We measured in vivo spectral properties and the direction of dark conversion for species which have either one or two phytochrome genes. Agrobacterium tumefaciens C58 contains one bathy phytochrome and a second phytochrome which undergoes dark conversion of Pfr to Pr in vivo. The related species Agrobacterium vitis S4 contains also one bathy phytochrome and another phytochrome with novel spectral properties. Rhizobium leguminosarum 3841, Rhizobium etli CIAT652, and Azorhizobium caulinodans ORS571 contain a single phytochrome of the bathy type, whereas Xanthobacter autotrophicus Py2 contains a single phytochrome with dark conversion of Pfr to Pr. We propose that bathy phytochromes are adaptations to the light regime in the soil. Most bacterial phytochromes are light-regulated histidine kinases, some of which have a C-terminal response regulator subunit on the same protein. According to our phylogenetic studies, the group of phytochromes with this domain arrangement has evolved from a bathy phytochrome progenitor.Phytochromes are biological photoreceptors that were discovered in plants, where they control development throughout the life cycle in manifold ways (21, 33). Today, a large number of homologs are known also from cyanobacteria, other bacteria, and fungi, which are termed cyanobacterial phytochromes (Cphs), bacteriophytochromes (BphPs), and fungal phytochromes (Fphs), respectively (20, 24). The chromophore is autocatalytically assembled within the N-terminal part of the protein, the photosensory core module (PCM), which contains the PAS, GAF, and PHY domains (30). Typically, phytochromes are converted by light between two spectrally different forms, the red-absorbing Pr and the far-red-absorbing Pfr forms. Photoconversion is initiated by an isomerization of the covalently bound bilin chromophore (32).Plant and cyanobacterial phytochromes incorporate phytochromobilin (PΦB) and phycocyanobilin (PCB) as natural chromophores, respectively, which are covalently bound to Cys residues in the GAF domains. All characterized phytochromes that belong to these groups have a Pr ground state. Plant phytochromes can undergo dark conversion of Pfr to Pr (5), whereas the Pfr form of typical cyanobacterial phytochromes is stable in darkness (26).Bacteriophytochromes utilize biliverdin (BV) instead as a natural chromophore (1), which is covalently attached to a Cys residue in the N terminus of the PAS domain (26). Since the conjugated system of BV is longer than that of PΦB or PCB, the absorption maxima of bacteriophytochromes are found at higher wavelengths than those of cyanobacterial or plant homologs.With the discovery of a bacterial phytochrome from Bradyrhizobium sp. strain ORS278, termed BrBphP1, the first phytochrome with a Pfr ground state and dark conversion from Pr to Pfr was found (10). Thereafter, five more phytochromes with dark conversion of Pr to Pfr were described: Rhodopseudomonas palustris BphP1 (RpBphP1) from strain CEA001, RpBphP5, and RpBphP6 from strain CGA009 (11); Agrobacterium tumefaciens Agp2 (or AtBphP2) from strain C58 (18); and Pseudomonas aeruginosa BphP1 (PaBphP1) (40). These phytochromes are now termed bathy phytochromes because the absorption maxima of their ground states are bathochromically (to longer wavelengths) shifted compared to those of all other phytochromes.Moreover, some other bacterial phytochromes with unusual properties have been described. In the Ppr from Rhodospirillum centenum, a photoactive yellow protein (PYP) domain is fused to the N terminus of a phytochrome homolog. The phytochrome part of Ppr assembles with BV to form a Pr adduct. However, irradiation does not result in the formation of Pfr but in a bleaching of the Pr spectrum (23). The BV adduct of RpBphP3 from R. palustris, which has a Pr ground state, photoconverts to the so-called Pnr form with a blue-shifted absorption maximum (12). RpBphP4 from R. palustris strains Ha2 and BisB5 and Bradyrhizobium BphP3 (BrBphP3) from Bradyrhizobium BTAi1, both with a Pr ground state, photoconvert into a long-lived MetaR form (8, 42). MetaRa and MetaRc are intermediates in the photoconversion from Pr to Pfr of prototypical phytochromes (3). BphP3 from the Bradyrhizobium strain ORS 278 is an exception among bacteriophytochromes as it binds PCB as a natural chromophore. This phytochrome adopts a so-called Po (P-orange) ground state with an absorbance maximum in the orange range (11, 15). Upon irradiation, this phytochrome converts into the Pr form. RpBphP4 from R. palustris CGA009 lacks the biliverdin binding cysteine and does not bind a chromophore (42).With the rapidly growing number of bacterial genome sequences, many new bacterial phytochromes are being discovered. Thus, a large and increasing number of newly identified phytochromes remain spectroscopically uncharacterized. We established an in vivo photometry approach which allowed the rapid acquisition of spectral information about phytochromes from intact bacterial cells. In the beginning period of plant phytochrome research, in vivo photometry was extensively applied (4, 6, 29, 34). This method, in fact, allowed the identification of phytochromes for the first time in plant tissues (6), which led to the purification of phytochromes from plant extracts (37). Here, we apply in vivo photometry for the first time to organisms outside the plant kingdom. This method is especially useful for studying species with single phytochrome genes. The approach is also helpful for comparing properties of native phytochromes in vivo and of their recombinant proteins in vitro.In the present study, we concentrate on nonphotosynthetic species of the order Rhizobiales which belongs to the Alphaproteobacteria. The family Rhizobiaceae comprises plant-interacting soil bacteria. A. tumefaciens and Agrobacterium vitis can transfer genes into plants to induce plant tumors, whereas many other Rhizobiaceae can live as plant symbionts in nodules of stems or roots in which they assimilate molecular nitrogen to produce NH4+, which is used by the plant for synthesis of amino acids and other nitrogen-containing molecules. A. tumefaciens C58 contains two phytochromes, termed Agp1 (or AtBphP1) and Agp2 (or AtBphP2), that have been characterized as recombinant proteins (14, 18, 26, 35) and whose spectral activities have been measured in extracts of wild-type and knockout mutants (31). A large number of phytochromes from photosynthetic Bradyrhizobium and Rhodopseudomonas species, which also belong to the order Rhizobiales, have been characterized as recombinant proteins (11), some of which have already been noted above.It turned out that most of our analyzed phytochromes undergo dark conversion of Pr to Pfr and thus belong to the group of bathy phytochromes. Such phytochromes, which absorb at around 750 nm, clearly dominate among Rhizobiales. We propose that this specific property reflects an adaptation to the light regime in the soil. Our studies also suggest that bacterial phytochromes with a C-terminal response regulator have evolved from a bathy phytochrome progenitor.  相似文献   

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