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Many arthropods produce clusters of eggs, but an unambiguous explanation for the evolution of egg clustering is still lacking. We test several hypotheses for the production of egg clusters by the predatory mite Iphiseius degenerans. This predator feeds on pollen, thrips larvae and nectar in flowers, but oviposits in clusters in tufts of leaf hairs (acarodomatia), where eggs run a lower risk of being killed by thrips, the prey of this predatory mite. The observed clustering is not caused by a shortage of oviposition sites; females preferably oviposit in a domatium containing eggs rather than in an empty domatium. To explain this preference, we first examined the effect of egg clusters on the risk of cannibalism. We found that eggs are invulnerable to cannibalism, whereas larvae emerging from single eggs or from clusters were equally vulnerable. Subsequently, we considered the killing of eggs resulting from counter-attacks by prey, i.e. the western flower thrips. We found no indication that a cluster of eggs protects eggs from predation by thrips. However, when eggs were clustered in a domatium rather than scattered over domatia, the proportion of eggs killed by thrips was lower. Hence, oviposition in clusters has no effect on its own and oviposition in domatia reduces predation risk by thrips, but oviposition in clusters in domatia leads to a synergistic effect on the survival of predator eggs. This synergism probably arises because eggs in clusters within tufts of leaf hairs are more difficult for thrips to reach. These experiments highlight a novel explanation of egg clustering, i.e. adaptation to counter-attacking prey. Moreover, they show that plant domatia protect predator eggs from predation.  相似文献   

Attacking prey is not without risk; predators may endure counterattackby the prey. Here, we study the oviposition behaviour of a predatory mite(Iphiseius degenerans) in relation to its prey, thewesternflower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis). This thrips iscapable of killing the eggs of the predator. Thrips and predatory mites - apartfrom feeding on each other - can also feed and reproduce on a diet of pollen.Because thrips may aggregate at pollen patches, such patches may be risky foroviposition by the predatory mites. We found that, in absence of thrips,predatory mites lay their eggs close to pollen, but further away when thripsarepresent. Predatory mite eggs near pollen were killed more frequently by thripsthan when they were deposited further away. The oviposition behaviour of thepredatory mite was also studied in absence of thrips, but in presence of thealarm pheromone of thrips. This pheromone is normally secreted upon contactwithpredators or competitors. When applied close to the pollen, predatory mitesoviposited significantly further away from it. When the alarm pheromone wasapplied away from the food source, most eggs were found near the pollen. Theseresults indicate that female predatory mites show flexible ovipositionbehaviourin response to the presence of their counterattacking prey.  相似文献   

Associations between mites and leaf domatia have been widely reported, but little is known about their consequences for either plants or mites. By excising domatia from leaves of the laureltinus, Viburnum tinus L. (Caprifoliaceae), in the garden and laboratory, we showed that domatia alter the abundance, distribution, and reproduction of potential plant mutualists. Over 4 months, leaves with domatia on six garden shrubs had 2–36 times more predatory and microbivorous mites, and more mite eggs than leaves without domatia. However, this effect varied among plants and was weaker on one shrub with few mites on its leaves. Domatia also influenced the distribution of mites on leaves. A significantly higher fraction of mites, representing all life stages, was found in vein axils of leaves with domatia than in vein axils on leaves without domatia. Single-leaf experiments in the laboratory showed that domatia enhanced reproduction by the predatory mite, Metaseiulus occidentalis, especially at low relative humidity (30–38%). When domatia were removed, oviposition was reduced significantly only at low relative humidity, suggesting that domatia provide mites with refuge from environmental extremes on the leaf surface. Moreover, the use of domatia by predatory mites may reduce the impact of some plant enemies. In two experiments where prey consumption was measured, M. occidentalis ate significantly higher percentages of the eggs of the two-spotted spider mite (Tetranychus urticae). Our results are consistent with the viewpoint that mite-domatia associations are mutualistic. By directly aiding and abetting the third trophic level, plants with leaf domatia may increase the efficiency of some predaceous and microbivorous mites in consuming plant enemies.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed that the choice of oviposition sites in arthropods is affected by the presence of food for the offspring on the one hand and by predation risk on the other hand. But where should females oviposit when the food itself poses a predation risk for their offspring? Here, we address this question by studying the oviposition behaviour of the predatory mite Amblyseius swirskii in reaction to the presence of its counterattacking prey, the western flower thrips Frankliniella occidentalis. We offered the mites a choice between two potential oviposition sites, one with and one without food. We used two types of food: thrips larvae, which are predators of eggs of predatory mite but are consumed by older predator stages, and pollen, a food source that poses no risk to the predators. With pollen as food, the predators preferred ovipositing on the site with food. This might facilitate the foraging for food by the immature offspring that will emerge from the eggs. With thrips as food, female predators preferred ovipositing on the site without thrips. Predators that oviposited more on the site with thrips larvae killed more thrips larvae than females that oviposited on the site without food, but this did not result in higher oviposition. This suggests that the females killed thrips to protect their offspring. Our results show that predators display complex anti-predator behaviour in response to the presence of counter-attacking prey.  相似文献   

Banker plants can enhance biological pest control by providing both floral resources and appropriate oviposition sites, e.g. through acarodomatia, to predator species. The use of materials mimicking domatia i.e. artificial domatia may be an economically favourable alternative to the use of banker plants bearing domatia. The aim of the present study was to identify materials that are able to host eggs of the Neoseiulus californicus predatory mite but not those of the Tetranychus urticae pest mite. In a laboratory experiment, the oviposition of predatory and phytophagous mites were compared in Petri dishes containing leaves. The different modalities compared were (i) natural domatia of Viburnum tinus or (ii) one of twelve potential artificial domatia materials. The overall oviposition response of predatory mites to all artificial domatia was similar to that of the natural domatia. The oviposition of the Tetranychus urticae pest mite did not increase in response to the artificial domatia. Five artificial domatia hosted as many eggs of the predatory mite as observed in the natural domatia. The effect of the physical properties of artificial domatia was also tested and N. californicus was found to favour the artificial domatia that had high heat retention capacities for oviposition. Three of these artificial domatia were tested on rose plants in a greenhouse experiment; none of which enhanced the biological control on the plants under these conditions. The present study highlights the difficulty in identifying and using suitable artificial domatia as substitutes to banker plants in biological pest control efforts.  相似文献   

A leaf disc bioassay was employed to examine the effects of temperature and predator age on functional response of an acarophagous thrips, Scolothrips takahashii Priesner, to hawthorn spider mite, Tetranychus viennensis Zacher, in the laboratory. The results indicated that the predatory thrips exhibited type-II functional responses against the mites under various temperatures, and that females are more voracious than males. Analysis showed that temperature had significant effects on the predatory capacity of adult thrips over the range of 20–35 °C. Attack rate in females linearly increased with temperature while in males it was independent of temperature. Handling times in both males and females decreased linearly with increasing temperature. Extended response models describing the functional response with temperature incorporated as a parameter were developed, yielding an estimated maximum numbers of prey attacked at four temperatures were 38.38, 55.06, 71.74 and 88.42 eggs per day for females, and 15.11, 26.11, 37.11 and 48.01 eggs per day for males, respectively. The age of predator affected both the type of the functional response shown and the magnitude of predation by S.␣takahashii on the spider mite. Females of various ages exhibited Type-II functional responses with similar attack rates, but handling time prolonged linearly as age increased: the handling times in 15- and 18-d-old females were significantly longer than in 6-d-old thrips. However, Type-I functional responses were determined for males aged 12 d or more; the maximum number of prey eaten in 24 h decreased as age increased. The implications of the results for the management of hawthorn spider mite are discussed.  相似文献   

Antipredator behaviour of prey costs time and energy, at the expense of other activities. However, not all predators are equally dangerous to all prey; some may have switched to feeding on another prey species, making them effectively harmless. To minimize costs, prey should therefore invest in antipredator behaviour only when dangerous predators are around. To distinguish these from harmless predators, prey may use cues related to predation on conspecifics, such as odours released by a predator that has recently eaten conspecific prey or alarm pheromones released by attacked prey. We studied refuge use by a herbivorous/omnivorous thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis, in response to odours associated with a generalist predatory bug, Orius laevigatus, fed either with conspecific thrips or with other prey. The refuge used by thrips larvae is the web produced by its competitor, the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, where thrips larvae experience lower predation risk because the predatory bug is hindered by the web. Thrips larvae moved into this refuge when odours associated with predatory bugs that had previously fed on thrips were present, whereas odours from predatory bugs that had fed on other prey had less effect. We discuss the consequences of this antipredator behaviour for population dynamics. Copyright 2000 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour.  相似文献   

Plants may protect themselves against herbivorous arthropods by providing refuges to predatory arthropods, but they cannot prevent herbivores from taking countermeasures or even from reaping the benefits. To understand whether plants benefit from providing self‐made refuges (so‐called domatia), it is not only necessary to determine the fitness consequences for the plant, but also to assess (1) against which factors the refuge provides protection, (2) why predatory arthropods are more likely to monopolise the refuge, and (3) how herbivorous and predatory arthropods respond to and affect each other in and outside the refuge. In this article, we focus on the last aspect by studying the dynamics of refuge use of a predatory mite (Typhlodromalus aripo) and its consequences for a herbivorous mite (Mononychellus tanajoa) on cassava plants in Benin, West Africa. The refuge, located in‐between the leaf primordia of the cassava apex, is thought to provide protection against abiotic factors and/or intraguild predators. To test whether the predator waits for prey in the apex or comes out, we sampled predator‐prey distributions on leaves and in the apex at 4 hour‐intervals over a period of 24 hours. The predatory mites showed pronounced diurnal changes in within‐plant distribution. They were in the apices during the day, moved to the young leaves during night and returned to the apices the next morning. Nocturnal foraging bouts were more frequent when there were more herbivorous mites on the leaves near the apex. However, the foraging predators elicited an avoidance response by mobile stages of their prey, since these were more abundant on the first 20 leaves below the apex during late afternoon, than on the same leaves during night. These field observations on cassava plants show that (1) during daytime predatory mites monopolise the apical domatia, (2) they forage on young leaves during night and (3) elicit avoidance by within‐plant, vertical migration of mobile stages of the herbivorous mites. We hypothesize that cassava plants benefit from apical domatia by acquiring protection for their photosynthetically most active, young parts, because predatory mites (1) protect primordial leaves in the apex, (2) reduce the densities of herbivorous mites on young leaves, and (3) cause herbivorous mites to move down to less profitable older leaves.  相似文献   

In egg‐laying animals with no post‐oviposition parental care, between‐ or within‐patch oviposition site selection can determine offspring survival. However, despite the accumulation of evidence supporting the substantial impact predators have on oviposition site selection, few studies have examined whether oviposition site shift within patches (“micro‐oviposition shift”) reduces predation risk to offspring. The benefits of prey micro‐oviposition shift are underestimated in environments where predators cannot disperse from prey patches. In this study, we examined micro‐oviposition shift by the herbivorous mite Tetranychus kanzawai in response to the predatory mite, Neoseiulus womersleyi, by testing its effects on predator patch exploitation in situations where predatory mites were free to disperse from prey patches. Adult T. kanzawai females construct three‐dimensional webs on leaf surfaces and usually lay eggs under the webs; however, females that have experienced predation risks, shift oviposition sites onto the webs even in the absence of current predation risks. We compared the predation of eggs on webs deposited by predator‐experienced females with those on leaf surfaces. Predatory mites left prey patches with more eggs unpredated when higher proportions of prey eggs were located on webs, and egg survival on webs was much higher than that on leaf surfaces. These results indicate that a micro‐oviposition shift by predator‐experienced T. kanzawai protects offspring from predation, suggesting adaptive learning and subsociality in this species. Conversely, fecundity and longevity of predator‐experienced T. kanzawai females were not reduced compared to those of predator‐naïve females; we could not detect any costs associated with the learned micro‐oviposition shift. Moreover, the previously experienced predation risks did not promote between‐patch dispersal of T. kanzawai females against subsequently encountered predators. Based on these results, the relationships of between‐patch oviposition site selection and micro‐oviposition shift are discussed.  相似文献   

Herbivores suffer significant mortality from predation and are therefore subject to natural selection on traits promoting predator avoidance and resistance. They can employ an array of strategies to reduce predation, for example through changes in behaviour, morphology and life history. So far, the anti-predator response studied most intensively in spider mites has been the avoidance of patches with high predation risk. Less attention has been given to the dense web produced by spider mites, which is a complex structure of silken threads that is thought to hinder predators. Here, we investigate the effects of the web produced by the red spider mite, Tetranychus evansi Baker & Pritchard, on its interactions with the predatory mite, Phytoseiulus longipes Evans. We tested whether female spider mites recognize predator cues and whether these can induce the spider mites to produce denser web. We found that the prey did not produce denser web in response to such cues, but laid more eggs suspended in the web, away from the leaf surface. These suspended eggs suffered less from predation by P. longipes than eggs that were laid on the leaf surface under the web. Thus, by altering their oviposition behaviour in response to predator cues, females of T. evansi protect their offspring.  相似文献   

Many plant species possess structures on their leaves that often harbour predatory or fungivorous mites. These so‐called domatia are thought to mediate a mutualistic interaction; the plant gains protection because mites decimate plant pathogenic fungi or herbivores, whereas the mites find shelter in the domatia. We tested this hypothesis using two species of coffee (Coffea spp.) plants that posses domatia consisting of small cavities at the underside of the leaves, and which often harbour mites. We assessed densities of domatia, of the predatory mite Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark and Muma (Acari: Phytoseiidae) and of herbivorous mites Oligonychus ilicis (McGregor) (Acari: Tetranychidae) and Brevipalpus phoenicis (Geijskes) (Acari: Tenuipalpidae) on Coffea arabica L. (Rubiaceae) and Coffea canephora Pierre in the field. Over a period of 50 days, C. arabica harboured on average 7.5 times more predatory mites and 0.4–0.66 fewer prey mites than C. canephora. Hence, the higher density of predatory mites on C. arabica could not be explained by higher densities of prey. However, the density of domatia on C. arabica was on average 1.65 times higher than on C. canephora, and within each species, leaves with higher densities of domatia also harboured more predators. This suggests a positive effect of domatia on predatory mites. In the laboratory, survival of adult female predatory mites on leaves of C. arabica with open domatia was indeed significantly higher than on leaves with closed domatia. Hence, predatory mites benefited from the domatia. However, plants with higher densities of domatia did not harbour fewer herbivores. Taken together, our study only provides partial evidence for a mutualistic interaction between coffee plants and predatory mites, mediated by domatia.  相似文献   

1. Although theory suggests that intraguild predation destabilises food webs and may result in exclusion of species, empirical observations of food webs reveal that it is a common interaction. It has been proposed that habitat structure reduces the interaction strength of intraguild predation, thus facilitating the coexistence of species. 2. This was tested using acarodomatia, tiny structures on plant leaves, and predatory mites, which usually reside in these domatia. Sweet pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) were used, which possess domatia consisting of tufts of hair, and coffee plants (Coffea arabica L.) with pit‐shaped domatia. 3. On sweet pepper, the predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris Oudemans and Iphiseius degenerans Berl. feed on each other's juveniles. Larvae of each of the species were therefore used as intraguild prey with adult females of the other species as intraguild predators. On coffee, a similar set‐up was used, with larvae and adult females of Amblyseius herbicolus Chant and Iphiseiodes zuluagai Denmark & Muma as intraguild prey and intraguild predators, respectively. 4. Domatia on detached, isolated sweet pepper and coffee leaves were either closed with glue or left open, after which larvae and adult predators were released. As a control, larvae were released on leaves with open or closed domatia without an adult predator. 5. Survival of larvae was high in the absence of the adult (intraguild) predator. In the presence of the intraguild predator, survival was significantly higher on leaves with open domatia than on leaves with closed domatia. 6. This shows that even such tiny structures as plant domatia may significantly affect the interaction strength of intraguild predation.  相似文献   

The functional response of the predatory mite Phytoseiulus persimilis Athias-Henriot to eggs of its prey, the spider mite Tetranychus urticae Koch was examined on three plant species. Experiments were done to determine whether differences in the functional response on the three plant species were due to the morphological features of the crop directly on the predator or through an effect of the plant species on the prey. The results show that crop morphology is the only factor influencing the predatory ability of P. persimilis on the three plant species. Fewer eggs were eaten on Ceanothus thyrsiflorus var. 'Autumnal Blue', the plant species with hairy leaves, and greater numbers of prey consumed on Choisya ternata, a species with smooth leaves. However, similarly few eggs were eaten on the smooth, but waxy leaved Euonymus japonicus as on Ceanothus thyrsiflorus, demonstrating that morphological characters of leaves other than the possession of hairs and trichomes may affect the rates of predation. The implications of these results for the tritrophic interactions between plant, predator and prey, and the development of suitable biological control strategies are discussed.  相似文献   

The life cycle of the Western Flower Thrips, Frankliniella occidentalis (Pergande) (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), one of the most important glasshouse pests, includes a soil passage composed of three instars that deserve more attention in terms of biocontrol strategies. It has been repeatedly reported that two polyphagous predatory mites, Stratiolaelaps miles (Berlese) and Hypoaspis (Geolaelaps) aculeifer (Canestrini) (Acari: Laelapidae), also prey on these thrips stages, in addition to several other soil inhabiting prey species. However, the potential thrips consumption rates have never been quantified for these predatory mites. Therefore, an arena experiment was carried out to investigate the potential predation rates of the two mites on second instar larvae, prepupae, and pupae of F. occidentalis. In addition, the fecundity on the thrips diet was assessed and compared to oviposition rate on a nematode prey. All thrips instars were accepted as prey by each mite species. Females of H. aculeifer preyed on 3.5 (± 0.5) thrips instars and laid 2.5 (± 0.87) eggs per day, whereas females of S. miles preyed on 1.64 (± 0.3) thrips and laid 0.8 (± 0.53) eggs. Males of both species killed 0.6 (± 0.3) thrips per day. The fitness of the two predatory mites on F. occidentalis as prey and their suitability as biocontrol agents are elucidated. Reasons for reduced thrips control in the soil environment, in contrast to the results obtained in arena assays are discussed.  相似文献   

The diet choice of omnivores feeding on two adjacent trophic levels (either plants and herbivores or herbivores and predators) has been studied extensively. However, omnivores usually feed on more than two trophic levels, and this diet choice and its consequences for population dynamics have hardly been studied. We report how host-plant quality affects the diet choice of western flower thrips feeding on three trophic levels: plants (cucumber or sweet pepper), eggs of spider mites and eggs of a predatory mite that attacks spider mites. Spider mites feed on the same host plants as thrips and produce a web that hampers predator mobility. To assess the indirect effects of spider mites on predation by thrips, the thrips were offered spider-mite eggs and predatory-mite eggs on cucumber or sweet pepper leaf discs that were either clean, damaged by spider mites but without spider-mite web, or damaged and webbed. We show that, overall, thrips consumed more eggs on sweet pepper, a plant of low quality, than on cucumber, a high quality host plant. On damaged and webbed leaf discs (mimicking the natural situation), thrips killed more predator eggs than spider-mite eggs on sweet pepper, but they killed equal numbers of eggs of each species on cucumber. This is because web hampered predation on spider-mite eggs by thrips on sweet pepper, but not on cucumber, whereas it did not affect predation on predatory-mite eggs. We used the data obtained to parameterize a model of the local dynamics of this system. The model predicts that total predation by the omnivore has little effects on population dynamics, whereas differential attack of predator eggs and spider-mite eggs by the omnivore has large effects on the dynamics of both mite species on the two host plants.  相似文献   

Based on the hypothesis that matching diets of intraguild (IG) predator and prey indicate strong food competition and thus intensify intraguild predation (IGP) as compared to non‐matching diets, we scrutinized diet‐dependent mutual IGP between the predatory mites Neoseiulus cucumeris and N. californicus. Both are natural enemies of herbivorous mites and insects and used in biological control of spider mites and thrips in various agricultural crops. Both are generalist predators that may also feed on plant‐derived substances such as pollen. Irrespective of diet (pollen or spider mites), N. cucumeris females had higher predation and oviposition rates and shorter attack latencies on IG prey than N. californicus. Predation rates on larvae were unaffected by diet but larvae from pollen‐fed mothers were a more profitable prey than those from spider‐mite fed mothers resulting in higher oviposition rates of IG predator females. Pollen‐fed protonymphs were earlier attacked by IG predator females than spider‐mite fed protonymphs. Spider mite‐fed N. californicus females attacked protonymphs earlier than did pollen‐fed N. californicus females. Overall, our study suggests that predator and prey diet may exert subtle influences on mutual IGP between bio‐control agents. Matching diets did not intensify IGP between N. californicus and N. cucumeris but predator and prey diets proximately influenced IGP through changes in behaviour and/or stoichiometry.  相似文献   

Arthropods often engage in complex trophic interactions such as intraguild predation (IGP), true omnivory (i.e., feeding on plants and prey), and apparent competition. Theoretical treatments of the effects of such interactions on herbivore populations have been concerned almost entirely with equilibrium conditions. Yet these interactions are common in non-equilibrium settings such as agroecosystems, where they are likely to have a strong influence on pest populations. We therefore tested short-term effects of IGP and food supplementation on interactions between two predators (the phytoseiid mite Neoseiulus cucumeris and the anthocorid bug Orius laevigatus) and their shared prey, Frankliniella occidentalis, on strawberry plants. All three consumers feed on strawberry pollen, both mites and bugs prey on thrips, and the bug also feeds on the mites (IGP). Strong IGP on mites (IG prey) by the bugs (IG predator) was recorded in structurally-simple arenas. In a more complex setting (whole-plants), however, the intensity of IGP differed among plant structures. Likewise, pollen supplementation reduced both IGP and predation on thrips in a structurally simple setting. In the whole-plant experiment, IGP was more intense on pollen-bearing than pollen-free flowers. The study illustrated how spatial dynamics, generated when consumers track food sources differently in the habitat and possibly when herbivorous and IG prey alter their distribution to escape predation, led to site-specific configuration of interacting populations. The intensity of resulting trophic interactions was weakened by food supplementation and by increased complexity of the habitat.  相似文献   

1. To reduce the risk of being eaten by predators, prey alter their morphology or behaviour. This response can be tuned to the current danger if chemical or other cues associated with predators inform the prey about the risks involved. 2. It is well known that various prey species discriminate between chemical cues from predators that fed on conspecific prey and those that fed on heterospecific prey, and react stronger to the first. It is therefore expected that generalist predators are more successful in capturing a given prey species when they are contaminated with chemical cues from another prey species instead of cues from the same prey species. 3. Here, a generalist predatory mite was studied that feeds on thrips larvae as well as on whitefly eggs and crawlers. Mites were marked with cues (i.e. body fluids) of one of these two prey species and were subsequently offered thrips larva. 4. Predators marked with thrips cues killed significantly fewer thrips than predators marked with whitefly cues, even though the predator's tendency to attack was the same. In addition, more thrips larvae sought refuge in the presence of a predatory mite marked with thrips cues instead of whitefly cues. 5. This suggests that generalist predators may experience improved attack success when switching prey species.  相似文献   

Reproductive success and population growth of an herbivorous mite are limited by activities of phytoseiid predators. However, occurrences on upper versus lower leaf surfaces are sometimes mismatched between these prey and predators. The mismatch potentially mitigates predation risk for the prey species. We assessed factors that affect mite distributions on leaf surfaces, testing whether the presence of the phytoseiid mite Phytoseius nipponicus alters the leaf-surface distribution and reproductive success of the herbivorous false spider mite Brevipalpus obovatus. The host plant was Viburnum erosum var. punctatum (Adoxaceae). Leaves were set in natural (TRUE) and reversed (upside down; INVERTED) orientations using experimental devices. Both surfaces were accessible to mites. We detected lower and abaxial leaf-surface preferences in P. nipponicus. In contrast, upper and adaxial surfaces were preferred by B. obovatus. Thus, prey and predatory mites accumulated on different sides of leaves. Presence of the predator also indirectly decreased egg production in B. obovatus. Brevipalpus obovatus females actively avoided leaf surfaces with elevated predator numbers; these females shifted their distributions and changed oviposition sites to leaf surfaces with fewer predators. In consequence, B. obovatus eggs on the upper sides of leaves were less frequently preyed upon than were those on lower sides. We suggest that upper leaf-surface exploitation in this particular herbivorous mite species mitigates predation risk from phytoseiid mites, which prefer lower leaf surfaces.  相似文献   

Phytoseiid mites of the genus Phytoseius are natural enemies of tetranychid and eriophyid herbivorous mites mostly found on hairy plants where they feed on prey, as well as on pollen. Nevertheless, the nutritional ecology and the role of these predators in biological pest control are only rarely addressed. In the present study, we evaluated the potential of Phytoseius finitimus to feed and reproduce on three major greenhouse pests, the two-spotted spider mite, the greenhouse whitefly and the western flower thrips. Additionally, we estimated the effect of cattail pollen when provided to the predator alone or in mixed diets with prey. Contrary to thrips larvae, both spider mite larvae and whitefly crawlers sustained the development of P. finitimus. In addition, females consumed more spider mite eggs and larvae, as well as whitefly crawlers than thrips larvae, but laid eggs when feeding on all prey. When provided alone, cattail pollen sustained the development and reproduction of the predator. The addition of pollen in mixed diets with prey reduced prey consumption, though it increased the predator’s egg production. We discuss the implications of our findings for biological pest control.  相似文献   

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