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对西双版纳广泛分布的鸡嗉果榕(Ficus semicordata)雄树上寄生的一种非传粉榕小蜂Apocryptophagus sp.进行控制梯度放蜂实验,结合产卵行为、交配行为观察,定量研究了该种非传粉榕小蜂的性比率.结果表明: Apocryptophagus sp.雌蜂在传粉榕小蜂(Ceratosolen gravelyi)产卵后的第3天开始访问榕果,从果外完成产卵,产卵时间持续2 d左右.发育成熟以后,其雄蜂几乎与传粉榕小蜂雄蜂同时羽化,雄蜂咬开寄生有其雌蜂的瘿花并进行交配,雌蜂交配后从瘿花内羽化出来离开榕果,去寻找新的处于接受期的榕果,而雄蜂一直留在其寄生的榕果内直至死亡.后代性比与局域配偶竞争理论预测一致:性比偏雌,随着在同一榕果产卵的繁殖雌蜂数量的增加,后代性比上升;同时,单个榕果内的后代数量也上升,而平均后代数量却显著下降.在个体水平上,当1头雌蜂在榕果上产卵时,后代性比与后代数量呈显著的负相关关系.  相似文献   

对西双版纳广泛分布的鸡嗉果榕(Ficus semicordata)雄树上寄生的一种非传粉榕小蜂Apocryptophagus sp.进行控制梯度放蜂实验,结合产卵行为、交配行为观察,定量研究了该种非传粉榕小蜂的性比率.结果表明:Apocryptophagus sp.雌蜂在传粉榕小蜂(Ceratosolen gravelyi)产卵后的第3天开始访问榕果,从果外完成产卵,产卵时间持续2d左右.发育成熟以后,其雄蜂几乎与传粉榕小蜂雄蜂同时羽化,雄蜂咬开寄生有其雌蜂的瘿花并进行交配,雌蜂交配后从瘿花内羽化出来离开榕果,去寻找新的处于接受期的榕果,而雄蜂一直留在其寄生的榕果内直至死亡.后代性比与局域配偶竞争理论预测一致:性比偏雌,随着在同一榕果产卵的繁殖雌蜂数量的增加,后代性比上升;同时,单个榕果内的后代数量也上升,而平均后代数量却显著下降.在个体水平上,当1头雌蜂在榕果上产卵时,后代性比与后代数量呈显著的负相关关系.  相似文献   

对叶榕传粉小蜂性比率的调节和稳定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
彭艳琼  杨大荣  王秋艳 《生态学报》2005,25(6):1347-1351
传粉榕小蜂呈现偏雌的性比率,单双倍体性别决定系统、局域配偶竞争和近交效应被认为是调节偏雌性比率的3个主要机制。通过研究影响对叶榕传粉小蜂性比率的因素,结果表明传粉榕小蜂的偏雌性比率随局域配偶竞争强度的降低而增加;受母代雌蜂交配次数的影响,随着母代雌蜂交配次数的增加,子代的偏雌性比率逐渐降低,这一结果首次揭示了传粉榕小蜂的交配制次数对性比率的影响,并在个体水平上定量了性比率变异与雌蜂交配频次的关系。传粉小蜂的性比率与共生的非传粉小蜂的关系,非传粉小蜂的介入直接减少了传粉小蜂的数量,甚至对传粉小蜂的种群有显著影响,结果发现非传粉小蜂对传粉小蜂雌雄性的分配比率没有显著影响,传粉榕小蜂仍能正常地进行繁殖。传粉与非传粉者小蜂之间作用关系的确定,可为进一步理解两者的稳定共生的机制提供科学证据。  相似文献   

【目的】榕树(Ficus)依赖专性榕小蜂(Agaonidae)传粉,同时为传粉榕小蜂提供繁衍后代的场所,两者形成动植物间经典的协同进化关系。在雌花期果内,榕小蜂需在有限的存活时间内完成传粉和产卵,而传粉榕小蜂如何在传粉与产卵之间进行权衡仍然是悬而未解的问题。本研究旨在明确传粉榕小蜂——一种栉颚榕小蜂Ceratosolen sp.在雌雄同株的聚果榕Ficus racemosa雌花期果内的行为活动及繁殖模式。【方法】借助测微尺测量聚果榕榕果雌花花柱长度与传粉榕小蜂(Ceratosolen sp.)产卵器长度,通过显微视频记录传粉榕小蜂在雌花期果内搜索、传粉及产卵行为;结合单果控制性引蜂试验,测定不同阶段榕小蜂个体大小、孕卵量、携粉量,以及雄花期最终繁殖的榕小蜂后代和榕果种子数量。【结果】聚果榕雌花花柱长度存在树间变异,榕小蜂产卵器长度比绝大多数的雌花花柱长,说明该小蜂可以产卵于大部分的雌花子房里。通常个体大的榕小蜂孕卵量更多,但个体大小与携粉量之间相关性不显著。观察发现,榕小蜂进入雌花期榕果内,前6 h集中产卵,可产下孕卵量的95%,平均搜索用时27 s,产卵用时46 s,此期间传粉行为少见,花粉筐中携带花粉量亦无明显变化;榕小蜂进果后6-24 h,主要执行传粉,其行为主动,连贯高效,单次传粉用时平均为2 s,最终可传完携粉量的80%。控制引蜂试验也证实榕小蜂进入榕果内前6 h主要执行产卵繁殖后代,之后6-24 h主要执行传粉以繁殖榕树种子。【结论】在雌雄同株的聚果榕雌花期榕果内,榕小蜂先产卵、后传粉。本研究首次展示了传粉榕小蜂在聚果榕雌花期榕果内的产卵和传粉行为,并获得与行为相匹配的产卵量和传粉繁殖量,反映了具主动传粉行为的榕小蜂在传粉和产卵之间存在时间和数量上的权衡。  相似文献   

榕属植物及其传粉昆虫榕小蜂是自然界协同进化的经典模型,榕果内雌花资源如何分配一直是备受关注的问题。为验证季节变化对榕树-榕小蜂互利共生系统生长与繁殖的影响,该研究以西双版纳地区的聚果榕(Ficus racemosa)为材料,分析了季节变化对榕果大小、自然进蜂量以及榕树-榕小蜂繁殖的影响,并利用人工控制性放蜂实验和模型拟合,探讨榕果最适进蜂量及不同季节进蜂量对雌花资源分配的影响。结果表明:季节对榕果直径有显著影响,雨季的榕果直径显著小于干热季和雾凉季;不同季节的自然进蜂量也有显著差别,苞片口对调节进蜂数量有重要作用;季节对榕树-榕小蜂繁殖分配也有影响,雾凉季产生的种子数量和榕小蜂数量均最多;同时人工控制实验和二次抛物线模型拟合结果表明,母代雌蜂数量与种子及榕小蜂后代数量均呈抛物线关系,雌蜂数量过多或过少都对榕树-榕小蜂的繁殖不利,自然进蜂量与拟合的最优进蜂量基本一致。研究结果说明榕果进化出了适应西双版纳地区季节变化的繁殖策略。  相似文献   

【目的】榕树(Ficus)依赖专性榕小蜂(Agaonidae)传粉,同时为传粉榕小蜂提供繁衍后代的场所,两者形成动植物间经典的协同进化关系。在雌花期果内,榕小蜂需在有限的存活时间内完成传粉和产卵,而传粉榕小蜂如何在传粉与产卵之间进行权衡仍然是悬而未解的问题。本研究旨在明确传粉榕小蜂——一种栉颚榕小蜂Ceratosolen sp.在雌雄同株的聚果榕Ficus racemosa雌花期果内的行为活动及繁殖模式。【方法】借助测微尺测量聚果榕榕果雌花花柱长度与传粉榕小蜂(Ceratosolen sp.)产卵器长度,通过显微视频记录传粉榕小蜂在雌花期果内搜索、传粉及产卵行为;结合单果控制性引蜂试验,测定不同阶段榕小蜂个体大小、孕卵量、携粉量,以及雄花期最终繁殖的榕小蜂后代和榕果种子数量。【结果】聚果榕雌花花柱长度存在树间变异,榕小蜂产卵器长度比绝大多数的雌花花柱长,说明该小蜂可以产卵于大部分的雌花子房里。通常个体大的榕小蜂孕卵量更多,但个体大小与携粉量之间相关性不显著。观察发现,榕小蜂进入雌花期榕果内,前6 h集中产卵,可产下孕卵量的95%,平均搜索用时27 s,产卵用时46 s,此期间传粉行为少见,花粉筐中携带花粉量亦无明显变化;榕小蜂进果后6-24 h,主要执行传粉,其行为主动,连贯高效,单次传粉用时平均为2 s,最终可传完携粉量的80%。控制引蜂试验也证实榕小蜂进入榕果内前6 h主要执行产卵繁殖后代,之后6-24 h主要执行传粉以繁殖榕树种子。【结论】在雌雄同株的聚果榕雌花期榕果内,榕小蜂先产卵、后传粉。本研究首次展示了传粉榕小蜂在聚果榕雌花期榕果内的产卵和传粉行为,并获得与行为相匹配的产卵量和传粉繁殖量,反映了具主动传粉行为的榕小蜂在传粉和产卵之间存在时间和数量上的权衡。  相似文献   

榕树与其传粉榕小蜂的共生关系常被认为是专一性的,但该系统中有些榕小蜂可在不同种榕树或者同种榕树的不同亚种、变种和地理型上产卵和传粉。探讨榕小蜂在不同寄主中的繁殖和传粉特征,有利于理解非专性榕蜂系统形成的过程及稳定机制。本研究中,作者分别对比分析了传粉榕小蜂Ceratosolen emarginatus在木瓜榕(Ficus auriculata)的两种地理型auriculata-form和oligodon-form上的产卵和传粉特征。结果显示,进蜂量为1,2,3只时,相同寄主上的榕小蜂后代和种子数量均随进蜂量的增加而增加,且平均单只繁殖雌蜂的后代及种子数量均无差异。这可能是由于进蜂量较低时,两寄主可被利用的繁殖资源较充足,榕小蜂间不存在干扰竞争,可最大化地利用雌花资源。另一方面,进蜂量相同时,同一寄主上产生的种子数量明显多于榕小蜂后代数量,说明榕树的繁殖利益更占优势。榕小蜂在auriculata-form上产生的后代总量和平均单只雌蜂后代数量与oligodon-form均无差异,但后者产生的种子数量明显多于前者,说明当繁殖资源充足时寄主不影响榕小蜂的繁殖,然而寄主差异影响种子产生,即auriculata-form和oligodon-form的繁殖能力已发生分化。  相似文献   

【目的】榕-蜂系统是自然界协同进化和互利共生的典型模型,榕-蜂之间如何实现繁殖分配从而实现稳定共存一直是倍受研究者关注的问题,但对传粉小蜂和非传粉小蜂的繁殖稳定共存研究较少。【方法】本文选取分布在西双版纳地区的雌雄异株榕树鸡嗉子榕Ficus semicordata的雄果,通过对榕果内唯一的传粉小蜂Ceratosolen gravelyi Grandi以及4种非传粉小蜂Philotrypesis dunia Joseph,Apocrypta sp.,Platyneura sp.,Sycoscapter trifemmensis Joseph的产卵时序进行了观察,并对5种小蜂的种群数量进行统计,以及对每种小蜂产卵小花的空间分布、瘿花体积等特征进行了研究。【结果】发现:5种小蜂在产卵时间上存在分离,且传粉小蜂的种群数量远大于其他4种非传粉小蜂的种群数量之和。5种小蜂的瘿花特征也存在差异:瘿花的子房大小不同,且花梗长度即分布空间也有差异,传粉小蜂最接近果腔而非传粉小蜂则更多地利用中层和内层的小花。【结论】结果说明在鸡嗉子榕有限的空间内,5种小蜂通过产卵时间和生长空间的分离,实现了减少竞争以及长期共存的特征,维持了榕-蜂系统的稳定性。  相似文献   

2004年8月至2005年8月在西双版纳热带植物园内,通过广泛收集歪叶榕榕小蜂标本、非传粉小蜂产卵行为学观察和阻止传粉者入果等实验方法,研究了我国西双版纳热带雨林下的一种榕树——歪叶榕Ficus cyrtophylla的榕小蜂群落组成结构、非传粉小蜂的繁殖策略以及它们对榕-蜂共生系统的影响。结果表明,歪叶榕中除了具有唯一传粉榕小蜂Blastophag sp.以外,还具有3种非传粉小蜂Platyneura sp.、Philotrypesis sp.和Sycoscapter sp.。在歪叶榕榕小蜂群落中,传粉榕小蜂占整个群落总数的92.21%,是群落的最主要组成者;主要的非传粉小蜂是Sycoscaptersp.,占5.78%; 其次是Philotrypesissp.,占1.84%,而Platyneurasp.仅占群落总数的0.17%。歪叶榕中的非传粉小蜂通过各自产卵时间和食性分化的策略来利用榕果中的资源繁殖后代。非传粉小蜂寄生使传粉榕小蜂的总数和其雌蜂数量都显著地降低,但是对传粉小蜂雄蜂数量没有显著影响,从而导致传粉榕小蜂的雄性性比显著地增加。这说明非传粉小蜂在选择寄居宿主时具有明显的倾向性,而且更多地将卵产于含有雌性传粉小蜂的瘿花之中。因此,非传粉小蜂通过减少雌性传粉小蜂的数量而降低了榕树的雄性适合度,从而在一定程度上对榕 蜂共生系统的稳定存在和发展产生了负面影响。  相似文献   

为探讨影响传粉蜂子代数量及性比的因素,以广州地区分布的粗叶榕(Ficus hirta Vahl)及其传粉小蜂爪哇榕小蜂(Valasia javana Mayr)为材料,采用自然收蜂与控制放蜂试验进行研究。结果表明,果内的榕小蜂群落随季节更替发生显著变化,非传粉蜂的介入、季节差异使雌蜂间的干扰强度不同,导致传粉蜂子代数量发生变化,其中雌蜂间的干扰会使传粉蜂性比显著升高,而非传粉蜂的介入对传粉蜂性比的影响不大,传粉蜂仍能正常地进行繁殖。另外,传粉蜂在雌花期雄花序内的产卵和存活时间一般较短,约为15 h;传粉蜂子代在干、湿季的雄花序内的发育时间差异显著,干季时间长,湿季时间短。这表明传粉榕小蜂进化出了适应广州地区季节变化的繁殖策略。  相似文献   

Non-pollinating wasps distort the sex ratio of pollinating fig wasps   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In fig wasps, mating occurs among the offspring of one or a few foundress mothers within the fig, from which the mated females disperse to found new broods. Under these conditions, males will compete with each other for mating, and such local mate competition can result in female-biased sex ratios. In addition to pollinating wasps, non-pollinating wasp species are also associated with figs and develop in flower ovaries or parasitize the larvae of primary galling wasps. While studying the fig wasp Pegoscapus tonduzi , which pollinates Ficus citrifolia in Brazil, we examined the influence of non-pollinating fig wasps on the sex ratio of species that pollinate F. citrifolia to determine whether the presence of non-pollinating wasps resulted in a distorted sex ratio. There was a positive relationship between the sex ratio of P. tonduzi and the number of non-pollinating wasps that was independent of the number of foundresses and brood size. In addition, the number of non-pollinating wasps correlated negatively with the number of pollinating females, but was not significantly related to the number of pollinating males. This finding suggested that non-pollinating wasps had a direct effect in distorting the sex ratio of P. tonduzi broods. Our results indicate that the secondary sex ratio may not precisely reflect the primary sex ratio when there is a high infestation of non-pollinating fig wasps.  相似文献   

Fig‐pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) only reproduce within fig tree inflorescences (figs). Agaonid offspring sex ratios are usually female‐biased and often concur with local mate competition theory (LMC). LMC predicts less female‐bias when several foundresses reproduce in a fig due to reduced relatedness among intra‐sexually competing male offspring. Clutch size, the offspring produced by each foundress, is a strong predictor of agaonid sex ratios and correlates negatively with foundress number. However, clutch size variation can result from several processes including egg load (eggs within a foundress), competition among foundresses and oviposition site limitation, each of which can be used as a sex allocation cue. We introduced into individual Ficus racemosa figs single Ceratosolen fusciceps foundresses and allowed each to oviposit from zero to five hours thus variably reducing their eggs‐loads and then introduced each wasp individually into a second fig. Offspring sex ratio (proportion males) in second figs correlated negatively with clutch size, with males produced even in very small clutches. Ceratosolen fusciceps lay mainly male eggs first and then female eggs. Our results demonstrate that foundresses do not generally lay or attempt to lay a ‘fixed’ number of males, but do ‘reset to zero’ their sex allocation strategy on entering a second fig. With decreasing clutch size, gall failure increased, probably due to reduced pollen. We conclude that C. fusciceps foundresses can use their own egg loads as a cue to facultatively adjust their offspring sex ratios and that foundresses may also produce more ‘insurance’ males when they can predict increasing rates of offspring mortality.  相似文献   

Abstract Local mate competition theory predicts that offspring sex ratio in pollinating fig wasps is female‐biased when there is only one foundress, and increased foundress density results in increased offspring sex ratio. Information of other foundresses and clutch size have been suggested to be the main proximate explanations for sex ratio adjustment under local mate competition. Our focus was to show the mechanism of sex ratio adjustment in a pollinating fig wasp, Ceratosolen solmsi Mayr, an obligate pollinator of the functionally dioecious fig, Ficus hispida Linn., with controlled experiments in the field. First, we obtained offspring from one pollinator and offspring at different oviposition sequences, and found that offspring sex ratio decreased with clutch size, and pollinators produced most of their male offspring at the start of bouts, followed by mostly females. Second, we found that offspring sex ratio increased with foundress density, and pollinators did adjust their offspring sex ratio to other females in the oviposition patches. We suggest that when oviposition sites are not limited, pollinators will mainly adjust their offspring sex ratio to other foundresses independent of clutch size changes, whereas adjusting clutch size may be used to adjust sex ratio when oviposition sites are limited.  相似文献   

Abstract. 1. Pollinating fig wasps (Hymenoptera, Agaonidae) display sex ratio adjustment, producing less female‐biased combined sex ratios as the number of ovipositing females (foundresses) inside a fig increases. Because males have low mobility, the oviposition sites (galled ovules) chosen by each foundress are likely to have consequences for the mating structure of wasp populations within the figs. 2. In this study, the spatial location of male and female progeny of the pollinating fig wasp Liporrhopalum tentacularis developing within figs of its host plant Ficus montana was examined to investigate two questions: (i) are male and/or female wasp offspring clustered together or interspersed? and (ii) is their distribution affected by whether one or two foundresses are present? Microsatellite markers were used to identify the progeny of different foundresses in dual‐foundress figs. 3. More offspring developed in the central part of the figs, compared with the ostiolar and basal parts, irrespective of foundress number. Neither male nor female wasp offspring were clustered within a fig. 4. The sons of the second foundress to enter a fig were positioned at similar minimum distances to both sibling and non‐sibling females, whereas the sons of the first foundress were closer to their sibling females than to non‐sibling females. If male wasps mate predominantly with females in adjacent galls, then the positioning of sons by the second foundresses is beneficial for them both in terms of reduced sibling mating and because they are provided with ready access to the female progeny of the first foundress.  相似文献   

Abstract.  1. Fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) represent an important model system for studies of sex ratio evolution, mainly because they may adjust their sex ratios in response to the numbers of ovipositing females (foundresses) that enter a fig and their clutch size.
2. Until recently, it was assumed that all foundresses fail to re-emerge from the figs that they have entered to oviposit, but there is increasing evidence that such re-emergence may be routine. The common practice of counting the number of dead foundresses present in a fig in order to deduce the number of foundresses is therefore questionable in species where failure to re-emerge has not been confirmed.
3. In this study, the alternative approach of microsatellite markers was used to reconstruct the within-fig breeding structure of a pollinating fig wasp by genetic analysis of the offspring. Broods of Liporrhopalum tentacularis , a species where foundresses regularly re-emerge from figs, were collected from figs of Ficus montana in their natural habitat in Indonesia as well as from an experimental glasshouse population in Leeds (U.K.).
4. The estimated foundress densities in the glasshouse population were similar to those in the field and ranged from one to six foundresses per brood.
5. Nearly 40% of all broods were produced by a single foundress, indicating that mating in these broods occurs exclusively between full siblings. High levels of inbreeding are therefore common in this species.  相似文献   

The interaction between figs (Ficus spp., Moraceae) and their pollinator fig wasps (Hymenoptera: Agaonidae) is an obligate mutualism, but females of dioecious fig trees exploit fig wasps without providing rewards. Figs are closed inflorescences that typically trap pollinator females after entry, but some fig wasp species can re‐emerge (although wingless) and subsequently oviposit in and pollinate further figs. Using glasshouse populations, we examined the sex ratios and clutches laid by single foundresses of Kradibia tentacularis (Grandi) in their first and subsequent male figs of Ficus montana Blume, and how the probability of emergence and entering a second fig varied between seasons. A maximum of four figs were entered by any one foundress. Wingless foundresses were able to locate and enter figs up to 60 cm from the first fig they entered, but the probability of entry declined sharply with distance from that fig. The foundresses that re‐emerged produced slightly higher adult offspring totals than those that failed to re‐emerge. Clutch sizes of a single foundress in its first fig equalled those in all the subsequent figs combined, with clutch size per fig decreasing when more figs were entered. Smaller clutches had less female‐biased sex ratios. Figs were more numerous in summer than in winter, but the proportion of figs entered by only wingless foundresses remained unchanged. Movement between figs increases pollinator reproductive success in male figs, thereby encouraging foundresses that encounter a female tree to also move between and pollinate several female figs.  相似文献   

京大戟是多年生草本药用植物,入药部分是其干燥根,但可入药的京大戟资源由于生长缓慢以及环境污染的加剧而越发匮乏,因此解决大戟资源日益紧张的问题是当今药用植物资源开发与利用方向的重要课题。京大戟含有三萜类、二萜类、黄酮类等丰富的活性成分,一些常见药用植物的有效成分是三萜类化合物,其在抗病毒、抗肿瘤、免疫调节等方面具有很好的活性。对植物萜类物质代谢起重要作用的关键酶,如3-羟基,3-甲基戊二酰辅酶A还原酶(hmgr)、鲨烯合酶(sqs)、法尼基焦磷酸合酶(fps)的基因克隆及活性研究取得了进展和突破,但通过调控萜类物质代谢途径中关键酶基因的表达来诱导终产物合成的研究鲜有报道。通过研究大戟萜类物质代谢途径进而利用基因工程手段提升目的物质的产量来解决京大戟药源短缺问题具有重要意义。该研究以大戟愈伤组织为材料,使用茉莉酸甲酯分别按时间梯度和浓度梯度进行诱导,将诱导后的愈伤组织分为两部分:一部分提取其总RNA,以actin为内参基因进行反转录,实时定量RT-PCR分析大戟三萜类代谢途径中hmgr、sqs与fps基因的相对表达差异;另一部分用于提取其总三萜并使用分光光度法进行含量测定。实时定量RT-PCR分析结果表明,茉莉酸甲酯可诱导3个基因的表达,但其表达模式不一样。相应的京大戟愈伤组织中总三萜的含量明显提高,最高可较未处理样品增加27%。研究结果可为茉莉酸甲酯促进药用植物大戟三萜类物质积累的分子机制研究提供参考。  相似文献   

1. Fig wasps have proved extremely useful study organisms for testing how reproductive decisions evolve in response to population structure. In particular, they provide textbook examples of how natural selection can favour female‐biased offspring sex ratios, lethal combat for mates and dimorphic mating strategies. 2. However, previous work has been challenged, because supposedly single species have been discovered to be a number of cryptic species. Consequently, new studies are required to determine population structure and reproductive decisions of individuals unambiguously assigned to species. 3. Microsatellites were used to determine species identity and reproductive patterns in three non‐pollinating Sycoscapter species associated with the same fig species. Foundress number was typically one to five and most figs contained more than one Sycoscapter species. Foundresses produced very small clutches of about one to four offspring, but one foundress may lay eggs in several figs. 4. Overall, the data were a poor match to theoretical predictions of solitary male clutches and gregarious clutches with n ? 1 females. However, sex ratios were male‐biased in solitary clutches and female‐biased in gregarious ones. 5. At the brood level (all wasps in a fig), a decrease in sex ratio with increasing brood size was only significant in one species, and sex ratio was unrelated to foundress number. In addition, figs with more foundresses contain more wasp offspring. 6. Finally, 10–22% of females developed in patches without males. As males are wingless, these females disperse unmated and are constrained to produce only sons from unfertilised eggs.  相似文献   

Pollinating fig wasps are often used to study sex ratio evolution in structured mating populations. Theory predicts a female-biased sex ratio, becoming less female biased as female (foundress) density increases. We usedLiporrhopalum tentacularis to test two mechanisms of sex ratio control when foundresses oviposit simultaneously: (1) foundresses facultatively adjust the number of males in clutches, and (2) they produce the same number of males regardless of clutch size, which, given limited numbers of oviposition sites, would lead to increases in sex ratio with increasing density. We then examined whether foundresses can oviposit sequentially into figs. When oviposition was simultaneous, brood composition indicated facultative adjustment, although sex ratios were more female biased than predicted. Instead, foundresses appeared to adjust their sex ratio in response to both others ovipositing and their own fecundity. We also found that foundresses are able to oviposit completely sequentially, with those arriving second adjusting their sex ratio in response to the previous oviposition. Hence, pollinating wasps may fail to fit the predictions of classical sex ratio theory because the conditions under which foundresses oviposit, and their responses to changes in such conditions, are more complex than once assumed. Copyright 2002 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

1. Fig pollinating wasps (Agaonidae) enter Ficus inflorescences (figs), oviposit in some of the flowers, and pollinate in the process. Each larva completes its development within a single flower. In most cases, an inflorescence entered by a wasp will represent its only egg‐laying site. The mechanisms that prevent pollinating wasps from exploiting all the flowers inside a fig are not understood. In this study, hypotheses about flower use by pollinating fig wasps were tested by investigating egg deposition patterns in three species. 2. Either one or three wasps were introduced into figs. The figs were then harvested. Serial sections allowed assessment of the presence or absence of a wasp egg in a sample of flowers in each fig. The overall proportion of flowers with eggs and the spatial distribution of eggs were then compared in single wasp figs and three foundress figs. 3. In all species, the proportion of flowers with a wasp egg increased with foundress number but less than three‐fold. 4. In all species, at least in single foundress figs, flowers near the fig cavity were more likely to receive a wasp egg than were flowers near the fig wall. 5. In two species, when the number of foundresses was multiplied by three, there was an increase in the use of flowers near the fig wall, while in the third species, the increase was spread evenly among flowers. 6. Factors affecting wasp egg deposition patterns and the potential of investigating such patterns for studying the stability of the mutualism are discussed.  相似文献   

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