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Highly variable microsatellite loci were used to study the mating system of Nerophis ophidion, a species of pipefish in which pregnant males carry embryos on the outside of their body rather than in an enclosed brood pouch. Despite this mode of external fertilization and brooding, otherwise rare in the family Syngnathidae, the genotypes of all embryos proved to be consistent with paternity by the tending male, thus indicating that cuckoldry by sneaker males is rare or nonexistent in this species. N. ophidion is a phylogenetic outlier within the Syngnathidae and its reproductive morphology is thought to be close to the presumed ancestral condition for pipefishes and seahorses. Thus, our genetic results suggest that the evolutionary elaboration of the enclosed brood pouch elsewhere in the family was probably not in response to selection pressures on pregnant males to avoid fertilization thievery. With regard to maternity assignments, our genotypic data are consistent with behavioural observations indicating that females sometimes mate with more than one male during a breeding episode, and that each male carries eggs from a single female. Thus, the polyandrous genetic mating system in this species parallels the social mating system, and both are consistent with a more intense sexual selection operating on females, and the elaboration of secondary sexual characters in that gender.  相似文献   

Using an individual identification technique, a population of worm pipefish Nerophis lumbriciformis was followed during 19 months, in order to determine the exact use of the intertidal and, considering the specific movement patterns of males and females, the mating system exhibited by this population. Field observations showed that the number of adults increased during the breeding season, with males arriving 1 month earlier than females. Furthermore, males and females presented distinct permanence periods, showing that the intertidal is used as a mating arena. It was also observed that both male and female worm pipefish mated repeatedly over the span of a reproductive season, but females exhibited shorter remating intervals. Also, females stayed for longer periods on the mating grounds, the intertidal zone, whereas males typically left for the subtidal after mating, usually returning within 2 months. These inter‐sexual differences in the occupation of the intertidal suggest that females breed with different males but also that males accept eggs from various females since, on their return, a new group of mating partners was now available. Thus, N. lumbriciformis might be considered polygynandric. It is a clearly dimorphic species in spite of the observed polygynandry, suggesting that differences in remating intervals may be influential in determining the strength of sexual selection along with what may be expected from the polygynandrous mating system alone.  相似文献   

As an inhabitant of the intertidal zone, Nerophis lumbriciformis predictably should show a clear rhythmic activity, with its maximum closely correlated with the high tide period, as observed in several other rocky intertidal fish species. We investigated the rhythmic activity patterns of N. lumbriciformis and analysed to what extent specific substratum preferences may be linked to water level and, ultimately, to the particular activity rhythm patterns of the fish. To determine N. lumbriciformis substratum preferences, two different experiments were conducted. The first evaluated substratum preferences from among a group of the four most common substrates found in the sample area. The second experiment evaluated the fish's maintenance of that substratum preference, after alteration of the water level in a simulated ebb tide. From the available substrata, N. lumbriciformis displayed a clear preference for algae until the water level began to decrease. Then, the preference radically shifted from algae to boulders. N. lumbriciformis showed a clear rhythmic activity, affected by both tidal and circadian periodicity, producing asymmetrical activity peaks. Unlike the rhythms of other rocky intertidal fish species, the maximum activity peaks were not centred at the expected high tide period. The adaptive explanation for the apparently peculiar activity peaks appears to be related to the particular substratum preferences of N. lumbriciformis. The detected circatidal period seems, consequently, closely related to small migrations between substrata, whilst the observed increase in diurnal activity, independent of the tidal cycle, may be related to predatory activity, since N. lumbriciformis is a visual feeder. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Ecological forecasts predict the immigration of boreal species into Arctic waters as one consequence of rising sea temperatures. Here, we report the finding of Atlantic snake pipefish (Entelurus aequoreus) off the western coast of Spitsbergen at 79°N in August 2006. This syngnathid fish species, which was presumed to be confined to waters south of Iceland, has dramatically increased in population size in its core distribution area in the northeastern Atlantic since 2002, probably in response to greater reproduction success due to higher water temperatures. We conclude that our finding is an indication of the predicted northward extension of the distribution range of boreal species.  相似文献   

Gonads of five lethrinids, viz., Lethrinus harak, L. miniatus, L. obsoletus, L. ornatus, and L. sp. 2, were collected monthly in waters off the Ryukyu Islands and observed histologically to reveal their spawning periods and size at sexual maturation and sexual transition. The spawning period was from April to November for L. harak, from April to July for L. miniatus, from April to October for L. obsoletus, from May to November for L. ornatus, and from April to October for L. sp. 2. Sexual patterns in the five species were determined by fork length at both sexual maturation and sexual transition. The body size (fork length, FL) and sex ratio (% of female) at 90% maturity in L. harak were 21.1 cm FL and 90%, respectively; those of L. miniatus were 42.2 cm FL and 80%; 25.7 cm FL and 60% for L. obsoletus; about 20 cm FL and 90% for L. ornatus; and about 26 cm FL and 90% for L. sp. 2. Because the sex ratios decreased to 0% at the maximum size classes in L. miniatus, L. ornatus, and L. sp. 2, the sexual patterns in these species were considered to be protogynous hermaphrodite. Although the sex ratio (% of female) once decreased to about 30% at 28 cm FL, rapid increase occurred in the larger size class in L. harak. However, the increase did not result from sexual transition. Hence, the sexual pattern of L. harak was considered to be protogynous hermaphrodite. Because the sex ratio (% of female) at body sizes larger than 23 cm FL was stable at about 60% in L. obsoletus, the sexual pattern was determined to be one of juvenile hermaphrodites.  相似文献   

Hybridization is thought to be an important source of novel genetic variation, and interspecific hybridization may increase the adaptive potential of wild populations. While hybridization has not been previously reported in syngnathid fishes (seahorses and pipefish), the sympatric occurrence of closely related species at high densities increases the probability of interspecies mating in this group. Southern California is home to five species of Syngnathus pipefish, and these species frequently co-occur in near-shore eelgrass beds along the California coast. Recent work has identified exceptionally high levels of genetic diversity in southern populations of Syngnathus leptorhynchus, a widespread species which ranges from Mexico to Alaska. Microsatellite genotyping and mitochondrial sequence data are used here to study the population genetics of S. leptorhynchus and S. auliscus at a site in San Diego Bay where they are found to co-occur at high densities. While no adult hybrids were detected in the study population, analysis of male broods indicates that interspecies mating is occurring between the two species. The lack of premating isolating mechanisms between these two relatives suggests that hybridization may be common in sympatric species of Syngnathus.  相似文献   

The reproductive behaviour of Syngnathus abaster is described and compared with those of other syngnathids. The need for standardized behavioural data is discussed in light of the actual theories of evolution of mating patterns and sex-role reversal within this family.  相似文献   

Macaques are found both in broadleaf evergreen forest and in more variable habitats. The former group might be expected to be subject to less variability in their environment and hence to suffer lower rates of density independent mortality. Life history evolution models predict that species in such conditions will have lower rates of development and breeding than those found in more variable habitats where density independent mortality is high. This prediction is tested here by comparing the breeding and development rates of nine species of macaque. Although measures of developmental rate are not found to vary in a predictable way with habitat, measures of breeding rate do correlate with habitat categories used. As predicted, species that are found in more variable habitats tend to have higher birth rates and a higher intrinsic rate of natural increase than do species in more stable, forest habitats. Contrary to prediction selection does not always act to produce an early age at first reproduction in macaques living in seasonal environments. This is discussed with relation to physiological and environmental constraints.  相似文献   

Functional responses of five cyprinid species to planktonic prey   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Synopsis The functional responses of five species of cyprinids (Chalcalburnus chalcoides, Vimba vimba, Abramis brama, Rutilus rutilus, and Scardinius erythrophthalmus) feeding on four planktonic prey types were measured in the laboratory. Although no alternative prey types were present, the response curves were sigmoid in most cases, because attack rates were not independent of prey density. The findings are explained as being the overt expression of the fishes& foraging tactics. The chief way of maximizing food uptake, according to our interpretation, is accelerating attack rates with increasing prey density. The ability of prey to escape or relative prey size may interfere with this strategy. C. chalcoides, the only obligatory planktivore among the species studied, attacks at higher rates and responds most markedly to changes in prey density.  相似文献   

Summary We studied the reproductive ecology of a population of Sceloporus undulatus erythrocheilus near Walsenburg, CO during the summers of 1987–1990. Reproductive activity commences soon after emergence in early May and continues until the middle of July. Females mature in their second year following hatching at an age of 20–21 months and a size of 60–63 mm snout-vent length (SVL). Two clutches, averaging10.9 eggs, are produced per year. Larger females produce larger clutches with an increase of one egg per 3 mm SVL. Average SVL of females was 71 mm. Eggs are reasonably large (0.32 g) and relative clutch mass was the largest reported for the species (34% of body mass). A principal component analysis was used to examine relationships among reproductive characters in 12 populations of Sceloporus undulatus. The analysis suggested that patterns of reproduction in this wide-ranging species result from several factors reflecting both adaptive and phylogenetic sources of variation.  相似文献   

田琴  段涵宁  王云强  李海涛  李璐 《广西植物》2022,42(10):1661-1674
为澄清仙茅科属间界限不清的分类学问题,该文以中国仙茅科3属5种植物为研究对象,利用显微镜、扫描电镜和石蜡切片技术,观察了其叶形态、叶表皮显微特征和叶解剖特征。结果表明:(1)叶形态有小型平整叶、中型波状叶、大型折扇状叶三种。(2)叶表皮毛状体结构为单细胞单列,可分为长柔毛、糙伏毛和星状柔毛三类。(3)叶表皮细胞有六边形和五边形,气孔为平列型和椭圆形,气孔大小和气扎密度呈反比。(4)叶表皮蜡质纹饰有光滑、颗粒、屑状和壳状四类。(5)叶中脉横切面分为平整型和龙骨型,维管束有圆形和椭圆形,叶表皮厚度与表皮细胞具有正相关性。对5种植物的叶形态和叶解剖特征比较分析认为,一些特征组合有助于理解仙茅科属间的亲缘关系和物种鉴定,支持大叶仙茅属独立于仙茅属。  相似文献   

Morphological analysis and electrophoresis of seed proteins of fiveLolium species disclosed that they form two distinct groups corresponding to those recognized from compatibility data.Lolium temulentum andL. remotum of the self-pollinated group were shown to be distinct but closely related species. Morphological intergradation and high similarities between protein profiles ofL. perenne, L. multiflorum andL. rigidum (cross-pollinated species) suggest little genetic differentiation between these taxa. This implies that treatment at the infraspecific level might better accomodate the data.  相似文献   

During the non-reproductive season, male and female Corythoichthys haematopterus came to a particular site every early morning and performed a series of displays, called greetings, for a few minutes. After exchanging greetings, they had no further interactions during the daytime. This behavioural pattern was basically the same as that observed during the reproductive season. All greeting pairs bred in the following reproductive season if both members were present. These results indicate that mate fidelity of this pipefish is very high and that daily greetings lasting only a few minutes were enough to maintain pair bond all year around.  相似文献   

Summary Contents of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, and Mn in aboveground tree components of five deciduous species were determined in closely-spaced (0.9×0.6 m) 4-year-old plantations growing on a river terrace site in the Ohio Valley region of western Kentucky (USA). Species evaluated were: a hybrid poplar, American sycamore, European alder, river birch and green ash. The only significant difference in dry weight of tree components was greater bolebark biomass of the hybrid poplar. Total aboveground elemental content of N, K, Ca, and Mn varied significantly for some species. N content of green ash was significantly lower and K content of the hybrid poplar and Mn content of European alder were significantly greater compared with the other species. Ca contents of the hybrid poplar, American sycamore and European alder were significantly greater than those of other species. Based on the relationship between biomass production and nutrient content of the harvested biomass, it seems that on this and comparable sites, river birch is a preferred species in view of the lower potential nutrient removals in the harvested biomass.The investigation reported in this paper (79-8-129) is in connection with a project of the Kentucky Agricultural Experiment Station and is published with approval of the Director.  相似文献   

Summary Three oldfield annual species (Abutilon theophrasti Medic., Ambrosia artemisiifolia L. and Setaria lutescens (Weigel) Hubb.) were investigated. All three developed substantial mycorrhizal infections when inoculated with Glomus etunicatum Becker & Gerd. Mycorrhizal infection dramatically increased phosphorus content and dry weight of both Abutilon and Ambrosia, but did not significantly affect dry weight and only modestly increased phosphorus content of Setaria. These results were consistent with a lower level of infection and much greater root density in Setaria than in the other species. When Abutilon was grown in the presence of Setaria, mycorrhizal infection had no effect on Abutilon phosphorus content or dry weight. The depressive effect of Setaria on the response to inoculation in Abutilon was probably not caused by water soluble allelopathic chemicals from Setaria roots, but soil leachate from Abutilon plants did inhibit infection in other Abutilon plants. The data were consistent with the hypothesis that the very high root density and effective soil exploitation of Setaria reduced the benefit from mycorrhizal infection in Abutilon via phosphorus depletion in a large proportion of the available soil volume. Furthermore, even if mycorrhizal infection were capable of increasing phosphorus content of Abutilon in the presence of Setaria, the very high competitive ability of Setaria for nitrogen in the soil could have reduced the benefit of an enhanced phosphorus content. Carbon isotope ratios were reduced in Abutilon by mycorrhizal infection, indicating a possible reduction in water use efficiency.  相似文献   

Synopsis Six Barbus species were sampled monthly in two river systems of SW-Sri Lanka, over a 15 month period. Sex ratio, size at maturity, maximum and modal sizes, distribution of egg sizes in mature ovaries and individual fecundities were measured. Seasonal changes in size distributions, sex ratio, frequency of female gonadal stages and the gonado-somatic index (GSI) were analysed on the basis of the monthly samples. Seasonal cycles in reproductive activity were assessed, using mainly the two last-mentioned parameters and the appearance of young in the populations. It was found that three of the species (B. bimaculatus, B. cumingi, B. vittatus) tend to concentrate their reproductive activities in certain months of the year, roughly coinciding with the seasonal peaks of precipitation. The other three (B. nigrofasciatus, B. dorsalis, B. titteya) spread their reproductive efforts more evenly through the year. Sexual dimorphism with females bigger, relatively early maturation of males, high maximum GSI values, a distinct final mode of large mature ova in the egg-diameter distribution, and a comparatively steep increase of fecundity with body weight or gonad weight were found to be more or less consistently associated with seasonal reproduction.  相似文献   

Summary Genetic variation in leaf and inflorescence morphology and in generative development within the species Plantago major has been analysed by means of crosses between members of two different subspecies. The variable characters chosen are supposed to be important for determining the ecological differences between the subspecies and other ecotypes. The analyses of F2's indicated that a substantial number of loci controlling the above mentioned characters are situated near the Pgm-1 locus, forming a gene complex. This gene complex can exist in at least three different forms in ssp. pleiosperma, ssp. major lawn type and ssp. major roadside type, respectively. In addition, some important factors for ecotypic differentiation are situated in the neighbourhood of the Got-1 locus and in a linkage group containing three other allozyme loci. These linkages between allozyme loci and fitness-affecting loci can explain the restriction of some enzyme alleles to a particular subspecies.Grassland Species Research Group Publication No. 50  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive biology ofPrunus spinosa andPrunus mahaleb (Prunoideae, Rosaceae) in the northwest Iberian Peninsula. The two species flowered at the same time (peaking on March 9 and 11, respectively in 1990) but differ significantly in their fruit maturation times. Nectar volume peaked in the early morning in both species, and was ten times greater inP. spinosa than inP. mahaleb. Neither species shows apomixis, nor does fruit-set occur if pollinators are excluded. In both species self-pollination resulted in fewer fruits than open pollination. The principal pollinators belong to theApidae family (79% and 63% of visits toP. spinosa andP. mahaleb, respectively). Results are compared with those for other rosaceous plants with fleshy fruits.  相似文献   

卢萍  戴年华  张美文  张国华  张琛  刘卓荣 《生态学报》2018,38(14):5213-5223
2015—2016年对鄱阳湖区的滨湖农田和湖滩草洲的黄毛鼠种群繁殖进行了研究。研究结果表明,其种群雌雄比为81.36%,在不同的季节、生境和年龄组之间都有一定的差别,雌雄比在夏季较低,春、秋、冬季的雌雄比都超过了50.00%,其中冬季的达到了133.33%。农田和湖滩草洲上的雌雄比也都超过了50.00%,且农田的高于湖滩草洲的。在不同的年龄组之间,雌雄比最高的为幼体组140.00%,其次为成体90.20%。所有雌鼠全年的怀孕率为45.26%,平均胎仔数为6.74只,繁殖指数为1.36。夏和秋季的怀孕率都较高,冬季未捕获到怀孕鼠,仅捕获到有怀孕经历(有宫斑)的雌鼠。从繁殖指数看,春、秋季维持高峰水平,且秋峰高于春峰。雌性黄毛鼠总的参产率为71.58%,各季节间变化呈现单峰曲线,夏季最高,其次是秋季和春季,冬季停止怀孕。随着年龄的增长,平均胎仔数有明显增加的趋势,成体组胎仔数最高,而繁殖指数也是以成体组最高,说明成体组是种群中繁殖的主体。雄性黄毛鼠的睾丸下降率全年总计为81.36%,分四季平均为79.64%,春、夏、秋季都维持在较高水平,冬季最低。下位睾丸的大小季节性差异极显著(P0.01),春季与冬季相比,有显著性差异,说明开春后,雄性黄毛鼠在生殖潜能上已有明显变化。这些特征与雌鼠的繁殖高峰基本吻合。说明黄毛鼠主要在春、夏、秋季繁殖,繁殖盛期在春、秋季。从不同的年龄组看,幼体组个体不参与繁殖,亚成体组个体开始参与繁殖,繁殖主体是成体组个体。  相似文献   

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