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The impact of augmentative releases of larvae and eggs of the indigenous ladybird beetle Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) against the rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea Pass. (Homoptera: Aphididae), a major pest insect on apple trees, was assessed in field experiments in Switzerland, during 1997. In a first experiment, eggs and larvae were released on 3-year old apple trees infested with five aphids at four different predator-prey ratios (0:5, 1:5, 1:1, 5:1). In a second experiment, eggs and larvae were released at a predator-prey ratio of 5:1 on branches of apple trees naturally infested with aphids. In both experiments, the interaction with ants was taken into account and the releases were done at two different times in spring. The results showed that an augmentative release of larvae significantly prevented the build-up of colonies of D. plantaginea. Significant reductions in aphid numbers were recorded at the two highest predator-prey ratios, 1:1 and 5:1. Larvae were efficient just before flowering of apple trees at a time when growers normally have to spray their trees. On trees where ants were present the larvae of A. bipunctata were significantly less efficient. Effects of eggs of A. bipunctata, however, were less reliable. At the first date of release (5 April), they did not hatch, probably as a consequence of bad weather conditions.  相似文献   

Predation by the aphidophagous syrphid fly Heringia calcarata (Loew) on woolly apple aphid, Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausmann), was studied in the laboratory and in Virginia apple orchards. Feeding studies compared the prey suitability of three temporally sympatric aphid pests of apple: spirea aphid, Aphis spiraecola Patch; rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini); and woolly apple aphid. Significantly more H. calcarata larvae survived and completed development on a pure diet of woolly apple aphid than on rosy apple aphid, and none survived on spirea aphid. Final larval weights were significantly greater, and the larval developmental period was significantly shorter on woolly apple aphid than on rosy apple aphid, but neither the duration of pupal development nor adult weight differed between diets. H. calcarata larvae consumed an average of 105 woolly apple aphids during their development. Na?ve, neonate larvae given access to all possible pair combinations of woolly apple aphid, rosy apple aphid, and spirea aphid consumed significantly more woolly apple aphids in all pairings that included woolly apple aphid. When given a choice of rosy apple aphid and spirea aphid, significantly more rosy apple aphids were consumed. Weekly counts of syrphid eggs found in woolly apple aphid, rosy apple aphid, and spirea aphid colonies collected from apple trees showed that two generalist hover fly predators, Eupeodes americanus (Wiedemann) and Syrphus rectus Osten Sacken, were present in colonies of all three aphid species and that E. americanus was the most abundant syrphid predator in A. spiraecola and D. plantaginea colonies. H. calcarata eggs were found only in woolly apple aphid colonies and were more abundant there than E. americanus and S. rectus. These data suggest that H. calcarata is a specialized predator of woolly apple aphid in the apple ecosystem in Virginia.  相似文献   

The impact of augmentative releases of indigenous predators and insecticide applications to control the autumn aphid forms of the genus Dysaphis (Homoptera: Aphididae), major pest insects on apple trees, was assessed in one-year field experiments in Switzerland. Eggs and larvae of the two-spot ladybird beetle Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) were released on 4-year old apple trees in various numbers at five different dates in autumn 1998 when sexuales of the aphids were present. Additionally, Pyrethrum HP was sprayed at the same five dates to compare the effectiveness of these augmentative releases to a commonly applied insecticide. Augmentative releases of larvae before mid-October significantly prevented the deposition of overwintering eggs by aphids of the genus Dysaphis and consequently reduced the number of hatched fundatrices in spring, 1999. There was a significant negative functional response among the number of released coccinellid larvae in autumn 1998 and the number of observed fundatrices on apple trees in spring 1999. Applications of Pyrethrum HP before mid-October were more effective than augmentative releases of larvae of A. bipunctata. The release of coccinellid eggs had no impact on the number of fundatrices of the genus Dysaphis in the next spring because they did not hatch due to bad weather conditions. The weather conditions in autumn seemed to have an impact on the autumn migration of the winged aphids back to their primary host. The prevention of egg deposition of aphids in autumn is a promising control strategy and deserves further exploration for practical use.  相似文献   

Intraguild relations between beneficial insects have become a major research topic in biological pest control. In order to understand the intraguild competitions between aphidophagous populations in natural conditions, a field experiment was carried out in the experimental farm of the Gembloux Agricultural University. As biological control of pests involve a community of diverse natural enemies, this experiment firstly aimed to assess the aphidophagous predator diversity and abundance in green pea (Pisum sativum) field and secondly to investigate the impact of the large natural occurrence of C. septempunctata on the aphidophagous beneficial dispersion and efficiency as aphid biological control agents in pea field. Visual observations were weekly performed throughout the 2006 growing season. The pea aphids were attacked by several predatory groups, mainly ladybird beetles and hoverflies. Higher densities of ladybirds and hoverflies were recorded in the beginning of July, associated with an aphid occurrence peak. Using net cage system in the field, the particular intraguild relations between added C. septempunctata or E. balteatus and the natural beneficial arrivals and dispersion were observed. The E. batteatus (eggs and larvae) presence inhibited other aphidophagous predators presence on the aphid infested plants. Lower abundance of E. balteatus was observed on aphid infested plants already colonised by C. septempunctata. To explore more accurately the oviposition and predation behaviours of ladybirds and hoverflies and to determine the chemical factors that could influence these behaviours, current researches are performed in laboratory and will be discussed to promote efficient biological control of aphids by natural enemies.  相似文献   

To test the importance of flowering phenology in damage caused to apple cultivars by rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), susceptibility of 16 cultivars was compared in greenhouse conditions after infestation with aptera and in the field after natural tree colonization. Flowering phenology was recorded in the field for all the cultivars. In both greenhouse and field trials, there were differences among cultivars with respect to aphid infestation and damage. However, damage in the greenhouse and field was not significantly correlated. Flowering phenology was also different among cultivars. Flowering order among cultivars was significantly negatively correlated with aphid infestation and damage in field, i.e., early leafing cultivars showed higher infestation and damage than late-leafing cultivars. If egg hatching occurs before bud bursting, neonate larvae will suffer a high mortality because they cannot feed on these late cultivars. A later recolonization of these trees is hampered because (1) winged aphids cannot live on apple but only on the secondary host, (2) apterous forms have a limited dispersal capability, and (3) aphid predators progressively increase in the orchard. Therefore, synchronization between egg hatching and bud bursting is of critical importance in the success or failure of infestation.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Autumn applications of the repellent processed-kaolin particle film (Surround® WP) might be an alternative to the insecticides commonly used in spring to control the rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea (Pass.) (Hom., Aphididae). To assess the mode of action and the impact of kaolin on autumn forms of D. plantaginea , trials were conducted in field cages and in open-fields in autumn 2003. Choice and no-choice experiments in field cages showed that winged aphids landed in significantly lower numbers and gave birth to significantly fewer females on kaolin-treated branches compared with the untreated control. In a first open-field trial, single applications at 10 different dates and with two different concentrations of kaolin were conducted after harvest to assess the influence of the kaolin concentration on the autumn forms of D. plantaginea . No differences were found between the different concentrations and spraying dates. In a second open-field trial, single and multiple applications of kaolin were tested at different dates after harvest. Repeated applications of kaolin significantly reduced females in autumn and fundatrices in spring, whereas single kaolin treatments had no significant effect on D. plantaginea . None of the kaolin treatments reduced aphids below the economic threshold. In conclusion, kaolin showed promising results to control autumn forms of D. plantaginea. However, with a more detailed forecasting model for the autumnal flight of this aphid, treatments could be conducted more precisely and more effectively, especially in years with exceptional climatic conditions, such as in 2003.  相似文献   

Aphids can cause major environmental problems in urban areas. One important problem is the annual outbreaks of lime aphid, Eucallipterus tiliae (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae), which spoil the surroundings of lime trees by depositing honeydew. To date no environmentally friendly method has been demonstrated to yield effective control of lime aphids. Attempts are made in some cities to control lime aphids by releasing larvae of the native two-spot ladybird beetle, Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae). However, it is known that adult ladybird beetles disperse soon after release, and there is little indication they provide control of the aphids. Here, we demonstrate experimentally that releases of a flightless strain of A. bipunctata, obtained from natural variation in wing length, can reduce the impact of honeydew from lime aphid outbreaks on two species of lime in an urban environment. Both larvae and adult beetles were released, and we discuss the contribution of the flightless adults to the decline in honeydew.  相似文献   

The choice of oviposition site by female aphidophagous predators is crucial for offspring performance, especially in hoverflies whose newly hatched larvae are unable to move over large distance. Predator and parasitoid interactions within the aphidophagous guild are likely to be very important in influencing the choices made by predatory hoverfly females. In the present study, the foraging and oviposition behavior of the aphidophagous hoverfly Episyrphus balteatus DeGeer (Diptera: Syrphidae) was investigated with respect to the parasitized state of its aphid prey, Acyrthosiphon pisum Harris (Homoptera: Aphididae), that were parasitized by Aphidius ervi Haliday (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae). We also recorded the number of eggs laid by hoverfly females when subjected to parasitized aphids. Furthermore, we studied the influence of being fed with parasitized aphids on hoverfly larval performance. Hoverfly females did not exhibit any preference for plants infested with unparasitized or aphids parasitized for 7 days. On the other hand, plants infested with mummies or exuvia were less attractive for E. balteatus . These results were correlated with (i) the number of eggs laid by E. balteatus females and (ii) larval performance. Thus, our results demonstrate that E. balteatus behavior is affected by parasitoid presence through their exploitation of aphid colonies. Indeed, hoverfly predators select their prey according to the developmental state of the parasitoid larvae.  相似文献   

Selectivity of pesticides to beneficial arthropods is a key data for the implementation of IPM program. In the context of field vegetables crop, a set of 16 fungicides, 17 herbicides and 14 insecticides commonly used in Belgium were tested on 5 indicator species: the parasitic hymenoptera Aphidius rhopalosiphi (De Stefani-Perez) (Hym., Aphidiidae), the aphid foliage dwelling predators Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae) and Episyrphus balteatus (Dipt., Syrphidae) and the ground-dwelling predators Aleochara bilineata (Col., Staphyllinidae) and Bembidion lampros (Col., Carabidae). Pesticides were tested according a testing scheme including a first assessment on inert substrate (glass plates for adults of A. rhopalosiphi, larvae of A. bipunctata and E. balteatus, sand on adults of A. bilineata and B. lampros) and, for product that were toxic, a second assessment on natural substrate (barley seedlings for A. rhopalosiphi, french bean plants for A. bipunctato and E. balteatus and two type of soil for 8. lampros and A. bilineato). The effects of the product were assessed on basis on mortality, except for A. bilineata (Onion fly pupae parasitism). According to the final results obtained at the end of this testing scheme, the product were listed in toxicity class: green list if effect < or =30%, yellow list 30% < effect < 60% and orange list 60% < effect < or =80%. Products with toxicity higher than 80% on plants or on soils, or that reduce parasitism more than 80% on soil were put in red list and are not recommended for IPM. Results showed that all fungicides and herbicides were included in the green list except tebuconazole and boscalid + pyraclostrobin that were labeled as yellow for A. bipunctata. In opposite, no foliar insecticide was totally selective for all beneficial tested. However some products are in green list for one or several species. Soil insecticides were all are very toxic for ground dwelling arthropods and classed in red list. All results obtained during this study and further upgrade will be available on www.cra.wallonie.be/selectivite. In conclusions, fungicides and herbicides tested are compatible with IPM programs. For foliar insecticides, some treatments can be used carefully according to the selectivity. But for soil insecticide treatments, their toxicity raise the question of their use in IPM programs in vegetables and the need of new compounds or development of alternative pest control programs.  相似文献   

Elder shrubs (Sambucus nigra L.) were planted in an experimental apple orchard as bordering hedgerow with the objective of rearing syrphids (Diptera: Syrphidae) and consequently enhancing the biological control of the rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea (Passerini). The inoculative introduction of the specific elder aphid Aphis sambuci L. (Homoptera: Aphididae) in late March 2002 and again in 2003 led to the complete hedgerow turning into an early and productive alternative prey reservoir for indigenous syrphids. The species Scaeva pyrastri (L.), S. selenetica (Meigen), Syrphus ribesii (L.), S. vitripennis Meigen, Epistrophe eligans (Harris), E. nitidicollis (Meigen), Platycheirus scutatus (Meigen), Eupeodes corollae (F.), Meligramma triangulifera (Zetterstedt) and Episyrphus balteatus (De Geer) developed on the elder hedgerow during the spring 2002 taking advantage of the aphid infestation. The season 2003 was characterised by a quite different species abundance pattern as, contrary to the previous year when both monovoltine and polyvoltine species were equally represented, the monovoltine syrphids (Epistrophe spp.) represented the dominant group exploiting the elder aphids. A parallel analysis showed that the faeces of the first adult syrphids observed ovipositing on the elder hedgerow in spring contained digested pollen of mainly apple. Our observations indicate the possibility of establishing a local population of monovoltine syrphids in apple orchards by managing an aphid-infested elder hedgerow, without any additional pollen or nectar producing plants.  相似文献   

Episyrphus balteatus (DeGeer) (Diptera: Syrphidae), Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) and Aphidoletes aphidimyza (Rondani) (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) are the three most abundant natural enemies of Dysaphis plantaginea Passerini (Homoptera: Aphididae) in Asturian (NW Spain) apple orchards. They attack this aphid in sequence: E. balteatus arrived first, followed by A. bipunctata and then by A. aphidimyza. The cecidomyiids arrived too late to have a regulating effect. The syrphids laid an average of 2.3 ± 1.7 eggs per aphid colony and the coccinellids 18.4 ± 9.9 regardless of the degree of the infestation rates of the apple shoots. This value corresponds to the size of an egg batch laid by one female. Therefore, these aphid predators did not respond numerically to the abundance of the pest. The results of this study indicate that natural populations of syrphids and ladybird beetles are unable to control D. plantaginea, and therefore a more complex strategy than waiting for natural enemies is required.  相似文献   

Organic lettuce, Lactuca sativa L., growers on the Central Coast of California rely on conservation biological control to manage Nasonovia ribisnigri Mosley (Hemiptera: Aphididae) and other aphid pests of lettuce. In 2006, we carried out five replicated field trials to determine the importance of syrphid larvae in the suppression of N. ribisnigri and other aphids infesting organic romaine lettuce. We used Entrust, a spinosad-based insecticide approved for use on organic farms, to suppress syrphid larvae in aphid-infested romaine. Romaine treated with Entrust was unmarketable at harvest because of aphid infestation, whereas insecticide-free romaine was marketable. Syrphid larvae composed 85% or more of total predators in most trials, and they were the only predators consistently recovered from romaine that was infested with aphids early and largely aphid-free by harvest. The species mix of nonsyrphid predators varied from site to site. Applications of Entrust suppressed nonsyrphid predators in two trials, and so was an imperfect tool for selectively suppressing syrphid larvae. The relative importance of syrphid larvae and other predators in the conservation biological control of aphids in organic romaine is discussed. We conclude that syrphid larvae are primarily responsible for the suppression of aphids in organic romaine on California's Central Coast.  相似文献   

1 The rosy apple aphid, Dysaphis plantaginea, is the most serious pest of apple in Europe and, although conventionally controlled by insecticides, alternative management measures are being sought. Colonies of D. plantaginea are commonly attended by ants, yet the effects of this relationship have received little attention. 2 An ant exclusion study was conducted in two distant orchards within the U.K. At both sites, ants were excluded from a subset of D. plantaginea infested trees at the beginning of the season and populations were monitored. The number of natural enemies observed on trees was also recorded and, before harvest, the percentage of apples damaged by D. plantaginea calculated. 3 Overall, the exclusion of ants reduced the growth and eventual size of D. plantaginea populations. On trees accessed by ants, greater numbers of natural enemies were recorded, presumably because aphid populations were often greater on such trees. However, this increased natural enemy presence was diluted by the larger aphid populations such that individual aphids on ant‐attended trees were subjected to a lower natural enemy pressure compared with those on ant‐excluded trees. 4 At harvest, apple trees that had been accessed by ants bore a greater proportion of apples damaged by D. plantaginea. There were also differences in cultivar susceptibility to D. plantaginea damage. 5 The present study highlights the importance of the ant–D. plantaginea relationship and it ia suggested that ant manipulation, whether physically or by semiochemicals that disrupt the relationship, should be considered as a more prominent component in the development of future integrated pest management strategies.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Experiments were conducted in the laboratory and in greenhouses. Of three neem preparations sprayed upon eggs, only neem oil (NO) exerted a negative impact on the hatching rate of Coccinella septempunctata and Chrysoperla carnea . First instar larvae of Episyrphus balteatus proved to be highly susceptible, when feeding 24 h on aphids sprayed with neem kernel water extract (NKWE). First instar larvae of C. septempunctata showed a very high mortality when feeding on aphids sprayed with different neem preparations. Aphid feeding and live span was reduced. When NKWE had been applied to the soil, the mortality of larvae of E. balteatus and C. septempunctata were lower, when feeding on aphids. Second instar larvae of C. septempunctata were far less susceptible when feeding 48 h on neem-sprayed aphids than first instars; the time of their development was prolonged, and aphid consumption reduced. Larvae of C. carnea proved to be less susceptible, when feeding on neem-sprayed aphids, than E. balteatus and C. septempunctata . In C. carnea , however, significant influences were also observed in aphid consumption, time of development, mortality, longevity, and rate of deformity. NO, containing a very low concentration of azadirachtin A, had stronger negative effects than NeemAzal-T/S®, in all observations. In the parasitoid Diaeretiella rapae , NKWE application to the soil induced negative reactions, when aphids on these plants were parasitized: low percentage parasitization, lowered mummy weight, low emergence rate of adults of F1 and even of F2. Foliar sprays of NKWE had less severe effects in this parasitoid species. The results are discussed with regard to their theoretical and practical significance.  相似文献   

Mass releases of two parasitoid species, Aphidius matricariae and Ephedrus cerasicola, may provide an alternative measure to pesticides to control the rosy apple aphid Dysaphis plantaginea in organic apple orchards. As an exploratory study, we tested if the presence of flower strips between apple tree rows could improve the action of three early parasitoid releases––and of other naturally present aphid enemies––on the control of aphid colonies and the number of aphids per tree. Apple trees located at various distances from parasitoid release points were monitored in plots with and without flower strips in an organic apple orchard over two years, along the season of aphid infestation (March to July). Our case study demonstrated that the presence of flowering plant mixes in the alleyways of the apple orchard reduced the presence of D. plantaginea by 33.4%, compared to plots without flower strips, at the infestation peak date. We also showed a negative effect of increasing the distance to parasitoid release points on aphid control. However, our results at the infestation peak date suggest that the presence of flower strips could marginally compensate for the detrimental effect of increasing distance to the release point, probably by improving the persistence and dispersal capacities of natural enemies. Despite high variations in aphid population dynamics between years, we conclude that combining flower strips with early parasitoid releases in apple orchards is promising for biological control of the rosy apple aphid, although the method merits to be further refined.  相似文献   

In order to promote IPM programmes in potato, the toxicity of 19 fungicides, 4 herbicides and 11 insecticides commonly used in this crop in Belgium was assessed on three beneficial arthropods. These species were representative of the most important aphid specific natural enemies encountered in potatoes: a parasitic wasp--Aphidius rhopalosiphi (De Stefani-Perez) (Hym., Aphidiidae), a ladybird--Adalia bipunctata (L.) (Col., Coccinellidae) and a hoverfly--Episyrphus balteatus (Dipt., Syrphidae). In a first time, pesticides were tested on glass plates on A. rhopalosiphi adults and A. bipunctata and E. balteatus larvae. For each insect, products inducing corrected mortality (Mc) lower than 30% were directly classified in a positive list for harmless products (green list). The other compounds were further tested on plants and listed in toxicity classes according to mortalities induced during this extended laboratory test: harmless (Mc < 30%), slightly harmful (30% < Mc < 60%), moderately harmful (60% < Mc < 80%) and harmful (Mc > 80). A chemical determination of pesticides residues was also performed for each experiment in order to determine the exposure of beneficial arthropods to pesticide residues and to validate the application of chemicals on tested substrates. On the basis of the results of acute toxicity tests, the period of each pesticide use according to normal agricultural practices and the abundance and importance of the three different groups of aphid natural enemies at different periods of the year, four pesticides lists were built up. Each list corresponded to a different period of pesticides application: Period I--from seedling to beginning of June (based on A. rhopalosiphi tests), Period II--beginning to end of June (based on A. rhopalosiphi tests), Period III beginning to end of July (based on E. balteatus and A. bipunctata tests) and Period IV--August to harvest (no exposure of beneficials). Results showed that herbicides were not toxic to the three species and can be used according to normal agricultural practices without restrictions. All fungicides can also be used without restrictions at recommended rates. Only the mixture Metalaxyl-M + Fluazinam was slightly harmful to A. bipunctata but had no effects on A. rhopalosiphi and E. balteatus. Results were more contrasted for insecticides and none of them was totally selective for all the 3 beneficial arthropods. Therefore, they can only be used with restrictions at periods II and III, according to the beneficial species that need to be protected.  相似文献   

Coincidental intraguild predation is expected to be less disruptive to biological control than omnivorous intraguild predation, and strong intraguild predation is not expected to occur in natural systems. Coincidental intraguild predation in a foodweb involving introduced pest and natural enemy species was examined to determine whether intraguild predation would be disruptive of biological control services in soybean agroecosystems. Introduced natural enemies are important regulators of soybean aphid, Aphis glycines Matsumura (Hemiptera: Aphididae), populations in North America. Seven-spotted lady beetles, Coccinella septempunctata L., and multicolored Asian lady beetles, Harmonia axyridis Pallas (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae), are key predators of soybean aphid in North America while the chalcidoid wasp, Aphelinus certus Yasnosh (Hymenoptera: Aphelinidae), is the most common parasitoid of soybean aphid in Ontario, Canada. Predation of parasitized soybean aphids at two stages (newly parasitized aphids and mummified aphids) by adults and third instar larvae of both C. septempunctata and H. axyridis was examined in laboratory experiments. In choice experiments, all stages of lady beetles preferred non-parasitized aphids over mummified aphids. In cage experiments, third instar larvae and male and female adults of both lady beetles did not discriminate between newly parasitized and non-parasitized aphids. The influence of coincidental intraguild predation on the efficacy of parasitoids as biological control agents, and implications for soybean aphid management decisions based on natural enemies, are discussed.  相似文献   

We examined food utilization in a community of aphidophagous hoverfly larvae (Diptera: Syrphidae and Chamaemyiidae) in open lands in an urban habitat in central Japan for 3 years. The community consisted of 17 hoverfly species feeding on 20 aphid species occurring on 14 species of dominant herbaceous plants. In terms of larval prey preference, the dominant eight species of hoverfly were categorized into three groups: a polyphagous ‘generalist’ group consisting of four species,Episyrphus balteatus, Betasyrphus serarius, Syrphus vitripennis andSphaerophoria sp.; an oligophagous ‘specialist’ group consisting of three species,Metasyrphus hakiensis, Dideoides latus andParagus hemorrhous; andLeucopis puncticornis, which showed a preference for two aphid species on the plantTorilis scabra. The prey aphids of the second group have behavioral or morphological defense mechanisms that are effective for preventing attacks by generalist hoverflies; two prey aphids are aggressive toward generalist predators and the others are protected by ant-attendance. The specialist hoverflies seem to be adapted to overcome these defense mechanisms. The prey ranges overlapped little between the generalist and the specialist groups, while those within the generalist group overlapped greatly.  相似文献   

Most studies regarding ant–aphid interactions focus only on the direct effects of ants on tended aphids and aphidophagous predators, or the indirect effects on the host plant. Studies evaluating the effects of aphid‐tending ants on more than one trophic level are rare and evaluate only the presence or absence of such effects. Here we assessed the effect sizes of ants in a tri‐trophic system (common bean plants, aphids and lacewing larvae). We tested if the presence of aphid‐tending ants has positive effects on aphid abundance and host‐plant production and negative effects on aphid predator abundance. We also hypothesized that aphid‐tending ants affect more intensely trophic levels that are more directly related to them (i.e., first aphids, then aphid predators and then host plants). We tested these hypotheses in field mesocosms experiments using the presence and absence of ants. We found that aphid‐tending ants have great positive effects on final aphid abundance. Ants also positively affected the number of seeds; however, it was not possible to measure the effect size for this trophic level. Furthermore, ants had negative effects on lacewing larvae only at first release. The effect size of ants was greater for aphids, followed by lacewing larvae, and with no effects on the number of seeds produced. Ants positively affect aphids and host‐plant production, probably by way of honeydew collection preventing the development of entomophagous/saprophytic fungi. On the other hand, ants negatively affect lacewing larvae by excluding them from the host plant. In natural systems, several ant species may attend aphids, differently affecting the organisms of the various trophic levels within the ant–aphid interaction, thereby obscuring the real effect size of ants. Assessing the effect size of aphid‐tending ants on the organisms involved in ant–aphid interactions provides more realistic information about the effects of this interaction on natural systems.  相似文献   

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