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Lymphocyte Antigen 6 (Ly-6) superfamily members are cysteine-rich, generally GPI-anchored cell surface proteins, which have definite or putative immune related roles. There are 27 members of this family described so far in the human genome and 37 in the mouse. Five of them are clustered in the class III region of the human and mouse MHCs. Following computational analyses, we functionally characterized the encoded proteins by creating epitope-tagged fusion constructs to determine molecular weight, complex formation, subcellular localization, post-translational modifications and ligand binding. We found that all human and mouse proteins were glycosylated, and most could form part of larger complexes. Human and mouse Ly6G6c and Ly6G6d, and mouse Ly6g6e were found to be GPI-anchored cell surface proteins, highly expressed at the leading edges of cells, on filopodia, which are normally involved in cell adhesion and migration. However, analysis of Ly6G5c and Ly6G5b indicated that they are potentially secreted proteins. Our results indicate that there are two subclusters of related Ly-6 proteins in this region of the MHC, with Ly6G6c, Ly6G6d, and Ly6G6e forming one and Ly6G5c and Ly6G5b forming another. In addition, by FACS analysis we have found that the potential ligands for human LY6G6C, LY6G6D, and LY6G5C are expressed on K562 cells, an undifferentiated megakaryocyte cell line, indicating a potential role in hematopoietic cell differentiation. This characterization of the five MHC class III region Ly-6 family members is of great relevance, as they represent 18% of the human Ly-6 protein family and 50% of the secreted ones.  相似文献   

A new member of the mouse Ly-6SF, designated Ly-6I, has been isolated as a gene homologous to a segment of the Ly-6C gene. A single allelic difference in the mature protein sequence was identified, which is similar to other Ly-6SF members. Ly-6I mRNA has been detected in a wide range of tissues and cell lines, and a rabbit polyclonal Ab has been used to determine that Ly-6I protein is present at a low constitutive level on cell lines from several different lineages. In contrast to Ly-6C and Ly-6A/E, the Ly-6I gene is only weakly responsive to IFNs. Expression in vivo is most abundant on bone marrow populations and is coexpressed with Ly-6C on granulocytes and macrophages. However, Ly-6I is also expressed on immature B cell populations that do not express Ly-6C. Expression on mature B cells in spleen is uniformly low. Similarly, Ly-6I is expressed on TCRlow/int, but not TCRhigh, thymocytes. Ly-6I is re-expressed on Ly-6Chigh T cells in the periphery. Thus, Ly-6I may be a useful marker to define maturation stages of both T and B lymphocytes as well as subsets of monocytes and granulocytes.  相似文献   

The Ly-6 family of cell surface molecules has previously been shown to participate in T cell activation. We show that Ly-6A/E proteins also modulated the response of normal B lymphocytes in three separate in vitro assays. First, unfractionated or small resting B cells proliferated when cultured with IFN-gamma, IL-4, and an anti-Ly-6A/E mAb. Second, this anti-Ly-6A/E mAb restored B cell proliferation responses that were inhibited when coculturing the B cells in IFN-gamma, IL-4, and anti-IgM. Third, anti-Ly-6A/E specifically up-regulated the cell surface expression of its own Ag, and this response was dependent upon co-stimulation with IFN-gamma. Mixing of T and B cells in culture suggested that T cells did not contribute substantially to the B cell proliferative response. Moreover, up-regulation of Ly-6A/E was observed for one B cell lymphoma, WEHI-231. Therefore, it appeared that modulation of B cell function by anti-Ly-6A/E was due to a direct effect of the mAb binding to the B cells. Taken together, these data suggest Ly-6A/E proteins are functional on B cells and may play a regulatory role in B cell activation.  相似文献   

We have studied the cellular basis for differential expression of the Ly-6A/E alloantigen on T cells obtained from mice of the Ly-6 a (10–20% Ly-6A/E +) and Ly-6 b (50–60% Ly-6A/E +) haplotypes. During T-cell ontogeny only a small fraction (< 12 %) of thymocytes expressed Ly-6A/E. By 4 weeks of age adult levels of Ly-6A/E bearing lymphocytes were seen in peripheral lymphoid tissue. Immunohistochemical studies of the thymus revealed that Ly-6A/E+ cells were located predominantly in the medulla with small clusters of Ly-6A/E+ cells throughout the cortex. Consistent with this result, phenotypic studies showed that in the adult thymus the majority of Ly-6A/E expression was on mature CD4+ CD8 and CD4 CD8+ cortisone-resistant and precursor CD4 CD8 thymocytes. However, a much higher percentage of CD4+ CD8 and CD4 CD8 thymocytes as well as CD4+ CD8 peripheral T cells expressed Ly-6A/E from Ly-6 b mice. Furthermore, although gamma interferon induced increased Ly-6A/E expression in certain thymocyte and T-cell subsets, this induction functioned preferentially for cells obtained from Ly-6 b mice. Studies using F1 hybrid mice (Ly-6 a × Ly-6 b) indicated that the basal level of Ly-6A/E expression on these subsets appeared to be under codominant genetic control, whereas gamma interferon-induced regulation of Ly-6A/E expression appeared to be under dominant genetic control. Collectively, these results suggest that the expression of Ly-6A/E on a particular T-cell subset is established in the thymus and is a stable characteristic of each haplotype. In addition, the low levels of Ly-6A/E expression for the Ly-6 a haplotype appear to be partially due to the inability of the majority of resting CD4+ T cells to express Ly-6A/E and to the relatively poor induction of this protein by gamma interferon.  相似文献   

Ly-6A/E is a phosphatidylinositol (PI)-linked membrane protein whose expression is induced or upregulated on normal murine T and B cells by IFN-gamma. Cross-linkage of Ly-6A/E expressed on normal murine T cells stimulates Ca2+ translocation, and in the presence of a protein kinase C (PKC) activator, lymphokine secretion, and cellular proliferation. Utilizing an anti-Ly-6A/E mAb, we studied the effect of cross-linking Ly-6A/E on IFN-gamma-treated resting B cells, for Ca2+ translocation, PI turnover, and cellular proliferation. Since these events are known to be stimulated by cross-linkage of B cell membrane (m)Ig, we compared the changes mediated through these respective membrane proteins. We show that cross-linkage of B cell Ly-6A/E stimulates a large, rapid, and sustained increase in the concentration of intracellular free calcium ([Ca2+]i) comparable in magnitude, though somewhat delayed, relative to that observed after cross-linking of mIg. Cross-linkage of B cell Ly-6A/E does not, however, stimulate detectable PI turnover, in contrast to PI turnover induced by ligation of mIg. Both the Ly-6A/E- and mIg-mediated increase in [Ca2+]i occur through mobilization of internal Ca2+ stores as well as entry of Ca2+ into the cell from the extracellular compartment. Ly-6A/E-mediated Ca2+ translocation appears to be under the regulation of PKC in that short term pretreatment of B cells with the PKC activator, PMA, inhibits the Ly-6A/E- as well as the mIg-mediated increase in [Ca2+]i, whereas prolonged exposure to PMA, under conditions that lead to depletion of PKC, results in an augmentation in Ca2+ translocation after ligation of either Ly-6A/E or mIg. Co-capping studies indicate that Ly-6A/E and mIg cap independently in the B cell membrane, thus suggesting that the Ly-6A/E-induced effects on Ca2+ translocation are not mediated through simultaneous modulation of mIg. Anti-Ly6A/E, by itself, does not stimulate an increase in [3H]thymidine incorporation by IFN-gamma-treated resting B cells, but induces a striking increase in the presence of PMA. By contrast, anti-Ig by itself stimulates significant increases in [3H]thymidine incorporation that is inhibited by PMA. Thus, Ly-6A/E is a potent mediator of B cell activation that may use a signal transduction system in quiescent B cells that is distinct from that of the Ag receptor.  相似文献   

Ly-6A/E molecules were originally implicated in regulation of T cell activation because anti-Ly-6A/E mAb induce IL-2 production. More recently we have shown that anti-Ly-6A/E also inhibits IL-2 production induced by anti-CD3. In the present study we used mutant and transfected cell lines that varied in expression of Ly-6A/E or TCR-zeta to test whether the positive and negative modulations of IL-2 production by anti-Ly-6A/E occur by distinct mechanisms. Anti-Ly-6A/E inhibited anti-CD3-induced IL-2 production for Ly-6E.1-transfected EL4J cells, but did not affect IL-2 production of the parental Ly-6A/E-negative EL4J cells. These results indicate that TCR-mediated IL-2 production can occur in the absence of Ly-6A/E expression and establish that anti-Ly-6A/E-induced inhibition of IL-2 production was the result of antibody binding to Ly-6A/E. As expected, MA5.8 (zeta-negative) or CT108 (zeta-truncated) variants of the 2B4.11 T cell hybridoma did not produce IL-2 when stimulated with anti-Thy-1 or anti-Ly-6A/E mAb. In contrast, anti-Ly-6A/E inhibited anti-CD3-induced IL-2 production by MA5.8 and CT108. Furthermore, anti-Ly-6A/E-induced IL-2 production was restored for zeta-transfected MA5.8. Thus, although induction of IL-2 by anti-Ly-6A/E depends on zeta expression, inhibition of IL-2 by anti-Ly-6A/E occurs by a zeta-independent mechanism. Interestingly, anti-Ly-6A/E, but not anti-Thy-1, inhibited anti-CD3-induced IL-2 production by MA5.8 and Ly-6E.1-transfected EL4J. Therefore, inhibition of IL-2 production by anti-Ly-6A/E was not a general property of a mAb binding to a phosphatidylinositol-linked molecule, as has been suggested for induction of IL-2 production. Taken together these data suggest that the molecular mechanisms of induction and inhibition of IL-2 production by anti-Ly-6A/E are separable and expression of TCR-zeta is one variable that distinguishes these two pathways.  相似文献   

Down-regulation of IL-2 production by activation of T cells through Ly-6A/E   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Ly-6A/E molecules are expressed on the surface of T cells and have been shown to function in activation by the capacity of anti-Ly-6A/E mAb to induce T cell hybridomas or normal T cells to produce IL-2. Recent evidence suggests that activation through Ly-6A/E may be linked to the TCR signaling pathway. To further investigate the relationship between Ly-6- and TCR-induced T cell activation, we have examined whether an anti-Ly-6A/E mAb (D7) modulates TCR signaling in vitro. We now report that mAb D7 specifically inhibited IL-2 production by T cells also activated through TCR. Such inhibition was noted for normal T cells stimulated by soluble anti-CD3 or alloantigen and for T hybridomas stimulated by soluble anti-CD3. The ability of D7 to inhibit IL-2 production by T hybridomas was dependent on the nature of the TCR activating signal because IL-2 production was not inhibited when T hybridomas were stimulated with Ag or immobilized anti-CD3. Inhibition of IL-2 production by D7 apparently required cross-linking of the mAb because D7 F(ab')2 fragments were not effective for inhibition of IL-2 production. Similar to its ability to enhance anti-Ly-6A/E-induced activation of T and B cells, IFN-gamma enhanced the D7-induced inhibition of IL-2 production by alloantigen-activated normal T cells. These data further support the notion that Ly-6 and TCR signaling pathways are interrelated.  相似文献   

Rat monoclonal antibodies YE3/19.1, defining the murine-activated lymphocyte antigen MALA-1, and D7, detecting an Ly-6 locus-controlled antigen, bound highly purified Ly-6E.1. On western blots of lymphocyte surface proteins which had been solubilized and electrophoretically separated in octylglucoside, they detected bands which comigrated with Ly-6A.2 or Ly-6E.1 antigens. On cells or in an immunoassay they blocked alloantibodies against Ly-6A.2 or Ly-6E.1. The tissue distribution of MALA-1 also correlated with Ly-6A.2 or Ly-6E.1. Upon octylglucoside or sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, these antigens displayed similar sizes. Thus, Ly-6A.2 and Ly-6E.1 are most likely products of alternate alleles. Electrophoretic analysis showed a similar size and charge for Ly-6A.2, Ly-6B.2, Ly-613.2, and Ly-27.2. Ly-6C.2 and Ly-28.2 appeared to be identical, and were similar in size to Ly-6A.2, but they differed in charge and in intrachain disulfide constraints. Since Ly-613.2 and Ly-27.2 may represent the same or different epitopes on the Ly-6A.2 molecule, the previously postulated five Ly-6-like antigens that were thought to be separable on the basis of tissue distribution, may represent no more than three separate proteins which can be assigned to one of two distinct categories by electrophoretic mobility in gels containing octylglucoside.  相似文献   

Antisera to the mouse lymphocyte surface alloantigens Ly-6.1 and Ly-6.2 were used to further study the functional distribution of these antigens. After selective depletion with antiserum + rabbit complement (RC), lymph node or spleen cells from Ly-6 congenic (C3H and C3H.B6-Ly-6b) and noncongenic strains of mice were tested for: (a) their proliferative responses to T- and B-cell mitogens; and (b) their proliferative responses to alloantigens, or ability to stimulate in the MLR. Lymphoid cells required in the proliferative responses to the mitogens leucoagglutinin, concanavalin A (Con A), lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and pokeweed mitogen (PWM) were Ly-6+. Lymph node responder cells in the mixed lymphocyte reaction (MLR) were also Ly-6+, whereas spleen stimulator cells were Ly-6?. Treatment of lymph node cells with anti-Ly-6 sera in the absence of RC had no specific blocking effect on the response to any of these mitogens. The studies indicate that the Ly-6 antigen is a potentially valuable marker for distinguishing between functionally distinct Ly-1+ T-cell subsets.  相似文献   

To investigate the molecular mechanisms of implantation, we constructed a complementary DNA library of mouse uterus enriched with pregnancy-induced genes by subtractive hybridization and polymerase chain reaction. One of the isolated clones was a part of complementary DNA for the Ly-6A/E. Ly-6A/E is reported to be differentially expressed on hematopoietic stem cells and some lymphoid and nonlymphoid tissues, mediate cell-cell adhesion on lymphoid cells, and associate with cell proliferation and angiogenesis of tumor cells. Northern blot, in situ hybridization, and immunohistochemical analyses demonstrated that the Ly-6A/E mRNA and protein were expressed in the endometrial epithelial cells as well as myometrial cells and vascular endothelial cells in the uterus of nonpregnant mouse. The expression was downregulated in luminal epithelial cells during pregnancy days 1-5, while it was upregulated in decidualized stromal cells around the implanted embryo at the time of implantation. The signals were primarily localized in stromal cells at the mesometrial pole on day 9. The increased expression was also observed in stromal cells of the embryo-transferred uterus and artificially-induced deciduoma, indicating that the expression of Ly-6A/E in the endometrial cells is concurrent with decidualization. These findings suggest that Ly-6A/E plays a role in embryo implantation.  相似文献   

The Ly-6E/A antigen is expressed on activated murine T cells. Using probes made from the previously characterized cDNA, we have isolated a genomic DNA clone encoding the Ly-6A antigen. We determined the DNA sequence of the genomic clone and conducted a functional analysis of the promoter region. Mouse fibroblast BALB/3T3 cells transfected with this genomic clone constitutively expressed Ly-6A antigen on their cell surface. This expression was inducible by alpha/beta and gamma interferons. The Ly-6E 5'-flanking region was analyzed by chloramphenicol acetyltransferase assays in fibroblast cells for cis-acting elements. At least two positive elements were found to be needed for maximum constitutive promoter activity in L cells. One of the positive elements was specifically bound by a CCAAT box-binding protein from crude nuclear extract, as shown by electrophoretic mobility shift assays and footprinting. The other element, which contains a GGAAA motif and has homology to various known enhancers, also showed a specific binding activity. This second positive element when multimerized became a very powerful enhancing element. Interferon treatment could enhance expression of the chloramphenicol acetyltransferase gene fused to the Ly-6E 5'-flanking region in stably transfected BALB/3T3 cells. The elements responsible for this enhancement lie, at least in part, between positions -1760 and -900 of the gene. Surprisingly, there is no sequence homology between this region of Ly-6E and the established consensus for the interferon-stimulated response element, which has been shown functionally important to all previously characterized alpha/beta interferon-inducible promoters. The Ly-6E gene may prove to be a novel system for the study of interferon induction.  相似文献   

WW and SH3 domains, two different scaffolds to recognize proline-rich ligands   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
WW domains are small protein modules composed of approximately 40 amino acids. These domains fold as a stable, triple stranded beta-sheet and recognize proline-containing ligands. WW domains are found in many different signaling and structural proteins, often localized in the cytoplasm as well as in the cell nucleus. Based on analyses of seven structures of WW domains, we discuss their diverse binding preferences and sequence conservation patterns. While modeling WW domains for which structures have not been determined we uncovered a case of potential molecular and functional convergence between WW and SH3 domains. The binding surface of the modeled WW domain of Npw38 protein shows a remarkable similarity to the SH3 domain of Sem5 protein, confirming biochemical data on similar binding predilections of both domains.  相似文献   

Expression of stem cell antigen-1 (Ly-6A/E) is developmentally regulated in murine B cells. However, little is known about its modulation during B cell activation. We report here the differential regulation of Ly-6A/E expression in response to diverse activation signals in mature B cells. Stimulation of resting B cells through the antigen receptor (BCR) inhibited, Ly-6A/E surface expression in dose dependent manner. Activation induced downregulation of Ly-6A/E is specific to BCR mediated signaling events as stimulation of B cells with anti-CD40, lipopolysaccharide or interferon-γ induced upregulation of Ly-6A/E surface expression. The activation induced differential modulation of Ly-6A/E expression is mediated at the mRNA levels. A role for BCR signaling in inhibition of Ly-6A/E expression was further confirmed using STAT-1−/− B cells, which expressed constitutive, but not inducible Ly-6A/E. The BCR induced inhibition of Ly-6A/E RNA and surface expression was mimicked by ionomycin, but not phorbol myristate acetate, indicating a role for calcium but not protein kinase C dependent signaling events. Inhibition of calcineurin reversed the BCR or ionomycin inhibited Ly-6A/E expression. Interestingly, in vitro differentiation analysis of Ly-6A/E+ and Ly-6A/E splenic B cells revealed the Ly-6A/E+ cells to be the major source of antibody production, suggesting a potential role for Ly-6A/E in B cell differentiation. These studies provide the first evidence for activation induced differential modulation and differentiation of Ly-6A/E+ B cells.  相似文献   

The cell surface Ly-6E antigen, known to play a role in T cell activation, is up-regulated by IFNs. In the present study, we investigated the possible interactions between IFNs and other cytokines in this regulation. As a model system, we used the YAC T cell lymphoma, in which Ly-6E is normally absent but can be highly induced both at the mRNA and surface protein levels by IFN-gamma or IFN-alpha/beta. The combination of the two IFNs was found to result in markedly synergistic Ly-6E induction in this cell line. Moreover, mutants of YAC cells were isolated that did not respond to the Ly-6E-inducing action of IFN-gamma or IFN-alpha/beta alone but did respond to their combination. Such a synergistic interaction is consistent with the notion that the two IFN types utilize different intracellular mechanisms to induce Ly-6E expression. Ly-6E induction mediated by IFN-gamma or IFN-alpha/beta was also enhanced by cotreatment with TNF-alpha or IL-1 alpha, which by themselves had no detectable Ly-6E-inducing effect. These two cytokines similarly synergized with IFNs to trigger a response in several Ly-6E-induction-deficient mutants. However, their action could be dissociated in one mutant (B54) where the response to IFN-alpha/beta was enhanced by TNF-alpha, but not by IL-1 alpha. Altogether, these data indicate that Ly-6E antigen expression is regulated by the interaction of several inflammatory cytokines, which may provide a mechanism for the local modulation of T cell activation. The YAC cell mutants described here should facilitate further analysis of the molecular bases of Ly-6E regulation.  相似文献   

The murine Ly-6A.2 and Ly-6E.1 antigens, which can transduce triggering signals in T cells, have been shown to become highly expressed after mitogenic stimulation. It has recently been found that enhanced expression of Ly-6A/E antigens is also induced by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) in resting T cells. Here, the possibility is investigated that Ly-6A/E induction on activated T cells may be due to the IFN-gamma known to be secreted by these cells. A potent neutralizing anti-IFN-gamma monoclonal antibody (mAb) (H-22.10) was used. This mAb was found to abrogate the augmentation of Ly-6A/E antigens produced in resting T cells by supernatants from T cells stimulated with concanavalin A. When added directly into cultures of T cells stimulated with concanavalin A or by the combination of ionomycin with the protein kinase C activator phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), the H-22.10 mAb inhibited Ly-6A/E enhancement without affecting the blastogenesis or the emergence of interleukin 2 receptors and transferrin receptors. Such a selective effect of the anti-IFN-gamma mAb indicated that IFN-gamma is involved in the up-regulation of Ly-6A/E antigens during T cell activation. In determining whether other activation signals, in addition to IFN-gamma receptor occupancy, may contribute to Ly-6A/E enhancement, it was found that suboptimal stimulation of BALB/c T cells provided by a 3-hr pulse with ionomycin plus PMA or by culture with PMA alone potentiated by about twofold the increase of Ly-6E.1 induced by exogenous IFN-gamma. Therefore, Ly-6A/E augmentation in activated T cells reflects primarily an action of endogenous IFN-gamma that is amplified (in BALB/c mice) by a protein kinase C-dependent step.  相似文献   

Members of the Ly-6/uPAR protein family share one or several repeat units of the Ly-6/uPAR domain that is defined by a distinct disulfide bonding pattern between 8 or 10 cysteine residues. The Ly-6/uPAR protein family can be divided into two subfamilies. One comprises GPI-anchored glycoprotein receptors with 10 cysteine residues. The other subfamily includes the secreted single-domain snake and frog cytotoxins, and differs significantly in that its members generally possess only eight cysteines and no GPI-anchoring signal sequence. We report the purification and structural characterization of human SLURP-1 (secreted mammalian Ly-6/uPAR related protein 1) from blood and urine peptide libraries. SLURP-1 is encoded by the ARS (component B)-81/s locus, and appears to be the first mammalian member of the Ly-6/uPAR family lacking a GPI-anchoring signal sequence. A phylogenetic analysis based on the SLURP-1 primary protein structure revealed a closer relationship to the subfamily of cytotoxins. Since the SLURP-1 gene maps to the same chromosomal region as several members of the Ly-6/uPAR subfamily of glycoprotein receptors, it is suggested that both biologically distinct subfamilies might have co-evolved from local chromosomal duplication events.  相似文献   

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