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A Limulus amoebocyte lysate microtechnique performed in petrolatum wells on a microscope slide is described. Injection of a dye solution in ethanol directly into the wells leads to an unambiguous interpretation of the results. Twelve samples can be tested on a single slide, and compact storing of the samples is possible.  相似文献   

The LAL test is inhibited or enhanced by many substances. To overcome these problems, we have developed a specific endotoxin assay method using an ultrafiltration unit, a fluorometric LAL reagent, and immobilized histidine (which is a specific adsorbent for endotoxins). This method is composed of two steps. The first step is the adsorption of endotoxins. Using immobilized histidine, endotoxins are quantitatively adsorbed on the adsorbent, and the adsorbed endotoxins are separated from LAL-inhibiting or -enhancing substances by the ultrafiltration unit. The second step is the reaction of adsorbed endotoxins with the LAL reagent. The endotoxins adsorbed on immobilized histidine are directly reacted with the LAL reagent in a filter cup and show enough activity for assay. The reproducibility and the accuracy of this method are high, and the recovery of endotoxins from a sample solution is more than 95%. The new endotoxin assay method using immobilized histidine can be utilized for the determination of endotoxins in a solution containing LAL-inhibiting or -enhancing substances such as amino acids and antibiotics instead of requiring employment of the more common gel-clot technique.  相似文献   

The chromogenic substrate Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assay method for the detection of endotoxin was automated by a Zymate robotic system. The software developed enables the robot to automatically dilute a stock reference endotoxin standard (20,000 endotoxin units per ml) for the construction of a five-point standard curve, make sample dilutions to the proper testing concentration, and perform chromogenic substrate LAL assays in duplicate. The linearity of the standard curve and the endotoxin concentration in each sample are calculated and results are printed automatically. In 48 min the automated system assays three samples and a reference standard in duplicate along with a water blank. Sensitivity of the assay is a function of incubation time. The assay is linear (r greater than 0.99) in the region of 0 to 1.0 endotoxin units per ml or 0 to 0.2 endotoxin units per ml with incubation times of 10 or 16 min, respectively. The method can be made very sensitive, detecting as low as 0.003 endotoxin units per ml with 30 min of incubation. The precision of the assay method, determined by assaying an endotoxin reference solution eight times, is ca. 6%. The LAL reagent designed for gel-clot assay was modified for the chromogenic substrate assay. We describe the optimum conditions for the performance of the chromogenic substrate LAL assay and stability of the LAL reagent.  相似文献   

Colorimetric assay for free and bound L-fucose   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A novel, rapid, and reliable colorimetric method for measuring L-fucose has been developed. This method utilizes NADH formed from the interaction of L-fucose with fucose dehydrogenase and NAD to generate color in a reaction involving CuSO4 and neocuproine. NADH reduces Cu2+ to Cu1+ and the latter interacts with neocuproine to yield a complex with a maximal absorption at 455 nm. The reaction of NADH with copper-neocuproine is immediate and under the conditions of the assay the color formed remains stable for at least 2 h. When the assay is used to determine levels of L-fucose, the absorbance is found to be linearly proportional to exogenously added fucose concentrations from 16 to 179 nmol with resulting molar extinction coefficient of 13,660. Using this procedure, L-fucose released by acid hydrolysis from porcine submaxillary mucin, and by alpha-L-fucosidase from p-nitrophenyl-alpha-L-fucopyranoside, was quantitated.  相似文献   

The inactivation of bacterial endotoxin by aqueous extracts (Limulus amoebocyte lysate) of the circulating blood cells (amoebocytes) of the horseshoe crab, Limulus polyphemus, is described. Active extracts were obtained by heating Limulus amoebocyte lystate (LAL) to 60°C for 20 min to denature the clotting enzyme, rendering the LAL incapable of gel formation in the presence of endotoxin. Endotoxin inactivation was assayed using the Limulus amoebocyte lysate test and by rabbit bioassay. Inactivation of endotoxin with heated extracts of LAL was suggestive of enzymatic mediation, as indicated by dependence on time, temperature, pH, and the kinetics of inactivation. Endotoxin inactivation occurred over a broad pH range, 4.5–8.5, with the optimum at a pH of 6.1. Temperature optima were between 37° and 50°C, with observed activity between 0° and 65°C. Ionized calcium was inhibitory to endotoxin inactivation with heated extracts of LAL, with partial inhibition at 0.001 m calcium and complete inhibition at 0.02 m calcium. Other divalent cations (Mg, Ba, Mn, and Cu) were also found to inhibit the inactivation of endotoxin. Similarities between the endotoxin-inactivating system of L. polyphemus and those described to be present in mammalian and lower vertebrate sera are discussed.  相似文献   

A Limulus amoebocyte lysate gel-clotting method for the determination of endotoxin in a small-volume parenteral product has been described. Sample dilution with 0.1 M potassium phosphate monobasic buffer (pH 8.0) effectively eliminated assay interference, whereas dilution with water did not. The threshold pyrogenic dose for Escherichia coli EC-2 and O127:B8 endotoxins was determined to be 1.0 ng of endotoxin per kg of body weight. Not more than 1.0 ng of endotoxin (the threshold pyrogenic dose) per the highest recommended human dose or the USP pyrogen test dose per kg of body weight, whichever dose is more stringent, is a logical limit for the quantity of bacterial endotoxin in small-volume parenteral products. Excellent correlation was attained when this criterion was used to compare the Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay with the USP pyrogen test.  相似文献   

We performed the immunochemical study of two solid-phase competitive ELISA systems differing in their specificity toward free and bound ABA. A possible application of these systems for the quantification of natural ABA forms without their preliminary separation and purification in a single sample of plant material was demonstrated.  相似文献   

A Limulus amoebocyte lysate gel-clotting method for the determination of endotoxin in a small-volume parenteral product has been described. Sample dilution with 0.1 M potassium phosphate monobasic buffer (pH 8.0) effectively eliminated assay interference, whereas dilution with water did not. The threshold pyrogenic dose for Escherichia coli EC-2 and O127:B8 endotoxins was determined to be 1.0 ng of endotoxin per kg of body weight. Not more than 1.0 ng of endotoxin (the threshold pyrogenic dose) per the highest recommended human dose or the USP pyrogen test dose per kg of body weight, whichever dose is more stringent, is a logical limit for the quantity of bacterial endotoxin in small-volume parenteral products. Excellent correlation was attained when this criterion was used to compare the Limulus amoebocyte lysate assay with the USP pyrogen test.  相似文献   

Here, we report the development of an electrochemical detection method for endotoxin based on the Limulus amebocyte lysate (LAL) assay. A mixture of LAL reagent and endotoxin sample solution was incubated for 1 h. The endotoxin activated a cascade reaction of zymogens contained in the LAL to generate p-nitroaniline (pNA) which was then electrochemically detected by differential pulse voltammetry (DPV). The generated pNA gave a clear peak at -0.75 V vs. silver/silver chloride (Ag/AgCl), which increased with the concentration of endotoxin in the LAL assay solution. This DPV detection was performed using an electrode chip device fabricated from a diamond-like carbon-coated glass substrate. This chip device could detect as low as 10 endotoxin units l(-1) at room temperature within 1 h. This novel electrochemical method for the detection of endotoxin appears promising for the development of compact, low-cost and easy-to-use sensors for on-site monitoring of potentially contaminated medical supplies, including dialysis fluid, transplanted tissue and culture medium for assisted reproduction.  相似文献   

Four modes of heating endotoxin in plasma and two different times of heating endotoxin in pyrogen-free water were compared. There were no significant differences in standard curves after heating endotoxin in plasma at 100 degrees C for 1 and for 10 min. However, the standard curve after heating for 10 min at 75 degrees C had a significantly less steep slope, and after heating for 10 min at 56 degrees C, it was completely flat. Heating of endotoxin in pyrogen-free water for 1 min also resulted in the flattening of the standard curve, which was even more pronounced after 10 min of heating.  相似文献   

A new method for the measurement of concentrations of 5-hydroxytryptophan (5HTP) in plasma is described. This method, which uses high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection, was used to measure 5HTP in plasma of patients with the carcinoid syndrome, and also in the plasma of rats after injection of 5HTP (30 mg/kg). A significant proportion of 5HTP was bound to macromolecules in plasma both in the rats and in the patients.  相似文献   

We established a method for the detection of free and total (free and bound) malondialdehyde (MDA) in human plasma samples after derivatisation with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine (DNPH). Free MDA was prepared by perchloric acid deproteinisation whereas an alkaline hydrolysation step for 30 min at 60°C was introduced prior to protein precipitation for the determination of total MDA. Derivatisation was accomplished in 10 min at room temperature subsequently chromatographed by HPLC on a reversed-phase 3 μm C18 column with UV detection (310 nm). The detection limit was 25 pmol/ml for free and 0.3 nmol/ml for total MDA. The recovery of MDA added to different human plasma samples was 93.6% (n=11; RSD 7.1%) for the hydrolysation procedure. In samples from 12 healthy volunteers who underwent a hypoxic treatment (13% O2 for 6 h) we estimated a baseline value of total MDA of 2.16 nmol/ml (SD 0.29) (ambient air) with a significant increase to 2.92 (nmol/ml, SD 0.57; P=0.01) after the end of this physiological oxidative stress challenge. Plasma values of free MDA in these samples were close to our detection limit. The presented technique can easily performed with an isocratic HPLC apparatus and provides highly specific results for MDA as do sophisticated GC–MS methods.  相似文献   

Endotoxin, the lipopolysaccharide from the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, causes blood clotting in the horseshoe crab,Limulus polyphemus. Minute amounts of endotoxin stimulate the amebocytes in the blood to undergo exocytosis, which release the contents of their secretory granules to form a clot. An endotoxin-binding protein that possesses calmodulin-like activity has been isolated from the amebocyte plasma membrane. This endotoxin-binding protein can activate adenylate cyclase fromBordetella pertussis to the same extent as rat testes calmodulin. The effect of endotoxin and the endotoxin-binding protein on cyclic AMP synthesis inLimulus amebocytes was examined. Amebocytes exposed to endotoxin have increased levels of intracellular cyclic AMP. Amebocyte membranes contain an adenylate cyclase which is stimulated by NaF, guanosine (β,r-imido)triphosphate, and for skolin. This adenylate cyclase is also stimulated by the endotoxin-binding protein and calcium. Exposure of amebocytes to forskolin or dibutyryl cyclic AMP are stimulated to secrete clot components. Activation of adenylate cyclasein vivo by endotoxin via the endotoxin-binding protein may be one of the ways in which endotoxin stimulates secretion. It is suggested that endotoxin may have two actions in theLimulus system: (1) binding of endotoxin to the endotoxin-binding protein activates adenylate cyclase, promoting secretion by the amebocytes; and (2) endotoxin catalyzes a reaction on the secreted material to form a blood clot. This latter reaction is not elicited by forskolin or dibutyryl cyclic AMP.  相似文献   

The rabbit pyrogen test and Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) assay have been used to detect endotoxins in vaccines, but interactions between the endotoxins and proteins or aluminum hydroxide can interfere with the results. Currently, the rabbit pyrogen test is used to detect endotoxin in hepatitis B (HB) vaccines even though the HB surface protein, the active ingredient, is over-expressed in and purified from eukaryotic cells which lack endotoxin. Therefore, we examined the possibility of replacing the animal tests with the more efficient LAL test. To this end, we determined whether the aluminum hydroxide in the HB vaccines affects the rabbit pyrogen test and the LAL assay. HB vaccines and HB protein solutions spiked with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) produced almost the same dose-dependent temperature rise in rabbits, indicating that the aluminum hydroxide in the HB vaccine does not interfere with the pyrogenic response in rabbit. In contrast, a spike recovery study showed that aluminum hydroxide interfered with the LAL clot and kinetic assays; however, the LAL clot assay was effective at detecting endotoxin without loss of LAL activity after serial dilution of the samples. Furthermore, there was good correlation in the LAL clot assay between the amount of LPS added and the amount recovered. However, both turbidimetric and chromogenic kinetic assays displayed no correlation between the LPS amount added and recovered. Our results suggest that the LAL clot assay is sensitive and reliable when samples are properly prepared, and can be used to replace the rabbit pyrogen test for the detection of endotoxin in HB vaccines.  相似文献   

Endotoxin-neutralizing protein (ENP) of the horseshoe crab is one of the most potent neutralizers of endotoxins [bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS)]. Here, we report on the interaction of LPS with recombinant ENP using a variety of physical and biological techniques. In biological assays (Limulus amebocyte lysate and tumour necrosis factor-alpha induction in human mononuclear cells), ENP causes a strong reduction of the immunostimulatory ability of LPS in a dose-dependent manner. Concomitantly, the accessible negative surface charges of LPS and lipid A (zeta potential) are neutralized and even converted into positive values. The gel to liquid crystalline phase transitions of LPS and lipid A shift to higher temperatures indicative of a rigidification of the acyl chains, however, the only slight enhancement of the transition enthalpy indicates that the hydrophobic moiety is not strongly disturbed. The aggregate structure of lipid A is converted from a cubic into a multilamellar phase upon ENP binding, whereas the secondary structure of ENP does not change due to the interaction with LPS. ENP contains a hydrophobic binding site to which the dye 1-anilino-8-sulfonic acid binds at a K(d) of 19 micro m, which is displaced by LPS. Because lipopolysaccharide-binding protein (LBP) is not able to bind to LPS when ENP and LPS are preincubated, tight binding of ENP to LPS can be deduced with a K(d) in the low nonomolar range. Importantly, ENP is able to incorporate by itself into target phospholipid liposomes, and is also able to mediate the intercalation of LPS into the liposomes thus acting as a transport protein in a manner similar to LBP. Thus, LPS-ENP complexes might enter target membranes of immunocompetent cells, but are not able to activate due to the ability of ENP to change LPS aggregates from an active into an inactive form.  相似文献   

The gelation of standard Limulus amoebocyte lysate (LAL) is triggered by the addition of a small amount of beta-glucan (1-1000 ng/ml plasma), but in the presence of an excessive amount of beta-glucan (1 mg/ml plasma), the gelation becomes insensitive to beta-glucan. Utilizing this property, a method to determine quantitatively the amount of endotoxin circulating in humans was developed. When a modified LAL, or LAL-ES, which contains an excessive amount of CM-curdlan as beta-glucan, was used for the assay, a linear relation in the logarithmic scales was obtained between the gelation time measured by the turbidimetry (min) and the concentration of endotoxin. This relation was not affected by a considerable amount of beta-glucan (100 ng/ml). The sensitivity of the endotoxin assay was estimated to be as low as 3 pg/ml. The following aspects of the method were found by clinical application to normal and febrile subjects. (1) Using both LAL and LAL-ES, it was possible to distinguish the effect of endotoxin from that of beta-glucan in plasma, i.e., bacterial sepsis from fungal sepsis. (2) The amount of circulating endotoxin determined by the present method showed good correlation to those obtained by chromogenic assay using modified LAL devoid of Factor G which could be activated by beta-glucan.  相似文献   

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