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Based on the case of Rosa, a nine-year-old girl who was denied a therapeutic abortion, this article analyzes the role played by the social in medical practice. For that purpose, it compares the different application of two similar pieces of legislation in Costa Rica, where both the practice of abortion and sterilization are restricted to the protection of health and life by the Penal Code. As a concept subject to interpretation, a broad conception of medical necessity could enable an ample use of the therapeutic exception and a liberal use of both surgeries. The practice of therapeutic sterilization has been generalized in Costa Rica and has become the legitimate way to distribute contraceptive sterilization. In contrast, therapeutic abortion is very rarely practiced. The analysis carried out proposes that it is the difference in social acceptance of abortion and sterilization that explains the different use that doctors, as gatekeepers of social morality, make of medical necessity.  相似文献   

Sustainable ecotourism in Costa Rica: the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The paper discusses the sustainability of the Monteverde Cloud Forest Preserve in the context of Costa Rican ecotourism. While the history of the Preserve is somewhat unique, the analysis of visitation, financial, ecological and economic factors provides a convincing case that tourism at the Preserve is sustainable. The experience of the Preserve is also put in the context of Costa Rican ecotourism, particularly to the national parks. The paper concludes that the Preserve has played a very important role in the development of Costa Rica as an ecotourism destination. Nonetheless, the failure of experience at the Preserve to inform recent changes in national park pricing policy reveal that Costa Rica has yet to fully capitalize on the experience gained and lessons learned at the Preserve.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of Encyclia (Orchidaceae) in Costa Rica is presented. The taxonomic history of the genus and its phylogenetic position are discussed. Characters of vegetative and floral morphology are described and their taxonomic significance is discussed. The genus is treated as comprising nine species in the country and a key to species is provided. Each taxon is described on the basis of Costa Rican material, illustrated in a composite plate, and its distribution within the country is assessed. Distribution maps for all the taxa are given. Overall distribution, derivation of name, synonymy, notes on species ecology and diagnostic features are presented for each taxon. The names Encyclia tonduziana and Epidendrum mooreanum are typified. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 395–448.  相似文献   

A British Perspective on Nathan Glazer & Daniel P. Moynihan (eds) Ethnicity: Theory and Experience. (Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Press, 1975.)  相似文献   

Traditional explanations of extensive land use on large unproductive estates in Latin American have failed to understand important aspects of the economic and political logic behind such enterprises. This article examines the reasons for the low productivity of cattle ranches over a period which spans the consolidation of haciendas in a frontier zone and their subsequent integration into the international beef market. The persistence of extensive land use in a modern export economy is explained as resulting from characteristics of the world beef market, local ecology, the Costa Rican credit and tax systems, and the social composition and political power of the landowning class.  相似文献   

In this article, I examine the production of meaning in the veneration of La Negrita, the black Madonna and patroness of Costa Rica. Both an apparition and an icon, La Negrita is a 20-centimeter, dark-colored statue of the Virgin Mary that appeared to a mulata girl on the outskirts of the colonial city of Cartago in 1635. Throughout the ensuing 400 years, La Negrita has been remade in the image of hegemony, even as the experience of her perceived power has challenged that ideological and coercive project. Through an analysis of this historical progression, I argue for a theory of culture as an aesthetic system, where the egalitarianism of experience is always in conflict with the authoritarianism of meaning.  相似文献   

An assemblage of 17 identified and four unknown pollen and sporetypes is reported from the Pliocene Rio Banano Formation of southeasternCosta Rica. The most abundant are monolete fern spores, Palmae, cf.Antrophyum, Symphonia, Pelliceria,Lacmella (previously unreported in the fossil record),Alchornea, and Sabicea. These arrange into twopaleocommunities-mangroves and lowland tropical rain forest. Annual precipitation is estimated at near the present ~3500 mm, butless seasonal, and the MAT (mean annual temperature) at ~27°C. No pollen taxa representing distinctly arid or high-altitude vegetationwas being blown or washed into the coastal depositional basin, and nopollen grains were recovered of northern temperate elements that arepresent in Neogene floras to the north in Guatemala and southeasternMexico. These data are consistent with those from 12 other Miocene andPliocene palynofloras from northern Latin America, indicating the lateappearance of dry habitats and moderate paleoelevations and aprogressive southward introduction of northern temperate elements withlate Cenozoic cooling.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT.   Many parrot populations are threatened with extinction due to habitat loss and collection for the pet trade. The loss of nest trees and chick poaching can drastically reduce reproductive success. However, due to the long life span of many parrots, populations are unlikely to become extinct rapidly even with complete reproductive failure. For parrots that travel in family groups, rapid estimates of reproductive success can be obtained by recording group sizes in areas where they congregate. We used roost counts over an 18-month period to estimate the size and productivity of a population of Yellow-naped Parrots ( Amazona auropalliata auropalliata ) in Costa Rica. Up to 300 birds were observed flying to roost on offshore islands near Curú National Wildlife Refuge. Roost counts were lowest during the breeding period (December–March), increased after fledging (April–July), and peaked during the late wet season (September–October). Increased food availability on the islands during the breeding season allowed the parrots to become seasonal island residents, and lowered roost counts during that period. We calculated reproductive parameters by assuming that groups of >2 birds were adults traveling with young. The percentage of young in the population was 12.5% and did not differ between years. Studies of group size in birds that form stable family groups, such as psittacines in the genera Amazona and Ara , are an inexpensive way to obtain estimates of the reproductive output of some parrot populations and determine if further study or intensive management are warranted.  相似文献   

A new species of Veturius (Publius) Kaup, V. unanus n. sp., from a mountain cloud forest of Costa Rica, northwestern Sierra de Talamanca, Tapantí-Río Macho Massif, Province of Cartago, is described and illustrated. It is the first known Publius species with a blue-grey body color, matt elytra and shining or satiny elsewhere. The species is interpreted as sister species of V. (Publius) talamacaensis Boucher, 2006, from which it differs by a few characters. Both species are sympatric. V. unanus n. sp. is the northernmost endemic in the subgenus Publius.  相似文献   

The diffusion of innovations model has been used by social scientists for decades to understand the adoption of new agricultural technologies, but its applicability to environmental as opposed to commercial technologies has been the source of much debate. The “classic” model's ability to account for the diffusion of environmental innovations is hampered by its social–psychological roots and voluntarist assumptions. A model more appropriate to the adoption of environmental technologies in a developing country setting should take into account institutional factors, including the mode of interaction between farmers and extension agencies. This paper examines patterns of adoption of a set of environmental farm technologies in the humid tropics of Costa Rica, paying particular attention to the role of a local agricultural engineering university's outreach activities. Our findings indicate that overall patterns of adoption remain low; that farm size is the only structural variable significantly related to adoption; and that of the various extension activities analyzed, farmer attendance at a university meeting or workshop is by far the strongest predictor.  相似文献   

Despite intensified interest in conservation of tropical forests, knowledge of the population genetics of tropical forest trees remains limited. We used random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) data to evaluate trends in genetic diversity and differentiation for four tropical tree species, Alchornea latifolia, Dendropanax arboreus, Inga thibaudiana and Protium glabrum . These species occur at contrasting population densities along an elevational gradient and we use RAPD and ecological data to examine natural levels of genetic diversity of each species, trends in genetic variability with population density and structure, genetic differentiation along the elevation gradient, and the relationship between genetic diversity and such factors as seed dispersal and pollination syndrome. At the distances we examined (plot distances ranging from 0.8 to 8.6 km) there was very little genetic structuring at any distance along the gradient. All four species exhibited levels of variation expected for spatial distribution, mating system and pollinator syndrome; greater than 96% of the genetic variation occurred within plots for Inga thibaudiana, Protium glabrum and Dendropanax arboreus. Alchornea latifolia only occurred in a single plot. The results of this study contribute to a growing database of genetic diversity data that can be utilized to make predictions about the effect of disturbance and subsequent reductions in population size on genetic variation and structure in tropical tree species.  相似文献   

We studied the distribution patterns of endemic ferns along an elevational gradient of 3400 m in Costa Rica, Central America. We related the endemism patterns of the whole species set and separated for life forms and microhabitats according to topography and environmental factors. Fern species were surveyed in 156 plots each with an area of 400 m2, with up to five plots at every elevational step of 100 m. Global range size for every species was compiled from literature data, and species restricted to the mountain range from Costa Rica and adjacent western Panama were defined as endemic (24.5% of all species recorded). We found patterns of endemism rates mostly peaking at mid-elevation, but when separated for different life forms and microhabitats, some deviations from the overall pattern emerged. High constant humidity and reduced surface area were closely related to high levels of endemism. High humidity is discussed as a general predictor for high endemism rates in concert with highest overall richness. Restricted area of elevational belts, indicating a fragmented habitat, leads to a higher degree of population isolation and thus species differentiation. However, both interpretations were not fully supported by our data. Most importantly, endemism rates were fairly low on mountain tops that have the smallest available area in a topographically highly fragmented setting. In contrast, endemic species were more common than widespread species at the highest elevations. History and climatic shifts are assumed to play a role in this respect.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Associations between Helicobacter pylori gene diversity and gastric cancer have not been reported on in Costa Rica, despite its being one of the countries with the highest gastric cancer incidence and mortality rates in the world. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of H. pylori cagA and vacA genes and investigate whether it could be correlated with atrophic gastritis (AG) and gastric cancer (GC) in Costa Rica. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Genomic DNAs from isolates of 104 patients classified into two groups: non-atrophic gastritis group (n = 68) and atrophic gastritis group (n = 36), were subjected to PCR-based genotyping of cagA and vacA genes and their correlation with clinical outcome was investigated. Total DNA extractions from gastric tissues of 25 H. pylori-infected gastric cancer patients were utilized for comparative purposes. RESULTS: The presence of cagA (75.3%), vacA s1b (75.3%), and vacA m1 (74.2%) was detected, and colonization by strains with different vacA genotypes in the same stomach was found in 9.7% of the patients. Age- and sex-adjusted vacA s1b and vacA m1 were associated with GC while only vacA m1 was significantly associated with AG. A tendency for association between cagA and vacA s1b, and AG was reported. CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence status of the cagA and vacA (s1/m1) genes in Costa Rica seems to fall between that found in European/North American and East Asian countries, and both cagA and vacA seem to have clinical relevance in this country.  相似文献   

Aim The objective of this study was to comprehensively document and examine the alpha and gamma patterns of species richness in non-volant, small mammals (rodents, shrews and mouse opossums) along a tropical elevational gradient. These data were used to determine the support for existing hypotheses of species richness encompassing mid-domain null models, as well as climatic, and community overlap hypotheses. Location Field studies were conducted along a Caribbean slope of the Río Peñas Blancas watershed in the north-eastern region of Costa Rica between 750 and 1850 m at 10 sampling sites. Methods Species richness and abundances of small mammals were surveyed for four seasons including three temporal replicates at each of five elevational sites: late wet season (2000), early wet season (2001), and dry season (2002), and one spatial replicate at five different sites within the same elevations during the late wet season (2001). Species richness at elevations below 700 m was compiled from specimen records from 23 US national and international collections. Predictions of a null model based solely on geometric constraints were examined using a Monte Carlo simulation program, Mid-Domain Null. Results In 16,900 trap nights, 1561 individuals from 16 species were captured. Both alpha and gamma species richness peaked at mid-elevation between 1000 and 1300 m, with richness declining both at higher and lower elevations. Most of the empirical curves of species richness occur within 95% prediction curves of the mid-domain model, although deviations from the null model exist. Regression of the empirical richness on the null model predictions explained nearly half of the variation observed (r2 = 0.45, P = 0.002). Main conclusions The geometric constraints of montane topography appear to influence the diversity pattern of small mammals, although climatic conditions including an intermediate rainfall and temperature regime, and distance from the persistent cloud cap also are correlated with the pattern of species richness. The predictions of productivity, and community overlap hypotheses are not supported with the empirical data.  相似文献   

We present the results of an intensive sampling program carried out from 2000 to 2007 along both coasts of Costa Rica, Central America. The presence of 44 species of benthic marine algae is reported for the first time for Costa Rica. Most of the new records are Rhodophyta (27 spp.), followed by Chlorophyta (15 spp.), and Heterokontophyta, Phaeophycea (2 spp.). Overall, the currently known marine flora of Costa Rica is comprised of 446 benthic marine algae and 24 Cyanobacteria. This species number is an under estimation, and will increase when species of benthic marine algae from taxonomic groups where only limited information is available (e.g., microfilamentous benthic marine algae, Cyanobacteria) are included. The Caribbean coast harbors considerably more benthic marine algae (318 spp.) than the Pacific coast (190 spp.); such a trend has been observed in all neighboring countries. Compared to other Central American countries, Costa Rica has the highest number of reported benthic marine algae; however, Panama may have a similarly high diversity after unpublished results from a Rhodophyta survey (Wysor, unpublished) are included. Sixty-two species have been found along both the Pacific and Caribbean coasts of Costa Rica; we discuss this result in relation to the emergence of the Central American Isthmus.  相似文献   

We evaluated the relative importance of habitat size and diversity and distance from the ocean in explaining longitudinal patterns of fish distribution and community structure (species richness, evenness, and diversity) in the lower 5 km of the Rio Claro. The Rio Claro is a small coastal river in Corcovado National Park, southwestern Costa Rica, with a depauperate freshwater fish fauna. We observed 22 species in pools, 19 of which occured during quantitative sampling. Most of these species probably spent part of their lives in the Pacific Ocean. We observed no species in riffles, although these habitats were common and several taxa (e.g., Gobiesocidae, Gobiidae) were adapted for life in fast turbulent water. Fish abundance, and species richness, evenness, and diversity were highest near the ocean, where high tides influenced river levels and salinity. Eight species were not observed further than 2900 m from the ocean, whereas 6 species were not encountered in samples nearest the ocean; the remaining 8 species were present throughout the study area. Distance from the ocean was a better predictor of fish abundance and community structure than were pool width, pool depth, pool surface area, pool volume, amount of cover present, substrate diversity, or depth diversity. Based in qualitative comparisons of our data with previously published data from 1980–1986, the fish assemblage of the Rio Claro is persistent in both species composition and relative abundance.  相似文献   

Sullivan JB  Chacón I 《ZooKeys》2011,(149):39-49
So far, two species of Neotherina Dognin have been recorded in Costa Rica. Neotherina imperilla (Dognin) occurs primarily at altitudes between 1100 and 1700 meters and Neotherina callas (Druce) which is widely distributed above 1100 meters. A third, new species, Neotherina xanthosa Sullivan and Chacón is described from altitudes above 2400 meters. Heterogeneity of the genus is discussed.  相似文献   

Mora  Miguel  Lacey  John 《Mycopathologia》1997,138(2):77-89
Projects funded by International Development Research Centre (IDRC) of Canada and the European Commission have enabled the examination of more than 3000 samples of maize collected from all regions of Costa Rica at different stages, from the growing crop through storage to final sale, and at different water contents. Contamination with Aspergillus flavus was frequent and about 80% of samples contained more than 20 ng aflatoxins g-1 grain. Average contamination with aflatoxins in the Brunca Region was > 274 ng g -1 while that in other regions was < 70 ng g -1. Except in Brunca region, where it averaged 376 ng g -1, contamination of grain from commercial sources was slightly less than of that from farms (≤15 ng g-1). It appeared that samples kept on the cob after harvest contained almost no aflatoxin while shelled samples were frequently highly contaminated. Experiments were therefore done in Brunca and Huetar Atlantic Regions, utilising 34 experimental maize crops to study in detail the development of A. flavus and aflatoxin from before harvest, through postharvest treatment before drying and through storage for six months. A. flavus was isolated more frequently from maize shelled immediately after harvest than from that kept on the cob until it could be dried, and from more samples from the Brunca Region than from the Huetar Atlantic Region. Samples harvested with ≥18% water content often contained >70% of grains infected with A. flavus but sometimes there were few grains infected. As found in the initial survey, more aflatoxin contamination developed in shelled maize than in that handled on the cob during the period from harvesting to drying, especially if the delay was more than 5 days, and more in Brunca than in Huetar. Shelled grain contained 400–800 ng aflatoxin g -1 in Brunca but <100 ng g-1 in Huetar while grain kept on the cob contained <30 ng g-1, even with >18% water content. Incidence of Fusarium spp. exceeded 50% except where A. flavus colonized more than 80% of grains. This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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